Newspaper Page Text
OFFICERS TRANSFERRED, j Jlaj. N A. Harper Comes to Gen* ; eral Dispensary Here. Mk.i Samuel J. Randall, Dental Corps has been transferred from Fort Myer. Vs., to Ohio State University. Colum bus; MaJ Neal A Harper. Dental Corps, from Ohio State Uriversitv to the Gen-; real Dispensary, Washington; Mai. Cleveland C Glee. Corps of Engineers, from Fort Leavenworth. Karts, to Fort Humphreys. Va.; Lieut. Col Reginald H Kelley. Infantry, from Arrnv War College, this city, to duty with the Min nesota National Guard at St. Paul; C 01.432 -§ ■ ii a Col. 432 r Calls H 92 l s: t t v UNDERTAKING SERVICE S3OO Funerals for $195 $l5O Steel Vaults for SBS We have the finest embalmcrs obtainable W F Elliott, our manager, is as high class a funeral director as there is in town His experience covers a lifetime. Get the best at one-half the old-time undertakers’ prices. Call W. W. CHAMBERS CO. Th« Brownstonr Funeral Home Cor. 14th 5 Chapin Sts. N.W. Col. 432 sew ■ - - I II ■ X _ GENUINE python Jj/N <>i ni'T^ib Capt. William N. Thomas, Corps of En gineers. from Pittsburgh to Fort Hum- I phreys; First Lieut. John W. Wofford, j2d Cavalry, from Fort Riley, Knns., *to 3d Cavalry. Port Myer: Capt Wil liam F. Gent. Infantry, from Infantry School. Fort Benning. Ga.. to the Ma rine Corps School. Quantico. Va.. and First Lieuts Newton Longfellow and Charles P Prime, Air Corps from Mitchell Held. Long Island, to the office of chief of Air Corps. Munitions Build ; ing. -• ■« A girl who has just left scluiol will be the mayoress of Holborn, England She is Miss Gladys Clark, only daugh ter of Councilor Albert John Clark TIT'S SrXPAY STAR. WASHIXGTOX. T>. C.. APRIL 22. 1928-PAPT T. __ REED TO TALK TWICE NEAR WILSON BIRTHPLACE Senator Announces Itinerary for Tour Beginning on April 25. | fly the Asfirti'intrd Pres#. Senator James A Reed, candidate for j the Democratic nomination for Presi dent, announced yesterday 'hat he had i accepted invite.ti ms to speak m Clif ton Forge nd Covington. Va.. en the night of April 2j The two towns are located in he > ivy.vssioual distuct In ! wht-'h W)o<iro'v 'Vilson was born. I Senator Reed's nrospectivs itinerary for the week follows April 25. 2 p.m. Lewtsburg W Va.; oo ii 25. 7:30 pan . J Covington. Va : April J:» 9 pan. Clifton j Forge. Va.; April 16. Huntington. W. I Va.: April 27. Mansfield Ohio. Reed’s \ birthplace; April 28 130 p.m. dev iat'd. Ohio, and April 2d. R pan . Akr n. Ohio. , SMOOT SCAMS PAY PLAN. j Utah Senator Believes Some Action Possible This Term Senator Smoot. Republican of Utah, j and chairman of the Senate finance I committee, said yesterday he Is making a study of data relating to a proposed j plan of salary increases in the Govern ment service, but was not ready to dis- J cuss the question in detail because he j has not completed his survey. The Senator indicated he. believed j I there is a chance for action on the i i subiect at this session His only ref- j erence to the form the legislation should j lake was that it should be worked out on a scale rather than a fiat increase. SHIPPING NEWS Arrivals at and Sailing* From New York * DUE TODAY. Manuel Ainu*—Cadi* .April 11 Ulna—Port Ltmnu April 14 Madison—Norfolk . April 21 DUE TOMORROW. , Aralde—Antwerp April la > Stiivamrpifoml—Oslo .April 111 ( Ei-edeHk V)ft—Oopenhasen.. April 12 ; Minnesota—London ~ April 14 j Ualtie— Liverpool .....April 15 f'arnwnla—Liverpool April I* : N>w 1 ork—Hamhin e April 13 i American Ranker —London April [4 1 Fori Victoria —Bermuda ...April 12 f t’ristolial—rriatohal April 15 I’oatpo—Santo Doniituo \priLll Porto Rii-o—San .loan ... April IS | Dix e——New Orleans April IS DI E TUESDAY. Olyniple—Soulnampton . April IS lie de Frame —Havre April IS i Thttrineia—•tamlmrir April If > Byron—Piraeo* April . Araguaya— Bermuda April 22 Mnnarso—Nassau April 21 DUE WEDNESDAY. I’ , t'*idrnie Wilson—Trieste April 111 | Western World—Rtieno* Aires . “April 5 DUE THURSDAY. Ileltfenland " orld eruise. Roussillon Bordeaux Aoril 1(> Rerninda—Bermuda April 24 DUE FRIDAY. Mnurelniia—Southampton . • .Aprill2l Volsodam—Rotierdam Aoril 11 . Hamilton —Norfolk . • . April 7H DUE SATURDAY. Mat 111 a — Trmidnd Jefferson —Norfolk April 21 lit TOOINO STEAMERS. SAILING TOMORROW. Keh cnee —Southampton. City ot Kobe—Alexandria SAILING TUESDAY. West Eldar,i—Antwerp. SAILING WEDNESDAY, t! -orse Washington— Br men. Hl,nr—Hr n ill j liereoct ri.