Newspaper Page Text
Society (Continued from Fourteenth Page A many. Is making an extended stay at .he Grace Dodge Hotel. Mr. and. Mrs John T. Whalen of New York, accompanied by their daughter. Miss Barbara Whalen, and Mile. Marie Oaparello. have taken a suite at the Wardman Park Hotel for a few days' stay. Miss Maud B. Fetterley of Phoenix. N Y„ Is spending Easter at the Grace i\xlpe Hotel. Mr, and Mrs. M. B Little o( Montreal. Canada, accompanied by their son. Tom l ittle, are at the Wardman Park Hotel for several days. Distinguished Patrons For All Italloaa Guild Benefit. With only a few remaining boxes and with hundreds of subscribers, tire concert which is being arranged by Mrs. John H. Gibbons and her com mittee for tire benefit of All Hallows Guild, the Garden Guild of the Na tional Cathedral, at the Mayflower, Tuesday afternoon. April IT. will be one of the most successful benefits of the season. The artists engaged are Mme. Hulda 1-ashanska. soprano, and Mme. Yolanda Mero. pianist. Mrs. Francis T. A. Junkin is chairman of the music committee, and an unusually delightful program has been arranged Mrs Walter Bruce Howe and Mrs Adolph Caspar Miller are assisting Mrs. Junkin on the music committee, while Mrs. Frank B Neves is chairman of the publicity committee. The sale of boxes and tickets is in charge of Mrs. Jesse H. Metcalf. Mrs. David A. Reed. Mrs. G. C. F. Bratenahl. Mrs. Daniel W. Knowlton. Mrs. McCook Knox and Mrs. Harold Newman Marsh. Others assist ing Mrs. Gibbons on her concert com mittee are Mre. Charles J. Bell. Mrs. George B McClellan. Mrs. George Wharton Pepper and Mrs. Walter R. Tuckenman. Mrs Coclidge and Mrs. Dawes head a list of patronesses which also includes: Mrs Frank B Kellogg. Mrs Dwight F Dans. Mrs, Harry S New. Mrs. William Howard Taft. Mrs Edward Terry San ford. Countess Sreehenyi. Mme. van Royen, Mrs. Lawrence D. Tyson. Mrs. Hiram Bingham Mrs Frederic M. Sackett, Mrs William Cabell Bruce. Mrs. Clarence C Dill. Mrs. George P McLean. Mrs Guy D. Goff. Mrs. Peter Goeiet Gerry. Mrs. Frederick H. Gillett. Mrs. Charles S Deneen. Mrs James Couzens. Mrs Walter E. Edge. Mrs. J Mayhew Wamwright. Mrs. Henry W Watson. Mrs Louis A. Froth ingham. Mrs. Richard S. Aldrich. Mrs. Charles P. Summerall. Mrs. Copley Amory, Mrs Frederic Atherton. Mrs. Henry Hudson Barton, jr.: Mrs. Truxton Beale. Mrs. Gist Blair. Mrs. Delos A Blodeett. Mrs. William J. Boardman. Miss Mabel T. Board man. Mrs. Frederick H. Brooke. Mrs Alfred J. Brosseau. Mrs. Alexander F Broun. Mrs. R. Barrett Brounitig, Mrs. Beniamin H Buckingham. Mrs. Calderon Carlisle. Mrs William R Cas tle. jr.: Mrs Robert Hollister Chapman. Mrs. Robert S. Chew. Mrs Henry Getty Chilton. Mrs. Sydney A Cloman. Mrs. Defrees Criiten. Miss Marjorie Critten. Mrs. Alastair Gordon Camming. Mrs Victor Cushman. Mrs. John Washing ton DavWge. Mrs. F, Trubee Davison, Mrs. Daniel B. Devore. Mrs. Henry F Dimock. Mrs. Tracy Dows. Mrs William McKee Dunn, Mrs. George Ehle. Mrs Hayne Ellis. Mrs. William Corcoran Enstis. Mrs. Thomas Ewing. Mrs. Henry W. Fitch. Mrs. Henry Fitzhugh, Mrs Joseph Fletcher. Mrs. James E. Free man. Miss Isabel Freeman. Mrs. Charles C. Glover. Mrs. Charles Car poll Glover. Jr.: Mrs. James M Green. Miss Bell Gurnee. Mrs. Stokes Halkett, Mrs. John Hays Hammond. Mrs. Ed ward A. Harriman, Miss Annie M Hegeman. Mrs. Alvin T. Hert, Mrs tflairfmmrfr JOth, Uth, F and G Streets ‘Baby Week Specials Offer Splendid Savings These are the exceptional values that Bahy /- \ Week offers —values that come only through .j planning ahead, shopping every available Xa!!