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MERGER ROAD BOND LIST SCORES GAINS Speculative Industrial Issues Have Advances —Better Tone in Utilities. BY CHARLES F. srEARF.. '•social Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. April 27,—The excite- I nient in the market for merger rail- i road shares extended today to the bonds i of the independent lines that may '• logically be bene fit tod by the present i tendency to draw into the large systems • some of the outlying roads. This resulted in sharp advances in j Peoria and Eastern incomes, which were i up 4* - points and over 7 points in the | past two days, in Chicago and Alton j 3 > ,s with a rise of about 2 points, and . in'Chicago Great Western and Chicago I and Eastern Illinois s Other strong bonds less directly allectcd by present j consolidation activities, were lowa Cen tral ss. Kansas City Southern 3s and Denver ss. , . .. . | The efleet of the Delaware and Hud- , *nn profit from its sales of Wabash and j Lehigh Valley stock was plainly seen ; in the rise of over a point in Hudson j Coal 5s They sold today 5 points above the price to which they broke earlier In the month. Delaware and Hudson re funding 4s rose a half point, in contrast to the heaviness of other high-grade issues Panhandle 5 per cent bonds were un l 5 4 points. Next in importance to these move ments were the fluctuations in specu lative Industrial bonds. Leading them was Andes Coper 7s with a rise of 4 points to a new high record price. Ana conda Copper 7s rose 2 point* imd J. j Xavser 5 1 s, 2'*. Armour s’jS were j up a point and Brooklyn Union Gas, 4 points. There was a moderate recov erv in Remington Rand 5 as. as air > * heavy tone to National Radia or 6< under 04 and pronounced weakness in loriliard s’-s as a result of the latest phase of the price-cutting war Non-legal public*utility bonds showed ; a little better tone, among theni Phu-, adelphia Co. 5s and Columbia Gas & Eleciric ss. ""here were also fractional recoveries in some of the legal 4 A j The postponement by the Federal, Reserve Bank of New York of a higher discount rate did not change the sit uation materially surrounding high, grade corporation bonds. Several of the U, S. Liberty and U S Treasury cer t ww6 lower. Northern • 4$ went down below 95 for the first { time on this movement. The onlv color in the foreign market todav was given by the rise in all of the Italian 7 per cent industrials warrants atta hed. Thev were up from 1 to 2 points and at the highest aver age of the wear. Elsewhere the list was dull and very little changed. This week's total of bond issues was ; raised considerably today by the new offerings, amounting to $69,000.000_ which represented various types of financing and included a number of common and preferred stock issues. Washington Stock Exchange SALES. Riggs National Bank —1 at 525. Merchants' Bank <& Trust Co—*o at Lanston Monotype—3 at 10!) «, 20 at j Peoples Drug Stores pfd.—2o at 110., * at 310. 5 at no. 20 at 110, 3 at 110, J 5 at 110. 10 at 110. . Sanitary Grocery Co. pfd.—lo at 118, | 10 at 118 1 4 . 10 at 118 5 * . AFTER CALL. Capital Traction ss—ssoo at 104%, at io4 ! t. at 104%. Barber & Ross 6 5 ,s—slooo at ®6%. j Potomac Electric 5M* r » pfd.—s at 108 2 . sat 108%. sat 108 1 ,. sat 108 ! 2. ) P' tomae Elect Ist 55—55,000 at l o ®. 1 *- | Washington Rwy. & Elcc. pfd. 18 a, . Washington Gas Light—s at 95. T) C PaDer pfd.—lo at 89. • SkSdSC Gas fe A-SIOOO at. 106, ■ *2,000 at 106. 1800 at 104%, 400 at , 1 94 J 4. j Pederal-American National Bank—9 a*. . Washington Lean Vfe Trust Co.—3 at 505. Capital Traction Co—so at 109*2- Sanitary Grocery' Co. pfd—2 at 1.8 « • Potomac Electric Cons. 55—52,000 at peoples Drug Stores pfd—3o at 110. Money—Call loans. 5 and 6 per cent. Bid and Asked Pricea. BONDS. PUBLIC A«rer. Tet 4 TVS/* 4". ... OM*« Aire-- T*. A T». r a 4 *j» . . • jji T»; i 7>: ■ tr. a* . !*»♦ ••••* AuimUt 4 I’--’ K H S* - *J*f % *-* • • r'] ‘ wi-C iy •• • ? ;;y P-M** r.*p KW-. nr !»■■, >'** J f to* * r •* * htu 9 4 it* % a>»' a it*. * ** * # * • Xl’S,*:.vA m' W**i k A«m*P ■ -Jr,. »»-• *.■ h ) ;!? * vs, h*r e 8" t*’> 1 °' s 4 1“4 VIVtEUAXROC* Walter 4- are. I" f,? CV’? s'j» I 'J, f» V.rwt ¥<»>* !'■* »- i Sn.’-r *«/.- k fsk .'»« I' l # ..... W m r< wvjimi#*- '•* • • - V/ err,.# *r.* ' r 1 tu ' 202 j 5 ; .f , S# I | STOCKS. v i-.r.fc irnr.Txr * t w T< *T. /a 5«5 44 . - r *-..**:■ '}■»'■>!■ . .... 3»«* , Jbas » ei , M-i.-ft i* *:c, A w .... sou V K •>. e' f . . 1; i . 1 p<«». »*• >;•.<' f.f<s je* joet* Wa*4n e » * * - '>" . • * ,(,i ve l(v ■ A I - - , i' <: l'<; ’*> . «./i <.<> •fi.'J '* S«4 KATiOXAL BANK X utter *t Catwt#! .......... J 25 ..... n *■< - „ 25* Wter*j.-A«e'rl- ::::: If 40fi • « x.• •- • y V «..f v ft.v-i .'V)T *l* Tit':*') fiOXeAXT --'r r r J. ,»« < . 44f 4f.6 4fill'. T- ►♦. . . .* , » •> VfiUrf’ '..*•< • • wr.r A " H'rfSAtr *>*•*&!: 4 1 | ( >¥ IfAMt 4>f =■ ...... * e r .... - - - W-4.ililrt.Mi ,/ ' T",, V 4 I 4.:. «Bi> «>-ett s tin t ........ *te** ~... vs M- nr. '* bO rims lasiEAtii.r. . ::::: ■. 'mLIK. JMsf.'BAM.t ' Cpte»i« - . JA £» A b.v ' ■-f ,J-5 W—u Ci/e« I <** ete t ' ** XIm;kU.aXKOCS f«rb*r a X'»»« I' ; i-» . /-, v. i, .i >■ fiM . )'•<- )ot /*’ - t. ■■ -v«- !-M - . ■'-* Hte V i..¥•> , .«* .!•* )■ a -•*'“* ; ?,4 f m-.' ..f Tt- ■ 1 >tU i >*o v, !!! % t-'X‘ * , r.* "r. iM ■ i'p ■ nV. Hi - .. - 11 14 .. ■ ' / A FIN ANCIAB. ON NEW YORK bonds; STOCK EXCHANCEj Received by Privato Wlm Direct te The Star o«ce Quotations to 5:35 p.m.—Final Quotations in 5:30 Edition. UNITED STATES. (Sain* are In $1,000.1 Sail-*. High, i.ovr. 2:55. Lib 3*4a... 12 1018 1018 1018 Ist «<4* 21 102 3 1»2 102 Lib Sii 4V4 ■ 87 100 8 100 7 100 7 Lib 4th 4 >4• 85 102 26 102 23 102 24 US 3 4»s 4S- 5 102 2 102 2 102 2 USSAtS... 10 107 2 107 2 107 2 US4l*ss2. it 11 127 114 22 114 27 FOREIGN. B*lC*. H-Igb. Low. 2:55. Argentine BsJu 89. IS 100 S 100’* 100'* ! Argentine «sOct6s 13 100*e 100’* 100 S i Argentine t*s A.... 30 t 0 100’« 100's Argentine 6s 8.... 32 100'. 100'* 100 N I Australia 5* 1965.. 17 98N 08% 98% Australia 5s 1957.. 29 98% 98'* 98% | Austria 7« I 103% 103% 103% ! Bank of Chile 6 %s. 10 99 98% 99 j Belgium 6s 15 10V 100% 100% ! Belgium 6%s 17 108 1U7% 1u7% ! Belgium 7s 1966... 15 108% 108% 108% | Belgium 7s 1955... 22 tofi'n 106% 106% ; Belgium 7He 15 U *H 115% 11 >% | Belgium 8s 11* 111 110% 110% | Bolivia 8s 9 106% 106% 106% I Brasil 6H* 1926... 28 99% 98% 98% | Brazil 6%s 1927... 51 99 98% 98% FratU 7s 16 102% 102% 102% Brasil Ss 9 112% 112% 112% j Bremen State 75... 8 102% 102% 102% Buenos Atres 7s 67. 2 100 99% 100 Buenos Alt es 7s 68 25 100 100 B'o ! Canada 5s 1952.... 2 106% 106% 106% i Canada 6 >,s 1929.. IS 101 100% tot Chile 7s 1943 7 102% 102% 102% i Chile 8s 1941 111 OH 11 OH 110 H Chile Ss 1946 2 109% 109% 109% Christiania 6s 2 101 101 101 Con Bow Japan 7s. 3 100% 100 100% Copenhagen 5a ct.. 15 98% 98% 98% Copenhagen 5H♦ 11 100% 99% 100% Cuba 6’4s 1 102% 102% 102% Czecho 8s 1951.... 