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12 PLANE FIGHTS ICE; LEAP SAVES ELVER 24-Ycar-0!d Mail Pilot Be comes Member of Cater pillar Club. By the Associated Press. DAVENPORT. lowa, January 31. The air mail service had lost, another plane today and the Caterpillar Club had gained a new' member. Snow and iec, bane of all flyers, threatened to beat, to earth Pilot Jack Story and his plane, flying at an alti tude of 3.000 feet near here last night, so Story leaped, with the parachute release cord clutched in his Angers. His flight toward Chicago from Kan sas City was a continuous fight against Ihr elements, until the weight of ice forming on the wings forced him to abandon the ship. Over Davenport, Story encountered a heavy snow and a few minutes later he jumped, after first shutting off the motor. He was taken to Moline, 111., by automobile. Story, who lives in Kansas City, is 24 and married. Til* Caterpillar Club, of which he has become a member by reason of having made a parachute leap from a mail plane. Includes in its mem bership Col. Charles A. Lindbergh. PASTOR’S SINCERITY QUESTIONED BY NORRIS Senator Defends His Attitude on Cruiser Bill and Other Measures. By the Associated Press. In an exchange of letters with Rev. A. A. De Larme. pastor of the First Bap tist Church of Omaha, which was made public here yesterday by the National Popular Government League, Senator Norris of Nebraska defended his atti tude on various congressional problems and questioned assertions that “the good people of Nebraska" were ashamed of his attitude toward the administration. The pastor, in a letter written prior to Senate action on the Kellogg treaty, first asked Norris to co-operate for prompt ratification of the pact. He said he was acting on behalf of his con jugation and added: “Posing as a Re publican. you in no sense represent the Republican party.” In reply the Nebraskan wired asking the attitude of Rev. De Larme and his congregation of 842 “on the big Navy bill now pending in the Senate." The pastor answered with word that his con gregation was divided, but that he fa vored the cruiser bill. Senator Norris then went into his stand on public ques tions at length. He contended that to support both the Kellogg pact and the cruiser bill was not consistent. The Jewish rite of Chaltiza. by which a strictly religious widow has to obtain the permission of her dead hus band's eldest brother before she may marry any one else, was introduced in a court case in Shoreditch, England, re cently. i Ia BtlU Chtalttim jf jBl —die Symbol of Quality Since 1788 fl The SUPREME I QUALITY of Baker’s Cocoa has stood unchallenged for 149 years. The fair price asked for it puts Baker quality, purity, nourishment and flavor within the reach of every one. To pay more for cocoa is extrav agance; to pay less is false economy. These authorities say Baker’s Cocoa it host: 78% Profeaiiooal Naraoa F, 79% Home Demonstration /■' ' 82% Domestic Science \ ' m;^g 67% Hospital Dieticisas j/C Steward* 6.1% School l unch Room Manager* 75% Hotel Steward* ~ 87% Fditora of Women'* NYU Magazine* k BAKER’S COCOA R«f U 8. Pst. Off. OIW.' T. Co., lac. ( ,/f * ... JL beautiful complexion is priceless—no woman is lovelier than her complexion and it can be yours if you will rely on Barbara Gould’s Creams and Lotions and do four very simple but necessary things: See that your skin is clean , then nourish , protect and stimulate it. I o accomplish these four things are— 'Barbara Gould's 'Beauty Quartette BARBARA OOl'Ul’j CI.EANSING CREAM BARBARA GOVI.D's TISSI'E CREAM ii the foundation of skin-loveiinras—a nr- bring! hack and retain* youthful roundness cessitv in du*t-)aden cities and hard-water and firmness of contour. Banishes wrin districts. Liquefies instantly, easily removed, kies, Tones the ikin. SI.OO per jar leaves the skin absolutely dean and deli cately fragrant and it costs only JSl.oo BARBARA GOVl.d’s FINISHING CREAM is light, subtly perfumed—and it really BARBARA GOUUi’s ASTRINGENTCREAM vanishes. It makes the ideal base for the refines the pores, keeps away lines, provides new natural make-up that started on the a flawless skin for the sun-tan rage. si. oo Riviera and now rules here. SI. oo t TO,L L " “ ODS 6ayfWajlcxulc! Ltd -• ouster ( j p, FTH Avenve, IJewYork City No. 20 MRS. RUTH McCORMICK ASSAILED AS "BOSSY" BY ILLINOIS WOMAN \ -‘Mark Hanna’s Daughter Wants to Rule,” Says Mrs. O’Neill. State Representative Avers Party Honors Denied Her by Orders. > By the Associated Press. SPRINGFIELD, 111., January 31.