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8 '\THE EVENING STAR _ With Bw4w Mwrwtnf Edition. WASHINGTON, D. C. TOISDAT Juno 5. 1008 THEODORE W. NOTES Editor Tit* * rawing Star Newspaper Company Business Office Uth Si. and Pennsylvania *w. Nesr York o®ce 110 East Ond St. Cfcictie Office Terer Pjiildtna European Office: 14 Patent •< . londtm. Kntland Rat* By Carrier Within IHa City. ?h* Evening Sar .... 4 V oar month! h» Bv«ninr and Simaay Star ■arhen 4 Sundays' Ofr oar month] Tha r van in a and Sunday Star •a-han * Sundays' *V oat month Tfe Sunday Star oar aopy Cetlectttm m*?e at th* and of each month Orders mar ha rant tn hy mail or telephone. Main 5000.' Rata hy Mail—rayahla in Advance. Maryland and Virginia. T>aji* ard Sunday Ivr.HJ no ! m0 ■ i r*aily enl* Iyr *«W |mo *6r Sunday e«i» l vr . tarn. I me.. 40r All Othar Stales and Canada. ratty and Sundt* 1 yr., tl* 00 « »»<*■• *l.o* OaU- only Iyr 'tw ] wo. <*f Pun day en’.y 1 yr. s.'OO 1 mo. SOr Member of the Associated Prase. , Th# Associated Pro,' Is esclus>- *ly enti-led ♦o the us# for reeutliration of all near ots- > ps’ehes credited to tt or not otherwise cicri tted tn this nsner sod also the lore! -teas publish** herein A!' rishts of i»uh oration j •f specie', dispatches herein are also reserved — * | Making: Aviation Hiitory. Aviation history was made last night irhar. the giant monoplane Southern Cross, with its intrepid crew of four. , landed safely on tha Fiji Islands after j an all-water trip of more than thirty one hundred miles from Hawaii. From the time it took the air on its record breaking flight of thirty-four and one half hours and the radio of the big plana flashed out th? message "Took off from the Barking Sands for Suva in the Flit Islands." to the time when the world was startled and relieved by a message from the same radio. “South- j am Cross sights Fiji Islands. Will reel tn antenna for landing. Rest regards." j tha trl-motored plane kept its course j ©ver the Pacific wastes Two laps have now been completed ©f one of the most perilous aviation ad ventures undertaken since Col Charles j A. Lindbergh blared the way to Paris more than a year ago. With Capt. i Kmgsford-Smith in command and three companions the Southern Cross winged its way to Hawaii from San Francisco in twenty-sis hours. A two day re»t sufficed to refresh the flyers for the longer hop to Suva. After an other short breathing spell at the pleas ant tropical island they will continue ©n to their final destination. Sydney, j Australia, seven thousand eight hun dred miles from San Francisco. There is small reason now to doubt 1 that these adventurous men will com plete their trip on schedule time. In two hops they have already put behind them nearly six thousand miles of the Journey, and have shown themselves to he capable and skillful airmen. j Probably more than any other trip of tt* kind the navigation had to be per fect to Insure success. The Hawaiian Islands are small dots on the map, as are the Fiji Islands. There was no ; landing place between San Francisco, and Honolulu and. for practical pur- i pose', none between the Barking Sands j and Albert Park at Suva. Three hour*’ gasoline was left when j the Southern Cross reached Honolulu. : and probably lea* than that when it landed at Suva. A slight miscalculation 1 tn navigation, therefore, would have j meant disaster for the ambitious flyers. No small share of the credit should be i given to Navigator Harry W. Lyon on j this account, but the entire crew of the Southern Cross has worked together' with such harmony that tt is difficult and unnecessary to single out any one for particular mention The world con gratulates and wishes Godspeed to th* j four men who are pioneering in a mod-. ern vehicle of transportation across Plhe wide stretehe* of the Pacific. Champion of Three Conntrieg. Champion of the United State?. * Great Sri la in and France! Those are the title* that Helen Wills can now call j hpr own. Yesterday America’s beloved j girl-wtmrd of the court* unleashed the, full power of her game to vanquish Miss Eileen Bennett of England in straight j sets, six-one. six-two, to annex her most recent title, the women's singles tennis j championship of France. To tennis ; what Bobby Jonas is to golf, little j *Toker Face" it the first woman to hold r at on* time th* three major champion- < •hips of these countries Whether Mis* Wills in her now mi- I tured game could defeat th* lntom- j parable Suzanne Lenglen will forever ■ remain a question. On her last strug gle with tha scintillating French star j aha *u unable to break through to j victory. then turned proses- ' *■ on*i and has now retired so that the** . two wizards of tha court will probably | paver meal again in championship play. * Helm Wills is unquestionably the, dominating figure today in women s tennis Although still young in years, she i* a veteran of th* courts and there Is probably no woman who can seriously extend her Master of technique and powerful in stroke she reign* supreme j and H will probthfv be many years be - * for* ex-champion will be written after ! her name As fine » sportswoman as sever trod the court*., America extends It* congratulations to Helen Will* i President Coolidg* t sobers ion tha» he j doe* not choose has given encourage ment to several who nope to be chosen Settlement of a Pathetic Case Through Die mediation of Judge Wil ling dark of Newark, who acted from humanitarian »*a*on« and at a private citizen tie# paiheu* case of Her five women who were poisoned as a result of painting luminous watch dial* with /» radium SObA'*n<e hat bee© settled out of court The fie woman w<ed tl»e ompatir for an eggrog*’* of one million ♦wo hundred and fifty *housand doi tars IW» du* tn lag*! delays and *h* jvjceiMllty of »h* statu** of limitation# gs'illifylng *h*»r ciaim* trial could ha had. St appeared trial one or ail would bs dead before they leveivad any measure of ooinpensaUon for lire** frightful and incut »«H* hi juilr* ll was at this time Ural Judge (hark of fered to enter the case a* a mediator and H la aoieiy through liis rfforta Ural muh one of ’he atrlrken worker* will approximate!? 