1 110% 110% UO% Czecho 8s 62 4 110% 110% 110% Denmark 6s 7 105 105 106 DB3 1 SHs Mch 63. 1102 H 102% 102 H D bl 1 5Hs Nov 63.. 2 102% 102% 102% Dutch East i6s 47. 7 103 103 103 Dutch East 16s 62. 4 103% 103 101 I Finland a f«s 45... 1 99% 99% 99% : Framerican 7 Hs. • • 8 108% 108% 108% ! French 7a 33 los% 108% 108% French 7%s 13 119% 118% 118% German El P 64*.. 2 1)8 9S 98 German 7s 12 U>7% 107% 107% Ger Am Bank 75... 2 101 101 101 Greek 7s 10 99% 99% 99% Haiti «s 4 101% 101% 101% ; Hungary 7%s 2 102% 102% 102% ! Italy 7a 49 100 99% 99% Italy Pub 7a 21 100 99% 99% Japanese 4s 22 94 93% 93% | Japanese 6%# 10 104% 101% 104% I Lyon 6a 3 100% 100% 100% | Mexico 4s 04 asntd. 18 30% SO 30% ; Mexico 4s 1 o asntd. 16 30-» 30% 30% Mexico 5s asntd... :> 4;% 43% 4>% Milan 6%» 71 94% 94% 94% Netherlands 6s 54. 58 102% 102 102 j Netherlands 6s 72. 2 106% 106% 106'* New So Wales 575. 13 95% 95% 96% New So Wales 58s. 2 95% 95% 95% N’ord 6%s 1 102% 102% 102% Norway 6Hs 4 101% 101% 101% Norway 6s 1944... 28 102% 102% 102% Norway 6s 1953... 5 102% 102% 102% Orient Dev deb 6a. 24 102% 102% 10.% Paris-Ly-Aled 6a.. 10 100% 100% 100% i Paris-Ly-Med 7a.. 8 104% 104% 104% Pans-orleana 7a.. ,5 103% 103% 103% Peru 6S 67 w 1 96 93% 93 93 Peru 7a 32 104% 104% 104% Peru 7%s 1958.... 13 107% 107 107% Poland 6a 40 1 t>6% 86% 86% Poland 7s treta)... 58 91% 91 91% Poland 8a 19 101% 101% loi% Porto Alegre 8a.... 6 109 109 109 Queensland 65..... 2 108% 105% 107% Queensland 7a 19 115% 114% 114% Rlode Jan 8s 1946. 3 108% 108% I»S% Rio Gr Do Sul Ba.. 2 108 108 108 Rome 6H« 52 95% 95% 95% | Sao Paulo 1950.... 18 108% 108% 108% Saxon (PWJ 7a.... 30 101% 101 101 : Seiue 7a 42 2 106% 105% 106% j Serbs Grot Sio Bs.. 11 101% 101 101% ,Poissons 6a....... 3 100% iooH 100% j Sweden s%fe 6 104% 104 104% \ Sweden 6a........ 4 102% 102% 102% ; Swiss 5%s 1946.... 3 103% 103% 103% j Swiss Confed 8a... 4 112 111% 111% ! Toho El Pow 7a.... 2 100% 100 100 i Tokto 5a 4 83% 83 83 I Tokio 5Ha t»fl... 13 94% 94 94% i Utd Kingm 6%*87 19 106% 106 106 'Yokohama 6s w t.. 9 99% 99V* 99% MISCELLANEOUS. Am Agrl Chem 7%* 2 106% 106 106% Am built & R Ist 6s 4 101% 101% 101% Am Smelt & R 65.. 13 109% 108% 109% Ain Sugar Kef 6a.. 11 104% 104% 10P% Am T&TCi tr 4a. . 17 99% 99% 99 % | Ain X 4fcTcl tr $•.. 11 106 104% 105 i AmTkTif 6a.... 33 fO7H 106% 10 5% Am Tei Sc Tel 6%a. 8 109 108% 109 Am Water Wits 6s. 3 100"* 100% 100% Anaconda Ist 6S. .. 58 105% 1051* 105% Anaconda cv db 7a.350 1271* 12.» « 1251* Andes Copper 7a.. 1005 139 * 135%139% Armour&Co 4 H*29 24 92% 92% 92% Armour Del 6 Ha* > 31 93% 93 93% Associated Oil 6a.. 4 103 1021* 102% j Atlantic Resin 5a.. 9 1021* 1023* 102% ! Barnsdalt 6s 1940. 102 104% 104% 104% ! Bell Tel Pa 6a W... 17 108% 108% 108% Bell Tei Pa 6c C... 0 111* 111% 111 . BetnienemStl pmSa 1101 H 101% 101% Beth Steel rs 6a.... 2 104 103 103 Beth Steel 6Ha 6J. 23 103% 103 103% Beth Steel 6a 7 105% 106 K 5 Bklyn Edison 6a... 1 106% 105% 105% Bkiyn Union 6Ha.. 24 287 283 2«7 Bush Term Blog 5a 1 103% 103% 10 ,% Chi fa Copper 6a... 23 97 96% 97 Col Gas&Ki deh 6a. 23 100% 100 100% Con Coal Md Ist 6a 4 79% 79% 79% Coo Gas NY6% • • * 1 100% 106% 100% Consumer* Pow 6a 64 104 » Hi 4% 104% Cuba Cana cv 7a... 1 ac% 88% 8.8% Cuba Cana 8a,..... 1 91% 91% 91% Cuban Am Hug Bs.. 6 lot>% 106% 106% Denver Gas 6s 2 101% 101% 101% Detroit Edison <a.. 8 108% 108 108 Dodge 6a 22 BF% 88 88% Donner Steel 7a.... 5 96V* 96% 96% East Cuba Hug 7%■ 17 104% 104 104 kisk Rubber 8a.... 5 120 119% 120 Gan Mot Ac Cor «•. 22 104 103% 104 | Goodrich 6Ha 10 107% 107% 107% j Goodyear 6s rets... 22 93% 95% 93% | Ho* ACos Ha 8 95% 95% 95% tlurnbie UU sa 11 100% 100% Joo% ! Humble OAR 6%S 11 102% 102 102 ; Illinois Bail Ist 6a. 21 105% 106 105 liSinoie Steel 4 %*. 10 95% 99% 90% lot Mer Manna «s. 10 105% 106% 106V* inter Paper fd «a., 5 105 104% 104% int Tei&Teieg «%s 27 96% 96% 96% J Kayaer &Co 6%e 73 120V* 119 119 Kan <i 4c El «» 52.. 3 105% 105% 105% Kan CP yPA L 6a. 2) 105 104% 104% Kelly-Spring 85... 9 lo:r 108% 108% Laclede 6a 2 102% 102% 102V* Laclede G 6%* 62. 1 105% 105% 10 ,% Liggett A My era 7a 27 125% 126% 125% Loniiard <P» 75... 2 116% 116% 116% Louis vGAE 6a 62 3 106 105% 106% Midvale Steal 6a... 24 101% 101 101V* kiout Power 6S 48.. 19 104% 104 104% Mont Power deb 6s 4 102V* 102% 102V* Mor'a&Co Ist 4%5. 2 87% *7% 87% i New Eng is no Tel ta 1 109% 109% 10P * > #» y Edison 6 %5... 6 117% 117% 117% NyGELII «* P 4* 2 97% 97% 97% H Y sel 4 . 16 102% B/2% 10.'% !N y Tei 4a 41..... 6 108 V, 1114% 108% ; H Y TV $a #9.1 IP'* IIOH 110% North Am Ed I* 6a. 18 102 j* 102% lo2u Nor Ohio Tr *L «a i 106% 106% Jub% Nor State* Pow 6*. J 163% 103V* 16,5% Paeitlc Ga* 4* Ei 6* 2 104 104 104 ; Pae 'i s'i )*t 6*... 57 PG% 104 104 . Pao TA'i ts 62.... 3 106% 106% 10*.% Pan-Amet petal!*. / Jo,s% 103% to,s% . I Paramoot 6* 1247 . 19 100% 106% JOOH Path# E«ch*flg* 7a 10 66 64% 66 ' i P*op,a a Ga* ga.,. I 107% 107 % 107% Pblle Co 6* $7 wL. 77 100% 99% 100% ; Prills Co rs $a A..• J P/3% 101% lo ,% PinlaAite-d* Arl fca 6 96% 96V* 96% Pieiee Arrow *# . . 23 9 V* 92 23% For Hu> An* Tot* «e 4 101% 101% P»l% ; Puma Alegre 7a... 1 105% 105% 100% ' RarntnaconAr $a $X 2 loot, i*>*» ioo% ‘ Htnelalr GJI (*..... 16 99% 99 99% Sinclair OB «%a... 6 lot 1 /* |ol% 101% . Sinclair 011 7a .... 48 joB% iop % (*»::% Siueiatr C« ud* 6%e 81 99% 99 99% Sin Pipe Lin# 6a,,. 43 96% 95% 96% Skelty OH 6%*.... 8 91 , 94% 94% . South Bail Tei ta.. 1 101% i</4% i 04% Soothw«*t Belt 6a, 1 P/6% 106% l*ir!% Stand Oil ti J6a 4$ 8 103 * 103% l*»8% i enr/ElacPow $* 47 I J 07% 107% 107% United Dr ug 6* 68, 31 99% 99V* 99% 1/ S Bub >*l 'f 6e, . 22 93 92% 93 Ij K KdliP/tl iO 103% P/2% J 02% U S Staat sf 65.... 25 P*9 I OSH 109 j o*4/1 Pow AL» 6a. I tot * 101% 101% * Vie/nar «/| 7a *B-. « 91 ‘ 91 91 thk evening star, vvAsnrNrnToy. p. r.. fettvay. ni’iur. 27. t?m hale*. High. Unw. *2:55 West Elec 6s 2 104 104 104 W estn Union «H«. - Hi's ÜBi 111% Westlnghouaa 6*.. 4 104 H 104% 104% Wlllya-Ov «H» *>• •*’ I OSH 102 H 102 H Wilson ACo Ist 6a. 8 103% 103 103 Win Rapes tAr 7Ha 2 107 106% 106% Yngstn SA-T 6a wl. 35 100% 10084 100% RAILROAD. At&SiT CVt 4s 06-55 1 92% 92% OS'* Atchison sdj 4e.... 3 92 92 92 Atchison can 45... 92 97 96% 97 Atlantic CL cl 45.. 4 93% 93% 93% Atl & Dsn Ist 4a 48 2 Sot# 80 80 B& O Gold 4a 196 W 96% 96% B&OCV4H* 72 100 99% 99% MAO tar 6s 7 102% 102% 102% BAO 6a 2000 D... 10 103% 102% 102% B * O rs Imp «5.... 4 110’* 110% 110% B A OSW 6.# 50.... 5 104 104 104 BA O IM-EWY 4a.. 26 96 95% 96 Brooklyn Elec 6%» 11 97% 97 97 Bklyn KlevatedfiH* 195 H 95% 95*. Bklvn Msnhat 6». . 102 100V* 100 100 Buff R A Pitt 4 H*. 94% 94% 91% Can Nat 4 H* 30... 4 100% 100 H 100'* Can Nat 4Hs 67 ... 