•Woodward & Lothrop is Ready to Outfit Children
60 Hats, Reduced to»io I ts —for May Processions
|\ —for First Communion .
fashions, that arc smart for wear now, have , ■■> \S;W,>!Wk, \\
been reduced to make room for the early Sttm- ;; J ) f , r
mer hats. You will be sure to find many styles ¥ JtiVCfVthiriK 101* LiHipS — ———
that will certainly appeal to you. Do not over- \ i T* ±1 /®r \
look this opportunity to buy a better type of* I=== Oil tnC V OUfth V 1001* Jg \ _
hat at a popular price. L—M. Bovs' Camp Girls' Camp g VS /®V~I
Os Crochet. Fabric Felt, Straw and Apparel Apparel ffl g
Felt Combinations—Straw and Fab- c u . .. , „ R.a,d,.tion ffl •>1 /AlV' U \v‘t
ric Combinations—and Novelty Straws. Sport* Blouse* Jit R M f d(lie< ji.SO, $1.95 ffl [l ~h Yl" lUv-M Vdt
„ w/ . v - „ - * Pajamas... .$1.65 to $lO etch Middie , „. 7 5 ffl JBc* I\u
Rose Broun Tones Black Navy (,ttcn < t Underwear... 75c to $2 suit Brotde | el i l shirt. $1.95 fflf * / U \ //ffr’fflf lulUll \m\
Many Color Combinations NeW EnVClOpe and rOUCh BagS Running Pants.. .50c to $1 Athletic Sweaters $7.50 W / & V J>f)vo // 'Sil fV 'I
Some Imported Hats included Have Trim Smartness f /flh'ml 1 11\ >. V
MituKtsT Salon. Thim* Fioo,. All,actively sy.so . 1,, horn H.ti, W. 50 s.rlS /| f fY] MFSAI f\\ I \
Mi MB MhJ ! need at , Madß|ascßr Hat*... .11 each Zipper Running Trunks, $2.50 I\ j gA A « J vd % 1\.% \
Xe.v handbags—inspired bv the famous Pans 8.1..... So. .»SI.SO ?iS*S € $ f\ .Y$ 1 '
designers-have arrived. 1 hey arc fashioned nf Golf Hose. 50c to $1.50 P r.' Serge r.ym Bloomers. $4.50 / ||/ IjX fU/ MllM K \W,\ '\
« * *XT p . f 1 calfskin, lizard, alligator and gain chat calf, pin * Black Sateen Gym /NS If M IrllPl LX W \ I
IWW Snorts Uxtords I seal, as well as pig grain calf—and all have acer- Sweaters $5 to $l» each Bloomer , $1.75 / f/.KV \ i
lYllSScb INCW spuria VAIUIUD tain tailored flatness which makes them smart as j er#ey(l $S each (^ ,e T $2 95 / $ I /|I W V^\
Combine Comfort for Sports and Outdoor Wear accessories should he. Hikin* Breeches...s4.so. $5 Na™ Blue "sertte* / yl/ - I —4j » /7 \ )
With Style and Summer Smartness Black Brown Tan Light Shades Khaki Knickers $l5O, $2 Skirt* $2.95 to $6 / l m- IT} R ) /(
LtATHra Goods Section. Fittsi Ft oos. Khaki Short* $1.50 each Combination*. 85c to $1.15 / / ft , 1 '// \ j
] hese arc three Ot the models Ola large \anety on Flannel Short* S.VSO Flannelette or Broadcloth \) f ///
displav here that have crepe soles, hard rubber soles # . .... Pajama*....sl.9s to $3.50 \
and leather soles and heels. Exclusive Granite Hosiery Linen Knickers $1.85 up Bathrobe*.. .ss.Ssto $7.50 I2f I
3>t./o pair tor a pairs s P o«. shim .-.jiso »u A PP .r,i %. JTtW MLlt
I „ C.H s>nr„ O,M Os service-weight ,11 silk, with lisle hem and JSMST. W F T lk^
*r soles —in these smart shades-Italian straw. ,▼
fIL rubber sole anil spring heel, honey-beige, cameo, tawnv, pongee, pla/c gray, , / /
,/w * misty morn, cruiser, gun metal and many other f,ast Day of Caftlf) W€€R I
" antc d shades. Tomorrow, 10 to 12, 1 to ,? and 4to 6 I i
*. ijpr Outsize. $1.90 3 Pairs, $5.55 fyClnrk
Service-weight, with lisle hem and soles. I KjIOCR . , [A ) 1 ——l
Hosiery Section. First Floor. —in the Sporting Goods Section, Fourth floor F?