—Southampton I lot lin—Diemen SAILING THURSDAY. s.acapor i< l;—Helsineiors American Ranker—London, i i:v of Alton —Rotteediim SAILING FRIDAY, i Arabic-—Antwerp lie de Flame—Havre. I Oh mine— Southampton ! Duilio--Genoa ! Carmanis—London SAILING SATURDAY. America—Bremen j Western Ktti£l!t —Capetown j Roltsmant—Rotteidam. ! Baltic—Liverpool. • Frederick VIH-—Copenhagen, j SlacanEert'ord— Bergen, j New York—Cherbour*. Manuel—-Barcelona, Scythia— la vet poo! M inuesota—London “ * Births Reported. .lohe ami Daphne Anamatero* hoy. AA ouster N. find Zulu M. Hallies, girl. John awl Hilda A. Koschei troy. ,i*i R and Virginia L Brown. riri. AVilliam T and '.’atherine A. Burroughs i lire Arnolit B and Clara A l ave imy Henry and Lillie Cnmdnev. girl. R.chard E am! Alice M. Cozzen*. twin i hoc* j I.awreiwv J ami Elizabeth M Curley, girl Knoll >od Dorothy A Dunbar. t>oy. Arthur and Bessie Eckert boy j Franklin and Agnes M Farrell girl. Albert A and Florence Finhsman, boy John t and Elsie G Gait hoy A '••lint C and Doroihv Kleic. girl. Charles A and tails R Green boy. Mo helr amt Carmel* Crifolic irov. Willie T and Margaret L Guthrie boy Roland M and Anna L, Hudson boy tewis K am! De’la E MaHinslv. hoy. S Edward AA' and Charlotte Mar hoy, John AA anj Augusta f. Morris girl Frr lertek Tt and Helen V Phitltn* hoy William H and Catherine PrewxMt girl Charles amt Esther R. Rich girl Janie* A and Edna F Rolcerts hoy. Paul .1 and Lillian F. Ror*r*. hoy. Andrew J and V-ola F ShaWer hoy. Morris and Ulr shnoch eirl Emmet» D and Winnie Siwldarth boy. Noel G .ami Vila G Sutter* girl. Vittorio end Febastiara Trapani bov Thom*. H and Mar.-arel Tremearn* girl William and Be««ie Vail* t>ov. Arthur F and Edna M. Vanderlimten girl I’cwv AV, ami Ellen Bowman, girl ’ homa* amt Flossie Campbell hoy. Home and John Carter, hov Robert H and Martha f, Gaskin*, hoy James and Beatrice la'»i* girt. .hr>c and KlrMheth Dmmnsan hoy Eltrrth T and Edna Washington, girl ■' 1— —- A Trained Organization /" —to efficiently serve mankind is one of the reasons for our success. We en • dcavor at all times to render the high est standard of mor tuary service. Model j chapel. Private am ✓ bulancea. Just phone Perry & Walsh Morticians I CIVIL ENGINEERS MEET WEDNESDAY Annual Convention of Ameri can Society Will Bring National Figures. Bringing national figures in the pro- ; session to the Capital, the annual con vention of the American Society of ; Civil Engineers will get under Avay at ! Ihe Hotel Washington Wednesday ; morning. Secretary Hoover and Dr. Lyman J. ! Briggs, assistant director of the Bureau of Standards, will address the opening session. At noon Wednesday the en gineers will be received at the White House. Dr. Briggs will outline the work of the bureau in his address. Every fa cility of the Institution will be placed at the disposal of the engineers for their sessions. A special committee, headed by Starr Truscott and including E R. Frisby and W A. Slater, is co operating with officials of the local so ciety in working to obtain greater co operation between the bureau- and members of the engineering craft in the future. Avery to Extend Welcome. C Dwight Avery ; president of the District of Columbia section of the so i ciety. will urcside at the opening ses sion. District Commissioner Dougherty Mill give the address of welcome. The response will be by Lincoln Bush of Orange. N. J.. president of the national organization. Women visitors will be entertained by a committee of which Mrs Hoover Is honorary chairman, and Mrs Charles H Tompkins, chairman Their aides are: Mrs. Avery. Mrs. Harrison Brand j jr : Mrs Carey H. Brown. Mrs. Owen B • French. Mrs Francis F. Gillen. Mrs. ' John B Gordon. Mrs. N. C. Grover. I Mrs. Charles B. Hawley. Mrs. John C. I Hoyt. Mrs Edgar Jadwin. Mrs Edwin j W. James. Mrs. Benjamin E. Jones Mrs E. Lester Jones, Mrs. O. C. Merrill. Mrs I Richard Park, Mrs. George R. Putnam. Mrs Brrhon B. Somervell. Mrs. Her i man Stabler. Mrs. Harry Taylor and i Mrs. James H Van Wagenen. General Committee. The general committee on arrange ments consists of Mr. Avery, chairman: E. W. James and D. H. Sawyer. Other committees are: Reception—J. H. Van Wagenen. chairman; C H Birdseye. H. K. Bishop. William Bowie. W. N. Brown. J. S Conway, Lieut. Col. U. S Grant. 