Newspaper Page Text
I. WEATHER. , (V. 8. Weather Bureau ForefysO Snow- or rain and slightly bolder to night; tomorrow snow or rain, slightly colder; minimum temperatfife about 28 degrees. Temperatures: Highest, 61, at 3:15 pm. yesterday; low/st. 36, at 7:35 a.m. today. Full report/jn page 9. Closing N. Y. Market's, Pages 14 and 15 Entered as second olasq matter post office. V.ashin-ton, IX <\ No, 30,975. HOOVER RETURNS TO HIS HOME HERE EROM FLORIDA TRIP President-Elect Is Warmly , Greeted Bn Route by Many Admirers. ‘EXPECTED TO CONFER WITH COOLIDGE SOON Inaugural Address and Selection of Cabinet Will Occupy Next Ten Days. With his inaugural address and the selection of his cabinet still unfinished tasks, Herbert Hoover returned home today to the Capital of the Nation that will acclaim him President on March 4 after nearly a month of restful vaca tioning in Florida. The comparatively small crowd on hand at Union Station as the special train that carried the Hoover party from Miami arrived early this afternoon was in marked contrast to the swarms of people who greeted the President elect at various points along the route homeward. Mr. Hoover gave a friendly wave of his hand to those who gathered ■bout the train gates and a hearty 1 greeting to the few personal friends "who met him at the station. It was Mr. ■Hoover's wish that his final home-com ing before the inauguration be as sim ple as possible. . Mr. and Mrs. Hoover were greeted as they stepped off the observation car by Dr Hubert Work, chairman of the Re * publican national committee. The only other friends at the station were George Akerson, private secretary to Mr. Hoo ver, and former Representative A. w. McLafferty of California, one of his chief aides. . MaJ. Edwin B. Hesse, superintendent of police, was in charge of the special police detail. Stops at Richmond. At Richmond, Va., this morning the Presidentelect stopped a few moments while a new engine was hooked to the special train carrying him. Mr. Hoover was so&ted in the observation car when the train arrived. Efforts of persons to board the car to see the next Presi dent were frustrated by station attend ants, who allowed none of the gathering to pass through the gates to the train * * h withln a few minutes after his ar rival here, Mr. Hoover was whisked away to his residence, at 2300 S street, where he will, during the next two weeks, hold his pre-inaugural confer ences, political and otherwise. Although no arrangements were made in advance for a meeting Hoover and President Coolidge, it Is ex pected at the White House that he will foUow his custom on a former occasion and arrange soon to call upon the Pres ident. This interview between the Pres ident and his successor will probably take place late today or tomorrow. Engagement for This Afternoon. The only engagement which Mr. Hoover has already made is for 3:30 Slock this afternoon, when he will re ive at his residence the son of the esident of Brasil, Senor C. Louis de usa, who is to leave Washington to night for New York after a brief stay at the Brazilian embassy. The Ambassa dor of Brazil will accompany him to Mr. Hoover’s home. Mr. Hoover is receiving the son of the Brazilian President as a return courtesy i for the hospitable entertainment he re ceived at the executive mansion in Rio ide Janeiro while visiting that country on his recent tour of South America, j So far as present plans are known, •Mr. Hoover intends to spend tonight and tomorrow quietly at his home. No engagements have been made for him. unless perhaps he goes to call upon the president. Picture of Health. Browned by the Florida sun. Mr. Hoover looked the picture of health upon his arrival here. His return to Washington ended travels by rail and water of more than 30,000 miles since the November election. Adding the miles by automobile, the total will exceed 35,000. His recent vacation, as the guest of J. C. Penny at the Penny estate at Belle Isle, will be the last he will take before entering upon his arduous duties in the White House. There is every Indication that the i President-elect will be very busy be-1 tween now and the day of his inaugu ration. He is expected to plunge al most immediately into conversations with leaders of the Republican party in and out of Congress, both with re gard to the make-up of his cabinet and the policies which his administration I . will pursue with respect to Congress. Mr. Hoover will not open headquar ters here, according to present indica tions His office, so far as he has one, , will be his home. 4 FRENCH FLYERS SEEKING RECORD, ON WAY TO CAIRO !Le Brix and Paillard Complete First Lap of Hop to Hanoi by Landing at Tunis. By the Associated Press. TUNIS, February 19.