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20 HUGE THRONG SEES YAOUIS HOLD DANCE Thousands of Tourists Watch Weird Ceremony of Ari zona Indians. By the AwMWiatPil Tits*. PHOENIX. Ari?. April 9.—The golden nun of a new Easter peeped over the purple xnystletsm of Superstition Moun tain yesterday on a small group of ex hausted Yaqui Indian dancers, tho ended their weird movements of "Dia di Gloria" and tottered off to their Bieklups and hogans. The colorful spectacle, which reached its climax lust before dawn was wit nessed bv thousands of tourists and resi dents of Phoenix. Police, with shot puns. stood guard by the throng of spectators as the dance neared its end. Again and again the dance steps were done, casting a fascination over the wit nesses as well as the Indian performers. In'the early hours of the morning the tempo of the music was changed, add ing to the exhilaration. Battles Bound to Ankles. Rattlesnake rattles, bound close to the ankles of the participants, increased the furious frenry. and the Indian conoep tion of a tambourine kept perfect time while a dancer whirled in savage gyra- Tom-toms beat a vibrant tatto in a deep and solemn chant As the rites progressed bon re figures flashed in the light of smoked oil lamps, straining muscles told of the indomitable will of the dancers while the grotesque head dress of the dancers nodded and toppled When the tribal dance ended, the In dians moved away from a bank of smouldering embers, all that remained of fire kindled at sundown Saturday, and the scene shifted to a little abode chapel nearby. Hold Chapel Service. In the chapel, covered with twigs of a thousand mosquito bushes, services for the penitent Indians were held. The > self-confessed sinners, wrapped in ; blankets, prayed prostrate before a shrine. Hung on a huge cross in the little chapel was a goat's head, symbol of evil from the Christian world to the Indians. As the sun wheeled its wav up from the east yesterday morning the head of the goat was burned and the Bins of the penitent were wiped out. Christian onlookers left the services Just in time to attend Easter sunrise services, which they sponsored in Phoenix. TARDIEUDEBATE HALTED BY BLOWS French Minister Resumes Speech. However, When Nose Stops Bleeding. By the A**o<-iale(J Ptf«. BELFORT. France, April 9. —Andre Tardieu. minister of public works, today < had a bruised nose—the result of an assault by a politi cal opponent. > ■ 11 ■ ; In the course of fueUet. stung by M lift I the verbal on s.aught of the we xMm former French high * m ‘ commissioner at * •» Washington, struck • < / hun a violent blow Tardieu's nose ft b'.ed profusely His -■ jjgft glasses w»re shat- R raped injury. M received treatment and continued his T ., rdiro . speech —— —~ • Plans Long Flight. PARIS. April 9 OP) —Comdt. Sar imento de Be ires first Portuguese avia tor to cross the Southern Atlantic, ar rived at Le Bourget Field late yester day with a new plane built in France and with Shich he intends to try a non atop flight from Lisbon to India. If this Is successful it will be the longest such flight on record. He will leave