'Htrtg-lwo 'houxand dollar* Tars thrruaand debar* ia <*» ha jpaiq m «*#*» at* bu»dead nulty. another »ix hundred dollars for yearly medical expense* and two thou sand dollars in lump turn for (Mat med ical expenses. In addition, the defend * ant corporation ia to pay the counsel and court expenses incurred by the women. This settlement, it is exacted, will give each worker two hundred dol j lars a year more than she earned Jn | the factory. Whatever the merits of the claim , 1 against the radium company, it appear- j led to a sympathetic public that the corporation should act quickly tn re- j lieve (he financial condition of these j ! former workers in the factory. Reputable ' j physicians had testified that nil of the i j women vi>etr doomed to death, and ll j ' was apparent that they had contracted j ‘the deadly disease while employe* of 1 the company. Under such circum- J stances the public believed that they * were entitled to the utmost consider*- j ! tion from their employers, regardless of the legal liability involved. Judge Clark entered the case at a psychological mo ment. and it Is due to his untiring ef forts ti nt a satisfactory settlement was reached. The women will at least have financial relief during their last days , on carih. and if there Is anything (hat medical science can do to alleviate their suffering it will be done. The radium company appears, through the settle ment. in a Rood light before the public, and the whole pathetic case is termi | noted In as satisfactory a manner as .nu-h a case could be. Repudiating the President, i The 1 .089 delegates to the Republican i national convention are to be called • upon to repudiate the Coolidge admin- , Ist ration Under the leadership of low den. Watson and other candidates for the presidential nomination who j have supported the principles of the ! McNary-Haugen farm relief bill, it Is | planned to place in the Republican national platform a plank declaring ! for the passage of that bill. It is fur ther planned to nominate a man for President in sympathy with that legis- j lation and prepared to sign such a bill 1 if it were presented to him. Repudiating the President and his administration is likely to be a more j difficult ta*k than the gentlemen en- j gaged in framing the anti-Coolidge ; farm plank are willing to admit. States! of the Middle West and the Northwest. ■ where the McNarv-Haugen bill senti- j men! exists, are important, but they j fall considerably short of being the entire country. What of New England I and the great States of the Atlantic j seaboard? What of the South, and the States of the Pacific Coast? The adoption of an anti-Coolidge farm plank in the national convention would be a repudiation of the present administration. The Coolidg* adminis tration. however, has been acclaimed and is acclaimed by millions of Repub lican voters. It is the record of the ! G. O P. upon which the Republicans i must go to the country in their de-1 mand that the party be continued in ! power lor the next four years. When ! the delegates to the national conven- j tion are called upon to turn their backs i upon the President, they are likely not : to turn them. The single rift in the Republican ; * ranks results from the farm problem! j and the legislation which has been! ! urged as a cure-all for the farmers' j i Ills. This legislation has been declared ! ; by the President unconstitutional and | a menace to the farmers and the con , sumert. For months it has been sus pected that the political ambitions of certain candidates for the presidential i 1 nomination of the Republican party l 1 have been responsible for the tenacity | with w'hlch some of the legislators have held to th* McNary-Haugen bill, de manding the "equalization fee.” the heart of the measure, or nothing When a year ago President Coolidge had not yet made his "I do not choose" statement in the Black Hills of South Dakota, and his renomination was ! urged by the great majority of the Re | publican*. Frank O. Lowden of Illinoir | was nursing a presidential boom, based entirely upon hi* support of the Mc- Nary-Haugen bill, which the President had vetoed for the first tim*. Before the Presidents Black Hills i statement. lowden was the sole op-1 position candidate on the horizon. Bui , since that time other candidates have loomed up. among them Vice President Dawes, who is expected to inherit the Middle West strength of Lowden if the latter is not able to make the grade at |,the convention Instead of being will- j J in * to put through legislation designed ! to aid the farmer in the matter of co i operative marketing and in the matter •of financing, the support era of these candidate* and the candidates them selve* have insisted Ufxin the McNary- Haugen bill and have declined to give I assent to other legislation which might • have taken th* farm problem out of j politic* in the coming campaign and! jat the same time have been a real benefit to the farmer*. Repudiation of President Coolidge i and hi* administration by the farmer j politician* under all the circumstances i will be no small If it U finally accomplished ll will be without prerq i dent, in recent American politic* at ! least. According to so me financial expert*, the so-called "bears" on the atock ex change have an occasional chance to j revive when the "bulls” pause to take j breath, * From Today to Yeaterday, While Washington was going to bed last night and «an Francisco was get* ■ ting up from the dinner table, the mono plane Southern Cioas landed gracefully] on a tree-circled patch of gfeenswaid ! on the Island of Muva. In the Fiji*. Its valorous crew, beset by the devil* of storm fog and darkness, bad com pleted lit* longest flight over water ever made by inbli They bad written a new f and her op' chapter in the annals of nviflmn Moreover, they bad had the pseudo-my*'tea] experience of flying from today into yesterday. Just before reaching Muv* the flyer# of tire Kouihern Cross went over the In ternaiional date line witere tha regi mented days air born and wire re they ! return hi die. 'flh« imagine! y fine bar : \<m>% intrigued ti»« imagination Wiren it is dossed from east to west a day is lost and Vic# vers* a twmly-foui men pei tod U gained when tire passage 1 is Jn the opposite direct pm. Heie ia tire I : geometric Nothing in time and spare i 1 H*re is th# grave of that flimsy realMv • whie* Mm human qitnd A** bats foread !-• '■ r ' r —' • - v " - THE HTENTNH WTAK, TTASHTNOTOK T). d, TUESDAY. .TUNIS 5, 1928. to create as a framework for orderly living. Theoretically, the line follow* the 180th meridian. Actually it ia an »x --tremely eccentric, crooked line, as though Time were toddling like an Infant or staggering like a very feeble old lady down this path from Pole to Pole. The 180th meridian, for example, passes I straight through the Island of Suva, and , the crew of the Southern Cross may i have landed a trifle this side of it. But, actually, they were well inside of Yes ; terday. They had left Today behind | them an hour or more before coming to I earth. The line, of course, is purely j arbitrary. It Is one of those things J which do not exist and which man j has been forced to create in his tmagi ! nation. Consequently he has created ll !to suit his convenience. It departs from ! tire 180th meridian whenever' that line ; passes over land where human beings dwell, so that nobody will be inconve nienced by not knowing what day it is. The Fijian need never be in doubt. The international date hue makes