—Joseph Lebrix and Sergt. Maj. Antoine Paillard. noted French flyers, who are on a trip to Hanoi, Saigon, left Tunis for Cairo at 10:30 o’clock this morning, Greenwich time. The men, who hope to establish a new record for a flight from France to Hanoi, accomplishing it in less than five days, started from Marseille last night and completed their first lap to Tunis in good time. Sergt. Maj. Paillard has been chiefly interested in efforts to break the long distance flying record, while Lebrix is particularly noted for the combined round-the-world plane and ship trip, which he and Dieudonne Costes made in 1927-28. Costes and Lebrix made a brilliant flight across the South Atlan tic to Port Natal. Brazil, and eventually continued on in short hops to the United States. Bank Statements \ : Washington bank clearings, $4,875,- I <05.71. * United States Treasury balance, ' £74.237,546 18 New York exchanges, $1,976,000,000; balances, $192,000,000. ftStSPli receipts, $3,631,114.79. PRESIDENT-ELECT BACK FROM FLORIDA Wmm m t. -v *• ,V , M I lit#* \ 1 •jv \ K b mm** •**«< # \ FT jj A j 3? MBBSW MHBgpsNwMwyßagr "><■<■ - r 11 m m9h v : •§gflßPß|L 1| Jgx v ’ :^ - % MH^anaai ■.> i . I ■ '■ '- - ' - T ' - ; ~ > • MR. AND MRS. HOOVER, ! Photographed at Union Station when they returned from Florida this afternoon. —Star Staff Photo. EUROPEAN FLOODS BRING NEW MENACE Localities Hard Hit by Cold Now Face Toll of High Water. r . ; ■■ ■ By the Associated Press. LONDON, February 19.—Flood ter rors replaced rigors of bitter cold over a large part of’ Europe today. It was .feared that when the toll of the inun dations, real and prospective, was com plete, it would equal or surpass that of the cold. The Danube and tributaries swelled over their banks and forced many from their homes. Melting snow and ice caused disastrous floods in Macedonia and Thrace. Bavarian rivers over flowed, while rising temperatures in Northern Italy foreshadowed rapid swelling of rivers there. Temperatures Less Extreme. Temperatures were less extreme than they have been, but in many localities the thermometer had not risen to above zero, or freezing, centigrade. Advices from the Danube district, where ice and snow have been piled 6 feet thick over the surface of the river, indicated a worse situation, pos sibly, there than elsewhere. The Dan ube and its tributaries had not only to carry off the huge load of melting ice and snow, but faced the hazard of ice dams which spread its waters over wide areas before they could be broken. Widespread havoc was reported from Thrace and Macedonia, where the Struma and other rivers overflowed, sweeping away bridges and hundreds of cattle and flooding homes. A number of peasants were drowned. Part of the City of Cavalla, site of an American to bacco depot, was submerged, while Heraclia was transformed into a vast lake with inhabitants being fed by ; merchants who plied their trade in boats. Jugoslavian and Grecian 'Sol diers co-operated to save lives and prop erty. Large Areas Flooded. In Bavaria large areas were flooded by overflowing rivers, the situation add- , ing greatly to the suffering from what j was still extreme cold. Meanwhile it was reported from j Stockholm that the ice barrier along ] the southwestern and southeastern ! coasts of Sweden was growing steadily, 1 although once a day communication was being maintained with Denmark and Germany. Numerous steamers were still stranded, icebound, in the Bal tic Sound and the Cattegat. A huge snowstorm stopped all train ! service in Southern Sweden and in some sections of Scania inhabitants had to dig their way out of houses through second-story windows, so deeply thev were buried. Continued intense cold was predicted. Britain's hope of a thaw has not yet been realized although the cold has greatly moderated and at present does not exceed what is often found here. Storms off the Spanish coast did seri ous damage to the fishing fleet. One boat was wrecked and another barely made its way into Bilbao, while all Ashing at Almeria was suspended. | Asturias Province experienced a touch jof cold wdlh freezing temperatures | recorded at Oviedo. Spain until now has escaped the general European cold. Two Escape Kidnapers. MEXICO CITY. February 19 (#).