Newspaper Page Text
X“ND >5 ITU AT I ON'S .* !* Stffr “Want Ad” i t . Branch Offices I NORTHWEST. 14th and P its.—Day Pharmacy. , 1135 14th gt.—Marty’i Cliar and Uagailnt ' Store. 17th and Que its.—Xenner’g Pharmacy. 16th md V its.—O. O. Brock. IWU Georgia avi.—P. E- Lampkln • Phar* 99ia*l4th it.—Colllflower Art It Gift Co. *4Ol 14th it.— Bronough'i Pharmacy. 14th and Buchanan its.— Hohberger’i Fhar 14th* C! it. and Colorado are.—O'DonneU'* *2O9 I *Mo* nt Pleasant it.—Mount Pleasant Cigar and News Shop. 1773 Columbia rd.—The Billy Shop. 118* California *t.—Colodny Brother* Wardman Park Pharmacy. N. Y.. N. J. aves. and M—Sanitary Phar 61™ arid Eye its.—'Nusbaum’i Pharmacy. *nd and Mass, ave.— Phillips' Pharmacy. Ist and K sts— Duncan'sPharmaey. ' 7th and K sts.—Goldenberg'g (time clerk s Tth'and O sts.—Smith's Cut Rate Drug Storl. 7th st. and R. I. ave.—J. French Simpson. 11th and M sts.—L. H. Forster's Pharmacy. 9th and U sts —M. H. Hunton’s Pharmacy. Ga. ave. and Rock Creek Church rd.—Rock Creek Pharmacy. .. Ga. are. and Upshur it.—Petworth PhiT 125*Upshur st.—Norton’s Pharmacy. 8505 Ga. ave.—Monck’s Pharmacy. 6918 Ga. ave.—Brlghtwood Pharmacy. 8224 3rd st.—Stewart's Pharmacy. 1905 Mass, ave.—Duoont Pharmacy. 18th and Fla. ave —Bernstein s Drug Store. Pla. ave. and Ist st.-N. Relskln North Capitol st. and R. L ave-Parlors Pharmacy. _ _ 1742 Pa. ave.—J. Louis Krlck. *134 New York ave.—Riverside Pharmacy. *lst and G sts —Quigley's Pharmacy. 35th and Pa. ave.—Herbst’s Pharmacy. *315 Conn, ave.—Joll's Newstand. *532 Conn, ave.— Monterey Pharmacy. 6500 Conn, ave.—Circle Confectionery Store. Wisconsin ave. and Macomb st.—Harry C. Taft. 4231 Wisconsin ave —Morgan Bros. Takoma Park. 359 Cedar st.— Mattingly Bros.' Pharmacy. GEORGETOWN. SOth and P sts.— Morgan Bros.' Pharmacy. 30th and M sts —Brace’s Pharmacy. *4ll M st.—Moskey's Pharmacy. 2072 Wisconsin ave —Haney's. , Wisconsin ave. and O st. —Donahue i Phar m*Cy‘ NORTHEAST. 4th and H sts.—Home Drug Store. 607 H st.—Garrcn’s Music Store. 7th st. and Md. ave.—Louis F. Bradley. 12th and Md. ave.—Luckett's Pharmacy. North Capitol and Eye— Pharmacy. *26 East Capitol st.—Estlow & Tates Phar- EaTt *Cap. and Bth sts.—Bielouss Pharmacy. 13th and East Cap. sts —Lincoln Park Phar *oth SC and R. L ave.—Collins' Pharmacy. Woodridge. , _ . *SOO 12th st.—Brookland Pharmacy. Brook 4thanarid R. L ave.—John G. Blags' Phar- SOUTHEAST. Srd and Pa. ave.—O’Donnell's Drug Store. Bth and Eye sts.—F. P Weller's Pharmacy. 11th and Pa. ave.— Fealey's Pharmacy. 1007 Nichols ave., Anacostla—Healy a Drug Store. SOUTHWEST. 10th st. and Va. ate—Herbert's Pharmacy. 7th and D sts.—Lantz's Drug Store. «'/> and L sts.—Columbia Pharmacy. STAR OFFICE OPEN UNTIL 11 P.M. All advertisements for The Evening SUr must be In The Star offlce or one of The Star branch offices by 11 p.m. the DAY BEFORE ISSUE, with the lollowlng excep tions: Lost and Found. Death Notices. . . , Advertisements under the above classifica tions will be accepted at The Star office, 11th at. and Pa. ave., until 12 noon day of issue, except Saturdays and Legal Holidays, when the closing time is 10 20 am. All adver tisements for The Sunday Star must be re ceived at The Star offlce by 5:30 p.m . Satur day. or at any of The Star branch offices by 4:30 p.m.. Saturday. , . . „ CASH WITH ORDER is required for all advertisements from transient advertisers. ' LOCAL RATES. 3- minimum. 1 time. 20c per line. 2 times. 19c per line. 3 times. 18c per line. < 7 rimes consecutively. X7c per line. Advertisements under Personal. *e per line Additional. RATES OUTSIDE t.6-MILE RADIUS OP WASHINGTON. 4- minimum. 1 time. 25c per line. S times, 23c per line. 7 times. 21c per line. ... „ >0 times or more consecutively. 20c per line. Advertisements under Peisonal, 3c per line additional. . ... Transient classified advertisements for the Baltimore Sun and the New York Times will be received over the Business Counter of The Star at regular rates. Never malt original recommendations when answering advertisement* tor employment. USE COPIES. HELP—MEN. AUTOMOBILE TRIMMER, first-class. Cen tral Auto Works. 449 Eve st. n.w. CHAUFFEURS, reliable, with Identification cards. Apply Wardman Taxi Garage, rear 201* M at. n.w. 21* . COLLECTOR, with experlencj, .Apply, Rub Furniture Co., 7th and D.stw Trwv* *"»* '• COOK, experienced, for exclusive motor Inn near Washington. Room, board and good wages. Write for Interview. Address Box 114-R. Star offlce. . DAIRY FARM HAND—Experienced; married: house, garden, milk, etc., furnished. A. B. Lohr. Vienna. Va. * ERRAND BOY—Salary $lO. Must be neat In appearance. Steady job. A. Zichtl & Co., 1005 E st. n.w. 21* FARM HAND, good, white, married, one who can milk. Give age. size of family and 'eTOkrtlnce. Address Box 7*-R, Star offlce. 21* JUNIOR CLERK to work in drug store three evenings each week and every other Sun day. Must have experience and good refer ences. Apply 5626 Conn, ave; No telephone applicants considered. 20* LAUNDRY MAN. experienced, .Ford truck. 428 Mass, aye, n.w. 20* LUNCH COUNTER MAN—Experienced: also dishwasher. Barbecue Sandwich Mill, 404 9th gt. n.w. *__ MAN. colored, at once, for cleaning at night from 5 to 10:30. Apply Collier Inn, 18th and Col, rd. MAN to drive a truck on terms fifty-fifty. Call at 1417 10th st. n.w. MAN. young, ambitious, for counter work in sandwich shop; experience not necessary; good reference. State age. married or single, time of residence in Washington, phone number. Address Box 232-M, Star office. MAN, experienced, to act as buyer for new party entering the field In the wholesale plumbing and heating supply business; state age and particulars; confidential assured. Address Box 81 -R. St a r office. *_ MAN, young, for general office work, Silver Spring, Md. State experience in awn hand writing; yes or no, use typewriter, take dic tation, drive car. Address Box 116-R, Star office. 21* MAN, white or colored, experienced in whole sale grocery warehouse. Apply between 9 and 12 a.m. at 2324 N. Capitol at. MECHANIC. A-l, experienced on Chevrolet. Merchants Motor Service, rear 1013 13th. 21* MEN, now employed, for evening work. Direct sales by appointment under super vision of manager. Write E. L. Brjiant, Met ropolitan Bank Bldg., for appointment. Pay dependent on time available. 21* MEN—Our busiest season has created va cancies for 4 young men of average ap pearance; fullest co-operation will be given by manager. See Mr. Rruce, between 7 and 9 p.m. 648 H st. n.e. OPERATORS on power machines; also men to hang awnings. Standard Awning Co., 830 Bladensburg rd. PAINTER, 2 or 3 years’ experience. Ad dress Box 188-R. Star offlce. * SODA DISPENSERS, two. Apply United Cigar Stores Co., 1700 Pa. ave. n.w. 20* STENOGRAPHER and typist. CaU Alexan drla 2261. _ TEACHER. English: year-round work; *IOO - mo., board; leave city (colored). Po tomec 224. OFFICE BOY —in mercantile establishment: permanent position with chance for advancement for young energetic boy. State age. Address Box 165-R. Star office. WOODWARD & LOTHROP desire the services of an experi enced elevator starter; tall col ored man,- between the ages of 25 and 40; supervisory ability essential. Apply men’s time desk, basement. WANTED —Tax lawyer or ac countant, preferably the former, to reside in Kentucky and be as sociated with substantial law of fice there. Please answer spe cifically, age, number in family, ■where general education obtain ed, where educated in law or accounting, present employment and extent of experience in tax ation; only a thoroughly high grade man will do. Address Box 5-R, Star office. 20* EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS. ttp ists. male and female, needed to supply the 1.400 firms that use thi* offlce regularly*! their employment dept. In the past five rente we h*ve placed 3.971 people in office positions: no chine unless Placed. Wash ington Employment Exchange, 214 Nat. Press Bldg.. 14th and F. COMPETENT HELP furnished dally; positions open daily. Nat. Personnel Bureau, Room 111. 1405 Eye st. n.w. M. 6*21. BERVICE?*3rd B?di^ I l»3* P afc , *•*' gffiW&i’S'.TWIM.T,. fit* •» % * MOON MULLlNS—Moonshine Gets His Face Lifted. % —By WILLARD. . _ f SAP\E HAS WENT TO GET X "\ A DOCTOR, MR. CAPLES- \ X s. ( V-ET ME \ , f OH t GUESS VOU DON'T REMEMBER «Sjf VEH WEHAT A I : /WMERE AM J VO U WENT OUT WVTH x- U 4 I NOi?SISKIND * /0\ / \ wilWm!* l SADIE, f OLD LADY AMD WHEN YOU ( FATHER ON ( t l|jf M|SS CAPLES. V Wifi \ WHERE ARE COME IN VOU MUSTA HAD A 1 D\D YOU QLMET vOl> / THE OAVEMPORT VJ i\ WHAT AYOUN6 j I / /lllffj . - i.. . i <1 HELP—MEN AND WOMEN. ASSISTANT BUYER and salesman or sales lady tor electric department. Address Bex 241-M, Star office. CAPABLE COOK for Summer camp for slrls, 60 miles from Washington, from June 25 to September 1; state wages and references. Address Box 63-R. Star office. 21* LADY OR MAN. young, with addressograph experience and able to help In general offlce work. Permanent position. Address Box 234-M. Star office. WANTED—SALESMEN^ BOND SALESMAN, high-class, having clien tele; new public utility offering. Address Box 242-M. Star offlce. SALESMAN wauted, Jewelry; good proposi tion to offer active, energetic man. Room 332. Munsey Bldg., after 6 p.m. SALESMEN—2 high-class salesmen to sell for a company operating in 22 cities. This is not stock and If you are anxious to build up a future call bet. 9 and 10 o'clock or 4:30 and 5:30. 709 ChandlM Building. 21* REAL ESTATE SALESMEN. Long established broker and builder has opening for a few salesmen of character and ability to sell both new and brokerage prop erties. We have one of the fastest selling moderate-priced home developments in the city. See Mr, Sherwln, sales manager, before 10 a.m. CHAS. D. SAGER, 924 14th St. N.W. Main 38. INSTRUCTION COURSES. LEARN PERMANENT WAVING AT THE MABELLE HONOUR SCHOOL. We are now featuring the new Croaulnole Wind, as well as the Pin Wind. Easy terms. Moderate charges. Day, evening classes. <l7 14th st. n.w. Fr. 9818. AUTO DRIVING QUICKLY TAUGHT. In- Quire about our new method; licensed white men; established 10 years. Call Lin. 82. PROFIT ABIE, MONEY - MAKING. FASCl natlng accomplishment taught in one lesson at cost of $3 by internationally known, suc cessful. competent, prominent professional teacher. Learn the art of making beautiful, colored, decorated mints and delicious aalted r.uts; easily mastered; constant demand; large profits. Evening classes now forming; reservations necessary. Address Box 30-R, Star office. 24* BEING PREPARED GIVES ME STRENGTH to do. An hour each day may make your future financially safe. Learn telephone switchboard operating. Oxford Bldg., cor. 14th and N. Y. ave. AUTO DRIVING TAUGHT QUICKLY, Ex pert lady instructress. Call CONOVER. 2128 H st. West 3088. 20* DO YOU WASTE YOUR TIME? You can learn commercial art. interior decoration, costume design In a short time and make real money. Positions for graduates. Living stone Academy, 29 years In Washington, 1333 P at. Met. 2883. HELP—WOMEN. ALTERATION HANDS—Must be thoroughly efficient on fine gowns and coats. Ash, 1149 Conn, ave. DARK-ROOM WORK In a scientific photo graphic laboratory. Please state age. experi ence if any. mnd salary. Part-time hours can be arranged. Address Box 254-R, Star office. 21* FLOOR MATRON for small children's in stitution. Must be experienced. Reply, giving age, experience and salary expected. Address Box 66-R, Star office. 20* OIRL over 18 for sandwich counter work: experience not necessary. Must be relia ble. References. Btate age. single or mar ried. phone number. Address Box 231-M, Star 'office. ■ OIRL, experienced, for work In delicatessen. Apply 2406 18th st. n.w. *OMKbi oltm lu souvenir store. 910 14th n.w. OPERATORS (2), all-around beauty parlor, with following preferred; also two appren tlces. Room 501. 1101 Omw •_ SALESGIRL—B to 10 p.m ; pay $6 week. 619 Pa. avg. * SALESGIRL for bakery. 3100 R. 1. ave. n.e. SALESWOMAN—Must be well educated, cul tured and present good appearance; give ed ucation affid’ experience. Address Box 494-K, Star office. TELEPHONE OPERATORS, hotel. 3, experi enced. for .permanent position; also 2 relief operators. Address Box 160-R, Star office. UPHOLSTERY and slip-cover seamstress; one with first-class work experience; good wage and steady work for right party. Ad- { dress Box 110-R. Star offlce. 21* I WOMAN, reliable, general housework, twice ! a week; no laundry.- Reference required. Telephone Atlantic 2892-J after 5 p.m.. or call at 423 6th at. s.e. 21* WOMAN.' tnlddle-aged. white; one who is handy around tourists’ camp. JOS. VARIN. prop.. 8 Tforth Washington st. (extended), Alexandria, Va. 21^_ WOMAN, 27 to 45, reliable and good worker, with tactful and agreeable personality, to learn good paying business; must be willing to co-operate with employer and employes: can have all the responsibility she can handle. Minimum salary. $1,500 first year Address Box 500-K. Star office. YOUNG Lady about 25, one accustomed to meeting the public, for general work In a physician’s offlce. Please state age. experi ence, end. salary desired. Address Box 176-R, Star office. 21* POWER MACHINE operator, experienced. Apply National Laundry Co., 19 Pierce st. n.w. SALESWOMAN. Must be thoroughly experienced in women’s and children's shoes. Apply Employment Office, The Palais Royal, Tnc. WOODWARD & LOTHROP desire the services of an experi enced press girl, white, for laun dry. Apply Woodward & Lo throp Service Building, Ist and Pierce sts. n.e. “DESIRABLE POSITIONS Open To Young Women, 16 Years of Age and Over, With High School Education. Good Pay to Start. Frequent Increases. AppJy Wisconsin Ave. & Stanford St., Bethesda, Md. THE CHESAPEAKE & POTOMAC TELEPHONE CO. of Baltimore City. HELP—DOMESTIC. ~ CHILDREN'S NURSE—Reliable, experienced colored woman, who wants permanent place. Must have good references; stay nights. Clev. 4898 or apply 3971 Harrison st. COOK and do laundry, stay 3 nights a week; SSO a month; references. 3616 Rlttenhouse st., Chevy Chase. D. C. OIRL, colored, around 25 years, from coun try, who wants good home: stay nights; do general housework and help with two chll drln; reference required. Phone Adams 7417. OIRL, white, aged 20 to I*o. for children’s institution; board, room, laundry and uni- 1 form; state full particulars when answering. Address Box 230-M. Star office. HOUSEKEEPER—Refined, colored or white; for small apt.; easy cooking, ironing, to mind girl of 3 while parents work; prefer one who will appreciate good home at part pay. 15 M st. n.w.. Apt. 25, HOUSEKEEPER for doctor's family of 3; call Sunday afternoon at 1308 Lawrence »*• HOUSEMAID, waitress, must have city ref erence. 406 Battery lane, Bethesda, Md. Wisconsin 2592. WHITE WOMAN —Refined, settled, for gen eral housework in country, in Virginia; gool home; attractive grounds; somewhat isolat ed; satisfactory wages. Phone. Vienna 38-F-3. WOMAN tor cooking and general housework: no laundry; family of two; reference re qulred. Apply 1*32 31et n.w. WOMAN, white, industrious, experienced’, capable. Xettred, as housekeeper, to take care of borne. No cooking required. No children. In reply give references, state Suallfieations. age and salary expected. Ad ress Box 69-R. Star office. 21* WOMAN, white, about 40. for general house work. Address 1629 Eye at. n.w. 20* > WOMEN for general housework. Must have references. 317 Pa. ave. g.e. I v . .% ' . -A i THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON.. P. C:, SATURDAY, APRIL' 20, 1929. ■ SITUATION—MEN. ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper, credit mgr.; ex : perlenced; wishes to locate in Washington: can report Immediately. Address Box 150-R, Star offlce. 31* i CARPENTER, cabinetmaker, painter; 3 years' exp.; pipe fitting, iron work: here or out of town; white; married. Franklin 1612. CHAUFFEUR, private, white, single, aged 29. unemployed owing to death of former employer; willing to leave town; foreign driving- experience. Franklin 473. 31 CHEF, steward or manager, first class, open for engagement; would like to operate club or restaurant on percentage: best D. C. and New York references. Address Box 76-R, Star office. 21* CHINA PACKER and crater, expert; pav job or pav hour. Charles W. Ashford, 510 7th st._s w. _ CLERICAL POSITION, railroad traffic ex perience. typist: willing to leave city. Ad dress Box 3-R, Star office. 20* DRAFTINd. mechanical, patent: designing, developing and drawing for general engi neering work. Working drawings and geu -1 eral arrangements. Address Box 401-J. Star office. .*? GARDENER', white: 20 years' experience, all brances; $5 day. Address Bax 120-R, offlce. JL HIGH-SCHOOL BOY. colored, wßnts work of any kind around house after school. 1722 You st. n.w. Pot. 6313. LAWYER, young m->n, expert stenographer, desires position with active law firm; A-l references: moderate aalary. Address Box 469-M. Star offlce. 31* MAN. would like to connect with non-union building company as general foreman ana economist: thirty years’ experience In D C. Call Atlantic 4187-J. 33* MAN, experienced, settled, as clerk, shipping clerk, estimator or stockman In electrical business, wholesale or retail; good electrician. Address Box 10-R, Star office. 30* SALESMAN., age 39. desires connection with good, reliable house, to call on retail trade; thorouhly experienced, good qualifications. A-l references. Phone Addams 5008-J. or address Box 93-R, Starofflee. 33* SECRETARY-STENOGRAPHER, experienced, now employed, desires congressional position. Address Box 16-R. Star office. 31* YOUNG MAN, 30. wishes position a* per sonal secretary or secretary-stenographer: best references furnished. Address Box 98-R. Star office. 31* SITUATION-WOMEN. COMPANION or mother’s helper—Refined, middle-aged Canadian desires position May 1; seashore or mountains: excellent refer ences. Address Box 303-M. Star office. 30* COMPANION-NURSE wishes position with elderly or invalid lady; sls per week. 222 11th st. n.e. 35 COOK, colored, neat appearance: general worker: will leave city; will work part time; city ref. North 9348. GIRL, stenographer and typist, general of flce work; 6 years’ experience: desires per manent position; reference. Phone Lincoln 7976—J. GIRL, colored, from country, wishes Job as maid or plain cooki stay nights; In town or_go_awav. 909 N_st._n ; w._ . GIRL. German, wants work of any kind; no Sunday work: can give reference. Address Box 97-R. Star office. GRADUATE NURSE wishes patient In her large home: quiet surroundings: diabetics, convalescents and aged. Phone Shep. 2^935. HEAD OP ALTERATIONS, .competent to take full charge of first-class workroom. 10 years' experience. Phone Col. 6598- . NURSE, well educated, speaks English. French and German, wants position with children. Address Box 169-R. Star office. IP PRACTICAL NURSE 'wants' a position: /e --flned: doctor's references. Phone Col. 10109. SECRETARY-STENOGRAPHER; young lady, of several years’, experience, rapid- wUUus worker, refined, desires cpjogenlal position; references. Clar. 1800. .21 STENOGRAPHER— Capable and ambitious young woman desires position with oppor tunity for advancement. Can take dictation rapidly and transcribe accurately. Experi enced in general offlce work. Now employed, seeking change to position where ability and I effort will count. Address Box 73-R. Star offlce. Now employed but seeking change. I *l*_ | STENOGRAPHER, experienced, desires posi tlon: A-l references. Phone North 9031. 21* TEACHER, experienced, now university *tu i dent, desires secretaritl. library, clerical or any literary work. Address Box 72-R, Star office. WOMAN, with several years’ ® s executive In charge of offlce. - handling ac counts, finances, notes, correspondence, rents, repairs, etc., wants position with re liable firm where good connection is more important than initial salary; references unexcelled. Address Box 170-R, Star office. WOMAN, young, well educated, desires Posi tion; capable of fitting into almost any work dealing with the public. Consider any thing that flays guaranteed salary and chance of future advancement. Decatur 5150-W. 21 SITUATION—DOMESTIC GIRL. colored, wants work by hour or day. Phone Atlantic 2520-J. LADY, white, settled, desires position as housekeeper for couple or 5* nt i?£}f2p S apartment. References. Phone Pr. 5840^-W. LAUNDRESS, first-class, small washes; spe cial care given silks; clothes repaired; ou.- side drying. Day s work wanted. Lin. WOMAN, white, settled, wants place as housekeeper for employed P eo ,? !e : f ?o d of children; wages. Sll per week: has retet enr.e. Addrss Box 55-R. Star office. 21 WOMAN to assist with housework or wash dishes In cafeteria. Lincoln 10043. WOMAN, colored, reliable, ‘ran 5 o'clock. Best reference furnished. Call West 1561-J. 5 to 8. WOMAN, colored, wants work morning or evening; will do laundry, cjty ref. 1326 You st. n.w.. Apt. 3. 2D WOMAN, colored, wants place aa cook; will stav nights. First-class references. 1207 R st. n.w. PERSONAL. ~ a— -< The rate under heading of Pewonal Is 3 cents oer line additional to tut I regular line rate, israasas: Phone Lincoln 7137. 30 FOR BALE—ROYAL WORCESTER APTER dlnner cups and saucers. gdi 1 } 10 *** nlates. ' Very old design. Northfl4sl. afro HOVERS. 3-PC. SUITE WITH SEP. cushions, snapfasteners; incl.material, sl6.H>. R. L. ISherwood, 1513 28th g.e. Lin. 5350. EVERY CARE GIVEN INVALIDS. CON valescents and aged by home. Phone Adams 7363. 1833 Kaiorama ru BEAUTIFUL HOME OP NURSE DEVOTED to care of Invalids, convalescents, aged. Strictly first class. 2014 Kaiorama rd. Po tomac 5237. VUnT.wr RAY. ELECTRIC AIM ASS AGE; Ex cellent for neuritis and convalescents; offlce or your home. It. 8715. Call 6to 9. 20* ELECTRIC VIBRATORY TREATMENTS; graduate nurse. 939 N. Y. ave.. Apt. 3, over dentist. Open Sunday. .J 11 RESEARCH WORK .DONE—MSS. TYPED; short addresses written. Reasonable. Ad dresa Box 108-R. Star office. 31* MIDDLE-AGED REPINED LADY WOULD accompany Invalid or child to Pacific Coast tor traveling expenses. Potomac 4585. 21* _ JOHNSON REST HOME—INVALIDS. AGED and convalescents; day nurses; special diet. 1775 Lanier pi. COl. J 377. PINEST DUCKING SHORE IN MARYLAND. $l5O for 3 months' room, board and shoot ing privileges. Make reservation now for Pall. References exchanged. Pr. 8868. 21* BEST PERMANENT HAIR-WAVE. $5 NO EXTRAS—TRY ONE. Franklin 5627. CHEZ NATALIE. I*l7 P gt. n.w. SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE. DR. MARIE H. ADDY. 2623 14th St. N.W. Col. 4683. RIGGS TURKISH BATHS FOR LADIES. Complete bath, ultra-violet. Infra-red. therapy lamps, massage, steam room, reducing ma chines. high colonic Irrigations; graduate nurse in constant attendance. Nestle circu line permanent wave, special. 18 curls for $5. Hours from 10 to 6. except Sunday. Thursdays. 10 a.m to 8. Franklin 7230. MOTOR TRAVEL. APPLE BLOSSOM FESTIVAL, WINCHESTER. Va Special coaches Prl. and Sun., April 19 and 21; r. t., *5, Including trip through orch ards. Domlfiffin Tours, ph. Dec. 5000, Br. 305.