FOXHALL VILLAGERS GO A-CALLING TODAY First Community Day Is Observed by Group of 200 Families to Create Friendly Spirit. Foxhall. Village will go a-calling this afternoon in observance of its first “Community day.” conducted under the ||m trill go farther at Kays . Jj jHI jg lfilirA ,e rra ' on ' .lores Bj |M| buying as 1, secure m ami m §1 'WI cg i Hi *OQVwno3i 111 -S K >m^»m 7 1 :■ r-lnh. Li '.[■ 1 C 1 . KVV^ |N Set Ring? |^• , _ , ? up jn Engagement lil Tab,eware Se,8 BX4.ooup if Cigarette Cases, 85.00 up In * v/V/ UK! Crystal and Pearl |®j rVv[ seMn\rtLstic B iß-kt. n Liid white Hm Numerous Other Items Km BUY NOW—PAY NEXT ffiCl Ki JUST S.4Y “CHARGE IT ’ M Wedding Band I Invi |Q] OPEN EVENINGS \S|» 11 ft S [6B UNTIL XMAS * X *7== Ve<,r/ KM 32 Coast I m W/ A |' ' MAN | ▼JKAV II Bakei -f.. l"I _rl jewelry company t_ L— .-s—tptoH auspices of the Foxhall Village Citizens’ Association. Virtually a town within itself, the viUage’s residents, through their citi zens’ association, have entered upon a program of community activities which they hope will bring about complete ac quaintanceship among the 200 families of the settlement. “Community day” will be promoted by four “open houses,” in which the residents will meet their neighbors from 3 to 6 o’clock. The four families which will open their houses are those cf Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Groggins. 1709 Sur rey lane: Mr. and Mrs. Herman Phil lips. 1822 Forty-fourth street; Mr. and THE SUNDAY STAR, WASHiyOTOy. P. C„ DECEMBET? ft 1928-PART I. Mrs. Earl C. Lane, 4442 Greenwich parkway, and Mr. and Mrs. William Wheeler, 4457 Q street. In each of these homes neighbors will act as as sistant hosts and hostesses. Plans are being completed for the village’s Christmas celebration, which will be held on the Greenwich Parkway green December 24. A community Christmas tree will be erected and car i ols will be sung by the children of the village. Tentative arrangements call ; for a concert by a section of the United States Marine Band Christmas eve. Mr. Groggins is chairman of the Fox hall Village Citizens’ Association en ! tertainment committee which arranged 1 this afternoon’s community activity. Edwin C. Reed is president of the as sociation. Carrot Solves Traffic Jam. Automobiles, street cars and other vehicles were tied up in a traffic jam at busy Newcastle. England, recently, by a balking donkey attached to a fruit peddlar’s cart. Threats, entreaties and a bucket of water failed to move the stubborn beast. Eventually a carrot was dangled in front of its nose. The donkey followed the carrot, the cart fol lowed the donkey, and street traffic was 1 once more set in motion. FINGERPRINTS FOUND AFTER 2 ARE SLAIN State-Wide Search Begun for Bur j * glars Who Shot Doctor and Wife. : | By the Associated Press. | j EATON. Ohio, December B.—Two j burglars who early today shot, and j killed Dr. Horatio Z. Silver, 55, promi nent physician, and his wife,. 58; when surprised while ransacking the Silver home here, were objects- of a State wide search tonight. Mrs. Silver was killed instantly by a bullet which pierced her heart when she discovered the burglars. Dr. Silver, who had gone to his wife’s assistance when he heard a commotion, was shot and fatally wounded by the second of three bullets fired by the intruders. He died five hours later in a Dayton hospital following an operation for the removal of the bullet from his abdomen. Mrs. Silver had been awakened by a noise, which she believed was made by an adopted daughter, Hannah Mary', 13, and she was on her way to her room when accosted by the burglars. Awakened by the shooting. Hannah Mary summoned, neighbors, who sent the wounded physician to the Dayton hospital and called village officials. The burglars are believed to have escaped in a waiting automobile. Capt. Harvey S.iferd, Bertlllon expert of the Dayton Police Department, took numerous finger prints which he found in the room w’here the slaying occurred, in efforts to get‘some clues as to the identity of the gunmen. OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT FINE MEN’S WEAR EISEMAN’S—7th & F TUXEDO SUITS Silk Trimmed Liberal Credit Terms EISEMAN'S—7th & F ©Efficiency and Thoughtfulness Wins Recognition Looking back through a successful business career rovering sears, we are gratified. Rvan service main-j tains the highest standard at all times. Funeral Parlor—Private Ambulance —and Livery in Connection JAMES T. RYAN Funeral Director 317 Pa. Ave. S.E. Telephone Atlantic 1700-1701 W. W. Chambers UNDERTAKER * Offers