Newspaper Page Text
SPIT OF HOUDINI FAILS TO RESPOND Self-Styled Medium Unsuc cessful in Attempt to Ma terialize Magician. By the Tit.*. NEW YORK, April 27. —An attempt by a self-styled medium to materialize the spirit of Harry Houdini before a critical audience was classed ns a com plete failure today. The attempt was made at the offices of Science and Invention, a publication w hich has offered a prize of $21,000 for »ny phenomenon that cannot be dupli cated or explained by natural, scientific means. Mrs. Houdini. widow of the magician, who attended the seance, also has ottered SIO,OOO to any one who will bring her a 10-word message her husband wrote during life and which he told her he would repeat after death if possible. Medium Tied With Ropes. The medium, Nino Pecoraro. a por trait painter from the Bronx, was stripped, then dressed in a white shirt and trousers, strapped to a chair, tied hand and foot with ropes, and the mit tens he donned were sewed to his shirt sheeves. All knots were sealed with wax and he then was placed behind a black curtain and lights were turned out. After a short while a voice purporting to be that of his “spirit control” came from behind the curtain saying Houdini would “come through.” The voire said she would count three in Italian and then the cameras which had been pre pared to photograph anything that might appear were to “shoot.” Effort Declared Failure. , But no materialization took place, al though several times what was pur ported to be the voice of Houdini was heard. At the conclusion of the seance, Jo seph Dunntnger, chairman of Science and Inventions scientific investigation committee said that he could duplicate by natural scientific means within far less time all that Pecoraro had accom plished in two hours. BOY AND GIRL SCOUTS WILL DECORATE GRAVES Youngsters to Have Charge of Plac ing Flags and Flowers Me morial Day. Boy and Girl Scouts of the District were assigned the task of decorating the graves of veterans in the various cemeteries throughout the city on Memorial day at a meeting last night of the general veterans' committee in charge of the Memorial day program. The meeting was held in the board room of the District Building. The Bov Scouts will have charge of the distribution of flags and the Girl Scouts will cover the Veterans’ graves with flowers. A meeting of the finance committee, of which Arthur H. League is chairman, will be held Monday night in the G. A. R. Hall to devise means of defray ing expenses of the celebration. About 125 members of veterans' organizations and auxiliaries attended the meeting last night. — • Wife Gets Divorce. Justice -titz has awarded an 'in terlocutory decree of absolute divorce In favor of Mrs. Edith €. Hoffman, 917 E street southeast, from Daniel Hoff man on the charge that her husband had contracted a bigamous marriage with ano’her woman at E’.kton, Md, and was convicted of the offense and sentenced to serve four years in the Maryland Penitentiary She is repre sented by Attorney Andrew Wilson. " i > ■ Marriage Licenses. M*rr:a« lt'enar* bare Wn issued to the fop's wins Jaw* H Schwartz and Eva M. Tswvea kiafc M •■>>»•!! ami T- -»,i- William W artbr Anna Wachler. berth ol iWUmufe. Ohm*- K B*min»-r of fronton Ohio, and Eleanor S Tiller of lbi« nls. Ira L PVf-Knron <*! St » York City and Sva M Carter »f Cltfum Font- V » J folrraan of Bmoia Va. and Lt >r* E It *»/’-' of Kilford Bwwrr V Yoifc a i<( folia M Clark Ho* aid Hts k and S*raft E. 'Daniel, both rrt KlfHmtirt} V* ' I i X| a pound LAr I : 1 Everything Ironed Thii> good but inexpensive yrr m l fm TJ7f ; service is especially fine in the J^fryoSg home where there is a large JslN 'T^jr v *eklv bundle, it Will help J t you :f you have children need- r zkmm&maM ing a Jot of * hanges. All pieces L^L 1 iviSc are washed thoroughly clean §■., m&Bm a? d ironed by machine. 