10 100% 100 100 Cansul North 7a.... 5 116 116 116 Cnnad Pacdeb4a.. 7 ‘.*o !•(* 9o Car CllnchAO $s 62 2 Ute'% 10>% 108% Central Pacific 45.. 1 95% 95% 9.>% Cent Fao Ist 5s 90. 1 103** 8'3% 103% Cheaa Corp 6s wl. .198 100 99% 99 * dies AOcv 4 ',%a.. 9 100 99% 99% Chi & Alton 3a.... 4 71% 7t % 71% Chi A Alton 3*4*.. •10 70 69 70 Chi A Alt 3H» Ctfs 2 68% 68% 65% Chi B&Q gen 4a 68 5 96** 96% «6% ChiAE 111 gn 6s 61. 45 88% 88*. 88% Chi Gt West 4a 59. 43 71 70% 71 CMASt Pgn 89.. 4 92% 92% 92% CM& St Pgn 4Ha 6 102'. 102% 102% CMASI P6s t new). 292 97% 97% 97% CMAStPadj tnaw) 1017 79 78% 75% C A1 &St P6s 17 102% 102% 102% Chi NW 4Hs 2037.. 3 102 102 102 Chi &N W «H 5.... 1 11.1% 111** 113% ChlßysGs 20 83% 85% 85% Chi R1 & Prf 45... 5 96 95% 95% CR 1 Pac 4%s wL. 12 9->H 98% 95% CInTH&SEBa.. 3 101% 101% 101% Chi T H Inc 6s 60.. 2 97% 97% 97*. Chi Union Sta 6s 44 3 104% 101% 101% Chi A W lttdcn4a.. 2 91% 91% 91% CCC A St L 4 %5... 5 100% 100% 100% CCC AStLrf 6s A. 6 I**l% 101% 101% Ctev Term 5a 4 106% 106% 106% Clev Term 5 %*•... 5 109% 109% 109 * Colo & Sou 4 H*> •• • 40 98% 9s'. 98% Cuba RR 6a 30 99’* 99% 94% Cuba RR 7 %*• •• • 5 109% 109% 1'»9% Cuba Nor 6H*ol»* 6 98 97% 9<% Del & Hud Ist rs 4a 18 91% 94% 94% Den & Rio Ucn 4a. 7 93% 93% 93% D Rio G West 6a. ..109 '9B 95 96 Erie Ist con* 4a... 4 89% 89 89% ErieUerMe 10 83% 83% 83% Erie conv 4* A.... 2 86% 86% 86% Erie evt 6s 67 w i.. 31 9?’* 97% 97 % Erie (Pa) cit tr 4a. 3 104 104 104 Fla East C6a 74... 105 89% 88% B>% Gr Trunk stdb 6a.. 8 108% 108% 108% Grand Trunk 7a... 2 115 115 11» Gt Nor 4%* *6 D.. 3 99% 99% 99% Grt Nofthn 4Hs K. 14 99% 99% 99% Great North 65.... 3 107% P'7 107 Great Nor gen 75.. 22 115 114% 115 Green BScWdb B. 23 24 23 24 Hav El Ry 6s 62... 5 93 91 91 Mav El Ry 6%s sl. 6 76 7J% *6 Hud A Man ret 6s. 8 lot** 101% 101% Hud & Man aj 65.. 138 94% 93% 92% ] 111 Cent ref 4a 49 96% 95% 96%; HI Cent 4s 52 2 92% 92% 92V* lnt Rapid Tran 6s. 42 84 B.5V* 84 IntKapTr 6s stpd.. 73 84 83% 84 lnt Rapid Tran 6a. 36 86 85% 8o’» int Rap Trans 75.. 27 102 101% 101% lnt & G Nor Ist 6a. 1 107 107 107 lnt & Nor ad 65... .100 93 92% 92% lnt Ry* CA 6s 72.. 6 85 84% 85 lnt Ry CAm 6s 41. 9 96'% 96 96 lnt Ry C A «%» ret 20 97 V* 97 97% lowa Cent rs 4*.... I 17 17 1* lowa Cent Ist 65... 11 5C% 48% 48% K./n City Term 4a.. 1 94% 94% 94% Kan City Ft S 45.. 6 95V* 96** 9>% Kansas City S 35.. 9 76% 75 » 76% Lake Shore 4s 2*.. 1 99'* 99% 99% Lehigh Val con 4H* 6 101% 101% 101% Louis A Nash 7a... 7 103% 103'* 103% Man Ry Ist 90 16 73% 73% 73% Market St 7s 40.... 1 ion 100 100 Minn & SUL ref 4s. 40 20 19% 19% Minn & StL cn 55.. 13 60 58 69 MSIP&SSM&Hs- 6 94% 94V* 94% MK & T let 45.... 2 90% 90% #O% M K&Tllb 7.2 89% 89% B*% MK A T adj a5.... 7 106 106 106 MK&Tprln 5a A. 7 103 102% 103 Mo Pacific gen 45.. 28 80% 80V* 80% Mo Pac6a A 65.... 3 102% 102% 102% Mo Pao 6* F 77.... 25 101 100% 100% Mont Trm ref 6a 41 3 101% 101% 101% Nassau Ei 48 61.... 12 62% 62V* 62% New or Term 4a... 3 93% 93% 93% N 1 Cent 4* 98...., 4 95% 93V* 95% N Y Cent deb 4a.... 2 97% 97% 9< % N Y Cent r 1 65.... 35 108% 108% 108% N YChIAStL 6%A.. 3 107'* 107% 107% NYChiASIL 5%58. 1 107% 107% 107% New Haven 3%■ 64 2 78 78 78 NY NHAH db 4* 67 10 81% 81% 81% NYNHAH4H*. 7 92% 92% 92% NY NH&H cv db 6a 10 116% 116 116% NY NHAII ell 6a.. I f 106% 105 105% ti Y Rya 8a 66 21 28% 28 28 N Y Ry* 6a A 65... 111 92 91% 92 N Y State Ry 4 %*. 5 52% 52 52% NYWA U 4 %» ... 31 89 88% 89 *. Norfolk AW cn 48. 18 95% 96% 93’* Nor Pac is 2047... 1 70V* 70% fi t Northern Pacific 4s 16 95% 94 * 96% Northern Pac rI 6a 7 116% 115% 115% Ora Snort Lrf * 4*. 3 9J% 99% 99V* Ore Wash iat 45... 6 92 91% 91% Penney I con 4 %“•. 5 104'% 104 » 104% Penney! gen 4 %s.. 4 103 103 103 Peitusy i gen 65... . 16 111% 111% 111% Peiiuayl 6* 64 Jt 103 101% 104% Pemt*yl6%* 8 112% 111% 111% Penney I gold 7a... 2* 104% 104% 104',* Pco& Elt 4* 40.... 9 90V* 89% 9t>% Peoria AE me 4a.. 102 47% 46% 47V* Pei e Mar l»t 4* 66. J» 95% 9-% 96% Pare Mar ti Ist 6*.. 12 104% 104% 104% PCCAStL 6a B 75.. 10 113 111% 113 PCCAHtLUA.. 8 113 111% 113 Port It L P4i 47... 1 104 104 104 Reading JC 4a 61.. 1 96% 96% «6% St L 4MAS 4* 29. .. h 99 99 99 StL 4 MAS gn t>a 21 36 101% 101 101 St L 151 AS RAG 4a 4 96% 96% 96% St LAHFpi 4* A. 31 90% 90% 90% St LAS Fpr in 6a. 1 102% 102% 102*, Si L A S V 6%a D.. 4 102'% 102% 102% StL A S Fa<lJ «».. 3 101% 101% 101% St L A S F ino 6*.. 6 101% 101% 101% St I, AHVpr In 6*. 4 P)O% 100 100% at La W Ist 48.... 2« 90 . 90% 90'* St LS W cun 4a 32. 10 97% 97% 97% St P A KCHiiL 4%a 13 95% 95% 95% Scabbard AL4s*t* 10 81V* 81/* al% Seal/A L ref 4.... - 4 o>% 65V* 65% Seat/A Lad) a... 225 67 63 67 Scab A Lcmi 6*... 4/ h«% M% 68 Sii Aii Fla 6* 36 A. 11 82% 82% 82'% Sii All Fla 6* 3b ii. 1 83% 8.7% 83% Sou Pao 4* 29 ... . 14 99:» 99% 99% Sou Pao Cit 4a 3 94 94 94 Sou Pacific ref 4a.. 67 96 95% 96 Sou Pao 4%a rota.. 16 99 38% 99 Sou Ry gen 4a..... 34 9i% 90% 91 Sou By Con 6a 29 113% 113% 113% Sou Ity 6 %*...,.. 9 lgu% 125% 125% Term A»*o W L 4*, 10 92% 92% 92% le*a*A Pacific let 10 113V* 113 11 1 ! j«x A Pac 6* ?7 ns 4 P»3V* 10 l% 101% I Third Ave ref 4» 6« 1 70% 70% ?/)'» { Third Ave adj 6a,, 416 i>6 66% 67% : Union 4 J *o Ist 4a., 2 97 9? 97 1 Union Pan Jut rs 4a 42 96 96% 96 'i Union P*ccv 4*... 21 100% 100 100 Virginia Ry I*l 6*. 6 107% l'i7% 107 1 Wabash Ist 6».... 2 106 105 105 Wahaah 2<J 6a I 102% 102% 102% W»l,e*n t»%* 76. .. I 106'. 106% 106 , 1 We*t Maryland 4*. 18,,% 86 85 ‘ weetern Md 6%«.. 21 101% 101% 101% We* lam pacific $a 9 100% 100% 100% ‘ Wheal ALE cn 4a. 2 91 93 01 ’ Wla Cert gn 4a 48,. II «•% *7'% «7% FOREIGN EXCHANGE. tOti"t*Uo/i* fuioi*6«o n* A u Hil.baA'i, 1 ho/iuoai ynio aeliiii# < Jib, t*» ' value (nr Hu 1 1 today Lo/idoo POK/Kl . 44 8005 *4 «» V Moolteal ifollui ~. , 100 ~ , , Fa/-/* ti»U‘ It' / 0305 % ,t* 0e1y*,,,,,, l -in 1 59/i - tei in, Kl’ti * 3.18: " 107 * 110/iM- ih u I lid .0637 y,M n 6 Ij a//. .. , . jo t 11/3* * Al6n(i» dr a* 3/M/4. ~ , 103 Ml 13 * W mil lit |(« -., , , III) 1067 » ViKima b. hilling - j 4009 ( 40*) l (lii.iap, at | iuiiu‘l . I'4o I>4o , I‘iaa,ir <.;/,» II . 0406 1 , * W« 11MW. ai'.ly . HO) I 100 l I iiifnhulcili nioWli '6B "08, , (lulu, rrnwn '6B ‘\»lh * SI//, bliolni <|,,wn , 36* '.685 ♦ Woman mako all IP* Iron Ills in lit# * hut H t i omen who make file worth the trouble. FLOOD OF BUYING ON CURB EXCHANGE Mining Shares Active —Tick- er Far Behind, With Trade Volume Large. BY WILLIAM F. IIEFFERNAN. Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. April 27.