a big bend around this little group of islands and then continues at approximately : the halfway mark between the 180th j and the 168th meridians west until al- j most at the Antarctic Circle, when It bends back again. Otherwise It would j pass Just off the coast of New Zealand j and cause all sorts of trouble. The line reaches Its greatest eccen- j tricity in Its passage through Bering ! Strait and Bering Sea. when it twists around to avoid hitting Kamchatka, the Aleutian Islands and the Prlbilofs. Everybody on earth, the artisans of the line decided, had a right to a full, clear, uncomplicated allotment of time. It is all, of course, purely hypotheti cal. So. for that matter, is Time itself. But it seems real. In this case, mixing j the real and the imaginary is inevitable j and it leads to some weird situations. Republican deliberations must face the fact that Prescient Coolidge Is pre pared to veto anything that docs not ; seem desirable to him—even his own candidacy. ► <»»■■< When a man has been mentioned as a possible "dark horse” he has to exor cise discretion to avoid b-ing Jockeyed out of what many regard as an advan tageous position. The historic Madison Square Garden convention may have had some in- ; fluence m getting the great Democratic assemblage this year as far away from New ! York as possible. Dangers to innocent bystanders are so great when a landing is made where there is a crowd that Lindbergh would rather risk his popularity than the lives of his admirers. — w —— A backward Summer has caused some delay in the resumption of English Channel swimming as a simple and re fined form of outdoor sport. The parade of candidates at Kansas City and Houston naturally sends the dates for beauty contests at Summer resorts further into the future. Primaries deetde beyond dispute the men who shall be most talked of be fore convention! are actually under way. The elephant and donkey are still frivolously displayed. Even In advanced civilization human nature refuses to abandon its play toys. If farmers decide to engage in po litical demonstration doubt may arise as to the sacrifice of the Intensive energy required In modern agriculture. A plain, old-time ship seems, after all, the most comfortable means of conducting a polar exploration SHOOTING STARS. *r PHILANDER JOHNSON. Loral Issue. Os many issues we must hear As the convention hours draw near. ‘ And many a delegate will aigh, "Is this fair city wet or dry?!’ Whatever be the sentiment About a nation's discontent, Regarding reckless corn or rye, He'll ask. "Is this town wet or dry?" Though banners boldly be unfurled To govern thirst throughout the world, Questions are local, €ew deny, A* to conditions wet or dry. It 1* the bellhop, after all. Who brings an answer to the call When strangers say, with furtive sigh, ! "I* this location wet or dry?" Angler's Outfit. "I understand you are going fishing?" •'I am,” answered Senator Sorghum j “I am going to lie far removed from I the political strife for awhile.” "You have a complete angler's out j m?" "I have, including cameras, telephones and a new radio set." A Convention Preference. When Summer days are all aglow Above the big contention, We’d choose the Arctic realms of snow For holding a convention. Jud Tonkins says It's all wrong to say American citizens don't give their ear- I neat thought to politics. We take even more Interest In an election than we do In the Preakness or the Kentucky Derby. Happy Hume. "I have tried to make home happy," ?* id Mr Meek ton, "even though I must j often lie absent because of political iduty ” j "So have I,” said Henrietta. "We have succeeded ill our |iiupo;.r, When we return from out public duties the iat. and the dug appear to have been perfectly contented " We who live now," said 111, Ho Ihe j eage of Chinatown, ' talk of a glorious past, but, as men have always done, ; seek to ms fee the present and future lenses as difficult at possible." Art snd Anns. With I lours t pride some win tunes we recall In new iondiiion* Out boys were rugged soidiris, after all, And not mind) lans “lleeiui lik« you gollo gamble a Ut ile,” said Unite Kben "Kvan when you plant* a p«i*b> patch, you* bilged ! U» lAM A UUAM 0B CU WMttytl." i I THIS AND THAT BY CHAKI.ES E. TRACEWELL. A novel that creates an atmosphere of reality Is none too common a thing. 6corcs of stories leave the reader with the feeling that he has been, after all, just reading a story. To the rnre first class belongs “The Closed Garden." by Julian Green, a voung American, wilting In France, and. what is more to the point, writing in French. The translation, just Issued by Harper •fc Bros., shows that the great French tradition of simply standing outside a story and telling it because the writer is Interested in it himself siill remains one of the best methods In the world for novel construction. Out of the great simplicity of the telling, young Green builds an atmos phere in which the reader moves, breathes and has his being for the time It takes him to read it. Offhand one might think the theme chosen an almost impossible one If he were not acquainted with the fact that Guy de Maupassant had managed to achieve the same results with some j what similar material. "The Closed Garden" tells the story j of a young girl who falls in love with a | man she has never spoken to, who i pushes her father down the staircase to j his death, and who finally goes mad. It takes a writer to create a real book j out of such a theme. While it may i sound almost Russian In Its brWest | statement. It Is typically French in Its presentation. aa a a This is a sadder story than De Mau passant's "Une Vie," often called the saddest novel in world literature. To one reader at least It seems an infinitely greater story. There is nothing morbid about it. however. It has all the clean swing of romance, since life is romantic; at the same time it is pitiless, as life is pitiless. ! Wlmt struck us. above all, about .this ; book is that it allows the reader to go | into one of these houses you see every where and watch the daily life that goes on there. Have you never wished to know what went on behind the walls of a neighbor's house? That Is one of the oldest wishes in I the world! Human curiosity compels 1 one to be Interested In other people, and propinquity forces one to be more inter- ; ested in the people directly around one than in the flood of men and women j who pass at a distance. Always in a neighborhood is at least i one house into w hich those Interested j in life would like to take a peep. This ) is not mere prying; it is largely an in- j tense interest in people and motives; j Let him who will say that he is not so interested: we set him down for a; liar, and let it go at that. Human be- j | ings are the must Interesting factors in the world to other human beings, espe