Newspaper Page Text
BISHOP OF DETROIT CHOSEN FOR EAST New York M. E. Area Names Right Rev. Nicholson. Sub ject to Church Vote. Isv th» Awooiated DETROIT. April 27. Bishop Thomas Nicholson of the Methodist Episcopal area of Detroit and president of the j Anti-Saloon League of America, has been chosen to succeed Bis ho p Luther D. Wilson V as head of the area which coni- prtaes New York Cltv and the east- /%.iP9r«HH§ ern half of the % ' fß&ggßr State, it was an church here and abroad. BMuw \i<b«Uon. Pinal action on the selection must be taken by the] Methodist General Conference, which i meets in Kansas City next Tuesday, j A group of Michigan churchmen, head- j ed by Luren D. Dickinson of Grand j Rapids, last night announced that : they would oppose ratification at the' general conference. -We feel that the church in Mich igan cannot afford to lose Bishop Nicholson." Dickinson said. Bishop Nicholson, who was born in Woodburn. Ontario, in 1862, entered the ministry in 1884. From 1903 to 1908 he was president of the Dakota Wesleyan College. He was consecrated a bishop in 1916 and was a member of the General Conference of the Meth- j odist Episcopal Church in 1908. 1912 J p.nd 1917. In 1912 Bishop Nicholson] was named president of the National j Anti-Saloon League, which office he still holds. OFFICIALS ARE BLAMED FOR DEATH OF 11 IN BLAST Five Charged With Manslaughter Through Alleged Carelessness and Negligence. By the Aawwtated Prr<»#>. DENVER. April 27.—Alleged careless- j ness and negligence of officials of the j Alexander Industries. Inc., has been de- ] dared responsible by a coroner’s jury ! for the explosion and fire which took a toll of 11 lives last Friday at the company’s plant in Englewood, a j suburb. Lack of fire protection has been charged by county authorities who investigated the disaster. The verdict was returned after an inquest lasting several days and came a few hours after District Attorney ; Joel Stone of Arapahoe County had filed an information jointly charging five officials of the company with man slaughter. A specific charge of "feloniously kill ing and slaying" Mrs.’ Gertrude Jarret, i one of the 11 employes killed in the blast, was made in the District attor ney's information The officials posted bond of *2.000 each. t/jiiu ui j-.yuv rati*. nr 1 LIBERAL TERMS | !| —At Fair Prices ... Always |jj PI PEOPLE hesitate to buy ||| at a store which sells on terms, j g thinking that they are paying |j ZZZZZ more than what they ordinarily jj| I should. Perhaps they arc right in many g instances . . . But ... at Eiseman’s g ... you can buy on Liberal Terms as gj ||: cheaply as in any strictly cash store. We H |1; sell QUALITY merchandise ONLY g p| ... at fair prices, and our terms are gj jlzpjj prp fM exceedingly liberal. . Hi 1 Kjgjf -• i o I ■ ' ( Li New Spring Suits 1525 S3O $35 ; Pay in May, Jium ami July | EISEMAN’S Seventh A I' Slr«*Hu ; Si ft Byzantine Church, Built in 102, Found By Yale Excavators By !!>• Associated Pecs*. JERUSALEM. April 27.—The joint expedition of the British School of Archeology and Yale University has uncovered, during excavations at Jerash (Gerasa). the remains of a great Bvzantine church, built in 492 and dedicated to the soldier St. Theo dore of Amasia, according to the Greek inscription. FAMILY OF PRINCE ACCEPTS D. C. BRIDE French Nobleman and Former Miss Watson Will Continue Airplane Honeymoon to Morocco. By l!i« Associated Pre^s. PARIS, April 27.