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COKE TO MAKE FOREST PLEA BY AIR President Will Broadcast Over Radio Appeal for Trees • Tomorrow Night. President Coolidge will officially open American Forest week at a o'clock to morrow night when he will broadcast bis Forest week proclamation from the White House. For the eighth annual time the Fed eral Government. State governments and more than a hundred organisa tions interested in forestry and kindred subjects will call the public attention to the necessity of renewing and per petuating the great forest heritage of worth America Immediately following the President on the air will be Charles Stewart, minister of the interior for the Domin ion of Canada, who will join with other outstanding figures of Canada and tin. United States m an international meet ing m Washington, to be held in the hall of the Chamber of Commerce to morrow night He will broadcast the Canadian Forest week proclamation is- • ttied by Governor General Wi.lmgdur of Canada Canada Speakers in l'. S. Secretary of Agriculture William A Jardme will preside at the meeting. : and Vincent Massey. Canadian Man.-- ter to the United States, will in.nx.»,<. Minister Stewart, who will be the prin cipal speaker o‘ the evening. This meeting is but one of a s^ nc ‘ ©f American Forest week and Canadian Forest week meetings arranged m American and Canadian cities by ,he American Forest week committee, of which Theodore Roosevelt is genera, chairman. .... . .. , < Special observances will be heid in New York simultaneously with the Washington meetings and W. F. Fin- Uyson, minister of lands and forests for Ontario, will represent the Canadian government. In Chicago. Arthur Meig en, former prime minister of Canada. Will be honored at a special meeting T A. Burrows, lieutenant general of j Manitoba, will address the meeting in St Louis, while in Portland. Orgg.. T D. Pattulo, minister of lands for British . Columbia, will speak. If* Organisations Participate. In Canada similar meetings will be held. Theodore Roosevelt will speak at! Ottawa, and C-oi. William B Greely. } chief of the United States Forest Serv ice. will represent this country’ at the meeting at Toronto. Lieut. Gov. W. I Nolan of Minnesota, will speak at Winnipeg The American Forest week commit tee is composed of more than 100 or ganizations which represent almost every conceivable form of interest, in cluding the Federal Government. State Governments, the lumber industry, out door. wild life, and recreational inter eats. foresters, forestry and tree asso ciations. women's organizations, labor groups, irrigation and power companies and associations, and fire-prevention associations. Several million school children are i •chedulpo to speak or write about trees j next week in the schools throughout! the eountry. according to a statement ! made by Charles Lathrop Pack, presi dent of the American Tree Association, which ha* issued 2.100,000 forestry primers to the schools. U. S. UNEMPLOYMENT IS TOPIC AT MEET ——* —w- - 11, Statistical Society Will Hear Zx-t perts on Subject Tues day Night. Unemployment conditions in the! United States is the general topic as signed by the Washington Statistical 1 Society for its meeting Tuesday night! •t • o'clock in the Robert Brookings! School. 