cially to those of emotional and Intel- | lectual dispositions interested in read ing novels. This is one reason, it seems, why "The Closed Garden" is of such compelling interest. The house where the old Mesurat nnd his two daughters, Adri enne and Germaine, lead their abnormal live* 1* the duplicate of all such houses. Their abnormalities are no more than the abnormalities of thousands of people who pass on the street every day with out calling any attention to themselves. In society they act like “nice people." But one suspects that when they get within the sheltering privacy of their j own walls they do all sorts of things. Our young novelist takes us inside one of thesr houses, and what we see | and hear there more than confirms all our suspicions. Tragedy of the inevitable sort that' Prestige of Simmons at Stake In North Carolina Smith Row While opponent* of Gov. Smith -f New York nnd more than local .signifi cance in North Carolina's precinct meet ings, in which Cordell Hull was favored for the Democratic presidential nomina tion. many observers think the result \ chiefly meant a victory for the prestige of Senator Simmons. The North Caro- j I llna Senator staked his party leadership 1 *in the State against the New Yorker | and won. “North Carolina stands true to- her | ; veteran Senator, true to her tried prln ; ciples, true to the Democracy ol the South," affirms the Atlanta Journal j iDemocratic). "Such U the import of) ; the precinct voting In that State, when the Al Smith forces, notwithstanding: their control of the political machinery, ‘ suffered a defeat which, as many ob-} servers believe, is the beginning of the j end of hia candidacy." “Mr. Daniels and Senator Simmons j have fought for Cordell Hull aide by j side.” says the Chattanooga News tin- , dependent Democratic). "It has been a time in which the seriousness of thej party situation lias caused the burvtng of ancient animosities in a combined effoit to keep the Democratic party out j of the unclean hands ot the heirs of Muiphv, Croker and Tweed." North Carolina thinks a great deal; of Senator Simmons, and even were * North Carolina convinced lie had been j wrong about Gov. Smith, the State is not apt to stand for a summary unseat < tag of one of her idols.” declares the Durham Sun (independent!, “simply be cause most of his political opponents, with a few exceptions, sprang like j wolves to the kill, in the belief that the j Smith campaign offered a way to get Simmons.’ A little less attention to Simmons and more to Smith and tlrey j might have won: may win even yet." “Those who have been disposed to 1 think and say that Senator Simmons i was .dipping and did not know what he was talking about when lie declared (he j j great majority .1 North Carolina Demo crats were opposed to Smith's nomina tion,'' according to the Charlotte Ob server (independent Democratic), "have had to revise their opinion* of him Tile politically wise one* have been those who believed not only that he still knew ill* North Carolina, but also that he hud lost none of hi* popularity as a leader of the people. There is absolutely no reason for doubt that Senator Simmons Is Just as strong with the people today as he ever was. The precinct meetings resulted in a great vindication of ills position." *** * ' An interpretation more favorable to the New York governor comes from the Charleston Evening Post (independent Democratic), which says; "There is no reason for the Smith people to b«* greatly cast down by the result hi North fjsrollna. They essayed what would have seemed to lie the Impossible It 1* not likely tliul they will get I tie State's votes tn the Houston convention, but that fact need not be considered very seriously. Oov. Month does not actually need North Carolina's vote to put him over, but it would be an agreeable think to have »t handed over lor such uses a* might be made of U " The Asheville Tune* t independent' I Democratic) rails the race "neck and I Iteck," and concludes "These events ) patty trader* will Interpret largely to - (Hiding to llieti predilection*. U will lie | dlftlcull for other* id see in Ihe sltua lion In Noilh (Jarolhi* ot elsewhere guy ! mine except Oov, Months nomination ! al Houston " The Oreenaboro Record < independ ent) rebuka* thnae who criticise HmlHi supporters m« disloyal to Senator him* mans, and remark*: "All honor to Heoaior ihiiimon* for the great record which he has made while serving Noilh Carolina in Gougi'r**! All honor to him because he t* undismayed by the great strength of Uinllh and elects to go down to defeat, if II be necessary, rather than abandon his principle* urn! support a man Who, ha feels, la not fitted for tire office which he seeks I Mill du nut casti gate men who silk Just as honorable a* Hie Hrnatoi merely lieiauwe they dis agio# with him on lire question In volved" The Oklahoma oily Tima# lindapand euu hold*, M U) Uw denatot * belief stalked through the Oreek dramas w-alks here. From the beginning to the end the reader Li moved ahead by the power , of the man who has a story to tell. No theories, no private view’s, no lec tures given from the mouths of charac , tens, but human beings talking as such human beings would talk and acting Just as they would act. A dark neces sity underlies this pitiful tale, handled • with uncanny restraint, so that, while i overwhelming, It does not disgust the , reader. If a Russian had been wrjting this story, there would have been a ; seduction in It: that would have been i more than a reader could have stood. Green makes no such mistake. His ' is a story which any one may read, because it does that first thing a novel must do —tells a story, and tells it w’ell. The dark necessity which makes these characters do as they do is solidly planted in the human mind. When Adrienne finally goes mad the reader knows that it is inevitable. In her 1 shoes he would go crazy, too. The tragic power of loneliness to de stroy the human spirit Is brought out fineiy. Adrienne Mesurat (the original title, and by far the best) might have been a happy, healthy woman If she had not been held down by circum stances. if she had not succumbed to the corroding influences of monotony. Some can lead such lives, being con stitutionally fitted for It, but Adrienne ; was not the type to stand up under it. j From the very first, so well is the story j told, the reader is aware of this. He must go on, however: he must read; he ! must get through with it. ## # 4 The reuction from reading “The 1 Closed Garden" is not only a testi | monial to the power of the author; it ! proves beyond any possible doubt that i such somber stories fill a needed place in literature. i Understand, of course, that Green ! did not intend to preach any lesson: ;he simply told a story. The inevitable j result, however, of finishing this tale is