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Do You Want ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS For Your Church? If So, See Your Pastor THESE AUTHORITATIVE NEW COLORS IN MEN’S CLOTHES FOR. SPRING I GRAMPIAN BLUES ALGERIAN BROWNS I New shades of blue that take The richsoft tansand browns their name from the ha?e that of the desert sands; many hangs over the Grampian shades and tones; many mountains of Scotland weaves and patterns \ll nil I II ' ' GREYHOUNDS Shades of grey in beautiful patterns ana subdued weaves HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES ARE ALWAYS THE FIRST WITH THESE NEW COLORS AND STYLES Here are some other good ones LOVAT —A beautiful new grey green OXBLOOD—Reddish shades of brown STONE GREY —Lighter shades of grey SILVER AND DUSTED BLUES-Blue cast with grey Copyright 1928 Hart SchaJfner & Mam RALEIGH HABERDASHER 1310 F STREET INC I j 1 f | Deaths Reported. The followinr deaths have been reported to the Health Department in the past 2* hour*; Max Rimmermsn. 71. 1108 Jefferson *t. Henry Grer*. 08. Soldiers' Home Hospital. Fannie Gofdber*. 0,8, 4875 Winnie ave. Edssr M Atkin. 57 1010 oth et. J«sse Robertson. 87. Tuberculosis Hospital. John J Kennv. 14. en rone Casualty Hos pital. THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON. D. 0., MONHAY, APRIL !>. 1828. Infant of James and Nlllia Newhelser. 8570 30th et. Julia G, Newton. 70. 413 T at. _ Louisa Parkhurat. 74. Freedman's Hospital. William H. Scott. 70. Galt I near Hospital. Edward Stuart. 08 Home for Aired and Infirm. James Alexander. 80. Gallinircr Hospital. Si..irons Roiiv, 45. 5080 Central ave so Josephine Johnson 34. Galliiiirer Hospital. Rnehol Hawkins. 32. eu route Qalllturer Hospital Mmv R. Atkins. 78. 1741 Bth at. Dorothy True 3 months. Children's Hon* Hammond. 8 month*. Children's Hospital. Marriage Licenses. Marriage license* have hern Issued to the follow ins : Woslev P. Linthicitm and Julia R. Elliott, both of Dunnsville. Va. Otis Mill* and Louise Brown. James AV. Root of Clarendon and Marlon V. C. Masters of this elty. Oerrsre AV Townsend and Mary A. McCoy, James 11. Caddell and Alloe Tate, both of Richmond « John B Wampler of Harrisonburg-, Va.. ami Winifred F Burtner of this city. Vance A. neathcraire of this city and Clara R Bussell of handover Harold AV liunlUn and Ruby Hnstie, both of New York City MISS M. C. DEVLIN DIES. Had Been Trenstiry Employe for 50 Years. Miss Martha C. Devlin, 71, for the past 50 years a clerk In the United States Treasury Department, died at her residence, 3445 Fourteenth street, Sat urday, after an illness of two weeks. Funeral services were conducted in the Sacred Heart Catholic Church today at 9 o’clock. Interment was In Mount Olivet Cemetery. Miss Devlin was born in England and came to this country with her parents, the late Daniel and Mrs. Mary D. Dev lin, when a child. At the time of her death she was employed in the assort ing department of the Treasury. She is survived by two sisters. Miss Martha C. Devlin and Mrs. B. J. Collins. THE WEATHER District of Columbia—Slightly