3d; N C. Grover. C. B Hawley. Col. H. Lester Jones. L. R Lohr, F H Newell. T. W Norctass G. A. Ricker. D. H. Sawyer. May B B Somervell, G. B. Strickler. Charles H. Tompkins. Mr. Truscott and E F Wendt Registr&tion—W. E. Parker, chairman; E H. Pagenhart and H. A. Seran. Finances—John C. Hoyt, rhair ;man; A. H. Horton, W. H. Richards, ] jr.. and D. H. Sawyer. DANCE FESTIVAL PLANNED BY COMMUNITY CENTER 200 to 300 Children Are to Take Part in Demonstra tion. Between 200 and 300 children will take part in the third annual dance and music festival of the Community Center Department in the auditorium o? the Central Center. Thirteenth and Clifton streets, the afternoon of May 5 at 2 o'clock, according to the extensive plans being made for this event. The festival is being arranged under the direction of a committee of com munity secretaries, with Mrs. Alice C ; Driscoll as chairman. It will take the form of a demonstra tion of work done during the past Win ter in the centers of recreation, and will include not only a program of dance and interpretive rythm numbers by groups representing classes in all centers in division* I-fl but also a de monstration of the "melody way" of music instruction and orchestral num bers. under the direction of Miss Edith B. Athev and Mrs. Laura Ward, who are in charge of classes after schoot hours in many centers Another feature of the festival will b" a demonstration of miniature airpiancr by the souths of the city in connection with the D. C. Miniature Aircraft tournament, now in progress under the auspices of the Community Center De partment Deaths Reported. I. » following Heath* have liren repm-ted to the Health Department in the past. 2 4 hour* : Florence AV. Schley. 04 I.IIA New Hamp , *htee arentie, Su<*r> AV Berry, HO 2801 Adam* Mitt | l-'lSit Cornelia A, farmyard 84. 1838 Kenvrm si reel. Carrie It Evan*, 8.1 I2ln sixteenth *!reot Found* RMdett, s.i 2217 Washington >-ir ole. Mantaret Potk*lm> 75. 11 111 Rohm*on street southwest Geneva M, Hunter, 71 172 Tmlit t’Uee northeast Rn hard F Keneti. k «0 t.ldl East Cap itnl street .Henry B Birch, fit. 053 N street south ! Henry E Eroh 50 110 Pennsylvania ave nue Frank 0. Fnnes 4t 2010 Bettevne ter ry. * Charles L Durham 38 La Plata Hlxhaav, AVltla W .lame* 30 213 F *nx*et. I’hvlli* K Milier 20, 1021 T tdrtyt. lieor** Day 17 Georteloww Ho-mtal. Juiuata I’i'lW 4 I’roviitence Hosnital j Frame* Coleman 80 2011* F *tiv*el. t Martha Green 75 Gallincer Ho* pit,a I i Cl'irlr* D. Hall 73 Garfleld Heishis , intltea«t Hu.anne Brawn. 72 017 Caiian street j -ouiheast Joseph G. Grave*.»Jr. OH 20 G street j Alfred 1-ewu for A«ed and In- j j th m i John Bailee 50 ep route Emergency Hu*- ! mist Emma Bridcefm-d 54 340 Elm street Alice n ulard 50 715 It lonic Island ave ope. Lucy M Flsiher 32 CniitnOrla Hospital. Sadie Redmond 31 Tuhei-cu!o*i* Hospital Roivert Butiei 21 ritltercplosi* tlospiint j mmmm j t OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT AT EISEMAN'S, 7th & F ! CLYDE J NICHOLS. Inc. UNDERTAKERS 4209 9th St. N.W. Clyde J Nichols, l‘re*. Em merit Vic* I'resldeul Mecrelnn 4V H Bpen re l it. I’hoiie Col. t>324 llyan Service Is Worthy rif vmtr every cnusiiteiatlou in that H Icive* tiotlitii* undone to render a perfuct mortuary service liny or ittklii we are rradv to nuawti vnur call I Funeral |mrlftr tnisali amiutiaocr iiid I'verv in i imic. , Hoc James T. Ryan Puimul iHrw tut .117 l*a, Av«. S.I; It li |thouc Mlniitii l /oo |ft) j THE WEATHER | District of Columbia—Cloudy, prob- j ably rain today and tonight; tomorrow fair and slowly rising temperature. Maryland—Rain today and possibly tomorrow; not much change in tem perature. Virginia-Rain today and tonight; tomorrow fair. West Virginia—Cloudy, with rain to day and tonight. Colder In west por tion : tomorrow fafr and slowly rising! temperature. Record for 24 Hours. Temperature—Midnight. 51; 2 am..: 48: 4 a.nt.. 45, fi am.. 44; 8 a.nv. 45; 1 I 10 a.m„ 48; 12 noon. 47: 2 p.m.. 47; | | 4 p.m 44; 6 p.m., 44; 8 p.m., 43, 10j p.m.. 42. i Highest. 49; lowest, 42. | Temperature same date last year— I Highest, 83; lowest. 61. Tide Tables. : (Furnished by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Today—Low tide, 4 34 am. and 5:20 | pm.: high tide, 10:28 am. and 11:02 I p.m. Tomorrow’—Low tide, 5:31 and 6:17 p.m.; high tide, 11:22 a.m. and 11:58 p.m The Sun and Moon. Today—Sun rose 5:21 am,: sun sets 6.53 p.m. Tomorrow—Sun rises 5:20 a.m.; sun sets 6:53 p.m. Moon rises 7:53 a.m.; sets 11:22 p.m ' Automobile lamps to be lighted one half hour after sunset. Weather in Various Cities. « Tenippi'A t u re. Erect pi - Max Mill tation H > Hat. Fri sat pm to onlay nnrlit h p.m « n m. Asheville N C 02 50 .">* o.jej Atlanta. Ga M 58 78 u J•• Allanlic Citv N J... 4H | .i | n;tj ! Hall more Md 5P I - .’ to o':m Kirmiiurham Ala.. .. 70 n-.’ .Am i ,*>i; ! Bi«marck, N Dak... 58 22 52 . .. Boston Mas* ts ::t it .... | Buffalo. N Y .... Hi 28 oJp rhieatro HI.. 14 :;k 47 .... | t incirinati. Ohio <it 40 jh 1 f»i ( hryenne IVvn .‘ill 20 30 n il* j ripvelnnd <rhm 4«> .30 to lis 1 Davenport Inna.. . ,V.’ 30 .'»u | Denver. Gtdo 32 .37 30 rt.lri I : Is-* Moines 10wa.... 52 to 57 078 | Detroit. Mich 40 37 o7t ; Duluth. Mum.. 38 3u 38 012! iEI Paso Tr-X 70 52 •'.<* I Galveston. Tex 7t ns to .... ! (Helena Mont 5 B 3K 50 Didiauanolis 1nd.... 4* in t 2 184 jJacksonvdie Fla 84 no 74 .... j K:oi«a« t’ltv .Ml 50 4-8 Little Rn-k Ark... HO 54 58 222 j Los Amreles Calif.... 72 54 »r'i .... I Lmiisville. Ky «»I |ii 52 ) »4 , Marui'ette. Mich 4« 30 ... j Memphis Tenn 04 50 02 100 | Miami. Fla so 74 7 0 ... i Mobile. Ala.. . 7 4 40 72 .... [ New Orleans La,. .. 82 72 70 . . t New York. N V.. , . 48 38 40 012 ! North Platte. Neln. . 50 40 5h .... i Omaha. Nehr 48 to 48 j Philadelphia Pa 50 40 42 048 ’ Phoenix Ariz 74 50 74 .. . . Pntsliurch. Pa 50 42 50 0,88 I Portland .Me 4430 40 Portland nice., 50 40 50 030 s.ilt Lake f'Uv Utah. 5n 30 50 |St Louis Mo 50 40 52 077 i Si. Pan! Minn 52 30 40 .. . 1 B;,n Antonio Tex ~7 4 70 70 .... '8 mi Piciro. Calif . . riti 52 04 .... j Wan Francis***. Calif. *4B 5 2 00 . . Santa Ee N Mex... »4 38 32 0 oil 1 Savannah Ga 82 77 .... i seal fit- W:i«h 50 4 4 5 4 0481 j SorinzfteM 111..,,,.. 50 4 4 50 074 iTamna. Fla... so 08 7« ! Toledo Ohm t" 3*4 .38 ! <lB Yiek*btirc. Mis* ... 78 77 00 lift} [WASHINGTON DC. 40 44 43 .... MESSENGER FOR WAR DEPARTMENT DIES •T. A. Davis, Colored, Had Held Post More Than Ten Years. Active in Fraternal Groups, i John A. Davis. 66, a colored messen ger In the office of the chlef-of-stafl of | the W'ar Department for more than 10 ; years, dipd at his home. D 33 S street Friday night. He was born in Washington and taught school in Manassas. Va. He was connected with many fraternal socie ties. being historian of the Oldest.ln habitants. and for many years treasure: and warden of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, where funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 1:36 o'clock. He ts survived by a widow and three children. Prof Allison Davis, a gradu ate of Williams College. Massachusetts and now qp instructor at Hampton In stitute; a daughter. Dorothy Davis a student at Wellsley College, and a vounger son, attending Dunbar School In this city. WILSON’S DOUBLE QUITS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES French Official's Resemblance to ! Late U. S. President De clared Striking. Corretpondenea ot ihe Associated P-<-<«. PARIS.—The late President Wilson's double, M. Bonnet de Paillerets, will br' missed from his familiar seat at the Palais Bourbon, when the new cham ber assembles. Tall. slim, gray-haired, distinguished looking. with keen eyes flashing behind , nce-ne*. the resemblance xvas striking and startled American visitors. He was. however of a retiring disposition, rarely speaking M Bonnet de Paillerets had intended seeking re-election for Marvejoto, a con- j stituenev In the south of France But learning that his colleague and senior in point of service, the Marquis de C' ambrun planned also to stand there, j he at once withdrew. KOI’NIK ~~ " ~ FOR LOST A VIM Ai S fim'lv Antivisi hcm-tM Icm.-ii* I4U Murrl iuit i»* *vt Alain BUSB LIWl” j HAG <-mifiiii>ir«: 4 W.wted v <-»'* with nwitjes I mnl .liliiir- m each i*ni>. 11l AA |« 4 ,A, I-I lium I7lli tu.l V A .am- in- mi Kciml- I wnrlli cm Rcwmxt Full l.m.<iln 71M40-J. I RARPIN while yin uw ~t 5 itmiy down center PtciiM I'.ill C'nl 2075 Atit 435 rew aril ! iiox • ii'i April 1! in -iniiuumr di-irs.-i snrill ki.iv Inix with severni xiAicle* of S (ewclrv ui«iit E Notify teksnttonv ! Mlitdlebiiot \ 1 N'i 21 : HO\ s r a INFO \T that was left 111 the font cue that c,lined inv imv htune frnm Oxtm j | Hill Si limit Anri I I* Icate at ! ( m l Slctz - store Oxen llllt, Mit lUtoorit iliainnint and ntHtinuni Reward | it returned to cashier. AA'illanl lintel. 