relief—relief that such characters are | the exception, after all. i This book will give him a new re-1 ! spect for average normality, or nor- i j malcy, as the late President Harding | insisted on calling it. He will thank ; j God that most of the men he knows are | not like Mesurat; that most of the j ! women are unlike poor Adrienne. ! He will come to his daily tasks with j 1 more humanity, w ith a better realiza- | j tion of the obstacles confronted by j j struggling human nature. He will have j ; more charity as the result of reading ! i this book. Let it be said again that no such in- j i tention clouded the mind of Julian; : Green when he penned this intense tale, j He had a story he wanted to “get off j | his chest." as some young persons say. j He felt the impelling urge of the born' story teller. In an era crammed w ith "psychologt-1 cal studies" in prose "The Closed Gar den" comes as a refreshing return to j the better methods of the elder French school, wherein what human beings, said and did was held to be enough. To those who like a keen-cut, incisive j story this novel is to be highly com- j mended. While its theme is sad. the vitalizing power of life makes this story some- ] j thing to treasure. It is the sort of i novel one would like to loan to his j | friends and dLscuss with them after-' ward if he did not know before he; started on such a reckless course that: j he would never see the book again. | ! And it is the sort of volume one wants ; ' to keep. that Smith facea defeat at Houston, that “Senator Simmons might be right, but If he Is, the Democratic party might j as well forget national elections for j years to come, so far as the presidency j is concerned." aa a a Emphasizing the importance of New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut and j New Jersey, the Hoanoke World-News) i independent Democratic! argues: "Sen-! 1 alor Simmons knows that Gov. Smith of New York Is the only Democrat In sight who has the slightest chance of j carrying those debatable States. In the last two presidential elections the Demo- j ■ crutic party has been defeated before it! started. Till* year, unless It really hopes j I to win. there is little reason to start at ; all. And if it hopes to win. It must I select a candidate, not because of local * j prejudice*, but because he can get elec- i loral votes. For they are what count In * ! tti# choosing of a President." "Whatever the outcome, the North) Curohna delegation will have a great i deal of internal Smith sentiment, and’ will probably break toward his nomina tion as soon us (tie breaking begins," predicts the New York Times (Independ ent), and the New York World (inde pendent) comment*: “The whole course of the pre-convention campaign has • produced no formidable candidate as' an alternative to Oov. Nmith. It is this! fact which makes the strategy of his) opponents a desperate, last-minute strategy ” The Milwaukee Journal (Independ ent* say*, “Senator Simmons cannot see that Alfred Smith from Tammany does n«>t »tand and ha* never stood for what the Senator means by 'Tammany tarn,*" Suggesting that "North Carolina prob ably spoke too late." the Cleveland Plain . Dealer (Independent Democratic) main ) lain* lhat "the governor has such a lead tour weeks before the convention that ; hts nomination seems as certain as any political event can be a mouth ahead of its fulfillment." UNITED STATES IN WORLD WAR Ten Vein* .4go Tinlay, American Marinas wrote another glorious page lit their history last night and today in beating off two de termined German attacks on the Marne i battlefield, hast night they wiped out a huge enemy patrol; this morning they charged und captured enemy ma chine guns, and (his afternoon they killed many of the enemy and took prisoners • • ♦ The Germans con centrated large forces before Veulllv Wood and began a mass attack. They were mown down by thr American machine gunners, and (tie attack was broken up before U reached the Amer ican line, lit*.- German* fleeing in con tusion * ♦ * During tile day the en emy multiplied ul different points ot the trout ill* efforts to advance, but was everywhere repulsed, hutlering seri our hexes North of the Atsue, French ' counter-attack* icgatn the entire ground, which had been temporal fly occupied near Vingre and many pi is oners are captured * * * Allied avi ator* are becoming exceedingly active In the whole fighting none in a double expedition yesterday 17 tons of projectile* were dropped on enemv enn reiiiiatlnn* to French bombing drlllrs completely dispersing them • * * One hundred and sixteen cas ualties reported by flail. Pershing to day: Si) killed in action and IS died of wound*. Sal'l l > for i lie I in |»». p 1,1 Li me I'.iit IVuvur New* itiiiltal Motto tor umpire* Holt coutalmi* for soft drink* ~ * *•••> , —* Sii|ieilliioii». finni tbs fistmit New*, All llm! can lie said for an earth quake in tha Malkan* t* it would be redundant, \ . NEW BOOKS AT RANDOM 1. G. M. i ( THE SUPREME COURT OP THE ' UNITED STATES. Charles Evans j Hughes Columbia University Pres;* The volume In hand presents a grous of Columbia University lectures deliv ! tied by Mr. Charles Evans Hughes on ! the subject Indicated by its title. These addresses, six in number, are based upon ; the underlying essentials of the Supreme Court of the United States —its origin and constitution, its work, its achleve merits and effects. The prime purpose of the study as a whole is to provide a ; broadly inclusive view' whose object is a general interpretation rather than a ! technical professional exposition. Such purpose. Immediately pursued both in ; the author’s approach to the subject and also in the subsequent, treatment of ; it. serves to make the book one of direct , I usefulness to general readers on the ! i topic of American institutions, as well . as of special students of the Supreme . Court, This study of the crowning point of the American judicial system is, in es sence, a study of growth—that process of change and prompt adaptation to 1 new conditions that constitutes true growth. It is, therefore, to a degree, fashioned to make record of such ad vance—much as a tree, from root to 1 crown, responds to the combination of vital inner urge and outer climatic cir cumstance for its own vigorous con tinuance and fulfillment. Here against a background of American history is set the Supreme Court in its nature, its functions, its relation to the Govern ment as a whole, its contribution to the security and perpetuity of the Federal Commonwealth. It was in that Federal plan projected by the Constitution that the Supreme Court iiad its origin—a necessity, in I iact, growing out of certain relinquished I sovereignties of tile individual States as the Federal idea became a reality, j These loosened rights and powers I formed the nucleus for the grow th of a single supreme agency of legal deter -1 mination. An American invention, de vised to meet the requirements of that 1 other American inspiration, the Federal j Union. By virtue of the home-grown! i nature of these two political organisms,; j there is little of enlightenment to be guined from foreign sources of political investigation. Os more pointed useful ness is it to examine and test and weigh the Supreme Court of the United States by its own stages of growth and expanding usefulness in the role which it was created to fill. And such is the. kind of study given to the subject by, Mr. Hughes, Here is a d.