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COLORED WOMAN’S PROGRESS RELATED Government Speaker Finds Encouragement in Pres ent Situation. £ The colored woman still is an In dustrial pioneer, but she is making slow progress toward wider employment and better working conditions. Miss Mary Anderson, director of the Women’s Bureau, Department of Labor, last eve ning told the National Conference of Colored Women meeting here. The conference is meeting at the headquarters of the National Associa tion tor Colored Women, Twelfth and O streets. “We find much to encourage us in the colored woman's present situation,” Miss Anderson said. "In 1019 the Women's Bureau made its first study of her problems and we found deplor able conditions. But when we made a second study more than a year later, covering all the same plants and some additional ones, we found that the con ditions under which the women were working had been materially improved and the sanitary conditions especially were noticeably better." “Here in Washington,” she pointed out. "we have an occupational school as part of the public school system, where colored girls can receive excellent train ing for the needle trades and for restau I* Central Armature Works I 625-627 D Street N.W. Phone Main 3660-1-2 SPECIALISTS Industrial Power and Lighting Works 1 Transformer Vaults, Switchboards Generators, Motors and Controllers Installed and Wired Leader s for IS Years tffeQamtifa! &}H&k A Home Without a Counterpart Os true Colonial type, in the center of practically a half acre of gracefully terraced ground—lavishly landscaped —on one of the most commanding corners— Kennedy Drive and Chamberlin Avenue Designed and built by our own organization—which • means Kennedy quality has been carried out in every detail from foundation to finish. First floor— Third floor— Basement— Solarium Two Bedrooms Heating plant and Dining room Handsome bath. oil burner Breakfast room * j > Kitchen L * Undry Pantry with elec- Servant's Recreation room trie refrigerator quarters— Second floor — A , . , , • w ' „ » Are located above /■» Three Maater Bed- . Uarage— the garage, con rooms - ... , . Two luxurious sisting of two With capacity for baths rooms and bath two big cars An unique feature of construction is reinforced concrete for the entire first floor—rendering the building practically immune from Are hazard. Fixtures are of artistic design. Draperies and rugi specially made and fitted to the home—and are. included in the purchase price. Following the policy of the development of Kenwood—the price is notably low. Open for inspection Sunday from 10 A.M. to 9 P.M., and every afternoon and evening. | Three Ways lij Motor out Connecticut Avenue, through Bradley Lane, crossing Wisconsin Avenue, continuing under the viaduct to entrance to Kenwood, three short squares on the left. Motor out Connecticut Avenue to Chevy Chase Circle,* turning left into Grafton Street, through Dorset Avenue, Somerset v . - Or motor out Wisconsin Avenue to Dorset Avenue, I] j Somerset, which will lead you directly into the south entrance I of Kenwood. |j | Development Co. 2400 Sixteenth Street Columbia 7280 rant and cafeteria service. • • • It Is significant, too, that Negro women have gone into many more industrial occupa tions than those in which they were found when the last census was taken.” Colored women from several cities at tended the conference, which closes to day, for the discussion of subjects relat ing to industrial welfare and develop jment among their race. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. TODAY. The International Association of Art and Letters will have its monthly tea at the Portland Hotel from 4:30 to 6 o’clock. Business meeting afterward. The National Genealogical Society will i meet, s o’clock, at the Mount Pleasant Public Library. Prof. Henry 8. Jacoby of Bethlehem, Pa., will speak of “The Pennsylvania Germans.” Job’s Daughters will celebrate De Molsy night in the Eastern Star room .of Masonic Temple, Thirteenth and Nea’ York avenue. Entertainment. : Dancing. State Council, Daughters of America, will give a card party for the benefit of the orphans’ home. 8:30 o'clock at Masonic Temple,'Eighth and F streets northeast. The Biological Society of Washington will meet, 8 o’clock, in assembly hall of the Cosmos Club. Speakers: C. W. Stiles, United States Public Health Service, and C. F. Swingle, Bureau of Plant Industry. Visitors are welcome. The Virginia State Society will give an Easter ball, 9 o’clock, at the Willard