23* I ISRoiU'H iiimni Imsi', l»nc> ntnunttny i Mu Ilnwen Rutland i mills North 7i'st it' II in! * : liItOOFH nlatnuim cl with ncarf* mi,l fti imnuits in vii iuitv us Army and Navy , j ijnti Reward Telenhnne Adam* litOT j* ANF *5 reward unld In inn *>ne return ! im 1 me nf Oriental wood with slyel ferrule j and nsturai growth Inn siin was tell ini seal iH mirth vnlmi Mt Pit-as ant car on Fn j Inmln tid d near mlddav lasi Fndav F ine has no meat * tine cv-eid a sentinwntal i»ne in my tier Return to Ant 103 Srhll' Ifl' I Arm* Midi 1 nlnmtiia id • * KYKUI.ANSFS Fiadav until in t'lalUn ea»" l«t ween New A nrk ar and Bey ant *1 N Fan amt t»| 11 w .Reward Return t" 21 8 »| It W I FIBER F ASE emit itniinf > mini" ladle-' ; shoe* on m tieai 7th st l.ihvial ivw uyt, j Fall Fnl »2«5 73• FOX TERRIER-' Black and while l w ttl Ant 11 13 reward Address linx 37-J Stai ..|ln e FI li NFFKi'lFl'l' Ala leu yy fi mse -e deni i d Same.! Fhnrch 01 In vtoinitv J id t |ih md Fdbuilhlit id Reward Fnl 5512 * i<l.\Bßt s hum run* in lluffei A Shinn . sse lie.i I'hiii td iy < all Fnl 53l»Il Reyvavd M1.5884* i.i.1.l nusenlece nin attached '■ tsili and l alii. .lllll Till md I* ot Vermont j ay« and N Fait Mam d thht Mm < m Sdioni 1 HAN'IUtAi! n.itent leather lett m autiuno- Idle Thm»dav nlulit mi Defense Mtnhwav : AA ill owtiei* ot cai kindly lelurii to Davi* since at M»la Md m call »V*t 3<>3d * i Hew at,j HORSE *1111)1 Inaiwn Nnlifv Dr Bavne Oxoil Hill Md • i.yOA 8 BAG on tllli St lieiwren N Y are and Fairmont *t Fmiiained two checks cadi «ta«*e* etc Hew aid ottered Mr* It A Film Hmd 22* MONOGRAM FIN Initial T R II Emdei nlease call I ill til.lll Ant 308 the \iamune * Nose uI.AHSKs mi D »i ne is-lween tlthl and I*l »u Fall Emculu "otiJ OiA funii H-n' i ABF ld.u k llßc, l.’veney ly ad'll chaiiae nl autuire! etc irmn am. I runnins Board Reward A,Ulus 58131 RING Peari and .liaiunud i‘emi*y|vani* Haul N \ in VA .shnui.m Amat i*in Idieiki teward Addles* Bo* ’ill* Slyi dhee A* v '«* iAlxl ne 1 »*l *s hon,e I > | n I*, w P's* i i “* " holla I nin hinmo Friday I Ninth p’l* : aft*, a o m || DEMOCRATIC LAWMAKER I RESTING COMFORTABLY Representative Oldfield's Conditie*’ Satisfactory After Operation, Say Frlend3. Representative Oldfield of Arkansas, the Democratic House whip, was said last night to be resting comfortably from the operation he underwent yes j terday morning for appendicitis. I? also was said at his Capitol office that physicians regarded his condition as sat isfactory and that no complications had developed. During the day Rep resentative Garrett of Tennessee, the Democratic House leader, obtained an \ indefinite leave of absence from the ! House for his colleague. Representative Tilson of Connecticut, the Republican House leader, expressed j regret over Mr. Oldfield’s illness, say ! ing he spoke for himself and other Re publican members. Carb of &fianfe& ISOM) I wi«h lo ;i,-know ledge with grateful appreciation the kiwi rxpreswons <>f s.vm , nathv and flora! tribute* from the pastor. Rev Battle relative* friend* neighbor* | aO,l f\>, r\, to. fY«\:|pi Co at the de-sth j of my dear husband (IK.nßf.r p BOND j MARIK BOND ZDrattis. HAILEY. Departed this !if„ suddenly, Wednesday Aon! 1 * 192* at the Emersem-v Hospital JOHN BAILEY de voted brother of Martha Bailrv mule of (’hark* anti Steven Bmk». Mr*. Pearl Wriithl Mitchell. Kart and Jurne* AA'trjthf. Kttneral front the John T. Rhine* funeral ehapel 9<>l .‘trii *» *vv “iinilay April 22. at 1 ::tl n.m. Interment O*l«I Fellow*’ i Cemetery Arlington. Va. “‘J BERRY Suddenly Thursday April 10 192 S at the re»ii'ep,n of her mei*> Mr* Ko*e E. Delsnidet ”011 A'i-im* Mill rd. n.u sros M RKRRV Funeral «-rv i,e* a' the W. W Chant*-'' - f ll per*l h'<o>e. 1 IOI> Chapin -t n » on Monday. Ap'd 2.T, at II am. Interne-m t»ien-,* >od f'eme terv. 22 BRONSON. \f Cmifiait,]. lii.. Anri! l» 1978. at Iml ani at the re.idence of ! her danrht r Mr. I»e*tine Baron. Mr*. t'Kl.i:~TI\K -KW \ I.! BRONSON res-dent of W.i*hi'urton and Florid*, daughter of tip* late < irntip, V. Sr wall. • 111 MPIS Ktidar April 20 192* at 11 45 j am. d lr« re«i«l"n<t* 2* Randolph pi. it vv FRANK M BT MPt s beloved hus band of Leona Hunt Rummi* Funeral rerviee* at hi* late r«*idenm Monday April 23 at 2 D.m. Interment Fort Lin j noln Cemetery. * 22 11l MPt S. A fr>e, ia! eommootratton of Htram Lodge. N.i 10. F. A A. M t* hereby ailed for 1 o • 10, k ptn Monday. April 23 1925. Lodge Room No 2 Ma sonic Temple for the purpose of att -nd tnsr the funeral of our late brother. FRANK M. RUMPUS - FTRANTIS 1,. F.AHY Mailer. 