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' MENACES COUNSEL WITH SUSPENSION Judge In Libel Suit Warns De fense Lawyer. Follow ing Speeches. Jtv the A'■*«<'(atPiths. COBOURO. Ontario. April 27. Throat of suspension front active par ticipation in the trial hovered yesterday over Prank Regan, chief counsel tor W. T. R. Preston and F. \V. Wilson. In the $50,000 libel suit brought against the two newspaper men by Gen. Sir Arthur Currie. Regan, who had been rebuked several times by Justice Rose for remarks in court, protested against what he termed the ‘war college" at a hotel where many of the former soldiers who arc witnesses in the ease are staying He said he objected to witnesses being put through » lecture at the war college" before coming into court to testify. "If you will persist," Justice Rose told 1 him. "in making these iregular and un authorized siK'cehes. 1. instead of scold ing you, shall have to ask one of the other counsel of your side to take up the case.” Regan «as rebuked again after he had told Lieut Milton Fowler Gregg, holder of the Victoria Cross and other medals, that he was a pretty good man for an adjutant." Gregg had declined to express an opinion as to the justifi cation ot fighting by the Canadians after the armistice had been signed. Justice 1 Rose suggested that “some witnesses had earned immunity" from such remarks. The testimony, chiefly from former members of the famous Princess Pats. ■ bore upon the contention in an article written bv Preston and published in Wilson's paper that Canadian lives were sacrificed in an attack on Mons , on Armistice day for the glorification i of the Canadian high command. The ! suit was based upon this article. The witnesses agreed that there had been no attack on Mons that day, be cause. as one of them expressed it, there had been "nobody to attack.” since the Germans were withdrawing without a at niggle. SMITH AND HOOVER LISTED FOR "CLASH” Former Gov. Allen of Kansas Pre dicts Their Nomination for Presidential Office. Br Press. NEW YORK. April 27.—Former Gov Henry J Allen of Kansas last night told the Jackson Heights Republican Club that "the contest in the coming presi dential campaign will be a clash be tween two great personalities—Al Smith and Herbert Hoover." "Any Republican nominee will beat Gov. Smith in Kansas." he predicted. “This is no reflection upon the governor We just don't understand him. and never had an opportunity to acquire a tas’e for him. "The issue in this campaign will be simply that of adherence to the Cool idge policies of economy, honesty and efficiency. If Kansas never before made up its ..mind to vote for the Re publican party, it has this year “Out our way we give thanks that Hoover is not politically minded; fchai he is primarily a business man. For Kansas wants a business man as President and never will consent to the transfer of Tammany Hall to the White House.” , — Thatching as a means of roofing houses is being revived in parts of England, "31 NPkIiAI .soil Chh~ DOORS—New <k*or* that will not w»ru «** *** Hechiriser Co Osh A C • w sth_* Ki» me. ne.—MU G» a.e SNY PERSON WITNESSING ACCIDENT hM-*»en -tr*-e» c»r *n<! Chevrolet auloaKlt*!e or R it iStb ar-1 Vermont ave.. January r 24 I9JM kindly adiSre*# MAKY SCHWARZ B«i liCPMV Star oflW 27_» I WILL NOT'BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY dent* '•,£tract*-/} by any one other than mv •*!