'J hey are neatly folded The heavy I body clothes and flat work are ready to use, the fancy pieces need a little touching up. f‘ Ve cannot do the very fine work by machine.) There j isn't a better service for your money than Everything- T vned, SliirtH Hand Ironed, 10c Apiece Extra When voa *A*«t you/ shirt* hand ironed wrap ♦hem M paraiely, p!a< tun them inside your J.very thing Ironed Jiundle, f. I IHuliAiratle Family tin in It Home Laundry has a vers' ex- M _ ceJlent, complete Eanuly Finish -'lnch beautifully washes and irons your best pieces, Ilirif-T Service *M* Rough Dry I* I tape —(far Driver H ill tall ■ H;a m e LAifMßftY Member* of itm t,uu tub y nuttier J Sutinnul A*wt union IJOJ-JHW Killltn St. IV lb. UnnAoVw am ! MHM mmmmmmmummm tl «Al o <oil in A *>u by t ugmut mmmmmmmmm. wphfj, SOCIETY | (Continued from Eighteenth Page t | Mrs. Andrew J. Montague. Richmond; Mrs. Victor Morawetz, New York City; Mrs. George Wehvood Murray* New York City; Mrs. At Ice Pomerene. Wash ' ington; Mrs. Marvin B. Rosenberry. Madison, \Vis.; Mrs. Arthur P. Rugg. Worcester. Mass.; Mrs. Henry Upson Sims, Birmingham. Ala.; Mrs. W. H. Washington. Nashville. Tcnn.. and Mrs George W. Wickersham of New York City. Maryland State Society Closes Season Tonight. ’ The last social meeting of the Mary land Society of the District of Columbia ■j will be held this evening in the Wash- I ington Club, when Senator William > Cabell Bruce of Maryland will be the i ‘ speaker and the guest of honor. The j election of officers a' 8:15 o’clock w ill j be followed by a tcreption, a short ; program, and later card games and 1 dancing. Senator and Mrs. Bruce will receive, assisted bv Mr. and Mrs. John Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Franklin, Miss Nettie Blackistone and the president of the society. Mr. George B. Calvert. Mr. Z. D. Blackistone will make the presen tations Presiding at the punchbowl will be: Mrs. Frank Weems. Mrs, Wil liam L. Dorsey. Mrs. Elizabeth Colton Ewing and Miss West Russell. Others assisting will be Mr. and Mrs. C. A Maddox. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Noale Shaw. Mrs. John Mason Brown. Miss Ogatita Webster. Miss Emma Loker. Miss Virginia Hebb. Miss Carolina Sutiler, Mr. John Downin and Mr. J. C. Botcler. j Mrs. Curtis D Wilbur, Representative and Mrs. o B. Burt ness. Representative and Mrs. Thomas Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Porter J. MeCumber are among the guests who will attend the reception and dance to be given by the North and South Dakota State Societies in honor of Mr. Frank White, treasurer of the United States, who is soon to leave Washington. Mr. White is the presi dent of the North Dakota State Society. The other officers are: Mrs. Paul Shorb, vice president: Miss Grace Hudson, sec- I retary, and Mr. George Mason, treas urer. The reception will begin prompt ly at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening in the headquarters of the American Associa tion of University Women. Three grand officers will be present at the celebration of the sixty-first anni versary of the founding of the Pi Beta Phi Fraternity tomorrow at the Y. W. C. A. Miss Emilie Margaret White, grand vice president: Mrs. Gertrude Brown Freeman, chairman of the settle i merit school, and Mrs. Mabel Scott Brown, cataloguer. Over 200 Pi Phis will witness the pageant depicting the | history of the fraternity. It was hoped | that Mrs. Coolidge would be guest of honor, but bemuse of the serious rondi- Historic Plantation Approximately 5.000 acres, one half arable, one-half forest: 5- mile frontage on navigable water; boating, fishing and the very best duck shooting: quail and other game plentiful: handsome colo nial brick residence, with modern conveniences. 2Vi hours by motor over a perfect road rrom city: 1 hour to station: club and golf course within 45 minutes. Such a combination is seldom presented. Price. $250.000. Photographs and complete data upon application to H. W. HILLEARY 815 Fifteenth Street Main 4792 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Have Your VASE or JAR Made Into a Beautiful LAMP BY EXPERTS $2' 00 Up ! aMuddimaNo 709 13th St. N.W. Main 140-6436 j Lhmhhmhhh — i TTTE KUKXIXO ST AT?, 'WASTTTXGTOX, T). T., FRIDAY, APKTL' 27, 3P2S. Assisted at Banquet \\ urs. Siibrliaiiman of the committee which arranged the banquet given at the Na tional Press Club last night for the wives of engineers here for a conference. tion of her mother she will not be able to be present, Miss Lcttie Stewart, president of the Washington alumnae, will welcome the guests and Miss Emilie Margaret White, j national grand vice president, will make ! a short address. Thirty chapters of the 74 will be represented. Each guest will wear a large blue arrow showing ' her name and chapter. The hostesses