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8 r WEEKLY SUMMARY OF THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE I L _ WEEK ENDING MAY 18. 1929. Unt «>rk. Tear t» Pair. Total sales 20.089.820 431,843,070 Sam* period a year ago 21.196,820 326.380,942 lait Week. 1 f*r to Date. Rich. Ix>w. Rixh. Lew. Averageprice of 50 stocks. 263.00 246.88 264.01 226.77 Same period a year ago 200.35 173.13 Uieh. Lew Stock and dividend. Risk. Lew. float. Chae. 54% 39% Abitihl Power 41% 39% 40 - 2 88% 79 Abitibi Power pf (6).... 80% 79% 79% -1 159% 115 Abraham * Straus 120 115 118 + 3 112 109% Abram * Slraus pf (7).. 109% 109% 109% 750 389 Adams Express (6) 600 600 600 -35 96 92 Adams Express pf (5)... 92 92 92 3 35% 27% Adams Mlllis (2) 35% 33% 33 —2% 104% 48 Advance Rum ley 66% 52% 55 —l2 119 58% Advance Rumley pf 75% 63 67% —B% 4% 2% Ahumada Read 2% 2% 2% + % 133 95% Air Reduction (t 3) 133 121 128% + % 48% 3774 Air Way Elec Apl (2)... 48% 44 44% - % 11% 6% Ajax Rubber 7% 6% 6% % 10% 5% Alaska Juneau 6% 5% 5% % 25 16 Albany Wrapping Paper 18% 17% 17% —l% 37% 27% Alleghany Corp 35 32% 34% —l% 100% 100% Alleg t'orp pf rcts(s %). 100% 100% 100% 105% 99% Alleghany pf A (6%)... 101 100 100% -1 305% 241 Allied Chemical (6) 296 276 293 + 7 125 120% Allied Chemical pf (7).. 123 123 123 + % 212 166 Allls-Chalmers (7) 199 186 192% —7 11% 5% Amalgamated Leather.. 6% 6% 6% % 73 57 Amal Leather pf 63 63 63 +2% 42% 27% Amerada Corp (2) r . 31% 27% 28% -3% 23% 11% Am Agricultural Chem.. 15 11% 13 —l% 73% 43 Am Agrlcultur Chem pf. 50% 43 46% —4% 134% 110 Am Bank Note <t3) 125% 121 121% - 4 62% 60 Am Bank Note pf (3) 61 60% 60% —l% 20% 15% Am Beet Sugar 17 16% 16% % 60% 46 Am Beet Sugar pf 52 48% 48% —6% 73% 40% Am Bosch Magneto 68 63% 64% —2% 62 45 Am Brake Shoe (hi. 60).. 54% 52% 52% —l% 33% 15% Am Brown Bov Elec 31% 27% 31% + 1% 94% 49% Am Brown Bov Elec pf.. 90% 86% 88 % 151% 107% Am Can <l4) 146% 139% 142% -4% 142 140% Am Can pf (7) 141 141 141 106% 93 Am Car & Foundry (6).. 98 96 96 3 120 116 Am Car A Fdry pf (7)... 119% 118 118 —2 85% 72% Am Chain pf (7) 75 75 75 59% 46% Am Chicle (2) 58% 56% 58% + % 52 43% Am Com Alcohl. 52 43% 52 + 7 47% 35 Am Encaustic (2) 39 38 38 <O9 280 Am Express (6) 332 326 326 6 :.S2 330 Am Exp ctfsi 6) 332 330 330 138% 75% Am * Foreign Power.... 114% 105%x110% % 108% 104% Am * For Power pf (7 ).. 107 106% 106% % 103 88 Am A Forn Power 2d pf. 92% 91 92 % 42 24% Am Hawaiian SS (1).... 41% 36 40% + 1% 10 6% Am Hide & Leather 7% 77% —l% 39% 30% Am Hide A Leather pf... 38% 36% 37% % 85% 76 Am Home Prod (2,60)... 78% 75% x 75% % 46 38 Amice (13) 44% 41% 42 -1% 96 90% Am Ice pf (6) 92 92 92 % 76% 67% Am International (22).. 67% 63% 64 —2% 8% 6 Am La France & Foam... 6% 6 6% + % 75 60 Am La Fr A Foam pf.... 61 60 61+7* 123 102% Am Locomotive (8) 118% 115 117 —1 119% 114 Am Locomotive pf (7).. 119% 118% 119% + % 1 SB% 150 Am Machine &Fy (4)... 156 155 156 —3% 116% 109 Am Mch AFypf e w (7). 109 109 109 3 .>l% 62 Am Metals (8) 58% 52 58% ♦ 1% 1:5 115% Am Metals pf (8) 117% 117% 117% w. 2 98% 67 Am Natural Gas pf (7).. 72 70 71 —2 17% 5% Am Piano 8 6% 7 +1 . 5 80% Am Piano pf 35 3074 32% -2% 1.0 81% Am Power A Light (HI). 11" 105% 112% +2% 103 98% Am Power &Lt pf (6)... 100% 99% 100 % . 0 73 Am Pow ALtpf A (3).. 74% 74% 74% + % 54% 79 Am PALt pf A sta (6).. 81% 80% 80% .2% 44 Am Rad A Std San(2%). 46% 44% 45% -1 JS4 129% Am Railway Exp (6).... 170% 161 161 9 '’4% 44 Am Republics 54% 50 50 —4% i.1% 112% Am Roll M (c 2) 1 118 * 115% 116% -1% 74% 62 Am Safety Razor (t 5)... 70% 65% 69% +2% 41% 32% Am Seating (3) 36% 35 36 + % 73% Am Ship A Commerce. .. 4% 8% 3% % M 85 Am Shipbuilding (8) 86% 86 86% -1% 11% 93% Am Smelting A Ref (4). 104 99 100% -3% 138 135 Am SmltAßef pf (7)... 136 136 136 Vi« 193% Am Snuff (12) 195 193% 193% -2% Jl2 108 Am Snuff pf (6) 109 109 109 79% 62 Am Steel Foundries (3). 66% 62% 64% -1% 1:4 110% Am Stl Foundries pf (7). 111% 111 111 8» 74% Am Stores (2) 79 75 75 94% 71% Am Sugar Refining (6).. 83% 79% 79% -4% 111 105% Am Sugar Ref pf (7) 108% 107% 108% +l% ill 44% Am Sumatra (3) 47% 44% 46% % :.2% 17 Am Tel A Cable (5) 28% 27 28 +1 '> -.8% 193% Am Tel A Tel (9) 220% 214% 214% —5% 1.-6% 160 Am Tobacco (8) 178% 171% 176% +3% 1,8 160% Am Tobacco B (8) 179% 170 176% +l% 111% 118% Am Tobacco pf («) 119% 118% 119 155 136% Am Typefounders (8)... 149 148 148 4 1H 107% Am Typefounders pf (7) 110 107% 110 + 1 *4% 67% Am Water Wks A E (cl) 94% 83 92 +2% lilt 97 Am WWAElstpf («).. 101% 100 101% +l% :.7% 18 Am Woolen 20% 19% 20 - % ~8% 43% Am Woolen pf 49% 47% 48% —2% 15% 10 Am Writing Paper ctfs.. 11% 10% 11% + % 4 1 39% Am Writing Papr pf(8). 40% 40V* 40% 49% 30% Am Zinc Lead ASm 36% 33% 33% -2% 111V4 96 Am Zinc Lead ASm pf.. 99 99 99 3 174% 115% Anaconda Copper (7) 135% 121 126 —9% I'ft 101% Anaconda Copper (new). 113% 101% 106% —7 6% 79% Anaconda WAC (3).... 84% 79% 79% —4% «2H 51% Anchor Cap (2.40) 56% 63 53% JJi 111% AnchorCapcvpf (8%). 117% 112% 113% -5% tB% 48 Andes Copper (3) 63% 48% 61% -1% 49% 36% Archer-Danlels (2) 38% 36V* 36% -2% 113 114 Archer Daniels pf (7)... 115 114% 114% - % 95 86% ArmourACoof Del pf(7) 90 87% 90 +2% 18% 12 Armour ACo of 111 (A).. 13% 12% 12% -1 10% 6% Armour ACo of 111 (B).. 7% 6% 6% H >6 73% ArmourACoof 111 pf (7) 76% 73% 76% -1% 40% 22% Arnold Constable A Co.. 23% 22% 23 + % ::0 24% Artloom Corporation(2). 28 27% 28 :.0% 27% Ar Metal (1%) 28% 28 28 - % 55% 50% Associated Apparel (4).. 62% 60% 60% -2% 70% 60 AasoDry Goods (2%)... 63% 61 61 -2% ’.<•7 94% Asso Dry Gds Ist pf (*). 94% 94% 94% - 3 110 96 Asso Dry Gds 2d pf (7).. 96 96 96 —l% .7% 43 Associated 011 (2) 46% 45 45 219% 195% AtchTop AS Fe (10)... 200% 197% 197% 2% 1 >3% 99 AtchTopASFepf (5).. 102% 99 100% - 2 I'>l% 169 Atlantic Coast L (tlO).. 180 177% 178% -1% •13% 32% AtlGulf A West Indies.. 62% 58 62 +2% 59% 45% AtlGulf AW Ipf (4)... 65 54 55 + % 71% 63% Atlantic Reflning(tl%). 70% 66% 68% —2% 115 ' 90 Atlas Powder (4) 97 93 93% —2% 1 id% 100 Atlas Powder pf (6) 102% 102 102% + % 15% 10% Atlas Tack 13% IS 13% + % /Si 221 Auburn Auto (.14) 264 221 251 Ml 6% A ust in-Nlchols 6% 6% 6% 274 32 Austin-Nichols pf 39% 36 39% + 3 63 54 Austrian Credit (4.49)... 