/ market —selecting the finest merchandise at the lowest prices we could possibly / obtain —and offering them to you at savings. \( . N. Buy now in quantities—while these values IKFANTB' Bictiom, Foosth Fl.OO*. Not Illustrated Not Illustrated firXvXTln* . ... fp Hand-embroidered Pillowcases, Baby Handmade and Hand-em* broidered Dreoe. $1.95 Hem.titched Pillow Slip.... 45c Elaborately Hand - embroidered V Hemstitched Bassinette Sheets, Handmade Dresses $2.95 /a-aSL jSL Jr -j 45c Handmade and Embroidered Ger- \ Pillow Slips, to match 20c trudes 95c y' J VO Kapoc Pillow.,. 45c Walking Dresses, 1 to 3 year \ { / ~ vV/ 11 Lisle Stockings 25c sizes, in prints $1.45* \/ \ Fancy Top Socks 25c Bird’s-eye Diapers, 27*27...51.55 7 f) White Slippers. 1 to 3 85c fL'*' Baby Lisle Shirts 25c Illustrated Lovely Hand-embroidered JI 1 f Bib, with P #<^n * % j Crisp Organdy Bonnet, r# P* Chine Coat, with rj~ 11 Flannelette Wrappers, with jPHjvbhf I Crepe de Chine Carriage / I Set, with and handmade lace.. .$6.95 l HlHHiaaa j| aH|aaßHaaan^ Ms Frederick C. Hicks, Mrs. Ridgely Hunt, Mrs. Walter Stilson Hutchins. Mrs. Hennen Jennings. Mrs. Howard T. Karsner. Mrs. R. M. Kauffniann, Mrs. Frederic A. Keep. Miss Bessie J. Kib bey, Mrs. Sidney Kent iAgare, Mrs : Marshall Langhorne, Mrs. James T j Leavitt. Mrs. Demarest Lloyd, Mrs. j Robert Locke, Mrs. Breckinridge Long. Mrs. Charles G. Matthews. Mrs. Ezra Butler McCagg. Mrs. M. M. McComb. Mrs. Frederick L. McCormick-Good - hart. Miss Jessie C. McDonald. Mrs. i John McGowan. Miss Anna McGowan. Mrs. Randolph H. McKim. Mrs, Edward B Meigs. Mrs. Keith Merrill, Mrs. Eugene Meyer, jr.; Miss Gertrude Walden Myer, Mrs. Ocorgc Hewitt Myers. Miss Edith Notrnan. Mrs. New bold Noyes, Mrs. Arthur O’Brien, Mrs. James Parmelee, Mrs. Walter G. Peter. Mrs. Thomas W, Phillips, jr.: Mrs. Z. B T. Phillips. Mrs. Ord Prestoii. Mrs. 1 John L. Proctor, Mrs. Robert C Ransdell. Mrs. Henry Rea. Mrs Philip M. Rhine | lander. Mrs. William Barret Ridgely, Mrs William C. Rives, Mrs. Theodore Douglas Robinson. Mrs E. Rust-Smith, Mrs. John Rutherfoord, Mrs. Carl T. Schuneman. the Misses Sedgley. Mrs. ; Henry Seligman. Mrs. Swagar Sherlcy. Mrs, John D. Sherman, Mrs. E. H. G. Slater. Mrs. James R. Sloane. Mrs. Edward J Stellwagen. Mrs. Anson Phelps Stokes. Mrs. Edward T. Stotes bury. Baroness van Bootzelaer. Mme. Florian Vurpillot. Mrs. Charles G. Warden. Mrs. Charles Warren. Mrs. Joseph E. Washington, Mrs. B. Sumner Welles. Mrs. Walter Wheatley. Mrs. John Campbell White. Mrs. Francis White. Mrs. Walter Dwight Wilcox. Mrs. William Holland Wilmer. Mrs. Charles Boughton Wood. Mrs. Charles H, Wood hull and Mi's. John Hervey Young