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•If Unvarying || o(jfS /'"'\UR service does not vary in quality; m V-/ the moderately priced funeral at $125 receives the same careful attention as r\i the magnificent funeral costing up into the thousands. %&“ We have a service for EVERY family; -dg* no matter how modest one’s means, lie may call us with the assurance that he will receive the best of service at a most moderate price. M ryy , i deal Funeral Home f§ SO r 7or reference's A your neighbor SB% fOM V 616 H STREET N.E gjgs COLDS MAY DEVELOP INTO FLU Gonghs from Flu May Weaken Yonr System and Lead to Serious Trouble Yon can stop them now with Creo- the stomach, is absorbed into the J j muision, an emulsified creosote that is blood, attacks the seat of the trouble pleasant to take. Creomulsion is a and checks the growth of the germs, n. 4 ical discovery with two-fold ac- Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfac tion, it soothes and heaJs the inflamed torv in the treatment of coughs from membranes and inhibits germ growth. colds, bronchitis and minor forms of Os all known drugs creosote is rec- bronchial irritations, and is excellent ognized by high medical authorities for building up the system after colds as one of the greatest healing agencies or flu. Money refunded if not re for coughs frotp colds and bronchial lieved after taking according to diree- j irritations. Creomulsion contains, in tions. Ask your druggist. Creomul addition to creosote, other healing sion may help you avoid flu, but is elements which soothe and heal the not sold as a flu remedy. If you have inflamed membranes and stop the ir- fever, or think you may have the flu, ritation, while the creosote goes on to see your doctor immediately. CREOMULSION FOR THE COUGH FROM COLDS THAT HANG ON j —Advertisement. AVENUE ~at NINTH ««■"»"» orniotuLizrtrriMmfemtrix.xmwriT.» ■. if^w^aaseag Now Comes the Semi-annual Clearance of —and Pajamas— —with which we are including' many lots of P.-B. Shirts and Pajamas —all being offered at approximately — This sales event has not only the attraction of impor tant savings—hut it places subject to your selection exclu sive patterns of this most famous make. There won’t he another such opportunity for six months. The Shirt The Pd jam a Red u cti ons Reduction s $2.00 grade $1.65 $2.00 grade $1.65 $2.50 grade $1.85 $2.50 grade $1.85 $3.00 grade $2.25 $3.00 grade $2.25 $a.T/ and $4.00 grades, $2.85 $4 a nd $5 grades $3 45 $4.50, $5 and $5.50 _ ' P . d-v/r $0 and $7 grades $4.65 grades $3.65 ». and $6.50 grades.... $4.65 ? 7 ' 50 and $8 " S0 « ra<ics ’ $5-85 $7.50 and $8 50 grades, $5.85 sl° ;l " (t $10.50 grades, $7.65 $10.50 and $12.50 grades, $12.50 and $13.50 grades, $8.35 $9.15 ]'nil Dress and 'tuxedo Shirts excepted. The Avenue at Ninth STORE THE EVENING STATE. AY AST T IYGTOX, D. C„ MO VO AT. .T ANT ARY 7. 1929. MRS. MARGARET L. TYSON, MOTHER OF SENATOR, DIES Passes Away at Her Home In North Carolina at Age of 88 Years. By the Associated Press. RALEIGH. N. C„ January 7.—Mrs. Margaret Louise Tyson. 88, mother of Senator Lawrence D. Tyson of Ten nessee, died at her home here yesterday following an attack of bronchitis, fur ther complicated by heart trouble. Mrs. Tyson, born in Pitt County in 1840, came to Raleigh to make her home shortly after her marriage to the late Richard L. Tyson in 1861. Senator Tyson and her grandson, Lawrence Lee of Knoxville, and Mrs. Lee were called to her bedside early last week when lier condition became critical When Mrs. Tyson rallied the latter part of the week Senator Tyson returned to Washington and Mr. Lee to Knoxville. Funeral arrangements have not been made, awaiting ihe arrival of Senator Tyson and Mr. Lee. CLARENCE F.COCKRILLE DIES OF HIS INJURIES Pstired Busineht idan Who Slashed T'h.'Or.l and Leaped f'-oro Vlt it- Cvrt Expires in Hospital. Clarence r ram; Cccurille, t»9, 13J0 Seventeenth street, who slashed his throat and leaped from the second-floor window of his home Friday night, died in Emergency Hospital yesterday morn ing after a 36-hour fight for his life. Coroner J. Ramsay Nevitt issued a cer tificate of suicide. Cockrille, a retired business man, was thought to be on the road to re covery after Dr. Janies Campbell had sewed up his severed windpipe. He was found by his wife and daugh ter when they heard his body fall to the ; ground in the rear of the home. Among other injuries he suffered j were a bruised skull, broken nose, frac- | tured arm and leg and shock. j OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT FINE MEN’S WEAR EISEMAN'S—7th & F TUXEDO SUITS’ Silk Trimmed Liberal Credit Terms Ot) EISEMAN'S—7th & F Perry & Walsh * Morticians Private Ambulances 29 H St. N.W. Main 984 - ; - 11 THE WEATHER District of Columbia—Pair tonight and tomorrow; colder tonight, with low est temperature about 10 degrees: mod erate to fresh northwest winds, dimin ishing tonight. Maryland—Fair tonight and tomor row; much colder tonight: cold wave in west portion; fresh northwest winds, diminishing late tpnight. Virginia—Fair tonight and tomorrow; colder tonight: fresh northwest winds, diminishing late tonight. West Virginia—Generally fair and colder; cold wave in north portion In night; tomorrow fair, with slowly ris ing temperature in the afternoon. Record for 24 Hours! Thermometer—4 p.m., 28; 8 p.m., 31; 12 midnight, 27; 4, 26; 8 a.m., 28; noon, 37. Barometer —4 p.m., 29.84; 8 p.m., 29.96; 12 midnight, 30.00; 4 am., 30.00; 8 a.m., 30.03; noon, 30.04. Highest temperature, 42, occurred at 2 p.m. yesterday. Lowest temperature, 26, occurred at 5 a.m. today. Temperature same date last, year— Highest, 65; lowest, 41. Tide Tables, (Furnished by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Today—Low tide. 12:05 p.s ; high ■ tine 5:39 a.m. and 6:36 rvm. . Tomorrow—(my tic®, .l*.?