Lowest Prices $250 Conch Casket Funeral $195 $l5O Steel Vaults... .SBS S2OO Complete Funerals SIOO Private Ambulances Only ; $4.00 No Charge for Funeral Chapel Latest Pipe Organ Music if Desired—All Without Charge Call Cot. 432 W. W. Chambers Co. 14th,Cor.ChapinSt. N.W. ; There is a Responsibility r ... entrusted to us when we are called in to serve, and we realizei the im portance of the oc casion in so'far as • rendering the best of service possible. , ’ We perform in a manner that leaves nothing undone. The Cost Is Moderate Modern Chanel. Trivato Ambulance. Just phone— Perry & Walsh Morticians I . llt Is not" I —necessary to pay huge sums for complete, desirable, modern funeral service. Not at all. jgj \ The finest kind of mortuary service, complete, is obtainable here for $125 and up. & ■ gs Seal Funeral home 1 SIS tjbr refcrence,,Jlsk your neighbor Sfj JL Al 6 H STREET N.E ggS jj| h Phones Lincoln 8200-8201 (Garb nf eljanka. BROWN. ANNIE E. The acts Os kindness and favors toward us during our darkest hour are sincerely appreciated. Many, many thanks to all. MRS. A. E. BROWN'S DEVOTED CHIL DREN. • ilarrtagf. MeGt'FFEV—TAGO. In New York City. December 6. 1928, ANNE YAGO and WIL LIAM HOLMES McGUFFEY. At home after January 10. 9 LEAGUE MAY REPLY TO U. S. DRUG NOTE Council to Name Central Board to Execute Geneva Opium Convention. By the Associated Press. LUGANO. Switzerland. December 8. —lt was announced tonight that the Council of the Leagpe of Nations un doubtedly will answer the Dote of the United States to the League on the opium question. Washington declined an invitation to nominate candidate for the central board to be instituted under the Geneva opium convention. While expressing willingness to collab orate in the fight against opium, the United States voiced dissatisfaction with the Geneva convention. The present intention of the League is to write to Washington that the Geneva conference was a meeting of sovereign states, which accomplished the best possible' and that genuine ef forts must be made to give the conven tion a chance. Senator Dandurand of Canada. Am bassador Adatchi of Japan and M. H. Procope, minister of foreign affairs of Finland, will meet tomorrow to select a preliminary list of names, probably 18, for the central board under the opium convention. The council later will select the final 8 W'ho will consti tute the board. Whether an American expert will be named to the board re mains an open question. A movement is under way to appoint an American on the committee of jur ists which is to revise the statutes of the World Court of Justice, in view of the reported plan of the United States to reopen negotiations for membership. Among the names mentioned are those of Elihu Root. John W. Davis and George W. Wickersham. Unconfirmed reports were in circula tion tonight that if Premier Mussolini docs not come to Lugano some member of the French delegation may go to Northern Italy to consult with him. It is also rumored that Foreign Minister Gustav Strescmann of Germany may visit Mussolini near Milan. There arc indications that both the French and Italians are hoping for a meeting between Mussolini and Aristide Briand, although neither side wishes to assume the initiative. PARK TO BE SUPPLIED BY INDIAN STYLE DAMS A system built on the plan of pre historic Indian dams will furnish the supply of drinking water In Mesa Verde National Park, the erstwhile haunts of ancient cliff dwellers in Southwestern i Colorado next Summer, while large I steel and concrete tanxs. with a com -1 bined capacity of 500,000 gallons, will i furnish water for other purposes. In j making this announcement yesterday.; I, the Interior Department said that this: i arrangement will accommodate 25.000 | people who .may visit the park, but as r tourists in increasing numbers point J, their radiators, towarc Mesa Verde, a > third catchment unit—tn conserve the ; rain water—will be necessary. The National Park Service is utiiiz j ing two sheet iron catch pans, each l covering aq acre, to insure an adequate i water supply, and**- reinforced concrete storage tank of 250.000-gallon capacity ; is in use. a rapid sand filter cleansing the water. Another smaller concrete I tank, with a capacity of 75,000 gallons, is being installed underground and water will be pumped to it from the spring at the head of Spruce Tree Can yon, which is fed from the reservoir at the head of Spruce Tree Camp after fil tering through 250 feet or sandstone. FOUND. FOR LOST ANIMALS, apply Animal Rescue League, 349 Maryland ave. >.W. Main 8088 LOST? : ~~ BUCKLE, cut steel. Finder please return to 12X1 F st. n.w. Call M. 1764. • 1 CROSS FOX FUR. Friday ■ afternoon. Do-j' ermber 7. between 14th and F and 14th and ; O sts. Return to Mr. Tyler, the Willard, anti receive reward. 