colder tonight; tomorrow cloudy, possibly fol lowed by rain in the afternoon or night. Maryland—Possibly cloudy, slightly colder tonight; tomorrow increasing cloudiness, possibly followed by rain in late afternon or night. Virginia—lncreasing cloudiness to night; rain tomorrow; not much change in temperature. Record for 21 Hours. Thermometer—4 p m., 63; 8 p.m., 51; 12 midnight, 46; 4 a.m., 44; 8 a.m., 45; noon, 47. Barometer—4 p.m., 29 94; 8 p.m., 30.05; 12 midnight, 30.11; 4 am., 30.13; 8 a.m., 30.22; noon, 30.21. Highest temperature, 65, occurred at 4:30 pm. yesterday. Lowest temperature, 43, occurred at 6 am. today. Temperature same date last year— Highest, 43: lowest, 35. Furnished by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. Today—low tide, 5:07 a.m. and 5:45 p.m; high tide, 10:50 a.m. and 11:20 p.m. Tide Tables. Tomorrow-low tide, 5:47 am. and 6:30 p.m.; high tide, 11:30 am. The Sun and Moon. Today—Sun rose 5:41 a.m.; sun sets 6:39 p.m. Tomorrow—Sun rises 5:40 am.; sun sets 6:40 p.m. Moon rises 11:09 a.m.; sets 8:05 p.m. Automobile lamps to be lighted one half hour after sunset. Weather in Various Cities. o Temperature. «» a I *5 j* 3?* „ 'i> IT £ 5 Station*. - -% a- Weather *» 2.; r * as :? F a Abilene .. . 30.22 40 34 0.32 Cloudy Albany .. . . 30.0 S 02 32 .... Pt cloudy Atlanta ...30.20 58 42 . .. Pt.cloudy Atlantic City 30 22 04 40 .... Clear Baltimore .. 30.22 OO 42 . . Cloudy lUrnnmrhnni 3o 7» 62 4t .... Cloudy Biamarck .. 29.06 20 J t Pt cloudy Bouton ....30,00 70 40 .... clear Buffalo ....30.10 24 24 0.04 Clear Charleston .30.16 70 56 .... Pt.cloudy Chicago ...30.26 34 24 .... Clear Cincinnati . 30.34 46 28 . . . Cloudy Cleveland .. 30.22 38 20 0.02 Snow Col’mbia.S.C. 30.20 72 54 . .. Cloudy Denver ....3016 32 22 .... Clear Detroit ....30.20 30 24 .... Pt.cloudy El Paso 30.14 48 30 002 Pt cloudy Galveston .29 94 02 40 0.0 4 Rain Helena .... 29,96 42 30 . .. Cloudy Huron. 8. P. 30,18 28 12 .... Pt.cloudy IruimnapoU*. 30 32 40 2 4 .... Pt cloudy Jacksonville. 3(1.1 ii 7o #l2 .... Cloudy Kansa* City. 30.3*1 38 28 .... Clear Lr>» Amrele* 30.12 78 #.O . .. Clear Lmticvtlle . 30.36 48 3 5 .. . . Cloudy Miami KJ*.. 30.10 78 74 .... clear N. Orlicin* . 2!* 98 08 56 .... Cloudy New York... 30.14 58 3-1 .. . Cloudy Okla. City . 30.30 48 30 .... Cloudy Omaha ... 30 34 30 20 .. . . Clear Philadelphia 10.20 02 42 .... Cloudy Phoemx ... 30.04 68 40 .... Clear Pituburrh .30.26 4 4 30 .... Cloudy Portland,Me. 20 92 70 34 0.01 Clear Portland Ore 30 oo 72 50 .... Clear KaleOrh.N C. 30.2« 08 4*? .... Pt cloudy 5 Lake COy 30.24 38 28 .... Clear San Antonia. 30.06 46 38 0.78 Rain San lheeo... 3008 68 54 Clear 8. Franciaco. 30.08 *8 54 .... Cloudy st. Icitlls. .. 30.38 44 20 .... Clear 4t, Paul.... 30.16 26 18 .... Pt.clnndT Seattle .... 29.96 70 48 .... Pt cloudy Spokane ...20.86 58 38 .... Cloudy WASH. D. C. 30.22 85 43 .... Cloudy foreign. (7 am.. Greenwich time, today.l Station*. Tentoerature. Weather. Condon England 52 Cloudy Part*. France 50 Cloudy Berlin. Germany 48 Clear Copenhagen, Denmark... 