-6<5 z.m ar.o f i •: ».• 0.m.; higo tile, <■•>'*' a m. sod ; 6;J3 p.m. Itfc Sun ntu Moan. Today—Sun rose 7:27 a.m.; tun sets 5:01 p.m. Tomorrow —Sun rises 7;27 a.m.; sun sets 5:02 p.m. Moon rises 4:41 am.; sets 2:19 p.m. Automobile lamps to be lighted one half hour after sunset. Condition of the Water. j Great Falls—Muddy. Weather in Various Cities. W Temperature *»a O jS Ss 3 s- ■» i 2 3* | Stations. » gS- K r, ° Weather. ;* F " 3 [ Abilene.' Tex?.'.' 30 ?0~ 54~~54’ ...Tciear Albany. N. Y.... 29.76 60 26 Pt.eloudy Atlanta. On 30 32 34 22 . Clear i Atlantic City. . 29.98 54 28 0.18 Clear Baltimore. Mri.. 30.02 60 26 .... Clear Birmingham . 30.33 3K 24 .... Clear Bismarck. N. D. 30.48 4 -24 Cloudy Boston. Mass... 29.80 60 26 0.54 Clear Buffalo. N. y. . ■,’9.84 24 12 0.30 Clear Charleston. S.C. 30.28 60 32 .... Clear ChiesKO. in 30 32 16 2 Clear Cincinnati. Ohio 30.28 22 14 oni Clear Cleveland, Ohio. 30 08 24 12 002 Sm.w Columbia, S. C.. 30.24 36 36 .... Clear Denver. Colo 30 20 46 22 . . Clear Detroit Mieh... 30.08 26 8 0.02 Clear El Paso, Tex . . 30.16 34 28 Pt.rloudy Galveston. Tex. 30.34 44 40 Clear Helena. Mom... 30 '2 34 30 Clear Huron. S. Dak.. 30 54 16 -22 .... Clear Imiianapolis.ind 30.30 29 6 .... Clear Jacksonville,Fla. 30.34 62 34 Clear Kansas Citv. Mo 20 44 .32 8 Cloudy Los Anneles. Ca! 30 00 60 43 .... Clear T.ouis'tlle. Ky. ..30.30 26 94 .... Pt.rloudy Miami. Fla ... 30 02 78 58 0.08 Cloudy N, Orleans. La.. 30.40 40 34 .... CJear New York. NY. 39.94 60 26 016 Clear i Oklahoma City.. 30 94 46 23 Pt cloudy | Omaha. Nehr.. .30.52 28 « .... Clear Philadelphia. Pa. 29.94 60 28 0.04 Pr.cloudv Phoenix. Arty... . Pt.rloudy Pittsburgh. Pa. 30 06 34 18 0.02 Snow Portland. Me... 29.74 52 24 0.26 Clear Portland. Ore.:.. 30.30 40 28 .... Clear Raleieh. N. C.. 30.13 58 28 0.01 Clear Fait l ake City. 30.42 26 12 cloudy Fan Antonio. .30.23 50 31 Clear San Dievo. Calif 29.98 60 50 0.10 Clear San Francisco. 30 10 58 43 .... Cloudy St. ram Is. M 0... 30.40 36 10 .... Clear St. Paul, Minn.. 30.44 4 -16 .... Clear Seattle. Wash . 30.32 40 30 . Clear Spokane. Wash.. 30.43 23 21 ... PI clo idv WASH.. D. C... 30.02 58 26 .... Clear FOREIGN. t" a.m.. Greenwich time, today > Stations. Temperature. Weather. London. England 30 Part cloudy Paris. France 28 Clear , Berlin. Germany 24 Part cloudy Copenhagen. Denmark.... 38 Part cloudy Stockholm, Sweden 24 Cloudy Gibraltar. Spain... 48 Clear iNoon Greenwich time, today > Horta (Fgyalb Azores... 54 Cloudy 'Current observations.! Havana. Cuba 70 Rain Colon, C n nal Zone 80 Part cloudy Lisbon. Portugal 43 Fostty Turks Island. W. 1 72 Clear Nassau. N. P.. W. 1 72 Clear Dutch Harbor, Alaska (4 r m.t 30 Clear Si Paul. Alaska. 32 Cloudy Kodiak. Alaska (4 p.m.).. 38 Part cloudy Juneau. Alaska 42 Ram Honolulu. T. H. 18 p.m.>. 74 Clear Midway Island (6:30 p.m.) 64 Clear Bethel. Alaska 30 Cloudy Nome. Alaska 30 Clear Tansna. Alaska 10 Clear Engle. Alaska 18 Snow Cordova. Alaska 40 Ram WAR VETERAN DEAD. A. M. Ransom Expires in Walter Reed Hospital After Brief Illness, i A. M. Ransom, 31 years old, 2009 Flagler place, a World War veteran, I died yesterday afternoon at Walter} Reed Hospital after a brief illness. He ! was employed at the United States i Custom Office for many years. Mr. Ransom is survived by his widow, Mrs. Rosa Ransom; four sisters, Mrs. Lula Brown, Mrs. Carrie Walls, Mrs. Rebecca Wilson and Mrs. Josephine Gamble, and one brother, Charles C. Ransom. Funeral services will be held at the home at noon tomorrow. Interment will follow at Arlington Cemetery, LOST. _ COAT, large, black and white: reward. 1749 Rilbourne pi. Phone Col. 1441. * COLLIE, buff and white, male: answers to name Flip. Return to 412 T st. n.w. and , receive reward. • DOG—St. Bernard puppy; 4 months old; big head and ears, long fur. tan in color, an swers to name Bennie. Cali Col. 5956. Re ward. ENGLISH SETTER, male, white, with black markings; name "Gene.” Reward. Phone Franklin 7733 or Silver Spring 404 EYEGLASSES, horn-rimmed, in Franklin At : o>. case Sunday, near Mass. ave. and Bth : si. n.e. or on Capital Traction car. Return j to 720 A st n.e Reward. EYEGLASSES, toroise-shell rims. Saturday S evening, possibly in vicinity of 16th and You or Bth and K streets. Please phone Potomac ! 4230. Apt. 303. * GLOVE, man's, fur lined, between Seventh st. and Orleans pi, or on Florida ave. n.e. Phone Atlantic 1760. Reward. * KEY’S- Three on small ring, with red rib bon; Conn. ave. to Macomb »i. Reward, j The Parkway. Apt. 105. * { KID GLOVE, right hand, brown, fur lined j wrist, between 14th and Clifton and 15th and Chapin. Reward. Address Box 317-S. j Star office. * MASONIC RING, cloisonne inset; near Easl- j ern Market or 3200 block Mt. Pleasant st. i Reward. Adams 4586. 8* POCKETBOOK. small, brown, in Pox The ater Saturday night : containing money, key and compact. Reward. Phone Coi. #l3l. PURSE, small, brown, containing money: on I Col. rd. near Netlierland Apt. 5706 Ga. ave. Phone Ga. 1071, REVOLVER .38-cal. Coll, No. 299755: prop erty of D. C. Police Dept. G. D. McDonald, Traffic Bureau. Reward. #* WATCH AND BRACELET, white gold. Sun day, Jan. 6, between Bth and E sts. s.e. and 9th and D n.e. Suitable reward if returned to 809 E st, s e. • 8* WRIST WATCH, white gold. Thursday after noon on Potomac Park or 14th and Colorado street cars Reward it returned to 320 9th at. s.e. Lincoln 9616. SIO.OO REWARD' Cat. reported seen yesterday near Lamont and 18th sts.. year-old male- answers to name Boze: part Maltese: gray back with darker short-bar markings: lost Sunday. Dec. 30. near Adams Mill rd. and Kenyon st. Call Adams 461. You Should Unit' tinnier Service! [ Extract from letter: k/Nl rf'ffl |< ‘7 express our profound thanks for FL(»j flj Itfff U your courteous and sympathetic con - N ft''lift # Yry sideration during this trying ordeal.” I I Mg 1 J < km Complete Cost. $385.00 IJIhIOA WMM- /V /Li MM m Oawler* ,-<X ;L|m ;vr* ,!?"