Newspaper Page Text
18 SOCIETY fl'he Secretary and Mrs. Kellogg to Dine Tonight With Herr and Frau von Prittwitz. THE Secretary of State and Mrs. Kellogg will bo the guest* in whoso honor the Ambassador of Germany and Frau von Pritt vntx und GafTron will entertain at dinner this evening. The Ambassador of Great Britain and Lady Isabella Howard were the guests itt whose honor the Minister ot l'cvut and Mine. Sarny entertained at dinner last evening. The other guests in the company were the Ambassador of Ctiba and Senora de Pairara. the Ambassador of Turkey. Ahmed Mouh ter Bcv; Senator and Mrs. James Courcns. Senator and Mrs. Charles . Drnecn. Representative and Mrs. J Charles Linthicum. Representative and M’s Sol Bloom. Miss Vera Bloom, the counselor of the Czechoslovakia legation and Mine. Llpa. Mr. and Mrs Hancock Mrs Robert F Mackenzie and the first secretary of the legation, Mr. Cbafle\. and ihe second secretary. Mr Mom si The Minister and Mme. Samy will en tertain at dinner this evening In honor of ihe Ambassador of Mexico and Seno.a ce Tellez. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Spafford re turned this morning to their New \otk home alter spending a short tune as guests of President and Mrs. Cooudge in the White House. Japanese Envoy Fetes Vice President and Mrs. Dawes. The Ambassador of Japan and Mme. ! Jifatsudaira entertained at dinner last evening in honor of the Vice President , and Mrs Dawes. In the company were the Ambassador of Germany and Frau ; von Prittwitz und GafTron. the Minis- • ter of Rumania, Mr. Cretziano: Sena tor and Mrs. Morris Sheppard. Senator and Mrs. Henry Wilder Keyes, the Sec retary to the President and Mrs. Ever ett Saunders, the Commandant of the War College and Mrs. William D Con nor, Mrs. Henry Getty Chilton. Mr. Thomas J. OBrien, Mr. George T. Marve Mr James C. Dunn, Maj. and j Mrs Samuel B. Milton and Mr. Kinta Aral, secretary to the Japanese lega tion in Spain. The Ambassador of Spain and Senora de Padilla will entertain at dinner Monday. The Ambassador of Spain and Senora de Padilla were hosts at luncheon yes terday In compliment to Miss Janet Phillips and Mr. Leander McCormick- Goodhart. In the company were Miss Alice Davis. Mile. Marie Antoinette Claudel. Miss Francesco Stewart, Miss Janet Newbold, Miss Exilona Hamilton. Countess de Berianga de Duero. wife! o? the attache of the Spanish embassy: j Senorita Dona Rosa Padilla. Senor Don ! Mariano de Amoedo. counselor of the embassy: Senor Don Jose M. Linares- Hivas, secretary of the embassy, and Senor Don Ramon Padilla, attache of the embassy. _ „ Ambassador and Senora de Padilla were hosts at tea yesterday afternoon to officers here on the cruiser Manuel Amus of the Spanish navy, which is docked at New York City. The Ambassador of France and Mme. Claudel will return to Washington to dav. having spent a few days in New York They were the honor guests at dinner last evening of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Mitchell. The Ambassador of Chile. Senor Don Carlos G Davila, will return to Wash ington next week from a week's stay in the South. . . Senora de Davila and their children *lll go to New York this afternoon and *IU sail Sunday on the Manuel Amus to spend the Summer months abroad. The Ambassador will remain in Wash ington this Summer. The Minister of Hungary Count Laszio Ezechenyi, and his daughter. Countess Cornelia Szechenyt. are sailing todav from New York on the Olympic to spend the Summer months abroad. Countess Szechenyi and the other chil dren will sail next month to Join them. The Minister of Persia, Mirza Davoud Khan Meftah. was the ranking guest at a dinner given by Col. Wade H Cooper yesterday evening in his home, at 1722 Massachusetts avenue Others in the party were Senator and Mrs. Ellison D. Bmith of South Carolina, the solicitor of the Treasury and Mrs Harry K Daugherty. Mrs. Ida Belle Wilson of NashviUe, Tenn., In compliment to whom Col. Cooper gave the dinner; Representative S D. Mc- Revnoids Mrs. Joseph E Washington. Cap* and Mrs C C. Calhoun and Mrs O- orgia Knox Berry, who acted as host ess for Col. Cooper. Mr. Justice and Mrs Harlan Fiske Krone v ill entertain at dinner this eve ning. Mile. Reine