Newspaper Page Text
G. A. It. WILL HOLD SERVICE FOR GRANT Anniversary Rite to Be Ob served at Statue—Memo rial Day Plans Prepared. Plans for the observance of the birth day anniversary of Gen Ulysses S Grant next Friday and participation in the general Memorial day exercises May SO arc being made by the Department of the Potomac. Grand Army of the Republic. Departmental Comdr. William M. Bobb has issued an order requesting all auxiliaries to co-operate in the ex ercises in front of the Grant statiib in the Botanical Gardens Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock. A program is being pre pared under the direction of F. J. Young, department patriotic instructor. Attendance of the Woman's Relief Corps. Ladies of the G. A. R. and Sods and Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War is urged. Committee Is Named. The G. A R. members of the gen- j era! Memorial day committee, composed of representatives of various patriotic creanirations located in the District of Columbia, to make arrangements for the proper observance of Memorial oav at Arlington and other cemeteries al- , read\ have been appointed. They are: William M Bobb depart ment commander. Harry T. Dunbar, senior vice department commander. Frederick Shortsleeves, junior vice de partment commander: Henry A. John son. assistant adjutant general: E. D Godfrev. assistant quartermaster gen eral; John McEiroy. John Middleton. William F. Dorsey and John M Kline of Post 2; John M Young. O. H Old rovd. George H Kunsman and S G Bricker of Post 3: S, O Mawson. B W Bonnev. S. F. Hamilton and Walter Butler of Past 6: A. J. Whitaker. C V Pettevs. F. J. Young and H B Moul ton of Past 8: Nelson J. Booker. J. S Johnson. Alexander Freeman and Alex- , sneer Oglesby of Post No. Si- Services Set for June 7. The Department of the Potomac also is arranging for other observances j Services for departed comrades of the | organization who died during 1927 will j be held June 7 at 8 p.m. at G. A. R Hall. The adjutants of the five posts will prepare the program and the families and friends of deceased com rades are urged to be present. The celebration of the adoption of the Stars and Stripes by the United States as its national emblem will be held the evening of June 14 at the east front of the Capitol under the direction of the patriotic instructor of the department with the assistance of the patriotic instructor of the Woman's Relief Corps. i R. HARRIS & CO. —F STREET AT lITH An Entire Building FULL OF BEAUTIFUL THINGS Jewelry I Ioum: R. Harm & Co. j. F STREET. AT ELEVENTH h Ml TAX CUT IS G. 0. P. AIM Senate Leaders Plan to Off set Conceded Repeal of Aufo Impost. Ry thp Associated Press Conceding repeal of the automobile tax by the Senate finance committee when it takes up rate schedules m the j House revenue bill Tuesday. Senate ad ministration leaders planned yesterday to offset this loss by less of a cut in the corporation levy than counted on to keep within bounds of the Treasury limitation of $200,000,000. Repeal of the 3 per cent automobile tax was strongly opposed by Secretary Mellon, but despite his plea to the com mittee. Chairman Smoot, leader of the administration forces, believed today there had been sufficient defections in the ranks of Republicans on the com mittee to defeat the Treasury on this point. The auto tax involves $66,000,000. If this loss is to be offset Senator Smoot indicated his belief that the Republican group would favor a slash of only 1 per cent in the corporation tax to 12 per cent rather than the 1 a per cent cut previously agreed to. This would lower the reduction $41,000,000. Democrats meanwhile are standing firm for their $300,000,000 program, which includes not only repeal of the automobile tax. but a reduction in the corporation levy to at least ll » 2 per cent as voted by the House, or even 11 per cent. Senator Simmons of North Carolina, ranking Democrat on the committee, announced today he would put his program before the committee Tuesday The Republicans have a 11-to-9 ma jority on the committee, however, and are expected to stand together for a reduction pretty close to the $200,000.