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W - OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT FINE MEN'S WEAR EISEMAN’S —7th & F I PRIVATE £ A AMBULANCES *4 Best in City Steel Burial Vaults SQC Any Make COMPLETE S7C FUNERALS 1 ° lp CHAMBERS 14th Strrrt N.VT.» rnrnfr Chapin PHONE COL. 432 Xvximl jSezl Long distance telephone calls. Wreaths & BtauHfat Floral jl Tltc Potomac at Canlcrork 1j ,J A n Entirely IS etc Section of the jr H Choicest Scenery of the Potomac 8$ tj§ Valley Is ISoiv Accessible by SS $ Auto Thru * 1 Carderock 1 fin The opening to Autos of Lockhaven Parkway through Carderock m mj and the Rustic Bridge over the picturesque Old Canal —now again filled oj jjf| with running water —offers you an opportunity to enjoy some of the finest '■ j (TE scenery of the Potomac \ alley. A You can acquaint yourself at first hand with much of the area of the A proposed George Washington Memorial Park. JSm Carderock Developers have conserved its many natural beauties in liar jjp nmny with the ideals of this Great Park. uni Carderock is the FIRST worthwhile area ever offered for permanent j/J !- 1 Tlomcsitcs on the Maryland side of the Potomac above Washington, em- J. |JJ bracing as it does some 275 acres in the Country Club District and in itself jo, C-A guarded bv sound restrictions —your purchase there will grow in value jp (•'yj and desirability. £ jb ()vcr -420,000 sq. ft. of Waterfront already sold to discerning home- *i builders —more for less expensive homesites near, but not actually on the River. Less than half the available waterfront unsold. d ... Jt Hay Canlcrork note before prices attain rise Si DRIVE OUT THIS SUNDAY The flowers find dopwoori are at their best » i* The ITay to Carderock—On Conduit Rond, just five wiles from 1). C. line. Tn Reach Conduit Road west from Pennsylvania cl venue or Reservoir Road E>j or River Road, or from Chevy Chase "via Wilson Lane. - | HOPKINS-ARMSTRONG, Inc. 1 | j Phone Main 2303 323-24 Colorado Bldg. MIDSHIPMEN MAY SEEK RHODES PRIZE First and Second Class Mem bers to Be Eligible in Compe tition for Scholarships. Midshipmen who are now members of the first and second classes at the Naval Academy will be eligible to file their applications to compete for Rhodes scholarships, the Bureau of Navigation of the Navy Department announced to day. Complete instructions governing com petition for the current year will be issued soon, the bureau said in Its an nouncement concerning the scholar ships. Applications are to be acted on in December by State committees. "The Naval Academy graduate who has the rare good fortune to be sent to Oxford will rrndpr exceptional service IWIP Excursion Trip Watkins Glen STOPPING AT EI,MIRA SUNDAY, MAY 12 Sprrial Train heave* Saturday Niatit. May It Standard Time Leave Washington 8 30 P.M. Leave BaKimoie tPemia. Sta.) 9 35 P M. Returning, leave Watkins Glen 1:30 j P M.; Elmira. 2:30 P M. Pennsylvania Railroad THE EVKNTS'H STAT?. TVASHTyOTOy. D. <T. SATTRP'AY. As AY 4, 1029. to his country." said the bureau. "Whpn he returns to take up his duties with the fleet, he undoubtedly will bring new ideas and a breadth of vision which will tend to maintain our right to assert, that personnel of our Navy is second to none in vision, broad purpose and loyalty. "In view of the ever-ehanged condi tions and the necessity of equipping of ficers for all future impoi-tant duties, the bureau believes this opportunity will 1 provide another means for educating officers to properly handle the many complex situations which confront the Navy from time to time. They will re turn to the Navv better equipped to un dertake the more advanced problems.” Pointing out that Cecil Rhodes, donor of the famous scholarships, directed that successful candidates for his scholarships should possess literary and scholastic ability and attainments; qualities of manhood, truth, devotion to duty, sympathy, kindliness, unselfish ness and fellowship, exhibition of moral force of character and of instinct to lead and to take an interest in his schoolmates and physical vigor, the bureau said that the Navy "stands four-square on the qualities Mr. Rhodes considered as essential.” The Naval Academy system, it said, makes for these qualities. The bureau said that it has ordered for the libraries of the major ships publications