representing each province will wear a large gold arrow to distinguish them. They include Mrs. J. Yocum. Ohio Al pha; Mrs. J. C. Thompson. Pennsylva nia Beta: Miss Lcttie Stewart. Miss Marion Ferguson. Mrs. Frank B Ncsbit. Mrs. B. Olmstead. all of Colorado Al pha; Mrs. Eli A. Helmick, Michigan Alpha; Mrs. W. F. Friedman. Michigan Alpha: Miss Mary Laird, Wisconsin Al pha: Miss Mildred Maronev, Oklahoma Beta; Mrs P. D. Parkinson, Oklahoma Alpha: Mrs. W. B, Handy. New r York Alpha, and Mrs. Wilson Compton, Ohio Beta. Smllax and vari-colored iris will be used for decoration. Balloons of the I same shade will mark the seats of the different chapters and provinces. Nut baskets and vases will carry out the same color scheme. Mrs. Carl loos, chairman of the decoration committee. Is assisted by Mrs. Frank Nesbit; Mrs. Lynn Edminister. Mrs. Bernette Oim / UNDER RAI-F. IG H HABERDASHER MANAGEMENT J ( Stetson Shoe Shop a r 1305 F Street i t A “Bobby Sand alette” i h For the Younger Set < J jj O' I ,atcnt leather with cutouts and v pinhole perforations. Smart with J f the new' Spring Frock, . v * J V Silk McCollum Stockings «( f in shades to match — 1.85 » j Z \ K' j $•-, IBr 0 ; ZjggKjm \ Special Saturday Selection of the More Advanced Preferences in MID-SPRING and SUMMKR HATS Smaller and smaller grows the chic head. And this spe- . i\£\ rial week end group of newest M V 1111 Paris-originated hats im hide?* t I | I* many that emphasize the ■ 8 m vogue of snug-fitting effects, I ■ W Your choice of straw, felts \ W and combinations in all the style-favored shades. Not a ~ „ , , single favorite of today’s Vtr * sp ' e,o//y Fr,eod fashjs<n mishing! \ Grlekacher Z feminine Apparel of individuality sted, Mrs. Oeorge Ober. Mrs. Frank Nickels and Mrs. M. D. Davidson. Dr. Harold M. Barnes of Girard Col lege, Philadelphia, will be honor guest with Dr. Anita Maris Boggs at. the re ception which the group chairman of | the District League of American Pen ; Women will give at 1108 Sixteenth street northwest tomorrow night at 8 o'clock, i Dr. Barnes Is well known here as an I author, educator and lecturer, j Among the out-of-town guests will be Mrs. Harold Barnes, Prof, and Mrs. Harry Banks, Jr.: Miss Ethel May Dun -1 can and Miss Margaret B. King from Philadelphia, Mrs. Kate N. Gleissner of Kansas and Miss D. Dorothy Mallott i Fisher of Hood College. - j Theater parties for the Spring pres dilation of the "The Pastime of Eter j nity" will be the order of the evening i Tuesday, whin the Arts Club Players will make their bow in the colorful i spectacle at Wardman Park Theater. | Members of the Persian legation staff will be in the audience both Tuesday and Wednesday evenings as honor guests of the Arts Club. Among those who will give parties at the play are Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Fairfax. Mrs. Frank Anderson. Mrs. | Elizabet h Northrop. Mrs. John Francis | Oayner, Mrs. Denis E. Connell, Mrs. I O. M. Barber. Miss Adelaide Borah. Miss ! j Amy C. Leavitt and Mr. Frederic Wil liam Wile.* , Members of the Abbott School of Art. who designed and painted the stunning posters being used in advance of "The Pastime of Eternity” throughout the city have taken a block of seats for the opening performance. Miss Helen Collier and Miss Mary Brady have just returned from Knox ville.-Tenn., where they were sent as ! delegates to install the new Kappa ! Chapter of the Tau Phi National So rority. Miss Collier is the national president of the sorority, with head quarters in this city. Vanderslice Honor Guest. R. L. Vanderslice. national secretary i of the International Stewards* Associ ation. was the guest of honor arid prin cipal speaker last night at a meeting of Washington Chapter. No. 23, at the Raleigh Hotel. He told of the work of other chapters and predicted a steady | increase in membership. 1 VERY UNUSUAL SMALL ; JIOUSE—( iF.ORG ETOWN $8,500. A mo»t Intprestfnc and attractive lit ■ i tie houws in be*t block in Georgetown , detached, with charminK stucco front ! deep vard tn rear. It contains a lartre fa ’ , living room, email dininst room kitchen 2 i two bedrooms and hath—modern heat ■ [ and plumbing—electricity. 