64 64 64 —4 5% 22% Auto Sales 31% 30% 31 —l% •3% 36Vi Auto Sales pf (S) 38% 87% 37% —2% 70 43% Autostrop Razor A (8).. 45 45 45 + % 71% 225 Baldwin Locomotive (7) 245% 245% 245% 94* 5:5 115% Baldwin Loco pf (7).... 121% 120% 121% *■ V* 13 117'% Baltimore A Ohio («) 121% 117% 117% -2% -0% 77 Baltimore A Ohio pf (4). 79% 78 78% % ”0% 106% Bamberger pf (6%) 107 106% 106% —2% 110% 105 Bangor A Aroos pf (7).. 109 109 109 +2 •3% 27 Barker Bros (2) 27 27 27 —1 • 7 89% Barker Broa pf (8%).... 92 92 92 .9% 13 Barnet Leather 15 13 13 —2% !9% 88% Barnsdall A (2) 47% 44% 45% —l% '•13% 90 Bayuk Cigars (2) 96 93 93 —7 3 6% 100 Bayuk Cigars Ist pf (7) . 102% 100 100 —l% 3% 20 Beacon Oil 26 2314 24% +l% "ill 79% Beech-Nut Packing (8).. 81 79% 81 —l% i7% 11% Belding-Hemingway.... 15 13% 14% % 84% 81 Belg Nat Rys pf (t 6).... 82% 82 82% : 3*4 75% Best ACo (3) 88 84% 86 -2% 18% 82% Bethlehem Steel (4) 108% 104% 105*4 —3% 333 116% Bethlehem Steel pf (7).. 119% 118% 118% % 61T4 42% Bloomlngdale Broa 52% 60% 60% —4% •’l 107% Bloomlngdale Brs pf (7) 108% 108% 108% +l% !8 97 Blumenthal pf (7) 105 105 105 J 6% 114 Bohn A1 A Brass (f 3%). 132% 128% 131T4 -1 -!*% 78% Bon Ami Class A (4).... 87% 84% 85 —2 14* 6 Booth Fisheries 8% 714 8% + 1% '••1% 45 Booth Fisheries Ist pf... 52% 50% 52% +l% V 90 Borden Co (3) 94 90 x 92% % ' 3% 121% Borg-Warner (.14) 13814 126% 135 + 3 . 85 Boston A Maine 92 90 92 +4 '5% 10 Botany C Mills Class A.. 10% 10 10 >4 13% 33% Briggs M-fg Co 44 40% 41*4 -2% 6% 3% British Empire Steel. ... 3% 3% 3% + % 73% 49 Brockway Motor (3).... 5244 49 52 + % -!% 62% Bklyn Man Transit <4).. 66% 62% 64% + *, voH% 170 Brooklyn Union Gas (5). 183 179*. 180 6 '7 38>4 Brown Shoe (2%) 40% 40% 40% % 5% 42 Brunswlck-Balke (*). . . 45,% 44 44% —1 'l% 25*4 Brunswick TerAßy Sec. 28% 26% 27% —l% 1 2% 31% Bucyrus Erie (1) 32% 31% 32% %: 70 41% Bucyrus Erie cv (2%).. 43% 41% 41% -1% \ ' 7 112 Bucvrus Erie pf (7). ... 114% 114 114 % 1 3 98 Buffalo RochAPR pf (6). 100 100 100 5 54% Buffalo A Susquehanna. . 65 60 60 2 •53% 50 Bullard Co (1.60) 53% 50 50% 2*4 17 101 Burns Bros Cl A (8).... 105 101 101 3 j 9 26% Burns Bros (B) 26% 26'4 26% % •05% 99 Burns Bros pf (7) 102% 100'% 102** +2% '7% 234 Burroughs Add M < 15) .. 327% 285 325 + 5 89% 61% Bush Terminal (g 2).... 63% 61% 61% 2 10% 104% Bush Terminal deb (7).. 107 105% 107 i ; B% 110 Bush Term Bldg pf (7).. 115% 113% 113% —l% 9% 574 Butte Copper A Zlne.... 614 57* 5% % 12% 7 Butte A Superior (2).... 7% 7 7—4, 41 29 Butterlck Co 34 32 32% —l% 1 274 134 Byers (AM) 153% 142% 148% -3% 18 104% By-Products Coke t 2%.. 137% 128 133 + 3 1% 72% California Packing (4).. 77% 75% 76 —l% 4 2 Callthan Zlnz A Lead.... 2% 2 2% + 74 5 126*4 Calumet A Arlz (10).... 13474 126% 129 —4% <:i% 40% Calumet A Hecla (4).... 44% 40% 41% —2% -9% 78 Canada Dry (t 4%) 86% 84% 86',— % .<574 22574 Canadian Pacific (10). .. 23474 227 229 674 ’B% 38 Cannon Mills (2.80) 43 3914 40 27a •ul% 97 Car ClinehAOhlo sta (5). 98 98 98 - 7a 19 390 Case Threshing (6) 410 395 395 -20 '2% 27% Cavanah Dobbs Inc 28'4 27% 28' t *4 '*ls% 967a Cavanah Dobbs pf (6%). 97 96% 97 % 79% 62% Celotex (3) 72 67% 68 - % 93% 87 Celotex pf (7) 90 90 90 + V* 48% 31% Cent Aguirre Asso (2)... 40% 39 39% + % 52% 401 j Centra] Alloy (2) 46% 45V4 4674 - *, 172% 105% Central Alloy pf (7).... 110 109% 110 I' s 9% 4.3 Centuty Ribbon Mii1a,...., .15 ,44 44 —2 -J-4- .4 I i " FIN AXCIAL’, Hlsh. Low. Stock and dividend. Risk. Lew. Cleee. Ckse. 82 70 Cent Rib Mills pf (7) 73% 73% x73>4 + 1% 120 96V4 Cerro de Pasco (•) 100% 97% 97% —2% 28% 16% Certaln-teed Products. . 26 23% 26 +l% 68% 56% Certo Corporation (3)... 67 66 67 230 197% Chesapeake A Ohio (10). 228 19774x19774 -7 98% 78% Chesa A Ohio Corp (8).. 96% 92% 92% -2% 19*, 11% Chicago A Alton 13% 13% 13% - % 25% 16 Chicago A Alton pf 18% 16% 16% -1% 23% 14% Chicago Great Western. 18% 16% 17% 74 63% 46 Chicago Great Westn pf. 51*, 46 49% % 39% 31 Chicago Mil ASt Paul... 33% 31 31% -1% 63% 49% Chicago Mil ASt Paul pf 53% 49% 51% % 947* 81% Chicago A Northwn (4). 84% 81% 82% -1% 145 134 Chicago ANW pf (7). .. 134 134 134 -1 39% 28% Chicago Pneu Tool 39% 35% 36% —2% 56% 48% Chicago Pneu Tpf (3%) 53% 52 52% + % , 139% 121% Chi. Rock Island A P (7). 125 12114 121V* —3% 102% 99% Chi Rck IslAPac pf(8). . 101 99% 101 + 1 108'* 1057* Chi Rck IslAPac pf(7). . 107% 107 107 % 36 30% Chicago Tel Cab (3) 32% 32% 32% - % 50 40% Chickasha Cot 011 (3)... 43 42 42 —l% 60% 44% Childs (2.40) 56 53% 53% —3% 127% 71% Chile Copper (3%) 98% 98% 98% -2% 135 8074 Chrysler Corp (3) 85% 80% 82% —4% 62% 54 City Ice & Fuel (3.60)... 58 56% x 56% % 1051* 103 City Jee A Fuel pf (6%). 103% 10374x10374 + 2% 52 49% City Stores A (3%) 50 49% 49%+ % 27 20% City Stores 24% 21 23% + I*4 72% 60% Cluett-Peabody (5) 63 60% 63 % 140 12374 Coca-Cola (4) 130 128 128 —2% 50 47% Coca Cola (A) 48% 47% 48% % 72% 50 Collins A Aikman 59% 55% 58 —2 7874 59 Colorado Fuel A 1r0n.... 67% 63 66% + % 80 75 Colo A South Ist pf (4). . 78 77 78 74% 53% Columbia Gas (2) 74% 6674 72% + 2% 107% 103% Columbia Gas pf A (6). . 106% 105 106% +l% 88% 64% Columhia Graphophone. 76*, 687* 731 i + % 167% 121% Columbn Carbon (t 474). 164 s * 163 156 6 62% 43 Commercial Credit (2). . 52 48*4 51 % 887* 88 Com Cred Ist ex w 88 88 88 74 105% 95% Com Credit Ist pf(6%). . 99 96% 96% -2% 2774 25 Com Credit pf B (2) 26 26 26 + % 195 131% Com Invest Trust (24).. 164 146% 146% —77 v 62% 27% Com Invest Trust war... 42% 40 40 4 370 225% Comtnercl Solvnts(hß) . 370 350 353 —l2 164 107% Commonwlth Powr <f 4). 164 153% 157% + 374 93 61 Conde Nast Pub (2) 63 61 63 35% 22% Congoleum Nairn 25% 23 2474 % 92% 7474 Congress Cigars (5).... 76% 74% 76 74 % 1% % Conley Tinfoil (sta).... 1 % l + 74 967* 81 Consol Cigars (7) 87 83% 8674 + V* 96 90% Consol Cigars pr pf( 6%) 94 92% 93 V* 30% 25 Consol Film pf (2) 28% 26*. 27% % 119 95% Consol Gas of N Y (3)... 117% 112% 11574 —2% 100% 98 Consol Gas pf (5) 99% 98 99% + % 70% 56 Consol RR Cuba pf (6).. 60 66 58 —2 6% S Consol Textile 3% 3 3% 23% 14% Container Corp A (1.20). 15% 15 15—1 11% 6 Container Corp B (60c).. 