40 Cloudy Stockholm Sweden 38 Clear Gibraltar Spain 56 Cloudy (Noon. Greenwich time, today • Horta (Faynl). Asorr*. . 56 Part cloudy (Current obaervation*. i Hamilton. Bermuda 68 Part cloudy San Juan Porto Rico. ... 73 Part cloudy Havana, Cuba 70 Part cloudy C.den Cmn Zone . 80 Part cloudy nia.-L.iir-s, ■■as.: OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT AT EISEMAN'S, 7th & F Ist Trust Loans Any Amount D. C. and Montgomery County Large Construction Project* FRED T. NESBIT 1010 Vermont Ave. M. 9392 Dyed Mourning Black In 24 Houra CarmackDryCleaning&DyetngCo. 6 Dupont Circle 2169 18th St. N.W. I' r it it It I Is m hlltjUU Perry & Walsh Morticians Private Ambulances 29 H St. N.W. Main 984 I.ONI BOSTON BELL TKHR IKR—-Female, 8 mo* u(.I Set nUIH April 7: answer* to the name of "Toot*”: bridle. 4 white to™*, white mark met helot, Liberal reward if retume<t to W F Smith. 3307 N at. n.w , or phone West 2163 i>« CAMERA -Hi nk, Brow me 2 A Unworn Cabin Jdm mil River rd., on April 8. Re ward 207 Baltimore ave . 'IMHom* Park CAT IVruian, black ami white ntrnvcO from 7532 Ataaka ave nw. >ls reward for re turn. M Jl Wuhoile. Ti’lenluuwi Gemma 11 58 1I • KNlilJsif lit'o.l*o (1 -White with ini mile ■lint* leather collar. *1 lidded wtlti turuUol*e hi*t mar Full* Church. V t Return to J H t’llllini* 1701 Kalmani* rd Adam* 6136. INVI I OPE A ldm*»ed Ml-* E !.* Uitnnire in vlcildtv of VVaetnnirton Circle Reward ll ret nr icd to Mi** M unroe. 1,812 K *t * FRATERNITY I*l N black and void. Bella Tan Della on Col r«t, between M Mar*a Vet'* an t unit reward Col 638,5 J. _____ GLASSES ultrll rimmed Sunday eveidnir, unworn the Ih.tdfwd 18(8* K and Man chester .426 M Return 028 M at.. Room 200 Ih-catur 410 LOOSE f.EAF BOOK black. In IVi worth; property A I.evvu with Holme* Bakery. 107 r*t n w Maid 45d7, Iteward * NECKPIECE 7 *luii aaVdc Reward if rC turned to 1933 ItUti *t, ii *. Phone North ' PiiI'KETBOOk. I a rye brown, witK operator’ll i>.tin ll amt hev* to (tin car, some small change, etc.' vicinity of Howard t’mveraity Mu Bnrtner North 5070 J reward, POI.ICR IRitl. tialit tan and black"; ia*Tfp HU 4, Pall, North 3tH l, „ Pul tt'E IHHi Lilteral lew ariT for return ol rr.iv police dm. black ohm, cream colored fret, slender answer* name of Hu*o " Mr* Beebe, WU 3987 4, PI RsK, brawn aUiaator ikdn. Saturday. V«« iMiiiinu Konndldmi over #3O and automobile ocimil* and reautratioy card* with owner'* name Cal) Cleveland T.uwral reward • RING (bdi). I ante black on»* with diamond center; Saturday afternoon, vicinity of Hahn * F at. *hoe alum. Howard Mr*. T. H. Keane Clev 857 after ft'3o Rt 188iA N WOl rtlOliNft wThfielicVe fdaefi .pot ini »lde autwera to name of a Pot; lival Tlinr».tav njabL povartl, t*farettdow IM6-4 t. SAIVIIFf.* black! on Harvard, Rear 800 en trance Pteaae call for »ame. 1580 I'olutu h>H I’ll, p W t| st AUE--ltrowu Alaskan wcrTUon fsonn. ave April 7 illmiiit 430 o’clock Return fttdfl llu llmm.i plain or call Cieva 31*33 Ha- W A'Kif mam"fane tVaUham Aivd chain. 