Newspaper Page Text
14 SOCIETY Secretary of State and Mrs. Kellogg Guests at Annual Easter Fete of Mr. and Mrs. McLean. THE Secretary of State and Mrs. Kellogg attended the annual Easter' Sunday breakfast Riven j by Mr. and Mrs Edward Beale ! McLean yesterday in their suburban home. Friendship. Antong he guests, who numbered 100. were the secretary of War and Mrs. Dwight F. j navis, the Secretary of the Interior, Dr 1 Hubert Work: the Secretary of Agri culture and Mrs. Jardine, the Secretary of Labor and Mrs James J. Davis, the Ambassador of Italy and Nobil Donna Antoinette de Martino, the Ambassador ol Brazil. Senhor S. Ourgel do Amaral; ’’op Minister of Hungary and Countess s-echenyi. the Minister of China and Mine. See. Mr. Justice and Mrs. Edward Terry Sanford. Mr. Justice and Mrs. George Sutherland, the Speaker and Mrs Longworih. Senator and Mrs j George H. Moses. Senator Charles Cur- | tis. Senator and Mrs. Frederick H. Gii : ut. Senator and Mrs Oscar W. Un derwood. Senator and Mrs. William 11 King. Justice and Mrs. Wendell P Stafford. Commissioner and Mrs David H. Blair, and former Senator and Mrs. ; At lee Pomcrene. The Secretary of War and Mrs. Dwight F. Davis will be the guests in whose honor the members of the mili tary aflairs committees of the Senat: rr.d the House of Representatives and j their wives will entertain at dinner j Wednesday evening, in the Chinese ncm of tire Mayflower. Mrs Ransley. wife of Representative Harry Clav R.m clcv. is in charge of the arrangements. The Secretary ol Commerce. Mr Hoover, will be the guest of honor at dinner this evening of the "Little Cabi net.” which is made up of the assistant cretarics of the various executive de onrtments. The dinner will take place m he Presidential suite of the Willard, and covers will be laid for 25. Mrs. Hoover, wife of the Secretary o. Commerce, was the ranking guest at the luncheon given today by Mrs. Charles: T. McNarv. wife of Senator MrNary. the Mayflower Hotel. There were 2. guests in the company. Mrs. Taft to Be Feted At Luncheon Tomorrow. Mrs. William Howard Taft will be guest of honor at luncheon fol lowed by bridge tomorrow of Mrs. Gil bert H. Grosvenor, whose guests win number 23. Senator and Mrs Charles S. Doneen have as a visitor in their apartment at 2029 Connecticut avenue the sister of Mrs. Deneen. Mrs. Rose R. Anthon. w ho will remain with them for a short time Mrs Anthon will be the guest of the Women's National Press Club at its weekly luncheon at the club of the American Association of University Women at 1634 I street. She is an extensive traveler, having re cently returned from India, and will give a short talk on her travels in that country. Senator Arthur Robinson of Indiana entertained informally at dinner last “vening in the crystal room at the Willard. Mrs. Beck. wife~of Representative tames M. Beck of Pennsylvania, has after spending a week in New York. Mrs. Carter, wife of Representative Albert E. Carter of California, will be vastest at luncheon tomorrow at the Villard Hotel, in compliment to Mrs. lerbcrt Hoover, wife of the Secretary f Commerce. Miss Elisabeth Warner, sister of Mr. Edward P Warner. Assistant Secretary the Navy for Aviation, will be at - ime in her apartment, at the Ward ian Park Hotel, this afternoon for the •.st time this season. Miss Rowena Pratt, daughter of Rep - sentafive and Mrs. Harcourt J. Pratt New York. has. as her guest at the favflower for the holidays Miss Jo “phine Pratt. Miss Barbara Merritt -od Mr Legrand Haviland. jr.. of High anc N Y . and Miss Helen Fitzgerald «f Florida, N. Y. Maj. Gen. Fred T. Austin. U. S. A , - Ik) has returned from the Philippines. passing a few days at the Hotel As ■jt in New York before coming to Washington to take up his duties as met of Field Artillery. Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Creed C. Ham "ond will entertain about 400 guests at reception at the Officers' Club, at 'ashington Barracks this evening fol ding the travelogue to be given by r 'r Frank Branch Riley of Portland. >reg. on "The Lure of the Great vorthwest.” Maj. C>n. William s. Graves, U. S V, and Airs, Graves, who arrived in Yew York from Panama, are at the . : *otel Abut, where they were met by heir mm and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs S, C. Graves. They will remain Reupholstering 5-Piece Parlor Suites --Antiques 3-Piece Overstuffed Suites Dining Room Chairs Lpliolitcrtd in Imitation anti f nenuinc Leather, i ape* frits, Mohair, Brocades and Velour a * Aho Slip C overs