— Dispatches to El Universal from Yure cuaro, Michcacan, say that two em ployes of the express car of the train from Los Reyes which was dynamited Thursday escaped from insurgents who kidnaped them and returned to Yure cuaro safely. Brazil River on Rampage. SAO PAULO, Brazil, February 19 —The Ttete River, in the heart of Bra . zil's coffee-growing district, is experi encing the worst flood in 40 years. It has overflowed its" banks for sev eral miles. Five thousand houses are under water and twenty-five thousand people homeless. Heavy losses are ex pected. ■ W)t Muxum f&fctf. J \ y WITH SUNDAY MORNING EDITION \-S WASHINGTON, 1). C., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1929-FORTY-FOUR PAGES. * EVERY DETECTIVE IN CHICAGO QUIZZED 525 Members of Mobile- Squads Questioned in Gang Murders. By the Associated Press. CHICAGO. February 19.—Every de tectjve squad member on the Chicago police force was called in for question ing in the gang massacre investigation today. Each was asked: "Where were you last Thursday morning between 10 and 11 o’clock?" That was the hour in which seven of George ( Bugs) Moran's men were lined up in a North Clark street garage and slain. State's Attorney John A. Swanson is sued the order for questioning of the policemen. “It isn’t because Swanson believes the gang killers were led by city detectives," one of his aides explained. “It is be cause he is not absolutely sure that they were not.” Coroner’s Life Threatened. Coroner Herman N. Bundesen re vealed today his life had been threat ened twice in the past three days which he attributed to his activity in investi gating the massacre. Sunday, Dr. Bundesen said, he re ceived an anonymous telephone call, in he was told “you will be the next to go if you don't watch out." Yes terday, he said, he received an anony mous letter, asking him how the "like to kick the bucket.” Most witnesses have mentions that the slayers were using a detective bureau squad car. Several said that two of the five men in the automobile wore police uniforms. Police Commissioner William Russell is convinced that no policemen were in volved, but he is lending his assistance to the State’s attorney to clear up the mystery. ’ It is the commissioner’s theory that if any of the slayers w-ore uniforms it was as a disguise. . . Every squad car that has been sold in the last few years is being traced. In this manner, police believe, they, may J find that the machine used by the mur- I derers was. as witnesses said, a police car. but one that had been disposed of | by the department, j There are 525 men composing the j mobile squads of the detective bureau. , One hundred were questioned last night by members of the State’s at torney’s staff. It was not revealed whether any of the several persons who saw the murder car were called upon to attend the inquiry and attempt Iden tification, Stege Ordered Home. Deputy Commissioner John P. Stege, one of the department’s aces in gang crime investigations, has been ordered home from Havana, where he had gone : on a month’s furlough. Stege is ex pected to take charge for the police tomorrow'. . Investigators were still searching for Dan McGurn. who is known to police as an expert with a machine gun. McGurn during the past years has twice been marked for assassination, being desperately wounded on one occa sion. Police are certain that the execu tion of the seven Moran gangsters was the work of a marksman, pointing out that between 20 and 30 slugs were fired into each body, and that only a few hit the brick w'all in front of which the victims were lined. Mayor William Hale Thompson madp (Continued on Page 2, Column 6.) - ” • !j MISSION UNPLANNED. Argentina Will Not Send Special Party to U. S. for Inaugural. BUENOS AIRES, February 19 ijp) • The Argentine government has decided • not to send a special mission to Wash ington to attend the inauguration of ■ President-elect Hoover. • A special ambassadorial mission will I be sent later aboard an Argentine war • ship to reciprocate Mr. Hoover's visit here, howevt*i MELLETT’S SLAYER AND FOUR OTHERS FLEE OHIO PRISON Saw Way to Freedom