4«t K*Vi.f £s3y u #*K«lA»^il 2B! Jtaß VETERAN POLICEMAN DIES AT HOME HERE Michael Hagan, 70, Was Second Oldest Member of Capital Force. Michael E. Hagan, 70 years old, sec ond oldest member in point of continu ous service of the Metropolitan police force, who served as special mounted escort to President Roosevent and was commended for bravery and coolness in line of duty, died at his residence. 2053 H street northeast, yesterday after a short illness. His death brought to an end a thought he had long entertained of com pleting 45 years of continuous service by July 12 next. Mr. Hagan was appointed to the police force July 12, 1883. On April 19, 1892, while making an arrest he was severely cut by a prisoner, but "held his man.” For this act he was especially cited In police orders. For a number of years he covered a beat around coal yards at First and M streets northeast while being assigned to No. 2 precinct. He is survived by a son, Joseph F. Hagan; four daughters, Mrs. J. R. Creecy. Mrs. E J. Horigan. Mrs. Joseph Bordine and Mrs. Frank Sears, all of this city. He also leaves nine grand children and one great-grandchild. Funeral services will be conducted at nls late residence Wednesday morning dt 8:30 o’clock and thence at the Holy Name Catholic Church at 9 o’clock, interment will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery. Mr. Hagan had long been an active member of the Policemen’s Association. —'• Births Reported. William 1,, and Roue K Barker boy. William K. and Anni'* C. McKinley, hoy. Joseph A. and Elsie L. O llayhim. hoy! Edward A. and Ethel X. Fielding, girl. Moiri* and Mollie Sokohm. boy. ■J'din H and Maude G. Hunt 7 mm. boy. Clifton and Lillian I):nney, giri. Joseph and Viola Fraze r l>ov. Alfred W. and Ada M. Have- boy. Solomon and Georgia Bell. boy. .lames H. and Sadie Rose Russell, boy Oscar G. and Irene Millard, boy. Clay borne and Julia Tennille boy. Beniamin F. ami Albert me Bash. girl. Robert H. anil Corlpnc Carter girl. Ulysses G. and Corne S. Na*h. irtrl. Seatfjs. Departed thia life Sunday. April 8, IBIS, at her residence. Aldington, Va.. at 5 oO o'clock a.m. in full triumph of the Christum faith. LAVINIA CHAMBERS, beloved wife of Hiram W Ball daughter of the late Robert and Elizabeth Cham liers. Funeral Wednesday. Anril 11. from th« Mount Olive Baptist Church. Clark Station. Va . Rev Walter H. Brooke, pas tor Nineteenth street Baptist Church. Washington 1) C.. officiatiny. Relatlvee and friends resneetfullv invited to be pree dit. Take electric care at 12th st. and Ca ave. for Clark. Interment at Wood lawn Cemetery. 10* BIf.I.INGSLEY. Suddenly. Sundae. Anri! 8. 11*38 at hi* resideive Fall* Church. Va.. ■OSCAR H BILLINGSLEY, beloved win of the late Byron O. and I.ule A. Billings lev and husband of Marion P. Funeral, private, from the above residence at 11 am. Tuesday April 10. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery • DAVIS. Departed this life Sunday. April 8. 1928. at Gallinger Hospital, after a short illness, JAMES DAVIS. Hj leaves to mourn three daughters. Mable Davis. Flor rnoa Branson and Irene Harris. Notice of funeral later. Remains resting at John T. Rhine*’ undertaking establishment. J*rtl 3rd st, s w. 10 DE STI RCO. Suddenly, on Saturday. April 7. 