* MUMirtIfTATLANTA. *11; RICH. DAH. Gboro., Charlotte, sedans tom. N. Y.. *4.78. Motor Travtl, Starling Hotel, Main 6237. BEAUTY PARLORS. : A REALLY BEAUTIFUL PERMANENT WAVE at the MABKLLE HONOUR SCHOOL for 49. , Including shampoos and finger wave. These waves given under expert supervision. Other , beauty culture work at low prices. Open : daily until 6: Mon.. Wed. and Frl. until 8 p.m. 817 14th st. n.w. Fr. 9818. SPECIAL NOTICE. i The Mabelle Honour School of Beauty Culture remains open until • p.m. Satur i da vs. at Burchell Bldg.. 817 14th st. Mar cels. 25c and 50c. Other word at eorre , spondlngly low prices. Permanent wave, 85. PASTURAGE. SEAT PLEASANT, MD.—PASTURE FIELDS 1 and aerrage for truck or crops. Address Box 104-R. Star office. 21% RECOMMENDEDSERVICE. The following business concerns guarantee satisfaction to Star readers. Any complaint found necessary to be made to The Star will receive prompt attention. For admission to Recommended Service Column call Main 5000, Branch 115. ALTERATIONS. HEATING, STUCCOING; all kinds of construction; no cash: easy monthly payments. PROPERTY FINANCE CO . Room 405. 1331 O st. n.w. Franklin ; 2528. ANT. bedbug, moth, roach, rat extermina tion. Guaranteed results. Fumigation of homes Is one of our specialties. Free esti mates. American Disinfectant Co., 938 Eye st. n.w. MAIN 8478. apr23* AUTO PAINTING JOBS COMPLETED In 48 hours with wonderful new durable lacquer ‘ finish that grows handsomer with age. Proof against rain. snow. ice. steam, soap, am monia. acids, alkali and alkaline mud. Let us show you sample of fine work with this excellent material. Prices. SSO up. Joseph Mcßeynolds. Inc,. 1000 Upshur st.. Col. 417. 1423-1425-1427 L at. n.w.. Decatur 888. BEDDlNG—Prepare for your Spring house , cleaning. Mattresses, pillows, box springs and wire springs renovated and remade. Let us do It now oefore the rush. Columbia Bed ding Co,. 219 O st. n.w. M. 8528. BEDDING. MATTRESBES. box springs and pillows reno.: best prices and prompt del. Wash. Mattress Co., 319 L at a.w. M. 6678. BEDDING of all kinds renovated and steril ized by process approved by Health Dept.. D. C. Prompt service and low prices. Eagle Bedding Co.. 2215 sth et. n.e. Decatur 755. BEDDING RENOVATED, springs, mattresses, pillows, feather mat.: down comforts r«-eov ered. Ideal Bedding Co.. 622 E n.w. M. 4094. BRICK, STONE. PLASTER and cement work' Damp walls waterproofed. Free estimate. . Stoutsenberger, 1709 Ist st. n.e. Dbcatur 5422. 23* CARPENTERING, porches Inclosed, store fronts, remodeling In general; painting, plastering. Phone Adams 1294. Hammer Ac Insley. CHAIR CANEING. PORCH ROCKERS splinted, upholstering. Armstrong, 1225 10th st. n.w. Franklin 7483; ELECTRICAL HOUSE WIR?NO bv experts -6 rooms complete. $72.50. Star Electrle t 0., 2909 Kansas ave. n.w. Adams 5273. ap23* ELECTRIC WIRING—B rooms. 2 halls, bath complete. S4O; fixtures. S2O. Installed work guaranteed. Get my estimate: save time and money; terms. .North 885. H. M. Carpenter. ELECTRIC WIRING—WiII wire (-room house i complete. Including fixtures and Inside serv ice. $74.50; a year to pay. Stein Electrle n.w. Ft. 801, ' ELECTRICAL WIRING and fixtures, old and new houses; lowest prices lp town; from 1 to 3 ♦eftgfc.ta nar jsstimates tree. American Eire-, 9th. Fr. 9305. 30* EXPERT FLOOR FINISHING, seraplng. elec waxing; skilled mechanics: reduced prlees. Paul Serene. 1209 N. Cap, at. Mam 10187 FLOOR WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, very reasonable: guaranteed; duatless ma chines. L. T. Folk, 1935 Park rd. Adams l 1436. ; FLOORS LAID. SCRAPED CLEANED, waxed or finished: experienced whit# em- Ployes. Acme Floor Co.. Adams 8683. i FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED, repaired: flip covers made. Est. cheerfully given. Returned free. TltUnsor, 1600 6th st, n.w. N. 7702. HEATING, before prlees advance—Steam and hot water Installed: financed If desired through the Americsn Radiator Co.; old house work a specialty. For estimate call Robey. Line. 248. 1221 Morse st. n.e. 22» HEATING. PLUMBING—Systems Installed, repairs made. etc. Strictly flrst-clasa work et moderate cost. Terms if destred. J. R. Owens, 719 6th n.w. Fr. 10053 of Alex. 1014 ; ’ 2* HOME REMODELING, painting, papering and plastering, electrical wiring, plumbing, roofing and heating, all forms of brick and cement work, stuccoing, etc., metal garages ceilings, floors laid or reflnlshed. carpenter ing. all branches: work done by expert me chanics and fully guaranteed, on. terms of from one to three years. For free estimate call American Contracting Co., Col. 4655, day or evening. 25* HOUSE CLEANINO of every description; odd joba of repairing, floors varnished and waxed. Drop card to J. A. Downing, 1155 4th st. n.e. 25* LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired. Delivery service. Lawn rollers for rent. 917 Uth at. n.w. Fr. 10183. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED, rebuilt, re paired, etc. Call for and deliver. C. P. ARMIGER. 916 N. Y. ave. it.w.; Franklin 7707. PAINTING. PAPERING—For neat, clean work call Adams 5008. Low prices, quick service. Gordon Bros., 632 Col, rd. n.w. 22* PAINTING, paperhsnglngTdecoVatlng; lnte rior and exterior. Harry A. Glorlus A Co., 3017 Ga. ave. n.w. Phone Col. 4338. gp29* PAINTING—Int. and ext. house painting, expert floor finishinc skilled mechanics. Paul Serene, 1209 N. Cap, st. Main 10187. PAINTING with pure lead makes a great difference. For first-class work In or out side, call Col. 9135 till 7 p.m. PAPERING—Rooms. $6 and up; prompt at tention: J. Egdall. 3559 10th st. n.w. Ad ams 7149. Call after 4 p.m. PAPERHANGING —Prompt, reliable service at low prices; skilled mechanics. Get my estimates. L. Crowell, Col. 5543. PAPERHANGING, painting, plastering. $6 and up; first-class work; prompt service. M. Pumps. 3927 Oa. ave. Adams 8964. , PAPERHANGJNO AND PAINTING; reason able prices, best workmanship. We use Dutch Boy lead and pure linseed oil. Get our estimate on this month’s specials; terms. 11 years of satisfactory service. Metropoli tan Decorating Co.. 627 E st. n.w. Fr. 800. PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING. Get our estimates first: save money; work guaran eed. R. j. Lewis, 1022 Ist st. n.w. Met. 8538. PAPERHANGING and painting Special prices this week only. We will scrape, size and paper average size room for $8; work guaranteed in writing for 5 years. Paint ing and general contracting with very low prices; cash or terms; no Interest. People's Home Decorating Co., Inc., 817 9th n.w. Main 7417-8. 20* PAPERHANQINO Rooms papered. $5 and up: estimates furnished; work guaranteed A. T. George. 3129 18th at n.w- Apt 3 Decatur 4149 PIANO TUNING. $2.50.- We specialise In general piano repairs and rebuilding. Get our estimate?. Prices reasonable. Skilled mechanics. Work guaranteed. Senderson- Schaeffer Co.. 644 H st. n.e. Lin. 1057. Night service Col. 5940. and Pot. 989-W. PLUMBING, remodeling and repair work; truck equipped as shop on wheels. Atlantic 2351. D. J. Sillers, 1020 10th st. n.e. 20* PLUMBING. HEATING. OIL BURNING. Re pairs and installations. .Found reliable for 32 years. J. R. Guerin, 413 E. Cap. Lin. 3417. ROOF REPAIRING. PAINTING, guttering, spouting, damp - proovlns walls: reasonable prices. North 5314, day or night. AJak Roofing Co.. 2038 18th at. n.w. ROOFING, guttering, spouting—all work guaranteed. For estimate, C. Robey, Lin. 248. 1321 Morse st. n.e. 22* SCREENS— "Quality Screens” made to order on short notice. American Screen Co., Col. 9135 till 7 p.m. UPHOLSTERING. SLIP' COVERS, draperies made to order: low prices. Standard Up holstcry Co., 403 Uth st. Main 4902. 24* WEATHER STRIPS, "CECO METAL.” Spe cial low prices now. Guaranteed to outlast your building. Col. £135 .till 7 p.m. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, ELECTRIC ' STORE on Connecticut ave.. established for 10 years, paying good re turns. Will sell cheap for cash; owner leav lng city. Address Box 198-J. Star office. GROCERY, doing SBOO week business;' long lease, cheap rent; cheap to qalck buyer. Ap ply 936 Madison st., Apt. 201, after 7 P.m. §*?