Newspaper Page Text
Dyed Mourning Black In 24 Hours Carmack DryCieaning&Dyeing Co. 4 Dupont Circle 2469 18th St. N.W. Franklin «?S? Columbia 0:10 Col. 432 Col. 432 Our Service Costs Less S3OO Funerals for... .$195 $l5O Funerals for SIOO $l5O Steel Vaults for . SBS Ambulances $4 Call W. W. Chambers Co. The Brownitonr Funeral Home Cor. 14th & Chapin Sts. N.W. if'ij^! For after-theater lunch Eleven fifteen —just before retiring the time for easily digested Pabst ett, more than cheese. Delicious Pabst-ett actually melts in your mouth. It is as quickly assim ilated as milk and a food that young children, elderly persons, even inva lids may enjoy. On crackers or bread, in rarebit it’s a perfect evening lunch, focxf for any occasion. ®Ask your grocer PABST CORPORATION (Chets* Division) Milwaufcaa m Cheese Pabst Wonder Cheese 5 lb. i \N 4 ~ d] : - - — loaves and 1 % lb. airtight A \ChAJ* ail * package* American. Brick. l\ M / / ^ >,cmc Pimento. Pot I - BUILT FOR ETERNITY I | gfohep Jttatisoleum I “4 PALACE OF PRIVATE TOMBS ” '*' /j |J||j MILITARY HOAD, JIIST BEYOND SOUTH GATE, OVERLOOKING ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY LET THEM SLEEP FOREVER HERE—IN BEAUTY, PEACE, SECURELY The ABBEY MAUSOLEUM it non-sectarian, Entombment cottt fio more than ground burial, beautiful and nth in architecture, constructed of when the cost of grave site, interior lining and granite, reinforced concrete, marble and bronze, tombstone are compared, making it at secure and time-resisting at the pyra mid» of Egypt. An endowment fund amply sufficient to main* The Mausoleum eliminate*i the horrors of the tiin it forever j B deposited with the Continental grave, making the ultimate end one of consolation Trust Co It provide* a place where families and friends 4 , . „ .. _ ~ . may lie side by in a snow white tomb high and You Mn a cemetery lot any tune, hut dry above the ground, where neither water, damp space in the Abbey Mausoleum is limited, as over nor mold can enter, two-thirds of crypts have been sold. 9 I Am Interested in t M» I . . Mausoleum Be aure to visit this wonderful Abbey Mausoleum, Inc. Fit#** lAt Y*/ur RepreMotatiM mII, edifice; open for inspection at all «»**»*a »••<» i»r !««•» Im**i»««» »>•» WRiout OW*4«uvb. times, raprasantative at mausoleum J*w<m H. Golliflower, Eras, A am* ............ every Sunday or by appointment Office-4000 < o in. Ave. * ny Pfiorie Main 7H‘>7*7B‘>B CAPITOL EMPLOYE DIES. R. R. Dutton. Union Veteran, Hsd Served Haro 81nce 1003. Funeral services for Reece R. Dutton, Union Army veteran and Capitol em ploye, who died at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Chsrles Dunn. 719 A street northeast. Tuesday, were con ducted there thts afternoon. Burial was in Arlington Cemetery. Mr. Dutton was bom December 20. 1841. near Village Oreen. Pa. He served with four brothers throughout the Civil War. He came to Washington in 1903 i with four of his rhlldren to take a i position at the Capitol. He Is survived by three daughters, i Mrs. Carrie Andrews of Cheney, Wash.: Mrs. Charles Dunn and Mrs. Grace j 1 Tavman of this city: four sons, Calvin j : Dutton of Ogden. Utah; Frank Dutton lof Wilton. N. Dak.; Howard Dutton of i Spokane. Wash., and Harry Dutton of ; Cheney, and two brothers. A. L. Dut- ] on and Thomas Dutton of Philadelphia. ; ' THF KVKNTWt STAR. WARHTWITOKO. C., FRIDAY, APRTT, 27. 1928. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. TODAY. The Brotherhood of the Temple will meet for a university night gathering at. the Eighth Street. Temple. Rabbi William F. Roseblum will deliver a sermon at 8 o’clock, on "The Right, to be Wrong." In the vestry room, later, Rabbi Abram Simon will welcome all university men present, and a surprise movie will be shown. The entire con gregation, including ladles, are Invited. The Woodridge Parent-Teacher As sociation will give a bridge and 800 card partv. 8 o’clock, at the Woodridge School. All patrons and friends of the association invited. •’The Delegates” will be presented In the parish house of Christ Church, 620 G street southeast. 8 o’clock, to lie fol lowed by a dance. The Phi Upsilon Fraternity will give Us annual dance at, the Blue Triangle Hut. Twentieth and B streets, begin ning at 9 o’clock. Surprises during the evening All are invited. E. Hendorer heads the committee on arrangements. A card party for the Christ Child Society will be given. 