1928. PETEK PAUL. beloved husband of Edna VV. He Stureo 1 nee Sehailert and eon of John and Lucia De Sturm. Funeral from hi* iate rcsidenre. 47 Adams st. n.w.. on Wednesday. April 11 at U am. Re oulem mass at the Church of the Immac ulate Conception at It'.'tO o-10-k. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Ar lington National Ceroelerr. 10* D! \ ALL. On Sunday April 8. 1928. JAMES ALVA beloved husband of Maud R Duvall usee Chamberlain 1. Funeral •ervn-es will tie held at 1009 H st. n w . Tue-dsv April lit. at 2 pm. Interment Cedar Hill Cc mete O'. Relatives and friends invited. EATON. Saturday. April 7, 1078. at St. Petersburg Fla.. Mrs. EMMA S. EATON, widow of William F. Eaton and mother of Mrs. Henry Moffat Toronto. Funeral W'ednesdav 2 o eloek, from Wright's chapel, interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 10 FRENCH. Suddenly. April 8. 1028. at 2:30 p m., SUSAN S., aged ®5 years, beloved wife of George C. French. Remain* rest ins at the home of he r daughter. Mrs Mabel H Dtuser. l»08 Sheridan st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. GAINES. On Sunday. April 8 1028, SAM t EL M. GAINES 1257 Hamlin st,. Brook land, D. C. Funeral private. • GALES, Departed this life Friday. April 8. 1928, at New York City. N. V . LULA GALES, devoted daughter of the late George and F.Bsa Gales ami »i*ter of Marian Stevenson and Mariellir* Johnson and devoted friend of X. E Scott. Fu neral Thurwlav. April 12. 2 pm., from W. Erin'st Jarvis Co. west end funeral parlors, 2Sth and Dumbarton ave. IIAGAN. On Sunday. April 8, 1928. at 3 a.m., MICHAEL K , the devoted husband of ths iate Catherine it .ol an (nee Fla herty!, Funeral from hu late residence. 2053 H st nr. thence to Holy Name Church, where high reuutem mas* will be sung at 1» ain for the ret*o*e of his *oul. Interment at Mount OUv>t Cemetery. Rel atives and lriends invited to attend. 10 HAZARD. On Saturday. April 7, 1928 at New York City, after a lour Hines*. ROB ERT H, HAZARD in the seventy-fourth year of "his ace, formerly of Washington. D. C- Interment Oak HiU Cemetery, on Tuesday. April lt», it 4 pm • .HI DUES. Suddenly, Friday, April 8. 1928. WILLIE heloted son of Katherine John son and grandson of Kltsaheth Hushes He also leave* two uncles and a host of other relative* and friend* Funeral Tue*- ; day. April 10. 12 o'clock, from John Weslev A. M E, 7. Church 14th and | Corcoran *!«. tiw. Remain* resting at W Ernest Jarvis Co, funeral parlor*. 2222 j Georgia ave. JONES. 0.1 April 9 1928 920 a m at Sibley Hospital, after a lons illness ! 01.1.1 K CLARK, aged 59 t<elove*l wife of j Weston B Jones. Remain* testing at j Hvsoiik* funeral home. 1300 N st. u.w.j Notice of funeral later. LEWIS. On Saturday, April 7. 1929 »t her 1 residence. 1910 3rd st, 11 w . E1.17.A BE Til i LEWIS. Notice of funeral later. Re- I main* resting at W. £rtu>*t Jam* Co.'* j funeral parlor*. 2222 Ua. ate. MILKS. On Saturday. April 7. 