__ MARKET STAND, white or' colored, dry groceries, paying business, easy work, short hours; selling on account of health; SI,BOO cash, if sold before May Ist. 8 ft 7 O St. Market. 7th ft O N.W. LUNCHROOM, paying, cheap. I*4o 22nd st. n.w. Cell before a p.m. week days: fully equipped. ,, . , v BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. (Centln—d.) FOR SALE GAS STATION. STORK with 8 rooms, garage and tourlata cabins; ideal place for chicken dinners. This Is a good chance for an automobile mechanic; low rent and long lease to right party. Address Box 3(-R. Btar office. • 20* VARIETY STORE—Doing good business; ex cellent location. wonderful opportunity: rea sonable; must sell at once account of illness. Call evenings. 1238 Pa. ave. ».e. 21* FURNITURE! all new. for 7-room house, for sale; house. a.m.1.. for rent, $45; centrally located. Addresa Box 282-M. Star office. 6* SILENT PARTNER to invest $5,000 to SB,OOO in good, well established business making SB,OOO and SIO,OOO per year. Address Box 159-M. Star office. 21* S6OO CASH. S6O month, will buy good, paying lunch room. Apt. above. 1124 N. Cap. st. DELICATESSEN, soda-fountain, light lunch; busy corner; cheap for quick sale. Fr. 9338. HAVE BPUSNDID LOCATION for delicates sen and lunch or beauty parlor In thriving n.w. community. Worth investigation. North 8861. 31* BEST OPPORTUNITY to buy store; reason able. Also 7-ioom apt. over store, suitable for family. Reason for selling, have other store. 926 sth st. n.w. Franklin 6855-W. 21* WILL SELL FIRST TRUST. $1,500, payable sls per month, #*: balance due 3 years. Well secured nearßy Md. residence. 10(* discount. Oa. 104. 31* GROCERY STORE In good location, near Riggs Market. 1453 P st. n.w. 21* LUNCH ROOM, best location on bay. Open Jung to Sept. Sell or trade. Address Box 49-R. Star ofllce. 32* LUNCH ROOM, splendid location, doing a good business; w* stand investigation. Will sacrifice for $3,500. Reason for selling have other business that requires my attention. Address Box_9B-R. Star office. 31?_ FIRST-TRUST NOTE, $500.“ yields 6Vs Per cent. Secured on new house. Good north west location. Address Box 326-M, Star office, ROOMING HOUSE BUSINESS for sale. Good furniture, fine location; paying. Met. 7961. DELICATESSEN, lunch room; profit SSO day; sacrifice business for $3,500. Phont Na tlonal 8580. 33* BAKERY for sale, established, conservative business; no competition. Excellent oppor tunity baker and wife. Address Box 1.47-R, Star office. 32* DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS store, cheap. Also lunch room, doing good business. Act quickly. Cannot run both. 512 Minn, ave^ri.e. EXPERIENCED MAN to buy half Interest In delicatessen and lunch. 1236 9th st. n.w. ** _ HARDWARE and house furnishings, close In on 14lh st. n.w. S6OO per week gross; com plete. up-to-date stock, splendid display fa cilities. Established 10 years. Price $15,000. Consider small property as part payment. Address Box 77-R. Star office. CONFECTIONERY at your own price: owing to family difficulties must sell tbls week. Apply Box 463-M. Star office. *_ GROCERY AND MEAT STORE on Georgia ave.. doing good business; cheap rent. Also grocery and meat market, finest on Conn, ave.; wonderful' business. Call Before II A M., 1481 Harvard N.W._2l? MONEY-MAKING STORE • At a Bargain Price! Established: better than the average dry goads. department store on best corner in vicinity; doing good business; very good reason for selling. Will sacrifice for $7,500., Star office ._ 21* BEAUTY PARLOR OPERATOR. An unusual opportunity is of fered to a person with exclusive clientele to open a new beauty salon in a select business dis trict; would be enhanced by our own clientele; modern building, occupied by exclusive style cou turie; satisfactory arrangements. Apply by letter only. Address Box 17-R, Star office. SALE - MISCELLANEOUS! AIRPLANE CAR. pedal, large. t child’s: wagon, Alaska lee box, yellow breakfast dishes, 2 attractive chairs. Reasonable. Col. 1924. 20* ANTIQUES—2 solid mahogany trundle beds and large solid mahogany clothes press. Beds. $100; Dress. $l5O. Terms cash. Can be seen between 9 and 10 o’clock a.m., Mr. Boczkowskl's, 811 Bth st. n.w. Phone Frank -11 n 9807. 21* ANTIQUES, autograph letters. pewt»r. brasses, weapons, prints. Indian curios, blankets. Anton Heitmuller, 1307 14th st. - • ■ ■ . ■ 25* ANTIQUE mah. bureau, spool bed. fine steel engraving, clock, gold-band china, crystal, draperies, etc. 2317 20th st. ANTIQUES—Genuine bedspread from Har wood House. Annapolis; clock, secretary, rocker, Venetian glassware. 1132 19th st. n.w. , , 23• _ BATHTUB, lavatories, hot-air furnace, win dows, doors, mantels, building material, from house wrecking. Cheap. Firewood free. Apply foreman. 1825 Conn, ave. BEDROOM FURNITURE, excellent for Sum mer cottage. 3910 N. H. ave. ' BUILDING MATERIALS, batntubs and brick from recently wrecked big frame Govt, build ings now at our 3 yards. Good flooring. l'se foot; sheathing and framing. 2e: plenty 2x6. 2xß. 2xlo. sash, doors, windows, complete; plumbing fixtures, radiators, pipe: many other items: lowest pricesl Large selection! HECHINGER CO.. 5921 Ga. ave. n.w. HECHINGER CO., 6th andl O sts. a.w. HKCHINOER CO- »th and Fla, ave. n.e. CONCRETE MIXER, medium size; must sell; big bargain at 949. See Mr. Ney. care Hech lnger Co., Bth and Fla, ave. n.e. CORPUS JURIS-CYC—Complete to date, contract fully paid, future volumes free; • sacrifice for cash. Phone Main 3292. 21* : DESKS—SaIe of "factory seconds’’ of office furniture, desks, tables, chairs, bookcases. I file cabinets cabinet safes and used office furniture You can also rent it. H. Baum , ft Son. 616 E st. n.w. Main 9136. ! DRAIN TILE. new. 3-Inch. 7c ft.; 4-inch, 8c i ft., also sewer pipe and flue lining; com- i plete stock at all 3 branches. Hechlnger Co. I DRESSES, evening dresses, marten choker. J stair carpet, day bed. mahogany footstool, | large wall tapestry, Eastman Kodak, new. . North 9108. 20* | FENCING, NEW. ornamental wire, all sizes: j save money: complete stock at all 3 branch- | es. HECHINOER CO. _ FURNITURE, almost new; party selling out; all kinds, also Oriental rugs; very cheap. 1362 Columbia. FURNITURE—One oak extension table, 4 j leaves. $3; bedsprings for- double bed. $2; , Englander couch. $8; runner for hall. $2. Call Lin. 8303-J between 6 a.m. and 4 p.m. FURNITURE, two-room apt. Sell any time. 1474 Chapin st. n.w.. Apt. 6. ■ . FURNITURE— Living, bed room, qdd Pieces, rugs; high grgde. Must sell this week. JDI4 Kalorama rd. - GAS RANGE for sale, excellent condition. *25. 3313 Macomb at. n.w. Phone Cleveland 6276. OAS RANGES—Standard make of side oven range. 18-In. ovens: clean, perfect; guar. bakers. Lincoln 2874-J. 20*_ GAB WATER HEATERS. heW, Ist” quality, guaranteed. $5.75 up: also • kerosene water heaters. Hechlnger Co., 3—branches—3. LAWN MOWERS rebuilt. $3.50 up; good running condition; also new mowers. 96.25 up. Your old mower In trade. 917 11th st. n.w. Fr. 10193. - MANDOLIN BANJO AND Gibson, new; bargain, SSO. Inquire - Franklin et.- n.e. PIANO BARGAlNS—Reconditioned pianos at Inviting prleeg. Knabe upright, small alze. $80; Stleff upright, mahogany ease, $l9O. Get acquainted with our rent privilege In case of purchase. Pianos hauled and packed fer shipment. Grands and Midget uprights for rent. Hugo Worch. 1110 G at. n.w. Ei tabllshed 1879. PIANO. Kimball, good condition, 936; account leaving city. 1430 Harvard, at. p.w., Apt. 36. Phone Adams 9381-W. 21* PIANO—Must sell Webef Pianb, plain. Apt. 704. 1920 S n.w. 32* PIANO. Knabe grand, ebony cage, good con dition; suitable fer Sunday school, lodge or club. Cheap. Address Box 61-R, Star office. ' 20* PLAYER-PIANO and bench, mahogany; good condition. 