.■ Mm. A A m • —Shoots thirty feet Into the
JiflflL Iff' * A Sale of Spring Coats in g£«*v&s
j .Jrfai Sizes For Every Woman at r—^;,;n
V Saturday Sofa*/ Wool Fabrics-Remarkable Values * f ]HV 95c
—The styles and materials offer as good a range of choice as do the 1 —This delicious candy Is <
r_* „ TllK MB&tikmMvr* sizes, so that every woman can not only find a coat to fit, but to please / > SSaSS? SShS* mSJJ j:
Ijl 1»U liCtt lUII bBEKSS' Miilff ;*I her fancy as well. Coats of twills, sheens, sports fabrics, failles and wtth * rtch ;i
l * a • 1 I M •■Sv’V kashas made with fur collars and cuffs, and scarfs, also some cn- -Muiford* chocolate jl
r rocks tor Girls semble models. Colors navy, black, tan gray and an excellent assort- "Y 0”.“n,/^n V *S" :j
IV \j■ /■ ment of mixtures. 1 ; special, s bo«t
j j M n Kann’e—Street FI or.
Striped Satinettes. Broadcloth* j VgtYß Misses' Sixes. 14 to 1R; Women’s Sizes , 36 to 48 1.
and Other Prints MM Little Women's Sizes , 16*/ j to 43*/ i; Ejrfrw Size#, /OVi lo 48*/i V,^
JEU jS (jtl * I \ Hi “Ladyfair” Watch
f\y IyJI [I M r Bracelet, SI.OO
*Jk fill 1 j! Toyo Panama Hats j; PPLSSSJ
__ 4 Slr ™ Simulating Panama fmUSmh FndlSelingf/p^i'
J® ris'ts.f.rSE fl9os ft; 5 m>Jr9 r|§|§§ !; MtlMuEr sterlings^
Straight line, shirred, pleated =Si ’I * ~ Light as , a ! eath * r an , d with the V a* ,
J * , f „„„ IT —\ 4 f same soft luster of real panamas, 7 OWKr Vl\p|/v#rTvl V> llr Li -
'vßßf / / and flared skirt styles of gay- M \ l L , 1 \ you will find these the Ideal hats wf wA Rings
i ty printed broadcloths, satin- I \ t I 1 I for warm weather. Chic, small and \ \
I r ettes in cand y stripes and 1 \ l\ | I medium shapes in natural, almond, \ Jk 1 1 1 ry©J 1
/n / other printed materials —with \ \ if sand, brown, wood, rose and other \nZ~ty JL
jJ\TL broidery g and f organdy** fm " I 3 j' m I ' lored bows for trimming. Fully silk vP im-J x 1
ir I I 'I nr Kann’s—Second Floor. j .£i —Beautifully designed rings.
ISizw 7to 10 and Bto 14 — dL j y and other precious stoned
(7 I*] . uji iny that sparkle so realistically
—ln all the pretty colors for Spring and Sum- V,/ 13/jf ft. / you can hardly distinguish
mer. These dresses will launder beautifully. BifoiJMl/ffiM Athem from the real gems.
Kann's Second Floor. |n| f g~l I • /V* T? 1 I “ftogf tiat “Inha^S
rlowered Chiffon crocks ana mf.r^
O m O *ll I 11 t 4 W : ! Washable Pull-On ;1
■ jjaa fjßßw Smart Silk Ensemble Dresses Mill I
—~—j ,4 Brilliant Collection , Offering \ jl j wear with Summer costumes. | j
H p Misses' Sizes 14 to 20, Women’s Sizes 36 to 46 i \ ||| j and self stitched backs. In 1 fi
J . —ln addition to the flowered chiffons—one style of which is illus- 1 Mb ||
r trated—there are printed crepes, georgettes, flat crepes and Canton T Kanns—street Fi«x>r.
crepes. The ensembles arc made with the dress of the printed silk, and —“J I
I the coat of the plain; coat or dress can be worn separately. Many of l JLyK
BraSnn! 1 chiffons are in frilled styles, and each is made up over a separate \
. f crepe de chine slip. All the new Spring shades, navy and black. U T**r \ *
”00 TV . .JHL^Kann’s—Second Floor.