- 000 set by Mr Mellon and endorsed by President Coolidge This will throw the real fight to the floor of the Senate, where the Republican majority on paper j is only one. There were indications from Repub lican ranks that the committee would 1 vote to increase exemptions on theater , admissions from 75 cents to $3. The House voted to increase the exemption ! to $1 and this would mean an addition al $8,000,000 cut beyond the House bill The Democratic program calls for repeal of this tax and the tax on club dues as well as for the wiping out of other war-time levies on particular j business. The House has voted repeal of the auto tax and if the Senate concurs, that issue, at least, is settled. Ice hockey has just been introduced into Finland, and lovers of sports are takfhg to it. THE SEND AT STAB, tVASTTTN'GTO'N', r>. C.. APRITJ 22. 1328 -PART T. Monday & Tuesday Speciak for the Last Days of the Improvement Sale! * j ~ | Listen In— •' t ~, | Full-Fashioned | Ekonomy Kolumn j We’re on SatUfaction Since 18S9 Bemberg QA I ;W* *3‘” th ‘ A " lf| Hosiery OSfC j Three PicCCS „ S<^a - N IS Iwj (I jßk. <flj /Juufl I Slightly irregular, full-fashioned Bemberg Woolen mixtures in browns, tans / :.i0 we will speak to HAW ■ \M ■ /|OM |[ /Flj ■ /H\M I fra von 1 Stockings with a short lisle welt •i and gravs with the new single or vou f rom \\'RC He ■M\ Me I\B (MLS AMI M\ A*m\ \B B rajonj \\itn a snort HSie wen. double breasted coats and two- I \m\ B 1 w /MAM\B /fit B Shown in more than a dozen beautiful pairs of lined knickers. Light and sure to tune in—an im- , ■ Spring and Summer shades, dark patterns in sizes 7to 18 years. portant announcement ■ oinoio c ai c. xi nr I street Floor he made. m “ 810-818 Seventh St. N.W. street Floor Window Shades, 47c Seconds and odd sizes of oil emimmmemmmmmmmmermmmem opaque window shades, in plain , _ "" ,1 o p SdTMop‘ s ” 1 5?' ! BP a ’fgg And Now—A Parting Shot in the Sanitary, and In -I P Improvement Sale! 29c Curtain Hods, 19c / r; a ■ • ■ «■■■ ■ * Double rods for curtains and ; §; “mDggzftj ) / | f* i\ |k| |\ 1 W 1 j; *ggrrr |; . jmmL f 560 New Dresses and ensembles j ; — —l 11 “A*That Usually Sells for $lO and sl2 in tlniury p«cS gr " de j ®lf/ —" Ja J| \Vc started this great sale with a sensational value in _ j strcptF,oor | lm J M dresses, and now we close this event with another remark- A Women’s Vests, 19 C ' (K *'d)le offering of new Spring Dresses and Two-piece Ensem- wW m Sizes 36 to 44. ' rQ) ] W 'yU WHI CS °* “ ne SIIKS ail( ‘ WOOICTIS. l nion Suits, 39 c "Vm/ Practically every desirable new mode is represented —and of P finp ec checked nainsc^k™Double T \ ‘T, V the colors and fabrics arc undoubted)v the verv best this price seat, webbing in back. Sizes 2to W/y y U 'VJ AJ \ -j |)U r Women’s Union Suits, 50c A//Vr% ©eii/' M Perfect. Band-top union suits. vy.- \\ lliX Georgette Flat Crepe Crepe de Chine with shell or tight knee. Regular /A \LSLJ t V-\‘u f\i.A IBHf JRlji n . n . and extra sizes Double Extra sizes '/A Prints and Georgette Flat Crepe with Prints Women’s Knit Pants, 50c “W * \ :: Coin and Polka Dotted Silks Celanese Tweed and Silk Ensembles 79c^Bkached’sheets. I SiZCS 13 tO 48 “> seamed sheets. Good grade bleach- Vy V; ed cotton. Hurts are very trifling. * tIK \HW|TJit wV "or*-*- *" - WMSMBf BML. ’ 51.50 Seamless Sheets, 94c SlEBf/ HMI r f- ' • ■ a « ( - -• £KHH a lIBJSiB Another Opportunity for You :) n °' mwkmml ßßHhi to Off Every Spring Coat in Perfect 45x38’ 2 cases, of heavy L n TT‘ ImlV 1A IHln sheeting cotton. Note the extra •; ± +fc j lUngf \uvn \u\W>ygA|l ■Bl fl ■■■M m W S W W W T * ¥ Os M ‘ tes2 .