9150. Phone Clev. 1382. ■ 23* ■ PLAYER-PIANO, electrle. can Play by hand ' also; cost IUPO, sell for $350. 807 H n.e. Lin. 4019. < , SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ICSBIISHd.) RADIO,- electric Philco. model 511, complete with speaker; few months old; hook-up to house current; original price. $160; will gacrlflice for S9B. Phone Cleveland 6721. 22* RADIO, all-electric. Murdock, new. 6 tubes; complete with tubes and speaker, $45. Poto mac 78 L 22 * REFRIGERATOR, Leonard three-door, side leer; porcelain lined: perfect condition: cost $80; tell. S2O cash. Main 9102. Apt. 730. 21* REFRIGERATOR. 75-lb. capacity, side-leer. 3-door; fine condition. Only sls. 2329 Que st. s.e. Lin. 3763. REFRIGERATORS (second-hand). Hobart meat grinders, coffee mills, etc., for groceries and meat markets. 822 13th st. n.w. REFRIGERATOR. Leonard porcelain lined. 75-lb. Ice capacity; S2O. Potomac 1436-J. REFRIGERATOR, good condition; small size. Webster. 2127 P. RUG. 9x12. practically new; chamber set I chairs, hall seat; very reasonable. Phone Cleveland 312. SEWING MACHINES—Drophead Singer. sls: New Home. sls; Standard. sls: New Ideal. $10; others at $5: all guar. New machines. $3 mo. Renting and repairing. Open evenings. B.K. Sew. Mch Shop. 313 Pa. ave. s.e. L. 275. SEWING MACHINES Singer, electric or treadle; others. $7.50 up: renting and repalr lng; open evenings. 1211 H st. n.e. Atl. 2564. SEWING MACHINES. Singer, several shop worn consoles and portable electrics offered at special bargain prices for this week only. Easy terms or cash Dressmaking course free. 1017 Conn, ave. Franklin 9242. SLATE. 25 squares. In A-i condition. Ap piy 2115 Pa. ave. n.w. 21* STORE FIXTURES—Show cases, wall cases, counters, shelving, tables, chairs, cssh regis ters. Iron safes, scales, coffee urns, soda fountains, elec, mixers, partitions and equip ment of every description. Edgar Baum, Inc., 914 E at. n,w. TABLE, combination billiard and pool, in excellent condition; suitable for gentleman’s home: cost $750; will sacrifice for $l5O. Phone Adams 5077. THERAPEUTIC BATH CABINET. In excef lent condition; SSO cash. 1723 R. I. ave. n^w. TOASTER, electric, sandwich, used three months; first-class condition; cost $135. will sell cheaply. 1713 Pa. ave. n.w. 20* TYPEWRITERS—SoId, rented and repaired: at attractive prices. Capitol Typewriter and Adding Mach. Co., 1226 H st. n.w.. Main 4858. 20*_ TYPEWRITERS Fine, guaranteed rebuilt? at reasonable prices; nothing told or rented that Is not good. Washington Typewriter Exchange. 807 13th st. n.w Franklin 1014. TYPEWRITERS—American Typewriter Co selling off a large number of mtchlnes. Some for $lO. Rents reduced. Reoslring done. 1431 East Capitol st. Lincoln 82. Open even Inge. TYPEWRITERS—AII makes, easy terms. Rem.. No. 10, $12.50; Royal. No. 5. $7.50: Coronas. sls. with case. $17.50. Special rates on rentals of Civil Service Machines. United Type and Add. Mach. Co., Inc., 1727 N. Y. ave. n.w. M. 5609. 30* TYPEWRITER RENTAL SERVICE. Georgia 1683. Underwoods and Remingtons. $2.50 mo.: > mos. in adv., $8.75: 6 mos., sl2. VICTROLA. electric Orthophonle. Credere* model: cost $330; little used- will sell, $l5O Including sixty records. Franklin 5707, Apt. 81. 21* WASH MACHINE. Laun-dry-ette. slightlv used, excellent condition. Reasonable. Call ' Col. 7870-W. 21* JUST Imagine being able to buy a Stultz ft 1 Bauer piano which. Is In perfect condition < for $95. We defy competition on this piano. ! CHAS. M. 'STIEFF. INC., I USED Btleff Petit Grand. Cannot be told from new. Bas bean completely overhauled by our skilled workmen anw**nßlF«9B offer It to tbe buying public for $990. Easy terms if desired. CHAS. M. BTEIFF. INC., Show Cases and Store Fixtures. Ruse & Company, tory.” Baltimore phone. Plage 3238. LEAVING CITY. Ten-piece -dining room suite, beautiful walnut, almost new: cost. SSOO. will sacri fice. $125. Also a spinet desk, tudor mahog anv. almost new; cost $65, will sell for $25 Call after 4 p.m. NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS. New and second-hand; rebuilt, bought and sold- repaired; liberal exchange allowance. Easy terms: no interest charges on deferred payments. 816 13th st. nw. Ph. Nat. 1378. BARGAINS IN RADIOS AND PHONOGRAPHS. FADA RADIO. 8 tubes, electrle dynamic speaker, In beautiful cabinet. Now *188.50. FADA RADIO Combination 8 tubes, dynamic speaker. Electric reproduction of records. Now *309.50. BRUNSWICK COMBINATION. 8 tubes, super dynamic speaker. Was $945. Now $750. BRUNSWICK PANATROPE. Electric reproduction of records. Was $395. Now *175. BRUNSWICK PANATROPE. Electric. Was *550. Now $250. Battery sets from $lO up. NO EXTRAS— EASY TERMS AT CHAS. M. STIEFF, INC.. 1340 G Bt. Phone Main 2950. POGS, PETS. ETC. PEKINESE PUPPIES, pedigreed stock: one female, four males; sired by Stlckllng’s Loi: $35 and up. Phone Adams 1244 after 12 noon. GERMAN POLICE DOG. 3>/g years old: daughter of the great champion. Sito Von Marlcfeste. Must sell. 634 Kenyon st. n.w, SETTER PUPPlES—Registered arid winning stock; S3O to S4O. C. W. Boyd, Falls Church, Va. 21* CANARIES, female. 11. for sale, and big breeding cage. sl2. Address 2330 Minne sota ave. s.e 31* CHOW CHOW—An exceptional high-class puppy, msle. dark red; Win Sum Min TSing ' strain. 3801 R. I. ave. n.e.. Hyatts. 1878. 21* j BOSTON TERRIER, entitled to register. 6 mos. old: beautifully marked: a real com- I panlon; must sacrifice. Phone Col. 5034-J. I , ?**— j WIRE-HAIRED POX TERRIER PUPPIES, j male, pedigreed. West 230. boats! ! ' ENGINE OIL COOLER AND GEAR in run- I I about. N. 7746. Reynolds’ Boathouse, 35th i ] and K sts. n.w. 21* J i RADIO SALES ANITREPAHtS. I CONSOLES, large Edison, new; compart-1 ments for radio, phonograph and speaker; j S9O value; sell $27.50; shown downtown. Shepherd 3044. 24* j. i FOR FARM AND GARDEN! • l PANSIES. 50 cents dozen: delphinium, sweet I william, vegetable plants, etc; California 1 privet bushes by the thousand, 2 cents each; • dahlia roots, rladiolus bulbs. Sellars Gar- . dens. Vienna. Va. 21* | LIVE STOCK AND CATTLE. SADDLE MARE, thoroughbred, suitable for I lady or gentleman. C. W. Boyd Farm, two miles from Falls Church. Va. 21* JERSEYS—Fresh and near fresh cows, springers and bred heifers; registered and fancy trade stock, at greatly reduced prices. 8. W. Boyd Farm, two miles from Palls hurch, Va. 31* SADDLE HORSE. Salb. % thoroughbred gelding, 4 years old. good lumper. Dr. J. H. Iden, 1801 Eye st. n.w. Main 10160. 21* 4 POULTRY AND EGGS. ~ MABSANUTTEN .. * —certified baby chicks. Every breeder blood tested and certified by the Department of Agriculture. Breeders and hatchery under Government supervision the entire year. All chicks shipped under official State label. Write for free catalog, stating number and variety desired. Massanutten Farms Hatch ery. Box K-331. Harrisonburg. Va. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. ANTIQUES and modern furniture—All claim to, but we actually pay more for furniture than any one In town. Phone The Lincoln Co., Franklin 8817. Be satisfied before you sell. SEPTS MM'S: £: 8173. ANTIQUES, old gold, silver, diamonds, lew- . elry bought and sold. Tendler’i Pawnbrok* erg Sales Co., 913 D it. n.w. Fr. 9339. ' BOOKS BOUGHT, all kinds In any quantity. : ‘•Bring them in” or phone Metropolitan MIS. The Big Book Shop, 533 O at. n.w. MTSCEttANEOUS.i WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. (Continued.) BOOKS BOUGHT. Main 1543. 1711 Gat nw. Paul Pearlman. FURNITURE—When you hare first-class fur niture for sale, do not hesitate to call The Lincoln Co., Franklin 8817 and you will get every penny It to worth. 21* FURNITURE—Am paying best prices for fur niture. rugs, office furniture, antiques, etc. Bhannon, Adams 2131. 