8 o'clock, at the home of Miss Alma McWilliams. Miss Alice Barrows of the Bureau of Education will speak on "School Build ings and Their Facilities," 8 o’clock, at the Interior Department. A. L. Harris, municipal architect of the District, will preside. Officers and members of eltifsens' associations and officers and principals of schools and others inter ested in the school development plan of the. Capital are invited to attend. The Maryland Society of the District will close its social meetings for the season, 8.30 o’clock, at the Washington Club Senator William Cabell Bruce will be honor guest and speaker. Elec tion of officers at 8:15, to be followed by a reception and program, cards and dancing. The Catholic Daughters of America. Court District No. 212. will give a dance in the clubhouse, 601 E street, tonight. Gen Nelson A Miles Camp. No. 1. Dept. D. C., will meet. 8 o’clock, in Pythian Temple. Election of delegates to the department convention. All radio returns must be In. as the set will be disposed of at the meeting. FUTURE. The home board of Good Will Chap ter. No. 36. O. E. S., will give a card Perry & Walsh Morticians I Private Ambulances 29 H St. N.W. Main 984 | r sireeis nonnraM, W\ <Extract From Letter— i/ IjL N *7 brp to thank you for jf * P j/onr good service and y \a"“v- \VI courtesy and consider your \ \\j \\ V-- bill very reasonable." - /",-^ r Complete Cost, $165 00 .WTifir .C- SSSaw ——*ON$ Inc. -^EmpuMpar ■ —1930 rs> ' MOR'IICI b. aawitr " “ '• 1730-1732 Penna. Ate, N.W. - Main Ult-UIS —- nOn~CCT A Q. I A N party tomorrow evening at 705 Eight eenth street. i Alpha Chapter of Delta Zeta Pht , Sorority will give a bridge and 500 card j partv tomorrow, 8:30 p.m., at the ‘ Thomas Circle Club, 1326 Massachusetts , avenue. ; Trinity Chapter. No. 33. O. E. H.. will 1 have charge of the religious service at ‘ the Eastern Star Home Sunday, 3 p.m. ' Dr. Abernethy of Calvary Baptist • Church will speak. I Neval H. Thomas, District of Columbia ! president. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, will speak Sunday, 3 p.m.. before the Washington Open Forum, at the Play i house. Subject: "What, the Negro Asks t of Ills Country." No admission fee • Discussion. Music. The Bancroft School Parent-Teacher ' Association will meet Tuesday, 3 pin ‘ All members and friends of the school ’ Invited. The American War Mothers will meet at 8 p m. in the auditorium of the New National Museum. Representative Roval C. Johnson, chairman of World War Veterans’ legislation, will be the principal speaker. Talks will be given by Mrs. Amos A. Fries and Mrs. George Barnett and a toast, to the flag by Mrs John C. Black. The Anacostia Citizens’ Association will meet tomorrow, 8 p.m.. In Masonic Temple, Fourteenth and U streets. A farewell reception, dance and card party to Frank White, retiring treaa l tirer of the United States, by North Dakota Association and South Dakota Society of Washington will be given to morrow. 8:30 p.m.. at clubhouse, Ameri can Association of University Women, 1634 I street. Pror. Alfred Tomson will lecture on “The Future Society,” before the Er gatucrats' Club tomorrow. 8 pm, at 817 Thirteenth street. Admission free, j Public invited. Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity will give a dance tomorrow. 10 p.m , at the Ham | ilton Hotel. Representative Kelly of Pennsylvania will be the honor guest and speaker to morrow' noon at the La Fayette Hotel, at. the April luncheon of the General Alumni Association of the George Washington University. Dr. Frank A. Hornaday. president of the association, will preside. The D. C. Public School Association will meet May 2. 8 p.m.. In the board room of the District Building. Miss Jessie La Salle will answer questions on I Intelligence tests. Lebanon Chapter. O. E. 8 . will have a card'party tomorrow, 8 30 p m., at | Northeast Masonic Temple, Eighth and : P vl root* north pact TRADE BODY LAUDS CULL’S RECORD Street Committee Honors En gineer Commissioner, As signed to Kansas. Mnj. W. E. R. Coveil, Assistant Engi neer Commislsoner, who leaves shortly for a vacation prior to asumlng his new duties at, Fort Leavenworth, 'Kans., was lauded for his services to the District of Columbia yesterday afternoon at a meeting of the streets and avenues com mittee of the Board of Trade at the University Club, held In his honor. Among those who told of Muj. Covell’a work here were Capt. H. C. Whitehurst, also an Assistant Engineer Commis sioner; Rufus S. Lusk, executive secre tary of the Operative Builders’ Asoscia tion of Washington: George C. Shinn, chairman of the streets and avenues committee; Oliver Metzerott, vice chair man of the committee, and Robert J Cottress. executive secretary of tlie Board of Trade. The work of Capt. Whitehurst also was praised by members of. the com mittee. During a brief business session the :ommittee adopted a report recommend ing improvement of several downtown alleys. The committee found the alley In the block bounded by Fourteenth and Fif teenth streets, New York avenue and H streets to be in the worst condition of [ iny. having holes and ruts in some cases 12 inches deep and littered with trash and rubbish. Other alleys mentioned were those bounded by Fourteenth and Ffteneth, 1 and K streets; by Thirteenth and Fourteenth. 