-finitely con- j crete consideration of each stage in the | existence of the Supreme Court from | its beginnings up to the present time. I Disagreement, argument, compromise—; J these provide the formula byway of j which tills institution has reached its ! present high estate. These steps are j i given by the author. Having given ; them. Mr Hughes seizes upon the com- Komise. the ultimate decision. This h? -ors forward toward the present., weighing it as the measure of sound , judgment and high patriotism. Men come into this study—competent men. statesmen of ripe experience in legal | opinions and decisions. It is this ob- i ; jectlvlty of view that gives to the whole j its effect of life and immediate interest, and provides the reader and student t with a partaking share in that great* i and peculiarly American institution, the ! Supreme Court of the United States ; ; Simplicity Is the keynote of a study j ! that a* a rule Invites to puzzling erudi- | ‘ tion and technical complexity. . And by j ; this virtue here is a book that even the j i commonalty can read with both profit and clear enjoyment, ** * * THE MAKING OF A STATE Thomas Gairlgue Masaryk. Frederick A Stokes Co. Published in Prague a year ago. thus volume then bore the title ’ The World Revolution.” Without changing its sub-’ stance, it is, under ita new publication in the Untted States, railed "The Mak-i mg of a State.” And both names fit > the book. It is primarily a collection of observations and reflections upon the t state of Europe just prior to the Great j War. From these considerations brought ! to bear immediately upon his own na- 1 I tional problem and opportunity there | emerges a study of the Czechoslovak; j republic by ita first President Fired> i with the Idea of redemption for his ! country—redemption from both Haps j burg domination and from covetous j i post-war ambitions —Mr. Masaryk de i voted himself to the work of turning j this idea into accomplished fact. The ! effect of such aplrit and high endeavor ! turned toward a patriotic and human!-t ! tarian end is now history, with Mr. j Masaryk honored as the first President; , of the republic of his own making. Setting out here in the prospect of ; j rounding up either a story of the World j i War or that of creating a republic, you ; j will soon be met with a sense of frus- * i (ration and defeat. If. however, in the | country of this serious and w'ise and i simple man you speedily abandon your, own rule of thumb to go along with him in his own way, you will meet a fine j reward. For here is something better| than a stiff and orderly array of facts ! about war or emancipation. Here is a ! great variety of experience in many I important lines. Here, too, is a depth j ; of feeling, an honesty of purpose, a vision of human happiness which to get her give the urge of life itself to all j of this rich experience More or levs formless, the book, as history? Maybe \ so. But history itself tn the making is j no very orderly process. Here Is first the seer, the mystic, the man of vision, seeing a world shaped toward democ-! racy. Here is also the scholar, his- j torlau. political philosopher, reformer,! turning his powers and attainments to- i ward tlie great ide, t, not only in respect j to lib own people, but In respect to ; other oppressed small nations every- j where. Here is the adventurer, daringl death or exile, yet of a courage to i gather up here and there bodies of men j who must be led out of the lauds of bondage. Surveying democracy in Us j essential principles and iu the uppliea- j lion of these, much as any political savant would, Masaryk narrows these! broad assumptions to tin* measure of Ins own home job. that of liberating j his countrymen, that of setting them up, under self-rule, self-government And so In this book of amazing richness and stir h# moves here and there wherever the promise of political free dom lift* Its rainbow colors, w herever there is a point In his own country that offers a break away from the bonds of tyranny. A book of wisdom, a hook of facts wedded to tdrals of the stirring and realizable sort, written by one whose experience Is as deep as hi* word* are profound in political w isdom. ** * * FRANCIS JOSEPH Emperor of Aus tria, Eugene Mugger, G. P Put-1 Hum's Sons. Written by an American, this is the story of "the last of the Caesar;.," A book of interpretation, not of mete dis closure, U Its author's explanation and description. Nome stiuuge call sounded and Eugene Bagger. United Slates man,| laved out across the Atlantic to lake the measure of Francis Joseph, that! stark autocrat left stranded In « world of democratic theories and experiments Hire Is the relic of a civilisation out - moded and abandoned, Yet here stands a defiant and seemingly Impteg liable figure Rather terrifying In ef fect l ike I uctfei maybe. And to this numeral Eugene Mugger gives a finely j dramatic service. Making no claim to popular scientific reaseareh on the sub-; led, litis author, holding to the truth 5 »s It appears, reanimates Francis Joseph within the surroundings of hi* own* nature, of his own cattle and kingdom, i In such lemi*cred appreciation does lie pipette this them* a* to prod tier nut only the man himself hut that » thing mole Ihun a man engendered by lit* stubborn icsUdame lo change the efted of (hi* figure 1* a shade slnUtal Yet only a selfwilled ruler should not have that effect Hut It* doe* A htg story, lug and gloom V and pitiful a* the Pyramid* are grand and 'he Mpfinu, so unt#mpw*d by tuna. A pew-* ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS UY FREDERIC J. II AS KIN. i What do you need to know? Is there I some point about your business or per | sonal life that puzzles you? Is there j something you want to know without ; delay? Submit your question to Fred ' I eric J. Haskin, director of our Wash | ington information bureau. He is em- I ployed to help you. Address your in quiry to The Evening Star Information Bureau, Frederic J. Haskin director,! Washington, D. C., and inclose 2 cents in stamps for return postage. Q. How are airplanes catapulted off , ships?