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MISSIONARY PARLEY WORK IS PRAISED Chairman of Mount Olivet Meet ing Says Effects Will Be Pelt in Decade. J*r A.torUted Trcm. .TERttSAIJEM. April s,—Summing up the work of the International Mis sionary Conference, which concluded | Its labors yesterday. Dr. John H. Mott, the chairman, said: It was one of the nwt courageous meetings I have attended in 40 years! of national and international gather- j I cannot recall any meeting w hich considered so many difficult and IHPFI Miodward & Lothrop Down Slaits Stoic I ISM? DOWN STAIRS STORK I “ DOWN STAIRS STORK Offers These Exceptional Values For Spring Week Spring Week Values I Women’s and Misses’ for Children Beginning Tomorrow—This Exceptional Selling SltlVltld A Girls ' Spri " g 7 f oa,s /4k New Silk Frocks |Ms\ Special //X f U . -aw „ 4 Wmm for Spring Week A i New Spring-weight coats of the smartest / </\ 0 j 1 § J '.jW V\ w vi isl specially rncedsl® si z. so /i§> »| well tailored, and in a variety of styles. \"//\- c jli J. A* ** h I •%-/V/ /ulllmA'^ Other Important “Specials” for y «JL n Tots and Girls . W i 1 ■ 7*% /Jin' 1 For Tiny 7ots, 2fo fi /I I Iff I I I* * / \ KwM U Twills Satins /HH\ \ Roys' Wash Suits. 88c Ml < V L W MM I h IIIP T I r \ l Boys’ Athletic Union Suits, 45c / 1 / i / / •Jknm 1 yj\ Jv^ i wB Tweeds Failles HH J j l Girls' Voile Frocks. 88c / II- . / m * O V L, / Girls' Spring Coats, $5 NeW L repe KomdS and Bengalees I / Girls; ’Wtte” Girt? Acetic Union Suits. 45c // LIIStrOUS Flat CrepeS \\ Spring Woolens ' Girls Spring Sweaters. $1.50 Girls'Cotton Underwear. 88c // rTYTT/^mi r ... . II WBm 1 I I /Jnhim in an exceptional Variety H4nlH¥u / M \\ s'ts Pair ( ttMW ° f Wf/IIE] More than .50 Fashionable f Boys’ Dress Oxfords. $2.95 Pair JIV Seldom are wc able offer so wide , lllfcMl#/ fj? JJ \ Sp ?« Coats-whose styles T innn F'rvlf VeiLlr/\«T U 4- UIM S variety of styles— at so special a price. II / vrfJl 311 l*** 11CS are as ■OOj' N Linen vjOll IVniCKerS j | : SsM Frocks softly feminine; suitable for after- j / as dieir exceptionally low \ u $ A C 300 Pairs—Excellent quality linen knickers, excep- I gSuK noon—frocks more tailored in lines; suit- IMlht I price: Coats for practical- \ i 1 s”A"i,ru ”m' Wfci " “ d ‘*" l " d / ■ able for business and sports oecasions-all ]nllf / ly every occasion—that sea- \\ Bovs’ New Wash Suits SI and e/ 99 I | L forerunners of what smart women and ||■ | ture the newest details \\ tsoys new Wash amts, $1 and $1.95 / \ misses will wear now and through the \ / u r j l \ 1 down stairs store j I^^BBBIB>BIBB—,,BI,II—— y/4f we stress t^ie i m Portance of an early j \ higher - priced garments. \ New Printed Georgettess i .35w 111 selection. # 4 1 % 2es 14 to Jj \ New Printed Silk Crepes 1 YO. // Sizes 13 to Sizes 14 to 20 \\ STAIRS STOM Wide Assortment of Spring Patterns and • // f fl/ • r>*iv \\ ***i^^*ii^^^**ii^*M» Newest Color Combinations j L,QYgGV VYOfTIGfI S ullK # 111 Washable Crepe de Chine, $1.68 Yard ii Frocks, Special, *l6*° J/\ Philippine Handmade c-i/d ,h ' s ' a ’ on ‘ s ™ rU ' t s o h o ade ’ Costume Slips §l-78 bilk Broadcloth and Pongee, 88c Yard Special for Spring Week Exqulsitoly hand-«mbroidered-and daintily mad. by down stairs store Tk T Ij|• 11 • hand. Two styles—shoulder strap, and built-up bodice ; j W 0 top*- Extra long lengths—and self-lined hip hems. Sheer Ruffled ** New Styles for Spring J' 'MJfflm I Other “Specials” for Women Vallo rilt4ainc * I Pair A a And what an exceptional variety from which to f f Colored-Bordered Handkerchiefs rolled hems.. 100 V (Jllv; V>lill t«.lllS 1 a M * choose. Practically every new millinery fashion for N. W v - v ». ajit u • /-i „ * . , , m 2L MB misses and women-Milan-hemps, Crochet Straws. T New Novelty-Cuffed Fabric Gloves- Plam and cross-barred voile curtains-,n white, ecru % ** W Felts, and Novelty and Lace-like Straws-all in the T "° »•>•>”• f»' r and cream. Co orful y trimmed. 