1079, JO 05 a in., at Freedmen's Hospital, ESTELLE j M MILES ou-e Hamilton*. widow of the laic James M Miles devote*! mother of Cteo P„ James M„ jr,: Georgia V. and Beniamin E Miles She also leaves to mourn ihwr toss a loving father, tour sis ter* and three brothers Funeral Wcdnes oav. April It t ptu.. Irwil Florida Ave nue Baptist Church. Rev, W. A, Taylor olflciattn* Remains resting at W. Ernest Jarvis Co. luoeral parlors. 2222 Geor gia ave. MOFFETT. On Monday April 9. 1929 at the home of her parent», Hear Admiral Wllliatn A and Jeannette Moffett. 2019 Massachusetts r nw MARGARET) ELIZABETH MOFFETT, Funeral service* I at I tie late lesuVnce on Tuesday. April tO ) ul It am Interment Arlington National • Cemetery. Ml DIE On Monday. April 9 1928 at the residence of lit. daughter. Mr*. John " Storer, 1t137 limul tlotsi rd. s.e.. N v TH.ANIKL MCDD beloved husband of the late Frames R Mudd and father of Sister Mary 'JYrestta of Ihltstiurgh. l'a Mr* John W Storer, Arthur A Mudd and Thomas H. .Mudd. Funeral from the alnive residence on Wednesday April It, at 930 aiu.. thence to St, Teresa* Chinch. 13th ami V st* where m*.« wiU he .aid at 9 a tn, for ths retmse »»l hi* soul Reta il le* and friend* invited. Interment St IVter * CtMM'terv. Waldotf. Charles Coun ty. Mil. 11l O’HRII'.N. On Monday April 9, 1975, at the resilience of her nephew. John K. Boy land. 180® Crittenden st n » KATIE t' ItRIEN ! Funeral services at her late residence on 1 Wednesday April 11 at 8 oil a.m-. I hence to St Gabriel » t hutvh Yarnuin *1 near Grant CpcU' n vv . where ma.s of redulent will tie ceh-tvratevi at 9 ain tor the repose of tu-r soul. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery, 19 t’HOKMV Departed this life Sunday. April s 1928 at GalHnger Hospital. JOSE i'll INK *ister of Ella Nhanver. Au«n»to c OiHHlman and Sophia Galloway mother of Alonso Nobc« of funeral late Re mama ivsiing at AY Ernest Jarvis Co AAcst End funeral parlors. 79th and Punt barton ave n w. MINKFF On Sunday April 9 19'8 jo SEI'HINE M ts'loved wile of Altwrt J Jtinkel aged tIT year* Viuvyral fiann tier late rtvstiteiti'e 749.A N vrlh l atund »t A' edueditv Aprd It at 739 pip Rela tive* and tn.-nds invited Interment Drv* twct Hilt Cemetery SAIFTtL On Mvnid.iv. April 9 1 .9, Mt»s \ ENHi.A M aMtht of ihe IVcA apart in-lit* Remain* teytinßM the parlors of Alntns R mv ne, Ul .'d Cv iMt ave. Notbv of funeral later. tttl KEKNUV On Saltmlay, April 7 1928 Mil IVIN KEITH, of v’sitt Roth *t aw. JBfU»vy»l s*in of W. Scott ami Kninia i Wdkersnu ascii 12 tears Funeral «rv< tees at the VA \f y hauttiera Co funeral bent*. Mon Chatnu st n w , on AVevtiies nay. Aiutl it, at a 3a» pip. 10 VA Hi t AMR. On Sunday, April * 1929, at her residence 11*9 artth st. nw. I.CCA VA fi.LIAMh, tfeioleil mother ol VVeWter WimaMta Harry Turner and the iate H*V fieri AVtlllaius atul sister of Alonso wa! ston She also Rate* a host of other rvlsttve* atul frßttui* Notice of funeral later Remain* resting at W. Erneat Jab vt* t o west end funeral parlor*, <Bth and Imnihartun a«e 3n fßfmonam. who pyssed away twenty-one year* ago to day April 9. 