Newspaper Page Text
20 JOHNSTON DENIES j OUSTER CHARGES Suspended Governor of Okla homa to Be Tried on . February 11. By the Associated Press. OKLAHOMA CITY, January 31. Henry S. Johnston, suspended Governor of Oklahoma, today pleaded not guilty to eight impeachment articles and an nounced himself ready for immediate trial before the Senate court. The announcement was made to the court by Thomas H. Owen of Oklahoma City, one of Johnston's attorneys. Trial on all of the 11 charges re turned against Johnston by the House of Representatives, was set for Febru ary 11. Although today’s hearing was sched uled to include only eight charges, Owen said the suspended governor would waive an appearance on three more, set for February 5, and that he stood ready for trial on all 11 of the charges. Johnston appeared a few minutes be fore the court convened, and sat at a desk in the rear of the chamber. Owen announced that R. L. Davidson, former State Senator of Tulsa and for mer Democratic State chairman, had been added to counsel, which included Owen and Ned Looney, also an Okla homa City lawyer. Grave charges against members of the State Supreme Court were made by two witnesses before a sub-commit tee of the general investigating com mittee yesterday. Hearsay evidence presented by Owen Owen, former district judge of Tulsa, tended to show that an unnamed Su preme Court justice had bartered for his favorable opinion in a case. The second charge was made by Rush Greenslade of Tulsa, attorney for the Gypsy Oil Co., who testified that his company had been forced to settle a case before the Supreme Court for $250,000 in exchange for “the malad ministration of justice.’’ Joseph Bailey, former United States Senator from Texas, previously testified that in his opinion the Supreme Court handed down erroneous decisions in two elec tion contests in which he was in ■ terested. The general investigating committee, delving further into the alleged ac tivities of the suspended Governor in connection with business of the State highway department, was told by J. B. Smith of Noble, a contractor, that word had been given him to "join the crowd.” to buy a certain brand of cement and to execute surety bonds with a certain bonding company or lose out on high way contracts with the State highway department. \ * Henry W. Leinlnger, chairman of the Highway Commission and an appointee of the Governor, told the committee jthat at one time Johnston had asked the commission not to award a paving contract to an Omaha company because he did not like the appearance of its representative. Leinlnger also testified he understood most of the road ma chinery bought during the last year had been purchased from Reed Scott, brother of Mrs. O. O. Hammonds, con fidential secretary to the Governor. CRUELTY IS CHARGED. Mrs. Ethel H. Casteel, 3547 Eleventh street, has filed suit for an absolute divorce from Harry A. Casteel, now residing in New York. They were married February 26, 1927, and within a few months, the wife tells the court, he had beaten her, knocked her down and blackened her eyes. July 3 last, she asserts, he struck her