—N0 lrt up oc curred in the buying movement on the Curb Exchange today. Although there were no spectacular advances, prices moved forward steadily, with the vol ume of business so large that the ticker fell 29 minutes behind floor transac tions bv midday. There was every in dication that transactions would run welt in excess of the million-share mark. Mining stocks were active. New Jer sey Zinc was the star performer, ad vancing into new high ground at 225, a gain of 10 points. The heavy demand at, new high prices for Shattuck Denn Mining was predicated on reports of valuable discoveries at the property. United Verde Extension. Newmont Mines and Hudson Hay Mining went along with the leaders. Humble Standard Feature. Humble featured the Standard Oils, reaching a new peak at 79, a gain of almost six points. Expectations that directors would follow the procedure of most other Standard companies in dis tributing part of the huge capital surplus in the form of a special dividend was the basts for the demand. Prairie Oil and Gas, International Petroleum, Gulf Oil and Standard of Indiana con tinued in demand. There was reason to believe that liquidation in the oil stocks had been completed some time ago. Latest developments in the Bancltaly situation, reflecting the expansion of the corporation's activities in the Eastern banking field, causing heavy buying at new high prices for that issue. At 206 the price compared with the previous final of 196 s s . Campbell. Wyant and Canon at a new peak was responding to reports of increased activities. Store Stocks Soar, Those desirous of obtaining Sanitary Grocery and Safeway Stores were com pelled to bid priees into new high terri tory. New peaks also were established in British Celanize, Lake Superior Cor poration, Mengel Company and Pitts burgh and Lake Erie. Utilities were for the most part higher, with Consoli dated Gas of Baltimore the leader at a new top. The continued demand for Columbia Oraphophone was coincident with rumors that the company Is to play a prominent part In merger negotiations. COTTON SCORES GAIN | ' ON RAINS IN SOUTH Relatively Firm Showing of Liver pool Market Also Is Factor in the Advance. By rh* A «*<wl aied Pn»*». NEW' YORK. April 27.—The cotton market opened steady today at a de cline of 2 points on May, but gen erally 2 to 7 points higher on buying promoted by reports of rains and cool weather in the South. The relatively firm showing ot late Liverpool cables also was a factor, but the advance, which extended to 21.20 for May and 20.76 for October, or about 10 to 13 points net higher, met a great deal of realizing • for over the week end This probably was encouraged by the possibility of clearing weather after further rains in the Eastern belt, but the market held fairly steady at the end of the first hour, when prices were within 5 or 6 points of the best. Private cables said there had been realizing in the Liverpool market, but that reports from Manchester were more encouraging with a fair cloth business pending for India. There were reactions of about 8 to 10 points from the best, but the volume of business tapered off on the decline and prices firmed up again when there appeared to be some buying inspired by the detailed weather reports of rains in the belt. At midday May was sell ing around 21 17 and October at 20.77, making net advances of 8 to 14 points. - ' ■• —— BUTTER IS LOWER. CHICAGO. April 27 bP)-Butter— Lower; receipts, 8.556 tubs; creamery, extras, 44*-; standards, 44. extra firsts. 43a43*i. firsts. 42a42'..; seconds. 41a 41*4. Eggs—Higher; receipts. 27,775 eases: firsts, 28a28'*: ordinary firsts, 26**827*2; storage packed, extras, 31%; firsts, 30%, COTTON GOODS STRONG. NEW YORK. April 27 (Sperlal).— Cotton goods markets were active and strong today. Print cloths were quoted at 7% for 64xfi0s and 8"* for 68x725, the latter an advance of an eighth of a cent. Raw silks were quiet and un changed in price MEET ON MERGER. NEW YORK, April 27 <4»).—Stock holders of the Bank of the United States and the Central Mercantile Bank Ac Trust Co. will meet on May 17 to ratify a merger of the Institu tions, having combined resources ex ceeding $175,000,000. WILL SPEND $6,340,152. NEW YORK, April 27 (A*). —Addi- tional expenditure of $6,340,152 for new construction has been authorized by directors of the New York Telephone Co., bringing appropriations this year to $27,892,716 I AN ACTIVj* STOCK I 1 , tUfiAnLtkL.mitlum.- S MjEOfiL ;jj» !■ 204!- 'I ! CONTINENTAL : itof . U|! CORP. ! 100 . -us«» (MMOICAIf. I MOW Hi V WlftH* low * : y ! I' |* MV 60 lACMAWBIi j CiSS* A COM MS f*> *l» li cimVcox %ut to oaooosM f|'|k , „ ero STK Sl« *?« SH I ,|| '1 40 "arsa- V "(.-m WfvM»' <■«»»— Iff* *- % lt i i i 'i' 1 1.1 i ' PLK SIIAHE ANALYSIS, I'miiHh Viilus us I,nth Slimt, lif ,11, I 027, Per nii/ii* Total properly per slime ~, , f'.lu 67 I I aim* ahead us t oinnpor ft,.iKlft «i|li«i liiiluiii* Mini lire, ' (ei if | Mu. k * J fits l»*1 i in ii lit übjtgiilMills 1" 64 HrthlllS HtHill Will, Ml“ milt llllltlllill p/l’ll liln.'l.lllli o; 14 Mllllll V ~l 111 i lillllM.lllMll* , . , ft Si *,“66 06 In iscsnle fur ‘ V ' tint'll $lB IS tie IS fit.i chain will limn lu In nilloi.l i11,,1 plowed lull, ’ill 11 a•c t a 1.i.f.M1. I lip 111 Mill I.M HUM I'Pill 111 111 ,J1 .»■ iI V («1»« ii 111 X Pill, t, I auiiiiga ill -ft *ld 16'ill tM 4j , ill '?, to fill 111 v Idend* 1112 ft Ill'll *8 IP" liivldind. «..« ill*, mi 1 1 ii lu.. I oil St,mil tit ill '« I .ililliipiilml 0,11,H1M *. IU fni I 3 limes Its nil'll fuss Tne ii>ii<is« that* lilt 11. e i», liangn sella lui I* 1 * lime* lls aniiiial MMiliil.S* (until 11. ynur hanker or btulio fur fur . mu iiifm riisuim as p. tsliie* i>«< U us this Slu.’li < , fc. Mj/Oonu fills fid* fVIUOS iSfsiKlus. I NEW YORK CURB MARKET I Recdvad by Private Wire Direct te The SUjr Ofßce Following la a Hat of atocks and bonds traded in on the New York Curb Market today: Sale* In INDUSTRIALS. , „„ UunUreH*. t Hiirh. Jpiw. \ ;»10. U Aeetnl l’roil A... ‘l7 A* 21% 77% z Ala ut. smith... .187% 18g isx ;) ,vili 1’ Hjii A plil, 711 « 2t> % 20 % •J Allen A. Fisher.. 25 U 25 27 4 Alpha Port ('em. 40 40 40 5 Alum I'n Amer.. 140 14ft ito 7 Alum Co Am phi. 109% iouVj loo 1 , 81 Am A For 1* war 15'* I O’* II % 2Am A K C Ist lif 87 •,* 80 85 Cj v* Amer Clear 150 150 150 20 Am C.v.inamhl B. is',* 47% 48% a Amer Duel Sirs.. I!*Vs 10% U* % 8 Amur Gas A El.. 150 1 IS'* 1 19% 1 Amur Gum A K »f IOH % 100% 1011% 1, Amo LI A Triiu 21 o % 210% 210 % % Amur Ms tr 51% 54% 54% .'1 Amer Nat Gas... 21 21 21 3 Amur I' A J. phi 105 % 10, % llli % 7Am Ifav.m Prod. 1.4 Vs 10% 10% 17 Amur 1t..11 Mill . 104 % 100% lo;i% so Am Sul A Chum.. 24% 254% 24 % 111 Am SAC p util., lift % 05% 05% |5 Am Stairs Sr.- A, 11 JO % II 2. Am Stii Sur war. I o % 0% .11 Am Status Sue It. 10% 15% }•>% 15 Amur Supurp A. 57% 61 % % 0 Amur Supurp U. 55 5b 1 Am Super Ist Ilf 100% 100% .1110% 0 Amrlo Chll Silrn 01% 01 31% % A rmslriimr Cork. 02% 02 • >'- a I Armidul Corp 47% 47% 1.