and Escape Under Cover of Blinding Snow. SEVEN OTHER PRISONERS REFUSE TO MAKE DASH Two Serving Life Terms for Murder Accompany McDermott—Warden Blames Inside Aid. By the Associated Press. MARIETTA, Ohio, February IP Washington County authorities and Marietta police were summoned to Lowell, 10 miles north o! here, today after Sheriff C. B. Henery of Morgan County reported that W. W. Youqg, one of the escaped prisoners, and an other man had been located there. Sheriff Henery said that one of two men had been positively identi fied as Young and that he and his officers were closing in from the rear. By the Associated Press. COLUMBUS. Ohio, February 19. Three life-term murderers, including Pat McDermott, slayer of Don Mel lett, Canton publisher, and two other prisoners, sawed their way to freedom from the State penitentiary here early today. They dropped from the roof of the resldenoe of Warden Preston E. Thomas and escaped binder cover of a blinding snowstorm tflat soon obliterated their tracks. Besides McDermott, those who es taped are . William Young, 40, Washington County, serving a life term for murder. Mike Jacko. 21, Cuyahoga County, serving a life term for murder. James Walton, 30. Cuyahoga County, serving a term of 12 to 25 years for robbery. Joe Rosso. 28. Cuyahoga County, serving a term of 10 to 25 years for robbery. No Clues to Direction. The blinding snowstorm left officials with no clues as to the direction the men took in leaving the penitentiary. All extra guards were sent out to search near the prison immediately after the escape was discovered and police of surrounding towns and cities were noti fied to be on the lookout for the men. Seven other prisoners, including an other life-term murderer, who were quartered with the five escaped men refused to make the dash for liberty. One bar on each of three cells was sawed in two with a hack saw, an aperture wide enough for a man to crawl through being made. The escape is believed to have been made between 4 and 5 a m. After the five men left their cells, they slipped along the corridor of their tier, which is in the front of the peni tentiary, then mounted to the roof through a ventilator. From there they crawled to the roof of the warden's residence, suspended their improvised ladder made of mattress material and bed clothing from the roof and slid to the ground, disappearing in the snow filled darkness. Named as “Trigger Man.” The crime for which McDermott was sentenced—the murder of Don R. Mel lett, crusading Canton publisher—was one of the most sensational Ohio has known. The freckle-faced Pennsylvania boy who found his place in the gang lands of Cleveland and Canton was named as the “trigger man” in the Mel lett slaying. Young was sentenced to life for the murder of Harrison L. Boyden, Mariet ta policeman, during an attempted safe robbery at Marietta in the Spring of 1925. He is said to have been known in Ashland, Ky., as a safe blower. Jacko was sentenced In 1927, at the age of 19. for the murder of John Souze, a Cleveland butcher, during an attempted hold-up of the butcher shop. Walton, alias Walden, was sentenced to serve 12 to 25 years for the hold-up of a card game In Cleveland in 1927 In which $4,000 was stolen. He is said to be wanted in Philadelphia for murder. Rosso was sentenced in 1927 to a term of from 10 to 25 years for a minor robbery. Blames Disobedience. In a statement issued several hours after the escapes Warden Thomas fixed responsibility on “ignorance and disobedience of orders on the part of officers.” He said that, some officer had In trusted the key to the ventilator door to an Inmate plumber and had thereby paved the way for a collusion between the plumber and the escaped men. Thomas also said that the “so-called 6 o’clock count’’ did not reveal anybody missing while the prisoners, who re mained in the cells, declared that the men had escaped between 4 and 5 am. The statement made by Warden Thomas soon after the escape was dis covered by Dan Donzo, record clerk, when he came on duty about 7:35 a.m., was as follows: “The whole thing illustrates that no mechanical device, made or conceived, will withstand ignorance and dis obedience of orders on the part of of ficers. Investigation has shown that some officer trusted the key to the ven tilating corridors to an inmate plumber thereby giving the plumber the means