Claudel, daughter of the Ambassador of France and Mme Claudel. <*ntertained a party yesterday ar ’he Band Box Theater. Others at tending yesterday's performances were Miw Alice Abadi* and Miss Anna AbadK daughters of Col. and Mrs. Eu gene Abadle Representative Woodrum of Virginia •iso entertained a party of friends. Benat/»r Royal 8 Copland is In A'lan i tie City at the Traymore Hotel for a few days, Mrs Chart'* W Waterman wife of r - - —r IT*/y/t ditldrcii, for grown |H u;*t, ior ti>« l»o»i»* b«au- J Uiul —a lifaMibacb li»bv Craitd! Hera uAtetri u * qual ity pieraj yet, 1*«/»UU6 of vol vo ia pi a ttr, you pay no J | i p ittrnutn for J |« our wareroofn* you m»? j ac« a«4 h ear a variety of the I hrtrtihtr h (trtr>4m iasiudittg the beautiful it*w (*tm4 «J<* s atgua. Your old fri«M will !>t ot ■ Ot pled tit (raft payment on a nr*/ lhamluulo | >lo*ol- A •“*» * ] 300 < i Street J I r - " " a SOCIETY. 1 the Prnator from Colorado, entertained informally at luncheon today at the Willard. The natal attache of the Italian em bassy and Donna Leona Sutton Evans Lai* will leave Washington Sunday, May 6. for a trip through the West to California. They will be in the West i until July, when they will return East j to pass the remainder of the Summer. | and will not return to Washington until j October. Interstate Commerce Commissioner Thomas F Woodstock has returned i to his apartment at the Wardman Park Hotel after a several weeks’ trip .hrough the South on official business. Mrs. Woodloek is still In London, where I she is visiting her sister. Gen. and Mrs. John M Jenkins are in Washington for an indefinite stay, and have taken an apartment at the Brighton. Chief Justice Robert von Mosehzisker of Pennsylvania is at the Carlton for ' several days. Former Representative and Mrs Thomas W’ Phillips. Jr., will entertain at dinner this evening for their daugh ; ter Miss Janet Phillips, and her fiance. Mr. leander McOormick-Goodhart of the British embassy, and the members of their wedding party. Former Commissioner of the United States Shipping Board and Mrs. Frcd i crick I. Thomnson are at thr Wardman Park Hotel for sovrral days, having come fiom New York City They are i accompanied by their daughters. Miss Katherine Thompson and Mrs. J. R. Bovd Before her marriage last year Mrs. Boyd was Miss Adrienne Thomp son. _____ The former Minister of the Serbs Croats and Slovenes, Mr. Voislav An tonievitch. is sailing today from New York on the He de France for his home in Serbia. Col. and Mrs. James Justice and daughter are visiting Washington for a few’ weeks and are at the Brighton. Former Attorney General and Mrs George W. Wickersham of New York City have taken an apartment at the Carlton for several weeks. Invitations Received For Smith—Bush Wedding. Invitations hare been received In Washington from Mr*. Walter Melggs Bush for the marriage of her daughter. Margaret Putnam, to Mr. Benjamin -Lincoln Smith Saturday evening at 8 o’clock, in the First Parish Meeting House, at Concord, Mass. Owing to the recent death of the bride s father, the wedding will be quite simply arranged and only the two fam ine* and close friends will be in attend ance. Mrs. Bush, mother of the bride, was formerly Miss Anne Ralnsford French, daughter of Mrs William B. French and the late Dr French of Washington. Mrs. Bush attended EafEbm High School and is the sister of Mr. Rains ford French of this city. Mrs. M. de Clare Berry will entertain at a small tea this afternoon In honor of Lady Isabella Howard, doyenne of the diplomatic corps, wife of the Brit ish Ambassador. The party is also In commemoration of the anniversary of the landing in 1607 at the Virginia j Capes of the settlers who established | the first permanent English colony and founded the nucleus of the present United States The invited guests are members of the diplomatic corps, the Virginian Representatives in Congress, officers of the English-Speaking Union and a few members of the unofficial circles of social life of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Macon Wal lingsford will entertain at dinner this evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John Cannon. Mias Marjorie Ruckman, daughter of the late Gen. Ruckman. is spending the Spring months at Holiday House, near Alexandria, with Miss Clara R. Nourse at R. F. D. No. 1 at Alexandria. Mr. and Mrs Oliver E Paßan have taken an apartment in Tilden Gardens. Mrs. E. 8. Bogert entertained at tea yesterday afternoon at the Chevy Chase Club in honor of Lieut, and Mrs G. B. 3herwood, who have Just come to Wash ington. where Lieut Sherwood will be in command of the Sylph. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Sherwood, parents of Lieut. Sher wood, came for the party from their home in New York. Assisting the hostess were Mrs Ar thur MacArthur, Jr.: Mrs Henry Hough, Mrs. George Rock. Mrs Charles McVay. Mrs Edward Campbell, Mrs Richard M. Cults and Mrs. t. 8. Kellogg. Mr. and Mrs, George G. Marshall of Cleveland. Ohio, are at the Wardman Park Hotel, where they will remain for the week end. Former Senator and Mrs. Oeorge 3b. 3&osts 6? Sons Public Confidence Since IS6I F Street at Eleventh Main 3770 <►— —•— o '" N J| r wiU wake them Young i J‘or many years, Miss Quinlan’s Bad htmtre Fifth Avenue Salon lias bwn tl»* rrnriwous of New Yuri ’• wuwtest wooim. In us tpiiet seclusion, they haw found die Fountain «f Youth . . . eyes ever young and radiant . . . Marry eyes, rmmarmi by lines and wmiklea, dark circles, puffmeva nr hollows. f low you trm, rut myry thr hmMttt of the Onmlm YoudrP usortng By* Tortment ngirf m your <mn l*om*. Y*m omA hmt ohm mmwws s .lay and thm* thorn prt%i*rmrm» , Cltunlm by bmh, a mmnhmg, bmrm timt rlaanua tha try* ihno teuton. Quiriiro VaKDab liy* <rmm mmU of raw, nrh barf* bowm rOt itm wfacb are bawan fwali W horttft « wamabaa tba rUurn* ttmu* thorn rha ryt, bantaikaa lioaa, wrinflaa and oaa'l ifuuAto /*>■ I *•*», llty Annoy >.gi— *»- * *»• • *»i l ili.t til* <it>r tout! 1« tioutol tit ey»« I *' H' ill 'Jutul.rnt I ,r In., you may fulfill ! .uluir ! I hnr III*! lor Ift ) null) 1 Ail I utUl I " ' < r „l tlrp.iilno-nl bu ’ tin inlnrilmt httl* Iruflrl ■ K , ’ tiro nbrny thr 'Juiubm Youth Rnlontty I'y I ir*H went in dtlail juil a> il h firm in ."Mill 'Jutuht* i iialtm. Ht sure la gel * (npy. ■<"— ' mmm-mtmmrnmmamemm n ■ n i mnmmmmmm ri in m n iniUMS—Wil-*— m~***mrm THE EVE’NTNH STAR WASHTXOTOy. D. C, FRIDAY, ATTHTi 27, Tflgff. PRESIDED AT BANQUET ... MRS. HERBERT HOOVER. Who Introduced the speakers and presided at the banquet given at the National Press Club last evening for the ladles accompanying the delegates to the meeting of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Wharton Pepper are In Washington for a few* days, and are at the Mayflower.. Sir George Croyden Marks of London, who Is making an extended tour through the Eastern States and Canada, Is at the Carlton for a stay of several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Williamson left by motor today for Riverton, N. J. where they will be the guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs W. W. Chalmers, for the week end. They will return to their apartment at the W'ardman Park Hotel on Monday. Mrs. Edward T. Stotesbury and her son. Mr. James H R Cromwell, have returned to Philadelphia, after spend ing some time in New York. Mrs. Samuel E. Winslow of Leicester Mass, Is among the recent arrivals at the Mayflower. Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Crowley of New’ York are spending several days at the Wardman Park Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Storrs of New York are In Washington for a few days, where they are at the Mayflower. Mr. and Mrs. Mason G. Ambler of Parkersburg. W. Va.. are In Washington, at the Mayflower, where Mr. Ambler, who Is president of the West Virginia Bar Association, Is attending the ses sions of the American law Institute. Mrs, Ambler was the luncheon guest yesterday of her sister, Mrs. Hunter H Moss of Gunston Hall, Washington. Mias Young Married to Mr. Eggborn in Fredericksburg. Miss Ellzabeh Doswell Young became the bride of Mr. Edward Jackson Egg born of Culpeper. Va„ last evening In St. George's Episcopal Church in Fred- fOTYUSM STOUT] OirrSizEsjJ STOUT WOMEN Fitted Perfectly in Wilbur Coon Shoes Your foot may be ever so difficult to fit. yet we have your exact size in WILBUR COON SHOES. AAA A to EEEEE, 1 to 12, »7.50 to |li.oo