■ With Troop 100 of the Central Y. M. C. A. I
Dan Tyrrel, Scoutmaster f* • \ * W7L C \
„ t* C 1 Qt: *'A Day in Camp” with the Girl Scouts; VJTIIMS 1 TOCKS
xgggr 7 Chan-Tung Smocks, S2-’5 io:3« io 4 :30 o'clock. _ vjaxio yt mit 1 1 wwtvo
a4 Fascinating New Imported Material I ° , * ts SECT,ow Pu> °" I Crepe de Chine or George te Frocks, M 2 -50
f With the approach of Summer—and open win- Voile Frocks, *2- 95 and *3- 95
dows, with the dust blowing in—there is a great (\kv\c* Hfilfc nf RntfCn
increase in the vogue for Smocks—to protect the Villiid I ldlo U1 Dainty vvhite frocks of crepe de chine, georgette and voile,
clothes while working at home, or at the office. beautifully made, with touches of lace, pleats and ribbon.
.. These smocks are particularly lovely—for they /"la\CX * or * n s,m Pl e tailored styles—are the frocks that are
are of a new fabric—Chan-Tung, that looks like ctilvi sillily /, jja!being chosen for May processions and first communion.
4 n,UrA at two tone cal! 5,7^ s 34 to „ _ __ rf , $C Other White Frocks, $2.95 io S29JO
. \ Oxford •/ two tone calf, g lue Q reen T an Orange Rose Gray t ,
1 .*fj that it popular lor general b •*’ vv u 7 Girls Section. Folrth Floor.
wear, with leathe, sole and Home Frock Section. Third Floor.
“"™ For Boys, 3 to 10
T f ... ful and appropriate for *H IV Boys 3to 10 will wear any of these smart little suits, with
Itl th€ Misses Section K,r,< * I the popular shorts and waist »ps.
\ ' »■..■■ yWX Here, one finds a wide selection, in roll brim shapes, _ *
.« t C* f poke bonnet styles and medium brim models, that have All Linen Suits 53.45
Ivltsses OC2,rt quiUs or ribbon streamers-but chiefly concentrate their Navy Blue Shorts, with -ilk or broadcloth top and
\W ifllOuvu * chic tn the new novelty straw*. ' f e ,
Y/Vy «* ✓ q cn Girls’ Millinery Section, Focrtm Floor. bcit t° match—and also . tie $4.50 to 5/. 50
/ V-iO<itSt .O 7 WT t KT Button-on Waist in Eton :.ml sports style $1,51.50 .
f {•,t\ Womens New .c. «t m.n « soc.^
/r n n with satin scarf ic A„f A44 j n \jitis onsemDies t
I V V/ / J With Scarf Tie vJOII V-/XIOICIS Girls have followed their elders in their apprecia- _
/ V \/ I With Scarf Throw tion of ensembles this season. None are smarter L,’
x 11 With Scarf Cape Offer a New $1 than these ensembles of colorful flannel coats— " A Ol M lU >0
/1A \/ / Itn ported Model ~ simply tailored or with scarf ties—and washable •
ly lA / . 'j-^ e scar f coat j s an out- tub silk frocks—in colors to match. Four-piece Blue Serge or Cheviot Suits $18.75 to $45
/Wg 1 standing fashion this sea- With that "sports feeling.” typical of England, Girl*'Section. Fourth Floor. White Blouses .. 1. .$1 to $2 White Shirt< $1.50 to $3
V \\ \ son—and one does not won- this tan elkskin oxford, with a saddle of real al- Caps $1.50 to $2 liolf Hose, plain. 50c to $1.50
/ \ der, for there is nothing so ligator and the low heel—new ihis season— Bov*’ Store, ronm* Floor.
flattering as the flowing nnd sole of crepe-is preferred by the women D...J
n 41' 7 * scarf end or the becoming who know smartness as well as golf. UUy5 1 Uippcr rfsT^T^w'
wVi j1 rtj neckline it gives. Other models of White Buckskin, C e oc / \-*l '■ — N 4 4 TTTT4 XT ai
]l\ > V ou'H And a wide choke of OT Ctil buit s, >2* Rczdy-mzde White Veils
/ 1/ Styles tn scarf coats here. [fly \ '
Coats of kashmir and satin, - Flapper Suit offer* com- /| t lX.vard lengths 2-Vdrd lcnfiTths
Euk ZSntaS-o”. 1 worashionablekjloves ItU'ti’SiVSiS; Cotton Nets, 72 Inches wide. 60c to n
Wr%Ty exploit the scarf thrme in • Chosen by Fashionable W omen JSXt** h ilLl Wc have the very M.y proccion xnd fir,, communion
/ many interesting ways. One-clasp Glace Glove*, with wide handolette border veils to meet your demand. They are of very line quality
/ym ■>«. Other Scarf Coats in white and black, mode, gray and tan, and three-row To insure fit and comfort, / 7rjH4m white net, simplv made. In these two desirable sizes. Net.