by which a collusion seems to have been formed between him and those who es caped by leaving the corridor door un locked and only held closed by a small wire. “The so-called 6 o’clock count did not report any one missing, while testimony from the seven men left in the three cells shows that the men left between 4 and 5 a.m. CONVICTED AS “TRIGGER MAN.” McDermott Sent Up in 1926 In Slaying of Canton Editor. CANTON, Ohio. February 19 (4 > ). Pat McDermott, who escaped from Ohio Penitentiary today, was convicted as the “trigger man” in the slaying on Don R. Mellett, Canton editor. McDermott, a Cleveland underworld figure, was serving a life sentence, hav ing been convcited of first-degree mur der, with a recommendation of mercy. Mellett was shot to death the night of July 16, 1926, as he was putting his car in the garage. McDermott had hid in Cleveland and later went to Nanty 010, Pa., his home, where he finally ag»eed to surrender. McDeimott, who is 28 years old. was taken to the penitentiary on January 12. 1926. after vain attempts to gain a ' new trial. , ML THE GREAT PROHIBITION DEBATE. ATTORNEY GENERAL HINTS NAME BORAH 5 Reports Say Hoover Wants Him for Job, but Idahoan ! ' Prefers Senate. 1 ______ * BY G. GOULD LINCOLN. Finding an Attorney General is giv , ing President-elect Herbert Hoover con cern, it was reported as Mr. Hoover re turned to Washington today from his Florida vacation. One of the most recent reports is that Mr. Hoover has sought to be pre , vailed upon Senator Borah of Idaho, to head the Department of Justice in the new administration. Benator Borah, chairman of the for eign relations committee, who is promi nently mentioned in connection with office of the Secretary of State, Is to stay in the Senate, however, according to the information at hand today. Senator Borah, himself, declined to dis cos* in any way the report that he had been offered the office of Attorney General. It is known, however, that the Idaho Senator is wedded to the work of the Senate. He is aft outstand ing figure in that body and doubtless can remain a Senator as long as he desires to seek re-election. The President-elect is anxious, it is said, to place at the head of the De partment of Justice a man who is known to the country and a man of great legal attainments. Further more, one of the issues of the next few years will be the enforcement of the prohibition law, and it is likely, it is said, that the next Attorney General will be picked from among those who personally favor national prohibition. Senator Borah has all the qualifications to fill the office, but while he has made no public answer to the suggestion that he head the Department of Justice, it if* understood that his inclination is to continue as Senator. A number of men have been promi nently mentioned in connection with the office of the Attorney General in the Hoover cabinet. Among them is Col. William J. Donovan of New York, at •present an assistant to the Attorney General, a warm friend and supporter of Mr. Hoover during the campaign. The prediction hak been made on a number of occasions that Col. Donovan would have the office of Attorney Gen eral. More recently, however, reports have placed Col. Donovan in the office of the Secretary of War. provided he is to enter the cabinet. Silas Strawn of Chicago is another whose name has been used in connection with the spec ulation. If anything would lead Senator Borah to consider favorably appoint ment to the office of attorney general it is believed it would be the fact that the problem of enforcing the prohibi tion laws is likely to be placed under the Department of Justice. In the opin ion of the Idaho Senator, the problem of enforcing the laws is one of the most important which confronts the country today. 11 PERISH FROM GAS. Homeless Parisians, Seeking Haven From Cold, Asphyxiated. PARIS, February 19 (/P). —Eleven homeless Parisians who sought refuge from the bitter cold in a house in the Batignolles quarter were found dead this morning from asphyxiation resulting from a broken gas pipe. A twelfth was found unconscious, but was reanimated after considerable ef fort. Two mothers in the group were poisoned to a lesser degree. Yesterday’s Circulation (Til* iEuritutg &tar Monday, Feb. 18, 1929. .109,793 Monday, Feb. 20, 1928.. 