Hotel. Representative Joseph T. Deal, president. The National Press Club Post. Amer ican Legion, has invited the members of the National Press Club to a stag entertainment, 8:45 o’clock, in audito THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON P. C., SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 19291. rium of the National Press Club. Box ing. Vaudeville numbers. Front Line Post, No. 1401, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will give a card party this evening at Plcardi’s, 1417 New York avenue. Proceeds for the Vet erans of Foreign Wars Orphans and Widows’ Home at Eaton Rapids, Mich. Public invited. The Brown Alumni Club will give its annual dinner, 7:80 o’clock, at the La Fayette Hotel. Dr. A. M. Mead, the university vice president, will be the guest of the evening. “A Mediterranean Cruise,” will be the subject of a travelogue by Dr. Francis J. Lukens, 8 o'clock, at the League for the Larger Life, 1706 L street. Ad mission free. J FUTURE. The Red Triangle Outing Club will meet at Cabin John line entrance to Glen Echo Park tomorrow at 2:30 o'clock. Hike will be along Minnehaha Creek, ending at Brookmont, with ex tension to campfire party at blubhouse. Bring flashlight and lunch. Coffee will be furnished. Waldburg Hewitt will lead the Red Triangle Outing Club around the Tidal Basin for a cherry blossom walk, to be followed by breakfast at the Washing ton Hotel Coffee Shoppe. Meet at Sherman Monument tomorrow 7:30 a.m. A free lecture, “Culture Among the Tramps," by John S. Gambs, tomorrow, 3 p.m., at the Secular League, 1006 E street. Public invited. The Brookland Citiaens* Association will meet Monday. 8 p.m., In Masonic Hall, Twelfth and Monroe streets north east. Annual election. Philathea Class of Marvin M. E. Church will give a song and style show under auspices of the Loyal Women’s Class, April 12, 8 p.m., Fifteenth street and Kentucky avenue southeast. The Wanderlusters* hike for tomor row will start from the end of the Mount Pleasant car line. Dr. Skinner will lead. OR. i. W. JENNINGS DEAD. Dr. John W. Jennings, retired phar macist and lawyer of this city, whc has resided in Clarendon, Va„ since his re tirement from business, died Thursday. Dr. Jennings was a member of the District bar and the Los Angeles bar, having practiced Jaw at both places as well as before the United States Su preme Court. He had long been an ac tive member of the Baptist church. Burial will be in the cemetery at Clarendon, Va., tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock.’ OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT FINE MEN’S WEAR EISEMAN’S—7th & F Legislator Dies Representative Whitmell P. Martin. SUCCUMBS AT 79 YEARS. Mrs. Paulina Bonavriea Passes Away at Home of Daughter. Mrs. Pauline Bonavries, 79 years old, for many years a resident of this city, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. Scalia. 3210 Warder street, yester day. She had been in fading health for several months. Mrs. Bonavries Is survived by eight daughters, Mrs. Scalia, Mrs. A. Cefarat ti. Mrs. A. Wisconsin, Mrs. A. Rockelli, Mrs. H. Mensina, Mrs. A. Eacrini, Mrs. T. Loneardi and Miss M. Bonavries; three sons, A. Bonavries, M. Bonavries and S. Bonavries: 25 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren. Funeral arrangements are being com pleted. ■ HENRY gTkING, 91, DEAD. Body Taken to New Hartford, lowa, Where He was Postmaster Henry O. King. 91 years old, retired postmaster of New Hartford, Butler County, lowa, and for a number of years a resident of this city, died at his Home, 1427 Newton street, Thurs day. He had been failing for several months. The body was taken to New Hartford today for burial. Por the past 10 years Mr. King had been an active member of the Bible class at Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church, having been a regular attend ant there until several months ago. He Is survived by a sister, Mrs. Mary J. Cornwell. Mr. King would have been 92 years old in June. ■ ■ • - . Marriage License Issued. By • Staff Correspondent of The Star. UPPER MARLBORO. Md.. April 6 A marriage license has been issued here to Miss Alma Marie Oanpp of Seat Pleasant, 20, a secretary, and Robert E. May, 23, 1029 Park road, Washington, a lawyer. SMALL ORDERS? CERTAINLY No Delivery Charge GEO. M. BARKER CO. 649-651 N. Y. Ave. 1523 7th N.W. Phone. Mala 134*-I*4* YouVe always got willing servers —in this Bank. Customership here carries with it personal inter ifest am * personal attention-giving it* you quality of service that isn’t q;S computed in terms of the size of an account—but in that spirit of co operation which we extend to all “The Bank W ith a Smile ” Washington Savings Bank Tenth and Grant Place Thos. E. Jarrell, Pres. J. D. Leonard, Vice Pres. & Trees. m || To Baltimore- ffl Motor Coache* tllß _ Leave every hour on the hour, 8:00 A. M. to 8:00 P. M.