with a tele phone instrument and she left him. Since their separation, she states, her husband has been guilty of miscon duct with another woman, unknown to the wife. Attorney William B. Wright appears for the wife. H 1 “Where the Nets Get the Wear IS And the Clothes Get the Wash” Ml 1 j 5; Which means a tremendous savings not only in cost, *{: • j, ;=; but the life of your apparel and linens s■ \ ij Rough Dry, 10c| ! A ll flat work nicely ironed and wearing apparel : s j! returned fresh , clean and ready to iron \ j SB We guarantee that your apparel, household effects HR and linens will look better and last longer when done \\\ the “MANHATTAN WAY.” Why not send all ss s 5;! your laundry work to the Manhattan? | s s \\ “Eight Main Trunk Lines—Two Operators—To Better Serve You’ Is s ' Phone ( 1120.1121-1122-1123 ,= ! Decatur j 1124-1125.1126-1127 Manhattan Laundry | “ Where the Piets Get the Wear ; = \; And the Clothes Get the Wash 99 * \ \: Wife Poses as Veteran s Widow, Begs From Workers, Divorce Seeker Says In a suit for an absolute divorce filed by James A. Wood, Fendall Building, against his wife, Hattie I. Wood, 1923 Pennsylvania avenue, the husband says his wife posed as the widow of a soldier and solicited subscriptions for flowers from employes of the Bureau of En graving and Printing, declaring “her husband was sleeping on the battlefields of France, when, as a matter of iact. he was trying to sleep on the corded cots of St. Elizabeth’s Asylum.” Wood says he was married November 1. 1906, and was sent to Walter Reed Hospital for mental observation Sep tember 1, 1920, and later transferred to St. Elizabeth’s. The wife and an other man tried, he said, to have a jury declare him insane, but he was released When he learned of the alleged con spiracy, he says, he shot the man and was returned to St. Elizabeth’s, where Interesting to the woman who i has the “value’’ instinct .... the re-opening of xrcp /-> Ct/i? THE BUT wty fr .nmmm JTMt 17 J wumyiAto ORE than interesting are the many exceptional opportunities for say ing... our stocks offer this ______ time. all former stocks in a Disposal event ... with prices that are truly extraordinary , CAPITOL FVR SHOP—I2OB G ST. ;> . ; 1 ; j * ' l V . I THE EVENING STAB, ’WASHINGTON. P. C.. THURSDAY, JANUARY 31. 1929. he was detained for six years before be ing released. He is represented by Attorney Charles N. Joyce. Two co-respondents are I named in ihe husband’s bill. Silverware Set Stolen. The theft of a complete set of silver ware, containing 42 pieces, was reported to police of the eighth precinct last night by Miss Myra Parks, of 2521 North Capitol street. Miss Parks said the theft from her home occurred some time between January 20 and yesterday. The burglars entered through the rear cellar door apparenlty. Besides the sil verware, two $5 gold pieces and a small bank, containing $7, were missing. ■ ■ ■ • The Department of Commerce and Labor was created in 1903 under Roosevelt. Woodward &Lothrop 10*“ 11™ F ANi> G Streets Remnant Day Reductions V 4, V 2 and More Remnant Day merchandise is not returnable or exchangeable; not sent C O* D* or on approval; mail or phone orders not accepted* Tf/T _t _ _ _ t TUT Beverage Glasses, 5c Mirrors and Pictures men S ano I Ouni? • IVien S e ß Si c^ s Yn ,U cr,.t # . 