11 and I streets, and by Twelfth and Thirteenth, I and K streets. In addition to the speakers, those at tending the session were: C. W. Clever, George Graharfi, James R. Henkel. Ed ward Kern, Charles A. Langley, Edwin L. Bailey, W. «L I,a Varre, George F. Fraser, Merle Cfln, E. D. Merrill, Fred erick M. Bradley, George Farquhar. Robert F. Beresford, Col. Robert L. Longstreet, G. George Clendaniel. W. T. Hackett. E. E. Pabst. Ben T. Webster. E. Spitzer, W. Marvin Pope, Lawrence M. Proctor. J. A. Bucte, C. A. Keefer, William R Lamar, Paul E. Gilbert. Charles C. Collins. f • HARRY & KNAPP DEAD. Veteran Printer Was Assistant! Foreman of Times Composing Room Harry C. Knapp, veteran employe * and assistant foreman of the compos ing room of the Washington Times, died at his residence, 1228 Fairmont street, yesterday, in his sixty-eighth year. He j had been ill for several months. He is survived by his widow. Mrs. Elsie Knapp, and by two daughters, Mrs. Marie L, Melick and Mrs. Dorothy R. Huntress, both of this city. Mr. Knapp was a member of Colum bia Typographical Union. Funeral services will be conducted at the residence tomorrow afternoon at' 2 o'clock. Interment will be in Glen wood Cemetery. POLES HONOR KNOPF. Alfred A Knopf, New York publisher, this morning was decorated with the officer's cross of the Order of Polonia Reslituta at the Polish legation. The Polish Minister officiated at the ceremony. Mr. Knopf was given the honor be cause of the number of works of Polish authors published in English by hU firm. Among these was "The Peasants," by Ladlslax Reymont. which was awarded the Nobel prize. Births Reported. Ths following birth* have hen reported to the He.nth Department in Gte pa*l 34 hour*. Edw, M. and Jsaiielie Flaherty. girl. Raymond C. arid Viola Gibson. girl. •ieorge J. unit Edna Thorny* hoy. Inland 8. amt Myra Smith, girl. An tler K. amt Frankie Kim In , girl, George W amt Nellie M. MiS'arter, irirl. John C. amt Audrey I. Unison girl. Elmer H. amt Vivian Brown girt. Frank J unit Marram It Hunt, girl Arthur „M anil lyeliiur* H wheeler, girl. Walter W. and Dorothy M. Flnagin. girl. Wiltiam K. and Maud Donaldson. girl i John It. and tiertnide M. Cronin. Tiov, i William D, and Gertrude •’ North, boy. Paul J and Marraret Mueller. t>oy, ChetMW 1, and Ruth *L Berthnlf hoy. Allred and Carmel* Guaraeun boy. t'li firm K. and Mary a. Tint mom. boy. William W, and Hare) Rucker. boy. John L. and Or*« V. Riley, boy. Robert A and Ruth Sisson. bny. George H. ami Catherine A. Jellv, bur. Joseph C. and Dorntliv L. A nderyon, boy, I, J ami Ruth Shrehy. buy. Wil»nn and Ada Rill* girl Roy arid Gertrude Butler, girt, f>*i ar and Eleanor Carter hoy. '■me* amt Gladys Dixon. l»u William and Botha Ott* girl I, aw retire and Charity Johnson. girt. Thorn** and Myrtle Broun girl Edward J and Pearl I. Brown boy, John It and Carrie .Adam* hot-. Richard K. and Genevieve Hender»on. bny — . Deaths Reported. The Inllnuinr death* have tieen rennrled : In the Health Department to the past 34 | ; hour*; Margaret W. Hunter. Si, Westminster i Hotel Albert W Bowen. 77. "!* Seaton id,a re ! i Kijiioi V. Keltar. 85, HIM Calvert *t Martha J Cranford, 67. I'.‘till Pleasant »t. *e, Annie R Bin Uhe id tit. Tift Tenn ave. w. I.Other Gore. 45. Ilomeonathir Hospital Helen Rtede. IS Slhiev Hnstuial, j Kmmi t* AllUon ;til Sihlev Hospital Rather M< Mahon. :t:t, Walter Reed Gen eral Hokidiai Atha W Grinder. 1.1, Siblev Mondial. Mary K Arrington 17. Hitt It »t. *w. Adelaide Nlrhol* 78, 33 A O st John McDaniel *l7. Georgetown University Hospital. Marv Conway, *ls. 324 Rrvant »t. Jane II llama 83. 1517 M «t Fannie* William*. 56, 2 Arlington place j Mary R Johnson 51 1517 *Hh *1 ciuu le* Wataon. 41 Fr<*edmen * Hospital i rhelma Hi mu net. 17. TubereutoaiH Ho* i nltal 0 ; I ! ah l li. M- i 1.1 0 V|.. r tr: i l .t ;i\ ne j FOUND. RAG. email Wedneadiiy near Interstate Com mt>r«e. Call Decattir 30«», Apt 103. • MFTTKR. orange and white male. I*. I,*. Sultrei Route 3, Fairfax Va • FOR IA)«T ANIMALS apply Antmal feaaue 341* Maryland ave * w Main 8088 • OH I. It K AMI’ t» mi, al Polir Thm *dav’” till lit Mr* McKinney. Phone Clarendon 7,M w 3 Reward ••li* BRACELET . ryatul, l.n. kle over . alch Keith * nr tie ween Keith's and the park near Pull’*, Sunday, 711 7th »xv • C A NK. -Valued only for association* S 3 re ward. Iti nly in bo* 151 V'. St.u olttcc giv liig ilew ilpliim •• M * CM A NGK PURSE, small, blue Morocco leathei *.