—then 9:30 P. M. Hl* and 12:00 Midnight. (Noon motor coach „/g leaves 12:15 P. M.) Baltimore atop—Union 30 IjyjL s^j|UWj Bus Terminal, Liberty and Redwood Streets. ME Washington Ticket Office and Waiting Room INTERNATIONAL TOURS $925 sSM 1421 Pennsylvania Ave. dmf Sap - J3&K [Nm d—r I. Child. B.M.ur.nll ■■ ■ , h — Mtrrop ° i, " n ' p DURHAM J^^J|JdOPLET miMm *“**" EVERY MAN WHO SHAVES gw —whether he earns S2O or SSOO a week, should immediately investigate our service. We hone year dull safety blades and razors to the keenest edge since the development of the razor. Bring or mail in a dozen. It’s really marvelous. Single Edge, 3c; a. KTICHK Double Edge, 4c; Razors, 50c. * We Hone Anything That Cuts. We Sell All I Standard Make Blades, 6 for 2Sc and Up CALL, WRITE OF PHONE FOR CIRCULAR AND PRICE LIST. VELVET-EDGE COMPANY HI SUITE 212, INSURANCE BUILDING 907 15th St. N.W. * I Phone National 8627 W. P. MARTIN DIES AFTER OPERATION: ———. t v ■ l - ;.• *.„ / . . • . ~. j Louisiana Representative for Seven Terms Victim of Stomach Disorder. i Representative Whitmell Pugh Mar- : tin, Democrat, of Louisiana, died at Oarfield Hospital early this morning ' following an operation yesterday for a stomach disorder. He was in his sixty second year. Mr. Martin was about to begin his eighth term in the House. He was a member of the ways and means com mittee and played a leading part in the present tariff revision deliberations. He was particularly active in consideration of the tariff levy on sugar, one of the principal products of his home State. The Representative made his home at Thlbodaux, near New Orleans. He was born in Assumption Parish. La., and studied in public schools and under private tutors until entering Louisiana State University, where he was graduated in 1888 with the degree of bachelor of science. He began the study of law at the University of Vir ginia and, after passing examinations before the courts of Virginia and Louisiana, started practicing law in 1891. Was District Attorney. Leaving Assumption, he moved to Thlbodaux, where in 1994 he was made superintendent of public education. In. 1900 he was appointed district attorney. in that section and served in that | capacity until 1907. Mr. Martin was elected as a Progres sive to the Sixty-fourth and Sixty flfth Congresses and was nominated by the Democratic party and elected with- j out opposition to the Sixty-sixth, Sixty seventh, Sixty-eighth, Sixty-ninth, Seventieth and Seventy-first Congresses. Long a champion of the sugar inter- 1 ests of his State, Mr. Martin fought for 1 a higher tarifT on this commodity. After enactment of the Underwood tariff, ; which placed sugar on the free list, he j bolted the Democratic party and be came a Progressive, being elected as ! such. Service Unbroken. He later returned to the party fold, j however, and had been a stanch sup- I porter of its principles since. His long : service in the House was unbroken. The Representative entered the hos- ; pital here March 27. He had been in : good health up to that time, his friends , said. At the hospital when he died were : his daughter, Mrs. William D. Tabor of ! this city. Miss Elinor Johnson, friend j of the family, and Jacob S. Landry, his secretary. Mrs. Martin, who was Miss 1 Amy Williamson of De Sots Parish, La.. , died in 1923, and a daughter, Amy 1 Whitmell Pugh Martin, succumbed in 1 1914 at the age of 12. Two sons of the Representative, Mar shall L. and Robert C. Martin, are ex pected here tomorrow. The latter is a student at Louisiana State University, ( while Marshall is in business at Thibo- : daux. It is expected the body will be taken i to Thlbodaux for burial some time next week. Luncheon at Marlboro. j By a Staff Correspondent of The Star. UPPER MARLBORO, Md., April 6. —Court Bishop Carroll of the Catholic Daughters of America will give a chicken luncheon Tuesday at 11:45 am. in Oibbons Hall. Marlboro. Mrs.l Helen Cross is chairman of the com- j mittee in charge. t THE WEATHER District of Columbia, Virginia and Maryland—Partly cloudy tonight and tomorrow; not much change in tem perature; moderate southwest winds. West Virginia—Partly cloudy tonight and tomorrow; not much change in tem perature. Records