and Chair I C'aneitig Ly Our Ivxpcrts at the Now Prevailing J jj v/ ]Vices for Two Days Only "4 Wrbc Ho»n« or t .sll ? f ranklin 7453 j fiatiinaltry and Sample* (riven I'rte Clay Armstrong Upholsterer J 235 10th St. N.W, SOCIETY. there for n fe wdays before coming to Washington. Col. and Airs. Paul D Bunker and their daughter. Miss Priscilla Bunker, have taken possession of their new home in Tildcn Gardens. Maj. and Mrs. O W Oraland have issued cards for a dinner in the presi dential suite at the Willard Thursday evening Mrs Everett Sanders, wife of the sec retary to the President, has returned to Washington and is at the Mayflower, having spent a few days in New York at the Ambassador. Mrs Sanders will entertain at luncheon Friday in the Chinese room of the hotel. The third secretary of the British embassv and Mrs. Henry L. d'A. Hop kinson are in Now York, where they arc staying at the Ambassador Hotel. Judge and Mrs. O M Barber enter tained at dinner at the Wardman Park Hotel last evening, having as their guests Representative Clarence Han cock, recently elected to Congress from Syracuse, N. Y., and Mrs. Hancock; Mrs. Samuel S. Dennis of Morristown. N. J.: Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Gordon. Mrs Clarence E Howard of Syracuse. N. Y., daughter of the hosts, and her niece. Miss Harriet Howard of Baida insvtlle. N. A’., who is spending the week with Mrs. Howard. Congressional Club Tea Friday. Preceded by Music. The weekly tea of the Congressional Club Friday afternoon will follow a short program of music, which will be given by the guests of honor, who will be soloists from the Fox Theater. The club will give a formal luncheon. Wednesday. April 18. in the clubhouse at 2001 New Hampshire avenue, and has postponed Its annual breakfast from Wednesday because of the absence of Mrs. Coolidge. who was to have been the guest of honor. Cards have been issued by the club for a card party Tuesday evening. April 17. at 8:30 o'clock, in the clubhouse. The marriage of Miss Alice Eastman Vining to Lieut. William Velpoe Wilker son. United States Army Medical Corps, took place last evening in the Takoma Park Baptist Church. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. E. Laßue, pastor of the church, at the close of the evening service in the presence of a large company of friends of the bride and bridegroom. The bride was given in marriage by Brig Gen. James M. Kennedy, com mandant of the hospital, and Miss Grace H. Hunter was the maid of honor. Lieut, and Mrs. Wilkerson left im mediately after the ceremony for a wedding trip to the former's home in Chelyan, W. Va. Upon their return to Washington they will make their home at 6645 Georgia avenue. Dr. Wilkerson is a graduate of the Virginia Medical School in Richmond and came to Walter Reed in August Miss Vining is a graduate of Jefferson College and of the Walter Reed Dieti tian School. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Townsend have as their guests for the week Dr. and Mrs. George L. Bowen of New York. Mrs. William Palmer Townsend, mother of Mr. Townsend, will arrive Wednesday from DeLand. Fla., and will share honors with Mrs. Bowen at the bridge party, followed by tea. which Mrs John W. Townsend will give Wed nesday for her house guests. m ._ «' Mrs. Edward Hood Watson of the league of American Pen Women will give a reception in her home, on Ken nedy place, tomorrow evening. In honor of Mrs. Clara Keck Hefflebower of Cin cinnati and Mrs. Harriet Hawley lochcr of Washington. Assisting Mrs Watson in receiving the guests and in the din ing room will be Mrs. Frances White Diehl of Pittsburgh. Mrs. Ada Borden Sweater# A A 60 Fashion skirt# HIQJUuCJHtS Wi,h Blo>.«-. A pashion imtitJtion FoW ?\tu, York New Stitches— Arid Variety to Knitted Frocks T A —and what others are so X L satisfactory for sports and travel! Our Sportswear Shop asks you to take a xlbsi Ipl fkr The Gingham Check M —in two-piece frocks I; > ill Slip-ons and pleated skirt* knit- Rj| jl '~n** / ted ' n * design that looks like the /II / Quite different from any other / I stitch and altogether sportive! I J\ \S Interesting c rew necklines, I.ove- I/[ f ly colors —red, green, blue, tan I 11. I and wood violet. Just for missel \ —in three-piece continued \ / {kj $29.50 i\V// And just to show how versatile if i* *he design often varies from fj\\ • ;|1 blocks, to graduated stripes, and Li** -■ ym hark to plain in the sarne cos* Ujfcjßi* iU tume, Stunning outdoor emem hies ai| d the skirt, slip on and W Ep\ IU