22 DAVIS. Op Frtdav. April 20. 192 b. at 7:15 pm at hi* re»i«len--e 933 » *t no JOHN A I cloved htoband of Gabnelle Br.-i !e t’avi*: father of Dorothy Allison and John. jr.. and brother of Chart** W. Funeral fron> St. I.uke* P E Chutrh. Monday. April 23. at l o'clo- k DAVIS. The A**o<'tat!on of Oldest Inhabi tant* Colotert. will attend funeral of Hi | torian JOHN A. DAVIS Monda* April 2d. from St. I.oke'* Church. 15th & church ; *ts. n.w.. I ion. sampel w. watson pie*. georgb l. walton «***■>• DAVIS. The Crispua Attiick* R“hrf A-so ft att on announces lh» t!»ath of Broth-t JOHN A. DAVIS and that the funeral will t» h*l l from >t. Luke * p. E Church. Mon day afternoon April 2d. 1828. at 1 nm. W STEPHEN FELLER Pre* J C. BERLLS Secy. DAVIS. Th* Ba,maker Relief Association announ>e* the rleath of Brother JOHN A. DAVIS and th t the funeral will !•* held from St Luke * P E Chanh. Monday afternoon. April 23. IS>2* ,-,t 1 p.nt W tI.TER J SINGLETON. Pre*. i BERi.LS *-e-v. DAVIS. The Frederick Dougla** Relief A«- -•■ tatioo aontniru-e. the *uddeti death of it* t»re*ident. Brother JOHN A. DAVIS, on Fri day. April 20 IW2S. All officer* and nvem tier* are directed to attentl the funeral on Monday afternoon April 23 1828 at 1 nm . from “t. Luke * P. E Chur, h 15th 4 Church «t n.wr. Walter j. singleton pre*. I.EON A. TERNER Secy. ESKRIDGE. On Saturday. April 21 192 H. at 1 15 a m FRANCES ELIZABETH, he loved wife of Verntm J. Eskridse. Funeral Irnni her late residence. *5lO 4lh »t. ne. on Monday Anri! 23. at S .'SO a m thence to ht Joseph* Church where mao will |!>e »A(d at !• a m for tlie rp|*o*e of her • *oul. Relative* and friend* invited. In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 22 -’FKGISOV Saturday. April 21 IP2S *t !* pm at her n jiilmr* 2b 17 O »t n.w Mr*. MARGARET A FERGESOS. Kuliev 1 ”f funeral herealtei.' HINES. On Thnrxlay April 1» IH2S at i ihe reeuietH-e of hi* brother 2!»1D Bellevue terraic nw FRANK iLEVELVSIt N*- y*fed husband of Ruth L Fones, hi the t’.’inl year of hi* age. Reman-* reetui.- at the N" i-,-> K Tahlcr fuoera! home t»2s M*t n.w Service* on Monday. Aon) 23 In the Fifth Baptist CKtir, h «v, and E *'*, «» »t 2 o'clock nm Interment • -alar H it <'*n!eterv. Relative* ami friend* invited to attend *« '• V•.!«. On Friday afternoon Vnrll 20 IH2S at 1 o'clm-k u h* r -e-i-len e tUS 13th *t tv * ANNIE M. * p,e Wooda*. widow nf the la - * t.c-nse ft Hall in h»r 72n*l 'ear 4 i i.-rat frvim her (ate residence at It an, Momlay Aoril 23 Interment at I oturre ••mal Cemeterv. Relative* ami fr:end* mi tevl 22* • VII,. Thn.*dar April at 2.15 j nm EMU.A V HALL Bradbp n i )•*hived Wife nf J.IOI-- M Halt ;».-ct t»2 #'iar« luucal from Itu late rc*«|ence. 1103 vv„b»trr *t nw m Mumlyv April 23 at 2 n.m Servi.c* at Frap t* A*bur> M. E Chur»h 1 tit fa ami Lam ml «\« n.w.. at 2 3d o'clock Relative* ami frt-ud* in vited to attend. Interment at Coo c res* einnal Cemetery. 22* 111 NTEK Chi Friday Anri! 20 102 S at her 172 Tod>! nine ne GE NEVA M HENTER t»lov,l wife of Fi.-Me" I Hunter Funeral service* Mon- 1 | dav April 23 at Gawl’rs chape: 1730 Pa A'c. n w.. at 10 .a ni. Interment ori f vate 22 | IKKV On Saturday Ann? 2E at 192 S at her rcsiiteme S‘<l Aih-m *t n.w, MAR-. GARKT St EDDER wile of Edwin S Ire.v I Remain* re*tuif it the ,-hapet of CluVe J ; N'l.-hul* 4 2*>!» tut, *i n w Funeral from i | the Mount Pu-.v-atit Co isrecatumai Church. • ! Colombia rd .and Hth *t. n.w On Mon- i dav April 23 at 3 o'clock. 22 H»M\son. Den i-ted itu* life. Wedne**lay. Am it IS |;I2S at Friendship Md HENRY Hip Jovinr b*,itber of Sii*an ■ Brown Jackson and Jake John*on niivm i of Willi* Remem* o'l'i; a* | •h» John T Rh ne* Vo * funeral «haiwd. I 3ni and Eve rl*. -w. Notice of tiioe-ai ' l.llr*'. 22 I K A Kit. Entered jnto rest on Saturday April j 21 182 S at 215 i m CHARLES F j KARR *on of ihe late Jacob and Juha j Kair and brother of Julia Karr. Emma j llanvey A tn' Itrtiner an 1 Hefirv C Karr j Funeral srrv ca-* on Monda* A>»nl 23 at i Id a m at J VVilltam lee * h»pe! In- ! ternirnt at Rock Creek Cemetery 22* j I,INKINs On Sat unlay April 21. ID2S at 7 3d am at hi* r—*t.Vc*e tdll Eighth »t i» CHARLES 11 LINKINS Funeral from above reeulciu-c on Mom lay Ao-y! 23 1!»2S .»