8 7% 7% % 79% 47% Conti Baking A 74% 72% 73 -2% 14 Bt4 Conti Baking B 12% 11% 12% % 97% 88% Conti Baking pf (») 96% 95% 95% —l% 80% 60 Conti Can (274) 74% 70% 72% -2% 126 124% Conti Can pf (7) 124% 124% 124% - V 4 9474 79 Conti Insurance (2) 91 8274 87 +4 28% 17% Conti Motors (80c) 21% 20 20% 174 101% 82 Corn Products (13) 94% 91% 94 % 144% 141% Corn Products pf (7).... 141% 141% 141% 8274 61 Coty Inc (g 2) 67% 621* x 66 + % 57% 22% Crex Carpet 4074 33% 39 +5% 125 86 Crosley Radio (Jl) 102 96*, 99 —5 6 1 4 774 Crown Cork A Seal 6074 47% 4774 274 25% 19% Crown Zellerback (1)... 20 20 20 94 85 Crucible Steel (5) 92% 89% 89% % 116% 109 Crucible Steel pf (7) 110% 110 11074 + % 574 3 Cuba Cane Sugar 3% 3 374 1874 7% Cuba Cane Sugar pf 9% 7% 7% —l% 24% 17 Cuba Company 19V* 18% 18% % 81 60 Cuba RR pf (6) 62 6(1 62 -8 17 11 Cuban-Amer Sugar 12% 11 12% + % 95 61 Cuban-Amer Sugar pf... 63 62 627* % 6% 4% Cuban Dom Sugar 5 6 5 7'* 67% 52 Cudahy Packing (4).... 54% 52% 52% —l% 173% 135% Curtiss Aero (1) 164** 148 162% + % 129 117 Curtis Publishing (g)... 124 122% 122% % 118 113% Curtis Publishing pf (7). 117% 1177* 117% + % 65% 58% Cutler-Hammer (3%)... 62 607* 61 2 85 63 Cuyamel Fruit 81 78% 81 +1 6914 49 Davison Chemical 57% 54% 55 2 46% 36% Debenhams Sec(al.s9).. 37% 37% x 37 % 128 116 Deere ACo pf (7) 12374 121%x121% + 7* 207% 182 Delaware A Hud (») 195 18874 188% —7% 133% 120% Del Lack A West (t7)... 121% 120% 121% + % 77% 65% Den AR G Western pf.. 67 65% 667* —2% 264% 224 Detroit Edison <8) 264% 252% 264% +ll% 60 60 Detroit A Mackinac pf... 60 60 60 64% 52 Devoe A Ravnolds (13).. 64% 63% 54 % 115% 112 Devoe A Rey Ist pf (7).. 115 115 115 164 130 Diamond Match (8) 145 144 145 + 1 10% 8% Dome Mines (1) 9% 9% 9% % 53% 43 Dominion Stores (3).... 49% 43 4774 +l% 126% 110 Drug Inc (4) 115% 112 xllS - % 4% 3 Dul So Sh A Atlantic.... 3 3 3 % 92 63% Dunhill Internatl (34).. 69 63% 68% 4 1% 28% 20% Duplan Silk (1) 22 21 22 198% 155% Dupont de Nemours (4). 177 171% 176 —1 119 115V* Dupont de Nem deb (6).. 11774 117 117 % 100% 99% Duquesne Lt Ist pf (5).. 100% 100% 100% + % 11% 514 Durham Hosiery 674 6 6 % 45 36 Durham Hosiery pf 45 42 45 +2 194% 170 Eastman Kodak (t*) 179 175% 177 -1 128 126 Eastman Kodak pf (•). . 1277* 127 127 % 76% 60% Eaton Axle (3) 70% 64 66% 474 39% 29% Eitington Sehild (2%).. 31% 30 30 -1 172 126% Elec Auto Lite (1474)... 16974 162 166% -3% 115 109 Electric Auto-L pf (7).. 113 IIS 113 - % 18% 12% Electric Boat 167* 14% 14% % 72V* 43% Electric Pow er ALt (1). 69% 69% 67% % 10974 105 Elec Pow ALt pf (7) 107% 106% 107% + % 134% 125 El PAL pf ct full pd(7).. 134% 134% 134% 92% 77 Elec Storage Bat (6).... 8374 8074 81% - % 6% 4 Elk Horn Coal 474 4% 4% 13 874 Elk Horn Coal pf 10 9 10+1 2274 10% Emerson Brantgm A.... 14% 12% 14% + 1% 38 27 Emporium Capwell (2).. 28% 28% 28% + 1 83% 6874 Endicott-Johnson (5)... 70% 68% 707*+ % 124V* 121 Endicott-Johnson pf(7). 123% 123% 123% 60% 47 Eng Public Serv (31)... 53 50% 517* —l% 100 90 Eng Public Serv pf (5).. 95 92% 9474 + % 99% 95% Eng Pub Serv pf (5%)... 97 95% 95% % 41 31% Equitable Off Bldg (2).. 40% 38% 3874 - % 765 493 Equitable Trust (12).... 760 736 750 +ls 78 64 Erie 7574 71% 7274 —l% 64% 57 Erie Ist pf 61 5974 69% 7* 61% 61% Erie A Pittsburgh? 3 %). 61% 61% 61% % 54 44% Eureka Vacuum (4) 49% 48% 4874 % 73% 45 Evans Auto L0ad(3274). 61 58 68 —3 2574 22% Exchange Buffet (1%).. 25% 25 2574 + % 35 11 Fairbanks Co pf 22 22 22 —2 617* 42 Fairbanks Morse (2).... 4274 42 42 % 11074 1067* Fairbanks Morse pf (7). 108 107 108 + 1% 72*4 64% Fashion Park (k 2 %).... 67% 65% 67% + 17* 101% 9774 Fashion Park pf (7) 97% 97% 97% —l% 877* 68% Fed Light A Tract 3174 ). 85% 80% 857* + 3% 104 9814 Fed Lt A Trac pf (6) .... 100 100 xloo % 310 223 Fed Mines A Smeltg. ... 235 235 245 10074 9874 Fed Min A Smelt pf (7).. 100 100 100 + % 22% 14% Fed Motor Truck (80c).. 17 16 16 % 112 9074 Fidelity Phoenix (2).... 112 101 105 + 27, 13% 10% Fifth Avenue Bus (67c). 1174 1074 10% 74 107 100 Filine’s Sons pf (8 74 )... 103% 101 102 —1 115% 104% First. Nat Pic Ist pf(B).. 115% 115 115 74% 62 First Nat Stores (1 %).. 7 174 6 8 6874 27* 20% 1074 Fisk Rubber 11% 10*4 1074 % 72% 54% Fisk Rubber Ist pf 547* 547, 54% —3% 82% 58 Fisk Rubber Ist pf cv. .. 58 58 58 2 84% 65% Flelschmann Co (t* 74).. 78 65% 7674 + 6 54 48 Florsheim Shoe (A). ... 50 48% 48% % 737* 5914 Follansbee Bros (f 2 %). . 66% 64 65 174 6974 45 Foundation Company... 64% 59 62% + % 101 82 Fox Film Class A (4)... 96% 92*4 92% —3% 110 10674 Franklin Simon pf (7)... 109 109 xlo9 +4 54% 38 Freeport Texas (4) 4674 4474 45 -1% 10774 99 Fuller G A prior pf (8). . 107 10674 107 + % 3374 20 Gabriel Snubber Cl A... 27 2574 25% —1 25 1074 Gardner Motor 19 1274 187* + 6% 102 8174 Gen Am Tank Car (34).. 9074 86 8674 —3% 8474 61 Gen Asphalt 8414 7ft 82% +4% 1287* 10474 Gen Asphalt pf (5) 128% 120 x 126 +4% 140 130 Gen Baking pf (8) 138 136 138 + 47* 61 3714 Gen Cable 51 4814 5074 120% 81 Gen Cable A (4) 103% 99 100%- 2% 10774 104 Gen Cable pf (7) 106 10574 106 74 63 Gen Cigar (4) 70% 68% 70% + 1 122 11274 Gen Cigar pf (7) 120 120 120 * + 274 295 219 Gen Electric (t 6) 295 258 289% 4 25% 1174 11 Gen Electric Spec (60c). 11% 11 11 —i» 90 70 Gen Gas A Elec A (174). 82 79*4 7974 —2% 11614 105 Gen Gas AElpf A (7)... 110 10ft 110 + 2 135 121 Gen Gas A Elec A(8) .. . 128 12214 123 —6% 112 76 Gen Gas A Elec B (el %) 109' 109 109 + 4 115 104 Gen Gas AElpf B (7). .. 110 105 110 + 2 8974 73% Gen Mills (8) 77% 73% 75% -1 i 100 95% Gen Mills pf (6) 96 96 96 ) 91% 777* General Motors ft*. SO).. 83*4 79*, xBO% —1 j 12674 1 24% Gen Motors pf (7) 124% 124** 1247* 52 48% Gen Outdoor Adv A (4). . 49% . 49% 49% % 41 32 Gen Outdr nv tr cfs (2). 38% 3574 37% —l% j 116% 9374 Gen Railway Signal (5). lift 1087/ 11174 27, ! 86% 68 Gen Refracories(t3%). . 81*4 757* 79% - % 126% 110 Gillette Safety Rax (5). . 11274 11074 111 -1% 48'* 37% Gimhel Bros 39% 387, 3874 % 50% 3674 Glldden Co (tl%) 46% 4474 4 574 17, 1061, 101% Glldden Co pr pf (7) 101 102 103'% + 174 66 44 Gobel (Adolph) 51 46% 51 —2% 82 5474 Gold Dust (274) 64% 61'% 64 -2 122 118% Gold A Stock Teleg (6). . 1187* 118% 118% 105% 81 Goodrich (B F) Co (4). . 86% 8274 8374 11574 113 Goodrich (B F) pf (7)... 