fnOYCE & LEW 101 IN Custom Fitting Smoe\l JJisq-i^st.n.wOJ Opposite Unsbuboh's friknoeiTroerr'] ■k[) AwaFETTEßJlmmmmmmmmm ericksburg. Va.. the ceremony being performed by Rev. Dudley Boogher. The bride, who was given In marriage by her father, wore a gown of white satin and tulle, made bouffant style, with veil of tulle, which formed a train and was caught with a crown of orange blossoms. The maid of honor was Miss Constance Young, sister of the bride who wore a frock of corn color taffeta and tulle. Miss Sara Wilcox was the bridesmaid and wore a gown of apple green taffeta and tulle. Dr. Burgess Thompson of Bluefleld W. Va., was the best man. and the following acted as groomsmen: Mr Edwin Gaines. Culpeper: Mr. Jones Hill, Washington: Dr. Charles l«wls and Mr. Edgar M. Young. Jr., of Fredericks burg. Va. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Young and is one of Fredericksburg's mast popular social leaders. She at tended Stuart Hall at Staunton. Mr Eggborn is the son of Mrs. Eggborn : fclf i :: | , Cbltitr 3fnwf 1 COLUMBIA RDt at 18t»SX • , oeeosiTt smsassaoor, I : feW ’WvA: Every Wednesday and Friday Evening—s Until 7:30 4-Course JPf !■* Sea Food J r DINNER J | Special Plate Luncheon ! In tha Grill—ll:4s Until 2:15 Columbia 5012 -C oseCe*. Ig&gißr 1206 G St. NOW I) IS PL A YED Newest Arrivals in Graduation Frocks An A not Intent It 'onderfnlly Complete D U LIN & MAR T1 N COMP AN V Your Garden Whether you wish to till a bed of dahlias, cultivate 11*1? an extensive kitchen garden or landscape a country Zf\ place . . . here are tools whoae efficiency of design will H make '‘gardening" a distinct pleasure. Rakes 75c I.awn Mowers ?<8 to Digging Fork. lJcoSOc > Sh “ r * 6,,c '° Garden Trowels, 25c to 75c Shears £|.2o to $<2.50 Hoes $U Watering Cana, 70c to $1,25 50 Ft. Lengths of Heavy Garden Hose, Ft., 18c HOURS, MS to S;M PHONK MAIN 1 2*1 Dulin & Marlin Company 1215 I Sillier | sZ'plmmnmL | '2l MB ll STKKKT and the late Mr. Edward J. Eggborn of Culpeper, and Is a graduate of the Medical College of Virginia at Rich mond. and also the Eastman College at Poughkeepsie. N. Y. After a North ern bridal tour they will make thetr home In Culpeper. Os Interest to many Washingtonians is the announcement of the marriage of Miss Dude Walker and Mr. Lorlng Y Gibson, which took place in New York Citv April 17. The bride, who Is ’he daughter of Mrs. M. Gorman Meredith, formerly of Washington, and the late Griffith Walker of Virginia, attended the Holy Cross Convent in Chevy Chase and the Central High School rs ’his city. Mr. Gibson is a customs broker in New York City, where, after their return from a brief wedding trip, the young couple will reside. Mr. Theodore F. Gannon will be the host at dinner tomorrow evening at the Arts Club for the out-of-town music editors and critics who are attending the chamber music festival sponsor'd by Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge at the Library of Congress. Among ’he guests invited are Mr. Lawrence Gilman. Mr. OUn Downes, Mr. Samuel Chotzinoff, Mr Pitts Sanborn. Mr. William J, Hen derson, Mr. H. T. Parker. Mr. Samuel L. Laciar. Dr. Edward Durney, Mr Al fred Frankenstein. Miss Marion Bauer. Mr. Gustave Saenger, Mr. Hollister Noble, Mr. A. Walter Kramer. Mr. Win throp Trvon, Mr. Oscar Thompson, Mr Oscar Sonneck. Mr. Franz Bornscheln and Miss Svlvia Lent. Mrs. Edward Hood Watson will be the hostess. Miss Helen Kim. dean of Ewha College and chairman of the national committee Y. W. C. A. of Korea, is spending the week end with the Misses Gibson of the Shawmut apartments. Miss Kim ar rived in New York Wednesday from Jerusalem, where she has been attend ing as a delegate from Korea the great International Missionary Council, and is now en route to Kansas City to at tend the general conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, which will he in session there during May. Miss Kim is a graduate of Ewha College. Seoul. Korea: Ohio Wesleyan University and a post-graduate of Boston Uni versity. Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Robinson of Montclair. N. J., and Southern Pines are at the Grace Dodge Hotel for a week or more while en route North, after spend ing the Winter in the South. Special for New Store ill 1407 H Main 3*07 1407 tl Mrs. Annette Abbott Adams of San Francisco, Calif., who was appointed by President Woodrow Wilson as Assistant Attorney General of the United States, and was the first woman in America to attain this distinction, arrived at the Mayflower Wednesday to attend the sessions of the American Law Institute now being held in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rea have ar rived at the Willard from their home in Philadelphia. They expect to remain several days. Mrs E. V. Douglas of Chestnut Hill, Pa., who is staying at the Qrace Dodge Hotel, has been joined by Miss Elsie Douglas of Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Choate enter tained Informally at dinner last evening in the palm room at the Willard. Miss B. L. Htoddart of Edinburgh, Scotland, is making an extended stay at the Grace Dodge Hotel. With her is Miss J. C. Bertram of Reston, Scotland. The ceremonies for the dedication of the James Monroe shrine in Fredericks burg tomorrow and the festivities which will precede and follow will be held as they have been scheduled. In case of Homes of Distinction If you want a new home of special character and refinement in the most convenient of all locations see our Old English Stone Houses in ML Pleasant. At $13.950 00 they are bargains. 7 and 8 rooms. Garage. Exhibit Home 1818 Irving St. N.W. Open From 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Main 8949 Shapim | rain the ceremony of dedication will be held in the auditorium. A tea is being given thin afternoon a* 5 o’clock In the palm court of the May- j flower in compliment to the ladies ac- j rompanying the members of the Ameri can Law institute. On the reception committee are Mrs. Henry M. Bates. | Ann Arbor. Mich.; Mrs. John W Davis. ] New York City; Mrs. Frederick F. Fa vllle, Des Moines, Iowa; Mrs H M. i Garwood. Houston. Tex.; Mrs Herbert j F. Goodrich. Ann Arbor. Mich,; Mrs. j Learned Hand, New York City; Mrs. William V. Hodges. Washington; Mrs. j William Draper Lewis. Philadelphia; Mrs John G Milburn, New York Citv. 1 Mrs. William D. Mitchel!,_Washingion; (Continued on Nineteenth Page.) JuliusGarfinckel&Co. WASHINGTON PARIS We Solve Your Parking Prob lem While Shopping Here by Taking Charge of Your Car 'T'HE completeness, the exceptional smartness and individuality of our new Spring stocks for Misses, Juniors and Girls Now on our Fifth Floor ADD greater interest for our younger clientele. fashion specialists of youthful 1 apparel have created our goods, and the young women who wear an outfit bearing our label have the assurance of being correctly and smartly dressed. A special line of unusual models at mod erate prices. Coats Dresses Ensembles Hats Sweaters Underwear Accessories F Street Corner of 13"' .. as .< **-*■ - LINOLEUM I for €my JCocat/oiu 1 Oh longer is Linoleum confined to the I kitchen; no longer do its decorative qua/- I sties lie hidden. All over the home art I locations that respond with a new I beauty when linoleum covers the floor. 1 r. &j. S cane Linoleum , made in our § own factory , is fashioned in Tile designs I and Block patterns and mottled Jaspt I effects —in the charming color combinations I that the bell modem home decoration 1 demands. There is a uide range to choose from, and the advice of the \ T\ &/. Sloane Decorating I staff is at your service. I C '3G° I Offices and Buildings Now you can choose not only plain linoleums 1 for the building and office, buc \ou can select I choice designs that give color, interest and 1 digmry to entrance halls. The sturdiest plain S linoleums are here at W .fc J. Sloanes as well H as a wide variety of ad.tpt.ible inlaid designs. I ‘Phone: ja6a I C 3G° I W. (tJ. Sloane 709-711.715 TWELFTH STREET. N. W„ WASHINGTON. D. C. Tk Hswe Mill the Green Shutter*" Inx>M OFkN FROM *A.M. TO *»0 P M DAILY. 1 INCLUDING SATURDAY 1 Chert* 1 i'emteutmtip v. frrui|W Steen* SmUenni Men hemem Ceeriet i ,t« dttmeew* J SOCTETT. Slip Covers to Order Slip Covers of linen and cretonne to order at special price*, at Julius I .anshurgh’s, now located at 1629 Conn. Ave. Also Window Shades. Drap eries and Upholstery Goods. Lansburgh Decorating Co. Now at 1629 Conn. Ave.