designed to stimulate in i tcrest in this new plan for the Navy among prospective candidates. —• Out of respect for her husband's fond ness for birds, Mrs. M. Gibbs of Ed monton. England, had a wreath com posed of 14 stuffed birds placed on his grave. / SALADS \ I NowV the time. Make a dressing I I of oil and vinegar seasoned with 9 I LEA & PERRINS J x SAUCE y SAVE MONEY ON STORAGE. CALI Smiths FI RE-PROOF TORAGE LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE MOVING AG ENTS ALLIED VAN LINES gjj|| RU6S™,k STORAGE I FURS 1313 YOU STREET, N.W. PHONE NORTH 3343 STUDENT IS HELD IN TORCH MING Defense Has Bussey, Who Said He “Petted'’ Mrs. j Peacox, Jai!ed as Witness. i By Ihr Associated Press, j WHITE PLAINS. N. Y„ May 4. ! Gen-' Bussey, student at Johns Hopkins i j University, who told of a love affair> I with Mrs. Dorothy Peacox, was in jail I ! today as a material witness in the j i ‘•torch” slaying of the young woman. 1 Bussey was arrested ir a New York 1 hotel on an order obtained t>y counsel 1 j for Earl F. Peacox, tl?>' husband, who has confessed he strangled his wife and ; set fire to the body. | Bussey has been quoted as saying he ! indulged in “petting parties" with Mrs. Peacox and corresponded with her. He I said Peacox found cne of the letters and i threatened to “beat the life out of him.” j i The New York American today pub- I lished a letter written by the young | Mrs. Peacox to her mother-in-law giv -1 ins the 20-year-old wife's reasons for j leaving her husband, j The letter said, in part: j “It didn't take us long to realize that v.e made a mistake. It was two months! ' after we were married that we decided j to separate. We found that our natures never could be reconciled. “We kept up the pretense of being happy, just for the old-fashioned cus- j tom of making believe \iat our mar ! riage was a success. But our life was j ! really a hell on earth. We weren’t really i man and wife, but just a fighting pair | of foolish kids.” District Attorney Frank H. Coyne said [ I Peacox had made a new statement, in j j which he had "talked himself out of a I I self-defense n’ea." I ssgSr*: Sunday Even'* at 7 r.M. Eastern nay lixht Time a| (s.X 6 P.M. Eastern /, AM ija\ Standard Time f * 1 WTAG -■ WJAR anthracite i C The Best Since 1820 UPC Ask your dealer for OLD COMPANY'S LEHIGH Coal if THE IDEAL SUMMER HOME COMMUNITY || j II DRIVE DOWN SUNDAY |3 Est INSPECT NEW BUNGALOW || jb £S I.arge living room, dining room, kitchen, two mm g » bedrooms and bath. All modern improvements. f Em Pr,CP only * s > ooo - • Eas y terms. Immediate pos- ff Ijjl Also offers the best in waterfront lots at reason- »jl | I.WI Write us for new illustrated folder showing many Rjft beautiful homes and scenes of Bay Ridge. mfM |H Bay Ridge Realty Corp., Owner I. ft I|l . 1400 H a slr^LW; ePre * en, Main 366 \ ui'aumimMßL Central Armature Works 625-627 D Street N.W. Phone Main 3660-1-2 SPECIALISTS Generators and Electric Motors New and Rebuilt. All Makes and Sizes Vs to 300 H.P. in Stock to Select From j Before purchasing a motor have our apparatus ! specialist advise you the proper application. No I charge. j! / A personal survey of our immense shop will J ; convince you of our merits. i| Leaders for 15 Years KENWOOD c iTho tffopauiifuS r \ /"\UR co-opcration with the pur chasers of home sites in Kenwood includes convenient financing fa cilities for the erection of homes — designed and built by our organiza tion; or one of your own choosing, subject to approved plans and specifications. Present prices of home sites in Kenwood will be materially advanced on May twelfth. ! Kennedy-Chamkerlin Development Co. I 2400 Sixteenth Street Columbia 7280 THE WEATHER District of Columbia—Mostly cloudy and somewhat warmer tonight and to ! morrow, probably occasional showers; i gentle to moderate south or southwest j winds. Maryland Cloudy and somewhat warmer tonight and tomorrow, probably occasional showers; moderate to fresh southwest or south winds. Virginia—Mostly cloudy tonight and tomorrow; probably showers tomorrow and in extreme north portion tonight;, warmer tonight; moderate to fresh southwest winds. West Virginia—Cloudy, probably oc casional showers tonight and tomor -1 row; warmer tonight. Records for 23 Hours. Thermometer—4 p.m., 57: 8 p.m.. 52: I 12 midnight, 46; 4 am., 44; 8 am., 49; i noon. 61. Barometer —4 p.m.. 29 61; 8 p.m., 29.74: 12 midnight, 29.84; 4 a.m , 29 90; 8 a m.. 29.95; noon. 29.94. ! Highest temperature. 