113 113 113 —1 15474 112 Goodyear Tire 140% 131% 133 74 10474 101% Goodyear Ist pf (7) 103 * 103 103 % 60 45% Gotham Hosiery (2 74).. 4 9 4 574 4 8 + 74 101% 941* Gotham Hosiery pf (7).. 95 95 95 + 74 100 9374 Gotham pf ex war (7). .. 9374 93*4 93% - 674 14 7 Gould Coupler (A) 13% 127/ 13 + % 54 31'% Graham-Palge Motor... 35 31% 3174 -3% , 49% 31 % Graham-Paige ctfs S 3 Vi 31% 31% - 374 10274 71 Granby Consol Min (7). 82 71 747a —7 + 9674 7774 Grand <F W) Stores(l). BS% 86% 8674 2'% 116 107 Grand Stores pf (6 74). . HI 110 111 + 1 | 3274 2014 Grand Cnion 26 25% 2574 174 54% 41 Grand Cnion pf <8) 48% 46% x 1671. % ; 144", 1 1474 Grant WT (1) 1217) 116*. 120% + 1% I 115% 102 Great Northern pf (6)... 105*. 102 103 274 , 112 100 Great North pfetfs (6). 1017* 100 101% -1% ; , 39% 27*4 Great Nor Or* 7*1%).. 29 28 28% - '% , 44 32% Great West Sugar (2 10) 39% 3774 37% -1 | 119% 113% Great West Sujri>f il#.. 117% 116 116 -1 , * .1 : *: ~ *■ >%. -:/ THE SUNDAY STAR. WASHINGTON. T>. C„ MAT .19, 1929-PART 5. ■llk. Lav. Stork and dividend. Bilk. Law. Claaa. C'kta. 197% 146% Greene Cananea (*) 166 146% 148 -7% 5% 3% Guantanamo Sugar 3% 3% 3H % 80 60 Guantanamo Sugar pf... 615* 60 60 —2 59 43% Gulf Mobile* North 46% 44% 44% —1 103 95 Gulf Mobile* N pf(6). . 95 95 96 -2 79 61% Gulf States Steel (4).... 64*4 62% 62% —2% 28 25 Hackensack Water<l%) 26% 25*4 x 2554 -1% 31 27 Harkensk Water pf <1 % ) 29% 27% *27% —l% 29 26 Hackensack pf A (1%). . 27 27 27 56% 38% Hahn Dept Stores 43 40% 41% —l% 115 98 Hahn Dept Strspf(6%). 100% 99% 100 % 104% 100% Hamilton Watch pft6). . 102 101% 102 99% 91 Hanna <M A) Ist pf(7). . 97% 9514 97% + 2% 60% 54 Harblson * Walker (2).. 60 59% 60 +2 27 24% Hartman A (2) 25% 25% *25% + % 39% 23% Hartman B(1 20) 28 25 *27 11% 7 Havana Eire Ry 9 8% 9 % 73 55 Havana Elec Ry pf (6).. 72 70 70% —l% 66% 60 Hawaiian Pineapple (2). 63 62% *63 % 68% 50% Haves Body (h 8) 68*. 60% 67% + 2% 118% 103% Helme Geo H (+7) 105% 103% 103V* + 1% 95% 64 Hershey Chocolate Crp. . 95% 88 92% +2% 99*4 80 Hershey pf (4) 98% 92% 96% + 2 106% 104 Hershey prior pf (6> 106 105% 106 + % 450 375 Hocking Valley (10) 423 423 423 +3l 21% 16% Hoe R&Co Class A 17% 17 17 - % 51 40 Holland Furnace (e2%). 41 40% 40% -2% 22 15% Hollander A * Son 16% 16 16 % 76% 72% Homestake Mining (t7). 76% 75% 76%+ % 79% 65% Household Prod < +4) 70% 68% *69% 109 80% Houston Oil 93% 90 93 -3% 82% 62% Howe Sound (4) 68% 62% 64% - 3 58% 40% Hudson & Manhat ( 2 %). 43% 40% *40% + % 84 74 Hudson A M nhat pf(s). 75% 74% 75% + % 93% 81% Hudson Mot .rs (5) 89*4 86% 86% 2 82 50% Hupp Motor U 2) 54% 51% 51% —2% 152 133% Illinois Central (7) 137 133% 136 +1 145% 135 Illinois Central pf (6)... 135 135 135 —5 80 73% Illinois Cent Isd In (4).. 74 74 74 + % 39% 30 Ind Oil * Gas (2) 39% 37% 38 % 32% 17% Indian Motor Cycle 25% 23% 24 —l% 52% 29 Indian Kefin .ng 48 43% 45% —2% 48% 28 Indian Refining ctfs 45% 40 42% —2% 135 104% Industrial Rayon 107% 101% 105 —3% 153% 120 Ingersoll Ra id (to%). . 142 138 138% -3% 96% 78% Inland Steel ;8%) 90 85% xB9 + % 66% 40% Inspiration Copper (4).. 48% 40% 43% -4% 58% 27 Interboro Rap Transit.. 30% 27% 29% + % 14V* 8% Intercontinental Rubber 10% 9% 9% 17% 12 Inter Agri Cf-em 12% 12 12 % 88% 70 Inter Agri Chem pf (7). . 71 70 *7l +2% 194% 149*. Inter Business Mch (5). 194% 182 188% +3% 102% 85% Inter Cement (4) 93% 87 91 + % 103% 61 Inter Comb Kng (2) 70% 73 76% -2% 121 108% Inter Comb Png pf (7).. 11l 109% 109% -1% 119% 92% Inter Harvester (2%)... 116%. 111% 112% -1% 145 140 Inter Harvester pf (7).. 141% 140 140 -1% 102% 65% Inter Match pf (3.20)... 85% 80% 83% +l% 7% 5 Inter Mer MsVHne 5% 6 5% % 51% 36% Inter Mer Mrr| ne P f 46% 42% 44% % 72% 40% Int Nickelof 1 ’an (80e).. 5.3% 48% 51% % 83 57% Inter Paper <?.40) 60 60 60 - 9 94% 86 Inter Paper i f (7) 86% 86 86% - % 36% 27% Inter Pap & i.'w A (2.40). 28 27% 27% - % 24% 15% Inter Tap* *w B 17% 15% 15% -» 1% 17% 10% Inter Pap * <’w C 13 12 12—1 93 80 Inter Pap APw pf (7)... 86% 85% 86% + % 63 50 Inter Prlntinic Ink (2%). 61% 50 60 —l% 106 98 Inti Printing Ink pf(6).. 99% 99% 99% + 1% 59 45 Inter Ry Cent Am 48 46% 48 + 3 80% 72% Inter Ry Cen' Am pf (5) 73% 73% 73% + % 90 55% Inter Salt 76 75 75% 150 131 Inter Silver 1< 8) 137 135 *137% 3 119 108 Inter Silver pf (7) 115% 108 108 -7% 281% 197% Inter Tel * T»1 (6 ) 269% 260% 264 - 6 94% 86% Ini Tel * TelVg (new). . . 90% 86% 87 -3% 1 93% 69% Inter Dept Stores (2)... 73% 69% 72% - %| 91% 91% Inter Dept S gfx-w (7). 91% 91% 91% 38% 29 Intertype Cot'b (f 11 %). . 37% 36 37% + HI 69 49*4 Island Creek 0a1(4)... 54% 49*4 52% -2% 105% 105 Island Creek Coal pf (6). 105 105 105 162% 135% Jewel Tea (tS? 152% 146*4 150% + 5% 242** 155% Johns-Mansville <3) 182’% 172V* 179 4 123 119 Johns-Mansv’le pf (7).. 123 122 123 + % 122% 118% Jones A Laug.'lin pf (7). 122 121% 122 + *4 16% 6 Jordan Motor * 10% 9 9*4 % 98% 78 Kansas City S-mithn (5). 85 83% 86 - % 70% 64% Kansas City S.’.‘U pf (4). . 65% 65% 65%+ % 37% 26 Kaufmann Dept St(l%). 27 26 26 % 92*. 76 Kayser Julius (5) 87** 83*4 85% - 2*. 46*. 25 Kelth-Albee-Ocpheum... 35 32 35 +l% 138 94% Keith-Albee-Gtp pf (7).. 102 101 101% -8% 24 11 Kelly Springfield 19% 17 17% -1% 59*4 50 Kelsey Hayes (new).... 69** 50 51% —3% 19% 12 Kelvlnator Corp 18 16% 16% —l% 96 89% Kendall Co pf (f 6%)... 92% 91 92% + % 104% 78% Kennecott Corner (4)... 90 84 87% IT* 50% 48 Kimberly-Clatg (2 V* )... 60 48 48 —2 70% 29% Kinney GR& Co (t 2)... 33% 29% *3O 109% 93% Kinney GR pf (I) 101% 101% 101% —l% 78% 31 Roister Radio.; 41 37% 38 —3% 49% 32% Kraft-PhoeniVO %) 49% 43% 47% + 3% 98% 95 Kraft Phoenix pf (6%).. 97 96% 96% - % 57% 46% Kresge Stores ■ 1.60) 48*4 48 48% % 23 15 Kresße Dept Stores 16% 16% 16 —1 73% 71% Kresge Dept Stores pf... 71% 71% 71% | 114 96% Kress 8H(1). 106% 96% 105% +7% 46% 35% Kreuger* Toll (1.34)... 38 36% 36% —l% 122% 85 Kroger Grocer", (c1).... 89% 86% 87% —l% 33% 26% I.ago Oil * Transport. . . 29% 28 29% —l% 157% 127% Lambert Co (!' 145 138% 141% %i 26 17% Lee Rubber * Tire 19% 18 18% % | 65 50 Lehigh Port Cem (2%).. 58% 66 56 -2% 110% 106% Lehigh Port Cm pf (7).. 110% 110 110 - V* j 28*% 19 Lehigh Valley Coal Co.. 24 22% 24 % 40 34% Lehigh Val Coat pf(3).. 