*, J*% ■’wswesr ril ll' li MORTICIANS iVnllrr A. (iftltlcr NOTED NURSE IS BURIED IN ARLINGTON CEMETERY Miss Anna C. Maxwell Had Been Known as American Florence Nightingale. i Burial services for Miss Anna C. ■ Maxwell, internationally known nurse, often referred to as the American . Florence Nightingale, were conducted I in Arlington Cemetery with full military . honors today at 10:30 o’clock. The • American Red Cross was represented at the services by Miss Mabel T. Board man. secretary, with other officials and a large group of nurses in uniform. Miss Maxwell died in New York January i. Miss Maxwell was a member of the ’ national committee on Red Cross nurs ing service and for many years inter ested herself in the organization. She wa.s a delegate to the ninth interna tional Red Cross conference in this city in 1912 and rendered valuable service prior to the entrance of the United States in the World War by making a trip to Europe to study sys tems of nursing. I . BOARD INCREASFO. 10'. AUrobo. <• Compile.* rH-arDuals f! A.,1 !• Prohibit ir<rt A -vtooig lion. the Association Against the Prcnl i bn,ion Amendment announced today that it had added 11 directors to its .board. . Having at present 103 members, rep resenting 2ft States, the District of Columbia and Porto Rico, the board ot directors soon will be increased to 200 and eventually to 1,000 members, it was announced. Emmet Dougherty has been made secretary of (he organization. The newly selected directors ate: Strut hers Burt, author, Wyoming; S. P. Bush, Ohio. w. R. c. Corson, Connecticut;’ Henry W. Dooley, Porto Rico; William M. Elkins. Pennsylvania; Joseph R Ilamlen. Massachusetts; William S Knudsen. Michigan; Fred T. Murphy Michigan; Prof. E. R. A. Seligman. New York. and former United States Senator James W. Wadsworth, jr., New | York. The national headquarters of the association in Washington will b? trans ferred to the National Press Building. • . - WOMEN TO BE GUESTS, Will Be Entertained by Washing ton Lodge of Elks. An elaborate program of entertain ment, will feature the annual ladies’ night carnival of the Washington Lodge. No. 15. B. P. O. Elks. Wednes day evening at the Elks’ Club. Robert T. Hoy, chairman of the en tertainment committee, has billed a | number of local theatrical performers Refreshments will be served following the entertainment. Births Reported. Th« fallowing births have been reported i heir * ea * * Department in the past 24 Chai li's L. and Lillian W Hoskinson, girl. ; ernie L and Lula Gaddy, hoy. Andrew J. and Elizabeth Ft. Kress, boy. v. ilium and Ruby Lombard, boy | Pa.hp J and Marian Gordon, boy. Thomas F. and Amies E. Heide. girl. Joseph E. and Marie V. Gross, girl M. and Elizabeth G Stewart, boy \\ iiharn and Ophelia R Shepherd, girl. David and Viola Vaughan, bov. Maui und Susie Pegram. boy. Deaths Reported. Plip following deaths have been reported hot'i-s* Hoaltil Department in the past 24 George Monday, 86, U. S. Soldiers’ Home i Hospital. Poo OSePh Norris * 77 * Ijiu!e Sisters of the .. H Moore. 77. National Homeo pathic Hospital. Ella F. Mills. 77. 417 6!h st. sw Oartano Coloreiti. 74. 729 Quebec st Mary A. Galloway, 71, 1635 Good Hope rd. James T. K<*l|py. r,9. !"04 19*h st Emmul'ne Cook. 67. 655 E st. sw' Ka I henne Longstreet. 65. 110 East Capitol. Hospital Breler ’ 63 '. U< S ’ Soldiers' Home BfHv k. Kav. 60. 2800 Sherman ave. M lilts in A. Lowry.’ 48 Sibley Hospital. Gordon Thompson, 32, Emergency Hos pital._ Clara E Hudson. '26. Emergency Hospital Margaret Twiford, 2 months. Children s Hospital. Infant of John and Pearl Campbell. 1 day. Columbia Hospital. John Peyton, 74, St. Elizabeth's Hospital. | Sadie McDowell, 48, Freedman's Hospital. ! Louise Jackson. 40. Gallingcr Hospital | Mary Oambele. 39. Freedman's Hospital, i Lnsse:| Duncan, li. Freedman's Hospital. D ratlin. ALEXANDER. MARION. On Sunday eve lunz. January 6. 1929. MARION ALEX ANDER I nee Hendlevi. wife of Arthur A Alexander and mother of Audrey Alexa.i- ' der. Funeral services at St. Matthew's Church. Wednesday. January 9, at 10 a.m. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. 6* j AMERICA, THOMAS I'. Suddenly, on Jan- 1 uary 5. 1929. at 4:05 pm.. THOMAS F. ‘ beloved husband of CnrHe M. America a*id ' lather of Mrs. E. Chick and Mrs. A. Fair- | all and Thomas E. and Howard America. 1 uneral from lis late residence. 711 E st. s e. Tuesday. January 8. at. 1:30 o'clock, i Interment Conn cession at Cemetery. Rela- j tives and friends invited to attend. A.MI RKM. I homas F. A special com- I munlcatiou of Lebanon Lodge, No 7, I F. A. A. M„ is hereby called for 1 o clock I P m on Tuesday. January 8. 1929. for the ! i nurDose of attending the funeral of our i late brother. THOMAS F. AMERICA. WILLIS B. ROBINSON. Master. ♦ ; BEASON. JOSEPHINE. Younc Ladies* Pro- i led ive League is hereby uott'Qd of the! funeral of Mrs. JOSEPHINE REASON. ! lues day. January 8. 102 J. at 2 p in., at Mount Zion Church. 29th si u w SAMUEI.LA MILTON, Pres. | MAYME L. STEWART, R Sec. • ! REASON. JOSEPIIIM:. Departed this life | Baturday, January 5, 1929, at 6:30, 1 1 at her residence. 2822 Dumbarton ave n.w.. ! | JOSEPHINE BEASON, beloved wife of I ; Georye T. Benson and sister of Rachael 1 Baxter. Remains resting at her late resi lience. Funeral Tuesday. January 8. at j 2 p in., from the Mount Zion M. E. Church, j 29tli st between Dumbarton and O st. \ n v>. Remains resting at tier late resi dence. BEASON. JOSEPHINE. The officers and ! | members ot Ruth Chapter, No. 8. O. E. S., | are earnestly requested to be present at j ihe funeral of Past Matron JOSEPHINE BEASON Tuesday. January 8. at 2 o’clock i I p m., at Mount Zion M. E. Church. 