61, occurred at 11 am., today: lowest temperature, 43, occurred at 5 a.m.. today. Temperature same date last year— Highest, 93; lowest, 53. Tide Tables. (Furnished by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Today—low tide. 10:40 a m. and 11:00 p.m.: high tide. 3:58 a m. and 4:18 p.m. Tomorrow—Low tide, 11:35 a.m. and 11:47 p.m.; high tide, 4:48 a.m. and | 5:11 p.m. The Sun and Moon. Today—Sun rose 5:07 a.m.; sun sets 7:03 p.m. Tomorrow —Sun rises 5:06 a.m.; sun : sets 7:04 p.m. Moon rises 2:56 a.m.: sets 2:oo p.m. Automobile lamps to be lighted one half hour after sunset. Condition of the Water. Great Falls —Very muddy. Weather in Various Cities. ts'lempeiature o= y ft »jj „ t Stations. re c * H '<* °Weather. -! v*» g. oo :" p » :: j B Abilene. Te:;... 29.62 84 SO .... Clear Albany. N. Y... 29.82 62 42 0.04 Cloudy Atlanta. Ua.... 30.06 62 52 .... Clear Atlantic. City... 30.00 53 45 .... Cloudy \ Baltimore. Md. . 29 04 58 44 .... Cloudy i Birmingham ... 30 02 6fi 50 .... Clear I Bismarck. N. D. 30.02 52 26 .... Clear Boston, Mass... 29 86 68 44 .. . Clear : Buffalo, N. Y. .. 29.76 40 34 0.02 Cloudy .Charleston. SC. 30 12 70 34 .... Pi.cloudy Chicago. XU . 29.82 43 36 .... Clear Cincinnati. Ohio 29.90 54 44 0.13 learning Cleveland. Onio. 29 80 44 36 0.28 Clear Columbia. S. C. 30 10 66 48 .... Clear Denver. C 010... 29 84 66 42 .... Cloudy Detroit. Mich... 29.76 40 36 .... Clear El Paso. Tex. 29 78 86 60 .... Clear Galveston. Tex. 29 88 72 68 .... Ft cloudy Helena. Mont . 30 02 53 38 .... Cloudy Huron. S. Dak. 29.98 52 30 .... Clear Indianapolis.lnd 29.86 50 42 .... Cloudy •Jacksonville.F!a. 30.12 70 58 .... Clear Kansas City. Mo. 29 84 56 44 .... Ramlng Lcs Angeles ... 29 90 80 56 .... Cloudy Louisville. Ky.. 29 90 54 48 0.26 Cloudy Miami. Fla 30.00 76 63 .... Cloudy New Orleans... 29 98 72 56 .... Clear New York. NY. 29.96 52 42 .... Pt.cloudy Oklahoma City. 29.62 80 53 . .. Cloudy Omaha. Nebr.. 29.92 58 43 .... Cloudy Philadelphia.F'a. 29.93 56 46 .... Cloudy Phoenix. Am... 29.76 96 64 .... Clear Pittsburgh. Pa.. 29 88 44 40 .... Cloudy Portland. Me . . 29.80 56 40 n. 02 Pt.cloudy Portland. Oreg. 30 04 58 as 012 Raining Raleigh. N. C.. 30.06 64 48 Cleat- Salt Lake City.. 29.90 64 42 Clear San Antonio.... 29 76 82 60 .... Clear San Diego. Calif 29.88 70 Cloudy San Francisco.. 30.00 63 50 ... Clear St. Louis. M 0... 29.84 58 46 008 Cloudy St Paul. Minn.. 29 82 44 30 Clear Seattle. Wash . 30.04 58 44 .... Cloudy Spokane, Wash. 30.02 60 36 .... Clear WASH.. D. C... 29.94 58 43 .... Cloudy JAMES T. PETTY, 92,! EX-OFFICIAL, DEAD i i Served 54 Years in District Government —Was Civil War Veteran. James Thomas Petty, 92 years old, 3331 O street, former District auditor i and later chief of the tax arrears divi- j sion, formerly under the tax collector's office, from which position he was re- j j tired in 1924, after 54 years’ service in ; | the District government, died yester-! day. He had b?en failing for some! ! time, but had been seriously ill only i j a few days. i Mr. Petty was first appointed book- j keeper in the controller's office by j Mayor Emery in September. 1870. After j ' witnessing the passing of the territorial j i form of government and the board of j I public works and the commission form i of government begin in 1874. Mr. Petty ; I in 1883 was nnm-d auditor of the Dis- ! j t.rict, and served continuously in that' j capacity until August, 1903. Headed Arrears Division. He then was made an assistant j assessor and in 1917 became chief of the arrears division, which handles all delinquent tax bills. While in the latter position he located hundreds of persons, whose property was sold for taxes at the annual sales, and caused them to redeem their holdings. The arrears division at that lime came under the tax collectors’ office, but since has been placed under the tax assessors' | offlro. Mr. Petty had been a member of the j Odd Fellows for the past 71 years and j also was active in the Masonic Fra- I ternity. being a member of Dawson; Lodge. F. A. A. M. Born in Falmouth. Va.. in 133 G. Mr. j j Pet’.y moved to this city in 1851, resid- i I ing li“re lor 10 years before the Civil : I War. When the conflict between