2 4 yards long. Com- ver y newest co lors. Each hat—a new style that is / 7 Smart New Handbags, envelope styles; new plete w,th 50-mch valance and tie-backs. V LM| surprising at so low a price. -/ 1 leathers .... $2.95 Other “Specials” for the Home 1 - Large and Small Head Sizes 16-Rib Silk Umbrellas, some with fanev borders, 5425 RuSIsS Voile Curtain., $1.25 pair Bletehed C„„„. Pills- N.W Spring Sweaters. $1.95 Bright New rase» __ New Sports Skirts, variety of styles 52.95 AhM !.*.*!!!!!!!!!!iak neh Pattern* 38c and 75c _. W | WSwUO YfUIIICIId ailU V/AIUIU3 M New Wash Frocks, of aspray and printed bariste. 51.95 Cretonne Bar Harbor Seat*. 85c ™ M ■BBF V v . w , a -\\. .. . . Linen f>.»h Bridge Set* ...85c ,h,de * SIIS V (JC # New W ash Aprons, prints, dimities, ginghams... SNc Linen Hama.k Tablecloth. Wrought Iron Oil Pot ll Specially Priced * S\J Pci|f New Sports Satin (rayon> Slips, Spring shades.. 51.15 Linen Dama.k Table Napkin., pirated Parchment sh.d*., mSmmlmmmmmSmSSSSSSSmmLa / )|f Sunbeam Super-quality Rayon \ ests, “seconds. 6>c 1.i5;0,1, l„ To«IWS 7Se „ M Many well-known makes are included in this ex- eMESSBmmJMm “Sunbeam” Super-quaHty Rayon Bloomers, Mct.lVmokin, Stand. .. .Si 25 g WSTnC ccptional selling of shoes so much lower priced seconds ... He H &2£?..38td , 8 S->-« Pihtr Rua* — - as. £SLsSZi m %ri Women’s Leather and Felt Slippers N :nd G b«" ,iUt e, ” ,iC! * i,k . frcn, : 88c Krinkled Cotton Bed.pread*. Velour-covered Foot 95c Pair 111 double-bed .ixe SL7S Stool* f 1.75 down stairs store ’* aM— m n'BBMMWMIWi down stairs storb JKiWN stairs store t Full-Fashioned SpCClCllly PriCCd fOT MlCtl SPECIAL A " SM \ ]// *l)urine Spring Week Chiffon \h °—L Cw Hnco 111 (/fl Spring-weight Topcoats, *l7-50 R ill/dC / UUfl F l -ff Topcoats, outstanding in every detail—excellent quality. 1 I r I ClirvAO nr%r l LJ&t /l\| •/ tweeds, herringbones, twists and knits—tailored into styles f v 1tXv;II C> kjIIvJCN aI | 111 ir® 1 lhat correctly dressed men and young men will wear-all I jjj> !^^^!: an y --"■*n--n m,o i r ,. Oxfords, $ 2' 95 nr. * I Pair New Pointed Heel, ‘h \ / f‘* * J ' Ad pi . 1 14ir Slight "irregulars" t h |7\ Broadcloth Shirts, $1 / IH, V# w jTw“u’it ,rto h ,Z\c7,\ , N ‘ W Spr 7 * hart **' 8,40,,T fu" C°u!-.nd rll^piTona'lly' w d .l. of utadi' ,,r r B® .f-‘ . “Co-opatativ. ” “Endko.,.Johnson." IPPEGU/.AHS of very much higher priced Hose. \ \\F collar-attached and neckband styles. Sizes 14 to 17 IH M Friendly-Five and other famous makes of Men’s I dills . Shoes nationally known for their superior style and Full Fashioned Service Silk Hose 4L 11 LI 11 ~ quality that tell at a much higher price are included I (Siik-to-Hem,) St Pair I Broadcloth Pajamas, „ r invv jjown s')aik* nr ORE I I>OWN BTAms ,ITt ' R,!, Sl,e * s *° 11 * B * C * and D Widths ' down stairs stors ■——— ————————l ■ i ncute situations, yet which never flinched and which always showed discernment and never lost touch of realities. "Its full significance will possibly not become apparent for a decade, but (here is solid ground for saying this relatively small gathering on Mount Olivet will have a more profound and | far-reaehoing effort than any other I assembly oi modern times.” : Business discussions continued in the conference until midnight Saturday : Among the final pronouncements made was the declaration on protection of missionaries which was described to the Associates Press by Bishop Francis J McConnell of Pittsburgh as the most significant and practical thing done b.v . the conference. The council summoned all partici pating world and Christian mission agencies to exert unremitting efforts and constant prayer to obtain the re nunciation of war as an instrument of international policy. TTTE KVKXTNC! STAR, AVARITTXOTOX, P. C.. MONDAY. 