^ ,i p-cL on^ ,h ilßlrAflßlWr Our Splendid and Varied Stocks il I f r $lO Coats Reduced to $7.50 .rsdixis I ISI \ $16.50 and $19.75 Coats Reduced to $12.37 » r r" 1 ‘ nd ;1| 4 p \ j $25 and $29.75 Coats Reduced to $19.75 With Coupon Only j And All Others to $7975 Proportionately Reduced Toodihrush* a 39c jp\ j The newest coats of fine silks and woolens in beige, gray, middy, black and colors, lavishly Each brush guaranteed per- / \ trimmed with furs or in sport types. New cape and other types included. s,r», n„,r : ;|i|i I \ Sizes 16 to 50 Boys’ $5 Coats, $3.69 j \ \ / IjT Second Floor—King’s Palace New Spring patterns, in all-wool / l \ V / j tweeds, casslmeres or black and w-tw 11 mM ■ is 2 Washable Silk Crepe ~a^. suitings in new patterns. Browns 1 MT \ P&UBB& }> tans and gray mixtures. Sizes 7 , , » 10 • . i „ Boys' Wash Suits, $1.15 I »nd Summer S tij« OC /frsPWM sSLIrVKr” I Favorite Fabric «P I I 4- Boys’ Sweaters, $1 For frocks, lingerie, linings, slips, blouses and children’s B YJ / \ Pullover, vee neck style, in rayon apparel—a beautiful 40-inch weave that will launder well and * / \ / ' rC** N StlwwaSd Wtore"' Sto^28 S tT36 look fresh and colorful for a long time. These delightful shades: '/ \ /tfv - a U Street Floor Orchid, Lucerne Blue, Mother Gooee, J'urquoiee, Coral, Almond, ' 1 / jMHjjg. / k p'\ With Coupon Only * Fehin Blue, Firegtou,. Old Ro,e. Navy, Seagull, Sunni, Swi; Roee, Mid- ft / oT_r 25c “I amhert’s night, Rote Beige, Louie Phillip, Nile, Black. r>- / • l,l^"^ ISc $1.25 Radiant Ray Rayon, yd. $C |. A $7 CA Slnrina Hate 29c Hair Nets, 19c Doz. A colorful new weave that is particularly adapted to the fashion- w JL JbCHV Avalon nets, guaranteed perfect. I m K »f smart frocks, childrens apparel and draperies, lustrous sur* !■ %/ Human hair. Single and double face, launders well and retains its color after many tubbings. More A C__ / * iL- C_/.U *1 mesh cap shape than twenty new shades. 1/ UV Are special in the improvement oale at 25c Rubber Pants, 19c _ 4 .... _ _ c , , , , , . _ Baby pants of pink, white or nat- SI 50 GeOl*Pette SI 79 Silk Taffeta vA hundred stunnmg new hats /K A A )i£e rubber Medium * nd ueurgeue urepe ohk lancia, ya. | are speciallv reduced as an added inccn . |R m m Cl ri Sewing Cotton, 9c Spool 1 ! hf Si 19 shades^o^'fov*e?v fpaMe 1 ! J1 J 9 tive for you to reap the benefit of our i White, mercerized cotton, high- georgette in more than tis- ■•1 if tones. Exceptionally sash- I need for space during this rearranging #D aUU T R / n a l e ~4 00 * y,ird spo ° lß - ln ,PPn Spr,nK * nd Sun,mfr 1 ionable for frocks,' trim- 1 teca tor space during tms rearranging Us |f sk-es 40 to 70. shades including black. 39 mings and Summer wraps. \ ■ $1 Stamped Fallows, 59c inches wide 35 inches wide. ro, ■ Black sateen tope or scarfs to ■■ ■ ■ 1 1 lie newer fashions, large hats of match Lovely patterns stamped _ _ c...;-- 1 • j- , tor simple embroidery. TA f* JUS 1 »7A D J* Nwiss hair, medium and small types ot 69c Stamped Scarfs, 49c DtfC UaZe IViarVel /»€ KaCIIOUX fine straws, crochet, visca, pedalire, | Tmue Gingham, yd. Chiffon Prints, yd. I ! 54-inch square luncheon cloth ot A beautiful new rayon and An all rayon fabric in (■> black. The feminine note is stressed ***?*«i« V 1 •50 firm, unbleached cotton, stamped cotton mixed fabric hi checks 9 J\J verv charming patterns- LO . „,!