- -S. 8. j A. There are two methods of cata ! pulting airplanes off ships—the gun j powder catapult and the compressed-air catapult. These devices work in much the same way as does a slingshot. The j plane is placed on a car, which is on a! track on the deck of a ship. The re- : leasing of compressed air or of gun j powder at the back of the plane assists I it to pick up the necessary flying speed. i! Q. Is Dolores Costello Spanish or | Irish?—M. tt. P. A. Dolores Costello Is an American. II Her father, Maurice Costello, was born ; in Pittsburgh, Pa., of Irish parentage. 1 Many Irish families have Spanish | names. At one time in Irish history ( Spaniards settled in Ireland. Q. Please give information about the eternal flame which is to be established in New York State —C. O. B. A. Whiteface Mountain is the site for a monument to be illuminated by an eternal perpendicular flame In mem ory of New York State soldiers who died |in the World War. Whiteface Moun ; tain lies near the head of Lake Placid. ! The plan is to erect a granite shaft at Its summit, topped by an acetylene ! light, which u ill be visible for a radius ;of 125 miles. The radius w ill include ■ Montreal and numerous resorts in Ver | mont, New Hampshire and southern Quebec, as well as New York State. The i beauty spots from the site of this pro | posed memorial include 65 bodies of, ! water, among them Lake Placid, the ' largest lake of Its altitude east of the 1 Rocky Mountains: the St. I.awrence j ! River, the Saranac Lake, the St. Regis I chain, the Ausable River and Lake j ; Champlain. The eternal flame idea is j patterned after the light in the Arc de ; j Triomphe in Paris. The memorial in ' eludes the construction of a motor road j of 7 miles to the mountain. Q. What countries are known as j Christian countries? —O. B A Christianity is now the accepted religion in all countries of Europe ex cept Turkey, of all the countries of North and South America, Australia and the Union of South Africa. There j is not a country in which Christianity is not known, and Christian mission aries have established stations among practically all people outside of Chris- ; tian nations. Q. How many phonograph records have Jones and Hare made 9 —E M. T A In the years of singing lor phono graph companies Jones and Hare have made more than 4.500 records. Q How often can the designs on our silver money be changed?—E. P. A. Congress has authorized the changing of the design of United States i coins once every 25 years. Q. Does Bering Strait ever freeze over?—W. R. W. A. It is frozen over every Winter. BACKGROUND OF EVENTS HY PAI L V. COLLI SS. A subcommittee of the National Crime ' Commission, headed by Newton D. Baker, which was appointed at the conference i ; of the commission in Washington lasi November, has issued a preliminary re- ] ; port of its investigations in the “crime ( ' wave” and court procedure of the < j United States. i \ While it makes no pretense of hav- , ! ing found a solution of the problem o. < how to check crime in general, it makes , | some pertinent observations. Among * these is the citing of the growing abuse i ( of the insanity claim in criminal cases, j I and the evil of permitting the question j ! of sanity to be submitted to a jury j ' of laymen, unversed in the technique i of mental diseases. i Its recommendation is that there ( should be a committee or "jury ' of ex perts in mental diseases to consider the question of sanity before the case is tried on its general merits, and then the regular jury should be bound by the , verdict of the jury on menial responat- , bility. just as It is bound in matters of t law bv the court. I At present it is the custom, when , sanity i? questioned, for both the de- ( tense and prosecution to employ “ex- , perts.” and for the expert* to difler j and so throw the untechntcal jury into | utter confusion, or leave it open to un- , due influences of the eloquent gentle men at the bar. The proposal to cm- , ploy a special jury on only the mental * condition of the defendant would not < change the practice of each side's cm- t ploying its own expert witnesses, but j ; the experts would be heard not by un- t j informed Jurymen, but. so far as pos- « \ sible by a jury of experts, or at least v i of men to wliom sanity or Insanity is ( I not a mystery. t *** * i Quoting from a Massachusetts psychi atrist Dr. Winfred Overholser. director of the division for the examination of { ! prisoners, and assistant professor of ( psychiatry. Boston University School of f ; Medicine: c "The intent of the common law to be v j fair in this matter is dear, and has s j been enacted into statutes in many { I jurisdictions The method of deter- c I mining the matter of the defendants J j sanity is sometimes lett to the jurv m ja special proceeding. * ' ’ Th» | diagnosis of a mental disorder, in other i words, is made by one tor many* f unfamiliar with medical or psychological | M I matters. * • * So much attention !c lias been attracted to cases in which j | this was done that, In certain jurisdlc- t i tions, there has been legislation de- , t ! signed to limit the use of this procedure ~ 'm some non-legal quarters, even, we ~ have heard suggestions that the plea of j v Insanity as a defense to crime should „ be abolished Such abolition, of course, \ v is unthinkable, but the mere fact that it can be suggested raises a question j as to what defect exists in our system j s of settling this vital issue.” • t * * * * j c In the last legislative year the State i leg Ula lures considered 2.*61 bills re- ’t latlng to court procedure or amendments j y lo penal codes, Os these. the\ ini-sHi | approximately one-fourth of all bills j urcM-nU'd a high ratio. It vs claimed j iiiat there were no bills wtiteh should 1 be classed as ' tool legislation lull piae- j 1 ticaiiy all tended u> iucilihUe eouvic- , 1 lions and to add to the j I of crime The Ihiuutcs law tv w > York is taken as the standard oi sever* j i ; Ity m dealing will! habUuat criminals! i in that it greatly Increases jw indues mr; • the second and third otten ■> s and makes j ! maiidatoi y tite imprisonment tor the . * | tom lit penal offense. **• * * Among freak ineasui.s of the year ttppeur laws in seven Plates to make the ' theft of a chicken grand larceny, and * in Idaho to prohibit the purchase of any ' fowls lift ween sunset and aunris*' with i out first notifying H\e sheriff Missouri ! j also made It grand larceny lo steal a l dog. They “gotta quit kickin' my hoim' I uroun' " In Missouri j In North Dakota ihe t rgblature, nol being too hard-botlevl. redueed the pen alty foe selling smut to tuUmt- but. to offset Ural leniency, in New Mexico a j mu was introduced to make it a crime ftp a school teacher to own or opeiste a ' poohoom. Ho the liberty of the pro* ‘ t etful drama btogtaphY. history that i is > hatred and dominated thmughout bv < FraneU Joseph himself, the last of the 1 Camara. s Q How much almond paste la used in the United States each year?