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18 SQUALLS AT SEA HOLD UP FLYERS Baron Ready to Brave Weather, but German r Pilots Oppose Him. By th* Associated Prc«*. DUBLIN. April 9. —A brief period of favorable flying weather gavs place to day to squalls and hailstorms over the Atlantic and held the German plane Bremen at Baldonnel nirdome. The monoplane's prospective flight to Mitchel Field. N Y . resolved itself into a battle between the weather and the wits of Capt. Hermann Koehl and Col. James FiUmaurice. pilots Baron von Huenfeld. sponsor of the flight, threw science to the winds and announced he was ready to start despite pales, rain. hail, ice or any other ele ment In the officers' mess at Baldon nel last night he said dramatically: * It would be better to fly and perish than to appear afraid to start." We shall wait until wo get good weather," Capt. Koehl rejoined quietly. Col Fitmiaurice took the same view. The latest weather reports were far from encouraging There was a low ; pressure area off Iceland, roughly, ex tenduig to midatiantic and slowly mov in' eastward It may pass within 48 j hours, but there was another low pres sure area following it from near New foundland. „ , „ Squalls and hailstorms prevailed all the way out to midatiantic. A north- j caster w*as blowing at 40 miles an hour Rt the surface knd 80 miles an hour at a height of 2.000 feet. It was figured tliat a 20-mile wind would be the most that the Bremen. could buck all the way out to midat iantic and still make sufficient mileage on its fuel capacity to bring it to land on the western shore of the ocean. Jewel Firm Warned. The Federal Trade Commission has ordered the N. Share Co. of Chicago to refrain from using false and misleading j advertising of watches, jewelry, leather and plated ware. The order prohibits; the use of all words which tend to ex- | aggerate the quality of its merchandise. I Bro. One-Day Sale —Tuesday Larger W omen’s Silk Radium DRESSES j-l pHaJ Slenderizing Styles—Becom | 1 ingly Designed Prints —New m , Color Combinations and Every One an Extraordinary / Value! For Tomorrow Only m Skilled workmanship -plus a thorough knowledge m «>f the predominating fasnton«—-those are the out m standing features of this group of extraordinary B dresses. F.very tuck, pleat, belt, tie nn«| even color m combination is artfully arranged to tdeuderi/e the styles, '1 hink of it' Your choice of this smart group B J4j , Regti lar stout si/es 4,? to 50, Two Brown Hyenas Arrive at Zoo; Only Ones of Kind in Tin's Country Two brown hyenas from South Africa arrived at the National Zoological Park yesterday. These creatures, which constitute a distinct species, are among the rarest of mammals. The two now in Wash ington are the only ones of their kind in America. There are only four in captivity in the world, the other two being in the Municipal Zoo at Berlin. There was one at the National Zoo logical Park about 10 years ago. which died a few days after its arrival. These animals are the handsomest of the hyena family and are distinguished by prominent manes. The population of the Washington Nomay Shipping Slumps. Correspondence ot the Associated Press. COPENHAGEN..—Norway has laid up about 400.000 tons of shipping. It is perhaps harder hit than other European nations by a sea-going freight slump. At a recent wedding in London the bride had 15 attendants, all in fancy dress. TTTTC EVENING ST AK WASHINGTON TV. tt, MONDAY, ATOTC 3, 1928. Zoo is being augmented considerably this Spring by births among the ani mals, according to Dr. William M. Mann, director. The latest arrivals arc an Indian Swamp deer and a hog deer, both of them tropical animals which live outdoors the year around in Wash ington. l)o You Waul ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS For Your Church? If So, See Your Pastor FRIED CALVES LIVER X it niore*ppelmnjtand(li(!f»tible I when well seasoned w ith LEA & PERRINS J i SAUCE X TT 1 ' 1 'V~% Steady Growth Lansburgli & Bro. ss and merchandising facility would at all times antici 7th to Bth to E-FAMOUS FOR QUALITY SINGE 1860-Franklin 7400 pate the need of a growing ■ community and changing standards of living, this —.