—Prince Charles Phillipe, Duke De Nemours, told the Associated Press yesterday that his family had finally been reconciled to his recent marriage to Miss Marguerite Watson of Washington. He said that the family will be on hand to wish him bon voyage when he : and his American bride continue their I airplane honeymoon by taking off for Moioceo tomorrow or Saturday in the I "honeymoon plane,” which the duke j gave his bride for a wedding present. "There is no use In telling you again | how happy we are.” said the duke. "We are going to fiv to Morocco to look ; over the possibilities of sheep ranching there. Both of us are interested in it.” I The trip to Morocco will be made In two hops, the young prince himself handling the controls. PRESIDENT INVITED. Asked to Take Part at Opening Ses-; sion of Episcopal Parley. President Coolidge has taken under advisement an invitation to participate ; in the opening session of the General Conference of the Protestant Episcopal Church to be held at Memorial Conti ; nental Hall next October. The invitation was extended by a ] committee headed by Right Rev. James ] E. Freeman, bishop of Washington. WHEN it rains, we carry umbrella*. Why shouldn’t roofs be protected? Protection prevents leaks, and the best grotection for a new or old roof is tonntight. This adhesive, weather-re sisting liquid, ten times thicker than paint, will protect your roof for years. Buy it at any paint or hardware store. L. SoimebornSons, Inc,, New Yoric Siormiighi THE EVENING STAE, AT A STUNG TON, T>. T.. FT? TP AT. APETL 27. 102 R. !35-KNOT SPEED MADE | IN LEXINGTON TRIAL Huge Aircraft Carrier Develops 180.000 Horsepower in Eight Motors. Tty tlii- Associated Tress SAN PEDRO. Calif.. April 27.—The IT. S. S. Lexington, aircraft carrier,! longest warship ever laid down in \ CANDY TREAT I SALE! I £ A pound box of Irvington Fruit and Nuts and a pound box of (jHtATIS 4 4 Maple Marshmallow Patties Both for 69c. JThTf _ ,b. 4 "Be Sure to Take Home a Treat'’ / X rlt one X\ CIGARETTES jEjjjff*. \i // Main 5215 \\ LIGHTING FLUID “W { \ Reduced FRIDAY •nd SATURDAY | £ A delicious assortment of fre<-h luscious I W/* % % S gs (.(111 \ t OVl\-i OUT / I 111 * , fruits and tasty nut meats coated uitl, vW- f \ \ tllC Better U) Iff , \ . _ / I IH .L v J vety chocolate. \ % ff' Jf Douglas \ £ f / LU - 4 and a Pound Box of MAPLE i Tito Pounds of Serve IOU ff Lighter \ O J or OUV / Strike Marshmallow Patties \ TL \X \ / a * are " e * 4 Light, fluffy, maple-flavored marshmallows. J Special Price Just Off„ 10-Oz. \ §7,07 / In 20 C £ coated with mild bittersweet chocolate. Made / * . *4 r \ / of 50 * $ fresh for this sale. for Saturday LS!H A_ L l ILJI J !... You’ll Want to Share in these SAVINGS!\ /"■ 1 """' "" "■"■■■■ " 1 11111 " mw j Household <• $1.25 —000 \ I * i\ 35c Palmolive T 50c Sal Hepatica , Rubber Hair SMB Wsc Baume Bengue* SI.OO Listerine j i \ Shaving Cream Saline Laxative / /K. . r ... \ Anaigdque The Safe Amueptic / . \ \ Saturday, JQ C Saturday, // / GloteS Clippers WIL \ Saturday, £g c Saturday, / i \ / : Thin Snip , 49c Thin Sale . 79c ft V\« •/ / \ -/» i P .-a,. I \ ~ . " —” \ 30c Carbona 50c Palmolive / * < \ oOc Ipana AocrronUlla I \ ah sizes in stock to -me 000 size which I nggwE m \ / j \ ToothPnsle Skin Lotion / A c\VN\ urea pcr ; ect , halr a,most “ \ Cleaning Fluid Shampoo / / \ a wwift * \ \\\\\ Made of genuine gum closely as a razor. I X \ * < \ Saturday , Saturday , 10/* /' \\ \\\ rubber and are very Convenient size for I. MKAMf X \ Saturday , 7 Saturday . 97/1 / J \ -W /L / \ >A\ durable. Extend well home use. Have steel ft \ 1/L # * Sm 4L / \ / \ • / V \> over the wrLst • tempered blades. m \ / * J * P.D.S. 1-Pound Brislle-Tite $1.25 Karat r |F-. . , 35c Baby \ Bed Bug M Epsom Shaving Wrf Fountain Rubber Rants ri,V \ Killer Salts Brushes igt Syringes | a | Thu Sale, \ | 35c? 3 for Sitim* ThUSale, Hc \{™J ThU Sale. 79c B 7Ai * A ana t. „,ra (kith f,, r~ --„ u ,.