39% 37% 37% —2% 102% 85% Lehigh Valley (3%) 88% 85% 85% —3% 68% 62 Lehn & Fink (3) 56 52 55 + 1 105% 81% Liggett* Myers <t5)... 93 8854 *91% +l% 103% 81% Liggett * Myers B (tfi). 93*4 88% *91% + 1% 137% 134% Liggett * Myers pf (7). . 135% 134% 134% - % 56 44% Lima Locomotive 49*. 47% 48% % 61 52% Link Belt Co (2.40) 53% 52*4 *53 % 113% 71% Liquid Carbonic (t 4 %). 82% 79% 80% -2% 84% 58% Loew s Inc (t 3) 61% 59% 59% —l% 11% 7% Loft Incorporated 10*. 9% 10% + % 32% 27 Long-Bell Lumb Cl A.. . 28% 28 28% + % 74% 59% Loose-Wiles Bis (2.60). . 66 62% 64 —l% 121% 116% Loose-Wiles Ist pf (7).. 118% 118 118 31% 20 Lorillard Co 31% 25 28% + 2 97% 84% Lorrillard pf (7) 97% 89 97% + 7% 18 12% Louisiana Oil Rrefining. 14% 14% 14% 4* 100% 89 Louisiana Oil U pf(6%). 92** 91 91 + % 47 36% Louis Gas &El A (1%). . 39% 38% 39 % 153% 138*4 Louisville * Nash (7)... 142 140 142 +l% 100 66% Ludlum Steel (2) 92% 85% 90 —3*4 46 37 MacAndrews&F (12.86). 39 37 38% + 1% 90% 7154 McCall Corp (4) 90% 88 89% + 3% 113% 99% McCrory.Stores A(2)... 100 9954 99% % 116% 99% McCrory Stores B (2)... 100 100 100 -1% 120 108’% McCrory Stores pf (6) . . 108*% 108*% 108% —l% 48 41% McGraw Hill Pub (2). .. 45 44 44 —l% 23% 17 MclntyrePorcMinest 1). 17 17 17—1 82 62% McKeesport Tinplated) 75 71% 72 —3% 59 49 McKesson*Robbins(2). 56 52 53% —l% 62 55 McKessn &R pf A(J %). 61% 595% 60% 114% 91 Mack Trucks («) 108*4 98V4 100% -3% 186% 148 Macy Company (c 2).... 173** 162*% 169% +2% 24 18% Madison Sq Gar (1%)... 19% 18% 19% + % 82*% 66 Magma Copper (5) 71% 68V. 71% —2% 39% 24% Mallison&Co 30% 28 29 lt# 105% 95% Mallinson ACopf (7)... 102% 102*4 102 —l% 26 13% Manati Sugar 15 13% 13% it, 50% 36% Manati Sugar pf 41 36T4 37% —3% 38*4 28 Mandel Bros (2%) 29% 28% 29% + % 37% 28% Manhattan Elec Sup.... 32% 29% 30% + 1% 87 60% Manhat Elev gtd (7).... 68 63 68 + 5 5714 3154 Man Elev mod gtd(dS). . 41% 35 39% + 3% 36% 28 Manhattan Shirt (2) 29% 28% x 29% + % 1854 12 Maracaibo Oil Explore.. 16% 15 16V*— % 39% 28 Market St Ry pr pf 28 28 28 4754 3654 Marland Oil 39% 37% 38 —l% 88% 6954 Marlln-Rockwell <t4)... 885 b 80 88% + 654 104 66% Marmon Motors (4) 101% 95% 9854 - 2 18 11 Martin Parry 11% n n tb 66% 50 Mathleson Alklli 52% 50% 61% -1% 125 120 Mathieson Alkali pf(7).. 123 123 123 —1 10854 82 May Dept Stores (4) 8554 82 *B2 —2% 25 20% Maytag Company (t 2).. 22 21% 21% 45% 40% Maytag Co pf (3) 4154 40*4 40% % 90% 80 Maytag Co Ist pf (8) 85 82% 84% + 4 72 5654 Melville Shoe (1.40).... 68 68% 66% —l% 34% 20 Mengel Co 28 26% 26% 2 27 24 Met Gold Pic pf (1,80)... 26 25% 26% 69% 41% Mexican Seaboard 53% 50V* 51 -2% 54% 30% Miami Copper(4) 42% 3754 3 954 3 39% 30% Mid-Continent Pet (2).. 36»* 35 35% % 6% 3*4 Middle States Oil 4% 4% 454 % 3% 2% Middle States Oil ctfs. .. 2% 2% 2*4 54 275 225 Midland Steel pf (12). . . 264 263% 264 + 4 2854 22 Miller Rubber 22% 22 22% % 3% 254 Minneapolis *St Louis. 2*4 2*4 2% % j 55 425 b Mo Kan & Tex 50% 47% 48% 107% 102 Mo Kan & Tex pf (7) 107 106% 106’* % 94% 62% Missouri Pacific 94% 85% 90% + 4% 138 130 Missouri Pacific pf (5).. 138 134% 136% + 2% | 8054 65% Mohawk Carpet (2%). .. 72*4 69% 71*% —l% | ; 15654 111% Montgomery Ward (2%) 123 116% 119% -4% 8 5 Moon Motors 5% 654 5*4 l4 j 86*4 7854 Morns A Esse* (3%)... 80 80 80 —3 6% 3 Mother Lode (40c) 4 3*4 3*4 % 4454 1 254 Motion Picture Corp.... 4154 405* 405* —l% 26** 18 Motor Meter Class A.... 19 18 185* % 206 111 Motor Products (2) 13454 128 131 485 b 39 Motor Wheel (2) 485, 4554 48 +l% 8154 5854 Mullins Mfg 6554 62 62 -5 102*4 90% Mullins Mfg pf (7) 95 94 95 61% 5054 Munsingwear (f 354).... 69% 5554 *5954 + 2% 9954 62 Murray Corporation.... 96% 90 94% —l% 11854 93% Nash Motors («) 97% 93% 94% -1% 202 186 Nashville CASt L. (7).. 200 196 196 —5 3954 28% NatJ Acme,()). . 37 34% 34*4 % 71 5054 Nat Bellas Hess (|1).... 5554 5054 51% —4% 118 104 Nat Bellas Hess pf <7).. 107 107 10754 + 54 206 168 National Biscuit (6) 182 176*4 177 —3 144 14154 Nat Biscuit pf (7) 143% 14154x141% 148** 96 Nall Cash Register (t 4). 125% 116 118% -6% 137*. 1 i6*4 Nall Dairy (|3) 13 754 131 54 1 37% f 2*4 69% 65% Nat Dairy ( I'4) 68% 65% 68% + % 37% 2854 Nall Dept Store,. 3254 32 32 % 5554 33 Natl Distillers Products. 49% 46% 4754 2 86% 67*4 Nat Distillers pf (7).... 8354 79% 8054 3 62% 44% Natl Enameling (1) 50 44% 49 I 173 132 Natl Lead (5) 145 142 145 14J% 140 Natl Lead pf A ((7) 140% 140 14054 + 54 | 128 112 Natl Lead pf B («) 118 118 118 .01% 42% N*U Power* Light (1). 56% 61 62% - M ■lsh. Lew. Stack end dividend. filth. Lew. Cleee. Chic. 17 9% Natl Radiator 10 9', 95b— % 3% 2 Natl Rye of Mex 2d pf. .. 254 2 2 144 111*4 Nat Supply (tt) 130% 125 126 —4% 117 11454 Nat Supply pf (7) 116 115 115 % 155 123 Natl Surety (5)... 125% 123 12554 + % 91% 70 Nat Tea (1 %) 79 75 76 —3% 625* 39% Nevada Copper (3) 4954 45 46% —2% 150 130 New Or Tex A Mex (7) .. 150 144%x149% + 7% 52% 43 Newport Co A (3) 52% 5054 52%+ 1 110% 103 Newton Steel(3) 108 103 107% + 54 49% 41*4 N T Airbrake (3) 16*4 4354 44%+ % 204*4 178% N Y Central (8) 135 180% 181% —2% 145 128*. N Y Chi ASt Louts 16).. 135% 13254x13354 + 5* 109% 105% N Y Chi ASt L pf («)... 108% 10754x10754 58% 41% N Y Dock 4754 47 47 —4% 104% 805* NYN H A Hartford (4). 101% 96 101 +2% 119% 114% NYNH A H pf (7) 119% 117% 118% *4 32 25 N Y Ont A Western 275* 26 26 -1% 41 22*4 N Y State Railways pf. . 23% 23 23 54 103 9854 N Y Steam pf (6) 99% 99 99*4 114*4 1115* N Y Steam Ist pf (7) 1115, 111% 111% - I*4 48% 36% Norfolk Southern (2%). 3754 36*, 365,- 2% 206 191 Norfolk A West (t10>... 196', 195V4 195% - 154 8754 83 Norfolk A West pf'(4).. 37% 8554 855* 119% 90*4 North Amer (blo%stk). 119% 109*4 117% + 554 54V* 61% North Amer pf (3) 5354 52% 52% 154 103% 995* North Am Edison pf (S). 101% 100*4x10154 f 154 6454 50 No German Lloyd 3.41.. 5154 5 0 5 054 —1 86% 85 Northern Central (4).... 85% 85% 85% + % 114** 99*4 Northern Pacific (5).... 10254 100 100 l*4 112 98 Northern Pacific cfs(6). 100 98% 99% - % 6% 3% Norwalk Tire A R 4% 354 35,- % 8 554 Nunnally Company 6 5*4 s** 54 32 2254 Oil Well Supply 2354 22% 22*4—1% 106% 96% Oil Well Supply pf (7). . 99’* 99*4 9954 64*4 48 OliverKarm Equipment. 