cardigan <an be worn sepaiately, sis Pj»\ iIM too. White with flame, tan, B Bar ila orange, or green, Si/rs 14 to 20 B B ra * or the miss, and also Mt to 40. jW |p|i"Tm' Glen Hogien Now If 11 \ —in hotli one und two I i 11 y' piece itlylcN, $29.50 I 1 / '1 hese arc just the days when li'iS' you’ll want to be golfing, walking. I or teaing at the country club in a I j sinait Clan Hogia —though, of I j course, you know they're a fa j II ffioui year around knitted coi- If tume that is guaranteed not to S I itretrh or sag. film flogie brocks I -only at jdlcff's in Washington. | jjiorUweir Shop—Fourth Floor THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, T). C., MONDAY. APRIL 0, 1023. POPULAR CONGRESSIONAL HOSTESS m -«r gk MRS. GEORGE C. PEERY, Wife of Representative Perry of Virginia, and with him spending the Spring at the Hotel Roosevelt. Stevens of Newport, R. I.; Mrs. George Elliston Coleinen of Cincinnati. Mrs. B. Frank Mebane of North Carolina. Mrs Elizabeth Sevmour Zimmerman of Bal timore and Mrs. Harriet D. Prentiss of Philadelphia. The following Washington Pen Women will also assist: Mrs. William Wolff Smith, Mrs. Anne Tillery’ Ren shaw. Mrs. Agnes Newman and Mrs. E. Richard Gasch. The young ladies who will assist at the punch bowl will be Miss Grace Hudson. Miss Ruth Peter son. Miss Jean Stephenson. Miss Mar jorie Webster and Miss Agnes Winn, All the delegates who are in Washing ton to attend the biennial of the League of American Pen Women and all Dis trict delegates and alternates are in vited. Mrs. Samuel Herrick will entertain at a tea dance this afternoon in the palm court of the Mayflower for her son, Philip Herrick, and some of his friends from Williams College, who are spend ing the Easter holidays with him In Washington. The guests will be Miss Crimoro Waite and Miss Julia Waite of Culpeper. Va.: Miss Eleanor Blackburn and Miss Margaret Goodwin, who are also at home from Wellesley for the holidays: Miss Betty Franchot, Mr. Carl Corley, Mr. George Nye. Mr. Ralph Burgess and Mr. Samuel Herrick. Miss Frances Lamer Gore entertained a small company at luncheon today in compliment to Miss Katharine Amory Chokers Made IF* Brins in your nut-of-dat* ▼ Scarf* and we will remodel A ■ them In the intent atyle*. New England Furrier* Rrnjamin Sherman Prop. flta ISth Si. —Franklin fI.ISS and her house guest, Miss Edith Web ster of Boston. Mrs. Newlands Johnston and Mr. Alan, L. Johnston are at the Gladstone Hotel in New York City. Mrs. V. Marshall Clopton will enter- Burchell’s Bouquet Coffee Still 38c Lb. really delicious N. W. Burchell 817 Fourteenth St. l HI Flowers | “ i for Spring Weddings CIMPLE or elab- ;j Cl orate, Wedding ;! Decoration* by ; % Blaekistone always > lend the desired \ |i touch of distinction. J> <! Estimates furnished. \ DU LIN & MARTIN COMPANY Three Generations of Washington Housewives have used the fatuous Eddy Refrigerators 59 years of maximum food preservation with minimum ice consumption t every day it is used. THERE IS NOTH- i "is Style, Slate Shelves ING ON OR IN THE d? 'I Zl HC Bf|| U EDDY TO GET fTO OUT OF ORDER. fl CLOSING OUT A limited number of This ai o Fi,lcst Re fr ‘g“ators Style J) 10 $163 Refrigerators, $82.50 \ | / T $l7B Refrigerators, $89.00 ( J s22sßcfrigcrotors, l (' M»in Floor s27oßcfrigerntors, $135.00 / / Z' G St. Entrance Solid Cork Hoard Insulation. All Ready to install Electric Refriy 'ration S r HOi nS, B; 4.1 lit 5:10 PHONE MAIN 12^4 Dulin & Martin Company I Our Only Shop I No Uptown branch 1214-18 C STREET =j: 'TrrzzTTr::- s : - ~■ j - tain at tea In the palm court of the Mayflower Hotel Saturday in honor of Mrs. N. L. Scott, State regent D. A. R. of Hawaii: Mrs. James W. Heustls of Dubuque. lowa, and Miss Mary Hilliard Hinton of Raleigh, N. C. Mrs. Robinson Downey has arrived at the Willard from her home in Waynes boro, Pa. She plans to remain here for an indefinite stay, and came from New York, where she spent several days. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin L. Gunther of New York, who are the parents of the United Slates Minister to Egypt, and Mrs. Franklin Mott Gunther are now in Washington, and are guests at the May flower. Mr. and Mrs. James K. McCllntock of 1940 Biltmore street are entertaining Miss Agnes Davis of Denver. Colo., who will remain during the Enstcr holiday. Mrs. Clem Shaver has Joined Mr. Shaver in Washington, and is with him at the Mayflower. Interesting Celebration of Anniversaries Saturday. A large company, including several from the congressional delegation, at tended the reception and dance given Saturday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam C. Houk and their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Houk, at 111 Carroll street southeast. The party was given in celebration of the thirty-seventh wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Houk. April 7. and also of the birthday anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L Houk. April 2 and April 5. respectively. The home had a charming arrangement of Easter lilies, carnations and roses bank ed with palms and fern. Mr. William C. Houk is the assistant superintendent of the House Office Building, and his father, the late Judge L. C. Houk. was for some years Repre sentative in Congress from Knoxville, Tenn. Mr. John C. Houk, uncle of Mr. I UNDER RALEIGH HABERDASHER MANAGEMENT / [ Stetson Shoe Shop ) j 1305 F Street i r presents J > The New ’J [ “Bobby” Sandal ) ( In Indian Prints J l . • k Bobby Sandal in Indian prints are quite the thing / / with the “younger set.” Style illustrated is shown A in Beige background with numerous other bright y colors imprinted and center strap of beige kid. / f Only one of the many new styles shown here. y McCallum Silk Stockings J / in shades to match — 1.85 Houle, was also a Representative In Congress from Tennessee. Mrs. Raymond L. Houle was before her marriage, a well known concert singer. Miss Gladys Brackncy of Knoxville, niece of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Houk, Is their house guest and assisted at the party Saturday. She will accompany her uncle and aunt and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Houk on a motor trip to Atlantic City. April 28. In July Mr. and Mrs Houk and their son and daughtcr ln-law will motor to Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lelghty had with them at the Wardman Park Hotel for the Easter week end their son. Mr. Carl J. Lelghty. who will return this evening to New York. Miss Ruth Alexander of Bayonne. N. J„ arrived this morning to spend the week at the Grace Dodge Hotel. Mr. George Gaul and family have moved from Baltimore and are now residing at 1366 Otis place northwest. Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Mears. who have spent the Winter In Washington at the Mayflower, are leaving today for At lantic City, where they will remain for several weeks before returning to their home In Pocano Manor, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Hentx of Amber, Pa., spent the week end at the Willard. Miss Helmlnc Wolff of Hanover, Ger (Continued on Fifteenth Page.) BROMLEY JERSEY FROCKS f)o Not It us the Figure mid the Perfect Foundation for An.? Frock SNUGGLEBAND UNDERTHINGS BROMLEY-SHEPARD CO., Inc. Mri Wm. ft. Parr, Manager Washington Branch The Mnvflower. Suite 226-227 New York Bn«ton l.owell VO, 3b. 6? Sons Public Confidence Since 1861 F Street at Eleventh Main 3770 Special Sale Mohawk Sheets and Cases The quality of these muslin sheets s a is, we believe, well known to every woman. The quantity is limited, so that early selection is advisable. Sheets Size 63x99 <TI 1 r inches »PI.ID si ” 81x99 «1 3= SemM inches Xv. Size 90x108 Ql 70 inches 4>1./U s^|§|p||^ s s L/RSCS Size 45x36 inches ODC Linen Shcp. First Floor Luncheon or Breakfast Sets, *3- 5# All-linen colored bordered, hand-embroidered sets—-cloth and six napkins to match. Beautifully colored hand-embroiderv on superior quality linen. Linen Shop. First Floor Scarfs for Spring Specially Priced A very advantageous purchase makes it possible to sell these at the low prices indicated. All linen colored bordered scarfs. Rose, blue, gold and green. Scarfs, 18x36... .85c Scarfs, 18x45 $1 Scarfs, 18x54. .sl.lO Linen Shop. First Floor Tinted Glass Lamps Complete fofrlfaSi With Shade Cut or blown bases £jT\ in green, rose, blue or wFffhl crystal, 16 inches high. With a pleated parchment 00/ shade to harmonize. gs Lamp, $2.50 Si Shade, $l3O i Sy. Lamp Section. Rnt Floor Neicly Arrived Oriental Rugs 9x12 *125 Handwoven to our order, they are in beau tiful colorings of rose, blue and tan. The price is very low for rugs of this character. Orient*! Rut Salon Second Floor A Modern Art! Furniture Painting The votrue for Painted Furniture has produced the need for Skilletl Furniture Painters in matters of EIRNUTRE PAIN TI N G EIRMTIRE RE-TOrCHING El RNTIVRK RK-EIMSHING and so forth || A ph«M call —Main 3770 will krin| an •»- »| II timator, who will coun*al your requirement* *«4 || ( you ettimata*. LI SOCIETY.