« i,« L Ts ” T I in new designs. Hemstitched hem. and plaids s decidedly smart %/%/• r h rc ks. plaidsNtripes and •\X/ % mam lace-trimmed types are noted. All * St Yd ScmTSd SS2. d m£S£‘ dOl n in,, nlif r , g|OC •!» and all stylos for all occasions. Gaces, *. v Gay colors, combinations of light and dark dark colors. Will launder and all colors 38-inch allover laces, especially overtones and broken checks predominate. beautifully and is fast color. j owree* Moor King. Palate desirable for fashioning new Street Floor—King s Palace blouses, trimmings and children's " isL to soc siik - - j Certaii)teed 1,/°“'™ Prohab,y Y aiHn *I°l rAi * £ ";‘ — ! S 1,500 Dainty Wash Frocks Floortex ,“•* lr "“ Fverv One Neiv and Charming i uuiwcar ef.HTui',<r For want of abe nan,.- *, c,H tlmm ***» A*7- I, , c . p<! , ull tO RQ 3 (]arda for 10c wash frocks hut they ;irt- so very prett) sk c y » A In a opecial oale \ | (D J Bhlrt pearls ln three sizes. the term does not do them justice. He- |D B * * jL A \ \ Two-hole Hon a card. mure stV Ie s for the | : pf t , N*»e Veil., 2'h ~ f"IWI isl colorr,!'pnupT 1 M \*T pockrt* that look like rStmhm the na lilc. !iT(i« ,, "oTora” o,< ”' r ,ll “' k ‘ W " I gay flowers, large or- block, rtoral and hardwood street Floor \' 1) tjandv collars ami such. And then designs in lovely color com- BKB Men’s 79c Union Suits, 55c ri W for the more conservative woman hinationv Bring your room UJ WBH 0,,,11,,,i,-» w-i,i>mK >ui,i ~,Hr . ’ 'j l I a|pyw simple, stl’nigllll me afiuirs with be- - -$o Men’s 69c Shirts and coining veytees ami <<'ll,u > "i ton Cfte r«dim»ssil Hill Oil Suoh names Ault WUUamson. Dr Lewu. Dr. Hopku-. Drawers 490 Park \l^\ bBBB , Iraslmg fabrics. All have pockets otic Certainteed Hail jjp Rice A Hutchins and Arch-Pitta—these are the shoes that go tote th.- q<khl nsiiieoob ktiiirtiK «iyu «Mru i and little tie sashes. Kinumo and Runner Yard lt nu-k h ,m »U« i« t„ nrt a to, urKM»!*n*iii \ Runner, i sra, Black and tan kids, black petent. honey-moon gray kkb and com- J ~io*i 1 *f*jl* Li, 1 *** 10 60 E * , ‘' >4r fi mSiA set-ill sleeves. WnaUom of Uo leathers or evdora Men’s Snort Hose 29c dmlwid Enalish Prints Perfect quality, attractoe | Si s«« 3t09 in Width* Ato TripU E rormar BOa !S J, . . , » # I # l. patterns on blue, tan knd rose Oonatructod with steel arch supnort, cxunbrnaMon task toath- \ ut,‘ v li'iMen.eii imw with liiirii «piiiWilf wjj 1 ■>, BBwM IVlflf# 1 #! Iftotulclotlt I*oral motils m counter. IcAthcr toe-box and *very other comfort device known u i!r*'!„i„/» ,, ,^,iJlr'»' * ,8< '* 4 * pistil* I’tyr J ksMpa modern color effects. modem shoe making. sLsV.IW* ""'fs . I! —aawaartg— , -'M«A«l£nur' I , r,*n® Rayon Undergamwnt, i f' T( '.'‘T! Vri, V' "'^rVTi* 11 ; V # , Bprtn> and Summer n HTw * !?*"" ■:1 ’rlidiwti \ ( v •"f ,I *“' »»d »H the gayest, lovclKst New cuilams «f mu dteri undergarmem* >o» can sureb hitflU w dire for A|M ne< ktoiiiS I*/le«. , u inlurs, labile stitched with colored damty undies and »'tll save enough tor th* little aeeva- II L Men s $1,69 I'ajamns, $1.15 ■ " SizcH Isl to rayon or banded with ihrcr sorlea you desire, Puretuumg in quantity ta advocated vime ftime** in i>i«n, ,„!,»■ «,„i ‘ inch inset of rose, gold or blue i Gowm ruffled eostuine slips, chemise, shorts, petti- SS W All 1,, immf p»| lame pin'istifd wiih remit Hct uiui Fleer—King's Pelaee ■ a von coats, step-ins. French panties, bloomers and seats. W W* Imre (loot, e,m e«« kst, Hue, a J All sisos bcludtng ih« double extra to htoowera, chemtoe and rasta fltre*l Floor Third Fleer—King's Palace t| Pink, peach, idle, orchid, white and coral Street thw • ■ ,l /' 1 f 7 " 17