( WM MOORE 1307 C*l n w 27* SAVE gV DEALING DIRE<T MORE than a thousand Rat Oil Burner* are in •iailed to twines eburcfcws. anastiriens* ern hioiH and Government nuildin*# wltera real emsmi/y! work muei fte performed Out enrtneer trn 1 rladiy rb*'k up beatinf plant and ri»e you all nenenaary information I>iw price* on bummer repair* and 24-hour •ervire RaY ENGINEERING CO 1430 Irrm» NW. Col 7»'i- THE FOLLOWING CARS" WILL BE SOLD for «4tar«e.* at Wew-bter # l'ut>!c Aie tlon or. SATURDAY MAY TWELFTH < halmer* Tounna els by Mr. O. L. Ahe maths: F'«*d fterian jest nr J* r Wi!'.,in? H Ch: ern' Will* St f !*rr» Tixmitf left <.y Mr. a. H <»i! more K nrV t our*- left hy Mr William H S norri V'trA T/i'irio* left hy M* ft Thiirn ton; Durant Tm<mir k><» i-v Mr Weinert. __ _ Cat! f ail if.* . hi 4 H <*i NW WANTRIM-VAN LOADS OiR Ft KNTTLUK to or from New York t’hiia Button Hub tborui and point* iwrulft SMITH’S I RANhFEB & STORAGK CO 1313 You At North 3341. THE" FOLLOWING >A RA VtLL BE SOLD for «-haf*e» at Wear-hW » on blu an/ tinn on Saturday twi! ”,H leeiye rnadeter left by M *» Edr a M Poo * sjldernotille tourlwr lelt bv tf< kot/eri Maaoo louriric le(t i» Mr W E Lacnklft. CALL CARL. INC. OH H *t n». ___ __ GRANDEATHEK"ft HALL" CIX/Cg WITH hoarier tour ’Vealminep-r 'him*-* *145 or<* tr o • Harm I*.*) f aufoad witbh dual proof IY-i*we< movernept %'.ib Cali at A KAHN INC Wifi F *1 r. w iim Logkaphed 'letters ai'-'mcl ttarardiHir P/1 otto* Addrewnin* etc ACE LETI Est zo'i Diet net National Bank f> , dior 14oh G kr. 1143 Open e 3i| a m ' WINDOW SCREENS MADE TO ORDER W# u*e vba turn *t **>» » * Out fa*-tort ■nen will .ti», vou nionejr K.LEEBLATT '" l »V flindow and •>. re»ri» Phone Line, Ml!* YOUR GRANDMOTHER have uie-d our aeivt-e Mattie*ae« Sp* fjli and PiUpw* r»o(/»»•«! WE HAVE BEEN AT IT Sir.-* |ft ;j UEDEI.L O', <O, Vi s u This Mill ion-Dollar Printing Plant —t* at yo ,r •» '' i*e No order 100 nr,i!| to re<ei»* -arefj! a'tont on The National Capital Press 2_2i‘ W*/ D V •> W pnofi* M d.Vj TINNING Ojrnices & Skylights <S«i Jijf onoj ijefore vou have Any work don* a »*n .t»* on ««ji,nd end main ikJced O* *«»'» of *a u*» i*r-< • in n,Mt roatai w /efc Geo. W. Barghausen It— k'li f| ft W #»*,.« i,;vfr mfl* I NEVER DISAPPOINT BYRONS. ADAMS PRINTING IN A HURRY IS * h t/Ul not i. it, (iri *d. hizjisi, n n w Poofs Repaired by Experts Mavy -a ■* and <-ratr. /.i; r«r*i root aw;<i a I'eof Uo .Uo e Phone UAnt I IRONCI.AD ,T«;Vs‘V irtn *nd Krntt Mi ft *5 Phone* North (“.ith '? ~~VA i SIJ <J P 11-11.11 We ipC' .-/•$ -f ' Jit} *JI r p % $ ,‘>J f# - J'ltfH i .< OO to hit* • Os *ft * i r t ( VIJ J V IN' , JS* •/ *}!»?_ e3«,h j/. “4 -v y av* _> w_ How n •« ""Of wi t ><*■» .*noi# *■> ir t<;,l r a * ,r iw.m< th *o>4ld «ri‘. ’l*iH 'e-fo e In* r‘,jin,t i oto# Itortri t -net i< | ; VTiAWC fcr.< tr * ii!r 3rd M S A /y /VvAyi tj ChfirPMi# Hawfi try* Trio of “Y Runners Now Tied for Lead In Third Week of Indoor Bunion Derby I j Three of the more than 30 runners • ! in the Y. M. C. A. indoor installment marathon are "nearing the city" in j ihesr figurative race from Mount Ver * non to Washington, which began a week ago. The trio, far in the lead and tied for first place, are R. 5?. Eaton. H. Wolf and H. James They are about midway between Alexandria and Washington, according to the picturesque panoramic chart in the lobby of Y. M. C A head quarters. 