the ] North and South began he went to Front Royal. Va.. and joined the I Warren County Rifles, in the Confed erate Army. Wounded and Imprisoned. In the fighting at Frazier’s Farm Mr. Petty was wounded and taken a pris oner. Later, in 1885, he was shot again at Dinwiddie Courthouse, nine cays be fore the surrender of Gen. Lee. The war over, Mr. Petty came back to this city and began his long period ; of service with the District government, t Mr. Petty had many memories of old j Washington, and frequently recounted i happenings here. He is survived by three sons. Dr. Wil liam K. Petty and Robert M. Petty, both of this city, and Col. James M.! Petty, U. S. A., and a daughter, Miss Mae V. Petty. Funeral services will be conducted in the Mount Vernon Place M. E. Church South Monday afternoon at 2:30 1 o'clock. Internment will be in the Con- i fcdci'ate section of Arlington Cemetery, j BOY CRUSHED TO DEATH UNDER TRUCK'S WHEELS James Ingraham, colored. 8 years old. was crushed to death late yesterday j afternoon when he fell beneath the wheels of a large motor truck at P and Fourth streets. David Groom, colored. COl P street, driver of the truck, said the child was “hooking” a ride when he slipped and fell. The boy, who lived in the 1700 block of M street, was taken to Frecdmcn’s ' Hospital by a passing motorist, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. City Club "Movie" Is Postponed. H. J. Odenthal, executive secretary of the City Club, announced that the showing of "The Lost World.” a motion picture featuring Conan Doyle's depic tion of the Amazon, to which Lieut. Walter Hinton, pilot of the NC-4 and also pilot of the Rice exploration in 1925, was to give the prologue, is post poned from Wednesday, May 8. to Thursday. May 16. It will be shown in the club's ballroom at 8:15 p.m., and is limited to the membership. Births Reported. Tap following births have been reported to thp Health Department in the past 24 hours: Raymond G. and Edna E. Insley. girl. Harry C. and Doiothv Kramer, girl. John F. and Mary Ellis, boy. Charles M. and Marjorie V. VVaterfleld. boy George A. and Mary G Es!in. girl. Theodore M. and Evelyn V. Osborne, girl. Clarence and Irene Taylor, boy. John and Madeline White, girl, i James G. and Dorothy Gaskins, boy. i George and Rosa Young, boy. James and Mamie Swann, boy. Deaths Reported. Th" following deaths have been reported to the Health Department in the past 24 hours: Jo'ir H. Davis. 85. 3720 Upton st. Anna M. Hessler, 83. 1340 B st. s.e. Louis Koehler. 80. 401 4th st. n.e. Elvira V. Proctor. 80. 45 S st. Ellen R. Edson. 73. 1853 Monroe st. Albin F. Goshorn. 67. 1010 7th st. J. Elmer Slater. 50. George Washington University Hospital Herbert A. Ford. 43. 726 7th st. s.e. Elizabeth H. Foster, 42. Washington tour ist camp. j.incoin Van Over. 38. 908 D st. s w. Antonio Gain. 35. Gallinger Hospital. Richard H. Parker. 70. 1009 Irving st Lloyd Green. 65. tn route Freedmen's Hos pital Georgia Newman. 69. Freedmen’s Hospital. Isaac Green. 52. 216 Clarks ct. s.w. William Thomas. 42. Emergency Hospital. James C. Batnes. 23. Tuberculosis Hospital. Helena D. Hurd. 19. 1618 Ist st. Louise Brown. 6. 317 L st. s.e. Barbara Gilmere. 9 months. Freedmen's I Hospital. Infant of Earlin McCorkle. 1 month. 1812 Ist st Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses have been issued to the following: William E Perry, 21. and Gladys A. Spence. 22; Rev Simpson B. Daugherty. Albert E. MacKenzie, 25. and Marlon S. Hinton. 20: Rev. Joseph H. Hollister. Theooore E. Levick. 29. and Marie A. Mc- Laughlin. 29. both of Philadelphia, Pa.: Rev. James S. Montgomery. Howard W. Junscrs. 22. and Dorothy P. Leydecker. 21. both of Baltimore. Md.: Rev. John E. Briggs. John M. Dundon. 30. and Margaret O. Dunnigan. 27. both of Baltimore. Md.: Judge Robert E. Mattingly. Archie White. 27. and Dorothy E. Thomas. 25: Rev. William D. Jarvis. Edward A. Caskey. 25. and Bertha F'lfisch nian. 25, both of Baltimore, Md.; Rev. W. F. Rosenblum. Shep Hochherg. 21. and Lillian Gordon. 19. both of Baltimore. Mri.: Rev. George f=:)y c■.-.irii'.e, LOST. ANTIQUE NECKLACE, blue sapphire an pearl, dark metal chain: Thursday morning Interior Building on 18th st. Address Bo: 383-S. S'nr office, • BREASTPIN, camco. one pearl of four miss ing. Return to Mrs. Grattan Kerns. 