29th i j st. bet. Dumbarton ave. and O st. n.w. | M. GENEVA BROWN. Royal Matron. EDWARD W. WKYMS, Royal Patron. | SARAH E HOLMES. Hon. Secretary. • ! BEFORE, FLORA LOUFI.LA. On January ! 5. 1929. FLORA LOUELLA. beloved wife of 1 David B. Before and mother of Alice C. Besore. aged 72 years. Short funeral serv ice Tuesday. January 8. at It a.m.. at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church. Cottage City, Md. Interment at Champaign. 111. • BROOKS. RACHEL LEE. On Monday. Jan uary 7. 1929. RACHEL LEE BROOKS, wife of the late Edward G. Brooks and sister of Jane E. Cornish. Funeral* Wednesday. January 9. at l p.m , from the residence 1 of her Sister, 312 B st. s.e. Please omit flowers. li- CAMPBELL. MAMIE. Departed this life January 4. 1929. at 3'45 p. 111., at her resi dence. 78 Q st 11. W.. MAMIE CAMPBELL. She leaves to mourn their loss her hus band. Philip Campbell: three daughters. ! Mrs Lillian Clark. Thelma and Helen Campbell: one son, Lenere Campbell: tw-o grandchildren and a host of other rela tives and friends. Funeral service Wed nesday. January 9. at. 9 a in., at Holy Re deemer. Interment Mount Olivel Ceme tery. 3ralhu. CARROLL. THOMAS A. On Sunday. Jan uary 6. 1929. at the residence ot his sis ter. Mrs. Frederick Springmann. 804 Vth st. s.w.. THOMA 3 A., son ot the late Jo seph and Mary Carroll, aged 71 /ears. Funeral from above residence on Tuesday. January 8. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment at Congressional Cem etery. CHAPMAN. MAZIE POINDEXTER. Depart ed this life January 5. 1929. at her icsi ileive. 1519 12th st. n.w., MAZIE POIN DEXTER CHAPMAN, the beloved wife of Sterling Chapman. She leaves to mourn their loss three children. Ruth. Clementine and Willie H. Poindexter, two brothers, one sister and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral from the Metropol itan Baptist Church, R street between 12th and 13th sts. n.w.. Tuesday. Januuary 8. at 2 o’clock. All friends are invited. * CHAPMAN, MAZIE. Officers and members of Queen Mary H. H. of R , No. 86. are notified to meet at the hall on Monday. January 7, at 8 p m., to arrange for the funeral of Sister MAZIE CHAPMAN. Fu neral Tuesday, January 8. 1929. at 2 p.m., from Metropolitan Baptist Church. R st. between 12th and 13th sp.s. n.w. By or dm of the household. CONNIE S. JOHNSON, M. N. O. CLARICE L. MARSHALL. W. R CLARKE. MARY AGNES. On November 30, 1928. at the American Hospital. Laris. France. MARY AGNES CLARKE. Fu neral services at St. Matthews Chinch, Rhode Island ave. n.w near Conn. ave.. where requiem mass will be celebrated Tuesday, January 8. at, 10 a.m. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 7 COCKRILLE, CLARENCE F. On Sundav. January 6, 1929. at his residence. 1630 17th st. n.w.. CLARENCE F. COCKRILLE, aged 59 years, beloved husband of Rosa Cotk rille. Funeral services Tuesday. January 8. at 2:30 p.m., from Hysong's funeral home. 1300 N st. n.w. interment Glenwood Cemetery. ICOVDRO.Y HEIJ.N n. Oi S-.uids I-. Jan y - ISIS. :■ fie. reside re, 792 *» * we -• • f•.. Hffi-. ■ ■- . , CONOR on ov-e , c'oo,ey.. brhne., ~ t *>■ Kiismoith v. rv ;. „-i v,c9 2H ”f* t 1 aer:-,i non: l. e re-id..a.'? c,l i:-, Mr. and Mr-. George J. McCioskey, 90S D st. n.e., on Tuesday. January 8, at 8:50 а. Requiem mass at St. Joseph’s Church, 2nd and C sts. n.e., at 9 o’cloci:. Rela tives and iriends invited to attend. Inter ment at Glsnwood Cetnetery. * COOKE, CHARLES E. On Sunday. January б, 1929, at his residence. 3534 Edmunds st, n.w., CHARLES E. COOKE, aged 84 years. Funeral services at the chapel of J. Wil lwim Lee’s Sons, 332 Pa. ave. 1 v . on Tuesday. January 8. at 11 o'clock a.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. * CIIRRAN, MBS. MARY A. Suddenly Satur day morning. January 5. 1929, at 8 o'clock, at Providence Hospital. Mrs. MARY A. CURRAN, mother of Rev. John A. Curran of Harpers Ferry, W. Va,. and Mrs. F. J. Massey. Funeral from her late residence. 126 C st. se. Tuesday. January 8, at 9 a.m.. thence to St. Peter’s Church. 2nd and C sts. s.e.. at 9:30 am. Interment at Mnrtinsbure. ML Va Relatives and friends itiviltd. (Maitinsburg and Shepherds town papers please copy. > 7 CURRAN. MARY A. Comrades of the Rev. M. T Sullivan Council, 185. C. W. B. 1.., are requested to attend the meeting at Si. Peter's Rectory. 8 p.m.. Monday, to recite the rosary for Comrade MARY A. CUR RAN. Mass at 8 a.m. Tuesday. St. Peter s i Church. LULU WARFIELD, Pies, j DABNEY. ADELAIDE V. Departed this life I Sunday. January 6. 1929. at Galiinger Ho^- * pital. ADELAIDE V DABNEY, devoted t wife of Alexander Dabney and mother of Page Durham and aunt of Mary Hall. I She also leaves a host of oth»r relatives and friends. Notice of funeral hereafter Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis Co funeral parlors, 2222 Ga. ave. n.w. DORSEY. BESSIE If. Suddenly. January 6. 1329. at 12:55 a m.. at, Alexandria. Va,. .BESSIE 11 DORSEY, wife of Robert A. Dorsey, passed into the great beyond. No tice of funeral latev. • DLMKLLL. AMY. January 5. 1929. lit 1 а. in New York. AMY DU MB ELL, sister of K. E. M. Durnbell of this city. 8* ENGI.AR. GERTRUDE M. On Saturday, January 5. 1929. GERTRUDE M ENGI.AR 1 nee BankatdL beloved wife of Edward S. Englar. aged 52 years. Funeral from W. M* Deal's funeral home, 816 H n.e . on j Tuesday. January 8. at 2 p.m. Relatives J and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill I Cemetery. (Hanover Sun and Carroll i County papers please copy.) | FITZPATRICK. JOHN C. On Monday. Jan uary 7. 