The Rev. Meade Bolton Macßrydc will leave this evening for Columbia. S. C.. where he will be the guest of his brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Gadsden Guignard. Mr, and Mrs. Guignard will entertain in his honor at a large reception Wednesday evening. Mrs. Helen Ray Hagner has issued cards for a reception to meet Mme. Orlova in the Dußarry room of the Club St. Marks Thursday afternoon, from 4 to 6:30 o’clock. Mrs. Erlebaeher of the Hotel Roose , velt is spending Easter week in Pine hurst and is registered at the Holly Inn. Mrs. Oscar Hunter is president of the Women’s Auxiliary of the District Medi cal Association, which will give a rard party tomorrow afternoon in the ball room at the Wardman Park Hotel. About 400 tickets have been sold. Mrs. Edward L. Morrison is chairman of the committee in charge of the party, and Mrs. L. A. Martel is vice chairman. Others who are taking an active part in helping to make the affair a success are Mrs. Frank Leech, chairman of prizes: Mrs. B. B. Moffett, chairman of tables; Mrs. C. M. Chipman, chair man of tickets, and Mrs. Leroy Hyde, in charge of the candy table. Ball Tomorrow. Benefit Confederate Memorial Hall. Among those who will attend the Confederate Memorial Hall benefit ball to be given in the Hall of Nations of the Washington Hotel tomorrow eve ning. under the auspices of the Sons o f Confederate Veterans of Camp 305. Dis ! trict of Columbia, are Miss Bessie Kib -bey and Judge J. H. Covington. The proceeds irom the ball will be j used to remodel Memorial Confederal" Hall, at 1322 Vermont avenue, which was purchased by the United Daugh ters of the Confederacy, the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the Confed erate Veterans several years ago. and is now the meeting place of the Vet erans of Camp 171. District of Columbip. Additional reservations for the authors' breakfast of the National League of American Pen Women have been made by Mrs. William E Borah. THE EYESIXO STAR. AVABTTTNOTOX, P. 0.. MONDAY, APRIL 9. 1023. Mrs. Deloa A. Blodgett, Mrs. Charles Graves Matthews. Mrs. Henry F. Dimock and Mrs. Beale R. Howard, who will be hast ess at a table of 10 guests; Mrs. Cabot Stevens, Mrs. Peter A. Drury. Mrs. Edward Nelson Dlngley, who will have as her guests Mr. Ed ward Nelson Dingley and their daugh ter. Mrs William D. Leetch: Mrs. Wil liam H. Maxes and guest. Mrs. Dorothy Newell Schultz of Baltimore, and Dr. Blaine F. Moore: Miss Jean Stephen son. Mrs. Margaret Scruggs Carruth of Texas and a party of guests. Mrs. John Mock. Mrs. Nellie Molyncux of western New York. Mrs. J. E, Penney. Mrs. Clyde Robertson, Mrs. Clara T. Hatha way, Miss Annie E. Trumbull. Mrs. Katharine Hopkins Chapman. Mrs. Harriet D. Prentiss, Miss Rosa Pendle ton Chiles. Mrs. E. W Davidson, Mrs. Lucy Noble. Miss Janet H. Nunn. Mrs. W Stevens. Mrs. Willie Hughes Tarpley. Mrs. Juliet M, Johnson. Mrs. Grace V. Tirreil Mrs. Carlton Van Valkrnburg. Mrs Emmet O'Nca). Miss Marie C. Red fern. who will be hostess to a party of 10: Miss Margaret Fitzgerald. Mrs. C. Hathaway Turnbull. Miss Ruth Forney. Mrs George Poore. Mrs. Marlon