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16 LEARN-TO-SWIM CAMPAIGN OPENS 24 Pupils Put Through Series of Exercises in Poo! at Y. M. C. A. The “Learn To Swim” campaign of The Star and the Y M. C. A. opened ' Vjth a big splash this morning In the pool of the boys' "Y.** at 1732 O street. The first group of non-swimmers, numbering 24 boys from 10 to 18 years of age. plunged into the warm waters of the pool at 9:30 o’clock, and for the next 45 minutes they were put through a series of exercises that left them panting for breath. The exercises, which ranged from breathing to threshing around in the water, were the preliminaries of a course of instruction designed to fit every boy to take care of himself in the water and to help others in times of distress Several Hundred to Learn. Several hundred boys will have learn ed to swim bv next Thursday, it was predicted by those in charge of the drive. By thus decreasing the number of bins in the District of Columbia and nearby Maryland and Vir ginia who are unable to swim The Star and the Y. M. C A hope to re duce the rate of drownings in Wash ington. Mai. Edwin B. Hesse, superin tendent of police, points out that eight boys under 18 years of age drowned in nearby waters last Summer, and he is lending hearty support to the "learn to swim” campaign. Commissioner Proc tor L. Dougherty. Dr. Prank W. Ballou, superintendent of schools, and other city officials are deeply interested. Three classes were put through their paces in the bovs' department pool this morning and six more groups were to be instructed this afternoon. Leland W Chandler, boys' swimming instructor s at the "Y.” was in personal charge of the instruction. Four Elements Taught The beginners were taught the four elements of swimming this morning— breathing, floating, kicking and strok ing. Chandler gave demonstrations of each exercise, and then the whole class was told to follow the example set. Thoroughly drilled in breathing with out inhaling water into the lungs and warmed up by the strenuous exercises with the arms and feet, the boys were then told to combine the floating and kicking exercises into the "steamboat'’ and to join the breathing and stroking tests into the ‘'windmill.” The final test was a combination of the "steam boat” and “windmill” exercises into the **crawl.” Each class -will repeat these exercises daily during the drive, until they have mastered them. Complete mastery of all the tests means that the novice is beginning to swim. When he has reached this point he will be given a special test, during which he must swim a distance of 50 feet. Those who are successful in this test will be awarded official Red Cross beginners' buttons. The classes were marshaled this morn ing by Nelson M. Blake, director of tha boys’ department. He was almost over whelmed by the rush of applicants. WIFE ASKS DIVORCE. Mrs. W. E. Reardon Sues for Lim ited Decree. Declaring that her husband has con tributed only $3 toward her support since February. Mrs. Catherine B. Reardon. 1204 Bladensburg road north! east, today filed suit for a limited di vorce from William E. Reardon, 311 Eleventh street southwest, a produce ; dealer, making $l5O to S2OO per month and owning an automobile truck. They were married at EUicott City. . Md., June 7. 1907, and have no ' children. She is represented by At tomey Robert E Lynch. Guard Against “Flu” With Musterole Influenza, Grippe and Pneumonia t usually start with a cold. The mo ment you get those warning aches rub on good old Musterole. Musterole relieves the congestion and stimulates circulation. It has all the good qualities of the old-fash ioned mustard plaster without the blister. First you feel a warm tingle as the healing ointment penetrates the pores, then's soothing, cooling sensa tion and auick relief. Have Muster ofe handy for emergency use. It may prevent serious illness. To Mother*: Musterole is also made i a milder form for babies end small children. Ask for Children's Musterole. Better than m mustard piaster \ Ties Like | I New Again J s: waamSmmSmaarm^mmtam^ STOP