Le Bour get Field this morning at 5 o'clock for a non-stop flight to Lisbon. Do You Want ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS For Your Church? j If So, See Your Pastor *ls 00 DOWN Insures It For Any Pur pose—Any Time Thi* •mail payment will now bring you the greatest conven ience your home ran have automatic, ats>nnmical hot water artvur. Plenty of hot water always ready when you turn any hot water fauret No lightUig a heater. No waiting. No watte. Installed Now SIOO 12 Months to Pay During trie term of thia offer we will inwall a Matter auto matuc htj t water atorage ayatem j« you t home, ready for use, at ♦ hit low price and on theae liberal term* f aarat and learn iifjw it aavea time, arid work, AND MONEY Com* while the offer it opei. The Hoffman Heater Co. F. W. Harem 1543 N«w Jertcy Ava N W. Chon. North iiiinfrnTnnTTmnninimimiiiiiiiinmiiimiimiiiiniimiiiHmmTnnT lnterest or Extras Added to Our Budget /VgnlMnißiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliw lie Do Not Penalize Our FriVwf/.yllSiiiillkiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiHaiiiiii [ Bffi jjomcfu f n ishi n$ Sale j BOTH SIDES OF 7™ AT K.ST. "THE DEPENDAbS^ORE” k Supply Your Big Savings Await Bedwear Needs from You on Table Linens, - This 88c Sale Towels & Art Pieces Y. • v\ \ $4 Crochet Bedspreads $1.25 Linen Lunch Cloths Linen Napkins, Six for y/' • ’. *,*,VV p,i L. w .ik ig- di __ _L,,, J Mu c ]<n White Cro- i A A ax ax 50x50 Warranted \ ax rx 13x1? £ 11-linen \ ax ax V ? ’ * ' • ‘ • t’- T Y •*: 16c Bleached Muslin c^et B cd-)QO QQ All-linen Lunch ) QQ- Damask Tea Nap- ) QQa* X 1 ■ ‘<Y. \ s Eight Yards spreads, in Cloths, heavy crash t kins, hemstitched QQI \ ■ .. , \ ; « 36-inch Bleached \ A A heavy raised Y" #vv weave. ' borders. Sold regu- ' w 1 h h Muslin, a close r morseille designs, full double-bed cq r namadr larly at $2.50 dozen. V /A fii : *•-. / ...*.• xl Sfe S ° n flnlSh ' OOC «*“• 39c Chiffon Voile. Two Yards**** Di.h Towel, 25c Percale, Four and Th,ee Yard, Jl'Se dS, ) Part-linen 0 a+4?V- e * One-half Yards 40-inch Plain-col- \ assorted neat pat- i OOf. med Dish Towels, * vV \\/jr sTi/rJe-s * y* 36-inch High \ or Chiffon Voiles, f V V/« terns. ' finished with tape t OQt. V y Count Percales, in a ‘ U extra fine sheer Tnur»l* hangers. ' v Taree assortment of AQr quality for d r ap- Turkish low els oc r m krniili»rpfl oo n*D J T styles and colors. ’ VV/V eries. etc. In white and wanted Four $1.25 hmbroidered $1.29 Quilted Table 18c Dress Ginghams lol *, S /\ d d j j 18x36 Heavy Dou- g\*\ Pillowcases Padding FJcrM Yard* $lO Kayon Bedspreads ble-thread Turkish \ VVp Hand -embroid- •, 54-inch Quilted \ $1.25 Seamle,, Bleached 32-incl. E D r*eT? f Q B oSr ß .Xon > OO Towels, pink °r , SQC ” o iTrTdTn 88C ™>le Padding, e*-' Kg/. Sheet, 88c SXrXif.X: t«p0.00 59c Turkish Towel,, Two tra-heavy grade . » OUC 81x90 Seamiess v£\ C% fast colors. wW trou./quality, in rose, blue, gold Heavy Double- i /s wide hem g ’ $1.25 Stamped Bedspreads Bleached Sheets, full Unbleached Cotton and lavender. thread Turkish IV U r , Stamped Bed double bed size. tt iq Oilcloth Table