—L. V. I. A It is estimated that from 6,000,000 to 7.000,000 pounds of almond paste are consumed in this country annually, most of which is manufactured by large candy manufacturers and sold to bakers for making cakes and macaroons, Q. What Is the early history of nail*? —J. K. A. Nails of the earliest nations were of bronze. The nail used by Jael in i killing Sisera (Judges, 1v.21> wa* a j wooden tent pin. Up to the nineteenth : century nails were mostly forged. The Perkins cut-nail machine, patented in 1795, made 200,000 nails a day. Q. What Is the standard height and weight for Russian wolfhounds? —F. T. A The standard height for males Is between 28 and 31 Inches, with female* j about 2 inches less. Dogs should scale j 75 to 105 pounds, bitches 15 to 30 j pounds less. Q. Please give me a recipe for fruit cup which includes honey.—A. G. A. Use one cupful of bananas cut i into cubes, one cupful of oranges cut j Into cubes, one cupful of cherries pitted j and half cupful honey. Toss lightly i ihe bananas, oranges and cherries with | the liquid honey. Serve very cold. Q Does Italy have compulsory edu cation? —H. M. H. A. The royal Italian embassy says that education is compulsory in Italy for children between 6 and 14, and it is also compulsory lor the blind and the deaf and dumb. Primary education- is divided in thre. grades— preparatory, lower and higher, the first being almost wholly based on recreation and of the duration of three years; the second last* also three years, and the third one | year. There are integrative courses and professional courses which are likewise j compulsory. There are. in addition, night schools for illiterate adult* and army schools for soldiers. Q. How long does it take light to reach the earth from the group of stars called Hercules?—K. F. A. It takes light 100.000 year* to reach the earth from the star cluster of Hercules. Q. What is the Canadian wheat pool 1 ! —M. F. A. It Is a farmer*’ co-operative or ganization. The pool has a central sell | ing agency, with representatives in 51 ports of the world. Q What can be used to paint faded awnings?—L. G. K. A A good oil color thinned with tur pentine to the consistency of water Is used in painting awnings. Q Which of the American parrot* Is the best talker?—C. E. L. j A. The Mexican double yellow headed parrot is probably the best talk ing bird among American parrots It is probably the equal of the African gray. i which is the Old World favorite, i Q. How many leaves ha* the poison ivy?—N. M. S. A. The poison ivy, or poison o*k (Rhus toxicodendron*, somewhat re sembles the Virginia creeper and Is sometimes mistaken for it. The Virginia ; creeper, however, has five leaflets, while ' the poison ivy has only three. lessors to say and do gs they please i< in danger of being curtailed mor* and more. ** * * It has been currently accepted in re cent years that there has been a grre increase of crime throughout the tin:re States. At first this was explained b the World War. on the theory that ex perience in severe military disciplin tended to cause the soldiers when re leased from the Army to become rabid' opposed to even ordinary discipline < law This has never been demonstrated however. It has been further explained ths the Volstead law was making crim. nals,” owing to the alleged “unfairness of passing such a law *by triekerv taking advantage of the fact that th voters were overseas and could not pr vent the 4 unfair" legislation. It is pointed out. however, that th voters not overseas when the Cor gressmen who voted to submit th e:gh*eenth amendment of the Constitu tion to the States for ratification wer elected. They had their votes in such elections. Nor were they still oversea when many of the States adopted pn> hibition as State measures, even befor the eighteenth amendment had been submitted. Yet that defense of flaunting of th prohibition law is persisted In. and ha' - ing Justified drflanc? of one law whir - does not please the violator. It becomes easy to adept the same attitude to all laws, or to any which chance to dis please. So violators of law become self-justified, and attain a bravado which makes them heroes In their own conceit. Such effect is most visible in the very young -at the smart-aleck an - or soon after i(s height. ** * ♦ This is the presentation of the situa tion by certain high authorities In th- Government. But they appear to b* dealing m generalities, rather than con crete facts, and it is surprising to those who have accepted these or other plau sible explanations of the recent growth in crime to have all theories upset by the director of the United State* Census Bu reau. Mr. William A, Stewart. Mr Stewart says: “There is a widespread general im pression that, accompanying the in crease of our population, there has been an alarming increase of crime. It is doubtful whether the number of crim inal acts tvr 100.000 population has tn eleased as rapidly as some peoole think but there is an entire lack of informa tion that will enable us to dstermine the situation in any one State as compared with another, and there ia neecasani' an entire lack of such data for the whole United States.” There is a conspicuous lack of re liable data all along the Sine of crime statistics, snd despite effort* to persuade the States to supplv the information of conditions within their Junsdictionx and Congress to extend authority to the Census Bureau to gather such data the whole matter remains at loose ends ** * e Net only is the general Impression that the crime wave is increasing to «n alarming degree contradicted bv tiie Census Bureau, even upon tts trn peifrci data but other high authorities deny that crime today is uryue charge able to Youth than in former Years U mav be true that south i* "voting > v amt Kiddlei and more heedless and smart" than in Uu* early decades o( the elders, but even that is not proved ■Statist a-, of Hie average age of eon vieied criminal* in prixoivt do not hem mt the assumption that they are young i'l than the prisoners of former genet at tons Vonth has a)wavs supplied eu* criminal* In undue proportion. fo> yopth wifl twvt accept the experience ot matuu v. tb*t the average gam* of burglar* and highwaymen and loafers und forger* and tricksters are far less thun ilia same men would earn at tlades or professions Thev note the boot,) ot an occasional crime but not tile tailuixs They do not believe that, < ven a* a maun ot policy, honest* is bust, tin > do hot see that crime vio* not pa* vet it cevUinh dors pot qvUte a»ide from questauv of moraUlv Undent'd Criminal ■> according to liar iold atatDtks of vtmvmok'gisU- have nothing to boast of in UuM* gains nn-.isuied In “wages”; and *o they cover then toffy with falsehood a* to how It |v» v* rCvemaat. i**|. t« bawl T, Cathaai