6 .. T &". bl ££ Subject to slight imperfections ular l*-ounce size. Make your selec- , „ > I r S. t — % .. _ _ tion early, as quantity is limited. 1 Venetian Console Mirror. Was r | r I ' O $ I cr Q nCL 42 newer or Fralt Bowls, of colored $25. Now ...|ls WO- 1 fOtlSefS AtlitS. U7’' 3 o 3“. J£f' tStV'it 'SSlVrti.' T.blJ 2 f*ml.Ven,tU» Mirror., w e r, A W JL A vUIJWI iJ t r Glassware at. half and LESS THAN $4.75. NOW .$2.50 one-half rPTCE 4 Revolving Picture Frames: for This exceptional value for Friday only. 50 suits in the as- Glassware, Fifth Floor. pictures. Were $7.50. sortment which includes, for young men, the new double- HoUSewaTCS Reduced 6 Children's' Picture..'' Were’sl.2s. breasted vest suits in blues, oxford gray and fancy mixtures. . .. . ~ . . .... Now 50c. For men, the more conservative models in two and three-uut- imperfections—some slightly dam - fraiSS*”'Were^si^ow 111 ... T °7 s3 ton effects. Weights and colors are suitable for wear aged and shopworn. 2 Etching*. Were $3. Now through the coming season Sizes-Regulars, 34 to 44; ma- i^ure^BtstUr^ shorts, 36 to 40; stouts, 38 to 46. tUii *UiktiV c-Vii? ml- l, n p,ct S re; “ Mar,ne Scene ” w “ 1# Light-weight and Medium-weight Top- 2# Men’s Overcoats, in blue, oxford and *45 , * I Now n,Bh ' Slz * <7 * as * ,v *- Mri,. ‘harden ‘ wL coats, in raglan and box styles. In fancy mixtures. Single and double l "Radiant” "start’' Radiator" Covers sift C ISKw T " ° Oxford grays, plaids and mixtures. breasted or box models. Some of Jyory finish, size 31x32x9',. Was tss. no _•••••• Sizes 34, 35, 36, 38. 40, 42. Were the coats in dark colore have velvet i’Radiant- ' steel ' Radiator ' civVr* Mirrors. Sixth Floor. $65. Now $39.50 collars. Sizes 34 to 40. Were S4O Ivory finish. Size 40x33x9',. Was *42. 17 Four-Piece Golf Suits, of fine tweed and $45. Reduced to $29.75 f"liiuiii' • ' I.;^; ' rim! Rnntr RpfJurtfnn* fabrics, for immediate and Spring 6 Youths’ Suits, with two pairs of trou- ivory finish 4 size rexslxJ't 1 wm »*V DOOK IvcGUCUuIIS wear. Because of the low price. sere. NO ALTERATIONS. 2in Now . . .. . . .\.V* 1 Set of 3 volume* “The Public TROUSERS ALTERATIONS size 34 and 4in size 35. Were $25. 1 ''Radlanrsteelßadiator Coven ma- Papers of Woodrow Wilson.” Was. ONLY. Regular sizes, 35, 36. 38, Now $9.75 m Now 60x27x9%. # was $7 .50. Now $4 40, 42 and 44; stouts, sizes 35, 36, 5 Imported Fancy Vests, chamois lined. 1 “Radiant” steel Radiator Cover; ma- 1 "The Political Education of 38. 39 and 40; longs, sizes 37, 38. Suitable for outdoor sports. Sizes t»A* an w»- nI * h ' Size 24x39x9,/ »- Woodrow Wilson.” Was $4. Now $1 39 and 40. Were $45. N0w..524.75 40, 42 and 44. Were $lB. Now sl9 l "Rad?7nt”'steel Radiator Ceveri ma- 1 ‘‘Letters of Marie Antoinette,” by Mzn’s Store and English Shoe, Second Floor. m in iJ nl,h ' SUe 38x33x9Va - was _ Was Reduced to..ft _ l 3 \jn*ainted' Make-inn Table; 'modern* l If Y f fy 4 M desirn. Was *24 Now **.93 Haggard, 2 volumes. Was $7.50 l\/l r» ,ri ' r-, V. A n . • j Afl , . t llnpainted Day Bed. Was *l3. set. NOW. set $1.59 Men S DOCKS SpCCIOI fPttlY l o "MutVe'hler”' kitc’heii' Pastry Table! Wo'Tta* m™* 101 *" N * W Guin ** - ’,’' w w with porcelain top (size 25x36). and Was $6. Now fl c :„ TS • „ oc xc * T- r> JT • 1 c- 1 •.