1305 Kennedy st. Reward. | COAT, lady's, tan. red lining, fur collar: I lost April 30. near Virginia ave. and 21st st. : n.w. Reward. Call Georgia 1174. I DOG. tcniale, German police: black, slightl: I mixed with gray, white spot on breast am each front foot: strayed from Chevy Chase answers to name of "Patsy.” D. F. Me ! Donald. Capitol Heights. Md. * DOG. white. Eskimo: license No. 15628: re ward if returned to 1813 24th st. n.w. Phon Decatur 1657 EYEGLASSES, bifocal, tortoise shell rim. April 19. in Willard Collee Shoppe. Tele phone Cleveland 6444. 5» IRISH SETTER, female, red: collar, no (ay reward. Herat. J. E. Thompson, 3300 1811 st. n.e North 7371. POCKFTBOOK. black permit and lodge | cards Inside Please return to R. R. Bashaw. 2133 F st. n.w. Reward. • POODLE —Male: 8 mos. old: answers to name of "Ambrose.” Reward. Lincoln 6234-W. 611 Morr a st. n.e. STICKPIN, onyx and diamond: liberal re ward. Jackson C. Vinnint, Tllden Gardens Cleveland 5334 _ 5* WRIST WATCH, lady’s, white gold. Swiss on street in n.w. section; reward if returnet to 902 French st. n.w. 3* WRIST WATCH, lady's, white-gold, with enamel trim; Lansßurgh fc Tiro, waiting room. ..lav 2 Reward. Phone Wis. 2.624. 5* WRIST WATCH. Elgin: gold; monoeramed M. C. B ; P st. between 21st and 32nd. Re ward. Decat :• 798. j WRIST WAXfti. Willie gold Swiss: extension ‘ biaeelrt R®nrd Return to Apt. 208, the JelTer.son. Tax Expert Dies JAMES T. PETTY. jPOPPY SALE SOON OPENS. The annual poppy sale of the Veter ans of Foreign Wars will be held May 27 to 29. inclusive. The poppies, which are sold at 10 cents each, are made by disabled veterans in Government, hospi tals. who receive 2 cents for each of them. The drive has the indorsement of President Hoover and the District j Commissioners. There are seven posts of the veter | ans with 3.000 members in the Capital j at present. (£arftn of elfanlio. I! ARNES. MARGARET E. We wish to than!: I our many friends for their kindness mid ! .sympathy during tlie illness and death ot | my wife. MARGARET E. BARNES, i HER HUSBAND AND FAMILY, 719 Merri mac ave.. Silver Spring. Met. * I TAYI.OR. BERNARD. I wish to '-xpress my i heaitfrlt appreciation to my neighbors end many friends for their kind expressions of •sympathy and beautiful floral tributes ex tended to me during the illness and death of my beloved husband. BERNARD TAY LOR. HIS WIFE. SARAH E. TAYLOR. • WII.E!AMS. FRANK A. We wish to express to our relatives and friends our deepest appreciation for their kindness during the illness of our husband and son. Mr. FRANK A. WILLIAMS, and for the beau : tiful floral expiessions of sympathy at his j death. I MRS CECILIA A. WILLIAMS, MRS. MARY SCHIPPEL. • j D ratlin. ALLEN, THOMAS I. On Thursday. May 2. I 1929. at Providence Hospital. Thomas 1.. ! beloved husband of May Alien. Remains lat the chapel of Thomas F. Murray A Son. 2007 Nichols ave s.e. Services at Bell s Church. Prince Georges County. Md,. on Sunday. May a, at 2 pm. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Bell s Cemetery. 4 | BLANTON. FLORA. On Friday. May 3. 1929. FLORA, daughter of the lata Eiias and I Mary Blanton. Remains resting at the chapel of P. A. Taltavull, 433 7th st. s.w. Interment private. BRUNER. ISABELLE. Departed this life Tuesday. April 30. 1929, at her residence. Dodge rd.. Cedar Heights. Md . ISABELLE, the beloved wife of Jesste Bruner. She leaves to mourn their loss a deroted hus band. mother, father, one sister, two brothers and a host of other relatives and friend'. Funeral Sunday. May 5, from i St. Matthews A M. E. Church. Cedar Heights. Md . at 10 am. Interment Mertinsburs. Md. Relatives and friends invited. * BI RCHE. SUSAN R. On Friday. May 3. 1929. at Homeopathic Hospital. SUSAN R.. daughter of J. Covington and Ellen Kar rick Burchc. Her remains are at the residence of Dr. Franklin B Pedrick. 1736 Columbia rd. n.w. Funeral from Epiphany Church on Monday, May 6. at 2 pm. In terment (privatei Rock Creek Cemetery. 5 COOK. .lESSE S. Suddenly, on Friday. May 3. 1929. JESSE S COOK, beloved son of Josiah and the late Matilda F. Cook. Funeral Monday. May 6. at 9 am., from Holy Comforter Church. 14th and East Capitol sts. Relatives and friends invited to attend. • CFONIF. ROBERT F. Suddenlv, Friday. May 3. 