1907. As I loved you. so I m*** ron: Jn mv memory you are always near: I-oved, remembered, lonzed for always. Bringing many a silent tear. HER LOVING MOTHER. MILLIE BUT LER * DFNGEON. In loving r of our dear husband and father. DAVID W D ! N GKOS who passed away one year ago. April 8 1927. 1118 WIFE AND DAUGHTER* MR9. LULA K DUNGEON, GEORGIA JACK SON AND EI>JK OUHENBERRY. • HERBERT. In loving rememfirinee of oor dear Im-tband rind father. EDWARD H. HERBERT who passeil away eighteen years ago today. As-ril !» 1910. Ills WIFE AND MABEL. • LAWBDEN. 8-irred to tbe memory of my t-toved father THOMAS E LAMBDEN. who departed this life fourteen r< c« »zo to<iay April 9 1914. M AUD. • IdfM.AX. In «ad hut loving rentembrane^ of my Rproft I mother LU( Y LOMAX, who entered eternal tevt one year ago to day. April 9. 1927. Forget vmi mother? No. I never will; I loved von then. 1 love you still. Your memory is 'l* fresh today A- in the hour vou nn-el j*.,r LoNFI.V DAUGHTER LOl i-Fi BROOKS. AND GRANDSON HOW ARD LEE UTRKTT. In *e! but i-.r :■> Yv 9 of (nr dear husband and father. GEORGE vv. LU< KETT. wh. departed Dus ule one year ag > today. April 9. 1927. Lov«l in life remember-d In death HIS DEVOTED WIFE AND CHILDREN • MATTHEWS. In memory of on* dear mother. GKORG.ANNV M ATT HEW- who departed tin* file nine- v- a;* ago ttriay. ADi li 9 1919. She wore a crown of naticnee. All through the year- she struggled on; Those hand* that rest forever Ara the hand* that made our home TIER DEVOTED « HIUjREN IRENE WALTER. LI VINA AND GEORGE. • AfeCAt LEV. In !ovi:.g rcniembrartce of our dear wife and mother, -AfIAH LOUIr-K M<f'ACr,EY. who departed ties life eleven year* ago belay April 9, 1917. HER HI-'sBAND AND SONS. • McCALI.EY. In loving remem v-yne ■ of nay dear mother. SARAH LOUISE MCCAU LEY. who died eleven year* ago today. Atm! 9 1.917 HER SON HOWARD AND FAMILY. • ->lf BE. In lovinr nmer nran e of our •iariing babv EUNICE MT SE who d:eJ on.- year a-o tisiay. April 9. 1977. You are not forgotten, baby dear. Nor will you ever be. As lonz as life and memory }j»t We will always think of thee. MOTHER LUCILLE Mi -E AND'ISTEB, LtTILLE, Jr : GRANDMOTHER AND AUNT. • XALC K. In sad but lor n.- memory of oar oniy heioved son. OSCAR NACCK. aged 20 vears and 6 months, who left us an suddenly seven years ago today. April 9, 1921. God s plan*, like lilies, pure and sweet, unfold: We must not tear the closed-shut leaves apart. Time will reveal the calyxes of gold. And if with patient toil we reach the iand Where weary feet, with sandals loos'd, may rest. When we can oleariy see and under stand Let us think that we shall say: God ki.oweth lest. God took our loved one from our home. But uevei from our heart* MUMSY AND POP. • NEW MAN. In sad but loving remembrance of my dear mother MARY NORRIB NEW. MAN who entered into eternal rest thirty two Tears ago Saturday r.ight. April 7. i 899 Silently the shailes of evening Gather around my lowly door. Silently they bring before me Faces I shvil see no more. Come the si’ent shades of evening, silently. Hoiy memory clusters around me. sßeotiy. Pointing tip to that fair heaven, silently. We may hope to rain at last. Oh. she shrouded and the lonely In our hearts they oensh not. Linked with untimely trouble We re still looking for its end. HER DEVOTED SOX. WILLIAM H. NEW MAN. • NOR TON. Saered to the memory of onr be loved brother. CHARLES « NORTON who departed this life twelve yeare ago today. April 9. 