teg XX Heeura. Thermometer—4 p.m., 79; 8 pm, 75; 12 midnight, 68; 4 am., 69; 9 am, 60; 11 a.m, 68. Barometer—4 pm, 29.90; • pm, 29.90; 12 midnight, 29.93; 4 am, 29.94; 8 a.m, 80.04; II a.m, 80.03. Highest temperature, 88, occurred at 11 a.m. today. Lowest temperature, 56, occurred at 6:15 am. today. Temperature same date last year— Highest, 81; lowest, 59. TMe Tables. (Furnished by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Today—Low tide, 12:11 p.m.; Ugh tide, 5:26 am. and 5:50 p.m. Tomorrow—Low tide, 12:36 a.m. and 12:59 pm.; high tide, 6:14 am. and 6:37 pm. The San and Moon. Today—Sun rose 5:46 am.; sun sets 6:36 pm. Tomorrow—Sun rises 5:45 a.m.; sun sets 6:37 p.m. ■ Moon rises 4:27 a.m.; sets 3:13 pm. Automobile lamps to be lighted one half hour after sunset. Condition of the Water. Great Palls—Clear. Weather in Various Cities. ■ Temperature, wfo I ?? rest , Stations. | 2.2 |lo- weather. 5 £ * 1 j j j S Abilene, Tex.... J*. 74 82 66 ....Cloudy Albany. N. Y..„ 29.92 66 4* 0.6* Cloudy Atlanta, Oa ... 30.20 *2 62 .... Pt.cloudy Atlantic city... 29.96 60 S 2 0.06 Pt.cloudy Baltimore. Md.. 30.00 7* 5* 0.44 Cloudy Birmingham ...30.20 84 62 Clear Bismarck. N. D. 29.68 46 32 088 Cloudy Boston. Mass... 30.04 36 38 0.04 Cloudy Buffalo. N. Y... 20.86 64 36 0.74 Cloudy Charleston. B.C. 30.24 80 04 .... Clear Chicago, m 29.80 80 70 ....Clear Cincinnati, Ohio 30.02 84 66 Clear Cleveland, Ohio. 29 90 78 68 .... Cloudy Columbia. 8. C. 30.18 66 62 ....Clear Denver, Colo 29.5« 62 42 .... Clear Detroit. Mich.,. 29.84 76 86 ....Clear El Paso. Tex... 29.70 78 64 .... Pt.cloudy Galveston. Tex. 30.06 78 72 .... Clear Helena, Mont... 29.92 24 * 0.16 Cloudy Huron. 8. Dak.. 29.78 80 38 .... Clear Indianapolls.lnd 29.96 82 6* ....Pt.cloudy 30 28 82 62 ....Clear Kansas City, Mo 29.78 74 6« .... Pt.cloudy Los Angeles 30.00 56 44 .... Clear Louisville, Ky.. 36.08 84 6* ....Cloudy Miami. Pla 30.22 78 72 .... Pt.eloudy N. Orleans, La.. 30.16 82 68 Clear New York, N.Y. 30.00 W 50 066 Cloudy Oklahoma City. 29.82 76 64 Pt.cloudy Dmaha. Nebr 29.70 82 58 004 Clear Phlladelphia.Pa. 30.00 66 66 032 Cloudy Phoenix. Arte... 29.82 7* 54 Clear Pittsburgh. Pa.. 29.98 80 68 .... Pt.cloudy Portland, Me... 29.16 56 36 O.lffßain Portland, Oreg.. 30.04 46 36 Cloudy Raleigh. N. C.. 30.12 84 64 .... Clear Salt Lake City.. US 40 26 0.64 Cloudy San Antonio... 20.92 8* 70 .... Cloudy San Diego. Calif 30.02 60 48 0.06 Cloudy San Francisco. 30 02 50 40 ....Clear St. Louis. M 0... 29 92 86 70 Pt.cloudy St. Paul. Minn.. 29 58 76 48 0.02 Clear Seattle, Wash... 39.98 46 34 0.04 Cloudy Spokane. Wash.. 29.84 44 32 00« Pt.cloudy WASH, D. C... 30.04 S 3 56 0.05 Pt.cloudy FOREIGN. <7 am, Greenwich time, today.) Temperature, weather. London. England 32 Clear Paris. France. 33 Clear Copenhagen. Denmark.... 32 Cloudy Stockholm, Sweden 28 Clear Gibraltar, Spain 52 (Noon. Greenwich time, today, i Horta (Payal), Azores 5* Cloudy <Current observations.) Hamilton. Bermuda 66 Clear San Juan. Porto Rico,.. 78 Clear Havana. Cuoa 72 Clear Colon, Canal Zone *0 Cloudy MRS. WM. L. ALSOP DIES. Funeral to Be Held at St. Aloysius Church Monday. Mrs. Pauline Cramer Alsop, wife of William L. Alsop and a lifelong resi dent of this city, died at her home, 208 D street, yesterday after a short illness. Mrs. Alsop was the only daughter of Mrs. Margaret Cramer and the late Cyrus L. Cramer. She Is survived by her husband, mother and a brother, Cyrus J. Cramer. Funeral services will be conducted In St. Aloysius Cat hoi is Church Monday morning at 10 o’clock. Interment will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery. Col. J. W. Fuller It Dead. SAN FRANCISCO, April 6 UP). —Col. James Wheeler Fuller, wealthy cement manufacturer of Catasauqua, Pa, died at a hospital here yesterday after an illness of two weeks, contracted while on a recent tour of the Hawaiian Islands. Fire Halts Firemen's Reception. HAVANA. April 6 UP).— Havana fire men, dressed in their smartest uniforms for the reception of 75 visiting Florida firemen, put on an unexpected exhibi tion yesterday. Pour alarms sent them flying to the warehouses of La Vinagrera Nacional, vinegar manufac tory, to fight a fire which did SIOO,OOO damage. Births Reported. The following births hgve been reported to the Health Department «in the laat 24 hours: Myron E. and Jessie I. Huston, girl. Floyd K. and Catherine E. Davis, girl. James N. and Florence M. Bradford, girl. Richard E. and Violet Warner, girl. Samuel and Betty Rodla. girl. Jack and Rose M. Cordell, girl. George F. and Gertrude C. Baker, girl. Daniel and Marie T. Inabmett, girl. Reginald W. and Dorothy M. Smith, girl. Robert E. and Loretta M. E. Stone, boy. Edward A. and Ruth T- Bland, boy. John H. and Olive M. Graver, boy. Charles D. and Dorothy E. Herd, girl. Michael J. and Rose M. Malone, girl. Cecil u. and Beatrice A. Green, boy. Louis and Blanche Hill. boy. James and Mamie Jackson, boy. James R. and Gladya A. Bell. boy. . Jacob- L. and Martha V. Felton, girl. . Edwin H. and Dorothy V. Twyman, girl. Deaths Reported. Emma J. Card. 73. 