RITCHIE AT LAUREL ARMORY CEREMONY Governor and Other Notables Review Guardsmen and Speak at Dedication. £;>■ i;< in The Sii»r. LAUREL, Md., April 20.—Qov. Albert C iHchic and other notables took part in the dedication today ot Laurels Na- LMiftl cjuarcs Armory. The governor s P.u).- Reeovering his sanity after 20 years' confinement in the State Hospital. Grant Poole. 55. now faces trial tor the slaying of Mrs. Jennie I. Orvis. shot to death as she was leaving the Meth odist Church in the village of Oakfield on May 31. 1908 Alienists have reported that he has regained his sanity. His trial on a charge of first degree murder has been set for the May term of court. ! Sigmunds Coats—Suits—and Dresses! j ♦ In a Sensational Offering! At the Lowest Price Levels of the Spring Season! * ♦ Just Arrived! Another Shipment of > We’ve Just Received 500 More Pretty t NEW SPRING ( NEW SPRING | !#Cg\ts Frocks « i ♦ OF CLOTH AND SILK • < 0F CREPE ♦ ♦ \ AND GEORGETTE /WiMp% t mp tf 5 f! ♦ ‘WBeHTS H H 4o i /t to soy% V " y <««/»#• son I IHH Regular $19.75, $25.00 \ Regular SIO.OO, SIS.OO jl§||§|® ♦ t 1 »||l and $30.00 Values! and $20.00 Values! WmmaM ♦ % \ Os fine Satin, Twill, Georgettes, New Print*, ♦ 5 |\ Flannel, Kasheen, Fine Crepes, Over JjßlfP * ♦ | % Bengaline and j/r SALE Prints and Com- IJf-.. j f ljj\ % % I I Broadcloth. binations. M ♦ / Second /?/ Swagger NeW Second St \ l i! / ,SrH yW' SPORT SUITS H. \\ | ;; | JW/' A fortunate , timely \l j ♦ <, h JBvs purchase of much higher M i1 f 1 ♦ 4 JP/S priced garments! H * ! I y \ jgr/y' Jaunty Suits of attractive light-weight On Safe 1 4 * (t Jy/s worsteds and sport mixtures. Nicely Second Floor \NoSk 5 \ ♦ JO/yr lined with crepe and other durable mate- W a » Siemunds ♦ J J ( rials. Exceptional in style, quality and Vs* \ o Joyy value! In a variety of pretty modes! j BdtpmßasemntSakj j j Spring Coats Silk Dresses j jj What a Glorious Assort - Exceptionelly attractive Spring Styles! Spring Col- Values 77taf Have Made ♦ <► ment of Smart New Styles S.°*!* of . *?*!? nrw or*! Spring Fabrics! Every Sigmunds Basement f amous J o to Choose From! veiling Turred end furless mod- wom * n in need of frock * ♦ 8* el,. In .h.dc. of N.vy. T.n on.kf .v.r* .#ort (o * Iv> ,%omundk ip 1 / viifi 4 Ml' r rfsL Wu ~r 'tkmJMF t f tl sil S n as T^e corner } URGES “PANORAMA PARK’’ AT FORT LINCOLN SITE Fine Arts Commission Approves Suggestion—Group Inspects Location. I A suggestion that a "panorama park” be created at the Fort Lincoln site has received indorsement of the Pine Arts Commissions. The commission considers that this is a matter which could be taken up with the National Capital Park and Planning Commission in co JEWELERS PLATINUM SMITHS DIAMONDS A N D Other Precious Stones Member* of Amsterdam Diamond. Exchange j o/t.oKcifin oJnc. Thirtu-suc Years at t 935 F Street ADOLPH KAHN ARTHUR J. SUNDLUN President Treasurer I operation with the Maryland commis sion. Under the proposal the park wdttld Join the suggested Port Drive, which connects with Anacostia Park. The Fine Arts Commission made an inspec tion trip to Port Lincoln yesterday, as well as to Meridian Hill Park. , # Probably the mos: famous air serv ice in the world is that between London and Paris During the Summer season Imperial Airways conducts three flights in each direction daily. Included in which there is both a de luxe and a second-class service. SHOWS SUGAR PROCESS. The process of sugar making will be explained In a moving picture, fllmcc ! in Vermont, at the annual Vermont sugar party, to be held in the Pres« Club ballroom tomorrow evening Gov. Weeks, who will be accompanied 1C 7D.U I 1 ' '‘‘S' 1 Genuine Q I Genuine Tone I Tone Rending Jp# ■ I KRYPTOK Vs | , § or Distance W I ,| Glasses Wft 1 Regular $7.00 I lense* — ? P outfit. I Q uaranlee j l,t Complete I quality. | l| DR. CHAS. FORIGHT ASSOOATKD WITH I Opticians D. ALPHER Main I'j.r.tr. 915 G St. N.W. 2875 I i by Mrs. Weeks, will be the only speaker | of the evening, and will tell the Ver ! monters of the reconstruction work ap ing carried out in the Green Mountain State following the disastrous flood of last November Wages in Denmark are being reduced. 11 ■■—1 ■■■■■■■■■■■ 19