« double-compartment flour and meal 1 “The Ocean Tramps,” by Them- Six Pairs, $2.25. Men s Fancy Rayon and Lisle Socks, with grjwer. drawer end paltry selves. Was $2. Reduced now to. 50e double heels and toes, in bright new patterns. Sizes 10 to 12. 1 “Mutsehier” Kitchen“Table,' .with 1 Biology, was sl. N0w..;;..50e & porcelain top (size 26x36). bread and 1 “East Wind ” bv Amv Lowell • 33 Men s Colored Madras and Rayon 12 Men's All-wool Pullover Sweaters, plain cake drawer, cutlery drawer, pastry w * 3 N ’ 77 ‘ Shirts, separate collar to match. and fancy colors. Sizes 36, 38, 40 Now d . Rnd meat boa d ' Was V»% 1 “Browninc's Mcssare"to His Sizes i4&to i 6. Were $4 * I *"* r* a Time.” by Berdoe. Was $2 Now.soc 12 Men’s W Siilt" Scar’fiL roifirwi and white * pairsKum-a-part Enamel Links. Were 3 Mftal Mataa/ne stand*." with * two 1 “Barnaby Rudge” and 1 ’’Edwin lz Mens Silk Scarfs, colored and white $3. Now $1 pockets Were *5.50. Now se.s.v Drood ” Were $l5O each Now grounds, in fancy colors. Were $5. 18 Men’s Soft Felt Hats, gray and tan. 1 s-Pieee Decorated suite for Breakfast _» rh * ' ’ 8A nair*°M>n'a Wool and sillr and' Sizes 6%* 7 and 7%. Were $5 and hUh-back'benches. Was *6s* Now M*JW 16 Odd Volumes “Neison’s New ©0 pairs Mens Wool-and-Sllk and Wool- $6. Now $2.85 2 Rainbow Automatic Electric Ironing Onturv I ihrarv »* nil leather.hnnnH s&i»raf r wSfSi uar-as " ?,“,?*• asgssr sas w,Sm.m™k.'hlS? 2< Men', F»ne, Silk B,w Ttei. Were >l. t$ Men’s Gmr Moehs 'sn. C.lf.kln sr«itT’:'iie I 'tn.fbil'*fflshS”wiai; oj3 0 j 3 2 Babv Rpcord, Werr.l Now'' en!" Now .... 56c Gloves. Sizes in lot 7Mto 9. Were st , a 9 ble No f l om 22 to *4 1 Sbv Reco3 wS *l 40 Now' The Men’s Store, Second Floor. $3.50 and $4. Now $1.85 4 “Fyt-Ali” Radiator cover*, "wood Also 1 Table of Children’* Ranks train and marble flnishea. Width 9 * Ta ® ,e GhUdren s Books, a f j /-* f T 5 ft ,( n i . inches: adjustable from is to 34 inches. greatly reduced for clearance. Mens Arnold (Move Grip Boys Leather Bedroom a» Oxfords,^’ 45 Were 111 Slippers, *2- n Merest ~ _ n J «... ~,, J 15 Pairs Brown Vlel Kid Oxfords. 14 Pairs Patent Leather Opera Bath and Botidoif RtlgS BrOCade Silk, I* 5 yard combination last, leather sole and Slippers, leather sole and heel. Lot of Reversible Chenille Rugs, Was $2.65. 50 yards of Japanese rubber heel. Sizes in the com- Sizes 1, IH, 2%, 3,3%, 4,4%, 5, with attractive and colorful chintz Brocade Silk in light blue, gray’ bined lot as follows: AA 9'/ 2 , lO 5% and 6. , borders: and rose-beige. *o®’w’. 11; S MVi?. “e 11 #• 5 Blu * KM opera Slippers, qay.s' Vi B is 80 7ards All-silk Broadcloth. In 29 Pairs Daniel Green Comfy leather sole and heel. Sizes 1%, s ™ 5H5 gray. Wassl.6syard. Slippers, in tan, blue, black calf 2 ,2% and 3%. Reduced t0..52.55 f 81,85 500 R « mnants of Colored Crepe do and patent colt. Several styles In , w nn . r . Rucs * FirTH Floor. Chine, in lengths from 1 to 4 the lot, but not all sizes in each r» 4 yards. REDUCED ONE-FOURTH ?