Towels, assorted 25c Linen Crash spreads, stamped on ) QQ^ made of heavy round Seven Yards uiiciom laoie colored j acquard ‘ vvv Five Yards good quality un- , f\f\C IfYrrh n? e ritel?inff tton ’ free fr ° m 39-inch Unbleach- ) Covers borders. Warranted All- bleached muslin: ) starch or dressing pd siioetiiif? Cotton. ( - inch Oil- \ r% $125 Velour Scarfs iin e n Tm»orte d double-bed size, bolster included: 30c Rayon,, Four Ya r d . d h ;Si ty round ' OOC prlS XXr V flour Scarfs, , fto crash .absorbent , OQC »o easy-to-embro;dor pattom, 36-mch Rayons, in )f% p designs fast colors OOV regulation lengths. )V v a weave, for roller or Stamped Dining Room plain .colors- for f $6 Kayon Bedspreads designs, last finished with metal t AAf tea towels. e\ 5 draperies, white and QQI 72x90 Bro- ia . 45c Pillowcases, Inree braid ) l/vv ti oc Iwo all wanted colors. cade Rayon / OTA |J |J 42x36 Bleached x ic r Hnrk Towels Seven $1.25 stamped Stamped 7-p ie c e x a* Four yards. 88c. Bedspreads, i .(j|j Pillowcases, made of f OO a 15c Muck I oweis, o Bedroom Sets Dining Room Set, ( VVa Challies for sin P le or ’ ™ w w superior quality pil- t (\{\r rr , He , mm „ )O Cl 9-Diece StamDed xa* stamped on cream s QQ! lycrrrin twin beds, in rose, blue, gold and lowcase cotton, free ’ Towels, all white, (V Vo Bedroom Set stamD- 1 OOa basket weave ma- WV l:Tjf' d ‘ - d P y. i OOC terial. pretty pattern,. printcdXatternXfor [ XftC - Three Yard. tor 2, p.. R , • Bag, covering bed com- 32-lnch Bed Tick- \ $1.25 Ribbon Boudoir OO forts. ings. heavy feather- f 1 Pillows XX/> $3 Crochet Bedspreads in ne3t ) OOC All-over Lace-and \ 00%^ w hl te j - OO 15c Aoron Gin phams Ribbon Boudoir Pi 1- \ VVa Closet or Utility Bags, com- Crochet Bed- WV _v . .. f lows assorted bination of laundrj-, shoe, spreads, full i I _ flfl Eight Yards colored linings, dis- handkerchief and umbrella double bed size. * ™ w w Amoskeae Anron \ a%. ferent shapes. bag. Made of pretty cretonnes. * izxzsr- sssrsi - i 88c MMfwm *3 iayUSfsr i=£jagg*~' sw'Siff'ss j 88c ,f“""T?‘*o'’oo mi vliJ/ vlalsinliiilHll ■ sS&S! 88c >a f™<* *« from starch or ' Bedspreads, in fft f VV / julLmiff / \ftg/ )XM/ I | |i on heavy qualitv ) Striped Glass , dressing. , W» d ,«J*y. full •DLd aUU ffmrml Afft\ WffTl i linen, attractive patterns. Toweling, absorbent I VV^ |x\fi B am , C e» d S i ee ‘* ZBS&SZwXr fiS M\ AT B 69c Readymade Serf, ~SS. «S 8 > OOC Bleached sheets* tQO $1.25 Cotton Batts llftiPlvV iKI \ I / 1 extra length for ( A/SC 72x90 Quilted Cot- )n a* \\\lsSliiK\ (HI HI (HI HI ///MIUIMII Readymade Scarfs. )n n 88c. single beds, made of ’wW ton Batts. 3-lb., full f ■ ■IIH ■/ regulation lengt h. f VV/% e Q superior quality sheeting cotton. size for making i QQP ■/ \h\ ]/////// ////Jm finished with color- \ OOL Stamped Curtains 21f Rnmner Cloth♦ double bed comforts. * ISMffiMM ift/ ed hemstitched > Two Pairs 25c Romper Cl°th 45c PillowceColton hems c°,or, Wue yellow.ndptah, stamp*. Jn* ’ innh PnmLr d Three Yards 39c Turkish Towels, Three stamped on striped ' QQa. Cloth,'a firm «wn >OO - Flve-quarter I nf> 20x40 Heavy Dou- )QQ Sand vellow lace ' OOC atrfpes, Xheeks" and ' OOC Cotton, Z 88C p“hi or Hue ' OOC « vodc finished wf.h plain colors. Five yards for 88c. feet quality. ) VWV * ? rume. fSa , 88c Sale Provides Summer Floor Cover 'l fl *f£—Trif ffijjL Wonderful Savings in mgs, Curtains & Dra- OJj JilP theHousewaresSection I*2?J® “s®* ** -A— jjt $1.25 Double Roasters 2 ft. 6 in.. 3 ft., n qf% Pen flgKaj|g.