17X6 I street With some of the foremost experts in the country to engage in the discussion it u expected that much new fight win be thrown on the question Prof John R Commons will preside. Two papers on the subject will be i read and discussed The first paper, en- ! titled "The Department .of Labor's Es- ) timate of Unemployment” will be read I 'bv Etheibert Stewart commissioner of labor statistics Laurence B Mann ol i the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic : Commerce. Department of Commerce, j will read the second paper on "Recent 1 Shifts in Occupational Distribution. ' There will be a discussion of these ! papers by Woodlief Thomas of the Fed- j era! Rea-rv- Board and Leifur Magnus aon of the Internationa! Labor Office : The annual business meeting of the * Society and election of new officers for , the ensuing year will follow the dls- I cushion William M. Stuart, director of j the Census Bureau and vice president of the society, will preside at the busi ness session. ■ " ■« l ' Q& PALAIS ROYAL G Street at Eleventh If your hair is faded or gray — Lotus Hair-Color Treatment YSiJI i.rtor* Its nstursi - 1.50 —and just now we are having a special demon stration of this well known prep aration —ask for a free sample. Lotus Gray Hair Color Treatment is a dean, simple and harmless treatment that will restore color and beauty to your hgir. It is not only safe and harmless — hut ft is lasting. It is harmless to the hair or sralp and gives the hair a beautiful lustre. PALAIS ROY Ah JotUtlrte* Mam Floor wmmmmmmmmmßmmmmßFmßßßFßFßtßFFmmmmßmmmmmMimmmmmm ’Sale! Fountain Pens IN A ■ A Sj £ I /A ■ STATIONERY { 1 jgSSSFSrSI -50 V/fe KfUTAL 3B&S5&140 ! edge, club size stationery. min F,oor G Street at Eleventh. , v > Telephone Main 8780 Main now v krv wvw'v V f T rVT-ry'rf w www w w'w v*wy "T v w Three Newly Arrived ► \ High Lights of the New Mode Creations in I ’ f " Which Lelong Emphasizes—in /< FOOTWEAR j ; jft J I ' «l Geof g ette FrOCkS -for immediate we„ 1 f ► fi»° t "J Jc ~; nor *°° loT lf — >>Mt end .faHing in Mill * - SO much in vogue this Spring, ft '.-S , ne»v—tucks take a new line to smartness—rhinestone buckles sparkle— < \ ' g wide, flat bands give the molded hip line—and other touches reveal tbs // \ ■ T 1 T i T T.i._ % ! > - - individual distinction of a brand new group. HHlm *- *• ’* T 3 ' lfl f\fi J ( iLOVCIV Ltdji&C 1 ' tor Woven an<l m,' S ( Os Graceful Lines and Beauty .1 , > * iBBI jjß \ ' lICSC ' * 4 "" \ They knew, those old artists, that the sweeping lines, the grace- % * ’ l|l| ? IW. T t ’ m ful curves, the broad brims, were delightfully Battering and gave m , ' |A| I S/” /if I Irtf n ■ so **'•- ... added charm to the portrait. And the modern French mil- m '/ / JL IvW k./lllV (lilvl VjOdlj 1 \ •- 4 Stunning combination of honey beige R liners (who inspired these new creations) realize that the J ►///■>'. * \ \ . and marron kidskm, w,th novel appli- M large hat is eternally becoming! # . / II I \ ifi. * que effects and tins buckle at side. m m jl J \ M A collection of individual models—of hair and ■ ► I / ‘\ v . \ C Milan —in gay or quiet shades—is specially / .. The model sketched is of black novelty silk faille, its silhouette delight- A*.'. \ V*, rryu s j t P-ALAIS ROYAL — Millinery—Third Floor M ► v / f“ J,v > ou,h f ul - * nd its simplicity relieved by the feminine and flattering* , \ / \ Ml ..... /.. \ scarf. Rut other coats, equally new and equally smart show naw fur \ j i n f?A .A;- i I i collars of the light furs which are modish, or fur hn the cuff* and none / 1 / l 4 O 1I I w - t L£?.'„d* .“."‘or „o i / Mrw 01 E *l> eci * l Importance Monday \b if- ° lher Coais at 29-50 to iis -° 0 -mgd4jL < ■ These New Imoorted >*'A : -■% ikw WMdr-'i ...