Leland. Mrs. Vira K. B. Humphreys. Mrs. 11. B. Almond. Mrs. Mary Dixon. Mrs. Fran Walk-Over f Corrective vr Footwear Correct 1 our Foot Troubles up-to-the-minuta in THIS Favor model at $11.50 has a broad toe and narrow heel. It relieves tired feet and pains in the arch. Throughout the United States it is considered a Walk-Over leader. Wolfs%/fiz fiver Shop 929 F Street Continuing the Sale of ENTIRE STOCK COATS At a Early Discount /I Selection of MKm\J Advised 1316 G Street City Club Building ces Diehl, Mr*. Nellie E. Fealy and guest; Miss Elizabeth Barnes and guest. Miss Elizabeth Spltgnagle; Mrs. Aaron D. Newman, Miss Pamela Young. Mrs. Eugenie Saugstad and guest, Mrs. Harriet Chambers and guest, Miss Laura ’ Thorn borough. Mrs. Clifford Lewis, Mrs. John H. Jepson, Mrs. Chester D. Swope. Mrs Snrah Huddle son. Mrs. Aida R. De Milt. Mrs. Anna C. Wright. Miss Sarah Willard Howe. Miss Lucy Warner Maynard. Mrs. Mary H. Harlow, Mrs. Eugenia B. Smith and Mrs. P. Wagner MacMillan. The break fast will take place Saturday at noon at the Willard, and Mrs. Rose Oou veneur Hoes. at. the Mayflower, is in charge of reservations. Miss Lucretia D. Clark has charge of tickets for the Gentlewoman’s League benefit bridge party to be given Wed nesday. April 25, at the Hotel Roose velt. The Alunmae Club of Lambda Chap ter. Alpha Delta Theta Sorority, gave a tea dance Saturday at the Hotel Ln Fayette ln honor of the members of the active chapter and their pledges. Among the out-of-town guests was Miss Celeste Wevl of New' York. Ttt uniuji ctrb iCothro^) JOth, Uth, F and G Streets Here are Fabrics and Trimmings Sponsored by French Couturieres and Used by Home-Sewers to attain the chic of Original Models With the return of “femininity,” and with these four leading couturieres in the World of Fashion smiling graciously upon “femininity,” it is chic this Spring to wear “dressmaker’s” clothes —that are so easily made this season. With these patterns, fabrics and trimmings you can make frocks as smart as Paris originals Pattern Section * Sicond Floor. Fashion Characteristics of the Leading Couturieres That Can Be Easily Reproduced Vionnet Louiscboulangcr Chanel Molyneox —works in fabrics of soft —uses the stiffer fabrics —goes in for simple soft —sponsors the graceful textures— or soft chiffons such as— effect, achieved with— tiered lace frock so r Crope Satin. $3 to $4.50. Stiff Satin. $3 and $3.50. Plain Crepes, $1.95 to $3. formal afternoon and P * ... Printed Crepes. $1.95 to 'vemng wear. Flat Crepe. $2.50 to $4.50. 1 a»eta. $2 to $3. $6 Crepe de Chine. $1.95 to Moire. $6.50. Modernistic Prints. $2.50 _7-inch Lace Flounces. $3. Flowered * a ' l ’ l Silk Section, Second Floor. to $5 „ Georgette. $1.95 t® $3.50. Silk Section, Second Floor. r* _ _ Silk Section. Second Floor. «.; nl p| e frock, with 36-inch Lace Flounces. $6 The intricate vee and geo- Louiseboulanger silhou- matching buckles and metrical cutting of \ ion- ette follows the down-in- shoulder pins in brilliant All-over Lace, $1.75 to net that gives the char- thc-back line in flowered jewels and belts of self $,.50 acteristic