1929. JOHN C . beloved son of Maria and the late Cornelius Fitzpatrick, i Funeral from the residence of lii.s sister. Mrs. P. J. Tierney. 1306 Florida ave. n.e . on Wednesday. January 9. at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at the Church of the Im maculate Conception at 9 o'clock. Rela tives and Iriends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 8* FREEMAN. GEORGE F, Suddenly, on Sun day. January 6, 1929. at 2 p.m . GEORGE F. FREEMAN beloved father of Mrs. Flor ence Lawson. Mrs. Hilda Cabaniss. Miss Mabel Fieunan. Mrs. Esther Rolerfort. Mr. George Freeman, jr.: Dr. Wendell Freeman and Mr. Archibald Freeman. Fu neral from Moon & Allen funeral parlors Wednesday at 1 p.m. Friends invited to attend. 8* GIROIAttD. AUGUSTA J. On Saturday. January 5. 1929. at 1:20 p.m.. after a short illness. AUGUSTA J. GIROUARD. belond daughter of Mrs. Marie Gtrouard and tiie la*e Alphonse Girouard. sister of Eugenie C Simons. Florence Williams and Charles E. Girouard. Funeral services at her mother's residence. 115 10th st. n.e.. Tues day. January 8, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. (.Ottawa, Canada, papers pL'ftse copv.» 1* GORDON, BELL VKDDKR FLEMING. On Sunday. January 6. 1929. at 7 p.m.. BELL VBDDER FLEMING, wife of Brig. Gen. Daviff S. Gordon and widow of Col. Rob ert I. Fleming. Funeral private. Services Tuesday. January 8. at 3 pm. at her late , residence. 1408 Massachusetts ave. n.w. * ; IIAMSI EXT, MRS. NANCY E. On Sunday. I January 6. 1929. at 4 a.m.. at the home of j her aunt. Miss Ada Lowe. 706 Kennedy st. | n w . Washington. D. C . NANCY E. < nee ! Matthews), beliived wife of William F. Hammett of Stiver Spring. Mb Funeral services Tuesday. January 8 at 1 pm., at iier aunt's residence. Relatives and friends invited. H. MARGARET. On Sunday. Januaiy б. 1929. MARGARET, the beloved daughter of the late Nicholas and Mary Hapu. Fu neral from her late residence, 918 M st. n.w., on Wednesday. January 9. at 9'30 a.m. Requiem mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 10 o'clock. Re!- j atives and friends invited. Interment St. ; Mary's Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers. 8* j HAPP. MARGARET. The Ladies* Sodality | of St. Mary's Church will meet a! the rest- j dence of Miss MARGARET HAPP. 913 M ■ si n w., on Tuesday. January 8. at 3 ; ‘ o clock, for Sodality services. AIRS. EMMA MALEY. Prefect. 1 | MRS. VARY SPECfIT. Sect. * | * iikpikß. ELIZA. On Sunday. January 6. I I 1929. ELIZA HEPLFR Funeral services at : i the National Lutheran Home on Tuesday, j j January 8. at 2p m. Interment Giemvom , : Cemetery. j HOLMES. SAR AH REBECCA. On Sutirt «v. I I January <>. 1529. at her residence. 3.U3 , Northampton st.. SARAH REBECCA, be loved wile of i’ne late Thomas J. Holmes. I Funeral from St Agnes' Chutcu on Wed | nes.lay. January 9. at 10:30 a.m. Kuuiiy j omit flowers. 8 * IIOLT. HELEN M. 011 Sunday. January 6. 1929. at Government Hotels Infirmary. HELEN M . widow of Col. Alexander H. ; I Holt. Fuiieial frofei V. L Speare Co . 1099 ] 11 st. n.w.. on Tuesday. January 8. at 11 I ! a.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. HUTCHINSON, JAMES E. On Saturday. ! January 5. 1929, at his residence, 328 ata ! 1 at se . JAMES E HUTCHINSON, beloved | hu.soand ot Hal lie i-t. Huichinson. m the ! 76th year >.f his life. Funeral ironi the above residence. Tuesday. January 8. »■. : 11 Relatives and iriends invited 10 I attend,'ui -ul Coiurcrsionai Ceme tery. T HUTCHINSON, JAMES K. A special coin i inunication of s . John's Lodge. No. 11. ! F A. A M.. will be held at the Masonic i Temple Tuesday. January 8. 1929 at 10. j o'clock am., lor the ou>nose of attending , 1 the funeral of our late brother. Past Mas- j ter JAMES E HUICHINSON. STANLEY D. WILLIS. Master. | ; HYLAND. JOHN. On Saturday. Jammy 5. 1929. at Georgetown University Hospital, j ! JOHN, beloved husband of Alice A. Dwyer I Hyland. Body resting at Gawler's chapel. 1750 Pa. ave. n.w Prayers will be said at 1 Gawler's chapel on Tuesday. January 8. j at 3:30 am., tliancu to St. Ktephtn s j Church. 25th vut Pa. a'e. n.w.. whole 1 mass will be relebrc.iad at 9 a.m. intcr- I meat Mount Olt/c Cemetery. JOHNSON. REV. CHARLES K. All members of Star of Washington Lodge. No 1. I. B. O of A M,. are requested to assemble at Salem Baptist Church Wednesday. Janu ary 9. 1929. at 1 o'clock to attend the fu neral of Rev CHARLES F. JOHNSON. REV. JOHN A. DAVIS, E. O. CHARLES W LEWIS. Sec. ; JOHNSON, SETH. Oil Friday. January 4. t 1929, at 111 - residence. 1210 49th pi. n.e . , Rev. SETH JOHNSON, devoted husband of | Mrs. Amelia Johnson, loving father of Marcelina Brooks. Nettie Taylor. Richard. ; Frederick, Franklin and Uie late Charles j Johnson Notice of funeral later. 7 ! JONES. MARGARET. Departed tills life j Saturday. January 5. 1929. MARGARET I JONES, daughter of the late Charles H. 1 and Louisa Gross, sister of the late Lula. 1 Emily and Albert Gross. She leaves to mourn their loss three daughters, one brother and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral 2 pm. Tuesday from Galbraith A. M E. Zion Church, fit li st. bet L and M sts n.w.. by Rev. Battle, assisted by Rev. King of Alexandria. I KENT. ANNIE*. On Saturday. January 5. i 1929. at Freedmen'.s Hospital. ANNIE KENT, devot d sister of Joseph William and Isaac Herndon and aunt of Mrs. Mamie Jones. Funeral Wednesday. Janu ary 9. al 1 p m., from the Tidestone Bap- Cst Church. »th st. and Barry pi. n.w.. Rev. Hall officiating. Interment Payne's Cemetery Remains resting at the Ernest Jarvis Co. funeral parlor, 2222 Ga. uve. n.w. UNSAY. JAMES C. On Sunday. January 6. 1929. at his 'e.uleuce. 