*, coiner of 111 ft ami Penu.t ave. nw , Tlmisdov High) Cleveland <11155 EARRING— Black otiy* earring. tu»l Sunday April 15 in or near Little Theater. Reward Addles* Hi,* |(MI |( filar office FOOT BALL gold watch chanu, monogram W Reward. R Thoinett Ho* lift, liallaton, A a G?,ABSES. in nioitlail leathei can* of 'l'eunia Optical Co Cab eveniiiii* Ruth g Codier. i Adam* tlffH J lift I Irving *i u w "i* Gt.AhkKS, wfiiaie. nxfoiil oil black cord ; A)nd '.’4 Reward, ITU? Mint ave, Nmth KFV' RING with lev*, near Nth and Park rd Reward call Adam* t'.'ho fP*? Luui ataitjg a»«, n w MINFRVA RADIATOR RMHLKM Return In Belgian Riuba**| l I. MU Ma*« ave o w PACK AGP contain big a necklace an I,new* j Palace Tim tier Tliurnitay evtiniiig. I ibrr»i reward Adore** lint l'Jn V, Mtar ollice * p|lppy Geioooi notice, l**t Friday: vicinity Coliuuhla fio*|iit»t Finder ictilm to W. H Giant. Coluiuiioi floa{iitiil Reward liINGH 1i! I, dlaiiuind auiliaTra. ulallnum wed .ling ling Tueadav Connecticut ava helwreli It *1 and tliiuunt •’tivle |o Old Dutch M-ukat at "Olh amt P *t«, Itelurn ill H N at nw. KeuaiiL . 1 * .Cl I IAI 1,1 A call la to. 11l It. . c-v niai Lett F H. R.lmuml* J,n*( Tuewlay or Wu.Jue* day, Notifv L It iilaiumanL iltlt Wilt' liofu pi, n u Tel Clave, 'lnfn \V * WATCH Waltham ol.eo face gold, *m*Uar rise loan* watch, with m.1.l fhaftt without bar alia, tied liating iollial* A H, It no haik of watch, ttewai.i offereit Aibhe** Jin* .TJI R aige olf lee AVHIH r W ATCH while told.'Mwreu K *t gild Pan *u.e. i.«o ilililittng Valued a* • (rift, il#ward V at. it.w. Mam 608a. THE WEATHER District of Columbia—-Rain this aft ernoon and possibly early tonight; slightly colder tonight, minimum tem perature about 37 degrees; fair tomor row with slowly rising temperature. Maryland—Partly cloudy, preceded by rain in east portion tonight; slightly colder in west and central portions; heavy frost in extreme west portion, If weather clears; tomorrow fair with slowly rising temperature in the interior Virginia—Rain this afternoon and early tonight; slightly colder tonight; tomorrow fair with rising temperature in the interior. West Virginia—Partly cloudy tonight; heavy to killing frost if the weather clears; fair tomorrow with slowly rising temperature in the interior. Record for Twenty-four Hours. Thermometer —4 pm., 56; 8 p.m., 52, 12 midnight, 45; 4 a.m, 45; 8 a.m., 45; noon. 44. Barometer —4 p.m, 30.14; 8 p.m., 30:15; 12 midnight, 30.12; 4 am., 30.11; 8 am., 30.10; noon, 30.00. Highest temperature, 58, occurred at 4:30 p.m., yesterday. Lowest temperature, 44, occurred at. 1 a.m., today. Temperature same date last year— Highest, 76; lowest. 50. Tide Tables. (Furnished by United Btates Coast and Geodetic Survey). Today—Low' tide, 8:43 a.m. and 9:20 p.m.; high tide, 2:04 a.m. and 2:32 p.m. Tomorrow —Low tide. 9:47 am. and 10:16 p.m.; high tide, 3:11 a.m. and 3:38 pm. The Sun and Moon. Today -Bun rose. 5:16 am.; sun sets. 6:56 pm. Tomorrow —Sun rises 6:14 am.; sun sets 6:57 p.m. Moon rises 11:59 a.m.; sets 2:02 p.m. i Automobile lamps to be lighted one-half ! hour after sunset. Condition of the Water. Great Falla—Very muddy. Weather in Various Cities. a Temperature. U SI St. * 21 £ r 3?, * 2 «j. Stations. Sj o? 3? Weather. j; ? ? ; "" 5! :::: Atlanta .. . 2H.78 74 38 008 Rain AGamic City 30.14 30 43 .... Cloudy Baltimore .. .30.13 BO 44 ... . Ran* llirniirgham. 3W 78 80 44 0.20 cloudy Biemaick .. .to So 34 34 ol, 'J y Boston ... .10.13 54 :t« ... . ( owly Buffalo .10 18 :ts .13 0.03 • loud.v • baric*ion 30.84 OH 04 .... cloudy Chicago . ..tO-O 40 34 .... Ptaloudy 1 Cincinnati . to ok S 3 40 Cloudy i cipvrlaiad .30 10 43 30 Cloudy Colnifila.K C, 30.78 73 54 .... < loudy Denver . .30 34 03 34 .... Clear Detroit .. 30 30 50 30 .... I’t.cloudy K.l Paso. ...»U.OB 78 53 .... Clear GllDcUon . 30.04 70 58 0.01 Cloudy Hclciii* ....20.88 *7B 44 ... Cloudy Hum i). S D3O 43 M 24 ... . Clear liubimanolie. 30 1 4 53 33 0.02 Pt. loudy J.h kaoniille 20.80 80 04 (MBS Rain K: turn* City 30 34 38 40 Lie;r I .oh Anircle* 20 04 78 34 .... •loudy laiiilevitle . 30.08 34 40 .... Cloudy Miami Fla 30 00 80 7B .... Cloudy New drleans 30.80 80 04 .... Cloudy New York.. 30 |4 50 43 .. . Cloudy Okla Citv. . 30.30 53 38 038 Clear Omaha ... . 30.40 Bo 34 .... Ck»ar Philadelphia. 30.1« SB 44 .... Cloudy Phoenix ...30 KJ 03 58 CJear PittHtiurgh 30.13 43 38 .... < loudy Portland Me 30 10 48 33 . . f loudv Portland. Ore. 30.04 74 48 0.18 Cloudy i Raleigh.N.C. 30.00 08 48 Cloudy 8. f.ake City 30 04 73 52 P* cloud? Bati Antonio 30.14 84 3 4 .... Clear sin Dieeo .2» 03 B 8 50 .... Cloudy 8 K ran. Wen 30 04 84 58 .... Cloudy -t Louis.. . 3032 54 38 .... clear 8t Paul -..30 38 54 34 .... Clear HealCe . .30 00 70 48 008 Rain «ookitne .. 70 78 78 52 .... Cloudy WASH.. DC 30.t0 58 44 .... Rain FGKFJGN. 17 am. Greenwi-h time, today.! Station*. Temperature. Weather. : London. Kneland 54 Cloudy I Can#. Fram-e BO Cloudy Coiienharon Denmark... 48 clear Stockholm. Sweden...,. 50 Clear Gibraltar «p»m 52 Clear i Noon Greenwich time today,> Horta l Fii.vall. A rote* . B 4 Cart cloudy • Current observation* » ; Hamilton, Bermuda .... 