5311 Potomac ave. Mary P. Horsely, 70. Honfe for Incurable*. Thomas Collins. 65. 1516 Caroline st. Alice Morgan. 64, St. Elizabeth’* Hospital. Robert H. Partridge, 61, Oallinger Hos pital. Jennie M. Hart, 58, 1700 T st. Bertha Sharp. 56. Episcopal Hospital. Clyde Mason. 65. Emergency Hospital. Charles L. Edge, 53, Homeopathic Hos pital. Rose J. Coleman, 50, 2036 R st. Charles Buckland, 50, Garfield Hospital. Mary Oalley. 72, 739 2nd at. Leno Poole. 65, 416 T st. James Nelson, 55, Freedmen’a Hospital. Ethel B. Thomas. 25, Emergency Hospital. .plake. S‘fr. Freedmen s Hospital. FOUND. DOG. male, reddish brown, on C st. n.e. PftSPf _7«_ LOST. . BAG—Lady’s, containing wrist wgteh. Ini tialed A. W. H, change, keys; on wgy to Takoma, Wednesday. April 3. 9 p.m. Reward, 3223 Georgia ave, n.w. 001. 7341. BRIEF CASE, containing file*; left in taxi cab at 14th and Fa. ave. n.w., April 4. Re ward. CaU Franklin 3441. * _ BROOCH, platinum, square diamond, with bow and loose diamond; lost MaVch 30. Re ward. Lin. 3633. T» COLLIE, white, with two brown ears, late ssMKyrS” Mt-Laa n.e. DOG—Brown, female; "answers to the name "F. A.” Reward If returned, 485 Pa. aye. n.w. Phone Franklin 2930. 7* DOG—Belgian Schlperke. male, black, stub tall; no collar; answers to name Kins; scar right front leg. Liberal reward. Decatur 5547. GLASSES, tortoise-rimmed, near boathouse at Basin. Reward. 3329 37th, Mt. Rainier, Md. * HEADPIECE, gray woolen. Thursday nlghf. Telephone Col. 4630. Reward. PEKINGESE, brown, black face; vicinity of Park rd. and 19th at Name •’Bridge.” Re ward. Col. 72*7. REVOLVER, 38-caliber Smith A Weston, No. 2925. between 4:30 p.m. and 8:45 p.m., April 4. by Private A. O. Mihlll, M. F., of 10th precinct. 750 Park rd. n.w. 7 SHOE~BOCKLE, cut steel, on Wisconsin ave. or Brandywine st. Cleveland 4241. gas Mg Intifi. ALSOU*. MtTUNE CRAMER. On Friday, ’ April I. IMB. st her residence, 909 D st. n.w., PAULIN* CRAMER, the beloved wife of Wllltsm L. Almp end daughter of Mag fie Crsmer (nee Usher) Ana the iste Cirrus >. Crsmer Funeral from her lste resi dence on Monday, April S. st 9:30 s.m.; thence to St. Aloyslus Church, where htsh mass will be suns st 10 s.m. .tor the re pose of her soul. Relatives snd friends in vited to attend. Interment at Mount Olivet Cemetery. 7 1931 Lincoln read n.e* ELIZABETH E. inee Brumfield), bolovea wife of the late Ban'el M. Austin, seed SS. Funeral from mmanuel Episcopal Church, Anacostla, D. C„ on Monday, April 8, at 3 p.m. Rela tives snd friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 7 BOSWELL. WILLIAM C. Suddenly, on Thursday, April t, 1939. at White Point, Md.. WILLIAM C.. beloved husband of 3tthn_P. Boswell. Funeral Monday, April t. 1939. st 3 p.m., from the residence, 909 Sth st. s.e. 7* CAMPBELL. ABAMINTA. On Thursday, April 4, 1939, at 10.80 p.m., at her resi dence. 739 Kenyon st. n.w., ARAMINTA CAMPBELL, devoted wife of James H. Campbell, mother of Lucille Smith. Flor ence Kins, Bernice. James, It.. snd Grace Campbell: sister of Mrs. Maggie Booker. Alice Blair, Russell. Ernest. Herbert and Dennis Fry: sister-in-law of Mary Camp bell and Elisabeth Day. Funeral Monday. April I, at 9 am., from her late resi dence. Relatives and friends invited. 1 CAMPBELL. ARAMINTA. Members of the Y. L. B. War B Association. No. 1. are re- Wueeted to attend the funeral of our late sister. ARAMINTA CAMPBELL. Monday. April 8. 1929, at 9 am., from her late resi dence, 739 Kenyon st. n.w. JENNIE BROWNE-LEE, Pres. M. L. MIDDLETON. Sec. • COLE. GEOEGE WILLIAM. On Wednesday. April 8. 1929, at 11:45. at Atlantic City. N. J., GEORGE WILLIAM COLE, devoted son of the late Rev. Oeorse W. and Anna B. Cole, and brother of the late Anna Washington and Ida Cole Billlnssly. Alonso Cole, John Cole, Harry Cole. Ida Cole, Sadie Cole Carter and Richard Cole. Funeral Sunday, April 7, from Meon A Allen's funeral parlor, at 3 o clock. Friend* and relatives are respectfully asked to attend. I COLE, IDA C. Departed this life Thurs day. April 4. 1929, at 7:15 p.m., at her residence. 