slim, slender chiffon for afternoon and material or grosgrain rib silhouette universally evening frocks —and stiff bon, and printed frock Dotted Nets, to liked and is outstandingly fabrics for evening with for daytime wear are of $3.50 smart this Spring. hustle-like hows. Chanel’s inspiration. Lace Section, First Floo«. Trimmings That Give Dressmaker’s Copies l nmistakable Chic Vionnet has introduced Louise Boulanger is the Chanel's jewel buckles Molyneux’s lace frocks Hand - Fagotting, which and pins— bring ribbon sashes and mav he had by the vard. creator of great bustle 15c! White. Black. Colors. ... . mav R *mestone Buckles, bows m again. Trimmings Section, First Floor. m °‘ ' * * $1.25. $1.50 Ombre and three-tone Bias Folds, in colors. mad * from R ' inch wWe J*'” l 50c 10 $2 M Ribbons in 8-inch widths. Plain and printed, 60c to taffeta ribbon, in all new Jewel Pins, $1 to $6.50 $1,65. $1.85. Bias Folds, 'with ruffled colors, $1.50 yard. Modernistic Buckles, Brilliant Pins, $1 to $6.50. edges, $2 yard. $1.50 hi»»on and Trimmings Sections Neckwear Section, First Floor. Ribbon Section, First Floor. Trimmings Section. First Floor. First Floor. Imported Embroidered New Beige Swiss Voile Light-weight Woolens is Fashion-Right Now p or N cw Jackets and Coats Exquisite Embroidered Swiss Voile, $3.50 yard , . eA With tan, black, blue, peach, navy and green Feather-weight Flannel, $2.50 ground, embroidered in 'mri-eolnred pattern,. A '°7 1v b K lu-we,sb> tlannel that i, *xtrn«vdv ModerniNtic Embroidered Swi„ Voile. $3.50 yard ’ ,^'l '*>r sports clothes >4 inches wide. flight and <lark grounds offer wide choice. Masha Cloth, $2.50 yard Block-Designed Embroidered Swiss, $2.50 yard A delightful wftolen. with a kasha-light weave. Many lovely colors for your choosing. in natural color and beige tones. .'4 inches wide. F'mbroidered-Striped Swiss Voile, $3 Tashian, $6 yard The colorful embroidery is in stripes that give a A 54-inch-wide light-weight woolen that is popu beautiful effect. 40 inches wide. lar for street and sports clothes. Dotted Flmbroidered Swiss Voiles, $2, $2.25 Silk-and-Wool Taj, $3.75. Ecru-ground Swiss. Flower-embroidered, $2.75 A delightful new fabric, of silk and wool, that is especially well liked. 40 inches wide. _ . Striped colored material to match. $4.30 yard. Domestic Embroidered Nov*iti.,. y ,rd Many unusual weaves, in various beige tones, for coatings and sportswear, 40 inches wide. VUI CO Wool and Rayon, $6 yard Tweeds, $3 yard Elaborately Embroidered Swiss Voiles, $3.25 Homespuns, $3 yard Basket Weave. $3.50 yard Dark and light tinted grounds, embroidered with silk in many lovely patterns. *lt /*"* XW7 i Other Embroidered Swiss Voiles, $1.50 to $1.75. IN6W LfCaiTl W OOICfIS Permanent-finished Printed Swiss Organdy 44 inches wide, $1 Homespun. $4 yard Diagonal Weave. $3 yard. / This new fabric has a crisp sheerness that is de~ Flannel, $2.50, $3 yard Basket Cloth, $4,50 yard lightful for Summery frocks. Floral prints. Novelty Light-weight Tweed, $2,30 yard / OOTTON CJOODR RRCTION, RRCONI) FLOOR. WOCURN DrBM CtOOM fttCTKIN, SiCONS FLOOR. I A % . 15