88 Part cloudy Aan Juan. Porto Rico.... 80 Part cloudy Havana Cuba 74 Cloud* Colon. Cana! Zone 83 Part cloudy SHIPPING NEWS Arrivals at anti Sailings From New York ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Bermuda —Bermuda April 24 Carrillo—Sant* Marta April 17 BclgcnUrd—Monaco April 15 DDE TODAY. : Mauretania—Southampton April 21 j RntiMHon —Bordeaux April 18 DUE TOMORROW. I Matura—Port of Spain ...April 17 . Volendam—Rotterdam April I» ! St MlhleW—San Juan. DDE SUNDAY APRIL 29 Estonia—Datulg Tnloa—P<>rt Limoo aonl 21 Mesico—Tampico .April .0 April 18 DUE MONDAY. APRIL* 30. American Mer> bant—London April 21 • all forma—Gtaagow - April Cedrb'—l.lverpiMil April -I !)eilt»chlaml —Hamburg April _0 Lev lat ban—Southampton ....... .April -4 Rocbamla’SU Havre April ,1 t.:*nca*trla —Southampton ........ April -1 Fort Victoria— Bertmid# April ~8 Saturinia—Trieste April in Ponce San Juan .April kn San Loren/o —B»n Dohtingo. ...... April 4 >.»nla lireailen —Hretnerhaven .April 1M l.aconia—Liverpool April .1 j DUE TUESDAY MAY 1. ! President Polk- World crtsiae. ! [ Stockholm -Gothenburg April -P I Oriiaba- Havana J url ! ’-,2 ! i Monamar —Nassau r !l ' I Araguaya—B*»rmu«ta .April .# j DUE WEDNESDAY. MAY 2, Homerio— Southampton ,At ,r L l i Manuel Ualvo — Barcelona Match .}» | Mimiptoiika tainiton April V 3 ! Motuolia— ban Francisco April 14 j DUE THURSDAY. MAY 3. France Havre April 22 j Bermuda May I . Santa Marta Santa Marla. April -4 i Nerl»*a St. John* April j OUTGOING STEAMERS. SAILING TODAY. I ll« Be France— Plymouth ami Havr* 1 i umanin ~ Plymouth Havre and London. ] i Minnesota— Boulogoa and London, j iilviuiuo-- Cherbourg and Southampton | Arabic —Plymouth Cherbourg amt Antwerp . Amur —inagui* Capo llaCion and Port-au- Prtm'O „ . „ . ~ ! Asircii—l a Guavva Puerto C*t>ello and Mnracail«i _ . , Duilio Palermo Naples and Genoa. Bolivar—Port au-Pnm-e. Cartagena and Puerto Colombia. , Ma.varo—Grenada Trinidad and Geoigetown 1 SAILING TOMORROW. America—Pivmouih Cherbourg and Bremar- j ,aieo Batik— Uobh and Liverpool. Fiederik VHl—■CtmatuuMiui. Oalo and Co- Iteobagcn New York—Chat hour#, Southampton and i Hamburg, _ ttoitci.lam— Plymouth Boulogn* and Rot i irrdnm .. , ~ . 8,-vihia Colth ami Liverpool Slavanvei’flord Bergen, Stavanger. Chris- ; liailsaml and Oslo, lleliiillda Cotlo RieO— Sail Juan Rosalind —Itallia* and SI John's Vo.'aire—B-(I b.ido* Bio do Janeiro Mont* video and Bueno* Aire* Ulna Havana CrbMtdial and Port Union i n. ill.. Santiago Kingston, Puerto ia* Gila lea and Puerto Barrio* ■•ibonev - Mat ana Manana s«u Pedro da Macoria and Santo Ikuuinsti City. „ . „ M o i Santiago hl|»K*tOll and I’llerto Co lombia Audio* santo Domingo. C**hcr Copenhagen To a.lcnti- Bueno* Aim* \A i ntern King hi Uaneloan. • SAM-INI) SUNDAY APRIL 7l» 1 Manuel Arnu* -Uadla and Htrcelon*. SAILING MONDAY APRIL 88 Winona Genoa Manwlll* Leghorn. Napl»». Palermo and Mr»»ina, SAM ING TUESDAY. MAT 1. Cristobal Pin I oil Pi nice and Urlatohal Mexico Havana Progteao ami Vera Crua. j SAILING WEDNESDAY. MAY 3 Al .*1 11 . l ien UhertHkirg amt Southampton Colt Vtctoiia Iteiinuda /.*. apo Ktll**ton • i islotml Puerto Colon! j l>ia amt Santa Malta lrt bii i Stb Juan I,a Guayta and Mar* Pijlliii h’atonia Uopmbageu and llantlg. tViba Kingston BAM INU THURSDAY. MAY S. Amoricaii Mc_ichant -Plymouth ami London Helgenlami PH mouth. Uhei boutg amt Aut wer|>. Araguaya tlciHiuda Ilium Pit arm*- Pairaa and Hntrut f ac*,lco Cobh ChmlMlnig amt fliemerh*v*U Me*iio H*i ana Piogiewi amt Ana Cm*. I Roussillon A igo and Bordeaux ban Lwensn kau Juan and Ba* Domingn (I tv 1 Titio Crtalohal, lif ilia Ue am) Val|iatai*«. Thuringia amt Mamhuig. MRS. POSTON DEAD. Widow of Building Contractor Passes Away. Mrs. Josephine Poston, 81 years old. widow of James L. Poston, building con tractor, died at her residence, 1760 K street, yesterday after a short illness. Mrs. Poston had been a resident of this city for the past 54 years and had liveJ at the K street address for 52 years. She Is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Lillian Stafford and Mrs. Marie Davis, * and by two sons, Harry and Elmer Davis. Funeral services will be conducted at the residence Monday morning at 11 o’clock. Interment will be in Rock Creek Cemetery. Having a caterpillar tread instead of a front wheel, a wheelbarrow has been perfected by an Englishman. Beatljs. ALLAIRE. On Thursday. April 2B 1028, »t 9 Ift p.m.. AUGUSTE ALLAIRE. In his B»th year. Remains at Nevtu* fu netal parlor*. 1*24 New York ave. n.w. Funeral (private) Saturday moraine. April 28. Please omit flower*. R.IKEK. Friday April 27. 1028, at 0-70 am., HENRY E. BAKER of 728 Gresham pi. n.w. Notice of funeral hereafter. BLAKE. On Friday April 27. 1028. at his , residence. 