% II All Fruit A Suit, .so .711 .so I Allas plywood... so % So % so % 4 Aiihurp Auto Co. 101 Kll .104 •’ Axlnn Flsiiur A.. 40% 10% 10% 1 Bah. ouk A Wile. 121 120 121 55 Bahia Corp 11% It,, 1"» o Bahia Cm p old- la. 12% ~1 % 280 ilam Italy C0....20h% 103 -*'< « 4 Barker Bros 00 % 00% 04 % .1 llaxtu" Laund A.. 00 % 20% 30% I Bul.l Hall Elur... .50 50 „V» II Bundix Corn A... 80% 70 80% .1 Ben«on A Hedge* 71 70', '-0 '* % Ituhiuk H < Co. 5410 300 310 10 Bohn AI A Br. . 7 0 75 .5 I Borg A Burk. . . 00 00 00 7 Brill Corp 8.... 15% 15 I ■> 145 Bril C, lanusu Ltd 07% 20 00% 17’Brink way Mot.. 55 lit f s 54% 47 liklin City It K 8% ,8% 8% i imr Nittk A KPA os% os% 38 * 0 But N A K Ppf 70% 20% 70% 4 Hilir/.a l lark.... 15% I■> j*} * 30 l impPell Wyant . 40% 48 48% 208 Can Marconi W. 7 % 7 . % 1 Cm nation Milk . 40 40 40 1 Carreras Ltd A. 05 05 lift 10 • asu Plow 4 % 1% 4 % 2 csterpil Tra.'t . , 71 00% 71 8 > elan Cor Am. . . I*l % 00% 00% 2 Ceian C Am n pf I**s% 105 10., I Ceian C Am I pf 100 100 jli.t 8 cent Pip Cor. . 10% 10% )o% 11 c f, Spr A Bump 10% 0% 0% 3*l Chuuk Cah Mtir. 70% 75 70 0 Cilv Ice A Fuel. 15 45 45 21 Clark Lighter A. 30% 00% 00% lii'luh Alum I'ten 07% 37 07 % 305 C"l Graph ... 71% 77% 70% % Cnnimnnwlth Ed. 180% 180% ! s.i •* 4 t omninnw P phi 100% 103 103 7 Consol Dairy I*.. 01 '% 01 01 5 Consul Film .. 15% 15 5* 15% 111 i 'in« Film pfd,, 74 l * 20% 20% I Consol bound .. is% is% |n% 4 Consol It S 2!*% 21* % 24* % 3*tCopel lh'isi A... 15% 15 45 % ft Cnneo Press .. . 48 47% 47 % 7 Curtis* Aero Exp 00% 00 00% 1 llavura Ine .... 011 0(4 0(4 1 Davenport If Os, , 11 % I1 % 1I % f.Deere A Co. . 3*ll 3 til 361 ** 1 lie For It C vt< . 3 0 O 1 Distiller Co 18% 18% 18% % Dixon Crucible. . 188 188 188 (I Doeliler Die C C 07 % 07 02 H Dominion St Ltd 8% 78% I 8 Dillulier *’ A It 4 % 4 4'* 7 Du Pont Mot. . 2 % 2% *2*% 0 Dunlop Rub rl* 8 75* 8 U Durant Mot .. !* % !*% !• % 27 Fast SI Dow It 22% 21% 22 % 82 Kilipr Schlld. . 06% 06% 06% I F.ilimr s- |„ l pfd lot % lot % lot % 22 El Bo A Sh (or 117 115% 117 1 El B A Sh Co pfd 110% ] Ki% 1 10% 60 EBA S C rl* wi 0% 0% in, SO 171 Invest Inc. . . 58 % 56% 58% 10 KfA I. opt I war 21% 21% 21% 5 Em Cow Cor ... 0 % 0 % 0 % l F.\alls ESA... 8| 81 81 8 Evans E 8 H... 82 70% 82 I Fallen. Mot Co.. 4% 4% 4% I Fam'anito Co a 0% 0% O', 0 Kcldeis, Mfs A. 21*5, 21* % 20% 6 Federal Water A 07 % 37% 07 % 7 Fiat deb r(s ... 2% 2 % 2 % 1 Fire An Pluia . . 87 % 87 % 87 % 1 1 , Flreatone Tire. 185 182 % 180 % Flor Cow 7s Pfd 107 5, 107% 107% 1% Ford Mol Co Can 570 561 565 1 Forh m Co A. . '.’B 28 28 4 Foundation FA 17% 17% 17 % fill Fox Theater* A 7 4 23% 70% % Fr H H M C pfd 87 87 87 1 Freni h I. B wi 60 % IIP % lilt % 0 Freshman Cha*.. 8% 8% B*. 1 Game «ve It C 0... 70 % 70 % 70% 3G a rod Corp... 75 75 7ft 3 Gen Am !nv. . . SB 50 6ft 80 Gen Bak .... 8 \ 8% 8% lo Gun Bronxc . . 48% 47 47 % 2 Gen Firunrf.' ... 105 10ft loft 3 Gen lie Cream. . 68 67% 6.8 3 Gilbert ... 16% 16 l« 3 Glen Alden Coal 16(1% 160 160 4 Gol>e! A 108 101 10, % 3 Gold Seal Elec.. 0% !(% 0% 18 Grand Store*,.. 70% 68 70 3 Grant Co lit 113 113 5o Hall Prmttnr. .. 8 % 7% 8 15 Hannin C st a. k-% m% 8% 1 Ilellman war . 13% 10% 10% % Herunl Cow old 174 173 174 17. Mvzrude Food . . 04,'tl 04% India T A R . 37% 32% 37% 78 Iml Rav Cor A. 74*, 71% “4% n Instir Co N A., lon % 100 ]oo 2 Inti Shoe 87 87 82 12 Intern fill B. . , II % 11 % 11*; 7 Intend Dtp S(P«. 41% 44% 41% 3ft Kumsley Mll|b . 17 10% 17 !» kawan Sen . , 51 % 51 51 ** 0 Lake Super (J . . 0 % 8% B’* ft La»d On Fla .. 16 15% 15% I t.ando Hold A si a 7% 7 % 7% 7 I.efeoor Real pf. 40% 40% 40% 3 Gh Coal A Nav. 171 12o>* 171 1 la-li Cow 31 % 01 % 31% 7 lah Va I C uf* , 33% 03% 30% Luh Val c Sales 56 5(4 56 2 Lib Owen* <h 01 130 % 100 130 7 Lib M> N A I, .. . li% it's 0% 2 Loews dub rl*, . . 10% 10% 10% 111 Mure Wur Un 105% 105 % 105 b 8 Marmnn Mol 57% 52 57% 8 Mavis Holtllnr.. . 1» 18 5* JB% 3 Mav Dtn« Sir 7 4 74 74 1 Mar Hosiery pf . 40 % l l '% 40' , 4 M'Kue*p Tin Cl 64 % lit', ot% 4* Mead Johnson ~ 118 % 68% 68% 7o Mcmrei Box. . , ll i ] oil jj 4 1 Metro Cham sjr* ftlt % 50% Mt % 7 Mn! West Ctll , 145 147 1 4ft 76 Mohawk Hud P 30% 30% 30*4 4 Mohawk Val . 54 % 54 54 % 1 Mummia W C Pfd % "it% "6% 1 Moore Drop F A 4I % It'-, 41% I Motion Piet pfd 73 23 73 I Mimo’ipal Scry. 18% 18% 18% 1 Nut El Cow A . 31 % 31 % 3| % 2 Nat Food Prod. 17% 1" 17 4 Nat Leather ~ . 4 % 4 % t % 7 Nat M u A Sir* 31 », 31 % 'll*. ’•j Nat PAI. 7* phi 100 % 1(6*1, loil', 1 Nat Pum s a .. 25 *» "5% ’ft % ft Nat Pub S-i B 77% 27% 77% % Nat 811 s R N .1141% 113 % 1 t:l % ' Nat Trade Jour 31 % 31 % .11 % 2 Nuv Calif FI ... 30 38 % 30 3 Nuvel On'ar wi. . 23 73 -, 't 2 Neve Drag, ~,.27 '.’7 77 1 Neve Dr lix A. . 40 40 40 6N(> G N HR. . . 4 1 38% til I New York Meroli 33% 33% 33' . ** N V Te I Co pf.l 11 | % 114% 1 | 1 % . Niutiut* A slop, ft-; 50% 57 38 N'lles Hem Pud. . 45*4 43 45 1 North Am Chum 11 % 11 % n*, 5 N 11111 a Klee. ... 2! •% 21 % 21 '* 4 North Am I! . 11% 11 0% I Nor Am Et I pfd Oft I*s 05 4 1 North* I'ow "B*, ”8 % -;s *i 112 North O Cow C •;:% 26 21 % 7 Nor Sl* 1' r \ .14. lift % ill .31 Northw Coyra, . ,37 3ft % ,'lft % 3 Npvadrl Ci'iwes* 16 16 Id .'trio GAF. 1 Pfd 70% 70% ;tl% % Penn OK n pfd 108 % 108 % los 1 , ** COl*A L 6* pf.l ns*. 08 % ps 5 Culm ft See ... Ift Ift Ift l Penn VVt C C n x 8(i ho mo % Penn Salt . .. 4*8% 08', ps % 3 Phillip Mon .* A 1% 5% . % ft I’lefur tiuVuiPor. 38 3ft% 31% ft Cblßl.v Wiggly. . 38% 38 % 38 % 27% Pit felt A I, E . , 181* % lift 1m: % % Cltl»h Cl Glas*. . 77 1 22 4 2"1 .1 Cow Sueur Corn 17 % 17% 17 % I Ci,HI A Lamh C 54 % ft t % ft 4 % 4% Ci mu A Gmnhle. 215 210 21,ft 0 I’ll* SP A 1.... 10% 78 ;k 1 Pug spAf, pfd. 103% 10.3% to.l % I Repel!! I ' indy , , ) % | % | % git Hh h Rail '% 71% •> ( % ft Rot, R ,011 pfd 375, 37 37 % ft Ktlhheionl .... 107 % 101% 101% Ift Sntr 7'st«t ... 71 % 2 4 2 4 % Safeway Stine*, ft oft ft,Ml ft 55 I* % Sam tat > Gin. un 350 330 315 1 S' loft t'o pfd. I "ft 1 "ft 1 "ft .3 Si hulte Real F»l 2ft % "3 "I 1 Sr-hul U I pfd (id Ml 80 8!l I Sruman Hro» .. 11% 44% 4t% I Heiberlinit R C. , 4ft 4ft 4ft 6ft Serv Ki n *h- 10% (I l a O’* I Sri F. n vie pfd .3.5% 3ft % .3,5% 7 Shaeffer Pull* . 50% Ml % .50 % I Sierra Cat F .38 ,3k ,38 26 Mill'll Gel vie . 28% ";% 77% % singer Mfg . . 4iß 416 418 I Sllilltl Co , Bft Bft Bft 1,30 Smith* I'AI, 11 ft l ftl a* 5" % 7 Smith* CAL tin fto ftp Mi II Soul lie CAL war 18% 11% 18 J'.’smith Asiiesios *;8 2; % - ;s I Soil C E Ii pfd, 27 20 54 76% 1 Still tin V .11 % 31 % 31 *« 2 south Sloii* A. 31 36% .16% 57 Span A Gen rug 0% ft % ft % n 81,111 its \\ tilting no Hn% ko% i Sl.l UAL pi old I1 I % 1 I I % 11 I % 4 Maud Mm 2 2 2 I si,md Cow A 1.4 41% 4.1% 11% In si up! B.u,it Mf** 36% .35% 36% Z Bt«niwv t.l ... 17 % 47 % 4" % 8I S| lieu I* Cilpul . 