1730 G street Close behind j the leaders is W. M Parrott, and a ■ short distance to the rear of Parrott . lis T. R Wilson. ■ Their positions in tlie race are indi | rated by numbered thumbtacks, which ■ are moved forward, day by day. as the ' i participants continue to circle the in- I door track in tlre “Y” gymnasium j While the runners are covering their i ! daily allotments a group of eight svvim- I mrrs is ploughing back and forth in ; | the pool in an installment swim, also ■ I figuratively, from Colonial Reach to Blacklstone Island, n distance of 12 miles. W. J, Stephenson and F C Lavin are out in front in the swim, having covered about three miles in a week H Dye is runner-up. Other participants in the land race arc H Kulup. H. Maranian. C. E Beck ett. 11. Irvin. C Brant. M Bract. 11. Keller, H. live, B. Siegel. C Aben. R- Trupp. J Watzman. J S. Boyd. T L,' Greer. T. O Boman. M II Avery, s E IleMaret. ID Cohen. F E Hickey. F M : Daingerfield Guv Whitford. A. Collins, i J Seabold. A E. Johnson. R. M. Gra ham and N M Blake The other swimmers are B. Siegel. FOR SALE OR TRADE °9-foot frontage in Kalorama Heights; on grade; wide pited alley. The price is right. L. W. Groomes 1416 F (rood to Drink It's good to drink, sweet to the taste. nourishing and healthful. Made of pure, rich Chestnut Farms Milk and wholesome sweet chocolate. Add a hottle to your regular order. Phone Potomac 4000. The Fountain Drink for the Home The Knowing Mother Wilt Have No tlther ■MftUV FOR THE DIFFERENCE - '^mjMß Basement SPECIAL I Misses’ and Children’s Strap Pumps & qa Oxfords TV •*/«/ IfiL'" Patent roll, tun |H Sizes metal, and uhitr W 6to 2 IP ' « anvav The vea - 1 Vi ! Try and C.usrsnteed Beat T hit AKsolutely Vatu* Perfect ; Wl BUY COR ! W! ! ' r;ilb f 1 THE ARGONNE j On Columbia Road at 16th St. N.W. HIGH ELEVATION EXCLUSIVE SURROUNDINGS Wonderful View of the Entire City and | / PICTURESQUE ROCK CREEK PARK | Magnificent 8-storv, absolutely fireproof building with every convenience. Apartments contain large bright outside rooms with spacious closets, tile bath with all built-in fixtures and pedestal lavatory. A tele phone is provided in every apartment for which there flj is no service charge. j J Reasonably Apartments of 24*11our JZL 2 Rooms, Bath and Porch | | Possession. Jo 6 Rooms and 2 Baths Service. | (rrand Opening Sale of Another Peoples Hardware Store No. 5 Saturday, April 2lilli , 192 H AT . 3655 (Georgia Ave. IN.W. <><( It*#* k t'lfik f.him li ltd. Mew Haiupi-biie Ave, and Ooigis Ave., ■ km; oi-lmm. sai.k—•wuohs si.asiu;i>— OI'KN I,M il. MIONMaiT. 1 » THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON, T>. C.. E RITI AY. APRIL 37, ID2S. si A. F. Dtiehrlng, R B Morgan. A. A I Mattson and J. S. Shear The contests will close May 15 with II I the award of Y. M. C. A athletic em * blems to those who complete the races ~ Potomac Woman Succumbs. » | S|V'rt:tl Dlseulrll In Tlip Stm' „ POTOMAC. Vn . April 27 —Mrs ■ Hazel Lee Burke, wife of William E u Burke, died at her home at Mount c Vernon avenue and Columbia pike last * night. Funeral services will be held l1 l at the residence Monday at 2 p.m * and interment will be in Bethel Ceme tery at Alexandria Her husband, mother. Mrs Ada Stoneberger, and five * j sisters survive. • Mrs. Margaret Herbert Die*. r I Special Diepati h to The siar. FREDERICK. Md . April 27.