17.71 2llth «t. n.w.. Rev. JAMES H. W RLAKE Beloved husband of Mniv Giddinsa Blake. Notice of funeral here after. ' :M ItEYO. Departed this life, suddenly. Thurs day. April 215 11128. at hi* residence <ll 2tith st. n w.. CHARLES DEYO. husband of Jane Deyo. Remain* restin'? at Jam- I furs undertaking parlors. 1115 22nd st n.w. Notice of funeral later. DOKBKY. Entered into eternal re»t on Wednesday, April 25. 1028, at his resi dence, H'.'l Delaware ave. sw„ after a )»na and pamfui illne**. which he bore with areal patience. THOMAS DORSEY, husband of the late Johanna Dorsey and father of Henrietta Butler. He leaves to mourn then* loss a kind and devoted daughter one sister. Mrs. Rebecca Bmiln. and a host of other relative* and friends. ; Funeral Saturday. April 28. at 2 .70 p.m . from hi* late residence. Relatives and j friends invited. Rev. Washington offici ating. j GRIFFIN Departed this life Monday. April , ".7 1028 at St. Elizabeth * Hospital. RUBEN the beloved son of Mrs Hattie j Griffin He leaves to mourn his departure two brother* and other relatives and ’ friend*. Remains resting at the John T Rhine* funeral chapel, .7rd and Eye st* temporarily Funeral Saturday. April 78, from his late residence. 141* N <t. *.».. at 1 p.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. HAWKINS. Departed this life Thursday, April 26. 1028 at Gallinger Hospital. LOTTIE beloved daughter of Mr*. Geor giana Robinson. She also leave* to mourn her departure two sons, one daughter, three sister* two brother* and other relative* and friend*. Remain* resting at the John T. Rhine* funeral chapel. .7rd ami »t*. *w. Notice of funeral later. HEDGER. On Ann! 27 1928. Dr. GUSTA VCS BEAU. HEDGES. »g#d 71 year* the tielovel husband of Caroline R. Hedge* tnee Burdett t. Funeral from hi* Ittc ] resufeni-e Fairstonc. near Martinsburg. W. i Va.. on Monday. April SO. HOOVER, On Thursday. April 26, 1028. at at her residems*. ll)2d 16th *t. n.w* LOUISE REEVE HOOVER In-loved vile of William D. Hoover. Funeral service, at her laic resident on Saturday afternoon. April 28. at 2 o'clock. JOHNSON. Entered into eternal rest Thnrs dav. April 26. 1928. at 4 p.m.. at her i residence 82.7 25th st. n.w.. ANNIE MAY. devote! wjfe ol Lincoln Johnson, daugh ter of Jennie Beverly. She also leave* to mourn her .epattire two children Richard and Martha. Johnson- two brother* three sister* and other relative* and friend* Remains resting al the John T Rhine* funeral chapel. .7rd and Eye *ts. sw. No tii» of funeral later. KVA I’P. Thursday, April 26. 1928 at 8 .70 am . at his residence. 1228 Fairmont st. n.w.. HARRY CARL Beloved husband of Elsie Knaop r.nd father of Mrs. Dorothy R Huntress and Mr* Mane 1- Melick Funeral service* at th« home Saturday April 28. at 2 pm. Relatives and friends invited. LAW. On Wednesday. April 25. 11728. st her re*idenee 24.75 Monroe *t. n.r.. SUSAN L. LAW, Funeral Saturday. April 28 at 11 am. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. Relative* and friends Invited. LEE. On Sunday. Aprii 22. 1928. on the whnoner Man Vickers. Cant. ABRAHAM LEE helovetl husband of Cora Queen Inl and the brother of John Henry Lee, Re main* resting at John Rhine*’ funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye st* s.w. Funeral Sunday April 29. from Machodoc, Va. I.EE. Tbe ofti'-er* and member* of Future Tent. No. Ptl are requested to attend a call meeting on April 27. 1928 at 7:39 o'clock at the resilience of Sister Mary Robinson. “48 E »*. *.w.. to arrange for the ftiocral of Slater FRANCES LEE. Fu neral to he held on Saturday. Apri' 28 at l o'clock, from the funeral parlor* of Mrs C C Savles, .742 F st. s.w. All sis ter tents invited. SISTER MARGUERITE MITCHELL f-eader. LEWIS. Departed thi* life Thursday. April 2«. 1928, at 2:05 p m . al her residence, 4453 Dit »t. ne. OLIVE LOUISE, he lm e<l daughter of Oliver H. and the late Ella Cartwright Lewi*, loving sister of Helen. Elroy and Graiv Lewi*- mere of Mildred Hogan. Notice of funeral later. | MOROftNK. On Friday. April 27. 1928. at hi* residem-e, 1428 R st. n.w. HENRY MOROSSE beloved husband of Alice Moroase. Remaiti* resting at SaffeU's chapel. sth and H »t», aw. Notice of funeral hereafter PI 1 NKETT, On Thursday April 26. 1928. at Garfield Hospital. LET IT IA G.. wife of the late Col William Henry Pltinketl and mother of Rear Admiral Charles 1* I’lunkett of New York City Funeral service* will lie held at Gawler’s ehaprl. 