105,079 Gain.. 4,714 The Star’s circulation grows with the city and suburbs. Yesterday’s Advertising Local Display. The Evening 5tar..24,517 lines* 2d paper 6.780 3d paper 5,244 4th paper 4,655 sth paper 1,247 17,926 lines Star excess. 6,591 lines Merchants use The Star more than all other papers com bined, as The Star covers prac tically the entire community at one cost. i $5,000-Year Pension Is Sought for Widow Os Woodrow Wilson The House committee on pen sions, In executive session today, voted a pension of $5,000 a year for Mrs. Woodrow Wilson and $l5O a month for Mrs. Leonard Wood. The pension for Mrs. Wilson is identical with the pension now received by Mrs. Theodore Roose velt. widow of the former Presi dent. The pension for Mrs. Wil son was voted after Senator Swanson and members of the Virginia delegation appeared be fore the committee requesting that such action be taken. The committee also voted to Include members of the Coast Guard under the general pension legislation for service branches. This places those injured in line of duty with the Coast Guard on the same footing with those simi larly Injured in the Army, Navy and Marine Corps.. PEACE IN MEXICO PUT UP TO CHURCH Catholic Compliance With Constitution Will End Con flict, Official Says. By the Associated Press. MEXICO CITY, February 19.—Act ing Secretary of Interior Canales told Mexican Roman Catholics In a state ment published in Mexico City news papers this morning that the .church authorities had it within their power to restore peace In Mexico. It was mere ly necessary, he said, to comply with the constitutional regulations on re ligious subjects. The statement is an answer to that published yesterday from Mgr. Miguel De La Mora. Bishop of San Luis Potosl, and spokesman for the Mexican Epis copate, which denied participation and responsibility In recent Mexican bomb outrages. This responsibility had been alleged by President Portes Gil. Secretary Canales said that the Cath olic clergy continued Its work from 1919 to 1926 under the same consti tution which Ls now In effect. It finally suspended religious services in 1926 with enforcement of the legal regulations based on the constitutional provisions as a pretext. These legal regulations, he said, do not affect the religion It self and are similar to regulations the Roman Catholic clergy meet in other countries without objection. Cites Insurgents’ Activities. The statement says it is public knowl edge there is an armed movement against the government, refering to in surgent activities in states of Jalisco, Guanajuato and Michoacan, and that this movement, rightly or wrongly, is taken as a defense of the clergy against "so-called attacks on them.” It is logical also, he said, to attribute the bombing of the presidential train Feb ruary 10 to such a “defense.” Referring to that part of the eccle siastic’s statement, which said the gov ernment’s requirement that all priests inform the civil authorities of their ad dresses is humiliating. Canales declared this to be untrue. The demand for ad dresses, he says, is merely a measure taken as a part of th* investigation of a enme, apparently referring to the at (Conttnued on Page 2, Column 4.) Little Red Dog Who Sang Like Bird Dies Os Old Age at National Zoological Park The celebrated dog which sang like a bird at the National Zoological Park died of old age yesterday. This little red dog was the only specimen of his kind in captivity in the world. He was the South Ameri can bush dog. a native of the dense swamps of interior Brazil, whose ex istence had been considered legendary. Even the swamp Indians seldom see one of these animals. It is, according to Dr. William M. Mann, director of the Zoo, almost en tirely a nocturnal animal which in habits only the denser tangles of the jungle swamps. Nobody goes into the swamps at night, so it escapes all con tact with man. The animal is a real dog, Dr. Mann says, but approaches the otters with its partially webbed feet. It probably spends a good deal of its time in water. The Zoo animal was kept for several years as a pet by an American diplo matic officer in. Brazil before it was The only evening paper in Washington with the Associated Press news service. Yesterday’s Circulation, 109,793 (A>) Meant Associated Press. $2,427,514 DRY SUM UjGED BY COOLIDGE To Submit to Congress Sup plemental Budget Estimate. By the Associated Press, v President Coolidge