FOODSTUFF SUPPLY IS GOOD IN MARKET Slight Drop in Tub Butter Only Price Change Re ported Today. * A drop of a fraction of a cent in the price of tub butter was the only change In prices reported in the wholesale market this morning, the drop being so alight that sales were not affected. Wholesalers had attractive quantities of all foodstuffs this morning, making It possible for retailers to lay in sup plies for their week end trade at prices that have prevailed most of the week. large quantities of Spring greens from nearby farms and truck gardens proved interesting to retailors.and there were fairly large quantities of Spring vegetables from the South. Strawberries from Florida. Louisiana and South Carolina were more plentiful and cheaper, retailers selling some of them as low as 15 cents a quart. Municipal Fish Market dealers had attractive supplies of shad, herring and other fish from the Potomac River, and trout, croakers, butter fish and Boston mackerel from salt water. Roe shad were offered as low as 14 cents a pound, bucks selling at 8 cents. Plentiful supplies of rrabmeat from Mississippi. Maryland and Virginia met a good demand at 60 cents. Prices of most commodities this morning were about the same as prices quoted the past few days. Today’s Wholesale Price*. Butter—One-pound prints, 48a48*.*; tub. 46a47; store packed, 28 Eggs—Fresh selected. 28a29; hen nery. 29a30: current receipts. 27. Poultry, alive—Turkeys. 30a35: Win ter chickens. 35a40: foals. 30; roasters. 17al8: ducks. 15a20; keats. young. 70a 75; old. 30. Dressed—Turkeys. 40a45; roasting chickens. 38a40; fowls, large. 32; small. 28; broilers. 55; capons, large. 44a45: small, 30a35; ducks. 20a25; keats. 1.00a1.10. Meats, fresh killed —Beef. 20a22: veal. 20a24; lamb. 30a35: pork loins, 32a33: hams, 20a21; shoulders. 14a15; smoked hams, 23: smoked shoulders, 13’-al4; bacon. 20a22; lard. 12'-; calves. 15; Spring lambs. 18a20. Fruit and Vegetable Review. Today's market report on fruits and vegetables, compiled by the Market News Service Bureau of Agricultural Economics, .says . Apples—Supplies light; too few sales reported to quote. Asparagus—Supplies liberal; demand moderate, market about steady; South Carolina, dozen-bunch crates, green, very large size. 3 50a4.00; large size, mostly around 3 00: medium size. 2.00a 2.50: small size, 1.50a2 00. Cabbage—Supplies moderate: demand moderate, market steady: Florida, 1 bushel hampers, round type, some wormy. 2.50a2.75: South Carolina. I*4- bushel hampers, pointed type, 2.85a3 00. Celery—Supplies light; demand mod erate, market firm; Florida. 10-inch crates. 4-6 dozen. 4 50: 8-10 dozen. 4.00: 3 dozen, mostly 425; few fancy, 4-6 dozen, high as 5 00. Lettuce—Western stock; supplies moderate: demand moderate, market about steady; Arizona, crates. Iceberg type, 4-5 dozen. 3.00a3.50; Eastern stock, supplies moderate; demand moderate, market slightly weaker; North Carolina. 5-peck hampers. Big Boston type, best, 2 50a2.75; fair qual ity and condition, 2 00a2.25. Onions—Supplies light: demand light, Siarket about steady; Texas, standard I Arlington Lightning Station i II Upper Alexandria and Military Roads 9 ■ above-pictured filling station, opposite the U. S. Ex- H perimental Farms on the Virginia side of the Potomac, is ■ JL patronized by thousands of motorists who will accept no substitute for LIGHTNING and other Penn Oil Motor Products. LIGHTNING is now available at more than 65 modern Service Stations in the District, Virginia and Maryland, and many others are to be opened* I this Spring. So wherever you may be there's sure to be a LIGHTNING Station near at hand. Watch for the familiar name; drive an extra block or two if necessary, then fill up with the best Motor Fuel that ■ 1 money can buy. More power .« . more miles .. . less carbon .. . fl; ■ that's LIGHTNING. Service Features at Lightning Stations Hydraultc Lift for Lubricating Cara s jjr High-Prcaaur e Lubricating System if PENN OIL COMPANY - FRANKLIN 391 mmmm T" 111 ' ifij- ■ - . crates, yellow Bermuda*, mixed No. 1 and No. 2. mostly 2.50. Potatoes -Supplies of old stock light; demand light, market, dull: Michigan, 150-pound sacks. Russett Rural*, U. 8. fNo. l, mostly 4.00; Minnesota, 150- pound sacks, round whites, U. S. No. 1, 3.65a3.85; Maine. 