54 4 8 5054 354 69% 62 Oliver Farm Kqev (3). . 65*4 62 62*4 —2% 99*4 97*4 Oliver Farm Eq pf A(S). 99 97*4 97% 154 1054 754 Omnibus Corp 10*4 8% B** % 84% 725* Oppenheim-Collins < 5).. 78% 7654 76*4 % 95** 69 Orpheum Circuit pf (8). 755, 73% 7554 + 54 357 276 Otis Elevator (6) 357 323 353 +2B 125 122 Otis Elevator pf (6) 12354 123% 12354 48% 37% Otis Steel 43% 41% 4254 - 154 108 100 Otis Steel prior pf (7).. . 100 100 100 54 110 106 Outlet Co pf (7) HO 110 110 84 81 Owens Hi Glass 84 81 84+8 68*4 53*4 Pacific Gas AEI (2) 6054 57% 59*4+ % 85 70 Pacific Lighting (3) 8354 81 83% + 1 I 37 29 Pacific Mills 35 35 35 + 1 I I*4 1 Pacific Oil Stubs I*4 11 200 159 Pacific Tel A Tel (7) 180', 180 180 - 5 ISO 116*4 Pacific Tel A Tel pf (6).. 130 1.30 130 +2% 153*4 116*, Packard Motor (t 3 %>... 153*4 127% 145*4 +l2*4! 63 40% Pan-American Petrolm.. 61% 58 59% % 66% 40% Pan-Amer Pete (B) 6554 59*4 62% % 17*4 14 Pan-Amer Western 8... 14% 14% 1454 + % 15V* 9% Panhandle Prod A Ref.. 12% 1254 12V* —l% 76 47% Panhandle PrdAßef pf. . 62 62 62 5 72 55% Paramonnt-Fam-La (3). 71*4 67*4 69 + I*4 8754 57 Park A Tilford (IS) 60 57 58 -7 13*. 7 Park Utah Min (80c) 9*4 7 9 % 1454 754 Pathe Exchange 11% 10% 11—54 30 13% Pathe Exchange A...... 24% 21 22% + 54 47*4 34% Patino Mines (3.«») 4154 3954 40% 2254 15% Peerless Motors 1854 16% 16*4 —l% 5R 38 Penlck A Ford 54% 51*4 53% —l% 110 100 Penlck A Ford pf (7) 109 10654 109 + 1 12 754 Penna Coal A Coke 8% 754 754 154 27 17 Penn Dixie Cement 21 19 20 —2 94 80 Penn Dixie Cem pf (7).. 8354 80 80 —3 83*4 72% Penna Railroad (4) 79% 75** 76 2*4 287% 208 People’s Gas Chi (8) 2655* 262 265% + 354 97 92 Pere Marquette pf (5)... 94 94 94 —1 101 96 Per* Marq prior pf (5).. 99 97*4 97*4 i 45% 33 Pet Milk (I*4) 33% 33 33 —l% j 79% 70% Phelps-Dodge 75 70% 7254 -5% | 50 4854 Phila Co 5% pf (3%) 49 49 49 —1 | 54 51 Philadelphia Co 6% (3). 52 51% 5154- % 50 49% Phila Rap Tran pf (3%). 49% 49% 49% 34 19% Phila A Reading C A 1... 22% 20% 21% - % 2354 131 b Philip Morris ACo (1).. 1754 14% 165,+ % 73 41 Philllps-.Tones (3) 73 6754 71% + 1% 96 8854 Phillips-Jones pf (7) 95% 95% 9554 + 4% 47 37V* Thillips Pete (I*4) 41% 40% 4054 -1% 100 95 Thoenix Hosiery pf (7). 95 95 95 —l% 37% 2754 Pierce-Arrow (A) 34% 32% 33% -2% 86% 72% Pierce-Arrow pf (*) 82 81 81 —l% 3% 2% Pierce Oil 2% 2% 2% V 4 51% 30 Pierce Oil pf 4154 41 41% + 15b 554 4% Pierce Petroleum 55b 4% 4% *» 63% 47% Pillsbury Flour <2) 50 47*. x4B'4 —1 65% 50*4 Pirelli of Italy A (2.83). 59% 66*4 58% + % 83% 61 Pitts Coal 71% 67% 6954 -1% 100 84 Pitts Coal pf 85 84 84 —1 78% 55 Pitts Terminal Coal pf. . 55 55 55 —2 148% 128*4 Pitts A West Va (6) 134*4 12954 12954 —2% 95% 77 Porto Rico Tobac A (7).. 8354 82% 835* 54 50% 36 Porto Rico Tobacco 8... 40% 3754 39*4 54 105 102 Postal Tel ACa pf (7)... 10254 102 10254 % 81*4 62% Postum (3) 79% 73% 78*4 + 1% 65% 57 Prairie Oil A Gas 59% 57 57% 254 61*4 53*4 Prairie Pipe Line (f 4)... 61 59% 60 25*4 1954 Pressed Steel Car 20% 1954 19*4 —1 81 74% Pressed Steel Car pf (7). 77 76 77 —1 2554 18V* Producers A Refiners. .. 2154 20% 20% *4 46% 385* Producers A Refiners pf. 4354 41% 43% 82% 55 Prophylactic Br (f 4)... 58 55 55 —5 94% 75 Public ServN J (2.60).. 92 8754 88% - 354 96 95*4 Public Set vNJ pf (5)... 95% 95% 95% 108% 104 Public Serv NJpf < 6).. 105% 104% 105% + *4 ! 124*4 117% Public Serv NJ pf (7). . 119 117% 119 % I 150% 145 Public Serv NJ pf (8)... 149 149 149 + 2 109*, 105% Public Serv EAG pf («). 109 108 109 + 1 91% 79% Pullman Co (4) 83% 80% 81% 54 21V* 15% Punta Alegre Sug 16% 15'* 15% —1 30% 2354 Pure Oil (1 % ) 295* 27% 2954 + 54 11654 112 Pure Oil pf<B) 114% 11254 114 + 1 13954 115 Purity Bakeries (3) 124 121%x122 254 114 6854 Radio Corporation 97% 91*4 9554 354 57 54 Radio Crp ofAm pf(l%). 6554 5454 5454 - % 82% 74 Radio Crp ofAm pfß(s). 81 79 805 b + 54 4654 19 Radio-Keith-Orph (A).. 35% 3054 32 54 80% 75 R R Sec 111 Cen ctfs(4).. 75% 7 5 75 254 36% 35 Rand Mines (304) 35% 35% 35% 54 117*4 102% Reading Rail way (4) .... 109% 10654 107 2*4 44 41% Reading Ist pf (2) 44 42% 43 + *4 49% 44% Reading 2d pf (2) 45% 4554 4554 + 2% 84% 57 Real Silk Hosiery 765* 73% 76% 54 10254 97' Real Silk Hosiery pf (7). 98 98 98 16% 9 Keis (R) ACo 11 1054 1054 *4 108% 70 Reis (R) &Co Ist pf(7). 7054 7054 7054 —l% 35% 28 Remington-Rand 8354 31% 32 —l% 96 90% Remington-Rand Ist (7) 93% 93% 93% *4 9954 93 Remington-Rand 2d (*). 97 94 9654 + 154 109 100% B en ” n ßton Ist pf (7). .. 105 105 105 + 5 31% 25% Reo Motors (tl) 27*4 2654 27 % 5454 4854 Republic Brass 58*, 51 5154 + % 111 102 Republic Brass A (4)... 106 106 106 —5 106 105 Rep Brass pf ex war(7). 106 106 106 102% 7954 Republic Iron & Stl (4).. 96% 9154 96 - 314 12V* 754 Reynolds Spring 9% 8% 8% + % 66 53 Reynolds Tob B (2.40).. 68% 56'4 58 % 64 54 Rhine West EP (1.92). . 55% 55 55*4 %j 49*4 39% Richfield Oil (2) 47% 44% 46 % 42% 33% Rio Grande Oil (k 2) 36’* 35 36% -*= Isi 96 77 Rossia lnsurance(new). 93 77 77% —13% 43% 29 Royal Baking Pow (1).. 32% 29 32 65% 49% Royald Dutch (a1336).. 5354 51% 52% + 54 68% 635* Rutland pf 6554 63% 685* 6 195% 157 Safeway Stores (*) 16754 16254 166% + 54 97 93 Safeway Stores pf (6).. 96 95% 95% 108 102 Safeway Stores pf (7) ... 106 1045, 105 + % 94 62 St Joseph Lead (tJ).... 74% 63 71% + 554 122*4 110 St Louis A San Fran (8). 113% 110 110% —l% 965, 92*4 St Louis A San Fps (6). 94*4 9354 94 % 115% 92% St Louis Southwestern.. 95% 93% 93% % 94 87% St Louis Soutwst pf (6).. 9354 905, 92 —1 5154 38% Savage Arms (2) 47% 42 x 4554 + *4 415* 21 Schulte Stores 245* 21% 23 % 118% 97 Schulte Stores pf (8) 103 101% 103 21% 16% Seaboard Air Line 18 1654 1654 *4 2454 18% Seaboard Air Line pf.... 2254 21% 22 +2 22% 1554 Seagrave (e1.20) 17% 16% 16*4— % 181 139% Sears Roebk A Co(|2 %) • 164% 155% 158 —7 10% 5% Seneca Copper 6% 554 5% % 156% 12314 Shattuck Frank G (2)... 156% 14354 163 +6% 31% 25% Shell Union (1.40) 30 28% 29*4+ 5* 7454 5454 Shubert Theater (6).... 64*4 61 62% —l% 116 i 75 Simmons Co (3) 92*4 83 90 +4 34% 18% Simms Pete (1.60) 30% 29*4 29% % 45 3554 Sinclair Oil (t 2%) 38% 3754 38 - % 111 107% Sinclair Consol pf (1)... 108% 10854 10854 + *4 46% 32% Skelly Oil (2) 43% 40 *43% + % 125 104% Sloss-Sheff St A I (*)... 