%. s £ uv* wire 1 M.75 Rug Reductions iS2 E MORE «* <SOTCK <***• to *4.50. Now 12.80 • Coir* Green Kid Onma Slipper*. B«t xt vm*»«7'"o* ,U No»*" U 4 TIVsS Silks Seconb Floo. 75 Pairs Leather House Slippers, sizes 2%, 3t 2 ,4, Reduced i 4.6*:.# Wonted wStM* Rut" Was Silks, Second Floor. in tan, red. wine, blue and patent to $2.95 s“'7*M 0 5i*'h:iiiii"wWri wiiun Bn*? «r 1. t 1 t-* « « colt. Opera, Romeo and Faust 19 Pain Tan Elk Oxfords, straight wen ■ *n * Novelty Jewelry RcdllCed styles, but not each size. Sizes tiD and leather sole Sizes R * tx« Hith-trede Ov»i chenille Rues. „ „ ' *> VWMVV ** 6,6%, 7, 7‘/ 2 . 6. B>/ 2 , 9V,, 10, 10% 13%. 1> 1%, 2,3, 3%. 4,4%, 5%. Now' 11 * *° lM ‘ A * U ' W *” *M73 l4 E,, Nnw ed U ° h Bru * he •• Were and 11. Were $5.75 to $7. 6: C 11%, 2%, 3. 3%: D 11%. 2 27x54' 'ChenYlie' Both Ruts.' ' Were tl _ _.UV LT, ’ •.V • V LL* 1 Now $4 30 Were $5 and $6 Nnw t*c.2s. Now *4.25 19 Enameled Cigarette Cases. Were _ ■ V « „ ••**** were $5 ana $6. NOW $-.95 S Wx3# Hltb-trude Chenille But*. $5. Now The Mens Store, Second Floor. Boys’ Store, Fourth Floor. *?-TisiSmuerud* 'Braided 'R»« 'So 2 Enamf, '‘ d Cigarette Cates. Were Boys Wool Suits, *8^ 5 mh i , ' antique). Was *65. Now 543.5# 1 Enameled Bridge Brush. Was 18 Fine Suits of sturdy wool fabrics, in medium and dark shades. Two pairs i. 9xl ?-S,?l o, 4l°® m c * r,,et *«• golf knickers Full cut and well tailored. Taken from regular stock and a *xM Reami?» W . ' Bre.dieem 'c.rpA 3 Enameled Shoe Hooks. Were $2. reduced for clearance. Sizes 5,8, 8,9, 10, 11, 13 and 16. was *57.50. Now 539.*.v Now 50c “ SfI&ES? ” r&h&Z j|B »/s m c.ssss“&? n 8 d ?«: 9Sf«3S r J!?s ,,^“ 4 & SK¥rrE~::S ' U’riSu'cld"*”.' 1 ..“. !T*'.. *S& . ,M r*»«T C.*M. 4Mt inm. «rt«.We » F 'n" w. N *" , ‘ T 112 Van Huesen and Arrow Brand Col- weight.riewpatterns. Sizes 7% to “As* 1 ?* ***' waV^MsVjfow. w sm 2 French Gold Garters. Were $5. lars, in various styles. Soft, semi- .. ax. neaucea to 25c 3 36x6* imparted Bath or Bedroom Now $1 soft and laundered styles. Sizes 33 Merode and Duofold Underwear. f.W; W i r t o h w emb<>lsetl desl,n - Novelty Jewelry, First Floos 12 to 14. Reduced to, each 5c wool and cotton. Sizes 3 and 4 1 9x12 Hith-trade seamless Axmintier <■ . I Junior Worsted Sweaters. Size 4 years. years. Reduced to 75c R««- sinhtiy damaged. Was *55. y Reduced to $1.95 17 pairs Fine Wool Golf How. made In Super-auaiitr Chinese r»i.*wb', VJOOOS IVCaUCea , 11 Wool Hose, for the small boy. Size 6 England. Excellent weigS mod *495 Now **vv 1 Green Ecrase Bag, fitted with years. Reduced to_ .....25e patterns. Sizes 7. 7V4 8. ch * B,,u comb, purse, mirror and powder The Boys’Store, Fourth Floor. Were $3.50. Now.’ $1.95 1^" -U?d ule£ min Taapa' Crpit box. Was sls. Now ... .$lB | n ?h*e** wide’ * Was With mlrror - PUrse and pßSSport Sporting Goods Reduced Printed Chiffon Evening odd Lot” of Carpet 'sample*; speciai'ly I 1 Green Underarm Bag, alligator iflrsjr?. *Z Handkerchiefs, 75c M prlce ' LK Sleh^k 1 Stewart Mashie Niblic. Was $6. 