120-pound sacks. Green Mountains, U. S. No. 1, mostly 325 new stocks, supplies moderate; de mand moderate, maiket weak: Florida, double-head barrels, Spaulding Rose, rU, G. No. 1. 8.50. Spinach—Homegrowns supplying the "'strawberries—Supplies moderate; de mand light, market weak; Florida, pony refrigerators. Missionary’s, and 32-quart crates. Missionary's, best, mostly 35: some poor condition, wide range prices, 10n20 per quart: Louisiana. 24-quart . nates. Klondvkes. best, mostly 4.00; poor , condition low' at 2 50; North Carolina. ; 32-quart crates, various varieties, most ly ordinary quality and condition, few best, 6.00a7.00; poorer, 3 00a5.00, mostly s 3.50a4.00. Tomatoes—Supplies liberal; demand 1 moderate, market slightly weaker; Flov ' Ida. 6s. green and turning, wrapped. ' mostly turning, fancy count, 4.25a4.50: choice count, 3 25a3.50: some ordinary ' j quality, fancy count, 3.75. ' String beans —Supplies moderate: de mand moderate, market about steady; 1 j Florida. -bushel hampers, green. 2.50 j a3.00. mastlv 3 00: ordinary quality and ‘condition, low’ as 2.00: few best 3.50a : i.oo: Georgia. T *-bushel hampers, green, j few fancy, 4.50. Cucumbers —Supplies light: demand ! light, market slightly weaker: Florida. 1 I square bushel crates, fancy, few sales 1 4 50a4.75: choice. 2-dozen baskets, hot- J j house stock, 2.50. Pepper* Are Steady, Peppers—Supplies light; demand light, market steady: Florida, pepper I crates, fancy. 4.00a4.50; medium size, j 3.00a3 50; sm.dl size. 2.50a3.00. Eggplant—Supplies light; demand light, market steady: Florida, pepper :rates, fancy, small size, 2 50a3.00. most ly 3 00; choice, mostly 2.50. Squash--Supplies light; demand light, market steady; Florida, pepper crates, fancy white, wrapped, mostly : 3 00. Cauliflower—Supplies light: demand light, market steady; California, crates, 2 50a2.75. Beets— Supplies light: demand light, market steady: Texas. W’estem lettuce, | crates, bunched. 4 00. Carrots—Supplies light: demand light, market strong: California. Western let tuce. crates, bunched. 4.50: Texas. West ern lettuce, crates, bunched, fine qual ity and condition, 5.00. Peas —Supplies heavy: demand mod erate. market weaker: South Carolina, bushel hampers. Laxtons. 2.00&2.50; 1 small pod varieties, 1.50a2.00. Oranges—Supplies light: demand light, market firm: Florida, boxes, me , dium size. 7.50a8 00: California, boxes, i medium size, 7.00a7.25; large size dls i S counted. 1 j Grapefruit—Supplies light; no early . j sales reported. ■ ■ —• MAYTAG TO RECAPITALIZE. NEW YORK. April 27 (A*).—Recap italization of the Maytag Co. through the issuance of $25,000,000 in new first ! preferred and cumulative preference I j stock, the latter carrying warrants for the purchase of common stock, was an nounced yesterday by Blythe. Witter & Co . New York brokers The Maytag family has disposed of $22,000,000 of their share of the new securities to the j New York brokers, who will make a I public offering shortly. I ATCHISON EARNINGS SAG. NEW YORK. April 27 (A*). —A sharp drop in earnings for March and the first quarter is reported by the Atchison. To peka Sc Santa Fe. the month’s net oper : ating Income falling to $2,667,137 from $4,028,489 in March, 1927. and for the three months to $7,936,592 from $12.- j -536.956 in the first quarter last year. Gross for March was $2,241,604 less. THE EVENING STATC, WASHINGTON, P. C., FRIDAY, APRIL’ 27, 1328.^ I | Commodity New§ I SAN FRANCISCO. April 27 (Special). —Strawberries from central California , are plentiful here, with retail prices ,r down to two boxes for 25 cents. Any . excess which threatens this price will , be sent, to the canneries. ’ CHICAGO.