- v 1 AlMac w lul r ricu j m f. n j f-i | • g~A\- ' AA A 4040 AA A AAA A4AA AA A a. One-strap pump in clever scalloped- NllPflP rilhffr I yIHVPC wp effect In pne o{ the n#w bei<e LfUUUU K auiiv VJIUYW shades of kidskih—-for afternoon svear. ... . , • , , _ _ _ Fine, soft simplex and lightweight suede-hke 200 Madeira Linen Amazingly good for this remarkable price! /> materials, remarkably priced j Scarfs in a Special Sale! ue Crane Silk Hose 6.50 Monday at P r * Made By Far-Away Madeira Women Every Pair yTk W»> Thc Rcgu , ar Priu j, tIJO From tiny islands in the Atlantic come these beautiful linens, every stitch jtff \ S' ..... i put in bv hand. And the patterns seem lovelier than usual. Three good kinds tO cllOOSe f/m ' At\ Tailored and semi-tailored stvlcs—new and smart—slip-on. one-button and __ 19 ne>v bandalette varieties. Some are saddle sewn, others stitched in two- 1 18x3o-in. Scarfs, 4.00 values 2.69 Smart little one-strap style of light- tone and contrasting colorings. 18x45-in. Scarls. 4.50 values 2.98 1 nr new r cut-out S effect and buckle fasten- Rosewood. Sandal . Beach. Sand, Cocoa, Gray 18x54-111. Scarfs. 5.00 values 3.45 JL#VrV/ A ing. White and Other Spring Shades Xotc: Because we bought them direct, the prices are lower. PALAIS ROYAL ISSKf; Shoci —Second Floor PALAIS ROYAL — Gloves—Main Floor 81x99 Palais Royal Sheets Ur — Silk, setvirr-ueight; tailored ankles. I n . Itx — Sheer, service-weight ; pointed heels. i) i Special Introductory Price And the., attractive color.-Fr.nch beige, shell $ ffl’ FOR ONE DAY MONDAY ONLY Fine quality sheet* that are so good we heve I # /S gray. rose. nude, grain, mauve taupe, aurora, f put a Palais Royal label on ‘hem- * X. / J manon, nude, porcelain, champagne, black, k. ______ ) ' from fine spun that wears like linen. French nude honey beige, pawnee, whippet, & ) MTA/XT JT A A\7M ( Colored Mattress Covers to match your colored sheets, 1.98 fle * h ’ whl,e ' ,d *’ * u " metal, white. 1 L ' I I ... I M * * ) ! PALAIS ROTA&-Lln*n>—Second Floor f TALA/S ROYAL— Hosiery—Main Floor ? B 9M j| J J ®vtt rv y v vw l fw~v~w w 'T "w •y r ( ) FOR TWO DAYS—M OX DAY AND TUESDAY . for' MEN and BOYS -l U A Sneciallv Planned Palais Roval < pTOf ) Wonderful valuei-special purchases-hundred* of new garments just unpacked! ! * ,BC !I J Men’s Broadcloth Men’s Athletic Style (j ; : SILK EVENT!" • j iJf. V IJflx 1• ; ExperlsGiveYnnn SHIRTS Ullioil SllitS (j l y , . LANOIL )) 1.200 of Them 9 (( 1 ► Offering 8,000 1 ards of Our < PERMANFNT (\ All New, Fresh Guaranteed Full Cut f V )) | ' New 1.98 to 2.49 Standard Quality < WAVP (( and Perfect and Well Tailored J J ; PM. anJ Fancy the, Silk, ■ | jl /I JOO jf I K Expert Fitter Cutting and i \ 17V HP • / Vv * 11 Genuine broadcloth, woven jL , , _ ■ B . _ 4 V ira I omr Of* \ V I J madras, novelty broadcloth These suits are gener- VVv / * and (utter to I T * Fitting Service - < ) \ » —these are the good mate- ously cut and properly pro- | \ \ , Help You A.%VJ • Without Charge 4 Eucrene WAVE ) r "Collar-attached, neck. P«‘i»ned. I I V ► < UUgUUU W d~\ V / NV f >tyl#t and with sep- In sleeveless style and , ) 1 j -n s\s\ ) ! • j arate collars to match. knee length. Finished with \ _ - y . IV till / ! / Plain white, stripes and ocean pearl buttons. Sizes ► You Save 87c to 2.40 on Every Dress Length < ) ° >1 ~as : elftet9 - ? iie * 131 2 36 *• 46 »p»«"did / ( ► 7 ° f —you are assured that it is not just / j ; t** »»vj. new lot of 1,000 suits. J ‘ ' Represented in the Sale Are the Following * hii r °wiTrbe «r r e7uiT t ) | ITT , , H , , C I , fe\ 7, jn V ► 4 waved accordingly. You wii get, not V\ l 0 Men s 51.50 and $2 Handmade Silk Ties -TNIlj // ► — (>rcpc dc Chine and All-Silk — Printed Georgette Crepe — . a . I l<i l nk> nor •.