[l* > {f f #t oen . ln Aluminum Double )QQ Ready toitafi? Awn- C QOC iMfiBCLIIL ~4Rl"Zxl 1 $1.25 Dish Pans Roasters, round ings. green, tan. or , B “ -1 " 111 1 J 1 M! 4 ! *■’’ 111 mma I Aluminum . style. ) WWV blue stripes, but not all stripes in $3.50 Rag or Stenciled > tit rlt■ ii 7 «, f"H|' M Dish pans. each size; heavy canvas on flex- u« jichuicu \WMWTTT? tTti fTtIJKJ* 4 111 INs. , -4£sff fli J » round or oval , fStSi* I $1.49 Wizard Mops ible steel frames. Sale price. 88c. I Grass Rugs Vw) v\lTt «jIZ T » jlj 4 \ll T . Wizard Mops, tri- )OO 79c &$1 Rattania or Rag f ßugs. ? hit \o*| QQ $1.49 Tea Kettles angle shape, oil or /CX/* Rag Rugs, Two and miss effect I QQ TVj' Aluminum Tea )AA dust style. ’ UUt 18x36 -inch Hodges xaa JS se . , r2S e Xm?f w -• v- ify ~ ... _ „ . f w w Rattannia Rugs, t w V t an - or green, crow foot borders. jf _ / r g ir iv- Kettles, five-quart / AA/* $1 25 Electric Stoves handsome stenciled i 0011 6 ft. x 9 ft. double warp stenciled / *1 cn r.m and Saucer Sets Stepl Framp Elpc * 100 Imported Rag Rugs, with novelty sides and ends L 4^XTTvU »\\\ $1.50 Cup and Saucer aet, *«»r- XXf border,; 27x54-inch iStcndled de- $4 &$5 Linoleum or ~ W\\ 1/atomSnßmmM cup ad » ) «nt«d ) OOV « g ns. double warp Orw, R««». rl ’ul Rr. Vfc ~ss=fcrfSal,\4t.d\t' Sbf. -« *«h; *«W Xsc $1.25 Frying $1.50 Ruffled Curtain. .t'ii band decoration. ' VVV p , AA Sheer quality voile )£% 4 in. x 9 x 0 no /fPtf l $1.49 Floor Sweeping T JTf n „ KOO a% or marquisette Ruf- »V Vp ft. size Cork V V Iron Frying Pans. /'XXf fled Curtains. 2U s OOC filled Unoleum 3k A A A lilXlliliff 1 Brushes good size. ) yards long, with 54- or Gold Seal vv TLA'’AI \y \\ \ \\ Floor Sweeping i A A t C1 oc r i c. inch valance and tie-backs, white congoleum Rugs, wool rug or tile 1'• ; 1 ! 1 T';'ilvTO\ 14 nrh 1 VXa $1.25 Console Sets or ivory, also with rose. blue. gold. patterns with borders. J Jit fm] W Brushes 14-inch Colored Glass , green or lavender edge or ruffles. €e p ßrt Wool Blankets x size, long handle. Console Sets, one I Bale price. 88c. $5 rart Wool Blankets $125 Garbage Cans bow| and four can- s A/Sr 69 vVindow Shades, 2 for t ! )(PO O O *, c c- 51.49 Tin Cake Cabinets $1. 25 Corrugated qq > 6 “ c ft x 5 ft. 9 in. I wool Blankets, . Jj 00 J SLSO to $2 Scatter Sire White Japanned Galvanized Iron | W $1.25 Aluminum perfect quality ) QO. plaids of vari- ’T U • V/ Rugs Tin Cakf Cabinet., IQO _ ' OOC Saucepan Set. *pu<iue Cloth Win- XQC ;*«»; *h»d«. »-lde sateen ribbon s ft, x • ft. hit and , AA with shelve,, strbnii- j (jAP . *u/indnw Screen, Aluminum Lipped t AA how shade, white, t UVV bound end. to match. aUs, eßect Rag Rug, 1 QO A ly made. VVV Window Screens Saucepan Sets, one i 00/* ? r $7 &$8 Felt-Base Rugs with novelty crow , (lAf $1 49 Wash Boilers Hardwood ezten- ,aa each; 1.1V 2 and 2 t AftP teed snrhig ndleis 9 ft. xloft 6 x g* A A foot borders 27x54- ' w\JV Hf-avv Tin Wash \ a*, a*. J on I r » m e Whitlow VV a quart trade sizes in ’ $1.75 Bed Pillows in. to 9 ft. xl2 / QQQ in Crex Rugs, green, blue. rose. with QQa, high""xlend to «- > OOC «t- . _ 2U2« large sire ft. tAO.OO “ »,pw>. .tended d«!gna mM t OOC 'nrhea $ 1.49 Bread Boxe. 8.