'APTJTL 9. 1f»2«. MEXICAN RAILROADS BID FOR VISITORS Officials Make Trip to Kansas City.' Stress Tourist Attractions of Their Country. | I j By the Associated Pross, KANSAS CITY. April 9.— Mexican j railroads arc trying to make Mexico j easily accessible to visitors, Senor Rafael Sandoval, director general of I Mexican railroads, said here yesterday. Sandoval and five fellow Mexicans arc guests of W. T Kemper, president of the Kansas City. Mexico & Orient, coming here after a tour of the Orient line. Senor Sandoval stressed the rare beauty, of his native land and said it had many attractions rivaling those found by tourists in European coun tries. He expressed optimism concern | ing generat conditions in Mexico. Others in tile party with Senor I Snndoval were Pedro Martinex Tornel, | Mexico City, assistant to the general director; Javier J. Ostos, Mexico City, director of ports and lighthouses; Daniel M. Islns and Roberto Bati?,a, assistants to Senor Ostos, and Juan F. Trevino, Chihuahua, general man | ager of tlie Orient lines in Mexico. | The party will leave Kansas City ttomorrow on the return trip to Mexico. Experiment Kills Scientist. MOSCOW. April 9 (TV—Alexander Bogdanoff. director of the State Scien tific Institute for Blood Transfusion, died yesterday from the effects of an unsuccessful transfusion experiment he made on himself. PEACE POLICY BEGUN IN EASTERN EUROPE Greek Foreign Minister Says First of Series of Treaties Has Been Welcomed by Jugoslavia. By (tie Associated Pro**. ATHENS. Greece, April 9*—The be ginning of a systematic policy of treaties for insuring peace in Eastern Europe was announced here yesterday by M Michalakopoulos, foreign min ister of Greece. He returned yesterday from Geneva, where he had conversations with Tewfik Ruslidi Pasha, Turkish foreign minister, which will be continued at Angora. M. Michalakopoulos said that the first step in the policy was the Greco-Ru manian pact for conciliation, a treaty which has been welcomed by Jugoslavia. The Greek minister also recently re turned from Milan, where he met Mussolini. Os this Journey, he said: “My conversations with Mussolini proved that Greek relations with Italy are absolutely friendly.” ANTI-NATIONALISM MESSAGE UNCONFIRMED Report. Pope Would Issue Encycli cal Laid to Declaration Against French Paper. Tty tlie Associated Press. ROME, April 9. —A story that Pope Pius was about to issue an encyclical against extreme nationalism, printed in French afternoon papers Thursday and immediately thereafter denied by the semi-official French agency, has found no confirmation from well informed j sources in Rome. The report seems to have had its i origin in the Pontiff’s declaration when condemning the Royalist. French news- j paper I/Action Francaise of Paris, a lit- | tie more than a year ago, that he would I deal with the question more fully later, j (L’Action Francaise was placed on j the index of reading prohibited to I Catholics because the Royalist, party j sought to make their political move- j MccS^lest Dr. CLAUDE S. SEMONES Eyesight Specialist I’hnnn Main 721 400-110 Mel.aehten Bid*. lOth anil <» St«, N.W. ment a Catholic affair and also becauv i their activities were against a sjovern ; ment with which the Vatican had only j recently re-established friendly terms». Prevent Dandruff Liquid Zemo keeps Scalp clean Pleasant, healing, Liquid Zemo , massaged into the scalp destroys | dandruff. Irritations, soreness and itching frequently disappear over night. Zemo penetrates, soothes anr? cleanses the scalp, keeps it neatthy and prevents dandruff. It is a clean, safe, healinq liquid—convenient to ; use at any time. All druggists—jsc, 1 60 c and SI.OO. zemo i FOR SKIN IRRITATIONS 17