2219 Flagler pi. n.w.. IDA C. COLE. She leaves a devoted mother, one son. daughter-in-law. four sisters, one brother and a true and devoted friend. Remains can be reviewed at the residence of her son. 221* Fla«ler pi. n w., after 4 p.m. Saturday. Funeral Sunday, April 7, at 1 p.m., at Ashburn, Vi. The flowers we place upon your crave May wither and decay. But the love tor you that sleeps beneath Will never fade away. THE FAMILY. COLLIER. WILLIAM FLAVE. Suddenly, on Friday. April 8, 1929. at h;s residence. 2616 Pa. ave. n.w.. WILLIAM FLAVE. beloved husband of Jennyet T., aced <l2 years. Fu neral from his late residence on Monday, April 8. at 11 o'clock a.m. Relatives and I friends invited to attend. Interment at [ Moaacacy Cemetery, Beallsville, Md. 7* , CONNELLY. WILLIAM J. On Monday. April | 1, 1929, at the Universal Hospital. Bam- : more, WILLIAM CONNELLY, oevoted hus band of Roberta Connelly and loving son of Mrs. Emma White. Funeral Sunday. April 7, from Newman’s funeral home, 637 T st. n.w.. Rev. D. E. Wiseman offici ating. Interment Payne's Cemetery. <• CRIVILLE, JOSEPH H. Suddenly, on Friday. April 5. 1929. at Oarfleld Hospital, JOSEPH CRIVILLE. beloved father ot Mrs. Bernard Lurba. in the 87th year of hts life. Fu neral services Tuesday. April 9. at 3 p.m.. at the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home, 1400 Chapin st. n.w. 7 CROOKE, THOMAS A. Suddenly Friday. April 5. 1929. at his residence, 1303 D st. s.e.. THOMAS A. CROOKE beloved hus band of Nora M. Crooke (nee Lavigne). Funeral Monday morning. April 8. at 9 o'clock from Holy Comforter Church, thence to Mount Olivet Cemetery. DI'KBAE, ROBERT HAY. Saturday. April 6. 1929, at George Washington Hospital. ROBERT HAY DUNBAR, brother of John McJaye Dunbar, aged 79 years. Funeral from the chapel of Thos. S. Sergeon, 1011 7th st. n.w.. on Monday. April 8, at X p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 7 FOWLER, CHARLES H. Departed this life Thursday, April 4, 1929, at Providence Hospital. CHARLES H. FOWLER, devoted husband of Mamie Fowler and brother of Mrs. Mary D. Fairfax. Daniel and John Fowler. He also leaves a host of other relatives and friend*. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and I stt. s.w. Funeral Monday, April 8. at 9 a.m.. from Holy Redeemer Church. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 7 GRAY. JOHN H. Officers and members of Columbia Lodge, No. 85. I. B. P. O. E. W„ are hereby notified of the death of Broth er JOHN H. GRAY and that session of sorrow will be held at the Elks' Home Friday. April 8, 1829. at 7:30 pm. Fu neral from Lomax funeral parlors. 1400 S st. n.w.. Saturday evening at 8 p.m. Members of Morning Star Lodge, No. 40:. Forest Temple. No. 9. and Columbia Temple. No. 422. are Invited. HERBERT E. JONES. Exalted Ruler. A. E. WILLIAMS, Secretary. « HAMILTON. G. GRANT. On Thursday, April 4. 1929. at Freedmen'a Hospital, G. GRANT HAMILTON, devoted husband of Beasle Hamilton, and father of Richard H. Hamilton, of 926 Florida ave. n.w. Funeral Sunday. April 7, at 2 p.m.. from W. Ernest Jarvis Co. funeral parlors, 2222 Georgia ave. 7 HICKMAN. MOLLIE. Departed thla life Fri day. April 8. 1919. at her residence. 916 T st. n.w.. MOLLIE HICKMAN, beloved wife of Thomas S. Hickman, mother of Mrs. Emma Hickman Dickerson of New port News. Va.: grandmother of G. Rich and Thelma Billings. She also leavts •even great-grandchildren. Remains at Frasier's funeral home until Sunday ajn., after which at her late residence. Fu neral Monday, 1 p.m , from Asbury M. E. Church. 11th and K su. n.w. Relatives and friends invited. 7 HICKMAN, MOLUE. The members of the Ladies' Cliff Rock Association are notified , of the death of Mr*. Moll e Hickman. Fu . neral Tuesday, April 9. 192*. from Asbury I M E. Church. 11th and K st*. n.w., at 1 p.m. Tenth HART, Frea. LOUISE LEWIS, Sec. HINKEL. Mary MELINDA. On Friday. April 8. *929. at 1 p.m , MARY MELINDA HINKEL (nee Fowler), widow of John O. Hlnkel and mother of Hilda Hinkel. Ames and Walter Hinkel. Funeral Monday. April 8. at 2 p.m.. irom the realdence ot her daughter, 3170 18th st. n.w. 7 MARTIN. WHITMELL F. On Saturday, April 6. 1929. at Garfield Memorial Hos pital, Representative WHITMELL P. MAR TIN of Louisiana. The remains can be seen at Zurhorst funeral parlor. 301 East Capitol st. Interment at Tbibodaux, La. 7 MCCARTHY, MARY OHRID. Departed this ilia Wednesday. April 3. 