! •' ~ nt Relative* and friend* in vited Interment pnvuie • M At.II 1.. On Fit 1 -** April 2n l!»2« at i am ELIZABETH A KEM.F l<t.vvc,t wife of Chavle* AA M will Funeral from hn late ic-i.lcu-c 111 E *t *w ivo Mood iv April Ns at 2nm Frteml* and ic’ativc* invttevl to attend. 22* A| AGll.t.. ah orti-vr* and member* of Good AA’ill A'ouncil No 15 D of A . ary noli fled to attend the funeral of *n»r tale •ialcr ELIZABETH A KEI.LK M AGILE Momt.iv April 23 from her late r»'«>vlence i 711 K*t * * 2 p itt. ROBERT E HEN AEI.T Rec sec. * HrCFNRV t*n Eid a.' Ao-t **«* l»*2S at hi, ic-lc., •• liu.iii M il* Md G»3*R«r IS M.-CKNEV m hi* 3‘th vear. Funeral Mondav *Ai-r>! 23 it 3 n.m from Si M < k* Fpi»-iii**! Chiitvh Fairlaiut Inter inept Church Cemetery 22 'lll K* At n,e V i i Iwil General Ho*-,-ita) Haltimo< Md Ao .1 '.’d IP's WILLIAM A Altl.Es ced 71 veil* Funeral iron, | hi* late residence HI Main -t laiwlj A’d at 2 pm simtav April 22 * RFNEIIVN On Finlay At- ! 20 IP'S at Havton ntvo A tl BENCH AN of s*n).* t Ec N Mi v elder *ol* of the late Frank md Miidsct Rri-ehan and devotist b,,itbei ■>t M-. AA Al Fms iilv. lute niciit Santa Ec N Mry 72 M'MI.K V. On E- i.t.o Aoril 2»» ID 'S tn he • P.Nt'i i i, EtOHENi'E AA A*ll!NtvTl'N widow nf Fretlerick Sehkw ot Fiaslei-ick Md da-uhtpi of th* late H- h vrd and j s.inhi , Roliert* AV vahutc’twi she i* *ur- j used b» two neohevv* Hivraoe tee AA **h nu ton Ame. man ni,»ui icnprvt lb l.on don and Ru b ant Muklleto-i tsf IMatrlii**. Vt.aillii* A tin -u| Att** Fuiveiai *ervi«-e* • I Epstahanv i hut -ti G *t nw SitmUv at -1 ohi liiiernvent 4 30 pni Ernst end. Md sAliril. On Sat do Apnt 71 IP’S .at ! h. I i-r*,u-n- *• 77S l'Jlh »t • e At.H E A j lielovvd wife ol the !He tieovye R F Smith Sro i-i-a wilt i-e he'-t at h< t late ••itlenee on Voodav A ami 73 at 3 pm I Inierma-iH f»i « iviure**ional Ceinelerv s All 11| On !’t, Hiwtav Api I! 1? ItV.’S at. tl pip MIIN tv-hneal *on of Mv.v smith nii-r l.p* > and the late John Smith Funeral timo M* tile •-eaiihuua* I*3a 4ah »t ne Moaa-* ,v il S 3iA t p atien-e to st Alov*in, finarch wt,ere m«», will he jahl at il ,ni I'M 'he repn*p of hi* mvu* lutninyi'l 'l-uml i'inet iVmetc v Ue'.a Hvra *nv! frlemt* mv ite.l to attend 27 sI’KARS s,t,i on Aml 70 Iti ’s HHnA K*R SHEARS a*esl 12 year* lutiraairut Oflutt K» lAltatllM. saimdav Vaott 2l 187 H »t tu-Hjciown Earn ei -iH Hcpital MARV j i I viBENi E wife of the late Jamea a. ; AVeddaaa* and mother -f Ms* lVu*v F 3 ’a,Its sera a, e* pits at- fissm the S H H* tea Cav (uiwial home "staH iVatv *t nw j Taicdav Vtvnl 7| *t M* im Intermena i ,e, ei*-,*10(1*1 t en,car * I Ail I* AVIs Up satudav Ap> «| !((-,-* at the le.i.ienoe of her tnvaa tn l.yw * E i I ..Id am (57S 7‘ltl, ,1 nw CItSVIItVM S \A 11 I I V*t* In-ioveil w lie of Ihe ' all- J-dan VI AV ilium, Vati.w of tiiwal 1 heie.afler • [ V**l|s Ikpifi.-.i iht* Me t‘hos*iai \a<r,i Hi Id’s at hi* rcideaice Ma*? 'tb at , n » I RAI -1’ 'T It lls* .an >-e *rcn at lit* » *te- » residence Mr* l At I Snow.ten >l7 Ills an nw Euise a ,evvi, e* ,s 31 l-e VcKt it Rdtnna>»i*t •'-a' l u*' l rv* X, ' < Viktl I U1 Rei P k of». I*llo4, l Seatbs. nVMVN On Thtimdar. Aural 13 192- at t 15 o m at Emerrettcy Hosmtal CAR i RIE McCRF.LLIS beloved hif# of Bavard Wyman. Funeral service* and interment it Paineiiillr Ohio. 20* Sn fflemoriam. TilfiGS. PERKY. A lov iny friliute of re rriembrance to our dear departed one*. MEREDITH S DIGGS who departed tbu life Eetirnarv 5. 1814 GEORGE M-. whb iWiarfed thi* life March 17. 1822: MARA E who departed thu iif» Aoril 22. 15)27. an r< otir an<l ISAIAH I* perhv «h, .M "jgi; . >1 AA In loeinr remembrance nf my dea* WINFIELD S DENN *M departe-* tb,« life three vear* asm today April 22 1 DCS Dear i* the arav» where my only and he 'over* *OO 1* laid. sweet i, the memory tha? never nbali fa •* Ictave* may wither flower* m*r fade an*: die - I A If other* forre* mil never wtii 1. Ill* LOVING MOTHER SEME BOWER sox. * hi VV1.1,. Tn luviur remembrance of O" ri*-r danzhter PAtLINE H DEV ALT. wife po.ther *>*ter and rranddauaht'' who departed th-* life three rear* a* - today Anril 22 1825 Sad and *,idd"n »j< the call j .Os one an dear and loved by ad THE FAMILY FREEMAN'. A trr-ute of love and •Jev«U'>o ijo the *ad bit* »-• *et memory of our b* loved brothe, JAMES FREEMAN* who entered into -e-t six years am toda Aoril 22 1 | DELIL.A BEN nr HARRIET FRF.EMAN SARAH WILSON. • t, \ss. I IF. I. A V ip lovmr memory of t»»v d->ir duuirhter a-ad our *isl«r LOUISE C HELAN 1 ne. Ga»* 1 who rfeosrted thi* life five vein ,-n. Aonl 21. 