1929. ROBERT F. CRONIE. father of Mrs. Helen Lsuxman Mrs. John Bitte ner ar.d John Cronic. Funeral from the chapel of J. William Lee’s Sons. 332 Penn sylvania ave. n.w . on Monday. May 6. at 12 30 p m Relatives and fripnds invited to att"nd. Interment in Baltimore. Md. 5* DEWDXFY. JOHN HENRY. On Friday. May 3, 1929. at his residence. 1633 W st s.e . JOHN HENRY, beloved husband of Susie Dewdnev. Funeral from the above residence on Mondey. May 6. at 10:30 a m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 5 DRUET.ARD. PAUL RAYMOND. On Friday. May 3. 1529. at 8 p.m . at Children's Hos pital. PAUL RAYMOND DRULLARD. aeed 4 years, beloved son of Paul Raymond and Elizabeth Drullard 'nee Clinton). Funeral Monday. May 6. at Mount Olivet Cemetery. Washington. D. C. 'Pittsburgh and Phila delphia papers please copy.) 5 GOODWIN. JOSEPH A. Suddenly, on Thurs day. May 2. 1929. JOSEPH A., seed 46 years, the beloved husband of Cleo E. Goodwin. Funeral from his late residence. 301 Daniel ave . Colmar Manor Md.. on Sunday. May 5. at 1:30 p.m. Interment Cedar Hi!! Cemetery. HARTER. EDWIN S. On Friday. May S. 1929. at his residence, 1513 Buchanan st. r w . EDWIN S . beloved husband of Eliz abeth Archibald Harper. Funerai from the above residence. Monday. May 6. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invittd. In terment Rock Creek Crm-tcry. 5 HUNTER. JAMES HAMILTON. Departed this Me Wcriresday. May 1. 1929. 4 15 pm., at Garfield Hospital. JAMES HAM IT,TON HUNTER, beloved husband of Marion A. Hunter and devoted son of tbe late James W. and Mary E. Hunter. He leaves to mourn their loss a loving wife, mother sister. Mrs. Alice Tasker: mother in-law. Mrs, Elizabeth McCoy: brother-in law. Jamps w. McCoy, and adopted brother. James T. Knight. Funeral Sun day. May 5. at 1 o'clock, from tvs mother's residence. 1109 New FTamnshire ave. n.w. Interment at Lincoln Memorial Ceme tery. Rev W. Brooks officiating. Rela tives and friends invited 4* HUNTER. JAMES HAMILTON. Members of Young Men's Protective League will at'end ) funeral of James Hamilton Hunter. S"n dav. May 5. at 1 o'clock from 1109 New Hampshire ave. n.w W. STEVEN FULLER. Pres. GEORGE L WALTON. Secretary. HUTCHINS. ETHEL HUNGER FORD. On \ Friday. May 3. 1929. at h*r residence. 1868 , ! Inclcsiric terrace n.w.. ETHEL HLTNGFR FORD. devoted wife of R Phil Hutchins end yro’her of Mrs. Winifred H. Grant and Mrs. Mars’ H. Miller. Her remains are resting at V. L. Sprare Co.. 1009 H st. I n.w. Funeral f-om Christ Church. Way side. Charles County. Md . on Monday. May 6. at 2 p.m. Interment at Waverly. Md. 5 HUTCHINS. R. rim.. On Friday. May 3. 1929, at his residence. 1868 Ingleside ter race n.w . R PHIL, devoted husband of • the late Ethel Huncerford Hutchins and j father cf Mrs. Winifred H Grant and Mrs. t Mary H. Millrr. His remains are resting at V L Sprare Co. 1009 H st. rw. Fu neral from Christ Church. Wayside. Charles County. Md . on Monday. May 6. at 2 pm. Interment Waverly. Md. 5 INGRAM. J4SIES. Departed this life, suddenly. Friday. May 3. 1929 JAMES INGRAM. He leaves to mourn their loss n devoted mother. Maggie B"iegs: one | brother, one sister and a host of other relatives end friends. Remains resting at the Gcorce R Clarke Co funeral parlors. 1416-18 Florida ave. n.e. Notice of funeral hereafter. JAMES, ROSE ETTA. On Friday. Mar 3. 1909. at 9:40 a ni . at her lat'’ residence. 815 Varnum st. n.w.. Mrs. ROSE ETTA .TAMES, beloved wife of Charles J James. Funeral from the rhapel of John R. Wright Co . 1337 10th st n.w,. Monday. May 6. 1929. at 2 o'clock Please omit flowers. (Baltimore papers please copy.i 5* KELLI M, ZERROBABBI L. On Wednesday. Mac 1. 1929. at Baltimore. Md.. ZERRO BABBEL KELLUM. Funeral from W. W Chambers' funeral parlors. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Monday. May 6 at 1:30 pm. Funeral private. Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. 5 j KING. ALONSO. On Friday. May 3. 1929. j ! ALONSO, aged .69 •years, the beloved ntis ' band of Lou F. King. Remains resting at | I W. W. Deal s funeral home. 816 H st. r..e. j Interment Gainesville. Va. ' LANGLEY. WILLIAM JOSEPH. On Friday. . May 3. 1929. WILLIAM JOSEPH, beloved I husband of I.o!tie L. Langley of 1826 Min- | nesota ave. st. Funeral services will be ! held at his sister's residence. 3210 Brothers ! place. Congress Heights, on Mondav. Mav 1 6. at 9:30 a m.. thence to St. Francis j Xavier’s Church. 