— <g store not centered hs 6 a A 40-Inch Flat Crepe rt yjTvW. M _ JmJtS. ** been our aim to do every. /) rvlyl 1 - day tasks faithfully, pro it&wl Wmst'l Our Regular (C ■ AQ vide dependable, carefully i ft f T-MwA ijl ■ A l)y selected merchandise, and \ JwLdf. A Mfew Y* 1 -7./ ■- T $2.00 Grade * I give a conscientious serv- N l r W? ■ ■ YAUD ice to our customers. To m p ||| : P bund ra *^ er *^ an M7 Ml m. In this fabric you will find the medium for making all Perhaps that is the rea- M"1 MM V SOrtS ° f , C^ qUisi . te ne . W - Sprins . and „ Su , mmer f r° cks ’ nc e n - £2™ y » 'Veid?"’ and r 1 I.i 11l U tnnn gees and lingerie. An exceptionally fine quality. I rapidly. Npw Coats $2.50 Flat Finish Crepe, $2 Lansburgh & Bro. - Just think—forty new Spring and Summer shares in this won- FOR GIRLS 7 IO PARS derful silk crepe—any one of which will fashion into the smartest l p* frock imaginable! A firm, even weave quality with a lustrous flat $S UK finish. 40 in. wide. ift $2.98 .Printed H 40-inch Printed -t ~,f *L Jf W Trim, Youthful Coats, fashioned Crepe dc Chine. I KA Silk. Moral patterns, JS I .-Jn I x fj of tweeds and novelty mixtures. Exquisite colors and t * ■ futuristic d esig n s, 1 . /V. j'x /-tM V /f Tailored in graceful cape effects and "" clue Straightlme models Third Floor-I*n,b„rth * Bra. / A# Sketched: Lest —Novelty Jiveed with J /W<#.( I Jf/\ \ distinctive, new pocket treatment. 1 \ \- f\ / I j %>// \ / Center-Novelty tweed in oil-over de- —— " \ WiW / '■>ll sign, ivith contrasting collar. Right — Vl Miy A (2-—*-// ?r°a ™tiU™i£ming veenect ’ withcon ~ Important Demonstration » SKpM \%L fourth Floor—l.nn»btirfh A Bro. | jLFTjT A .jjj j j > *sf New Crepe de Everfast Fabrics fflxrff CKlllC CoRtS The Outstanding Spring Shades and Designs q q r\Q All unreservedly guaranteed by EVERFAST and SRUCy 5116 Lansburgh & Bro. If for any reason the garment should A Three-in-One Foun- IN SIZES 1 TO 3 fade—we will not only refund the cost of the fabric, but dation Garment to There is nothing so cunning as the also the cost of the making. Learn about EVERFAST Meet Modern Needs infant’s first silk coat! You will materials tomorrow. a% a* . love these—for they are shown in nri/1 the desirable shades—pink, blue and , t t V * white and are delicately smocked IvlVlUg IVIOOeiS A tltJt gjv «, s , he and embroidered. Will display the delightful things that you, yourself proper foundation to the new Sketched: Left-Crepe de chine coat can make at small cost. They will be glad to discuss figure-revealing dresses that for the wee one. Cleverly embroidered the fabric with you. combine brassiere, girdle and and smocked. > 1* • j W’ ll explain thoroughly step-in in one. fourth floor—ljtnaburfh a Bro. /HIM MUarea iMlitrj t j, e proc< ., s 0 f pr i nt ing A compact affair in silk . and why it is Everfast. and will also model frocks. jersey and satin; swami and r 'CSI /LA Satin. Detachable Step-inS. m These Fabrics Featured in This Erent -%-in. Everfast Printed Dimities ‘ j . u»w. ... £tf ] T 3s l ‘ 39-in. Everfast Printed Voiles ’ /\ £ \ £Sif ) 36-in. Everfast Printed Suitings . 36-in. Everfast Plain Suiting* ) i /j^ d 11" I XN. -1 I i I' M Prints. 45c tage prints, SI.OO /AetL ' _ ‘ _ 32-in. Everfast Balloon Everfast Printed • Voile Dresses v . Prin V ,c ( P , , «S?"SiS Primed or. |gL FOR GIRLS 2TO 6 T?nen sf2S Pr ' n ' ed J?”