86% K,% 80 1, •1 si,(iii, k t'o 41% 44 II 11) Muir Mm , |B% i s 18',, % Bupui‘he«t to, . I ftl lift: iftl lftft 8« lfi lull "8 % 7; % ", % " Hw A E pfd hi |oo% Hio% 100% " Swift. A 111 130 I, 130 % ('IP , I THoioc* I’ltid A lift 4* 1.1% 15% 1 Timken Del Axis 11% 11% 17% 8 Ti*hmau Really 13% 13% 13% fiTian, Lux Pud 3% t% .3% llineo Clod 34% ,3 4 ,3 4 % .3% 11 81 pfd 1f» dep (123 POO 00,3 11 up.ll NG ' in 36 % 30% ,30% II 1. NL C ft* w | |tg 1 % (i* I Epl (liseuit B , lft% 1.3% 1,3% O'. 1 111 FI Coal vtn 41iti 4; % Bft I ,0 1. Imp 1’ l it % L% i ll % 88 1,0 I 1 x C A 7I », “1 % "1 % i I in IA I* It . , ; II n. Cm, u Dye W 7ft I* .3 Ift ** I 15 Fill A SIS pf I*B PS 118 IP LSI. Hull IV III" l"8 111 % llft I 1.l CAL 11. 11 "< % 2; % 7. % 1 I 111 Sion ... 0% utg U % I Wald 4 Mmol A 7', % 71% " ", v\ ,iu a ihiiu) ii 1, % Ir% 1; % VtV uta 1 ill’ll , . 47 4 I 41 " tt .ilbiiiwii win 18 18 18 17 1\ wi pul fft'ii* i'iii "ft % '.'4 % I,'ft tl tV a Ihiiii J tV 6 8 % 0 6Vt • » 11 * 811 I|o II '■* ‘1 |', 'VI % 3 Wont A Mlo Bi||i A 0 Oil % 61 % t\ heeling 811 38 % ,38 % 38% I Wliiiui ll J ,15 13 M | tv he t\ lie, I Imp tl% »,3 3 3,1 % 4 Woodwprih lon .3" % 1 % It" % 4 VnilH* B|ir 4 " 43% 45 43 % id y.iuu* s A tv pf 43% 47** I" ’■ * f Zmtil* 45 % 44'i 44% Sale* MINING STOCKS, in hundred*. JO A t on MAM I3d Ot .Os .04 1 Bunker Hill. .xd 1 % 1 % I*4 20 Butte A Went 02 .02 .02 1 % Catneßio Metal*., 25% 25 25% < t'en Am Mine*.. I", t% t% 3 8 Con Cop Mines., 11% 11 11 1 CresHon Gold ... I t* 1 % 1 tj 56 Dolores Eniirr . . 1 % 1 % I % 3 Kn Gold M 13(1 I 1 % 1 % t % 20 Flor Goldfld M . . .I'.' .17 .1" Z Guhlen leu M .. 8", 8 % 8% l Heel aMm 13 % 13% 13% I Hollhnrer 8 8 8 J 1.3 Hu Hay Mi A Sru 18% 17% 1s % 1 Mamin ft al 1 % L % I % 85 Newmont Mining 171 t* 1(16% 171% 3% N .1 Zinc 221* 218 220 2NY A ltd Ko.iar J 5 1.3 15 2 Niplesing 1 I'm l'» t % 17 Not'fimla 38% 18 18% I North Butte..., 7% 7,7, 7 T ft 30 Oh to Cop Bft .83 .83 «0 L’irmn* C M Ltd .34 .32 It lolled Warrior It .11 .14 146 Shattuck Derm.. 27 % 20% 22% .3 So Am Gold A P 3 % 3% •! % I Lni l ast Min. .. .65 .65 .65 7Dm ft erde Ext. , lit % 10 10% 11 I'mt v Gold 50 .50 .50 3 I tali Apex I l t 4 Weiideii Cop .... 1 % 1 % 1 ,' g lO tftest, K I'.xt Min .03 .03 .03 Sales in INDEPENDENT OIL STOCKS, hundred*. 68 Am Con Oilfld*.. 315 .90 .97 13 Mn Mara, ftilio (' I % 1 % I % ft ('aril* Sy rut 31 go % 21 8 4 Cities Serv 11 61 60% 60% 3 ( it Serv pfd 162 % 102% 102% 1 ( if Serv B 30 3" 30 17 Uplumbla Svnd.. 1% i -ft 1% ftß »'renin Svnd ; 15% 15 % 15% 4 » Darin IMe 72% 22% 1 Emu CAP 1* pf. 102% D>:% 102% 10Gih-on Hi! cor.. , 1 % I % 1 % 37 Gulf Oil Ph. .. . 1.20 % lls% l"o% 10 Iloust Gulf La*.. 17 % 47 '. 11 % 12 lnteri'nnt’l I’m... I’s 1 7 « 1% 60 la-onard Oil 8 7% 1% 13 Lion Oil 26% 26% 26% 20 Lone St G Del rt* 7% 7% 7% 8.3 Martial Svnd..... 1 % 1% 1% I Marrav Oil 11 .. 40% 40% 4"% 5 M.'irlaml Mux... 3% 3% 3% I Mexieo Ohio ... 5 5 5 fih Mux Oil 5 4 .57 .53 25 Mount Gulf ill .0 1 .97 20 Mount CIOII ... "5% '.’5% 7u % 7 Nat Ellul Gas. , . ;•» '.'B % 29 7 New Bradford O. 5% 5% 5% 6 Nor Cent Tex Oil 13 13 13 7 Pandetn Oil . .. 3% 3% 3% | ot* Pantei'iee Oil ... 14% It s 14 % 1 l Reiter Fo*t< • oil 9 8 % 8 % 5 Rich o cal pf w 10% 15% 16 20 Ryan Cop 8 % 8 8% IjS.ilt Ck Cons ... 6 % 6 % 6% LftfSalt Ck Prod. . 30% 30% 30% 344 Texon Oil A Ll t 3 t 1 Total O-are O. . "1% 71% 21% ?8 Tid Os o min vfe “0% 7"% 7t»% 1 Traps,. o,| phi. . 85 85 85 4 Venexilelan Pet.. ft** .ft' 1 * s** 7 Wilcox OAti n. 70% 7'» : ', 20’* 2 ‘V Oil n 4 % 4% 4% STANDARD Off, ISsrFS AND FORMER Sales Sf • BSI Df ARI FS—STOC KS. in unit* 300 Anri" Am 0i1... 70 "0 20 100 a A O non vtc. . Jo 19 19 4800 Ail l.ohos 1% t f* 100 Atl Loll,is pfd.. 8% K% 8% 4600 Conti Oil. 19% 18 % 19 13 500 Mumble O A It. . 19 1t % 17 50h 111 C 1 211% 207% 214% 1*(M» Imp O Can 64 63% 6 4 8100 Inter c. t Ltd.. 11% 4'L* tl 1400 1 CI, s in J). . 4Uft* 10% 40% 600 Nat Transit.,.. 30% 30% 30 V* 50 Northern 1’ 1,,. 170 170 120 800 Ohio 0,1 65% 65% 65% l*(*o Penn Mix Fuel.. 79% 78 78% 4900 Prairie OAG. . . 51% 53 54 550 Prairie C L. ... 215% 21 t % 215% 280(1 South Penn O. . 57 % 51% 57 % 8300 s o i„d so 79% 19% loos O Kansas.... 2 4 2 1 \ "4 1800 S O Kv 131 % 130 131 BPO S O Neh 4 5 14% 41% lions O Ohio 76% 1.5% 76% 6900 Vacuum 0i1.... 152% 148 152% Sale* BONDS, in thmocinds 5 Abbott Dair 6*. 101** 101*, 101 *i j Jf»o. Ala Cow 4 %*. . 98 a, 91% 98% i loAhl Cow 5 5... 101% 101% Jill % j 5 Am ABKr (.' 6* wi 1o2 & s 102 % 102% 8 Alum Co Am 5«102'. 101 t, 102% 1 7Am (, A K 5* «i HU % 101 101 6Am (.as A FI o*lllo% 109% lo<i% 8 Am Nat G o>,»|o|% lot % 101% ' 9Am Cow A I.t 6s DiK% 1118 % 108% i 3Am Roll Mil! 5* 98% <lB% 98% i 71 Am Sol 6%*....109 loti’s 109 | 2 Anaconda 6* A. Ino % joo% JOO% ' 13 Appal FI Cow 5*100% 99 ft 11*0% 1 6 Ark C A- J, 5*.. tl!* 98% nil 38 Assn G A E 5 1 .-« 106 104% lop, 55 A GAE 4%* »i 106% lmt 106 79 As*,. Flee 5%* 104 ’* 104 ’» lop, ! 7As Sum Har 6% s 90 90 90 1 8 Bales ft'alie It Os 109% 109% 109% I 21 Be.*, oil DU n.s. . 106% 106% 106% J 2 Bell T t 111 5s A 105% 105% 105% 3 Bo* A Me 6, M 103% 1034* 103% 3, Bos A M 5s At; 99 % 00 09% 10 Cent Slat El ss. 96 % 96 % 96 % sft Si CAL 5%s ill 1 , 97 % 91 % 47ter T I’r 5% s A 08 % 98 98% 5 Childs 5s wi... fni 96 96 369 lit Ser\ 5s ... 91 % 9, O', % Ill'll Serv 6*. ... 104 lot lot 25 tit Ser fa, S’.s SMi % 06 % !»•; % 64 1 it Sir v. pip iis 102 lop, lo! % 43 tit Ser C 5%*.. 101 100% 101 1 t 'mi G B 5% s K 107 XO“ 107 2 Con G Hal 6» A 106% U*6% lim% 5t on Put. 6%4. . 101 10l lm In font) GAE 5s A 05% 95% 95% 1 Conti Dll 5% s. . !I7 % >17% 07% 5 Conti Bre 5« A 11U , 112% 112% 1 Cos* Met- 10% * !• 4', !D% 91% lOCmiahv 5%, . .. 100% |mi a, 100 , 10 Del 1 tv t. A* li.. log % 102 % 102% go |let loti log 101% log 3 111 ar G ti 6% s A 99% ill* % 09% I E T Os Bid 6% s 101 % 10! •, 10l % I Filing Sehlld 6*. 104% 101% 104 % 41 Kmp D Ali .V s 95% 95 95 1 Fatrhk* Mors- 5s <ll 97 97 Ift Fed ftv.'l Sv. 3%. log lop, log 12 Fliest lot MU 5s I*o% 96 % !»6 % 6 Firestone TAU 5s !*rl % jirl 96% t Fi*k Ti e 5%*.. 96% !i#% 96% 23 Fla P A 1,5 s ... 98% !IS % 98 % 5 Gad Koto 5%5, Dip, lop, lop, 1 <<»! Sir J* 7s 30 91 Ot 94 6 Gatineau Cow 5s 106’.j 100% 100 % 2 Gatineau Cow 6«, 103% lu;l% jo.i', t G Am In s*Aww 934, 93% 'lift 2 Georgia Cow 5s 1(10’, 100 % 100 % 5 Gdvr TAR 6* ‘2B 100% 100% 100 % 1 Grand Truk 6%5110% till', |l*x, 5 Gulf d c.i 5- t; 1o 1 % top, ni'. % 8 Gulf sta CI 5s A lot DU 101 3 H eld Hull .5 % ■ .101% JOP, H>|% I Hood Ruh Te . illg % 107 % 102% 5 Hvitrade Food 6* lt>o I su 190 20 lnd Dll A Gas 6s 101 10.1** lot 15 Indian CAL 5* ft lop, 1.D% DU % If* inland St I 4%• A 95 95 95 33 lui Cement 5s w i 98 % 91% 97% 13 101 l Co See 7* F. too 100 100 5 ltde Na G 6s w w DM lot DM 21 ] literal Co 7>5.... 08% US !I8 *, 1 Intel sf Pi, I}* 100% DPI , 106% 7" 10. Cor \m 5* ft 105% DM 10ftt* 11 lo No LAC 5, ft 99 97% 01* 22 Kerns \ MdlbilsJTg 166 112 9 Kop G A I oke ft* lot ", lof% (ill % 70 Lehigh Co 6s ft. los 107% Jos 11 Lib M, N A Lss 96% 96 96 % 1 Lotte Siar Gas 5s Oft % 90 %. 09% M Mass G.s .’.%*,, DM % DM % DM % I* McCord Rid 6s !