BAD BREATH IV-pl* jtfliirted wtih hsd breath hr,4 «tui<k relief through Dr. YA wardr Oin« Tablets, the pleas, ant tiigar-cuktrd tablets are tak ers for bad breath by ail who know them. Dr. I'dnards' Olive 'I ablets act gently but hrmly on the brmels and liver, stimulating them to natural action, ' tearing the blood . and gently purifying the entire system 'I hey do that which dan gerous calomel does without an y of the bad shei effects. Olive Tablets bring no gtiytug, , pain or any disagreeable effects. i fir l". M t'.d<sard« discovered I the formula slier £U years of practice among patients uttluled with bowel and liver complaint, 1 with the attendant bad breath. Olive Tablets are purely a vegetable compound toised ’<Ofb olive oil; you will bitow ibem by their olive color, lake nightly for a week and not# the tint, I fSc, 3<tc, Wk. All Druggists, Thief Finds (cash In Store Hidden j In Three Places Conforming to the “help yourself” policy advertised by the firm, a ‘cus tomer” entered the Ptggly Wiggly ; store at 1012 Fourteenth street some time over the week end and helped himself to $135 that wasn’t on sale. The Intruder showed n remarkable familiarity with the methods of the store. The money had been taken from the cash register Saturday night and secreted in different parts of the store, but the visitor found It. I * “HEALTHIEST BOYS” OFF FOR NIAGARA [ r " " " “ ' “ Party of 10 From “Y" Department Will Remain at Falls Over Wednesday. Flaunting large banners bearing the legend, "Washington to Niagara Falls." the 10 “best developed" members of the boys’ department of the Y. M. C. A. started at 8 o'clock this morning on the first leg of their prize trip to the border city. The boys, loaded down with knap sacks and suit cases, piled into a bus improvised from a camp truck. They will eat lunch in Frederick. Md., con tinue on to Gettysburg. Pa , where another brief stop will be made this j afternoon, and then put up for the j night in Williamsport, Pa. Niagara Falls will be reached tomor row. according to the schedule laid out by William W. Wilson and R. G. Hohn. associate directors of the boys' depart ment. who are accompanying the dele gation. The trip is b« ing given the bays in recognition of their selection recently as the 10 members of the department who showed the "best all-around de velopment" during the past year. The boys are: Jack Bone. William Fry, Budd Hammerlund. Gerald Hess. Albert Mor gan. Tom Robertson, Joe Rose, Dallas | Shirley. John Summer and Clinton j Woodcock. The party will remain in Niagara j Palis over Wednesday and arrive here j next Saturday evening. 1 ' ~ " * - ■ * m Lipton’s tea estates awarded V I ¥ Ceylon and India gold ¥ medal and first prize for 1 finest tea grown. UPTON'S °-z~ j * ■ l, X3' A JL /jrm Tea Merchant by appointment to t ■ Ikfan "Vsr ai»«ttta3no«* AvJ Visit the | Pacific Northwest on the New Oriental Limited Only $9030 gSaSS I .ast year 60,000 people enjoyed the Alpine grandeur of Glacier National Park en route to or from Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma, Rainier and Crater Lake National Parka, Portland, the Mt. Baker Region, Vancouver and the other alluring vacationtands of the Pacific North west . .. For sixty miles the New Oriental Limited passes through the scenic beauties of Glacier National Park and traverses for hours the other splendors of the Rocky and Cascade Mountains. Low summer fares include liberal stopovers, Great Northern Escorted Tours mean carefree vacations. Inquire today! ®^r“4.l!i^, k iilsi;““- , ~ A - »»« i vm ri/rtgt* hid# , p«, j** fttUarihbu** Wflt I Pi***# **<>4 m lr«* buck. " Tl>* 8««il> NuhUhi " J *Ht ini*r**i*4 ia t jJrMUw NniiUmi Tmii Q Aliiklii Tour* fi, P..J. Tour* (jl)uo* • teater I. .= A d*p*nd#iU mituty TTTE EVENIWI STAR. WASHINGTON, P. C„ MONDAY, APRIL' 9. 1928. INSURANCE BENEFICIARY FILES SUIT FOR $25,000 Eugene C. Oott, Colorado Building, business associate of the late Sidney West, today filed suit in the District Supreme Court to recover $25,000 from the Northwestern Mutual Life Insur ance Co. on the life of Mr. West, who died August 9. Mr. West took out the policy February 9, 1927, and paid the term rate for the interval between Its date and January 1. 