1618 2nd st n.w.. JAMES C. UNSAY. He leaves to mourn their loss three cousins. Alberta Ellis. Maggie Berry and Bessie Mergant. and a host of other relatives and friends. No tice ot funeral hereafter. Remains rest.tig at the W. Ernest Jarvis Co. funeral par lors. 2222 Ga. ave. n.w. I. KATHERINE. On Friday. January 4. 1929. at her residence. 110 East I Capitol at.. KATHERINE LONGSTREET. I Services will be held at Zurhorst’s funeral parlors. 301 East Capitol st., on Tuesday. January 8. at 7 p.m. Friends invited. 7 LITTICH. JOHN F. Suddenly, on Friday, January 4. 1929. JOHN F. LUITICH. mem ber of Columbia Typographical Union, No. 101. Remains resting at the funeral home of Perry & Walsh. 29 H st. nw. Funeral Tuesday. January 8. at 8:30 a.m.. from the funeral home of Perry & Walsh: thrnce to St. Aloyslus Church, where requiem mass will be said at 9 for the repose of his soul Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery Uftatives and friends invited. 7 Bcathn. i Ll'lTim. JOHN F. Members of Washing ton Council, No. 224. Knights of Columbus, arc advised of the death on Friday. Jan uary 4. 1329. of Brother JOHN F. LUITICH, and are requested to attend the funeral services at Si. Aloysius Church on Tues day. January 8. at 9 am. The members will meet at the funeral home of Perry & Walsh. 29 II st nw . Monday January 7 at 8 p m., for recitation of prayer for the deceased. , _ . .. A. J. SCULLEN, Grand Knight. OK. WILKINSON, Fin. Sec. LI CAS. AMANDA. Suddenly, on Saturday. January 5. 1929. AMANDA LUCAS, de voted mother of Pearl Robinson, Sarah Wallace. Jessie Jonah and Logan Lucas. She also leaves 21 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis Co., 2222 Ga. ave nw. Funeral January 9 at 11 am., from Trinity A. M. E. Zion Church. Morton st. between Oa. and Sher man ave*. n.w. Interment Great Falls, Va. Please omit, flowers. LTI.ES. WILLIAM. Departed this life Jan- I nary 5, 1929. at Freednien's Hospital, after a brief illness. WILLIAM LYLES, husband I nt Mary E. Lyles. He leaves a loving mother, three sisters, two brothers, one stepdaughter and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral Wednesday. January 9. at 1 . from First Baptist Church, at 27ih st. and Dumbarton ave. n.w., Rev. j J. L. Pinn officiating. | LYLES. WILLIAM. Members of Potomac j Union Lodge. No. 892. G U. O. O. F.. are 1 hereby notified of the death of Brother j WILLIAM LYLES. Funeral from First Baptist Chinch. 27th and Dumbarton ave. n w.. Wednesday. January 9. at. 1 pm. Remains at Grice’s undertaking parlors, 12th and R sts. n.w. E. L. PINN, N. G. M. S. BROWN, P. S. LYLES, WILLIAM. The Kadosh service will be held over our late sublime prince. WIL i LIAM LYLES 82°. at 1? o cioc:: (mitt - nigh* > Tvesdoy Janus:*: 8 1925. at . O. •• ' cb“c'l. K,n ana R. s . n.w. Tne t'onsi H'. An. f ft nictift • o s.'.ecn .* •■opU *> R«ot i > n , *e rained’.! a. 1..J0 oclOca. By o dr a.’ JESLE BROWN. 2 1 Art net: Corainatiaer-ia-chtel. CICERO A. LEE. 39°. Keeper of Seals and Archives. CHARLES H. ANDERSON, 32 , Assistant. MARCIIE, WILLIAM B. On Monday. Jan uary 7. 1929. at the Masonic and Eastern Star Home, WILLIAM B. MARCHE. Re mains resting at the S H. Hines Co. fu neral home. 2901 14th st. n.w. Notice of funeral hereafter. MARTIN. ROBERT K. On Sunday. January fi. 1929. at oibley Hospital. ROBERT E.. beloved husband of Minnie S. Martin. Funeral from Pis ice tesidence. 1103 Chi cago st. s.e . on Wednesday. January 9, at. 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. ! Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 8 MATHEWS. ALFRED: Suddenly. Thursday, i January 3. 1929. at 1517 9th st. n.w.. AL LRED MATHEWS. He leaves a wife. Bcs i *ie Mathews, two brothers, one sister, one I fiiste r-in-law. one btether-ln-law and a host of other relaii’-us and friends. Re | mains resting at William T. Tolbert fu neral pa r lor. 1308 6Ui st n.w. Funeral Wednesday. January 7, at 1 o'clock, at ! Muirkirk. ,Md. * ! MiUORORKY, MARY. Suddenly, on Satur day. January 5, 1929 at her residence. 231 K st. s.w . MARY MeCOROREY, devoted I mother of John Moore. Leroy McCororey. mother-in-law of Carrie Moore and aunt 1 ol Lottie Manley and Mary Fair, snuid- I mother of Susie Moore. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis Co, funeral par [ lors. 2222 Ga. ave. n.w. Funeral Tuesday. ! January 8. at 1 p.m.. from the W. Ernest i Jarvis Co. funeral parlors. IM< GR AW. ANTHONY JOSEPH. Saturday, January 5. 1329. at Providence Hospital, j ANTHONY JOSEPH McGRAW. the beloved ! brother ol Justin McGraw. Remains rest- I ing at W. W. Chambers’ funeral home. | 14th and Chapin sts. n.w. Funeral serv ices at the W. W, Chambers funeral home Tuesday. January 8. at 130 p.m. Intei ! ment Arlington National Cemetery. MILLER. DK. ARCHIBALD 1.01 IS. On Sun- I day. January *>. 1929. at Emergency Hos pital. Dr. ARCHIBALD LOUIS MILLER, 1 husband of Elsie M. Miller. Funeral sen j ices at Ins late residence. 1400 Madison st. n.w... Wednesday, January 9, at 3 p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 8 j NIT.SON. AGNES BUCKNER. Departed this j iife Sunday. January 6. 1929. at 340 am., at her residence. 230 V st. n.w., after a brief illness of nine days. AGNES BUCK ' NER NELSON, beloved wife of the late I James Nelson and mother of John H. and j Joseph Nelson and the late Matilda Nel -1 son Green and Jennie Nelson Barnes: j grandmother of Emma Fox. Henry Charles Nelson and the late Bessie Louise Nelson; I aunt of Annie Kemp, and mother-in-law I of Delilar E. Nelson. She leaves to mourn : their loss two sons, one daughter-in-law. two grandchildren and one niece and a j host of friends. Funeral Wednesday, j January 9. at 1 p in., from Mount Bethel j Baptist Cnurch, Rev. K. Roy, pastor. * j O'CONNELL. DENNIS. On Sunday. January 6. 1929. at the home of his niece, Mrs. I Margaret Boxivell. 