„„ 3-quart me with V***-f il '• sure the bahy a comfortable » , \ t ! P iteatnetive inapela. Ka-’h i.ureal'TualUv Tealed | •on* 1 * lirtrttei** * Web Us \ atl». hmee ta. ’> font ruhte-r. |i fit. Have non Nodair el»» * j rl e«« ha* h m r-n f for, 1 " ." . k ~ . have Wn net very neeurety ff \ tube and metal •hut-off I **- t| i * t -«.«»• «-»* JJ b : I and frp* your homft of bu*i , \—; ljv J will last many. mbber. J) 4 Y tHttft. r&tory. 0,11,10 oul ; ; ; —; ~ I | Itt'iiu'dics ToiU’trirs \ ior 49c '\SSL -2— ’ 18c Trade tn Your \ l so U/ ¥ “* $3,25 Eastman 60 c Co» Perfume ljfe Qld Razor \ \ 15c Hawk-Eye $1 C.oty Face Ponder ZJgtir 32c P . « _ • Ointment *J*rV- /iiMZ»at/« .... , r- sulphur . ■• • • I unlv -5 be —vou mav secure a i t / TAkp * $1 Horlick. Malted 7Q-. fjUltlL'ril With each purchase of Coty 42c Gem Raaor OQ genuine gold-plated Oilier. i 4 e ff jnmVl Milk IOC Face Powder at 85c in any odor Blades, t’s Razor with one blade and d ail/ iii W 35c Freexone, for Thin Solo <O*T O#! ,!lat vvr ,iave <stocl<> / Iff fl/fIVWC. ii corns ’ ffoleO” 1. Origan aud Pans, you get a «'c Poluh LIC j during thb sale. * 111 DumA /SmUUA $1 Lavoria Mouth * bottle of Perfume of the ,55c Pond. Vanish- t.dd-Ploted Genuine * / trtvU l w..h Die M.k,» J',x4'i.(to picture. So 41m- *?Z:' !n .T';,, „„urt.r".ml C "*» 4 * C | r.IUXTTS tt*~ •% \ / W C 69 $1.50 Grays AQ- plr and easy to operate that a child con . K , n ~u .• a . 1 , ' . j 1 2Sc J. &J. Baby i Hfrwaiue on Old ha:tw • • ->dc 4 P TIJI7 X.>rnni7r>M DI-’mlnv rivrfrrinr Tnnir arafC can take splendid pictures with it. The*. Nos. au-1 _ s!iade>. Talcum fuUC I Razor f/V 4 f THE MODERN Rt .WHY F n 5» :,L' iA Hawk-Eve is Eastman made, Eastman Take advantage of tins amazing F . 01 lot,. ha«t» 49 f ' £ Small, J7 c; L urge, 714 c j Merck* Milk j quality and is absolutely guaranteed. j J value. J ° n,on * '' ct 21C j \ Genuine /Tv SL2S “LllXpray* 9 Peoples Choice SwupSua \ Mffttmni T, r n T ,$W Ball, Sp rnv* Bathroom Aluminum i ■■■■ 1 • pWUI:| T|s . s .„ (> » ■Sfhif/ Percolators 1 91 M - iH | < Well constructed of heavy tin plate material with What is more refreshing and invigorating than a w , , . t black enameled outside finish. Complete with pint shower after a hard day at work or play. These Each roll contains t 000 sheets of soft hygteni- A genuine seamless aluminum unbreakable. ewsil> 4 t alze thermos bottle which will keep liquids hot or Cold sprays have an attachment which may tie connected ealiy clean tUsue of uniform site and texture. Yon cleaned. 8-eup stye percolator which wdl serve 6 * y for many hours. to any bathroom faucet very conveniently. save decidedly more when buying by the dozen people very conveniently. \t “ ■' i Peoples llristle-Tite £ffjk SALE! Assorted i % Furniture l\ \ Hair H Abated M Fountain Polish /——7 7?% "/■ Brushes -9| Pocket Ip| Splendid Quality p eng J* j \ 35c UPw 25e Pk K . of io $1.19 111 Knit™ fl Nail Brushes jj \ \ SeidUtz Powders f £i) v ' M Thi, Sale. j t ) e ~ a 98c , \ ff in vny meohum !\pOI > »ii! ill **a rn'iMini * IS*' itsily with • sotnl lisn t JH Tbr»n loin' ''L’Mllli You will be surprised to see t’hr-,. i*r;« b*»* m / „»,,1 ti* uwid ii I brush a lirtstis Tit* 4 cmh i v s».>ei • UQW such a splendid quality brush ~>. «*.t Kub* 2 > imwatt* a Ms). Kaeh package cofitatn* 10 tiruah to ta» Mir* you ha** !■ a ••»»»•>• for only lie Have genuine ster-* «*. iwcic.** Th- # 4 tula* Mid Anr i; •'? separate and ilMimt (loses, tho twst The brisii*. ai* .J,.., „( ,u. fan.» lltred bristles which are set \ery m*n s h»\* « isv.ei et i* ».a 5 \4 widKlwirU and \pi»o it $ which have hern I;ir r f 11 11 y sterilised mut »*i verv »»■ .iiiuiuiil ' W securely In WiKHien >taoks Get ih,« i,,hrs « rius tor stts.