-u Pillowy tilled Sjfgs ulobMdersiTg.axla.v.ort- 45c Stair or Hall Runner $149 Cut C1... Water Set. In 1 { RRf 'tvTZtm S® » c™™ ~.., Three Yard. WafeV r SeV°«“ » OQ« U2'4 < $SS ( 88C JfS« U* Sj 'l?'".% R R heaty f'ejt Base \ 00. pitcher and six i AAf* style, cedar odor, ' j* V,, # $1.25 Mirrors 59c Felt Base or Rag Rugs tonnes beautiful )OO 1 or HaU K V » m ' OOC <ei.,KKr.« ’ Ww# vMv<x f .-tru-ii Two bags. 88r. * TL tonnes. Deautmu t *X/» ners. rase. blue. ’ VV V v “ a* oc fftnltine Kettles ti 9«; St- n I adders Colored - frame i OO Three floral stripe, bird or taupe and grey colorings with $1.25 Cooking IV tt $1 .25 htep Ladd Mirrors, good size, XaP 24x54-lneh Felt aex a foliage designs, light neat borders, made bv the Con- Aluminum Cook- tA A Htep Ladders, 4- )O O well made I OOv Base Rugs, made bv t VV/% and dark colorings, for draperies goleum Co. ing Kettles, eight- \ V yia* . , d ' V V/% v^‘ l _ , lh<> Congoleum Co., t AAr and coverings of all sorts, cut quart size, and l AAr fool size, well made. QQP 98c Waste Paper Baskets wool rug design. ‘ VIIV from full bolts. Sale price. 88c. Awnina Canvas h “" -W49 Slop J.r. BOM Sake Boi.«, wT y Chtevet ,AA E&ST # Linojeun, V.rni.h 91 JL ra / OO a Aluminum Rle. )OO “**l OOC $12.50 Stenciled Crex Rug. shino Llmtleum , /.« Awltm,'SV \ 00. " M ( OOC Wo ' qUart E OOC «.25 Silver Table Spoon. Cg fifi «r t'K S | 88C S£r2?Si A ' OOC $1.49 Coffee Percolator, $1.25 Gin,. Flower Holder, °, r ,!'. ork * tru hruv y. ' «P"»OO V2Iw*7KJSr ™wring, ' »p- ,|U * nttts ' : ,our Aluminum Coffee a** ax i ~ , t \ ax Sets of Six \ax ax beautiful stenciled designs, green, ~i.«d d ,t es overnight > ards or more, Persia tore large IQO ax Imported Colored I Set of Six Rogers QOa% blue, rose or brown colorings. riK,. CU< „l c _ size wild regularly ( 00C rlower 1101d * i OOC !? lck ** 1 Hllv^ r J ttble S OOC $6 Stenciled Grass Rugs bsc S ®** Congoleum $5.50 Stenciled Crex Rugs $149 ’ vvv er«. > wvv Spoons or Ftirks. ' 9 ftx , 2 ft „ x A ax ax Two Sq. Yds. 4-ft. tin. x t $1.25 Clothes Baskets sl.lO Garden Rakes $1.25 Ironing Boards double warp I fl* */ QQ 8 4 width Gold x ax 7 ft. 6 In. Sten- ( *1 QQ UHlVti" w ,.t?r,::»oo A 1 oo A 1 oo„ ir,:,v&& rvsrt 88c wk '^.oo size sold regularly ( den Rakes, 14-prong / Ironing Btmrds, ft- . AAI* green, blue, or brown stenciled de- colorings, for any w factory labeled: perfect quaiUy |j 25 ) V/V/V* ) WwV foot size. * KJ\J\a signs, tape bound sides and ends, room in the home, handsome stenetled designs. l ‘. i :;";i»!i)i'!iH!!ii, , ;!m!m!"i!i:;!ii:;i!ii’f:;;!ii':ii!i;iiiiifiTTTTTr.TTTTrr N<> luti-nat or lUtrui Added to (Jin Utulgft /*/«« *#~r />« A«/ feoaliu- Our I nends_z2 TTTE KVEXTKG STAR.' W.VSTTTynTOy. T). T, troXDAT. 'APUTT, 9. 102 S.