8 SUITED FDR BArItELOB OR SMALL FAMILY &' . STONE & FAIRFAX I Mam 1008 Conn, Avs | MASSEY STRESSES CANADA-U. S. PEACE Minister Here Emphasizes Permit nent Friendship in Speech at An nual Club Banquet. The permanent quality of the friend ship between the United States and Canada was emphasized last night by Vincent Massey, Canadian Minister to this country, in an address before more than 300 persons assembled for the fifth annual banquet of the Canadian Club of Washington in the Mayflower Hotel. Hr. Edwin N. C. Barnes, presi dent, of the society, was toastmaster. Other speakers Included Edward P. Warner. Assistant Secretary of Navy for Aeronautics; Dr. R. Tait McKenzie, Philadelphia sculptor; Williarii Knowles Cooper, secretary of the Y. M. C. A.; David Burpee, president of the Cana dian Society of Philadelphia; Homer J. Councilor, director of religious educa l tlon at the Calvary Baptist Church j and Representative J. A, Hughes oi West Virginia. r I hr musical program was headed by Misses Joanne do Nault, contralto, whr was accompanied by Mrs. Kathryn Hill Rawles. Others who took part were Miss Eugenia Botkin, Miss Laura Pair child Ward. Ludwig Manoly and Miss Edith B. Athey, all of the Washington School’s Instrumental ensemble. Divorce Decree for Mrs. Stanley Justice Peyton Gordon has signed ar interlocutory decree of absolute di vorce in favor of Mrs. Ellen M. Stanley 2803 Rhode Island avenue northeast against Edward Stanley. They were married May 14, 1023. The wife wa.< represented by Attorneys Merrick A Dean. I BkgStflrfucttoiis J JR —for Fur Coats and other Win- jK S 1 fr* ter furs. We’ll call for your coat M E ■ jjl on ” | - 1 Sails Fur Co.ji Mfi IN THE CONFIDENCE OF THE PUBLIC S LC FOR OVER THIRTY-NINE YEARS Lfj jjpj 610 Twelfth St.—Just Above F—Phone Main 1647 I \ v.'.j&zz ——ft • • *- * it » I W BMtastorrn f of Courtesy J GOO -014 * CLEVENTIi ST. of Courtesy Interesting Sat unlay News! | Spring Coats Reduced M\ Splendid Coals with reductions that bring them dozen to a W \ price at which such fine models are rarely ever found. || Costume Slips rjy (p $2 .95 Coats that arc extremely new. con lace or tn tailored pat whose fashions are those of the %££ Another Excellent rv°u^ S ~ , Coolie Coats Group of Coats $37 $ B- 95 tm Satin. satin trimmed with ravon and brocaded J It you with to »‘*y a lower mice ior you. Ravon Robes and Silk coat, sec thu group, 1 very coat here has w... also been reduced from higher price*, and v L vA t , tJvcep rare gems ot style and \alue are ottered , DOtiauv smart KwklflJ. < WOMAN DEMOCRATS PLAN TO HONOR PARTY LEADER Reception Scheduled Monday Eve ning for Mr. and Mrs. Jesse H. Jones of Texas. B thn Associated Press. The Woman’s National Democratic Club will give a reception Monday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse H. Jones of Houston, Tex. Mr. Jones will be in Washington to attend the meeting on April 30 of the Democratic committee on arrangements, of which he is chairman. Plans for the Democratic national convention In Hous ton. June 26, are expected to be com pleted at the gathering here. It was largely through the efforts of Mr Jones that the Democrats selected Houston as their convention city. In the receiving line with Mr. and Mrs. Jones will be Mrs. Woodrow Wil son, Mrs. Emily Newell Blair, president of the Woman’s National Democratic Club, and Mr. and Mrs. Clem Shaver Mr. Shaver Is chairman of the Demo cratic national committee. WILL AID FLOOD VICTIMS. Red Cross Authorizes Fund to Clothe Homeless. The American Red Cross has author ized the expenditure of $l,OOO to clothe several hundred families made homeless tfTUie floods at Careyville, Fla. | Red Cross workers sent into Georgia land Alabama to help In flood relief re i port the situation in those States as ’ j much improved. i English women are said to be heavier :; smokers than those of any other country. 1 Walk-Over | ootw9ar i ±1 arte* Distinct Favorite i . the lifetim* g A TULSA design in Brown Calf § with genuine alligator trim. * ?; Unusually lovely for street wear. “ So * s £ Priced at Only $lO Vs I Wolfskohrfyer Shop 929 F Street 1 age--* * *■ I r EHulipsboro ~ i f 006 - 614 ' ELEVENTH ST. Special Saturday Feature =: Reproductions of ,i Original French Hats Rcboux and Maria Guy haze eon - L tributed many smart conceptions that I ■ ■ (• hare been incorporated into this special AJx I i showing for Saturday. Colours and 11 ■ fabrics •will prove these hats the j Le exception. ft WE MOULD HATS TO THE HEAD jffcSkafeg" * v k x 19