25 Dozen in this verv sDecial sell- * . v , j r% J J ecrase trimmed. SLIGHTLY DAM now $4 ingTomorrew ilvSyMarge wft Art Embroidery Reduced aged, was $16.50. now., m 4 Burke Jiggers. Were $4. Now $2.50 chiffon squares—modem in de- l Hand-embroidered Baby Sactne. *• Morocco Enve 1e pe Bags,. 1 Burke Driving Iron. Was $4. sign—and delightful in their arrav w,s * 4 - Now . trimmed with snake calf. Were Now Tr. $2.50 of pastel colorSgs y idwTNow e,,,t r,ctur * .. W ss ¥i 5 -, No Z —”r ” 1 Burke Putter. Was $4. Now $2.50 H*im«.rwT* M w™., ssiik and Oeorsetu Cnpe Nightgown 2 Sewing Boxes, in rose and pur -1 Stewart Mashie, left-handed. Was Handkerchiefs, First Floor. Ba«7 in peich and rose'! Were *is pie. Were S2O. Now sl2 $6. Now $4 Y- f; < T> f . I*° CarVla'se' uibe'' ap'd' riliiW'.'' China 3 Sewing Boxes, in orchid, blue 1 Ray Model Putter. Was $6. Ju>ngllSll PorCClclln stilt quilted. Was *l2. Now .ft and rose. Were sl7. N0w....510 Now $4 O * If rt < * 1 Hand-qoilted Pillow, China silt 1 Purple Sewing Box. Was sls. 4 Nichotls Brassies, steel shafts. OpeCially rtiCCCi Hat ' Box.' irien ' flowered* Now •• • ** Were $lO. Now $7.50 2# rnvered ni<h» or was sis. Now ... M 1 Rose Sewing Box. Was $25. 1 Spalding Brassle. Was $lO. 36 Oatmeai snecial lie **•**» ",?“ er .. e “ brotd S e & Now. ..sls NOW $7.50 12 Soups, special.!..... * *lse 1 Hand-embrolderod Csrd Table Cover 4 Sewing Baskets, rose, red and 2 1 McGregor Clock. Was $6. NOW $4 2 Platters, snerial *nd_ four napkins. t Was, *7 50. Now .M brown trimmed. Were 813JW. 1 Kpav«lai« numb lira e*o xr n «» (* ta m* . *. ' ••••#* 0.000 • 5vC I Qrccn end Orchid Tiffeti Quilted Now 818 o K r? y^on c,e *** Was * 8 - Now $5.50 The following pieces are of Ameri- Pillow, was *B. Now. ...... . « ,- ” • ‘ 'r.-t,' ' 2 McGregor Spoons. Were $5. ran Porcelain, in the attractive DrM »' ot plnk TOile WaS ,s % Sew ™ r "Jff,; I’SSMWJ Was $lO Now $8 i Fillow. Was *5. Now *?.mi case. Were $6. Now $2 Sporting Goods,* Fourth Floor*. ALSO f.ScySEe?Sf China ndi ** T-> f« i vr< A f few pieces Os artistic Pottery at 1 Hand-embroidered Crash Purse. Was 515.30. NOW. ■■ ■ ■....... JiIP.OO Radios and Victrolas reductions of one-fourth and more. “ ranej TaffeU H.ndk.rehief irom Were Now $! Marquisette Curtains Smoking Accessories ? No. 43 Orthophonie Victrola. SoCClal sl*4s xSAiT *** Wm * 5 50 S ow w «X* ' M 1 Smoking Set. “As is.” Was “As is.” Was $95. Now $65 7* . P ai * Art Embroidery, Seventh Floor. $4 50 Now $2.50 1 Victrola fused as demonstrator). lUO pairs Ruffled Marquisette Curtains, , tvt f. 1 Brass Cigar Box. “As is.” Was ‘‘’ Was S2OO. Now S4O fine quality, in ecru, ivorv and white. 300 Remnants Wash $5.50. Now $2 ■ ™ an " and ,ie b i ck! '"?***■ Dress Goods Reduced {gggg fe % S- wZV. S? Marquisette Curtains -u. »r 'wM «£ Now $75 ODCCiaI. $l*JO tjair assortment of rotors tn lot. N *• • «« •« lst R Atif*£? b Jr e V» si* - 3 »r r A new *^P ment of 100 palm Ruffled Now“vard Cetaneae W “ 81 go c 4 Cigaretto Lighter*. Were sl. • SfSW 52^. ‘ were fig eiectric model. Complete w*l *h tains*”Were mm SO* Now*** M 25 5*w 0 “ A,P * C *‘ a * 85 ° y *45c 1 Was* ’Now!!!!!!.