1739 Pennsylvania ave. n.w.. Saturday. April 28. at 1 30 pm. Interment Arltug ton National Cemetery. I POSTON. Suddenly on Thursday, April 26 1928 JOSEPHINE, beloved wife of the ! late Jame* L. Poston and beloved Biother | of Lillian Stafford, Mane Dans. Harrv liiitl Elmer Poston Funeral from her late residence 1760 K *t n.w . on Monday. ] April 30, at It am. Interment R.wk Creek Cemetery. i Pennsylvania waoer* please eppy. > 29 i RANDALL Entered Into eternal life at her I resident e. 221 7th st n.e. on Tuesday, April 24 1928. at 739 p.m. MARY K RANDALL aged 7«l years, widow of George C Randall and beloved mother of Mrs Lillie Teel of Lo* Angeles Calif. Thomas A George J . Miss Bessie Ran dall and Mr* John H Shreve of this eitv. Funeral service at St James' P F. Church Bth am! Mas* ave ne. Satur day April 28. at 19 am. Relative* ami friend# invited to attend. Interment at Congress tonal Cemetery 27* SC*ITT. On Thursday April 26 192*. at the Home for Incurable*. EDW ARD A . son of the late William amt Martha S.-v>tt j Funeral from Gasch's funeral parlor* so ■ i If'attsvllle Md , It .2 Pin. Saturday. April ; I ”8. lutermenl at Evergreen Cemetery Bladenahwnr. Md. * SCOTT. On Friday Anri! 27. J 928. st he* ! residence ,3853 Davenport si. n w M ARA i E SCOTT devote,! wife of Henry Scott i -old mother ol Nathan, Hem v and william H Martin Edward, Juseph. Isaac amt Violet Scott Remains testing at * tie AV Ernest Jarv is Co. a funeral parlor*. 2222 | Os ave. n.w until Saturday noon there after at her late resntoui'# 'Funeral Sun I day. April 29, at t p m . at Martinshurg, ! Md. i SMITH. Sudden tv on Wedn#*d.*v April 23 ! 1928 at her resi.tenw the t'virv' »pvt j mrnts FRAMED RINGGOLD SMITH Funeral from the W W Chamber* fu j tveral parlor* 1499 Chvouv *» n w Satur day. Ami! 28 at 230 p.m. lntern-nt | Oak Hill Cemeterv ! SMI I'D. Departed this life Thursday April 26 1928 at I'ovufeoce Hospital Mrs FRANCES SMITH Remains resting at the John T. Rhine* funeral chapel 3rd ; and Eve »ts s w NPllce of funeral later. I SNOWDEN. Departed this Us» Wednesday | April 25 19” S at Freedm'U’s Hospital , !M l LAN SNOWDEN Remain* renting at j i Frank AVilii mt» tuneial parlor. South i Capitol and M«l * " Funeral Sniwlay { April 29. trust her late resident,*, *26 K *t n.w. * AAN AI KEN At Geo ge Washington Moj pita! Thursvtav April 26 1978 HATH; 1 RINK ADAMS VAN \UKKN widow »>f !he late Franklm A* an V liken Funeral InHH the residente of Mrs Charles Mc- Dermott |879 Katorama ial on s.tiur dav April 78 at 19 ain Interment »t Cungressiiviial Cenieterv i Bratllelwvr«» Vt . paper* please copy t Hi* WHITE. Suddenly on Wedpesd tv Ann! 75. 1978 at 1 let rott Mich El IX A BETH E WHITE (nee Appleby! tieloved wife vis *l*llloo K White Funeral s*tnr>tav April 78 at 7p m from Hie resiitem-e of her parents Mi tint Mrs At L Antdehv, 9118 Se.Htm! ave. North \A oodsnte Mil Interment at Glace Church IVuroterv j W . ,f» d At, 1 Will Ot UHHA , On Th’i sd iv Am i *6 , I9"8 at her reside**-- ,‘75 Romtdaiv o>- | B,lie, Sp.llls Md 1 VCR A W H IriUOMRV Remains eestip* at the Nor > val h T.thltu- funeral hop, - 9*78 M »t j n vv Nnt'i-o of funeral hereafter. In Mritioriam. HOW It A tribute of love to the memo ' ; of our dear husband ami daddy I'liti lr j R HriWll who departed tin* Ilf* one ‘ year ago today April 77, 1977 PhD 1 am so Innsestvms without von j As t minsle each du with the Ihrons Thmr ti 1 i hatter and pretend io tv* happy There's a void in m* heart a* mv lipa form a soog Biti I vs one sweet thought to consol# me As 1 fin lab the MVllllrv alone A nit'll t*o wailvg* to inert me that same smile to *iect me Ami tiuteiiier we II gee and we It know i itiAiNu wife and Daughter KosK k and HYACINTH BOW IB i t AbK In lov Plr remcintiian e of mo la I C AAV » hnstvind AMU lAM E Cl ARK -ho lett u* *IA years ago tmtav, April v j 1977 You goffered Hour*. Ar* hour# *vt parts. To waft tor a cote hut all to vain ’Till Ait*.* el one knew w hat was i**»l. He .ailed mu home to give vtpt rest HlB WtEE ANI» CMHAAREN • i Kltll lit tovioa i. nuM'iusior of my dvai i *t*te* IAIKAV BRUCE FRITH who de parted this hi* two years Ago Amtl Tt | \li *6 HBtATHKB t'.ARi., » i T>V% J? if. ’iS lt. -ffIUTeViM. VSimW.'ff in jHemoriam. IfEI MANN. In loving rementbranea of mv dear mother. CLARA HEUMANN tnee Faulkner i. who departed this Ufa ten year* ago today. April 27. 1918. It I* only a step that divides n*. mother. From glory no mortal ha* seen. I shall find you wb*n death’s grim flng*r« Have lifted the veil Between LOVING DAUGHTER. ALICE TERPEN ING. • HEI AfANN In loving rememhran>’e of our dear *i*ter CLARA HEUMANN (nee Faulkner), who departed thi* fife ter, years ago today. April 27 1918. Jua* a line of *wret remembranea. Just a memory fond and true. Ju*f a token of love * devotion That our hear)* still long for Ton. LOVING SISTERS AND BROTHER. * JOHNSON. In lovin? memory of mv be loved husband, ANDREW JOHNSON who departed thi» pfe two years ago todajv April 27 1976 Hfs DEVOTED WIFE. INEEDA JOHN SON. * I’ITT.B. In m»morv of mv d»ar adopted mother ROSIE f’ITT'S who departed this life im* year ago today April 27. 