—Mrs 1 Margaret E Herbert, mother of Mrs iI A. P Tibbets and Arthur Herbert of 1 Washington, died at her home here ' yesterday. She was nearing her seventy-sixth birthday. Funeral services * will be held here tomorrow. Bolivia Honors IT. S. Educator. I A PAZ. Bolivia. April 27 t/P). —Prof David P. Barrows of the University of California, who has been lecturing here on political and sociological topics, yes ! terdav was invested with the degree of i doctor "honoris eausa" before a dis tinguished audience at the University I of Bolivia. • f Thousands of Bargains in"^ BOOKS Come in and Browse! The Big Book Shop 933 G St. N.W. No Branch Stor»» j 1 PHIPPS IS PRAISED BY CITIZENS’ BODY Senator's Fight for 60-40 D. C. i Appropriation Commended by Conduit Road Association. A resolution commending the fight by Senator Phipps for the abolishment of the lump-sum appropriation and a re turn to tlie 60-40 basis between the District and Federal Governments to 1 meet expenses here was adopted by the Conduit Road Citizens’ Association at a meeting in St. David's parish ball last night. The association adopted a resolution indorsing the proposed southwest site as a location for a farmers' market, but urged that an Item be included in the Dili providing specifically for retail trade as well as wholesale. A better lighting system for the whole territory covered by the association also was asked in a resolution. Another resolution was adopted asking the Dis trict authorities to take steps to relieve iFLAMIKE Spare Tire* jJj |p| Priced Applied i ijL] According 50c to SI.OO . to Distance LEETH BROTHERS Fir.- 764 Formerly Main 500 STORES FOR RENT Beat Business Sections. Consult Us Regarding Profitable Locations for Your Particular Business. RANDALL H. HAGNER & CO. lnror|iornt*il. 1321 Connecticut Ave. Phone Main 9700. A n edqe . . . : for your appetite ; i* pickles crisp and *pmi .- j l ** l ** l ****** l ****** l ** l ********** | * | H | * | *^^~'' — ' JUST to m*<* them on the table make* you hungry! < s^~ "Zo&m Perfect voting cucumbers, A grown from pcdigrcctl .seed and f'jLjinf^jX flavored with a special sweet /' / - liquor of spices, sugar and vinegar. Only Libby knows 4 itljln therecipewhicbmakesLibby’s r- tfSO Sweet Pickles so crisp and so ; good. fwSkMJI Libby, McNeill & Libby l • J»/ chicago BOTTLED CANNED BULK Sweet Pickles Sweet Mustard Dill Pickles Sweet Mined Pickles Pickles Chow Chow Pickles Sweet Dili Pickles Sour Pickles Homemade Stylo Sweet Itelish Sour Mined Pickles Pickles @*€)N,AIE3 LEADS THE WORLD IN IVTOTOR CAR VALUE J * [I | HOR climbing hills, going around other cars, getting away in front at a traffic tg start, Nash has extra power and greater flexibility, produced by the highly perfected, precision balanced, Nash 7-bearing motor. Coming down hills, driving in traffic, meeting a sudden emer gency Nash 2 -way 4 - wheel brakes surround Nash owners with exceptional safety. The extra power and extra safety of Nash travel cost you nothing, as you will discover if you compare Nash prices to the prices asked for other cars. 1 WALLACE MOTOR COMPANY fllilrlbiKur, Rotuil Salesroom, 17(H) L Street, N. W.