20th st and Pa. ave. s.e . where requiem high mass will be sung at 10 a. lll for the repose of his soul. Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 5 i MATTHEWS. CATHERINE. Departed this iife Thursday. May 2. 1929. at 1:35 a in., | at her resir' tire. 1734 T st. n.w.. CATH- | KKINE MATTHEWS, beloved mother of ! Mrs . Josephine Steward. Mrs. Mar.v Bolden. Mrs. Minnie Vaughn. Mr*. Atic- Jackson. Mrs. Georgiana Jackson. Frank and Claiioe Matthews, She also leaves two brothers, nine grandchildren, twelve great-grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains at her late residence. Funeral Sunday. May 5. at 1 o'clock from McGuire's funeral parlor, 1820 9lh st n.w. 4’ M.-MACKIN. ROBERT H. On Friday, May .(. 1929, at 7:30 p.m. ROBERT H Mr- MACKIN. beloved husband of Margaret C. ' MeMackin. aged 70 years. Funeral from his- late residence. 1102 N. Cap st.. on 1 Monday. May 6. at 2 pm. Relatives and . friends Invited to attend. Interment at Prospect Hill Cemetery. 5* 7 Dratltii. PARKER. RICHARD n. Departed this life Thursday. May 2. 1929. at his residence. 1009 Irving st. n.w.. RICHARD H. PARKER, beloved husband of Letitia Parker, and father of Mrs Lillian King and Mrs Helen Boyd, grandfather of Cecil and Enid Kins and David Parker Boyd Funeral Monday. Mav 6. at 1:30 pm from I the above address. Relatives and Irleoris j invited. .4 PATTERSON. EDMONIA. Departed this life I Thursdiv, Mav 2. ls? 9. after a brief tl’- ness. ?t Oalllnger Hospital. EDMONIA PATTERSON, sister of Eihel Bumbry, Era Betts. Ella Ross and Annie Payton. She leaves a host of other relatives arri friends. Funeral Sunday. May 5. from Henry S Washington's funeral home. 467 N st. n.w . at 1:30 p.m. RclatUes and I friepds invited. * ! PERRY. SAT,I.IE F. On Thursday morning. ; May 2. 1929. Mrs. SALUTE E PERRY, j widow of Joe P-rry of Austin. Tex Sh» Is 1 survived bv two sons. Arthur C Perry of 1 Washington, sec re: a: r to Senator Tom ' Connallv of Texas, and Joseph L Per-v of ! St. Louis, Mo. Funeral services will be i held Saturday. May 4. at 3 o clock, at I Gawler's funeral parlors. Friends invited, i Interment at Glenwood Cemetery. • PETTY. JAMES THOMAS. Friday. May 2. 1 1929. JAMES THOMAS PETTY o’ 333! O , st n.w. Remains at the chapel of J. Wil -1 liam Lee. 322 Pennsylvan a «v». n.w. Fu ! neral from Mount Vernon Place m. F | Church South Monday. Mar 6. 230 p m Interment (private) at Arlington Ceme tety. 5* ' RANGE. HELEN. On Saturday. May 4. HELEN, aged 68 years, widow of John : ißance. Remains resting at the rhapel of I F A Taltavull. 436 7th st. s.w Interment i iprF.atci at Mount Olivet Cemef«ry. 1 SLATER. J. E. Mav 2. 1929. 8' Georg# Washington Hospital J F. SLATER, he lmed husband of Busi" Sla'“r 1 nee Houser). Funeral from Methodist Church in Rock ville. Md.. at. 2 p m Sunday. May 5. 1929. Remains in rest in Pumphrey's undertak ing establishment at Rockville. Md. In terment at Potomac. Md. .4 i SLATTERY. ROBERT A. On Thursday. Mav 2. 1929. at 10 am. at bis residence. 1312 Randoloh st n.e.. ROBERT A SI.AT TERY. beloved husband of Susie C Slat tern- inee Wivfb Funeral from his late on Monday. May 6. at f :30 a m . thence to St. Anthony's Church. 12th end Monroe sts. n.e. 1 Brookland). where high requiem mass will be sung at 9 a m. for the repose of hi' soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount 01i"*t, Cemetery. ,4 SMITH. HORACE E. On Wedn-sdsy. Mav 1. 1929. at 4 30 am. after a brief illness at Freedmen s Hospital. HORACE F . 'he loving son of Robert and Rebecca Smith drvoted husband of Jennie E. Smith. H# leaves to mourn their loss two sisters, on# bro’her and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral Sunday. Mav- .4. at I o'clock, from Eoenezer M F Church. 4th end D sts. s.e . Rev. R. W. S. Thomas ef fie luting. Jus' when his life was brightest. Ju-t when his hopes were ue«*. He was taken from this world ol pain To a home ox eternal rest. The flowers we place upon his grave May wither and decay. But our love for him who sleeps beneath Will never fade away. THE FAMILY. 4* SMITH. HORACE E. Dzpartfd this life Wednesday. Mav 1. 1929. at 4 3,(1 a m.. at Freedmen s Hospital. HORACE E. devoted son of Robert and Rebecra Smith beloved husband of Jennie E. Smith, brother of Bernard and Juniata Smith and Mgrie Honesty. Remains at his late residence, 1300 South Capitol st. Funeral Sunday. May 5. from M. E. Church. 