**’* 100 , , * , L-tnens, 40-in. Everfast Landscape # Plain Linens, Celanese Chiffon Prints, ThtC \lotK Delightful frocks of imported 36-in. F'verfast Printed Sa- 40-in. Everfast Plain Ging voile in exquisite pastel shades and teens, 58c hams, 59c W ill Ct Pf* white—some colorfully hand-em- Third floor— * aro. 11 L V v hroidered—others with rich trims of •yj _ latsc. Thev launder exceedingly well, ' ' ■ Y OUT V-^ORI Sketched Below Center Printed ——^ voile dress in small floral design, with If you don't watch out panties to match. Right—Plain voile 1 / w»wittwial 8/im» /in dress, trimmed with lace and con- l nusutil un Balmy days are a moth’s de trasting motifs. A -m . light. Re nits here and there foorth fluor—ldinthureh S Bro. T | | ♦ 1 _ 1 _ On his JOUmeV of destruction (pa . I urkish I owels '.»• \\ aE>r ' \ to his pranks—when you may yl-K Just think how many you may have with prices so ex- s?orTn Sily it ,P he?e y w'th^s-^t traordinarilv low! You may supply yourself for months X t 0 come —and always have that knowledge that your Bro * closet contains soft* fresh towels. df..| r)r ' ter Children’s First Etl ,p . ' . , , « ... Phone Fur Storage Extra large, 25x52 in. . . Jacquard towels with . n ~j/in rn. Ol towels. Handsomely A A borders of rose, blue. A /s% Itankltn Step Shoes " Bsy S t’tC ** LC <iy JC «ii! ,h,ra by ,he hilf ,l0 ""' ‘ ,or 45c Turkish Towels . p- , ,77 .. 35c Turkish Towels Guaranteed first qual- I /|\ ComfortaWy made with flexible Soft, rich colorpd bor- _ _ VVO K. . "fffli lpathcr soles with light weight, hut ders and edges in all the 'Y tiered in rose, blue, gold if counters. Attractive oxford dcdr.Ste "tor™ Si« LjC ' Tfc? ftiSSSfr \ ' M / and strap pump, in patent leather -'"iS “'" r S J- 4 . 5 -. „ . in u 1 O' 1 to»n>UM and brown or smoked elk. Sizes 2/> 25c I Urkish I OVVels IVC HIICK 1 OWeIS M to 5. Double-thread bor- .__ All with neat colored . VA Sketched: Left—Mary Jane strap dered towels. Size | f borders of blue or red. | V XASkia Kof patent leather. Right—Boys’ 18x.V> * inches. * for JL JfK* Also shown in plun JL Jv er oxford, of tan calf. H-10. white. 6 for 89c. Ty Kertmd floor—ldUixhnrth * Bro. TltlrJ rioor—l.aiubnrch t Bro. The Sale of New Shoes, $6*95, Continues Colored , „ ... . „ „ • uiassware There are models in patent, satin, dull calf and beige—styles that will walk assuredly down the sinartest avenue—the most fashionable afternoon tea and bridge—the gayest eve- ith Ornamented ning party. You will he amazed and delighted at the excellence of the quality and workmanship. Silver-pldted Deposit M<>rond floor—lonrhorfh A Bro. $1 /\ SI SO to $1.75 Values Exquisite rose, smber and /-<% Ot ♦ I ♦ m 7 \ m ' > green glassware with artiste 3 Specials in Men s Wear will find salt and peppers, mayonnaise d’she*. candv *ars, . __ ' i lemon dishes, pukle ds'he<. $ 1.95 Rayon $ 1.50 Cotton 75c and $ 1.00 r;,: f :.:r r 1 Extraordinary values! Union Suits Golf Hose Novelty Socks $ 1.39 H 50c Jane Stuart J v J ~ . , Shops for You Ha von - serviceable—tailored Values possible through a \on 11 notice trade-marks ot * . , as a man will like it. Made in fortunate purchase. Patterns, lamous makers and you 11 no- come downtown >o«rselt athletic style .with closed colorings and making you’re tice patterns that will fill vour ' vhrn •*'* raining—d you are crotch and reinforced at places not used to seeing in hose sell- requirements. 600 pairs for T* nf Stuart will <h,>p for nou \ subject to strain. Sizes 36 to 46. ing for sl. Sizes 10 to UJL choice. Sizes Jto 12. J qwckly-ex»»*rity! Just catM- Mrna Nhntt—Slrcrt floor—lamliutah * Bro. x FRANKLIN 7400 N * Or H rite \ i t - -- - r - .. |