—Main 7612 —“ ASSOCIATE im.4t.KHS UAWfcIINV IMAMU Mo IUN COMPANY, IHn Hill liimi, N W. P*A*»|l NlMfctN Mo I oil UlMf ANY, IOV Ir.lo* Uinl, N. W. nAIIK VUII MO IOH I OMrANY, 111 || Mira.i, * |* c. BINVON NAMII MOIOH I OMBANY, «-Uf.uOm., \l. a UI« d a traffic congestion at the intersection ip of Seven teeth and H streets, created by I Hip parking of automobiles, particularly I ' during the period around 4:30, which I is alleged to be in violation of the reg- 111 illations. Four new' members were received. || They are Charles Collier, Earl Kegel, J S. Hitchcock and Mrs. E. R King. William F. Dement, president of the as- | .... i. Ik,, j.—„. . ' S " ' ;i | I| j i ■is . I PIANOS —We will buy your old piano and pay you the highest cash price for it. CHAS. M. STIEFF ■NO. |1 (Mf*. I’iitnn* (nr 100 Yr*.) 1340 G St. N.W. I I 11 ' ■ 11 1 J ’ l ■ ' ■ ■■ I.'iyjf ■■:' ! ■ ■ .. H-m. ««t Atlantic & Pacific t “ Goodness & Value Go Hand in Hand at the A&P ff JR&Ek\ The purchase of good foods is always econom- im ical, and at the A&P Store in your neighborhood /M you are assured of always recewing the highest IBSR quality of fancy and standard brands at prices wmmmem that mean an added economy. Stop by today — I “WHERE ECONoImY RULES” <1 with every visit there is a positive gain. f SPECIALLY REDUCED for THE WEEK END || Milk c *rL3 «£2 25c ■ J I Heinz Ketchup. . . . bott,e 17c Del itlonte Peaches Ue - ran 23c Heinz Spaghetti ran 9c Del flflont t Asparagus Tips. . picn,r can 19c Heinz Beans ran 9c Del fflonte Fruits for Salad. . buffet t,n 15c Heinz Vinegar pt 14c Del ftlonte Corn can 17c LEMONS Al,a, y s Fresh and Cris P ! Tomatoes Juicy Variety era tely low for smh high quality. From Florida j- f^ c New Potatoes 'tJf C h Fresh Peas Khubarb 2 Lbs. 25c \ 2 Lbs. 15c 2 Bunches 9c : J ii Cooking O *)r Z FRESH 7 A APPLESO Lb ’- LDC n I • SPINACH. Lb. lUC = —r ORANGES Doz jjC KALE Lb. DC lie Pi " i n ' ,X 20c OnloZ 4 lie T n E *AS Lb. S r ferberg Lettuce I CrUp Celery R R %, SHES Q ONIONS OL Headi 9c | Bunch, 12c 2 Bunches ‘ ,C V Wheatena pk * 22c Parsons* Ammonia. . plnt 12c Sunny field Corn Flakes pk *- 7c Star Brand Mops .. . each 25c Kellogg*s and Post Toastie Corn Flakes. . pk * 8c Gem Mop Handles. . each 15c Kellogg*s Pep pk * 12c: Clothes Lines, 40 ft., e ** h 20c ■■ Special Until Saturday’s Closing . . . Special Until Saturday’s Closing QUICK COOKING A New OA TS sgs "sTlt i I A delicious, nourishing Food — Today MJ A Good for the children a Regular lodized \2 np - 15c sf 3 s.w. 3 np 2sc | Cinderella luXTHJXPTCAKES Mayonnaise Puff Cakes ZZSTc i RdUh A delicious choco* ——i i'Ty w>~~ ___ late and vanilla com- iff U-MILK Thousand Island bmatton teed marsh- Whit» Shorn Pol„h # mallow UppedCaks fio „, e JQ c j UTCSSUIg Lb . 9 SNOWDRIFT 8-oz. 1 tlbCan 22c iyC | f Special Until Saturday’s Closing WRIGLEY’S Special Until Saturday’s ' D , r , .• GUM ROYAL Royal Gelatine hersheys Baking Powder I Assorted Fruit Flavors CHOCOLATE Maks, lusciously light and And oth«r 5c tender cake met v*ritti*i of 'v 15c £ 22c Print WILDMERE FRESH "&UMU&6C HOTTER jj EGGS Sliced Bacon lb 56c J 32c CHOICF ~ 1 I, j Chuck cat Specials RoCISt Pork Chops, center cuts. . lb., 38c * it Shoulder End Pork Chops, lb., 31c i\OQSI Fresh Hamburg Steak. .. lb., 25c , , QT _ LARGE ~ Rib Lamb Chops lb., 53c ItK Ji C Skinned Hams ; armour s ''"o7°'*' Buck Roe Star Hams j cni.rMe., ,b. Shad Shad W,^L fstr /./, 15c , 30c 2 ? c p wp | Fancy Three* V CGll Fillet of Haddock lb. t 25c Cornered or Cross-Rib Roast Ih < ,s ' Roast w„b Croakers lb., 10c n>. 25c Herring 4 25c l k 28c 3