—One i woman politician was under fire from another in Illinois today as Lottie Hol ; man O'Neill, State Representative, spoke her mind about "Mark Hanna's daugh i ter”—Mrs. Ruth Hanna McCormick, ' Congresswoman-elect from Illinois. ' | "Her personal ambition for power brooks no intereference,” said Mrs. 1 O'Neill, who is serving her fourth term in the State Legislature. “She has 1 no personal feeling against me, but is Mark Hanna's daughter, with his desire ' to boss.” Mrs. O’Neill said the expression of { her views about Mrs. McCormick in i public affairs might perhaDs be regarded , as "poor politics,” but that she felt it her duty to sound the call to other i Republican women against the “boss ism” of the Congresswoman-elect. G. O. P. Leaders Seem. Worried. The statement was made with her ! announcement that she had resigned i the vice presidency of the Illinois Re- I publican Women's Club. Many admin istration leaders appeared perturbed at her action, but did not comment. Mrs. McCormick became a target for attack when Mrs. O’Neill was refused the chairmanship of the House commit tee on education, being offered instead three minor chairmanships, which she refused. "I’ll take no chairmanship at all.” i Mrs. O'Neill told David Shanahan, i Speaker of the House, and Gov. Louis L. Emmerson. who sought to heal the I breach. "The hand of Ruth Hanna McCormick has balked me at every possible turn, and not only me, but! every other woman in the party with leadership possibilities.” “I have served four terms and de served the recognition sought for me. I was advised that there was no oppo sitlon to me as chairman of the educa *Kot Lost always If you have been so unfortunate as to, have lost something valuable, the loss may be only temporary. Advertisements in The Star under classification of Lost are daily the means of lest articles being re turned to rightful owners. Following is quotation from a letter received recently by the clas sified department of The Star: “Thank you. The ad brought back the dog and I am rejoiced.” The advertisement in question appeared in two issues of The Star under classification of Lost at the small cost of $1.52. THE KVKXTKCt STAR. TrASHTKftTOy. T>. T.. THURSDAY. .TANTARY 31. 1920." MRS. McCORMICK. tion committee. I pointed out that the chairmanship was going begging among the men of the House. Finally is was given Representative Soderstrom of Streator, who has been labor’s repre sentative and who knows there has been no opposition to me from the ranks of labor. "Republican women of Illinois have followed the leadership of Mrs. Mc- Cormick because they saw no other leader. Republican men don’t know how to take her. She dictated by telephone from Washington the treatment ac corded me, and is working against me by a variety of means in my own sena torial district (Mrs. O’Neill is from Downers Grove, a Chicago suburb). One of her lieutenants is in Du Page To See RIGHT j Registered Eyesight Specialist See FORIGHT I on \ F f «» Fr - 7055 Satisfaction Money Back *OO Complete Friday & Sat. only A * IOOO Outfit for $5.00 S Total Cost I FAR or NEAR —Glasses M complete with Toric Lenses and unbreak able Shell Frame. A $lO outfit for only $5. 1 EXAMINATIONS MADE BY DR. C. FORIGHT THE FORIGHT OPTICAL CO. Exclusive QA7 C* Cl. IVT 117 Modern Optics UU# VJ Ol* ilsVT* Equipment At The Wright Economy Plus Value ” j During the Mid-Winter Sale we have surpassed all \ previous efforts. These are examples. Three-Pc. Overstuffed Bed-Davenport Suite No need for worry when the extra | guest arrives—these bed davenports will / give the guest the comfort of a bed. Wood ( | carved frames, three-tone jacquard up- / r \ f holstered, reversible side of cushions in \ JL J tapestry. | Colonial Poster' Double Day Beds, $17.75 Beds, $13.75 Colonial Poster Beds, Roomy comfortable beds, brown mahogany finish; with cane panel ends and double or single sizes. cretonne pad. Drop-leaf Breakfast Tables ccasional <rc 7r (chairs $13.50 Unfinished hardwood, size Occasional Chairs, up -36x48-—paint them to match holstered in tapestry or ve any color scheme. • lour; good design and color. Easy Payments May be Arranged The WRIGHT Co. 905-907 7th St. N.W. “WHERE UNUSUAL VALUES ARE