9* EARRING^—An old-fashioned gold' earring, j Wednesday. Call North 9255-W or 3531 R ' 15L n.w. Reward. * EYEGLASSES. Oxford. Void'. • SafuftaV aft-' ernoon. Phone; Columbia 6937. V; jg > y , FOUNTAIN -FEN. . gold-plated. marked "Ches. B. Fraser." . Please phone Colonial Hotel. ’ * ■* GLASSES—Nose glasses, tortoise shell rims. Return 1121 New Hampshire ave. ; West 780, Apt. 409. Reward. GORDON SETTER, black and brqwfi female, vicinity Wyoming ave. and .. 18th t st. n.w. Reward. Return to J. C. Dodge. 1750 16th st. n.w. ___ PIN. cameo, valued as keepsake, tn vicinity of House- Office Building. Reward. A. 5816-W Apt. 1. 1475 Spring pi. • PITT-BULL TERRIER, male. dark, tan and weighing about 25 lbs. Has small white area , on right side of nose. Notify Clev. 670. Reward. > _ * - PURSE containing 16. on street car or Bth and Pa. ave. n.w. Call Shepherd 1160-M. RING, solitaire diamond. old-fashioned cut stone, deep setting; Friday. Oecember 7. Very liberal reward. R. J. Sauter. Pierce & Co.. Transportation Bldg., between 10 a m. and 1 pm 10* SPECTACLES, gray tortoise shell. Thurs. in War Dept. Cafeteria, iB6O D st. n.w. Re ward. Phong Lincoln ourney on friendship a road. WILLIAM T. DOUGLASS. MARTYN. CHARLES H. In sad but loving remembrance of my dear husband. CHARLES H. MARTYN. who departed this life two years ago, December 8. 1920. Some may think I am not lonely When at times they see me smile. Little do they know the heartaches That I suffer all the while. Mr dear husband, what shall I do Until God calls me to be with you? LOVING WIFE. JANE. * OWENS. JOHN T. In sad but loving rsmem brance of my husband. JOHN T. OWENS, who departed this life two years ago. De cember 9. 1926. How I miss the welcome footsteps Os the one I loved so dear; Oft I listen for his coming. Feeling sure that he j £near. HIS DEVOTED WIFE. STUBENER. FANNIE M. F. In loving rf a.embrance of our dear mother. FANNIE M. P. STUBENER. who departed this Ilfs nine years ago today, December 9. 1919. Dearest mother, how we miss you* How we long to tell you so. That the year* will not diminish The pure love we hold for you. We never are without you. The time is passing fast. The softening hand of time smoothes the bitterness of grief. , . But your memory will ever lmtar as fresh as a fragrant rose. The golden strings of memory are «ently touched today. _____ YOUR LOVING DAUGHTERS, CHERRY, BESSIE AND MARIE. * WILLS. NAT M. In loving remembrance of my brother. NAT M. WILLS- who passed away suddenly December 9. 1917. Gone, but still remembered. MAUD • WINTERS. OELPHIA. In sad but lovm# re membrance of our dear mo'her. DELPHI 4 WINTERS, who departed this life six years ago today. December 9, 1922. A loving mother, so good and kind. No friend on earth like her we find: Sad was the hour of that unhappy day When God called our dear mother away. ! THE FAMILY. » MEMORIALS DESIGNED AND ERECTED BLjl abbepiWausioleunt Beautiful—Enduring—Convenient *- MILITARY HIGHWAY BEYOND SOUTH GATE Opposite Arlington Cemetery Ride out in the afternoon and view this wonderful mausoleum in its serene and permanent tran» quillity. "* , This hallowed beauty spot is an everlasting memorial to the love and reverence for those who have passed on. ENTOMBMENT COSTS NO MORE THAN UNDERGROUND BURIAL laapect Now—Open Every Day Office 1000 Com. Are. Main 7807 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ALMUS R.SPEARE Succeeding the original W. R. Speare Co. 1623 Connecticut Ave. Potomac 4600 6 yrs. at INI 1 »L. 45 yrs. at >4> F st. Wm. H. Sardo & Co. Private Limousine Ambulance 412 H st. n.e. V eej Modem Chapel LinCOIH Frank Geier's Sons Co. 1113 SEVENTH ST. N.W. Moist 2472 Modern Chapel. Telephone _ ESTABLISHED 1870. JOHN R. WRIGHT CO. 1337 10th St. N.W. Phone North «T. _ - CHAS. S. ZURHORST Ml EAST CAPITOL ST. Phosie Usctls 372. J. WILLIAM LFE, Paaeral Director and Embalmer. Livery la ceeneelien. Commo dious chapel. Modern Crematerlems. Moder- prices. 333 Pa. ave. n.w. Call M. tSSd. Herbert B. Nevius Funeral Home «M New York Ave. N.W. Main MM T. F. COSTELLO 1724 North Capitol St. NORTH 7073. Joseph F. Birch's Sons (ISAAC BIRCH) 1014 M St N W *-*hone West M VV EsLaolished 1841 V. L SPEARE CO. Neither the successors of not connected with the original W R. Somre establish-* Phone Prank. 8826 I®®® H St. NiW Fermeriv Old F St. N.W. 7