106*4 10454104 54 -1 f 112 105 Slows-Sheflr SAI pf (7). .. 108 108 108 1654 10% Snider Packing Co 13% 13 1354 % 56 33 Snider Packing pf 5554 51% 51', —3% 45 34 So Porto Rico Sug(t2 %) 45 405* 40% + % 135 125 SoPorto Rico Sug pf(S) . 125% 125 125 —1 6854 53*4 Southern Calif Ed (2) .., 57% 55% 57% + 1% 42 355* Southern Dairies A 42 39 40 1 15*4 11% Southern Dairies B 13% 12% 13 % 138% 124 Southern Pacific (•).... 132% 128', 129% % 158% 13854 Southern Railway (1)... 140% 1385* 140 + 5t 99 96 Southern Railway pf(S). 9654 96 96% + % 140% 104 Sou Ry M A Ohio cfs(4) . 136 12754 130 + 2 ! 6354 50% Spalding A G (1.60) 6054 57 60 + I*4 117 113', Spalding A G Ist pf (7). 114% 11 454x1 14 %5b 1% 5254 39% Spang Chalfant A C 0.... 41 39*4 4054 —l% 97 89 Spang Chalfant pf (6)... 94 93 93 —1 260 170% Sparks AVithlngton (3) .. 260 23854 260 425 14% 8% Spear ACo 9 8% 8% *4 80% 75 Spear ACo pf (7) 76 76 x 76 + 1% 43 35% Spencer Kellog (1.60)... 39 385* 3854 % 66% 45 Spfcer Mfg 6054 56% 67% - 3 55% 48% Spicer Mfg pref pf (I).. 49 48% 48% - % 117% 77% Spiegel May Stern (3)... 10754 98% 99% 854 43*4 25% Stand Com Tobacco (1). 28% 27 28% % 9954 80*4 Stand Gas AEI (3%)... 96*4 89% 94% +2% 67 63 Stand Gas &El pf (4)... 65% 65 65%+ V* 163% 104 Stand Milling (6) 1135* 113V4 113% + ** 81% 64 Stand Oil Calif (t 3) 79% 7754 x 77% 54 62*4 48 Stand Oil NJ (t1%).... 61% 59 59*4 2s* 45% 38 Stand Oil N Y (1.60) 43 4154 41*4 —l% 9*» 454 Stand Plate Glass 6*4 6»* 654 % j 31 17 Stand Plate Glass pf.... 23 19*4 20*4 2*4 56 41 Stand San Mfg (1.63)... 52 47% 475* 55, 44 26 Stanley Co of America.. 44 4054 4354 + 154 77 65 Stewart-Warner <3 %).. 76*4 72% 74% % 110*4 52% Stromberg Carbu (3) 11054 98 11054 + B%' 98 77 Studebaker Co (|5) 83 79% 8054-2*. 115*4 123 Studebaker Co pf (7) 123 123 123 - 4 j 4*4 2*4 Submarine Boat 3 2% 2% % 685, 57 Sun Oil (gl) 64 62 63 -1% 1055, 100 Sun Oil pf (6) 103 102*4 103 12 7 Superior OH 8% 7% 8% + W on Nlntb Page.) . ... r ” % • * *■ * • * . ... _ _ STOCKS ARE LOWERi IN SELLING MOVE Credit Outlook Induces Heavy Liquidation—Many Issues in Reaction. BY CLAUDE A. JAGGER. Written for the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 18 —Stock prices j were depressed by a steady trickle of nervous liquidation in a quiet half-day I session on the New York Stock Ex- I change today, as the credit outlook ap peared still more cloudy. With all 12 Federal Reserve Banks now on a 5 per cent rediscount basis, the San Francisco bank having fallen into line, Wall Street is inclined to the belief that one of the last obstacles to putting the rate up to perhaps 6 per cent in Eastern centers has been re moved, and it is understood that both the New York and Chicago directors are prepared to raise their rates as soon as the Reserve Board in Washington will permit. The only obstacle that appears to re main is the fact that sterling exchange has fallen to the theoretical gold import point, and the reserve officials are be lieved to be unwilling to embarrass the Bank of England by taking action that wouid induce a new flow of gold from London. If the Bank of England, how ever, again raises its discount rate, this obstacle will be removed. With a call money market so sensi tive that the rate jumps to 14 or 15 per cent on a moderate calling of loans, traders contemplate the next few weeks ! WASHINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE YEAR 1929 TO DATE 'Reported by W. B. Hlbbs * Co., Hlbb* Building. Washington. D. C.) BALES OCCURRING ON THE WASHINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE FOR 193* UP TO AN I INCLUDING FRIDAY, MAY 17. BONDS. Appro* yield U Bales. PUBLIC UTILITIES. Open. High. Low. Close, maturity * 10,000 Anacostla A Potomac River R. R. Ist ss. 1949 96 96 95 95 5.40*1 3.000 Anacostla A Potomac River gtd. ss, 1949 .... 95 95 95 95 5.40*1 95,000 Capital Traction Ist ss, 1947 103 103 97>/« 97% 5.301 38.000 C. AP. Telephone Ist ss, 1939 99% 100 99 % 99% 5.351 3,000 C. AP. Telephone of Va. ss, 1943 103 V, 103% 100 101% 6% 7,000 City A Suburban Ry. Ist ss, 1948 96 96 91% 91% 5.709 31,100 Georgetown Oas Light Ist ss. 1061 103% 103% 100 100 5% 4.000 Potomac Electric Power Ist ss. 1939 100 100 99% 99% 5.509 57,000 Potomac Electric Power cons. ss, 1938 102 103% 100% 101% 4.757 35.800 Potomac Electric Power gen. 6s. 1953 107% 109 107 107% 5.457 74.000 Washington Gas Light gen. ss, 1960 103% 103% 99% 100% 4.951 102.300 Washington Gas Light series A 6s. 1933 103 105% 103% 103% 5.301 66.900 Washington Oas Light series B 6s. 1936 106% 107 103 103% 5.351 147.000 Washington Railway & Electric cons. 4s. 1951. 91 91% 85% 96% 5“ 16.500 Washington Railway A Electric gen. 6s. 1933.. 102% 103% 101% 103 9.401 MISCELLANEOUS. 23.500 Barber A Ross. Inc.. 6%5. 1937 94 95% 94 95 % 7.451 6.500 Chestnut Farms Dairy, Inc., 6%5, 1941 107 107 108% 107 5.701 5.000 Chevy Chase Club Ist 5%5. 1976 103% 102% 101% 101% 6.407 7.000 District of Columbia Paper Mfg. Ist 6s, 1937.. 95% 95% 94 95 8.807 1.500 Washington Cons. Title «s. 1951 100 100 100 100 Si ll, 000 Washington Market Cold Storage ss. 1938 96 98% 98 98 9.657 STOCKS. Par. Dlv. Appro: PUBLIC UTILITIES. value, rate Open. High. Low. Close, yield. 3,311 Capital Traction 3100 * 7.00 105% 107% 95 96V* 7.3% 33 N. AW. Steamboat 100 13.00 308 308 300 300 4% 435 Potomac Electric Power pfd 100 6.00 113 114 111% 113 5.3% 1.775 Potomac Electric Power pfd 100 5.50 108% 109% 108% 108% 8.1% 3,311 Washington Gas 30 380 105% 125 105% 110 3.2% 39 Waahlncton Railway A Elec. com. 100 700 530 610 520 610 1.1% 3.039 Washington Railway A Elect, pfd. 100 5.00 99V* 99% 97 98 9.3% NATIONAL BANKS. 13 Capital 100 10.00 350 365 350 356 9.7% 11 Commercial 100 800 365 265 263 363 3% 77 District 100 8.00 240 240 235 338 % 3.3% 380 Federal-Arnerlcan 10.7 10 00 340 345 335 338 2.91. 65 Liberty 100 7.00 355 255 255 255 3.7% 917 Riggs 100 15.00 550 581 550 575 2.6% 65 Second 100 9.00 255 256 345 345 3.8% 73 Washington 100 13.00 312 315 311% 315 4% TRUST COMPANIES. 324 American Security A Trust 100 15.00 453 % 476 453 459 1.3% 137 Merchants' Bank A Trust 100 600 155 155 150 154 3.9% 138 National Sayings A Trust 100 13.00 507 570 507 585 3% 140 Union Trust 100 850 355 380 346 346 3.7% 58 Washington Loan A Trust 100 14.00 633 545 533 545 3.5% SAVINGS BANKB. 