—The advantage to 1111- , nols farmers from high prices for live stock has been wiped out. by the decline in other farm commodities, according I to the American Farm Bureau. Prices , for products other than live stork have declined 17.7 per cent in the last two years. CLEVELAND —Business among the patnt companies has been good so far • this year. For the first five months of ■ the Glidden Co.’s fiscal year sales ran ’ SIOO,OOO a month above those of the previous year. Sherwin-Wllhanis haa opened more stores In its chain. EAST LIVERPOOL. Ohio.— There has been a slight slackening in the opera tions of the pottery plants here. Two plants have just announced that they would close for an indefinite period. NEW YORK —The market for indus , trial alcohol Is very steady at prevail ing prices, but higher figures are being demanded for future shipments. This Is a reflection of the activity among In dustrial consumers. COAL OUTPUT DOWN. Loss of Four and a Half Million Tons in Production Is Reported. HARRISBURG. Pa., April 27 <4>b— Producing 79.367,154 net tons in 1927, Pennsylvania’s anthracite mines showed a loss in production of four and one half million tons as compared with 1926, Walter H. Glasgow, secretary of mines, announced today. Reports from the bituminous mines made public last night showed a loss of 20,000.000 tons In 1927. as compared with 1926. producing only 151,746.464 tons last year. Although about one thousand fewer men were employed In the mines in 1927, the anthracite industry last year took a toll of 36 more lives than in the previous year, according to the report. An average of 167,648 men were em ployed throughout the year as com pared with 168,734 in 1926. and 491 men lost their lives in the fields. DIVIDEND REDUCED. NEW YORK. April 27 (A*). —Phillips Jones Corporation, manufacturers of men's shirts and underwear, has re duced the annual dividend rate on the common stock from $4 to $3, with a quarterly payment of 75 cents a share on June 1 to holders of record May 19 PROFIT IS LARGER. NEW YORK. April 27 <*■).—Central Alloy Steel lifted its first quarter profit to $1,108,100. after charges and de preciation. but before Federal taxes, from $684,905. before Federal taxes, in the first quarter of 1927, EARNINGS SHOW GAIN. NEW YORK. April 27 The Bangor Sc Aroostock earned $4.67 a share on the common in the first quar ter. after preferred dividends, against $8.38 a share, on a smaller amount of common outstanding in the first quarter last year. Surplus fell to $558,821 from $707,901. PRICES ON PARIS BOURSE. PARIS. April 27 OP).—Prices were steady on the Bourse today. Three Kr cent rentes, 70 francs: 5 per cent in. 90 francs 15 centimes: exchange on London. 124 francs 2 centimes. The dollar was quoted at 25 Iranca 41*4 centimes. DU PONT EARNINGS SHOW BIG INCREASE i - * Income From General Motori* In -1 vestment Great Factor in Bet ter Showing 1 of Company. t By th« AaaoclJlted PrfM. t WILMINGTON. Del.. April 27.—E. I. > du Pont de Nrmours ft Co. earned $7.63 i a share on Its 2,661.658 shares of com mon Rtock In the first quarter of 1928 In comparison with $5.36 a share in 1 the 1927 corresponding period. Net ' income |ump**d to $21,514,198 from $15,458,268. Earnings from operations 1 were $4,118,891. an Increase of $831,120. Income from the company’s General 1 Motors' investment was $14,874,930, compared with $11,977,865 last year.. Both figures include the extra divi dends paid by General Motors in Janu arv of each year. Income from miscellaneous securities increased from $525,526 in 1927 to $3,- 067,529 this vear, the gain including about $2,286,000. representing profit, from tile sale of 114.000 shares of United States Steel Corporation com mon stock. Without this unusual source of profit, the report said, earnings for the quarter would be $6.77. or $1.41 a share over the first quarter of 1927 Surplus account was increased during the quarter bv $23,632,209 from $97,- 785,244 on December 31. 1927. to $121.- 417.453 on March 31 this year. The company's holdings in General Motors have been revalued, accounting for $19,962,440 of the increase in sur plus account. * ... ■ • WOOL QUOTATIONS. BOSTON. April 27 (Special).