1928. The policy provided that the name of the bene ficiary could be changed and February 25, 1927. Mr West substituted the name of Mr. Oott as the person entitled to receive the proceeds of the insurance. Mr. Gott tells the court that follow ing the death of Mr. West he submitted to the company proofs of death, but the company has refused and neglected to carry out its part of the agreement by paying over the money. He is repre sented by Attorneys Tobriner St Gra ham. - -a Became a Happy Baby Annapolis. Md.—“My baby had terrible red blotches all over his face. At night his skin itched so that I was awake almost the whole night with him. I sent for a sample of Resinol Soap and Ointment, and after a few applications his face looked wonderful." In almost allskin disorders, Kesinol brings quick relief. At all druggists. yiesinoU fttoaftroarii & iCnthtocp JOth, nth, F and G Streets For Outfitting the Comfortable Warm Weather Home New Modernistic ,k pHMBHnwBMMBM Ji The Plants You Mirrors TfH I| M gj I are gijts I Assistance as it does in 'the unique, the 5 Our Plant and unusual, finds a new medium ot Carden Section new mirrors, one of which is KJ*#., - B “This year all my flowers and sketched below. The frames vegetables are really going to arc all finished in silver tints. Jj W" n I come up and be good.” $35 to $65 J I “That’s what you said last year Woodward & Plant AC* a 1 O fie and Garden Section.” A special oelling , 4 . .. r o I Yisectictdes Living Room Suites ... At Specially Lowered Prices H e«h" Mid£et LJquid Spr *> er - 35c j T , . - T . . ™ . Fungtrogen for mildew and Mi In this group of attractive Living Room Suites, rang- Mack * po ti on rose*, 75c /*; ing in price now from $175 to $550, we’ve taken “mark- »*u : d if 3 a /* n . f downs as great as S4OO on some ot the outfits and as roses, 75c and 5i.25 #•• •] limited as $75 on others. These unusual savings urge Sl s| c 208 ,nd A i that you see these offerings immediately. Hudson Powder Spray. A Buffet or Every one of these Suites Reduced Mantel JVlll*l*Ol*S $fA r 1 A sofa and two chairs t A r’A All the artistically Pulverized / > t I y K in this well styled group wrought characteristics Sheep Mb- / Three-section Mirrors of new of exposed - frame de- of Louis XV period 30cT 10 lbs / design are mounted in frames sign showing marked French period are well exhibited in the sofa and , 50c! 100 lbs!, i of antique gold finish that are traces. Upholstered in beautiful chair of this suite (shown in the $2.50. admirably set off with silver soft tones of mohair, with tapestry sketch above). Fine carving further R “ w ®® ne^^k touches at the top. on the reversible cushions. enhances the solid mahogany ex- |Vf ca'l A 52r ten posed frames. 100-lb.' sack’. / jD and DU <T n"9 e*’" The unusual and grace- $3.25. i /x* 8 Mntoi Section. Sixth Plow. yK f M j Cabroil legs and %r Tf\ Character workman- / j/y , scroll feet on these ship, individuality of i /y a three pieces are the more attractive design and high-grade f ‘ /Mr for being worked, with the rest of the materials have been well combined i // s Water exposed frames, in solid mahogany. to make this outfit one of the most / // Three pieces at this price. attractive we’ve ever been able to / Lamps , , offer. The design is so unique that i /fIF * 1 T „ r ,,, $f '7IT F»w jacquanl wlour it „, )Iv must be seen to be appre- l j Spec,at *\ JO »n<l frieze on the re- ciat< .d.' Three r iec<-5. AS©' With verse side of the cush- Mk /,\ vW _ ions on the sofa and chair, which . #1 Shade comprise this suite, give an excep- SAQT Tme carving, so often iff a* rr\ tionally beautiful upholstery effect. overdone on living i Jjgm S w| Ilf S /♦SU Os exquisite stvling, too. room furniture, is / JLb shown here in just the proper por- # 'Ms!