*!* % 161% 99% 13 M Ll fa P.sItDMM, 100% 100% 10 Moot VV C C ft. ft D»2 log log Pi ft 111 a Co ft, A D>o% 100% loo*, I Nal CAL 6s ft 108% D'B% joS% 13 Nat Cull Serv f>, 93 03 »3 3N Ftl* G A E5- 08% 08% ok % 11N ft CAL t% 4 95 % 95% 95 % 15 Nleh A Sit 6, wvv Dill 100 100 6 N S C M 0%» C Lit ', 14 1 'i 141% , Ohm Cow t%s D 06 % 96% lui -, 1 Ohio I* 5* 52 It Di 107% lo .'% l'C G A 4: I%s F. 119% fill % 09% 8 Car Invest 5s <99 99 |if) 7 F "h Ed 6. ft ww D'l% D'd% li>3% 1" l'h FP ft%« 77 106 105 % |o.s’» p 5 Cuts 8 A ft ft%» 100 IPO I (Rt 3 I’otomai Kd 5« K DM jol lot 2Pr A Gam 4% H 99", !»!» % Oil*, I Cub 8 Kvft'G -4 %s lot % li'l % lop* 335 Cub 8 NJ 4 '»» 17ft 173% 17 p! 1" Curilv Bak 5s 91 06% 96% D'QBGAF. i%*wtlon% D'o % JiKH, 7 lie I Slices 11*. . 99 99 99 1 Rem ftmis 3%, I*B% 98% 98% I Un'hfld DU 6s .ft 131 129 1"!'% •'OKI LG AC 6, 95% 95% 95 % II st LG A I' li*. 95 % 05% Oft % 3s, hulls li F 6* DM DM DM 3 8,-hii It E 6s X oa 93 93 5 Sinups FftV ft %» 99 '. 991, 99 % 81 Be,v »•( C Del 5* n 1g 11 ", 77 .'II Mur K|| 5%, .ft 99% 9!ia, 99% 17 fill ftft Al' t%* A 91% 9? 91V* 1 Sliaw sheep la. . DM 191 DM 16 Bhell C Line ft* 9; % 97 97 131* snider Pel* 6a, 17"% 116', 170', 6 Koiupist C A I. 6s IPS lii; ||»,'% I 8011 lal E fts It |ul% |Oi% 103% 4 8 Sun ftstiestn* 6*. 111% 109 % tip, 11 Soilw GAE 5s A 99% 99% 991, .3 Sow 1, A f 6* A 111 % 111 111 ", lo Bfa|r\ MG ri, . 100% 100% (00% 13 B|md p A 1, 6*. lo l 107% log % 1 Son Maid R o%* 9" 90 9g "Swift A lo 55.. DM % DM % DM*, I 4 Texas P .ft l. As , 10l DM DM 03 TranrertOt DU 1* (ii’t D*6 % Joo ftl mt 1 A (4 51** in* % 99 99 I I’m CK- 0%» ft to" 10" tog I Cm K Hav 1 •** I(7 117 Itg 1 1 S R 6 . 79 toot* (ou% I*o% I If 8 R 6 1., « ',30 (00 (00 |,Hi 1 I S Hub (t',» 74.5 Oil 9)( lu I fs Rub Ob, a '36 99 99 19 1(1 CS 8 A l(ef a% * 11*3 ft, lot'* |o i % 37 t ill C A I. A%» 9, % 9; % 91 % 5 Wall Rail 4%, C 05% 95% 9ft , 1 I ftVur Id Cm 6 sI1" * 1(7% 117% " ftft truer Dml| 6s log % log % ill" , Oftft i haler Mil 6% a 90 % 99*, 99% 8 ftft,slem f >%a ft (ill 10l DM % 6 ftft Ilk sleet t% , R 9I % p ( pj 1, j lie*ui foreign bonds. thousands ■ft Adi I die Flee 1 * 109 99 % DIP 9 fts M ltd , I . Dm lou 100 % li.ftidm.lUlß ;« D. 98 98 (18 7 Baden la 99 99 99 9 Batik I’lUßsld (>» 9. , 1% % (I ; \ A Burn ftm* 7%* 19 1 DM DM .5 Hu rut A ftft aln ru I*B% 9,8% ns 3 tI 91 111. I( 89, ft 91 % 0! % 91 v. t Een Ilk U S 6* II J*l l*i pi (ii ( pin A C BA % a 91 >, 9) % pi % 1 Cub* < 9 tie . 01 >, 91% 9; % 41 uh 'tel ' s ft 1 10% Ito % (10% A p ini»h (09 5* 11 V, 91% pi 5i 1 mill C o' ■ * B>l 8(1 89 61 Denmark A 1 ** lou% D'o% DH*% 6 piooiii 7» 91 % 94% 94% "1 Lor MAI I* 1 9A4, Oa % t's% I * l-l Bah ftft 4, % 90 % lift!', t'O <, 31 Km e a| C) 0* *,l t 9 I ft,* |>" ft, I I Fr S| Pr It >*,, 98 |i; ", lb % ; 1 'on M , , 11" ", 99 * . I"» ft 1 .1 i, A ftft 14 tl (>• ft 93 % 93 93 % 37 ii j,h F si ,| 9, % 9* 9. " I«x 1 «*m Midi'* I*.- % i'i % Pi ‘ 1 Iron * l I istl . ans to; ps D* jftpios s ftl 11 1. 88 I 88 ft, *B% | 1,01 l‘ I' 1 ',l Iftftft ho I (Os ft. dm % "iidphiil I ft l» . 91 % )i j*, Idiom I .» ft s* w 98', lb', pi % 5 Moildo* ,%» 51 DU' Pit *•* DM A Mm.i* Get a it'a* I*7 % 9. ib *, it Nlouh video da \ ON % 98% 98 % I iftfor 111, Ihik ,» 91 b Hi % 91 % I 8 Mol 6 Bob 1* 9 Pi », 93 *t (I ti* " Moe Bk t hlte 6a 98 % ns v ps % ft Mar B Hell 6* ix 0 '* lb >, 9 % "MdtP Medellin Saida (OX |ps A Nippon tl 6 ft. * 96*, 96% 116% 16 Noiih G i.l.Kd ft* 05 9fft» lip! "3 Norway A* ill 98 na pH A K a w .ii ,8» lb ft*s 05 lift Cl 5» IW% t‘6 % Pti ft) “KEY” INDUSTRIES ON STABLE BASIS Usual April Slump Absent. High Rate of Building Considered Normal. BY J. C. ROYLE. Special Dinpateh to The Star. NEW YORK, April 27.— The old bally hoo about “key men’’ In business Is dying out, but the discussion of key Industries today shows tliat the opera tions of trade, commerce and industry now are on a firmer and more stable basis than at this time last year. This statement has been fully supported by the announcement of first quarter earnings in a score of industries which bear on the general situation. The showings made by United States Steel and General Motors provided out- j standing evidence to thi3 effect, but. j not the only evidence by any means. I The visual slump which comes to in dustrial activity in April, a between-sea son month, has been notably lacking. The building construction industry and all its affiliated lines, back to raw ma terial production, have shown a bet ter than normal trend. The other automobile companies with possibly one or two exceptions have shown gains, which, if they did not jarallel those of General Motors, at least were far in excess of what the conserva tive statisticians expected two months ago. The steel plants have kept their pace instead of dropping off in pro duction and when the improvements in methods, labor efficiency and equipment are taken into consideration, are high above the April level for many years. Heavy Building Normal. It is now coming to be considered that the high rate of building con struction in this country Is not abnor mal. but normal, and that unless un favorable general conditions crop up it may be expected to continue. Money is available for building operations in ade quate amounts and the costs are chart ing a recovery steady level. A better knowledge of the real amount of cotton carried over from the last crop year has left a better feeling in the cotton States. The canning and fruit outlook is for excellent prices. The grain crops are still uncertain owing to prospective weather conditions, but the general agricultural outlook is fine. The live stock men are prospering to such an extent that they are choosing their own time and 'convenience for marketing. The business machine and office ’ equipment manufacturers are taking , advantage of the unprecedented ar : tivity which is flooding plants with j orders. The same is true of the ma- I chine tool manufacturers. The air i plane manufacturers are bene fitting ! from the intense interest aroused by j record flights and added interest in j commercial aviation. Electric power output is between 6 i and 7 per cent higher in most indus- I trial sections than a year ago. This has I been an aid to the non-ferrous metals, I which have displayed steadiness, despite | the possibility of overloading the mar i kets. The possibility of huge consoli i dations among the public utility com oanlcs is still a constant topic of con j versation in financial circles, despite i the denial that Public Service of New | Jersey was to be merged with United Gas A: Improvement of Philadelphia. Limping Industries Improve Little. i While the businesses which have been j orosperous are becoming more prosper | ous. the limping industries are showing ! little improvement. The cotton textile I groups are still