I hfrxPm / ten tn * tne embroidered back* $3.50 these suits have a long VJL \ \ ... .. 2»* *. t,.,s
t 0 ' Tailored Washable Capeskin Gloves, with »trap and fiThwe'V buHon'"fly 'on 'ik fffl Veil Srctton, Tnn Floor
/ I 7. Maw’ Coat Section buckle—for taille.nr and street costumes. Spring shades, ann ha '[ e a . 11nv on /wffv t®3
y 1 Third Floor. black and white $4, $4.50 f * r, ‘ * ,< ’ e of ,he ,ro,ls<,r *- White Wreaths, 75c. Simple little wreaths of white buds
/MA I aLoyr Section. First Fi.oor. ew fo|or comb ination«. and blossoms.
/At \ \hky I ‘Q Ontt s’ Miluniry Section. Fourth Floor
‘jSn’.S! Printed and Plaid
’'awli >29 50 ' Triangle Scarfs, * I- 50 |6* r,Qiildren’s White Shoes
I Tt,. l„ r.rux nf the A very attractive price for a triangle scarf—tbat i* the hA f IWO ~ 1 fOUSCTS .. n . * r-** .
fM / , j- it/ c leading vogue for Spring and Summer. The plaid scarf JK t FOf A/fIV PfOCPSSiOH iltui F tTSt C. OtMHUtttOn
M'S/ leading fashions for Spring -that i* the newest notr-and a wide variety of printed Stilts $ $35
Il RJ / and it is found here in many design*-offer a wide choice. Every Spring color combi- 4 UUlU>t Woodward & Lothrop offers a wide variety of white shoes
I \ K (ruck""withTa?"repeToaH o.h.r Sc.,l. »t 1\ V Young men find these that .re appropriate (or May proton and first com
'l or printed .oat and frock. Kao**,.. Saerrox. F„„ rux». IV \ l^e'lTt'aiUne’.mi mnmon tvear-and then later all Mtmmer.
Ki and georgette jacket over a ■ ■\l / l atino oond looks far Infants’ and Children’s White k alfskin Oxfords; plain toe;
I 6; prin.LfrU r J ru , spring heel. Siaea s*j to 8. $4. Sixes S’, to 11, $4.50.
q hen Un - at re , r( . nianv Cpc aC Ol suit offered at this Infants’ and Children’s White Kid One-strap Pump, with
/ delightful frork, that (ea- D J' C* 4. Ct« PfU popular price. ..mart cutout and spring heel Siaea s>, to g. *3.50.
7 "ire Ihe newest fashion RadlUOt CoStUHie Slips K w!i*dlhie* hL‘,T«! Sta..*',.. 11. $4. Sum U ,»*.s».
\ / notes—with ruffled skirts, * S " aNP double hr a. te Infants’ and Children’s White t all Sandal, with cutout
\ / rape backs and scarfs. I u/rrrstitndv Priced $7.50 ■ vests with sing e- vamp and spring heel Sizes 5* jto 8, $3,50. Sizes B‘,
\ l ' innresttngly I need •? / W‘ ,1 breasted ro.f., and col- to 11. SJ. Si.« U>, to J. $6.
If.repe de Chine Georgette Dainty <'o*ttnnr Slip* of excellent finality, in the pop- .1 * ''l* *' '1 ■ #y HttMßM <. gllor hxction Fourth Fi«x>r
Chiffon Prints () | a r tail.,red n.0.1e1, with hemstitched bodice top, and A \ * aTO ”' a « OND r,OOB Ch.lmrn* Shoe Fourth *ux*r,
.. . shadow-proof hem—also lace-trimmed models finished \ Girls* White Hose and Socks—Silk H»*>e, $1.50, $2, Silk
Others, 'l9™ to u t2 SO With delicate lac. and fine embroidery. \ /,l // J#? Boys * Stor€ Socks, 'i and >) 4 lengths, 50c to sl.
Misfit*’ Drem Mection Wliilr, l'lc*h, l**ach, lan, <»ray, BUck, Navy , Qul*« fr*e Vniino 1 Men Oißi*’ FuRN»aH»N6* Srctissn. Fssurth Floor.
’I mull rwoa. OoRTt/ME Bi.ie Flection, Third Floor. JIHIS lor XOUngivicn
_ ||y ! M| 15 to 20 Years
Four-piece auit*. with two
it. 11l rtthttrttt V SaSSS Boys Dress Oxfords, >5
; I I | ( MW WW WWW WT I W I W I I W W* I W 11 ol W** A new black Scotch calf oxford, with straight tip and welt
W--* -A *%' How* of Bond Str«*t »olt. This model mav also lie had in tan Scotch calf. Sues
* Suit., »•. zyi to 6.
10th, I Jth, F and G Streets bovr* btor«. Fourth Ft ooa, Botr' SaeTtoM, Fourth Ficvh,
A-■- - - -