has drawn up for submission to Congress a supplemental budget estimate recommending that an additional $2,427,514 be appro priated for prohibition enforcement in the fiscal year ending July 30, 1930. The item of $24,000,000 for dry law enforcement was placed in the de ficiency appropriation bill at the in stance of Senator Harris, Democrat, Georgia. The House declined to ac cept it and since then the bill has been tied up awaiting Senate recon sideration. Recently the Treaausy informed the House appropriations committee that it could use $2,500,000 more immedi ately to strengthen enforcement by the Prohibition and Customs Services. Mr. Coolidge decided to recommend the supplemental appropriation after conferences with members of the House and Senate, the Treasury Department and the Budget Bureau. To his callers from Congress it seemed best to deal in this way with the situation brought on by the $24,000,000 amendment. They wished to be consistent in their stand on the subject, it was explained, and the President was willing to waive consistency on his part to bring this about. Mr. Coolidge was of the opinion that he had recommended appropriations covering all amounts it would be ad vantageous to spend, but was willing to be guided by the judgment of those with whom he conferred. WOMAN’S KIDNAPING STORY BELIEVED HOAX Probe of Bethlehem, Pa., Police Dropped After Plea Led Them oit Futile Search. By the Associated Press. BETHLEHEM, Pa„ February 19. Belief that a frantic telephone appeal to State police from a woman to rescue her from kidnapers was a hoax led State police to drop their investigation of the case today. A woman who called the local State police barracks last night said she was Mrs. Lloyd Schaeffer of Mauch Chunk and was being held by kidnapers in a house at Highland Park. Salisbury Township. The connection was then abruptly broken. It was at first reported that the wires at the house had been cut, but this was later found to be un true. When a squad of State policemen reached the house they found it aban doned. It was learned that a Mrs. Floyd Schaeffer resides at Mauch Chunk, but. was not at home. State police said that relatives at her home were not concerned about her whereabouts. ' ■■ • Wales Plans to Visit Canada. LONDON. February 19- <7P)._while visiting the Canadian section of the British Industries Fair todav, the Prince of Wales said that he intended to endeavor to visit Canada again in the near future. sent to Washington. It was one of the gentlest and most friendlv ani mals in the Zoo. but remained asleep, curled up in the straw, most of the day. When its back was stroked, it would start singing in a tone that was very close to that of a bird. It never'barked like a dog. There was even a birdlike sweetness in its chirping.' The bush dog had .been ailing for i several weeks before its death, but there , seemed nothing definite the matter wi h ( it except senility. This probably Is the one animal in the Zoo, says Dr. Mann, that cannot be replaced for any amount of money. It is so rare that even zoologists sometimes question whether there is any such ani mal in existence, attributing the occa sional accounts of seeing one to Indian phantasies. x Radio Programs—Page 31* TWO CENTS. FORMAL CHARGES DRAWN AGAINSI CAPT. BURLINGAME Specification Accuses Him of Writing Love Letters to Palmist. CITIZENS’ TRIAL BOARD HELD ILLEGAL BY BRIDE Capitol Conferees Eliminate Cara* way’s Amendment to D. C. Bill Halting Pay. The board to try Capt. Guy E. Burlingame was announced this afternoon as follows: MaJ. D. A. Davison, Assistant Engineer Commis sioner; Dr. Edgar A. Bocock, super intendent of GalUnger Hospital, and William P. Richards, tax assessor. Formal charges on which Capt. Gup E. Burlingame, suspended commander of the second police precinct, will bo called upon to answer before an ex . traordinary trial board were completed this afternoon by Corporation Counsel William W. Bride and his assistants. The general charge is “conduct preju dicial to the good order, reputation and , discipline of the police force*” it con tains a specification accusing Bur lingame of conduct unbecoming an of ■ fleer, alleging that he wrote certain lova letters, which were Introduced as evi dence in the case by Representative ■ Blanton of Texas, to whom Mrs. Helen F. Blalock. the missing Seventh street