21 Todd pi n.e. DENNIS O’CONNELL, beloved husband of lie lute Ella O'Connell. Funeral from the above residence Wednesday. January 1 9. at 8:30 am.: thence to Holy Name Church, v.heie high requiem mass will be ! .sung at 9 am. for the repose of his soul, j Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Rela i lives and friends invited. 3 ! PAYNE. AMOS P. Departed this life Jan | nary 5. 1929. a: hl.s residence, near Walkers Chapel. Va . AMOS P. PAYNE, beloved ! husband of Elizabeth Cathe'ine Payne. Funeral services at the Walkers Chapel Methodist Protestant Church. Walkers Chaoel. Va.. Tuesday, January 8. 2 p.m. * PIIOENIX. A EVERY. On Sunday. January 6 1929. at her residence. 2818 Georgia ave n.w. ALVERY PHOENIX, beloved ; mother of Emma Hawkins. Eva Linker. Richard, August and Isabelle Phoenix. Remains resting at her late residence. Funeral Tuesday. January 8. at 2 o'clock at Mount Zion. Md. * QUEEN. MARY’ A. Departed this life Janu ary b. 1929, at her residence. 2423 N.Chois ave.. MARY A. QUEEN, beloved wife of Thomas F. Queen. She also leaves to mourn their loss two sisters. Ella M Thompson and Jane M. Cutchember of Valley, Lee. Md.; two brothers. Moses N. Hawkins of Auacoslia. D, C., and Sydney J Hawkins of Asbi.iy Park, N. J.. and a host of other relatives and friends. Fu neral Wednesday morning. 8 o’clock, from Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Ana costia. D C\. where solemn high mass will be sung. Interment St. Joseph's ! Cemetery. Morganza. Md. May she rest in peace. • j RANDOM, ADDIF M. Departed this life | Sunday. January 6. 1929. at 3:05 p.m . at I Walter Reed Hospital. ADDIE M . devoted j j husband of Rosa Ransom and brouter of | I Mrs. Carrie Walls. Mrs. Lilia Brown. Mrs. . Rebecca Wilson. Mrs. Josephine Gamble i and Charles C. Ransom, all of Washitu ! ton. Pa. Notice of funeral later. ] SIKF.MOOBE, REBECCA E. Departed this life j I January 6. 1929, REBECCA B. SISEMOORE 1 i nee Lowe), a Emergency Hospital. De- I j voted wife of George H. Sisemoore. Notice I of funeral later. 8* j SMITH. SYLVESTER. On Saturday. Janu- I j ary 5, 1928. at h H s residence. 23 Shepherd j I rd. n.w.. SYLVESTER SMITH, beloved son S of Harry Smith. Notice of funeral here- j alter. Remains resting at ttie W. Ernest Jarvis Co. funeral parlors, 2222 Ga. i ave. n.w I SPITZER. JOSEPH L. On January 6. 1929. at his residence. 3905 Newton at., Brent | wood. Md.. JOSEPH L. SPITZER. ex- • j member 312th Machine Gun Battalion, j j 79th Division, beloved husband of Mary i ; Louise SniUer uice Hudson). Funeral no- j tice later. . 8* | STRIBI.ING. CYRUS W. On Sunday. Jan- j nary 6. 1929. at h:; residence. Falls Church. V.i . CYRUS W ■ beloved husband of Rosa W Stribllnr. father of Fannie Richards, also three ‘users and one brother, residing at Haydock. Ipwu. Funeral from Galloway M. E. Church. Falls Church. Va.. January 8, at 2 pm. interment Wednesday at Staunton, v.i. Relatives and'iiienus in vited. a ! I TAYLOR, ADAI.INE. On Sunday. Januaty 6. 1929. at the residence of her daughter. 1 I Mrs. Frank E. Eider, 2828 38th at. n.w,. I ADALINE TAYLOR, wife of ttie late | H. P. Taylor. Mrs. Tavlor is survived by j her daughters. Mrs. H. C McCammon, ' j Mrs Alice M. Ralston. Mrs. Sue Peel. Airs. ! A. E. Gernbeiiing. Mrs. Frank E F.lder. and one soil. Dr, Harry Taylor. Services at the Tabler funeral home, 928 M st. n.w.. I Tuesday. January 8. at 2 o'clock p.m. i Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Kela- j tives and friends invited to attend. * i THOMAS. PEARL. Departed thus life Janu ary 6. 1929. at 6:30 a m.. PEARL THOMAS, t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Crockett of 962 Florida ave. n.w. She leaves to j mourn their loss a husband, mother, fa- I ther end two brothers. Funeral Wednes- I day. January 9, at 1 p in., from John ; Wesley Church. 14th and Corcoran sis. n.w. 8* THORNTON. TRAVIS C. Departed this life | Saturday. January; 5. 1929. TRAVIS C. j THORNToN. He was born in Prince Wil- I liam County. Va. He leaves to mourn their loss a wife, father, two sisters, one J brother, one uncle, two nieces and one j nephew. Funeral will be held from his > late residence. 1715 Corcoran st. n.w . at 9 j ' o'clock Wednesday. The body will be earned to Prince William Cuuuty, Va., I for burial. * j TINE. VIRGINIA F. On Sunday. January! 6. 1929. at uer residence. 1332 sth ss. , n.w., VIRGINIA E. TUNE, awed 88 years.: widow of me luis Edward 1. Tune and i beloved mother of Mrs. W Frank Walker and Miss Edna H. Tune. Funeral services Tuesday. January 8. at 2 p.m . at Ilygong's funeral home. 1300 N si n.w. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. UNDERWOOD. THOMAS. On Saturday. , January 5. 1929. at Waiter Reed Hosp tal. j THOMAS UNDERWOOD. Remains resting nt the W. Ernest Jarvis Co. funeral par lors. 2222 Ga ave. Funeral Tuesday Jan uary 8. at 1 pin., from the W Ernest Jarvis Co. funeral parlors, 2222 Ga. ave. n.w. VEiIiMEYER. JOHN FRANKLIN. On Sun day. January 6. 1929. JOHN FRANKLIN VEIHMKYKR, aged 74 y<ars. beloved hus band of Mary Emma Veilimeyer. Funeral from his late residence. 823 K si. n.e . Wednesday. January 9. at 2 p.m Inter ment at Glenwood Cemetery. Relatives end friends invited to attend. 8* WARD. ANNIE t. HKKKFI.E. On Monday. January 7. 1029, at the Homeopathic Hos pital. ANNIE E. HERRELL WARD, widow ol Frank K Ward and mother of William Herrell Ward. Remains resting at the S. I H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. , WEI MORE. ELIZABETH BISI.AN'D. Oh Sunday. January 6, 1929. at "Greenway Rise.'' near Charlottesville. Va.. after a brief illness. ELIZABETH BISLAND WET MORE. widow of Charles W. Wetmore. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. New York. B WHITNEY. FLORENCE E. On Friday Jan- * nary 4. 