1929. at the Home for Aged and Infirm. MARY ORRID MC CARTHY. beloved mother of Charles Mc- Carthy and grandmother of Andrew Mc- Carthy. She also leaves two sisters, five brothers and a host of other relatives and friends to mourn her departure. Funeral Monday. April 8. at 2 p.m., from the John T. Rhines funeral chapel, 3rd and I its. s.w. Interment Rosemont Cemetery. 7 MUELLER, ARTHUR W. On Friday. April 5. 1929. at Takoma Park Sanitarium, ARTHUR W. MUELLER, beloved husband Os Mary L. Mueller (nee Kahlert). Funeral from the residence. 432 10th st. r e . Mon day. April 8. at 2:30 p.m. Relatives and friends Invited. 8* PEAKE. SARAH M. Departed this life sud denly on Friday, April 5. 1929, at 8:30 a.m.. at her residence. 386 E st. s.w.. SARAH M. PEAKE, loving and devoted wife of Samuel B. Peake and loving sister of Sophia Mitchell and Agnes Young. She also leaves a host of other relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Funeral from her late residence, thence to Zion Baptist Church. P st. between 3rd and 4V* sts. *.W.. on Tuesday, April 9. 1929. at 1 p.m.. Rev. William Washington officiating. Relatives And friends Invited to attend. 8 PEAKE. SARAH. The members of the Ladies' Cliff Rock Association are notified of the death of Mrs. SARAH PEAKE. Funeral Tuesday. April 9. 1929. from Zion Baptist Church. P st. between 4>/k and 3rd ste. s.w. Ninth assessment. J HART, President. LOUISE LEWIS, Secretary. POOLE, LENA. Departed this life Wednes day. April 3. 1938, after a brief illness, at her residence. 416 T st. n.w., LENA POOLE (nee Palmer), beloved Wife of Charles Poole and loving mother of Mamie Carr. Remains at Fraiier'a new funeral home, 389 R. I. ave. n.w., until Saturday noon, after which it will be at her late residence. Funeral Sunday. Aortl I. at 1:30 p.m.. from the Vermont Avenue Bap tist Church. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Relatives and friends Invited. POOLE. LENA. All past officers, present officers and members of Queen Deborah Council. No. 1, A. O. D. ot J., are here by notified to attend a call meeting at K. of J. Hall, on Saturday. April 8. 1929. at 7:30 p.m.. to make arrangements for the funeral of Sister LENA POOLE, past officer M. P. P. Funeral Sunday. April 7. from Vermont Avenue Baptist Church. Vermont ave. between Que and R sts. n.w~ at 1:30 o'clock. _ SISTER FANNIE CARPENTER. P. J. _ BRO. CHARLES H. JOHNSON. D. O. H. P. SISTER LILLIAN RUSSELL. Rec. Sec. POOLE. LENA. The George W. Orice Re lief Association announceathe death of our member, Mrs. LENA POOLE. Funeral Sunday. April 7. 1929. at 1:30 n.m., from “VSraMaSB c“f"ihßSr s™. MRS. MART CRAIO. Bk. T® 'AVmu. V feagags the late Paymaster Robert Burton Rodney. U. S. N. Funeral services from her resi dence, 10« Carroll st. s.e.. Monday, April 8. at 3 p.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery. (Philadelphia. Pa., and Dela ware papers please copy.) SCOTT, JOHN R- Departed this Ilfs on Thursday. April 4. l93#Tat 10:45 pjk- at his residence. Palrvlew, Little Palls road. D. C. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife, Emma W. Scott; a brother, Isaac W. Scott, and a host of other rela tives and friends. Funeral Monday, April a. at 1 o’clock p.m.. from the Nineteenth Street Baptist Cnurch. 19th and I ate. n.w. Remains resting at James H. Winslow Co.'s chapel. 12th and R sts. n.w. Inter ment Harmony Cemetery. 7 SLAUGHTER, CHARLES A. Friday. April 5. 1929. after a long illness, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Carlton R. Willett, 174* Park road, CHARLES A. SLAUGH TER. aged 74 years. Survived by two sis ters, Mrs. W. A. Butterworth of Washing ton. D. C., and Mrs. C. H. Marshall of Petersburg, Va.: one granddaughter, Mrs. SoSuMUf f*Fn ks JSBM funeral ehapal. 1337 10th at. n.w. Inter ment .Rock Creek Cemetery. Relative* and friends Invited. (Petersburg .sod P-ich irwbe v_ •*■*¥*■ 7 TARLTON. LAURA STEWART. Suddenly. oH Friday morning, April S. 1929, .LAURA STEWART TARLTON. beloved wife ol Archie Tarlton. Funeral services wla be held at Vermont Avenue Baptist Churdi „ * on Monday. April 8, 13:30 p.m.. Rev. A. J. Tyler officiating. Remains may bo viewed at the home. 3012 Sherman ave. ChantlUyf Va? Pm * *' "“"P* \ TAYLOR. ANNA F. On Friday. Apri’ S, «*». ANNA P.. daurhter of the late R. " Homer and Jane A. Taylor. Services -t her lste residence. 5507 Broad Branch rd.. on Sunday. April 8. at 4:30 p.m. Inter ment at Morristown. N. J. 7* T^ST?tf29W^r C c t 8S& husband of the lata Ida Virginia Thomp son. In his 81st year. Funeral services will be held at 1710 Good Hope road. Anacoa- * tia,. Monday. April 8. at 2:30 p.m. Inter- r mens Cedar Hill Cemetery. 