1823. MOTHF.R AND BROTHERS * In lovinr remembrance nf my <!•*' wife and our devote,; mother. LYDIA GOSS who deoarted th,« hfe three year* azo today Apni 22 1825. In otir heart, wour memory hnaer*. Alway* pmder. fond and true The-, j* not n day. dear mother. That we do not think of yon. At home no the beautiful htll* of God. Bv the vallev of re*t *0 fair HUSBAND AND CHILDREN. • HAW KIND, in lovint- remembrance of our dear father LF.VI HAWKINS who depart ed thi* life two year* ayo today. April 22 l!*2d A faithful father rood *nd kind: A tvrtter „tw you coulfl not find. Who* lie* in peaceful §i»cp H,« *a,-red memory to keep. DF.VOTED DAUGHTERS BLANCHE WTL ! “ON MAMIE HOWKINS • I.EHM AN. In memory of nijr heiored and mother LILLIAN GFRTRUDE LEH MAN who denar ted this life one year ago todav Aoril 22 1927. Rut ,»h what sn eternity it MU Yet we yhall alway* remember you Rr tout clad •mi 1 " and cheery ways. And console nur*e|-,-e* with thi# thouxht That v * *ba!t m»et arun *ome day ynrw devoted Hrs«\vn AVD chil DREN MARY BETTY AND DAVID * I.EHvfAN. “acred to the memory of oor twloved after LILLIAN G LEHMAN I, n*e r nok* 1 who departed thi» life one vear am tod*y Aural 22 1927 Amiver »ars- p>a*« *t St Jerome s Church Mount Rainier Md Due year h»* P3«*e»l *ipce that sad day Mhen p„r d*ar *i»t»r *i< cal’ed away. Gw! took bey hom» tt was W* will P»-t in on, hear** sh. |a llrlnr Hill i HER DEVOTED BROTHER AND SISTERS • I.IIV ESI I ME. S-cjed to the memory of our I .!*-, iv netove,, daurhtf ETHEL M B ** *, bo died *n years ago toda; Anrti 22 1822. Fo-r.t her' No -*e never wtlL Although *he ,« r»n» And thourh far far anart we roam. memory will alway# linger in our home HER PARENTS HELEN W. AND BENJAMIN LONESOME • NAI t K NAMK. In *ad but lotier re memKonie of our dear father. JOHN D. natch who departed thi* life Fe'-ruary ! 2 1825 »od our tlear mother MARTHA A N AUCK who deparied f>nt hfe wse y»ar aso today. April 2, 1927. Dear mother an-i father. sin*e you both have left Mr thv }<>«* most deeply fee! But ti* God who ha* bereft us. And He can our sorrow heal As we k>red you so we m.s# ywa. In otir memory you both are alway#near Loved, -emembered. k>nr»d for alwaya F*r we mi** vou everywhere. THftR SON DAUGHTER AND GRAND SON • 3AMDS. A tribute of love to the meninrt of a beloved husband and brother AN TDNIO RAMOS who left u# one year a*-, twlay April 22 1927. Ti* «weet to he remembered And a pleasant thane to find. Althopeh yon may be absent I'tw, are aiwa'** on oar mtnd Hl« DEVOTED WIFE REBECCA D RAMOS AND BROTHERS. MANCEi j RAMOS PETER BRITO, MEMORIALS. W DESIGNED AND^EREjCTED Write or ar BeeWet FI NKII \l. IHIJECTORS. T. F COSTELLO 1 I*2l X i'a|,N *t NORTH 7 >Ty P. A. TALTAVULL ! •» J rAIT AA I I.L. Msr 4.U1 lib wt » W M. IS*- _ _Nt» SBAM II OI'FH’R Joseph F. Birch's Son »! A A** Rlßt'H« 30,54 M St. N -.\ ,> V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither * ' **»*,'» of nor cv'n-sf j w ith lb* original W R e#t *►-•-** j Pbort** F’"*'"s ! 1009 H St: N.W. b-twnl, 'U» F “I. N.W ' J Wil lI AM MI, Funeral IMreetor amt » mki*b**»r Lta»n m maoertioM. C„aar d*nai, cbi-w l V|„k'i t r*m star-am*. Meder •It »rkt* tt! Fi. Vvk_N.ll fait At, Itttv W. Warren Taltavull 14th & Serins Rd. C 01.464 ALMIISRagPEARE Succeeding th- original W r speare Co 1623 Connecticut Ave. Potc mac 4600 * vm. at I TOR R *y 43 tt# at #># r •< Timothy Hanlon RU H <t Vr. _ p-s.,*. , v\a- Wm. H. Sardo & Co. IVivatr Limousine Ambulance v« a h»n-- Lincoln 524 Frank Gctcr's Sons Co. Ml! SFVKNTB *T nw Mwl- *AYY Msbleiet Ctaat-el T >'>( «• JIAUI Z* IJ F*T\»IUHH» lilit JOHN R. WRIGHT CO. 1337 dun MJ v\ PtKw#, mm 4* CHAS. S. ZURHORST - * 381 K AST t ATll3*l ST. fbewe Uotola 312. -I- ii-r-wm • w—>»««■ onnaaeMM#' MONVMKNT&. IHE FlN'Fsr IMjtl’k AY IN THStlfl a- MsuiuaiMwta rcfviv-yd fwr 30 ua-# vN» not base pnivb *m s«, PhoKweapba iveneptcs! by agenta 'AM FA R Dl RITY Rat lAB4I "iV BlaJ*..«N>V RslNt J. E. Smith Granite Co. UK *m4 FrwMattw *t# N.R, t«i«e#a ma„-.»»*. ua,Vi * >t aaoniuMahta •i* th* ,-»a* H,chest yh**» a) >sstrk,H*i*«hla I*4 «<**<-k «»rs (*-». f»H N.IRIH I UMH.U M9IQNS, . BLACKISTONE. I4 STR HeAUiittal KUNffiJ IV'tajnt, $5 filial U JV | TAI 4 At AIN 3MU Gude Bros. Co.. 1212 F St OEHMLER FLORAL CC i «.i a, m vaa Mreuiafut »ta*M) »wvhteasa- Mswtorat# Teh., I Ksoaa M <iM 7 I»1 GEO. C. SHAFFER vittriu, i7nvv t r\u”*"ja* ,out Only Stow. 14th & {Fy, 7