USUAL" y County now with a promised list of patronage. "What does Mrs. McCormick mean? Does she forget that the senatorial elec tion is only two years away? She should seek harmeny by all means In stead of provoking discord.” May Be Reproach, She Says. Mrs. O’Neill predicted that she would be reproached for "speaking openly,” and that United States Senator Charles S. Deneen might be named as being responsible. She said, however, that. Senator Deneen 1 had no knowledge of her statement, and I cannot say that he would approve.” “Maybe I don’t play good politics,” she said, "but I am not going to stand by and see Mrs. McCormick play poli tics at the expense §f Illinois women. "She is brilliant, compelling, of social pretige and of great wealth. My fol- j lowers are of the rank and file.” Mrs. O’Neill said she and Mrs. Me- I Cormick "broke” at Kansas City after j Mrs. McCormick had indorsed Mrs. Bertha Baur of Chicago as Republican national committcewoman, although Mrs. O’Neill said, “I had advised her that the committee was dry, and that Mrs. Baur had campaigned on a beer wagon.” In the weeks remaining before the convention of the Illinois Women's Re publican Club in April. Mrs. O'Neill plans to spend some time “informing Republican women of what Is happen ing under cover.” MRS. M’CORMICK DENIES CHARGES “Only Thing True Is That I Am Mark ; Hanna's Daughter,” She Says. Ruth Hanna McCormick declared to- ■ day that all the points made against her ; in a statement by Lottie Holman O'Neill of Downers Grove. 111., were incorrect "except the statement that I am Mark j Hanna's daughter.” Mrs. McCormick issued a prepared | statement in response to the charges by j Mrs. O'Neill that she was dictating ap- | pointments "at the expense of Illinois j women.’’ “I have been resting in Battle Creek. ■ Mich., for 10 days, and naturally was ! surprised on my return to my Washing ton office this morning when Mrs. O’NeiU's Springfield interview was called to my attention by the newspaper men." the Representative-elect said. “Mrs. O'Neill has been misinformed, it seems. I have not been familiar with the de velopments in Illinois State politics since Gov. Emerson's inaugural and obviously the assertion that I have been dictating appointments by telephone from Washington’ Is incorrect. I have not been here and as a matter of fact I have been taking a vacation and have no information about recent develop ments at Springfield. “So far from having interferred with Mrs. O'Neill's effort to obtain the chair manship of the committee on education, I did not know she wanted it. I regret she was not appointed, as I believe she would ably meet the requirements lof such a position. I have no lieuten j ants in Dupage County working ‘with a I promised list of patronage!’ As a Con gressman-elect, I have no patron age to offer and after I take my seat as congressman, I will have no patron age to offer. I find that Mrs. O’Neiy was misinformed on all the points raised in her interview except the ac cusation that I am Mark Hanna’s daughter.” Quality COAL Try Our Special American Combination of Hard Stove $1 Per Gross Ton May We Serve You? COAL DEPT., MAIN 4270 1320 F ST. N.W. American ICE Company Get Rid of Vile Nasal CATARRH and Stubborn Head Colds ifPv 30 DAYS I jr^y\|Hgtrial| opex^4n/ 95c BOTTLE \ LASTS’TWO MONTHS Insists His Discovery Opens Up Catarrh Stuffed Nostrils in Three Minutes Sometimes Less Advises All Catarrh Victims to End Loathsome Catarrh with Opex and Get Rid of Disgusting Mucus. 30 Days Free Trial Say All Peoples Drug Stores Catarrh, one of the most oaT"reach the bottom of the loathsome of diseases, is caused lungs with Opex. bv germs wicked, vicious, persistent pests that multiply , e ?, r , ,c f ol a ,ott e of Opex rapidly and by digging into and *l ,at ' V,U last * wo months is devouring the tender membrane i 3C i ** j*? it cas, ! y wort * l one cause soreness, swelling, inflam- hundred dollars to any man or mation and mucous discharges. £ t °ahhy Tree" from df," A few years ago Catarrh gusting mucus, was considered incurable, be- Opex usually ends the most cause no one was clever enough stubborn case of catarrh in a to get together a formula that few days, because it soothes would spread oyer the mem- and heals the sore, inflamed branes ot the nasal tract a puri- membranes, reduces the swell fymg substance. ing and purities the entire Rut