& A [T three-piece suite of tions. The two pieces that make up X-' Jf|if Finch bottles form the bases of qual it y construction the suite are well upholstered in / Jf these unique lamps, which mav and materials has mo- mohair and frieze. This, too. is be- I be filled with tinted water of hair and satin freize damask up- yond description and must be seen/ any hue to harmonize with holstery. . to he appreciated. M, the pleated paper shade in mot- #’ M Ho d m' ff Fu;nhh C inK r,ul Sumn,er Coxwcll and Occasional Chairs \ lamp szctiok. Seventh ploob. Very Greatly Reduced Y Living Room Fuenitcee Section, Sixth Floob. P Necessary Your Porch Vudor Shades add to the appearance, the comfort and the 60e , 111 V privacy of any home —appearance, because the colorings are Trowel* 15c to \ A New LOW Price distinctive and pleasing; comfort, because they are so ji. \ designed that they keep out the glaring sun and still let in Gran Shear*. 45c \ No. 8-12 cooling breezes; private, because they form a sheltering screen to $1.50 etch. 4 4 about the porch which uses them, each/** C OrthophoniC These Prices Prove Them Very Low Priced H *,o d s<k ?•£*' IS< * Tfa. t Vl4lh llrnp I'rU-a Uldth Drop I*rtca \VI4lk Drop rrlr» $-PWce CiartJen Tool V Victrolas* 3 x 7.6 $3 q x 7.6 $lO 6x 6 $5.85 %\» \ f 4x7.6 $3.85 10x7.6 sll 7x6 $6.90 KfU * ' \MM This lovely model, illustrated 5 x 7.6 $5.40 12 x 7.6 $13.50 8x 6 $7.80 Garden Spadea, $1.75 each \ flpW above, is now offered at a very 6 x 7.6 $6.40 3x 6 $2.75 9x 6 $9.15 Garden Rack*. <»sc to $l5O YjKyjy materially lowered price, which 7x7.6 $7.50 4x 6 $3.60 10x6 $10.25 2 'l» r " n l °u'“"der Tnd‘ lU* V includes a record album. 8 x 7.6 $8.50 5x 6 $4.90 12 x 6 $12.45 ssceaeh CC \ i Deferred Payment# t.arde« Hoe*. »c to $11 35. if you d " ire sfOßrm n C Ready-Made n=n \, Victbola Oalleeiei, Foueth Floob. !' jummer p p. ! and ipada in each *et, $2. \ HfwnSK&i ocrccn Doors MmijM w..d puut..:jc ..a. mfy; Pillows iI! •’IIPiB Wood I .awn Rake*, each. The New Dcltox special $4.75 $5 ■' ':i|'|?l| u^ss!S*& ta^», k w T~s, f r\ nMmßt ■: a.A~ { 51, Qrr 'fefpHf Round Fountain l awn Sprinkler*. 75, Jr iber OOO Tl, i th j.** difffrf . nt **ch; *noth# r *m#. *s«. show modernistic For fhp Summer rnMavr {or your own vhi made" front *<- Success Plant Boxes designs and colorings home or porch you’ll find these «nod quasi Icoted 1 »-inoh stock ■MMPPPPiff 4 •• *> itv cretonne pillow* are just about what anst at the two price* tO Dcltox Delarts—the reallv sen- you need. The oval and round shape* are *.** |,u 'lmled necessary „ , , 2 iihle Summer Ruizs show well made with puffed band* and corded teams, fixture* ior hanging, lp!fW('i I'hts nattonaU,* known *ty ei» w siuie Dumincr I'ogs snow wen Ihe traiues are linith- tered nt tour awes— executed motifs of marked Other Summer PtHowa ed in natural varnish » 24-inch $125 .’Rkioch ... Sl.hs modernistic influence, all of $1 to 13*50 and are covered in ill'' 1 ~~?*| 34. inch ~,.52.45 W-ioch .. $-05 them hand stenciled on the , K uil? .'/S* B<,lv * 11 * serviceable three-ply weaves New Importations *' L-I -T.i _ r _ of timisttal pliability. I'HHNCH TAPRSTRY PANRI.S for -I diitstnhle / nno.ll'enriuf WinOOW OOXCS table*, for walla and for innumerable fancy "Jiwaoie, H tilting It)r_ J wotk u*e*. These silts and price*— Window ScrCCIIS * Moderately Priced ft ,A .i«. isci lOsUi. Me, 7s o w ] c * P^5 CCIU The „ f4BCV uutet.*ork wxe* are 9*12 *iae....s2o N« 10 sis*..,, |IB 12*18 *i*e, sl*s, $1.50, $2 CtO couaUy suitable. vhx for porch use 6*9 size ..$1250 4.6*7 6 »H 75 WARI* PRINT CRRTONNRS; soft Sturdy Screen* that will excellent The st>le is painted white with tm 3*6 ti/e ~ ,14.50 27*54 sice.... .$3 shaded fawn toned, blue*, gray*, greens service during the warm Spnnf and Sum- inserts. _ and natural tint* appear in shadow es- mer months. The nine *i*e* are made of «,•»*»« Runner Sizes feet*, floral and conventional motif*. selected hardwood frame* in natural od ° V «« ~ 0 Single Widths, 05e to $1.71 finish amt are covered with a hue mesh. $3.25 $3.50 $3 $3.50 27*9 »ue.,.55.75 27*12 4i*e.,. .$7.50 Dmihle Widths, $1.50 to $2,50 galvanised wire cloth. Fvamt and Oakdkn SacrtON Ruo Section, Fiftn Fi.<hi||. Uphoi.Bt**t Section, Suth Ft,ooa w Firr* Fiooa. - - - -