339 Bank of Bethesda 35 1.90 79 95 76 80% 1.8% 5 East Washington 10 1.30 39 39 39 39 3% 10 Security Savings A Commercial.. 100 17 00 531 531 521 531 3.3% FIRE INSURANCE. 11 American 100 13 00 308 330 805 330 8.6% 13 Corcoran 50 5.00 163 170 163 170 3.9% 352 Firemens 20 1.80 40 41 40 40V, 4% 404 National Union 5 .75 36% 37% 26% 26% 3.7% TITLE INSURANCE. 150 Columbia 6 .30 14 14 13 II 3.3% 55 Real Estate 100 600 230 335 330 330 3.6% 86 Title A Inv. Co. of Md. eom 50 4.00 45 45 39 38 1% 10 Washington Cons. Title Ins. pfd. 50 3.50 60 60 50 50 7% MISCELLANEOUS. 331 Barber A Rosa. Inc., eom None .... 30 30 19 19 ...., 130 Chestnut Farms Dairy com None 4.00 227 337 214 223 1.8% 418 Chestnut Farms Dairy pfd 100 700 106% 110 106% 109% 6.4% 131 Chevy Chase Dairy pfd 100 700 107 110 106% 107 8.5% 909 Columbia Sand A Gravel pfd. ... 100 7.00 93 98% 90 90 7.8% 76 Commercial National pfd 100 700 104 105 103 103V* 68% 82 D. C. Paper Mfg. Co. pfd 100 .... 88 88 83 83 119 District National Secur. pfd. ... 100 700 100% 103% 100% 101 68% 705 Federal-Arnerlcan Co. com None 1.30 53% 55% 50 60 2.4% 260 Federal-Arnerlcan Co. pfd 100 gOO 103 103% 101% 101% 59% 52 Federal Storage Co. pfd 100 800 125 125 120 122 6% 1,251 Lanston Monotype 100 600 120 132% 120 130% 4.5% 324 Merchants Trans. A Stg. eom. ... 100 10 00 128 132 124 125 81. 336 Merchants' Trans. A Btg. pfd. ... 100 700 107 113 107 109 64% 3.769 Mergenthaler Linotype None 500 104 109% 103% 107% 46% 9.036 National Mtg. A Inv. Co. pfd ... 10 .... 5% 5% 6% ss,5 s , 307 Peoples Drug Stores pfd 100 650 137 134 114% 114% 5.5% l 1.331 Real Estate Mtge. A Guar. pfd.. 10 .80 7% 7% 7% 7% 101. 273 Security Storage 25 500 125 125 120 120 4.2% j 584 Terminal Ref. Whg. Corp 50 300 51 55 51 51 591 I 50 Washington Mech. Mtge. Com. .. 10 .80 11 11 11 11 7.2% | 100 Washington Medical Bldg 100 .... 141 143 141 143 .... | 88 Woodward A Lothrop pfd 100 700 110 110 108 V, 108% 641 UNLISTED DEPARTMENT. Open. High Low. Close. Ylel *IOO Army A Navy Club ss. 1981 90 90 90 90 6 631 1.500 Cosmos Club 4%s 'retired annually) 90 90 90 90 5% 500 Commercial Club Ist 5s 88 88 88 88 ..... 3.000 Metropolitan Club 4%5, 1936 93 93 90% 92% 6.1$ STOCKS. 132 Park Savings Bank 10 1.00 75 S 4 75 85V* 1.3% 3 Departmental Bank 10 .... f 8 6 6 ..... 132 Park Savings Bank 10 1.00 75 85 % 74 85% 1.2$ 100 Washington Savings Bank 10 .60 15% 15% 15% 15% 3.7% I HOW IS BUSINESS? Showing Current Business Activity Compared With Same Week Last Year. ' JUNE JULY AUG SByrj OCT j NOV DEC jAN j FEB j MAP APS MAY JUNE rLu.-i i„! 1 1 .1 h ; GENERAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY for tb* country Indicated by bank debits outside New York City. Shaded areas shew weeks of activity above the correspending weeks es the orevloos year. Black areas Indicate deeltnee from samo weeks 12 months earlier. ACTIVITY BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS. Cheek transactions compared with tame week a year ago. | Boston 1 New York I Philadelphia 1 Cleveland 1 Richmond 1 Atlanta I 1 + 6.8% ! 4-11.6% ! 4-10.8% 1 +10.9% [ + 3.2% I 0.0% I I Chicago 1 St. Laois I Minneapolis 1 Kansas City > Dali,, 11. Francisco I j —Q.I% —0.9% ! 4-5.8% | +14.3% I +14.7% I —16.8% I LEADING BAROMETERS. ■bowing trend of Important factors. _ ... . % Change Present trend. frem year asi Business in dollars (checks cashed) Steady 4. 2.6 Employment (Department of Labor) Upward 4* 4.3 Wages (Department of Labor) Upward 4* I t Cost of living (Industrial Conference Board)... Steady 2.0 Wholesale prices (Fisher’s Index) Steady 3.9 Agricultural prices (Department of Agriculture) Steady + 0.7 .Movement of goods (car loadings) Upward 4- 0.2 Retail trade (Federal Reserve Board) Upward 4- 8.1 Wholesale trade (Federal Reserve Board) Steady 4-5 2 Failures (Dun's) Downward —17.2 Bond prices (Annalist) Steady 5.7 Stock prices (Annalist) Mixed +28.5 Stock market volume (shares traded) Heavy 4* #-• tAll rights reserved. Cambridge Associates. Boston.) . FTKA^CTArj with some anxiety, as It Is estimated , that the exercising of rights to addi tional stock financing will require about I $1,000,000,000 before early July, and i< h of this drain upon the money market will coincide with the require ments of the mid-year settlements. It is reported that some lenders are I asking as much as 9' 2 per cent for the j shorter maturities in the time money market, the highest rate in many years, i In contrast to unsettled aspects of the credit situation, the rather meager business and industrial news that came to hand today continued generally favorable. The week end reviews stressed the surprising maintenance of near capacity operations in the steel industry. Some slackening of demand from auto mobile manufacturers, however, was re ported at Youngstown. Such important issues as American Can. Packard. Lambert. United State* Steel. Western Union. Warner Brother? and Canadian Pacific lost a couple ol points or so. although short covering ■ toward the close caused a slight rally ing tendency. The Advance Rumely issues again broke rather sharply, losing 6 and 1 points, and the preferred regained muck of its loss before the close. Adams Ex press. which has been rather inactiv* of late, dropped 35 points to 600 in I single sale. Commercial Solvents an< Case Threshing lost 6 points and more Allis Chalmers sold down about 5 points Coppers were again heavy, Anacondi t selling down about 3 and Greent Cananea more than 6 points. Ken j necott, however, held nearly steady ! what with prospects of an Increase ix ; the dividend rate next week. There were a few points of strength I General Electric made an extreme gair ■ i of 4 points, and Allied Chemical wai , I well bought. Burroughs Adding Ma 1 ! chine and Sparks Withington were 1 again buoyant, mounting about 10 and 1 8 points to new peaks. Curtiss Aer< ! was sent up 8 points, Postum, Wright New Haven and American Commercia 1 Alchohol were well supported. Genera . : Motors and Radio overcame easin’, > tendencies and closed firm.