1977. Oh. could we open wide the grave And see fhv fa-e ooce more And hear thy voice, i* a!! we 'rave. A* in the day# of yore Loved in life, and tn death You shall alwav* he remembered. HER ADOPTED DAUGHTER. ROSIE YOUNG. • PITTS. In *ad hut loving remembrance of our dear daughter and sister. ROSIE PITTS who departed this life one year ago today April 27, 1977. So *ad. *o hurried was th» call. Her sudden death wa« a sho'k to us ad. But God in His w.sdom knew what was best. So he took her home to rest. As we loved her. so we miss h»r In our memory she is always n»ar. Loved rememfiered. longed for always. Brfnginr many a silent tear. HER MOTHER AND «iaTER3 MBS. MARTH4 ANDERSON. Ml«s \LBERTA JACKSON. • PITTS. Tn loving remembrance of our dear mother. ROSIE PITTS, who departed this life one vear ago today. April 77. 1927. I often sit and think of you When I am al! alone For memory i« the only friend That grief ran call its own. The dear one now 1* sleeping. No <are is on her brow Oh blame me not for weeping. I have no mother now. i Dav bv dav I grow more lon»»om#. I Lonesome as the moments fly. Often T find myself wondering— ! Wondering whv mother had to die i HER DEVOTED DAUGHTER EDNA PITTS. AND CHILDREN. * PITTS. In loving remembrance of our dear j wife and mother ROSIE PITT* who r.e --i parted thi# life one year am todav. Apri! 77. 1927 How *« mis* the welcome footstep* Os tne ones we loved *o dear. Often we listen for their coming. Feelyig sure they are near. Conld they ask u# if we mis* them? Yes, it All* our hearts with pain. But their spirit* *w»et!v whisper “Have eourage until we meet again.” HER DEVOTED HUSBAND AND SON JOHN. • SNYDER. Tn loving memory of our dear «on. ALBERT F SNYDER of na-endon I Va.. »hn left us *•> suddenly seventeen iyear* aro today. April 27. 1911. Just a ray of sunshine, loaned os for a I • while. All too «oon he vanished with hi# golden •mile ! A« the sunbeam* glisten in th» dewy morn I Filling earth with gladness. *o did he our home Just before the noonti,le a cloud »or*»d o>r the skies And blotted out o ir sunbeam and hid him from our eves MOTHER DAD AND GRANDMA MID- WORTH.- * STEVENSON. Tn treasured memories of nn? dear son and brother, PERCY" STEVEN SON. who passed away two years ago to dav April 27. 4926. A precious ope from ns ;* gone. A voice we (oTed ts stilled: A nlaee is vacant in our home That never can he filled. THE FAMILY. • TALIAFERRO. A tribute of lor# in memory of our mother. FANNIE G TALIAFERRO, who departed this life eight years ago. April 27. 1920 The month of April once mo-e is here. To us the saddest of the year. Because eight years ago today Our dear mother p.a*eed away. V* who loved her sadly miss her. We who hold her very dear. And in lonely hour* of thinking Often felt her presence pear HER DEVOTED CHILDREN. THOAIAB. In lovng remembrance of our I dear mother, who passed into the great [ beyond three years ago today. I We have onlv your memory, dear mo’her. To remember our whole life through; But the sweetness will linger forever. A* we value the image of you. BY HER CHILDREN MEMORIALS. ißonuments Li* iftausoleums DESIGNED AND ERECTED \ld EVERYWHERE W* Writ* or oboe# far Iflusffatsff Bsok'rt * Main 2966 f The J. F. Manning Co.. Inc. A 919 15TH ST.. N. W. 7^ WASHINGTON. D. C. F jf I ijfeti'm'ri.---- "te-i-i <#|e-tfiua^wi i-_qo«) ■ Ft N KRAI. Pi R KI'TORS. Timothy Hanlon 841 H *t NF Phone i. 554.3 Wm, H. Sardo & Co. I Private Limousine Ambulance USAS N Lincoln 524 Frank Gcicr's Sons Co. 1113 SEVENTH ST N.W. M_‘ ass* Modern Chm.yl L-!eph,nie t»lßin tvt J KSTARLIBUKD Itlßi. JOHN R. WRIGHT CO. CHAS. S. ZURHORST :101 K f AflTol >T. Phortf l.iitrttln ___ Herbert B. Nevius Funeral Home 9i* New York Ave. N.W. Main MM T. F. COSTELLO j ITR N CWW 81 Nt<K !'H TtFJTJ P. A. TALTAVULL M. J YALTA A t t.L. M«r 436 7th M w.H M IS?*). no me a nun or* in Joseph F. Birch's Son 118 AAC BIRCH » • M St. N.W. V. V. L. SPEARE CO. I Neither th# sitiN-essors of ».»• #%mvv»-1-9 w*.th th* original W H sivy* e*t s>• sh Frank 6626 1 009 H St. N.W. t m iiii'riv t*til 1 >t \\t f At ti tI AM t.EK. Fttnerol INisrlm snu Emhnlmer. livery in <<>«»evtt<u> funw. dtuus vhaiwl Modern thematonums Moskrr al# prices suw Ut As# \ « t sit M I t.W' W. Warren Taltavull 14th & Spring Rd. C 01.45-4 ALMtIS R.BPB\RE Suoemlinf the original W R SivareCo 1523 Connecticut Ave. Potcmac 4600 j 8 if* at I ‘9B H st., 43 Sts as »|il f st Guu-k Dumped L rtivu-iH >. s s ».v W. W. Deal & Co. Btd tl sr \ e UHCOUI g9M HNLKAL (tt.SUiNS. PnmtH \«K» IVUV9MY *<i'i t»iv* Gudc Bros. Co.. 1 'l2 F St. GEO. C. SHAFFER •VXI/KEVSIAK 4IHKAI KMWt EAls tt MOD MtAYF t'Klt W 8 m. Al tiki M glt6 Our Onlv Store* Mth & Eve BLACKISTONF.. 1407 H HedUtUol Roral Dc>,*•»». ansi uu f'Al t M VIN RHK7 i OF.HMLER FLORAL CO. dMHtlful rtssrVr EiwVt#si*» MsHhnwt* Tikes ,teC»alr, i'.y AItINIAIKNrS J. E. Smith Granite Co. Ith «*4 fnstU* Bls \ k Ldc*Mt Bi4«Mfkvtwi*i« »f niimmssoi.t* l» th# i'll) Hit best iMh *( ssiUu«tklv *»k 9