1916. SISTERB AND BROTHERS. • BABBITT. In loving remembrance of oar dear mother. ANNE RO>.\ RaBBITT. who entered into eternal rest three Tears ago April 9 192. Y HER LOVING CHILDREN. MARY HAMP TON and Randolph. • ROLLINS A tribute of love to the memory of my dear wife. MABEL VIOLA ROLLINS 1 nee Medley), who departed this Use two years ago today, Apri: 9, 1929. Just a ra.v of sunshine, leaned ns for a while: All too soon she vanished, with her golden smile. At the sunbeams glisten in the dewy I morn. Filling earth with gladness, so did she oar home. Long before the noontide a cloud spread . o'er the skies And blotted out our sunbeam and bid her from our eves We know *he still is shining, although we cannot see: May peace and r’adness be w;th her through all etemitv. HER HUSBAND. • SILL. Tn sweet memory of my dear and only daughter MABLE M SILL, who de parted this iife seven years ago today April 9. 1921. Sweet and loving in all her wire. MOTHER. • W OOD. In sacred memory of »>ur desrlv {BdJved husband and fath-r. R-CHARD WOOD, who left us lour years ago today. April 9. 1!<S» He is tone! He is gone: And who would chiui Hts soul to a wor!d like our# again? But. oh. the blank, tha drsoiate void. In hearts that hi* converse here emoved! So just and so loyal to »!' below— He 1* tons where tb- spirit* of ,:*t men go- WIPE AND SON. • FI XERAL DIRECTORS. Frank Geier’s Sons Co* 1113 SEVENTH ST. N.W. 9471 Modern Chapel Tt-ephooc tTI *> n ESTABLISHED 1876. JOHN R. WRIGHT CO. j .133? IQtn St. N.W. Phone North 47. CHAS! S. 2UR HORST 391 EAST CAPITOL ST. IPhone Lincoln 372. T: F. COSTELLO P. A. TALTAVULL IL J. T YLTAVI'LL, M«t. ! 43® 7th St. S.W. S». 187*. I no wKAxch orricK. Joseph F. Birch's Son tISA AC BIRCH • vftlA Y J «;* V \\ Phone Wrwt 9*. V.L SPEARE CO. Neither the successor* p! nor connected with the original \V R. Stv-a-e es:*b'!*h- SSi»»».,««. 1009 H St. N.W. FnrmrrtvJN# f SI. VW, J. Wli I.IAM I EF. Funeral Diverter and : Embalm**. Him tn vomirclton t'nns* ; illnus rhaprl. Modern CrenvMorlum*. M.ntee ; ate price* 33* Pa. Ate NAt Cull M 1303 W. Warren Taltavull 14th & Spring Rd. Col. 464 Herbert B. Nevius Funeral Home Otii.'k tYgiiiitevt, fiißs'ietit SensvY 4« t*H* •A,.* CAuee \V. W. Deal fir Co. Bid H *!' \ ■ LINtAH N 370 » ALMUS R.BPEARE ' SueC'YHiin* Ihe ortginal VV K Siv.iry Co 1623 Connecticut Ave. Potomac 4600 » jff. M.FNM It «f . 43 ev*. at »<* f »t Timothy Hanlon 8i t Jj - < \ - Wm. H. Sardo & Co. Private I inunisiue Ambulance V*s* Lincoln 524 ri NERAI DESIGNS GEO. C SHAFFER Our Only Store, 14th & Eve BLACKISTONE. 1407 H Peaufiful Fk>r*l IVYigns. 1$ hint up. - _ , CAI-L M AIN 3TU? P?owot Auto miSVafv Gude Bros, Co« Ui2 b St, •'~a~'Wl<EifriPUiiiir nun ~ 11 n i T^m _ JQNVKKm J. £. Smith Granite Co. i Tilt amt PtaakHa Y|*. N k. . 9