Opex changed all that nasal tract, and now all you have to do to To make it easy for catarrh get rid of catarrh is to spray sufferers in this vicinity to se on Opex and send catarrh to cure a bottle of Opex and a eternity. specially constructed Opex ato .i • . , mizer, Peoples Drug Stores Just note the picture showing have agreed to keep a supply hSSnSS** ' n cn hand at a ” times and will business. < See the steam-like gladly show anyone how easy ° nC "° * kis to « et rid of disgusting out the other. catarrh at trifling cost. When you use Opex you see Opex is sold with the distinct the healing, purifying vapor as understanding that if vou are fine as smoke coming thru the not satisfied at ihe end of 30 nostrils—and it will come thru days your money will he no matter how stuffed up they gladly refunded. Opex is de arc - . lightful to use because of its Breathe in as you spray— wholesome fragrance. Keep your nostrils as clean as your teeth. OPEX Ends Nasal Catarrh at All Peoples Drug Stores Rebel Officers Executed. GUATEMALA CITY, January 31 (A>). —Col. Fernando Morales and Lieut. Col. Carlos de Peon Regil were executed at Quetzaltenango yesterday morning after a court-martial had found them guilty of rebellion and deprived them of their military ranks. Regil is reported to have made im portant revelation? bearing on the re cent revolution which the government, suppressed. Delicious Dishes You’ve been Missing; • No. 11 i JUST try “Fish Cakes in Peppers"—green peppers * stuffed with Gorton’s < 1 Ready-to-Fry Cod Fish , Cakes, sprinkled with 1 buttered crumbs and < baked in the oven. M-m-m! 1 From the new Gorton , Recipe Book Free { Gorton’s > " Reacffio-fiy * Codfish Cakes 1 THE ORIGINAL GORTON-PEW FISHERIES \ GUnctsttr, Mass. f Dare Horn stein, Secretary General Office*, 1518 K Street UNITED FOOD STORES INCORPORATED ■ Food Storesinji Deliver :ity. At no other | Your Order to get such full | and igh quality, com- | Charge ial attention and ft It to prices. Look for- Your Jnited Stores sign » Account. ■nd the answer to V Pay When You Y eUoW p Cre.rn.ry Sugar Coffee Blitter f a "Our own famous n JL V blend” - . C(1 _ Pound. 39c Lb s**C 55c Idaho Potatoes 10 Lbl ' 35c |i When you || MF AT^ j patronize one i Ifllufl 1 J jl, of our stores j T l . • . . , * Is The meat* in our stores are of the y° U are “ Ca ** j highest grade. Priced moderately. ;!j ing with a !!j I 10#% ,0 “' 1 Prime Rib Roast..." 39c j: concern. i i Loin Pork Roast.. .*• 27c I with us is i kept right Sirloin Steak “ 55c I ]«*•*- 1 Chuck Roast 28c j this the next ; I time you g. J Fancy Sliced Bacon, “ 39c | marketing— : 7 iz±; | PMBp*“4oc >j goes that you I Fresh Hams ,b 25c 1 :j, are spending I | tytt J -I; Fountain Hams. *.>*»**»seiussTssTs*s~ssTs7sTsss'*see. —— 11 ■ 1!' 1 Wise Bros. CereSOta Gold Corby’s Schneider’s ch!se Hour Medal Mother’, Famou. DAIRY floor Bread Rye | MILK il-'."-’ te. Bread • lTllislY p„try Fleer Standard Loaf 8c *' I WerM” 12 jof Purity lie 15c **• 5 * 27c 58c L ” f 9c 16c | COFFEE II Fancy Rice... 3 pk **- 25c I Crisco ,b - 23c Wilkins *£S derful ,b 45c Tuna Fish. ..*-*•« 21c Maxwell House) Tuna Fi, h... I,b *•" 39c waxwennouse; Quaker Oats ... .11c; 25c Onenta Cream of Wheat. .*» 24c I Lord Calvert I f»~ '' ■■■■■— ■ ■ "ii ■■■ ■ i. jjgjSBBBB Fancy Cauliflower 25c k 35c Yellow Onions 2 ,b *- 15c Fancy Green Spinach lb * 10c Fancy Carrots 3 bonch ~ 25c Fancy Beets ; 3 buncheß 25c New Cabbage 2 ,b ®* 15c Celery urge bunch 15 C; 2 ,#p 25c Iceberg Lettuce 10c; 15c Juicy Oranges dot * 25c Fancy Grapefruit 2 ,or 25c k 3 ,or 25c Fancy Cooking Apples 4 ,ba - 25c Fancy Stayman Eating Apples 3 lb "- 25c Choice Juicy Lemons .. dM * 35c Fancy New Potatoes ....4 ,bg * 25c Early June Sifted Peas . .2 **** 25c Fancy Table Peas ca “ 19c Fancy Corn 2 ***“ 35c Good Corn 2 emn * 25c Cut Stringless Beans 2 c4,w 25c Refugee Stringless Beans c#n 25c Fancy Baby Lima Beans **" 25c Asparagus Tips N# - 1 29 c; 17c R n"?? or<1 Fancy Peaches 9C>» Chip** br*. 23c p ß *;i"/ r i; Lirg, Cut Zsc urwwtv ; lb., 32c Fancy Pineapple ?9c calc**, 20c | | ah n j Large Can PAG SOAP J: Pancake * Fruit SaUd KIRKMAN^ 9 L F, ° Ur 9C 25 c Large 45 c “Toap" 8 2pkgS.,2sc Can.. 4 “ M ' Can. 4 c.k.*, 25c Log Cabin Fancy Bartlett IVORY SOAP Syrup p Mn duv 4 cake*. 29c / ’ 27c* *J2<* ir’’"«*a ' 5,0,1 Fi**«c ;l j A<C, OCC 3 Cans, SI.OO 3 roll*. 29c I UNITED "I ... FOOD STORES, Inc.