discouraged. This Is not true of silk or rayon manufac- I turers. but woolen men are as pessi ; mistic as wool growers are confident. The oil industry is bettering slowly. The coal miners and operators are stui in the gloomy depths with conditions blocking an exit to industrial dayught. Th" rubber manufacturers are ceasing to tremble so violently over the situa tion as time goes on. and no cut In orices has been recorded. They are fast getting rid of high-cost inventory. The low joints and high centers are being smoothed out of the railroad •M-nation The purchase of the Delaware & Hudson holdings in the Wabash and Lehigh Valley roads by the Pennsyl vania has definitely eliminated the problem of a fifth transcontinental svstem under the leadership of Leonor F. ioree Moreover, it has opened the door to agreements as to allocation of the loose end roads of the East among th" four existing systems, the Pennsyl vania. Baltimore .V Ohio. New York Central and the Van Sweringen system. Some tentative agreements are under stood alreadv to have been reached and it is not doubted in railroad circles that the other three systems were fully advised beforehand as to the negotia tions between Mr Loree and the Penn sylvania Os course, any such agree ments must be subject to approval of the Interstate Commerce Commission. WHEAT TRADE HEAVY; PRICES GO UPWARD Reports of Persistent Adverse Conditions for Winter Crops Have Bullish Effect Today. By the A**oei4l«Kt Pr**M. CHICAGO. April 27 Unexpected j upturns in Liverpool values, and with persistent adverse condition: for domes- J i tie Winter crops, led to a brisk early j ' advance todav m wheat prices here j Trade was of huge volume. Opening at [ % to 2 cents gam, Chicago wheat re acted somewhat, but soon rallied. Corn j and oats ftvmpathiised with wheat, hut j only to a limited extent, com starting at off to l s up. and temporarily showing some setback all arouuu. Pro- ! visions tended to sag. HERCULES TOWDER PROFIT, j NEW YORK, April -‘7 (.^v—Hercules I Pow der Co, earned $4 0# a share on the i common in the first quarter, against j $3 42 a year ago. ........ . RUBBER DECLINES. NEW YORK. April 27 iSpeelali - Ci ado rubber, smoked ribbed sheets, declined a quarter of a tent at today s noon quotation id i f This compares w ith 27 a month ago and 40 * a year ago. • GOLD FOR MONTEVIDEO. NEW YORK, April 27 <4»* A ship ment of $3 000 000 in gold to Monte- > video will he made tomorrow bv the Na- J tional Bank of Commerce for the Hanes f tie la Republic* Oriental del Uruguay i —— - i ) 48 Hl«r .!*> .ten OSN OSS* It ltu» tiian i* ti? 00 S OSS OO l » i Ki<» a v**, t* a iy \ to a, t \ I - Hu* u ,'ii it I,\ q l vs, las ' i.e in uim Ki'ii » |tV; s to 't» ttri l s tin * tv tor ,» os l ,, tax >*s s iv s.oitlsso * It'll V I*t t loiv I -i.utis Felt* 5* \ itM '% Itti S Bids ;isi'i*«t » o t*o>, t»o mi'* B> 'HO it '* HO *4 04 S 0* itt 0-tm li ,* m w.» at V Mi S OS'* I i,, t iIM s.'l , s »(4 tU S IMS .'ot ii - i .» v»« oS'i mo, ast, it I h -ii w 01 4 . \ *c\ 04 s 04\ symiuti Os ~ 02 04 <* 01'* o\' .»:» tw 1* -Its Slit* SOW •on,,tea l i 0* s o s it'is o:H ' i : \ ill i tUee t f I’muM# in tniefc. I' »t!‘V l'\li s \ IVttily *te< S H Dividend t>»**c»l * t hjLti** in On idtnat Isla W t H h*l» t**tl*d w wJifliywwilii •' *T ' >. FTKAN'CrATT. PRODUCE EXCHANGE. NEW YORK. April 27 f/P) —Flour, steady; Spring patents. 3.30a8 70. Rye, steady; No. 2 Western. 153*2 fob. New York, and 1.51% c.i.f. export. | Other articles unchanged. SILVER QUOTATIONS. • NEW YORK. April 27 </P>.— Bar sil ver, 58. Mexican dollars, 44*2. i OFPICES nr THE Lanston Monotype Machine Company Twenty-fourth at Lneuet. Philadelphia. Pa. April ». 1018. The mi'rtinx of the •10-'kholder* of lh«' LANSTON MONOTYPE MA* HINT. COM PANY will be held at the office* of Ciattle-f L. Boothe. E**i„ i**S North St A»aph Street. Alexandria. Va. at twelve o'clock noon, on Thurmlay. the :;rtl day of May lidJH. for the piirpoee of eleetmp a Board of Dirc<tor* to serve for the ermtjtnx year: aetinz upori amendment* to the Bjr-I.i»« adopted by toe Board of Dir. < to: *. as follow* Article Ilf. Section 4—‘ hanrlnr toe word eleven ' to 'nine'' to conform wth Section 1 of this Article, i Article V. Section I—Lhanifinx the wordmx lo *pe<if.y that me Chairman of the Board arid the President shall be elected from the Board of Director*./ Artie!* V. Section 7—stnttnsr that sh« dime* of the Secretary shall tie performed by the Assistant, Secretary in the absence of the Secretary. Article V. s J«<-tjon A__cta*ipj- fh»t the duties of the Treasu-er shall be per formed by tne A-?i»'ant Treasurer ic the I absence of the Treasurer: { and for the purpose of such •ither business as rr.ay prop»:;y come beiore the meetine. Transfer books will b» r’os-d on Apr.! 23rd at four o Cork P M. and *nU be re opened on May Ath at teri o'clock A.M. By order of the Board of Directors. JOHN A. FEROr.AON. Secretary, ' 1 ' Mortgage Money Loaned At Low interest Rates Tyler & Rutherford ! Rep-esentinx Mutual Benefit Life !n« Co. ; 1520 K Strert Main 47S ■ — ™™™"" SECURITY SALESMEN WANTED [ An npenlox for a limited number of I security salesmen; appiteants must be capable of rood appearance and able I to furnish refs. Apply Suite 604, Hibbs Bldg. Ask for Mr. Felker 1- MORTGA44E LOANS ANY AMOUNT | Secured by real estate in D. C.. nearby Md. and Va. Prcvailinr Interest and Commission KENNETH M. LIVINGSTONE 505 American Bide.. 4317 F St. N.W. Main 700 and 5612 r Money Available tor FIRST DEED OF TRUST LOANS 6% Reasonable Commission Prompt Replies to Applications JAMES F. SHEA 643 Louisiana Ave. N.W. : \s=sss=ss==sssss=ss=ssssss===sssssss LOANS | S ' Let us have your applications j i for li LOANS ON REAL ; j ESTATE i | ) Immediate Action Courteous Treatment 'i ! Our record of 35 years speaks | | tor itself. Percy H. Russell Co. j 926 15th St. N.W. LIFE Are 35 $5,800 INSURANCE $14.65 Protect votir family—-bend date of *onr birth for a low fmi llin.traticn LE ROY GOFF Insurance in tit Its Branches l 610 Woodward Bids. Main 540 Buck & Company BROKERS EMahtished 1016 Stocks Bonds Grain Cotton . d-i (< cr c-ill tor KStk's mirict: ittftr .'o ObHpatioos BUCK AND COMPANY Fvans Bldg. 1420 New York Ave. Franklin 7300 REAL ESTATE LOANS 5% &5V2% District of Columbia and Nearby Maryland-Virginia 3'5-10'Year Terms Prompt Replies Randall H. Hagnvr & Co., Inc. Main 9700 1321 Connecticut Avenue Mortgag* loan t'orre*p*xndrnt New York Life Insurance Co. i (• LOANS 1 5 l /2% on i U Rra! _ Estate d. $ or 10 Years IM OUR ECONOMICAL FLAN g I OF MAKING LOANS Jjj WILL APPLAL TO YOU vuj RetiJeUiS*. a son moot* Sj bournes* propstttes ■« tk* flu* bill, .W»«i(»*i<*» to . !<> Wi., ooel t is (sons, | boss "7fHELPS 1 »\.uujv,» 4WO 7 •;! 14IT K St, Moim 9300 *N S I turn C«Mrr*iM*«ltnt io Jnhn lUnctwk Mutual life IntuidMve lw M 15