-h . > J'V' I*'" 1 *'" ,h * sLmmJI weighed and compounded. eur*ijr in stron* w««.t*n vhe V'ui.-iv !» ' 9 one for each member of the fam- in* nbbon t\>m* m and m»k« Sc» > '• harks. 1.41 .r lly at tins low price. . » o i, r «4(e,« U 4n S 1111 I 1 1 l J „ - - ■ J / Hermetically Scaled f • • |j HI (tilth* 111 (*(lhu(*SS j Ixolvnos Tennis llillls LlSterifW JBL It bladder weakness, getti.m ,x .s .s e f-gK t% f t»a or tars’ll —’the safe antiseptic UP nights, backache, hunting Uentat Itteam J J tjl/Cl ts '° r Wgm tlslbitiis has l*eu used with aui-lt great sat EESI ► n ’ sa,u ‘»- U '* *i lo>l> [ Cyittll ,>' 4. ' . j tatsrUnn that many Utilities would never ttiius BSIISIM pains make you ted old, tired C Cvm “sj , k f l\ l u*4»K*n~,j~„ ftWN/A sTz/sjrrrjsr^. |~J -y .•“vvlssss® w ,i*)c lo 5 At All Timas oJ/L \ “'"I sscate. an eviwllent hair unite amt ahavtua y>t e X 4>S houi test. Don t E & 4 lotion It urnnuuly dastmya all odma romln* BiSfjKlW Don't gnr t|l» Get t box tS CSS tVauaU a«d hhyal.uua nee and w- i'"• ft < mm MU M-SaratMasllr mm to.mMam- - », , „.,v mO „iv i. . (air i»ul 6 -SMS-® 752£%2 STTS*? ST I tainer at. »6 to keep tiiem lively and prevent datariota- B* Tsmrn uil serem* m.wtth struts wWn start t.Hdh .Rt ,< r- 5 / lion. This Imii unuaually low prltie to pay for the.* , f ? S| . yt f , \Ste.\\ 4Vt' | l r l 11 1 | J? J America, atarted her full power speed runs in the Navy’s measured course off Point Vicente, near here, Wednesday. Developing 180,000 horsepower in i eight motors, which drive the four j screw propellers at 317 revolutions per I minute, the massive ship raced through ! the sen at a speed in excess of 35.5 ! knots (about 38'i miles). Particular attention was paid by offi cers of the Lexington yesterday to fuel consumption, the amount of which, if it fails to meet Government specifications, will necessitate adjustments before final acceptance of the ship is made. Tests of airplane gear, landing equip ment and other essentials will be carried ! out during the next two weeks. The 1 ship is expected to leave here May 3 for Honolulu via San Francisco. The trial runs of the Rat a toga, fister' ship of the Lexington, will be conducted after the latter leaves. 14,000 CATTLE SHIPPED. SAN ANTONIO, Tex., April 27 oT>). Early-day ranching scenes were re called Wednesday as a line of cattle nearly 10 miles long was driven to the loading chutes for shipment to Okla homa. . .. The herd of 14,000 head, one of the largest ever shipped from this section by train, was being sent; from the King ranch, near here, for fattening. 'GRAIN STEAMER FREED I FROM ENCIRCLING ICE Floes Binding 22 Vessels for Win ter Partially Broken—Tug Reaches Craft. By the Aspoclati»(t Prena. SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich., April 27.—The fee chains which have bound j 22 gratnfladcn steamers to the St Mary's River throughout the Winter, have been partially broken. 1 The tug Favorite late Wednesday reached the steamer Eads, 12 miles be low the Sault. and towed it through the ice to detour the southernmost i point of the narrow band of water con ] necting Lakes Huron and Superior The ' Favorite approached the steamer from I the south. ) I Before other vessels may move down I the river, however, tugs must open a , way through the ice to the point where ] ! the Eads was wintered. Warm weather j may open the way before the end of i the week. I j Ice is still solid above the locks, 'around Whiteflsh Bay. Drift ice from 1 Lake Superior has accumulated around I i Whiteflsh Point, and a steamer passage ; j is not expected to be effected until next week. * fflj *A J J | Jfllkl mJi * a ■ wM 11