palmist, gave her sensational affidavit in Abilene, Tex. Hasten Plans for TriaL With the formal charges drawn, plans now are being made for the trial, which will be held the latter part of this week or early next week. The Commissioners. In session this after l noon, also are considering the per ; sonnel of the special board which will hear the charges against the police captain. The appointments are ex i pected to be made late this afternoon. according to Commissioner Proctor L. r Dougherty, chairman of the Board of Commissioners. Meanwhile, at the Capitol it was learned that the conferees had elimi nated the amendment attached to the District appropriation bill in the Sen ate on motion of Senator Caraway, > Deißocrat, of Arkansas, providing that . none of the money carried in the bill be used to pay the salary of Capt. Burlingame until he has been vindl : eated of the accusations made against 1 him. It was indicated that the conferees ■ felt the amendment was not necessary, since Capt. Burlingame had been sus [ pended pending a trial. Hunt Complainant. The only remaining obstacle that may hinder swift completion of the plans for the trial, it developed, is the lack of a complaining witness. In the ab sence of Mrs. Blalock. It was pointed out. an official of the District Govern ment will have to assume that position, but none can be found, it seems, who is willing to appear in the role of com plainant. The opinion of those in charge of the prosecution of the case is that Maj. Edwin B. Hesse, superin tendent of police, should be made the complainant, but it is known that he will vigorously oppose such a plan. Maj. Hesse takes the position that the case is not officially in his hands and that it would not be in accordance with customary police procedure' for him to appear as the complainant when other officials of the District gov ernment have in their possession the information on which the charges are to be based. In other words, Maj. Hesse thinks an attempt is being made to make him “the goat.” Capt. Burlingame is entitled to 48 hours In which to prepare his defense, but It Is believed he will be allowed addl tional time if he wants it. Burlingame, however, is understood to be prepared to go to trial and is known to be anxious for hasty disposition of the case. But with Washington’s birthday, a holiday, coming Friday, it is likely that the trial will be deferred until Monday. Bride Rules Against Special Board. Corporation Counsel Bride prevented the original plans to appoint a special trial board composed of a majority of persons outside the District service in s written opinion he submitted to th< Commissioners soon after they con* vened this morning, which held thal such a board would not be legally con stituted as the municipal government has no fund available to compensate the members. As a result, the Com missioners. it was said, will appoint d board composed of employes of the Dis trict' go vemment. Bride and Ringgold Hart, princlpif assistant corporation counsel, both in formally held last week that the Com» missioner* had authority to create t special trial board made up of any “person or persons” they should ap point, but a question was raised latef whether such a board would be legal if the members were not paid for their **u V T^e Commissioners then asked Bride for a format opinion. Despite the serious accusations con talned in Mrs. Blalock s affidavit. BrldS and his assistants were forced to con one the charge to conduct prejudicial to the good order, reputation and discipline or the Police Department, due to the absence of the palmist. _ The renewed activity at the District Building to bring Burlingame to trial followed two Important conferences yes terday between the officials concerned, both of which were surrounded with secrecy. After Bride returned from the House Office Building, where he con ferred with Representative Blanton of Texas, he called an executive meeting of two of his -assistants. Ringgold Hart and Walter Fowler, and Maj. Hesse and discussed the case for several hours "Not a chirp, not a chirp," he told newspaper men after the conference. “Anything I might say now may jeopardize the case." It was learned, however, that the plans were laid at this conference for actual preparations of the formal charges against Burlingame. « Maryland and Virginia News Pgw 10 and 11,