20* FURNITURE of every description: best prices paid. Write or phone Main 5636. Square Deal Furniture Co., 501 Eye st. n.w. FURNITURE of all kinds wanted: best price's paid. Capital Furniture Co., 621 La. ave. n.w., or phone Franklin 10267. FURNITURE—Want to buy direct from pri vate party some furniture. Phone Metropoli tan 3061. 20* FURNITURE—We pay highest cash prices for used furniture. Phone North 6693. 23* ! FURNITURE—Don’t sacrifice your furniture. We will give more for furniture, bric-a-brac, china, antiques and office furniture. Phone us and be convinced. The Lincoln Co., tel. Franklin 8817. 604 6th n.w. 21* GOLD, Silver. watches, diamonds and old Jewelry needed In our manufacturing dept. Full cash value paid. Sellnger's. 818 F st. IRON GATES—Want to purchase new or second-hand wrought iron gates for drive way 8 feet wide. Address Box 118-R, Star office. . 21* BEWINQ MACHINE, portable Singer elec tric; give particulars and price; cash. Ad dress Box 153-R, Star office. 21* SPOT CASH paid for store fixtures and office furniture and equipment of every de scription. Edgar Baum, Inc., 914 E st. n.w. Phone Fr. 9744. STAMPS. United States and foreign, glnaly or in collections. Phone Franklin 3639. i Colling Stamp Bhop. 927 15th st. n.w. WANT TO BUY used Ixioks. fiction and others. Best prices paid. Cardinal Book Shop. 807 9th st. p.w. 21* Anything to sell? Phone Main 1282 or Main 9539 WESCHLER S. 930 PA. AVE. N.W. Household effects, merchandise, stocks, au tomobiles. etc Thirty-seven years serving the Washington public. BE SURE to call Notes before sell ing- furniture, or anything. Best cash prices. Phone District 8112. OLD CLOTHING BOUGHT. MEN’S. LADIES’ CHILDREN S. W. RICE. 1332 7th St. N.W. North 1789. CALL JOE. Furniture. Books, Household Articles. Bought. Cash Paid. Main 9747. 819 F St. N.W. 21* BEFORE SELLING Phone Franklin 8817 and ret the best re suts. We positively pay more for furniture, antiques, china, bric-a-brac, office furniture than anv one in the business. THE LINCOLN CO., 604 Bth N.W. 21* ROOMS—FURNISHED. $35 AND $45 MONTHLY. Including gas and elec.; 2 or 3 rooms and bath, completely furnished for 1.h.k.; convenient location. Cleveland 2531. 1316 EYE N.W. (Franklin Park)—S3 wk.; flats <i ground 11), gas range, enam. sinks, elec,. porch. 55 up: transients: garage. Fr. 7505. 26* DUPONT CIRCLE—I 626 19th ST.—Comfort ably furnished room, next bath; very reason able. Call Clev. 3836. 1104 13th ST. N.W.—Large, second-floor front room, suitable tor two men; twin beds. S3O amonth. 33*_ 1357 EUCLID ST. N.W.—Room on 2nd floor, near two car lines; continuous hot water, electricity, phone: gentleman. 24* LOVELY FURfirißHßb ROOM In apt. for 2; centlemen only; rent reasonable. Phone Potomac 5652.. 20* 1867 KALORAMA RD—Cool corner colonial mansion on heights. Just opened: single suites, one. two. three rooms, private bath; near car and Capitol bus line. 22* 2018 O ST. N.W. (one square below Dupont Circlet—Homelike accommodations; large, cheerful rooms; home cooking: dally, weekly, monthly. Under the management of a re tired. experienced apartment hotel manager. PHbne Decatur 5377. NEAR DU PONT CIRCLE, in private family, room for two employed ladies. References exchanged. Phone Potomac 5486. 21* APARTMENT ROOM adjoining bath, south ern exposure; small family; just west of Connecticut ave. on California at. Phone Decatur 137. 31* 1201 B ST. N.E.—For gentlemen. Large, airy furnished rooms, with or without board: electric light, hot-water heat, convenient to three car lines; private family. 21* 1914 18th ST N.W.—Large front and one single adjoining bath. Modern home, two in family. Home privileges. Very reason able rent. Reference. , 25* 1320 L ST. N.W.—Lovely light rooms, twin beds if desired: always hot water; *7, $8 and $lO weekly. Also single rooms. $3 weekly. 1757 EUCLID,’ near 18th and Col. rd ! Pleasant rooms, Instantaneous hot water; homelike: reasonable: 2 car lines. Col. 4855. 1843 CALVERT ST. N.W.—Desirable room for one or two; continuous not water in bath; 1473 GIRARD N.W.—Desirable room wltn screened porch: one or two gentlemen; pri vate family. Col. 5200-W. __ 1418 M ST. N.W., Thomas Circle—Large, southern exposure room for 2 gentlemen, next bath; twin beds. 1538 17th BT. N.W.—Beautiful, large, front room. semi-private bath. 1851 CALIFORNIA ST —Entire floor 1* quiet home. Large, cheerful front room and pri vate bath, 7 windows. Must be seen to be appreciated. 31* 4524 7th ST. N.W.—Furnished rooms, gentle man. Bet. 4:30 and 7 p.m. 21* 1627 R ST. N.W.—First floor, front; large sitting and bedroom; electricity; $25. Phone Dec, 4049. !_ 1628 K ST.—Well furnished room, comfort able bed. fireplace, opposite Y. W. C. A., near park, c. h. w., large bath, 3rd floor, $25. 1875 MONROE ST. NW.—Second-story front", double room, southern exposure: awnings: communicating single room. Quiet shaded street near entrance to Rock Creek Park. Private home. Phone. Call after 6:30 o'clock. 31 1316 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE.,'Apt. 44- Comfortable room next to tiled bath, un limited phone, switchboard, elevator service. Call 6 to 9 p.m. * 1411 K BT. N.W.—Large front room, two beds, gas range, aext bath. 18 week. Hall room. 312 month. •_ 3506 16th ST. N.W.—Very large, bright, front room, private bath, phone, attractively fur ntshed. Reasonable. •_ GENTLEMAN who will appreciate fine sur roundings, light, cool, comforts; three adults In family. North 3217. 1501 16th ST. N.W.—Lovely room. 5 win dows. adj. bath. 2nd floor: use attractive living room, piano. Vlctrola. N. 4699, 1115 9th ST. NAV.. APT. 9—Bright, cool, large room, electricity, elevator, hot water; i reasonable. 31* 1508 COLUMBIA RD —Clean, nicely furnfsh- | ed room, second floor; all conveniences: prl- i rate home: gentleman. 36* 1709 R. I. AVE. N.W.—Well furnished single room, semi-private bath, continuous hot water. Phone Decatur 5538: ladies only. 21* 543 KY. AVE. B.E.—For rent, large front room. 2nd floor, next to bath: suitable for one or two: gentlemen preferred. Phone Atlantic 4060. 1_ 713 MASS. AVE. N.E.—3 furnished rooms. 1.h.k.; for couple. 32* THE WAKEFIELD. 1017 N. Y. ave. n.w.— Homelike; transients: $1.50 per day. weekly, 84 up. Lobby and sitting rooms. 23* CHEVY CHASE CIRCLE—Nicely furnished room, new Spanish home, connecting bath, unlimited phone; breakfast if desired: single. S3O. doiible. S4O: ladles only. Clev. 6641. 21* 817 SHERIDAN ST. N.W.—Nicely fur. large front room. 4 windows: also garage. 31* 1820 KALORAMA RD —Room for gentleman; all conveniences. Telephone Col. 2920. 21* 3449 14th BT. N.W—Large room, adjoining bath; Instantaneous hot water, electricity, phone: adults. 21 LINCOLN PARK. 1343 A N.E.—Lovely. clean, front room, a.m.t.; adjoining bath; sentle men: $4 week. 22 1236 EUCLID BT. N.W.T-One or two fur nished rooms next,to bath; modern corner homa; phone service. _____ 1302 fICONN. AVE —Walking distance down town. Large second-floor double room, bath adjoining: 825 month. Home conveniences. LARGE FRONT ROOM, next bath, a.m.i., for 1 or 3; owner’s home. Convenient cars end busses. Reasonable. Adams 1978. 1471 IRVIWo ST. N.W.. No. 27—Nice, large, comfortable room. 84.50 per week. SHERIDAN, 1523 22nd ST.—Large, bright room, second floor, overlooking Massaehu setts ave. S2O month. Potomac 1757-W. « 2004 F ST. N.W—Front room for two or three; also single room. Reasonable. BOOMS—FURNISHED.' (Can tipped.) THE PLYMOUTH. Apt. 72: 1338 11th it. n.w.—Nicely fur. rooms, with kit.; also tin ale rooms. Reasonable. 1134 VERMONT AVE—Decatur 915. Desir able. housekeeping, first, second, third floors. 820. 838. S3O monthly. Continuous hot water. BROOKLAND. 1805 Monroe at. n.e.—Large front room, three windows. Call after 8 a.m. Beautifully furnished. 28^_ 1724 18th BT. N.W.—Attractive rooms. *in (le. sls. $25; double, S3O. Use kitchen, piano, books. Ladles. References. De catur 4883. 