$2 Radio and^Vctrol? 1 Ray: *'Was ' 58c' yard J JJ Fourth Floor. Were $8.50. Now. . .$4.25 Now ......• • •■••• •••• •• • ;J c 1 Cantor Set. “As is.” Was $3.50. .. . . , * F * lr * Cotton and Rayon For- Cotton Broadcloth. Was 50c yard. N fl __ rVltnfnrte tlere*, mulberry, 2% yards long. Now 33c I oa j r oner* Glass** '"“As is” wool Illiea Were $13.50. Now $5.75 Cotton Poplin. Was 75c yard. w.« S1 a° P "L- G A «ia SfVciat 1 Pafr * c ® tton Rayon For- Now 55c ® l4 * Now. ......... ....sls •jpccidl, Cacti tieres, red and brown. 2% yards Printed Percale. Was 28c yard. Smoking Accessories, First Floor. 26 Wool-filled Comforts with figured long. Were $13.50. Now $5.75 Now 21c _ _ 72x78 "incites! n bord * r ‘ B!7 ' 1 Pair Cotton and Rayon Portieres, Printed Zephyr. Was 45c yard. LugfgfagC, TTrUllks Bedding, Second Floor. . !*}« ?i ue, * yards lon *- Were Now 33c r w sn m fT?A r* so . f * l3 i s <> . #b Week-nna Candy Special 2 Pair* Fine Portiere*, one green yard. Now 43c i ritied ’initikiert'' w« '•« • 2Pounds 95c !£«.“!» n«.wc*.n«». »’' C?eSS m 'Co^ h 0 DlimSS 81 J |“|* f*~ Junior Misses’Oxfords t»*Fmu, sut* fio«. now^ 1 !!!... mc i Gudii... Bw. wuintiu.'' $2.95 Were S6SO Imported "Swan-Brand” 34 TouriatT’* Bapa Were $1.45. I 2 Hat Boxes. Were $18.50. Now $lB 19 pairs Junior Misses’ Tan Calf Ox- f_ i xi tr ok Now 85c 1 Hat Box. Was $27.50. Now $17.50 fords, lizard calf tin and saddle leather V*omDmailOflSp ’O* 7 '* 50 Single Compacts, assorted pow- 1 “Neverbreak” Wardrobe Trunk, soles and heels Sizes AA 4; A 4Vi»’ 7; Were 17.35. SA. *9 and 59.75. io aults, ders. Reduced to 20c three-quarter size; SHOPWORN. # pairs Junior Girl*’ Tan Calf Ox- i-Tl TOILET GOODS, FIRST FLOOR. Was $37.50. Now ....S2O fords, lest her sole. Sixes A 12 ’it. lS'j.: "en«h BIB AUo hlth-neck kl lona-sleeva _ _ .4 j-t*. 1 “Neverbreak” extra aise Trunk. at?Jg m 5* 8 1. length?*m’z.s ‘"n* fot* 6, DoZCTX Rolls Toilet TISSUC Karltol lined; SHOPWORN. Was •trap Pumps, blonde kid trimming. a ...... I , . $39.75. Now ~...522.50 ?3 Be *l?'V 2 ’D a, 'liii 3 ’ 13 ,/J i 11 "Were 12 **' Combination*. Low-neck. sleeveless SpCCllllf 78c Trav*LlNG GOODS, FOURTH FLOOR. Now ° ■ it M Style*: ankle length. Sizes In lot, 5 77. R pairs Children’s Pirate Beets, patent Now*' sli,htly iolle<l ’ Wer * cut totle" tissue; fl l.ooosheeu’to the roll. Q CA. M.j’H’VWirc*® Piaymg Card* saawuwgSa^si P p ß%. 8 wsrf H and \£ Now.®sl« »ow „..•.. SoCCiaL 44c medium and large sizes.soe 10 P c r onl^* te Wers n V« tr *Now mBSP *’ Bloomers, lierode, &unsln*wear and Gilt-edga Playing Cards with fancy SanitaryPettlcoaU ••• • • • • s*o * pairs Children’s *Comfv SUaioan, Kayser makes; In small, medium and backs, put up In cardboard cases. An Bayen Elastic Sanitary Belt*; in ref bluVand rose Tilt. SiwlO'i i a „ r # a t? , SS , „aTr ast Now ad “- Wera 3 m2 unuauaf opportunity to supply your medium and large sizfl*... 50e only. Wer# *2.35. Now SI.7S » nd «•». ®« r - Wow _ 95e future need*. _____ Children’s Shoes, Fourth Floor. Knit Underwear, Third Floor. Stationery, First Floor. Notions, First Floor.