<«**• hu ‘ * loo * c - beau- )f ] Every tie is hand-tailored and m4nv are silk J \) , Flat Crepe-Shown in «ixty colors Artistic color contrasts on light and i w?m 1) IKJ j lined a, well. Choow from a wide range ol new N (( 1 ; and guaranteed .baolutely wa.hable. dark ground,. " ”To‘ur*!Sf. tti., V™ ( d,.J» .nJ I»UU ) - ► —Printed Crepe de (^hine — rine (dnffon I art eta — Lovely s above prices. t Men’s 25c Woven 600 Pairs of Men’s / ► Richly patterned print* in a splendid quality in plain colors and changeable < Wrinkles and lines disappear ') R Mens 7 5c and 1.00 pu; n CnUr s ► variety. effects, < before Paristlye Muscle Oil COlOreO DOtHer V' V V ► -The Well Known Society —Pure Silk Georgette Crepe < 1.50 a Bottle ’KERCHIEFS Novelty ) j ► Satin-Washes perfectly; universal (elbow proof)-50 shades to select < „ lttdn she lkin , nd kcep , , h# t „. z: f |nn Patterned ~ Pairs, 1.00 )j; ► choice for Summer lingerie. from. < tur. soft and firm. U lor i.UV Black, tan. French ran in s and V ; socks ,rr ’*, < | PALAIS ROYAI It bems—another point he'll ap- L/V/V<l\U * ) i feill gh AOn M i AiA AA A afe Aafe AgfeAffte thtdhttiSßdhs&Bik A al | Beauty Parlor—Balcony \ pto'*- . (Silk and l t.le lon's 50c NovcltV \ Here's Safety at Low Cost A Direct Mill Puchase Brings j . s ' -o °. 2 Pairs, 1.00 SOCKS : <saU *nft tiamusnt Raerc Noteworthy Savings on ta ckKk , 3 Pairs, 1.00 : aale. 000 uarment oags j-jeavy Double-Thread „ 2 , f< 7 1,00 d ".V:r;„.'r c,l °"" , '* n ' , J Standard size. v v JL ail-V,CIV4 f Open end styla m*. dots, teed not .o fade. shades to meet the mascahn# rrrr?j*n Holds«ghtganm-ms. /vjc RATH TOWPI Q ( rffl-'H *l* SF2S value DnliT IV/WCLj ) W 0 Regular $1.50 to $ IAS •;» bOO Pairs of Higher Priced V SMivß'iJ an!u“X„t Boys’ Flapper Boys’ Wash Knickers & ') j| S(: f M| ironing Board Hot Dish . Draen x4\\ / i Wash Suits Linen Shorts (j Pads, 54c Holders, 19c _ Suf!^ toh Guaranteed Wa.Nhablc’ l 1 {/ f!j iff/ s \'V\ IIP ‘J.,’ M' • Magularly 79c. Ihayre Regularly 29c set. A With their while renters and three w 'Jr )/l >AA/ A M»» at y tee—with , />. . <f /\/\ ii *Jf‘2 ,IT 4l n«n-hurneh|e pads and practical little cate with stripe border* in pink, blue, gold or 1 XvVSV' v,« \ U\\ Ok fit *** ,h rr Ut> novelty V/UOICC I lif I > iG' ff Lily i ,f i ** w be used on any si/.e four good dish holders. green, these towels are most escep- ) \\\ n I. \ , t n< * i, , w I JL •V/v7 j •lU-NW* I—*. iiiMi.l 10, ,I,j. price. Th.y ... ~l , ' Xfc ■( NA fl I \ . 1...VV d„uhl. «.|J ..... /'//\ ) Li t| v turn*. a,nM. ■ 1-iuely (nilontj style,, mnJe up »l l l , \X/iintPn NnfintlQ—fit absorbent. ,/ / J \ r® •* hn|M»rte6 ■ sulphur-dyed khaki, nssorted fancy pat- ) M W anICU liouons ai JaVingS l»lio«« and mail orders sccrpteH. U' / ■ J'i )ii \ 1 w"2Smm? #, V fnl* -A- tern beach cloths, gray nr tan crash and l Hewing Silk, good quality, colors, Mark and white 1 spools, |(Jc \ /*: ‘dt ,? I hur*t null Inga, pure linen shorts. Best tirade Hewing Needles, assorted sizes .2 papers, IjL* mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmm J j * 1»L ,| Peggy cloth, brood. « t„ii k. i s.s. i , ii Hook-eye lap* while and flesii color - special *ard 1 <s, I) . j w/ I .| (( / | l «l#th and novelty l pair eut lull «nd with h.h looos and U il <.».r.»!..d »,... M...1J. ZZJ 2 H"„: is Best tirade Wash Cloths ))/.', i l «**>w <• >“•'•(( * Wilsnap Eesieoers. rust proof, one dozen to a card while and Meek. Soft and thiek-of douhle lhread weave mercerized yarn) 1A (( PALAIS ROYAL RayC sH** Vais Floor ') ■' , . I«C all-white and colors, in three good stylet . 11/f ]) a A PALAIS BOY Ah NftUom Mam Floor . PALAIS ROYAL-Ltnerit-Snciitid floor • ■■■ ■■mllbml, m i— i iiiHiMi^iMiairMßriMnriif«mrffirim»f»RMiMnmmgTiMßmrnTnfi-iirinr - -im —-l - ■ ■ -a i THE SUNDAY STAH, WASHINGTON. D. C„ ‘APRIL 22, IH2B—PART 1. 9