31* THOMAS CIRCLE, Apt. 86. the Cumberland —Nice, clean room for a gentleman. 21* 111* Bth ST. N.W.—'Two front rooms, each suitable for couple, reasonable. Phone. 31* 1119 12th ST.—Lovely rooms, one or two ■pen: new linen, spotlessly clean; board if desired. Reasonable. A.m.i, •_ 221 E ST. N.W.—One south-front, bay-win dow room. elec., h.-w.h., continuous hot water; second floor. $6 a week. References exchanged. SHEPHERD PARK—Can accommodate two or four young men. New home. References. Address Box 181-R. Star jifflee. 21* 1607 EYE ST.—ldeal location, two squares north White House. Large single. $25; dou ble. 838. Shower bath, telephone. _22* 146 D B.E.—2nd-floor front room. 5 win dows, close to bath, near 3 car lines, library and Capitol.’ . ?i« 1407 W ST. N.W.. Apt. 12—Nicely fur nished room. • 607 NEW YORK AVE.—2 rooms, kitchen, bath, a.m.i., neatly furnished, downtown. Reasonable. Franklin 7626-W. 709 MT. VERNON PL. N.W.—Large front room, 3 beds, suitable' for 2 gentlemen, a m.l. Other rooms. Reasonable. 1626 17th—Central, excp. liv. rm„ communi cating sun-bedroom (7 windows), artistic lighting, fireplace, cont. h.w„ janitor; refs. 3134 PA. AVE. N.W.—For rent, front A, irm nicely furnished. 20* 233 Ist ST. N.W.—Close to station; sleeping rooms and l.h.k. apt. * FACING PARK AND N. Y. AVE —Single or double, next bath; large room. Ist floor, suit able for business, continuous hot water. 1006 Eye n.w. • _ 907 EMERSON ST. —Furnished room, with Jewish family. N. Hankin. 21* 314 EAST CAPITOL ST.. Apt. 51—Near Capi tol: south-front single room; elevator. Lin coln 3040-W. Gentleman. 1410 M ST. N.W. ilroquois. Apt. 505)—Well furnished single room: central location: ele vator and telephone service. 20* 515 H ST. N.W—Rooms, sleeping and light housekeeping: $4, $5. $6 week; clean, quiet; adults; service. PORTLAND HOTEL, Thomas Circle. Famous for a generation. A home for Senators. Congressmen and high officials Large rooms, high ceilings, fireplaces, first quality beds. Transients, some rooms. 11: monthly, $25, S4O. $65. Buites 3 rooms, $l2O. Fidelity Garage, capacity 500 cars. sl. MONMOUTH HOTEL, 1819 G ST. NW. Running water, telephone in each room. Bath for each two rooms: hot water is hot. Many tenants have remained 10 years. $35 to SSO monthly. FIDELITY STORAGE CO. W ST. NAV., near North Capi tol st. —Bright double room, completely furnished; rent rea sonable. ..Phone Potomac 1740. i-f- —mi.'ito RENT ROOMS—L'N'FU RXISH E D 1243 KENYON ST. N.W—Two bright, at tractive rooms and bath; newly decorated. Price. $35. 21* 4011 MARLBORO PL—Two or three rooms for light housekeeping, in Petworth. Rea sonable. 4808 ILLINOIS AVE. N W.-TwD rooms and glass Inclosed sleeping porch. 33* 4909 ARKANSAS AVE. N.W . near 13th and Emerson—2 front rooms, 1.h.k.. in bunga low; very desirable; convenient location. 20* RENT ROOMS—FUR. OR UNFIT'- 117 15th ST. N.E., Apt. A—s 4 per week; all modern improvements. 4512 GEORGIA AVE —Furnished or unfur nished rooms, kitchenette, bathroom; reason able price: wonderful location. 31* 1458 OAK BT. N.W —Colored—4 rooms, bath, first floor, furnished. $7.50 week; front room, *3.50; two rear rooms, *4. 3-room flat,-85. 20* ROOMS AND BOARD. 1621 MASS. AVE—Well furnished, large front room, running water. 5 windows, cose single* for refined drl. Board. THE COLUMBIA Bible Training Sa#:sool offers a beautiful home to young cosiness woman in its second building. 2109 S st. n.w. Special rates. Excellent meals. Large, airjr rooms. Garden and gym. . 1822 LAMONT ST. N.W.-Two women or em ployed couple, comfortably furnished dou ble room, also single room. Cont. n. w.» phone. Adams 5223. *i TORRENT. WITH BOARD, to couple or two women, unusually beautiful, large front room in attractive and delightfully located private home in best n.w. section. on car and bus line: reasonable. For details ad dressßox 369-J. StarjJfflce. - 1347 GIRARD ST.—Live i*l home of intelli gence and refinement; delicious table, com fortable rooms; references- required. 1415 RHODE ISLAND AVE. NAV—WTO walking distance downtown, nicely furnished rooms and home-cooked food, home prlvt leges. unlimited phone; reasonable rate*. Potomac 3061. • Hi— -2005 COLUMBIA RD. N.W.— Large, nicely furnished room with private home cooked meals; accommodation for two. . 1831-33 K ST. N.W.. Scott Inn—Near down town shopping district: lovely rooms, mea,s if desired, also transients. £1 1800 LAMONT ST. N.W.— Large, second-floor room, next to bath, 4 windows, nicely fur nished: twin beds. Adams 3756. 21*_ 1834 CONN. AVE—Beautiful 2nd-floor front room; private bath with shower; single or double beds. Real home cooking. 30 i 1343 EUCLID ST. N.W—Rooms and board: large front, southern exposure: single beds, cont. h. w„ suitable for 2 or more. Calll Col. 10422. 2 * WANTED—ROOMS. WANT TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS WITH sink and bath, in northwest section, by a settled woman. State price. Address Box lil-R. Star office. LARGE. AIRY ROOM. BY ttDERLY MAN. German family preferred. Will furmsh if necessary. Address Box 113-R» Star office. MAY I—TWO FURNISHED, l.h.k. rooms, vicinity Col. rd.: 14th st. car. 2 adults. Ad dress Box 236-M. Star office. * ~ WANTED —ROOMS AND BOARD. ■ EMPLOYED young lady desires room and board in private home. Address Box 44-R, Star office. 21 “ RENT—STORES. _ STORE WITH LIVING QUARTERS. REA sonaole rent. 709 4th st. n.w. See Carroll. phone Main 10439; 918 O st. n.w. DOWNTOWN STORE:: PERFECT CONDI-, tlon. now ready for occupancy; rent only SIOO.OO. pERCY H ruSSELL CO., 1731 K St. N.W. 1760 PA. AVE. NAV 1926 Pa. ave. n.w 3500 Ga. ave .5? 4228 Ga. ave. (cor.) and apt iej> Met. 202% nAymE-BARRY:‘i»7HBt:NAY 3261 th BT. S.W.-CORNER 5T0RE..525.00 523 4Va st. s.w.—Store. 4 r., bath 70.00 719 4>2 st. s.w.—Store. 6 r., bath 75.00 1100 4>a st. s w.—Store .......... 50.00 717 4*2 st. s.w.—Store, 6 r - bath...... i 5 00 THOMAS P. BROWN. 615 4'a ST. S.W. LARGE STORE. S4O. In good block, on H st. n.e., near 14th st. FOr HOWENSTEIN7BROS.LTNCOLN_*97: 2206 14th ST.—STORE, LOFT. CELLAR. 1726 7th st.—Store and apt. HENRY SCHAFFERT. 33U John Marshall PI.. STORE AND APARTMENT. Across street from large, new apartment house, suited for any business. *llO rent. 3313 Georgia ave. .. . ___ THOS. E. JARRELL CO.. Mam 766. 1204 7th ST. NAV. Modern store suitable for any retail busi ness Rent. $75 per month, ness. * NORMOYLE. „ _ Main 2255. *l° J Bt. NAV._ IN NEW LOCATION. 503 KENNEDY ST. N.W.—sso. Large store located in the heart of ljew and thriving location. Splendid opportunity. CAFRITZ. 1018 14th St, Main 9080. 2509 14th ST. N.W *,'1222 1940 9th st. n.w 135.00 1224 Eye st. n.w 100.00 1356 Park rd. n.w 75.00 2122 18th st. n.w 7a.00 4605 14th st. n.w 75.00 2318 Pa. ave. s.e 05 00 461 Que st. n.w—Store & apt. above.. 50.00 709 Kennedy st. n.w 50.00 1326 North Capitol st 50.00 431 15th st. n.e 40.00 B. F. SAUL CO.. Main 2100. 925 15th St. N.W. STORES. 15th and You sts.: SSO , _ 1815 G st.—Suitable for waffle and Ice cream, laundry, cleaner: next door to case feeding 1.700 per day. Free telephone vo 40u people in Monmouth Hotel; $l5O. 14th AND FAIRMONT. Good for any business. Free telephone to 220 people in Fontanet Courts. MERCHANDISE BUILDING, 14th AND S. Business rooms, various sizes; offices, stock, manufacturing, sample. Low prices. FIDELITY STORAGE CO. ~ SALE—STORES DESIRABLE STORE IN 5400 BLOCK ON Georgia ave. Owner has moved to larger quarters. This property is going to be sold and no reasonable offer wll be refused. Easy terms to right party. THOMAS J. FISHER & CO., INC., 738 15th St. N.W. * Main 6830. RAILROAD SIDINGS. 88.500 SQ. FT.. PRONTINO 433 FT. ON B. ft O Will sell ali or part. Can Mr. Daly. STORY ft CO . 813 17th St Fr. 4109. * * / 27