I Special Saturday I @ Navy Blue SUITS j “Miss Junior”
1 QO o/ Twill Card and l.artheen t - t 1 Dainty New
*\y A* Z/O BHkjBH $25.00 Value—Special at F I’OCk.S ill Pimity Blouses
. Ha -Every ault is beautifully tal- JfiErß Si w 51.95
—Slim envelope*, straight and alender; pouch gs lored. made In single and dou- X■ W§ / ASffiSli /ffr P* f 1- v . ... WMi .
baga that hold a great deal, but do not look it. ■] jfIHF ble-breaated styles, with C I/” ( \ \ioß\ll jUJfS Ufl mw luiU. Th?y Iw
Every bag a genuine leather bag, plain or m Hi wrap-around sklrta, braid and I \ \ polka-dot, and y checked pat
alligator, lizard and snake effects. Black bags ■ CTBiK satin bound, and lined with 1 ■ m \ WfCWafip terns, with high and Peter
and colored bags nicely lined and fitted with J* MvH crepe de chine. Sizes 14 to 40. M.\JF V/MBBI $7.98 to SIO.OO Values I’Shminf* I tfSorfii led*
the essent.al. Bought m a special purchase whii sS?s
and offered at an attractive saving. sg Bn J - —Charming, youthful styles of flat crepe, 34 to 42.
Kann’s—Street Floor. jft ■ , t *ll I > novelty prints, made with pleated, shirred, « Kann's—Second Floor.
11 jli jftj p» tiered an< * H >red shirts. The necklines are
- HBjjß unusually becoming—collarless styles, scarf 3-Banil-Boltom
\ j —A smart fox scarf is Just HfilJl TI / collars, lace collars and yoke effect*. The Rayon Slips
X: X '^By \ I rlght t 0 flnl * h off a tailored JFE/RS?ms jKn I \f trimmings are ornaments, ribbon bows and $1 £9 Quality. Special
- \ I suit or coat. In this assort- J U the colors are navy, beige, green, rose and SI.OO
W blonde .nd d„d crow so, Sr Sites 13, 15 and 17 bSK C tKS!
V w o / „ M W e j n>t« Ar bands or tucks at the bottom
Kanns-Second Floor. tW K * nn 9 —o«cond Floor. of skirt. Colors—
si oil liS3»i “BEMBERG” Hose “ARCH GRIP” Shoes r=~=~n
\ —JtJ Are Being Bought hy Thousands of Women Prevent Many Foot Troubles * TIRES (
—Bright colored triangles with hand painted m a 1
ffe 100 Pr # flw. $7.50 and 1 ;! $3 Down :
tied on the shoulder or in front—as you prefer. A. A.. • u Easy Pa \ merit*
Sartiphr Nwkwear, 50c They’re Full Fashioned y\ - |
T . AV . . 4 . J tuy n run rasmomn fftH For genuine comfort and smart- -Tan KM One Strap, ls.se. grip air-cooled Urea are
—Lace, georgette and linen vestees, with or f / *\ Ih _ m guaranteed for owe year
without cuff.; tr.pt, gcorgett, and Until cellar- For r.«l be.uty .nd dumblllty B«m. iw* 1 n . ?,h i£' V - on . monthly but. ,
.nd-cuH 1... p.n.l coll.r. ,nd l.c col- SSA. h „°"SJmbS?l*ukJ. t ™l,Tr1 U l2 r 'thfs FsX£flJt\J ».. h S» P i.? I ' i h AOgM 1 ~SI.« MttJt, Cttoohrr
lars with labots A tamnle line and non# worth
\z Thinifqo. p ■ * ndnon * worth nxviswp.^ Si* /jHHK# «»*•— .»■“
r/w. loned of course, with short cotton welts / / vfiijSßSw * W n ® 9 °f the shoes. Ties, —Rise S2x4Si> ... $14.50
... and cotton soles. In all the fashionable IS Vl* .1 Pumps, Straps and Oxfords of Pat- I m/m —Stse S2x4USS , SSS.M
I JoHi ra, >V«* crJVfAfr ftprlrig colors, including plenty of white // "T 7 V ent Leather. Satin and kid. Two HI S ]^ s i?s4’ *' !!MJ
Pond lillei, carnation*, daisies, ‘ u,< 1 /a ° j( * of the many models sketched. —Peleat l eather l.eae Os- JB Other sim
gardenias J small "Ink Kami's—Strest floor. Kann’s—Fourth Floor ferd, Mf.lt. Frasartiamiibr lam
- roses,* do vers, morning glories, ! __ , _
pintles and apple blossoms. |i Kanna Third Floor.
Kann's- Street Floor B ■ , , K ,-,-- T ~ lin -- r - rr - - T ,- M i,- nr -- r i- t - -m, M , num ,
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmgmmm BHHnBHnBBHHBBMHMMBHHMMBHHBMHBMBBBMBH| ■hhhbhhbmbbbbmbbbm^