1929 FLORENCE E. WHITNEY. Funeral services (private) from residence ol her daughter. Miss Anice L. Whitney, 3356 Tennyson st. n.w.. on Tuesday, Janu ary 8 Please omit flowers. 7* 3 pallia. WORMLEY. ELIZABETH. Departed this life Monday, January 7. 1929. at her resi dence. 32.3 H st. s w . ELIZABETH WORM LEY. the loving daughter of Garfield Jones and Sarah Wormle.v. She also leaves one sister. Mary Wormlev and a host of other relatives and friends te mourn her departure. Remains resting at the John 8 Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sis. s.w. Notice of funeral later. WRIGnr. CHARLES. On Friday, January 4, 1929. at Garfield Hospital. CHARLES WRIGHT, son of John W'risht. husband of Annie Caynor. He also loaves six chil dren. two nieces, four nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis Co. fu neral parlors. 2242 Ga. ave. n.w. Funeral Wednesday. January 9. at 2 p.m . from the Northeast Union Baptist Church, sth between N and O sts. n.w. YOUNG. ANNIE URA< E. Suddenly, on Sun day. Januarv 6. 1929. ANNIE GRACE YOUNG. Remair.3 resting at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14in st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. Jtt iHrmurfam. EI.LER. AMELIA. In sad but loving remem brance of our dear mother and grand mother, AMELIA ELLER, who departed • this life so suddenly two years ago today, Januay 7. 1927. Some may think we are not lonely When at times they see us smile. Little do they know the heartaches That we suffer all the while No one knows how we miss her. No one knows the biller pain Wr have suffered since she left u«. For life has never been the ,sam» HER LOVING DAUGHTER, SON-IN-LAW AND GRANDCHILDREN. HARDIN. WILLIAM L. A tribute of love to , the memory of my husband. WILLIAM L HARDIN, who left me nine .-ear? a t <•- I dev Januarv ißuo. . D-i 1 Jorge: I f»n in my s'*art >t:e * :•-» . .»<•>** ->>»■«, V.h‘ > rt,d uons monil eye j D-el,r '.rfr;;; aid : I a ■”>»* : P.s V.ei'■■ or lo ge.- V 1 iio loved l ira \si * or ,i in the loney hour, of vmukrnj; Often leel his presence near. MARGARET G. HARDIN. Sleeping peacefully and resting. Life's worry, trial and suffering past. Work, is ended, race is run, you are gone. We are coming, one b.v one. HIS SISTER-IN-LAW, SARAH DULANEY. • IvKOPP, BARBARA. Tn sad but loving re membrance of m.v dear mother. BARBARA KROPP. who departed this life twelve years ago today, January 7, 1917. Mother. I think of you all the time And wonder why the Lord stems unkind To keep me here, where so few care Whether I'm happy and smtlitig or with despair: But when my race Is run I hope to corn* Where I can be with you forever. HER DAUGHTER. • • KROPP. BARBARA. Tn sad and loving r*- I meinhrance of mv mother. BARBARA KROPP. who departed this life twelve | years ago, January 7, 1917. ) ’Tis only a step that divides ns j from glories no mo/iai n*s -.esn. I We shall find h-r when death . grim Se vers Hath lifted the veil between, i Sadly missed. HER SON. • LONG. MAI O A. In sad and loving remem ! branc? of our darling. MALI) A LONG (nee Laurie), who dien 10 year* ago today, j January 7. 1919. anti her beloved husband, SAMUEL C. LONG, who d’ed January 4, I 1919. i J'tsl a line of sv.ect remembrance, j Just a memory, fond and true; ! Just a token of love's devotions, i That our hearts still long tor you. I GRANDMOTHER LAURIE AND AUNT | MAUDE • j SMITH. MARY M. (BABE). A tribute ot I love and devotion to the memory of :nr j dear friend. MARY M. I BABE I SMITH, who departed this life one year »•*•» today, January 7. 1938 HER FRIEND. EDNA M. PERRY. • WHEELER. GEORGIA T. Sacred to the memo! y of our devoted daughter. «ho de j parted this lfe two years *3O today, I January 7, 1927. You shall always be remembered i In this weary world of strife. ! You shall never be foreotten As long as God shall gne me life ! HER DEVOTED MOTHER. ZULOMF, MOORE AND HER CHILDREN, AL THEA AND JAMES A. WHEELER. • MEMORIALS. ..■ * Beautiful—Enduring—CosTcnieal • MILITARY HIGHWAY BEYOND SOOTH GATE Opposite Arlington Cemetery Ride out in the afternoon and j view this wonderful mausoleum j in its serene and permanent tran -1 quillity. This hallowed beauty spot is i an everlasting memorial to the ! love and reverence for those tcho j have passed on. j ENTOMBMENT COSTS NO MORE j THAN UNDERGROUND BURIAL Inepect Now—Opeq Every Day Office 1000Conn.Ave. Main7B97 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Frank Geier's Sons Co. ! 1113 SEVENTH ST. N.W. Main ?47? j Modern Chapel _Telepho*e ,Idln * “ ESTABLISHED l«7fi. JOHN R. WRIGHT CO. NALLEY“i Formerly 131 11th St SE. No Branch Office 522 Bth St. tine. 4-R-* CHAS. S. ZURHORST 301 EAST CAPITOL ST. j Phone Line oln 377. TIMOTHY HANLON Funeral Director Private Ambulance | 0-41 H. St._N.K. I.inr, 5. ; 43 . T. F. COSTELLO Quick. Dignified. Efficient Service. Automobile Sermce Chaoel I W. We Deal & Co. : 819 R NT N.E LINCOLN 8200. Joseph F. Birch's Sons < ISA AC BIRCH) v() v - M St \ W Phone West 80 * _ >V _l Established 1841 V. L SPEARE CO. Neither the successors of nor connected with Ure original VV R Speare e:tablish- BKX. m, I#«9 H si. N.W. Formerly 9111 F St. N.IV. ALMUS R.BPEARE Succeed in)? the original W. R. Speare Co. 1623 Connecticut Ave. Potomac 4600 8 rr». at l'.’ftk H st.. 45 vr%. at 918 F «t. Wm. H. Sardo & Co. Private Limousine Ambulance 412 H St.. N.t I ’ raj Modem Chapel E.incom FUNERAL DRSIONN. We are skilled in srlerting and ar ranging flowers to gecure the best effect Prompt service. L. C. PRICHARD (Inc.) for. I till * II Sts. M. 6779. GEO. C SHAFFER' EXPRESSIVE FLORAL EMBLEMS AT MOD. F.RATE PRICES. TEL. M. 106. M. 2418. Our Only Store, J4th & Eye Prompt Auto Delivery Service. Gude Bros. Co., J2J2 F St. Artistic—expressive—inexpensive. BLACKISTONE, \407~~H Beautiful Floral Designs $5 and up CALL MAIN 870 T. t . —r V' 1 9