4th and D sts. s.e . at 1 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. 4* , SMITH. URSALENE. On Wednesday. May | 1. 1929. at 5 pm., at her residence. 441 | Kings court n.w.. URSAI.ENE SMITH, be loved daughter of Lillian Smith. She leaves two sons, one daughter, three ats- I’ ters and on* brother to mourn their loss. Funeral Sunday. May 5. from her lat# residence, it 2 pm Relatives and friend* invited. Interment Harmony Cemetery, i W AUGH. EMMA. On Friday. May 3. 1929, a< the Masonic and Eastern Star Home, i EMMA WAUGH, widow of Albert P. ; Waugn. Remains resting at the 8 H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st n.w. I Notice of funeral later. I WEBSTER. JOnN THOMAS. On Saturday. May 4, 1929. at his residence. 11.49 Abbey place n.e.. JOHN THOMAS, beloved hua i band of Mary B Webster 'nee Parlon'. Funeral Tuesday. May 7. from the above residence at 8:30. thence to St. Aloysius Church, where mass will be sung at 9 o clock for the repose of his soul. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Ar lington Cemetery. 6 WHITE. REBECCA. On Wednesday, May 1. 1929. at her residence. 214 14'g st. REBECCA, the beloved wife of the late George White. She leaves to mourn their lass two eons, one adopted son and two grandchildren, and a host of other rela tives and friends. Funeral Sunday. May 5. from Haven M. E. Church, 14th and B sts. s.e.. at 1 p m. WHITE. REBLCCA. Officer* and members of Rose of Sharon Household of Ruth. No. 442. G. U. O. of O. F . are requested to attend the funeral of Sister REBECCA WHITE, from Haven M. E. Church. 14th and B sts. s e.. Sunday. May 5. 1929. at I p m. SALLIE FRANKLIN, M. N. O. MARY L. HOWARD. W. R. WILLIAMS. IRVING. Suddenly, on Thurs day. May 2. 1929. at 3 45 p m.. IRVING WILLIAMS, of 1832 Florida ave. n.w.. son of James and Jannie Williams, brother of Mrs. Mary Johnson. Joe. Paul and Lawrence Williams, nephew of Mrs. Viola Yates and Joseph Smith. Funeral Mon day. May 6. from Winslow undertaking establishment. 12th and R sts. n.w.. at 1 pm. Rev. R D. Grym»s officiating. Rela tives and friends invited. b WYVOBA. PAUL. On Thursday. May 3, 1929. in United States Soldiers' Home Hos pital PAUL WYVOBA. F.emslns resting at W. W. Chambers Co funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. nw. Notice of funeral later. lit iHnttnrfam. i RAGLAND. ROSA B. Sacred to the memory rs my dear wife. ROSA B. RAGLAND, who departed this life fifteen years ago today. May 4. 1914 Never shall her memory fade. HER HUSBAND. GEORGE W. RAGLAND. • FUNERAL DIRECTORS. CHAS. S. ZURHORST SOI EAST CAPITOL ST. rhon> Uncoil 37%. J. WILLIAM LEE’S SON’S, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. CREMATORIUM. 332 PA. AVE. NW. NATIONAL 1384. 139-4. T. F. COSTELLO Joseph F. Birch's Sons (ISAAC BIRCH) 3W4 M St. N.W. TIMOTHY HANLON Funeral Director Private Ambulanc# Ml 11 St. N.E. __ Line. 5543 V. L SPEARE CO. Neither the successors of nor connected with the original W. R. Speare establlsh- Phone Frank. 6626 1009 H St. N.W. Formerly 910 F SI. X.W. Wm. H. Sardo & Co# ! Private Limousine Ambulance KM i Lincoln 524 ALMUB R.BPEARE j Succeeding the original W. R. Speare Co. 1623 Connecticut Ave. Potomac 4600 at ICOJI II «!.. Wjtmm at fUH F wt. Herbert B. Nevius Funeral Home 924 New York Ave. N.W. Main 260(1 Frank Gcicr's Sons Co. 1113 SEVENTH ST. N.W. Main 9471 I Modern Chapel. Telephone 1,181 n * Quick. Dignified. Efficient Service. Autoin obite Sendee Chapel W. W. Deal & Co. 816 H ST N.E. LINCOLN 82(W ESTABLISHED 1*76. JOHN R. WRIGHT CO. 1337 10th St. N.W. Phone North 47. i MONUMENTS. THE FINEST DISPLAY IN THE CITY. All monuments reduced for 30 day*. Do not base purchase on photograph* presented by agents JAMES R. DUP.ITY. Est. 1890. 900 Biadensburg Rd. N.E. CEMETERIES. | FORT LINCOLN CEMETERY And Crematorium. i Perpetual Care and Non-Sectarian. Downtown Phone Cemetery Phon# Main 6103 Lincoln 3579 i GLENWOOD CEMETERY Choice lot* and sites for sale. Vaultage $5 per month. FUNERAL DESIGNS. GEO. C. SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAE EMBLEMS AT MOD ERATE PRICES. TEL. M. 106. M. 2416. Our Only Store, 14th & Eye BLACKEST ONE, 1407 H Beautiful Floral Designs $5 and up. CALL MAIN 3707. Prompt Auto Delivery Service. Gude Eros. Co., 1212 F St. * Artistic - expressive inexpensive.