7 WILLIAMS. ELLA L. Departed this life ' FrtdayT April 5, 1929. at Carson’s Hos pital, ELLA L. WILLIAMS, the . devoted wife of Edward Williams and beloved mother of Florence M. Williams; daugh- * ter of Mrs. Clara E. Marshall, sister of * Mrs. Msry Florence Hebron. She also leaves a host of other relatives and friends to mourn her departure. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral ehapel. 3rd end Eye sts. s.w. Funeral 1 Sunday. April 7. at 11 am., from Bt. Catherine's Catholic Church, MeConchla, * Md. 7 WISCHHUSEN. KATIE. On Saturday. April 9. 1929. at her restdenee, 811 Butternut at. n.w.. KATIE, beloved wife of John Wischhusen and beloved mother of John D . Charlotte and Meta Wischhusen. No tice of funeral hereafter. • itt fUrmortam. DAVISON. HAKSY T.. Jr. In loving re membrance of our dear son and brother, HARRY T. DAVISON. Jr., who entered Into eternal rest eleven years ago today, April 8. 1918. God’s will be done. HIS LOVING MOTHER, FATHER AND SISTERS. HARRIS. EDMOXIA CURTIS. Sacred to tho memory of our loving and faithful wife and mother. EDMONXA CURTIS HARRIS. . who departed this life two years ago today, April 8. 1927. The precious one from us has gone. The voice we loved is stilled; A Place Is vacant in our homes Which never can be filled. May her soul rest in peace. HER LONELY HUSBAND AND CHILDREN. HH.LEARY. MARY IGNATIUS. In loving memory of my dear mother. MARY IGNA TIUS HILLEARY. who died April 8. 18*3. HER DEVOTED SON, RICHARD M. HIL LEARY. HOHMANN. EDWARD. In sad but loving memory of our son and baby brother, little EDWARD HOHMANN. who departed this life eleven years ago today, April 8. 1918, aged 5 years and 9 months. The only link death cannot aever Is love and memory, which live forever. MAMMA. DADDY AND SISTERS. • i LEE. MILDRED. A tribute of love to tha 1 memory of our devoted mother. MILDRED I LEE. who departed this life seven years . ago today. April 5. 1932. I HER LOVING DAUGHTERS. : FRIMM. MARGARET A. BROOKS- ROBERT E. In loving remembrance of my dear mother, MARGARET A. PRIMM. who fell asleep six years ago. March 20. 1923. and son, ROBERT E BROOKS, three years ago today, April 8. 1926. Sleep on. dear ones, and take your rest. DAUGHTER AND MOTHER. CARRIE B. PONGEE. WEBSTER. ALPHONSO. In memory of AL PHONSO WEBSTER, who died April 8, 1911, eighteen years ago today. His sweet face Is ever before me, I can feel hi* hand in mine; The look he always gave me Still lingers in my mind. I miss him no less as time passes on Than I did on the day of his going. For absence can never cloee the door of my heart. And the lamp of my love is still glowing. HIS MOTHER. ELIZA WEBSTER. « MEMORIALS. MONUMENTS ANO MAUSOLEUMS Designed and Erected. Write or Tele- Rhone Main 296# roR Illustrated Booklet. THE J. F. MANNING CO.. INC. •I* 15th ST. N. W. WASHINGTON ■MBBBpBBI FUNERAL DIRECTORS. TIMOTHY HANLON Funeral Director Private Ambulanen 641 H St. N.E. Line. 5M3 . T. F. COSTELLO 1734 North Capitol St. NORTH 7*78. _ Joseph F. Birch's Sons (ISAAC BIRCH) 3034 M St. N.W. V, L. SPEARECO. Neither the successors of nor connected with the original W. R. Speare establLsh- Phone Prank. 8628 1009 H St. N.W# Formerly 949 V St. N.W. Wm. H. Sardo & Co# Private Limousine Ambulance tagJfeKi Lincoln 524 ALMUS R. SPEARE Succeeding the original W. R. Speare CO. 1623 Connecticut Ave. Potomac 4600 6 year* at 1288 H at.. 45 year* at *4B P it. Frank Geier’s Sons Co. 1113 SEVENTH ST. N.W. Main 2A71 Modern Chapel. Telephon* ”** ln Quick. Dignified, Efficient Service Automobile Serrict Chavtl W. W. Deal & Co. 316 H JT. N S. LINCOLN 8208. ESTABLISHED 1878. _ JOHN R. WRIGHT CO. 1337 16th St. N.w. Phan# North 47._ CHAS. S. ZURHORST SOI EAST CAPITOL ST. Phone Lincoln *7*. J. WILLIAM LEE'S SONS. 333 FA. AVE N W NATIONAL 1334. 138 S. “CHAMBERS Steel Burial Vaults - Herbert B. Neviu* Funeral Home M« New York Ave. N.W. Main 3888 MONUMENTS. THE FINEST DISPLA Y IN TH* ClT?r" Alt monuments reduced for 30 day*. Do not base purchase on photographs presented by agents. JAMBS R. DURITY, Ist. 18*0. 900 Bladensburg Rd. N.E. FUNERAL DESIGNS. OEHMLER FLORAL CO. 1333 O St. N.W. Beaetlfnl Floral Emblem.—Moderate Prices Phone Main 2187. Prompt Auto Delivery Service. Gude Bros. Co., \2Y2 F St. Artistic—expressive—lnexpensive BLACKISTONE, 1407 H Beautiful Floral Designs $5 and up CALL MAIN 3797. GEO. C SHAFFER *««»«■««« JUST Our Only Store, J4th & Eye CEMETERIES. GLENWOOD CEMETERY Choice lots and sites tor sale. VanlUge permonth. Prospect Hill Cemetery North Capitol & W Sts. Phone North f7S ..SOS, £sut s ealed en ear Une. . (