—Some sales of old and new clips of wools at prevailing prices were reported to ; day in the Boston wool market. French i combing territory sold at 1.10a1.12. Fine territory was quoted at 1.18a1.20. clean basis; half blood, at 1.12a1.15: three-eighths blood, at 1.03a1.08. and quarter blood at. 95a1.00. Fine Ohio fleeces were quoted at 49n51. grease basis: half hlood. at 50a52. and three eighths blood and quarter blood, at 52a53. MAELAND OIL LOSES. NEW YORK, April 27 (*»).— Marland Oil Co. reports loss of $1,876,992 for the first quarter after Interest, depreciation, depletion, surrendered leases and re serves for intangible, drilling cost*, in contrast to profit of $228,692. before taxes, in the first quarter last year Gross earnings were $9,661,483. against $19,330,146. . > ■ CONTINENTAL BAKING. NEW YORK, April 27 C4»).—Conti nental Baking Corporation reports net profit of $976,935 for 15 weeks ended April 14. equal to $1 88 on the 8 per cent preferred, against $1,333,983. or 46 cents a share on the A common, after preferred dividends. In the 15 weeks ended April 9. 1927. POTATO MARKET STEADY. , | CHICAGO. April 27 (U. S. Depart - i ment of Agriculture). — Potatoes — Re i ceipts. 82 cars; on track. 213; total U. S I shipments. 843; old stock trading slow, market steady; Wisconsin sacked round whites, mostly 1.75*1.85; fancy shade , higher; Minnesota sacked round whites, 1.60a 1.80; Idaho sacked russets. 1.75a 1.90. according to quality. New stock trading only fair, market steady; Texas sacked Bliss Triumphs, mostly 4.75a4.»0; , ordinary. 4.50. BALDWIN GETS ORDER. NEW YORK. April 27 ).—Baldwin Locomotive has an order for 10 Mallet engines from the Southern Pacific, (ypennsylvan ia\ T ([Sixty lfears\ I cAvenue at J V | of "Worthy | V Seventh. JJ C/M/vv Service JJ A VALUE DEMONSTRATION PROVING CLEARLY THAT *35 CAN BUY A 2-TROUSER SUIT FINER IN EVERY WAY! More Value Than v|X |M A Has Bought in Years! \JsJ -i \ 1 Be * our m * n^s t° the creation Y of a higher level of value in f 2-Trouser Suits at $35 —the price that thousands of men pay. j l What happened? ASHINGTON now witnesses a ( 'til o \ n % demonstration of the result— / I \YJ /fy( m II /rS \ a Value Demonstration present / ^ — at 2-Trouser Suits ' f \!n *h° se f ferric-quality and style, XU HOl *knianship and finish, in every k 1 V:M way entitle them to rank with \jj~ \\k c, ° thes ° f higher price * \/r* \ mJi ||| Biis P r * ce (but of higher i IV fitUv value) you will find the latest I// / *7 V I \J/ °f *he Spring Grays and Tans. # li I/I 1 ! /Vy / ° U find l lun^re^s of Blue ( li \ /S-'vl * I ! M Unfinished Worsteds and Serges. d£joT\ jh ' !IV-1 ff j You will find even 4-Piece Sport /l\ li 1 *7l Suits and the new Double-Breasted I 7,1 1 I I / / /l : Vest Suits with pleated trousers. Liu.? , / \i (-' 8/1 / L njg* iAsJ r short, von will find a whole f ||' mtfs'w \| * w |L’ new clothing deal at a favorite j old price. All sizes up to 50 long ■ 1 ,P Mg I', Jjjgl > Saks—Third Floor TBHBfjH’IS FOR YOUNG FELLOWS AT SCHOOL—OR AT WORK —FOR LADS IN FIRST LONG TROUSERS— FOR ALL YOUNG FELLOWS BETWEEN 15 AND 18 1 (, Saks *Prepster ” 2-Trouser Suit While Broadcloth Shirts at a Ik Special! jms u,,', j«,. . s»i«.« i»- JjP isl a“| pm sold to you—it is a Suit t ▼ I /-Y styled and made exactly for a . | .1 for $5 low's kind of style—not too A ..•HE l( . P ,H.I Unu„ ", |.i»l ymiliiful enough. PPfBBB 1 the quality in apecial. W> It ha* *VI«WI,' if VOU kllOsV 7CM "lint we mean. And you ran Broadcloth. We directed the j,» r | it in either a rich Blue M L «»»«»« .». do«-n. «f «ew a vu* nerkhand. St»e* !1* jln IT. Spring I Hit* illld (tl’av*. * \j?Vw Sr, A * First Floor SaJla IVa/Miar Section ~~S»eon4 Floor mf.n’s #3.0(1 I rTFqmm men's oxfords spmiNt; hats , , ~ ~ . BKHUCKI) TO L "W| Spring Styles-I.reat I alues *3.85 Ikn)lL *6.50 THI »tyle» and shade* are the | » ... . . . . 1 noweat-or wo wouldnl he | '|’HK iwko i» low, hut the quality .. tugV the new offering them. Fur exotnple, MM “‘f"" ‘V PyP ••• u " ,l ’ Cedar l ight Tan, Pearl, Steel I T| *erv hue iall.kin and Votvh t.ram, Aim new .port liray and the new Brown .hade. I \| nxlnrd.. High grade in ever* pert. All that are »o popular. All aiae. I 1 tint, «f cagri*, H. Opportunity I Sok* ~ Tiro Hoot Sokt—Firit Floor 13