OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, May 27, 1929, Image 16

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1929-05-27/ed-1/seq-16/

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“Raw Recruits” Will Get Aviation
Training and Government
Air Posts.
By the Associated Press.
From churches, stores and shops in
all parts of the country a small but
victorious army will come July 1 to try
for its “wings."
Assignment of 224 aviation students I
COMPLETE the attractive rates which S O S quotes for its high-grade " J
rtif> w 71^Ip ity which is necessary for such vl service. Business houses can jf
A legitimate and modern solution of their truck problems. Mi jEMa®, ifell
to truck users. Truck service o! every description— increasing competition ? Jt will pay you. Why not get out of the
night or day—Sundays or a * attention to truck purchases, iipkeepa^
your command by calling SO S, Franklin 505. less other distractions, such as accidents, claims, insurance, Dome Oil Must Have Cont«|WMjtW ■v l ,i l f|i|p|Bf|
Repair Shop —Fully equipped, skilled mechanics for any make your own truck miles when SOS will do’it’ more
Paint Shop —Line, durable enamel jobs, modern spray SOS Truck Lease Plan Furnishes— . ! . |
Body Shop —Body building, reparing, curtain and top I without investment on your part.
work. Moderate prices and satisfactory results. » Garaging —Housing, washing, cleaning, oiling, greasing and jjrjj*
Garaging-I-argest specialized truck garage. Washing. Gasoline aid Oil-Filled and checked niriitiv. ML I ’ HEHB I
cleaning, greasing, gas and! oil. Time and mileage •> rffl ||| Ip |j| ♦ |jfi
records kept. Dependable service. Tires and Tubes —Tire repairs, spare tires and road service. . T ~
Emergency— Vehicles supplied while your own are being Chassis Repairs— All repairs, parts, labor and adjustments.
repaired, or extras for business peaks. Body Upkeep— All repairs, painting and art work, exclusively | ' ;
Lease Contracts —One or a fleet, y 2 to 15 ton, to your own ' °| ir C " n ’ Handsome Billboards for Wilkins Coffee and Tea
specifications. At very moderate cost. Worry c * * . • . .. , , WWB 1' 1
and investment are^ You furnish the r *’ Cl "^’^ ''ghu, horns, chains, alc°- 'ogig.- 'j||j|P
When you “S O S your trucks” you arc entirely out of the ffMI; ipjlM L <: " 1| y J&2I
Advisory —lt will pay you to consult us —without obliga- truck business. LWI pHS Ml Ml 88! Ml ttMB MHI SPBiS ■
tion the SOS staff of transportation experts is at Remember SO S furnishes the trucks—one or a fleet—the HSBLJHBI 11 Jl 111 ijf if PI ■•? =
. . tjpc and size best suited to your needs. Jiiercatter you arc guar- f? , ....'i fll •' —
your command —engineering data, route surveys, an teed a dependable, positive, worry-free delivery service. SO S S 3 pi '
operation cost estimates, art designs and advice. “Spick-and-Span ’ trucks on the streets will add grcatlv to the - • I
standing of your concern in the mind of the General Public.
This is a financially sound and well equipped concern that Many prominent firms have already S O S’d their trucks. T “**
- . ... , J iti r You should get full information on the S O S Truck Lease I hr
you can afford to tie with permanently and completely tor Operating Plan. “S O S Call” Franklin 505. | J| '
everything you require in the truck line. L. T' L- —^— 8 _ "" , ,
7 67 M 11 11 " H. W. Burchell Is a Leader in the Trade
Well Known to All Washington w Part of Pioneer Laundry Fleet of Twelve Units
30-38 M St. N.E. “SOS CALL”—FRANKLIN 505
to the eight-month course of training in
the primary flying schools at Brooks
Field, Tex., and March Field. Calif.,
was announced today by the War De
partment. Aside from those who are
now Army officers. National Guardsmen
or members of Reserve Officers’ train
ing corps units, those assigned will be
“raw recruits.”
Only the rank of flying cadet goes
with the assignment, but successful
students are assured of commissions in
the Army Air Corps Reserve.
Selection of the non-Army appointees
was made from a list of 615 qualified
candidates, but the appointments were
held to the present number because of
the limited training facilities at the two ■
I Massachusetts has the highest num- I
fill! HIWIIM UTAH. U'Amit.Mil'llL 11. 1.. UIUI.U,. M.U 01. I!BI. 1
ber of successful candidates with 19.
followed by Illinois with 17 and Cali
fornia with 16. Champaign. 111., leads
the cities in number of appointments
with 6, followed by the District of Co
lumbia with 5.
■ ■ ' • -' '■
Bishop Officiates at Ordination.
l Right Rev. James E. Freeman, Bishop
jof Washington, ordained C. Harold
Douglas and Louis H. Webster as dea
cons of the Episcopal Church at special
ordination services, held at the Church
of the Epiphany, yesterday morning. l
Rev. Anson Phelps Stokes, canon of the j
| Washington Cathedral, delivered the i
I ordination sermon. I
Chairman of Hoover's Enforce
ment Committee Is President's
Guest at White House.
By the Associates rress.
George W. Wickersham of New York
City arrived in Washington yesterday
to take up his duties as chairman of
President Hoover’s law enforcement in
| quiry committee and is a house guest
i at the White House.
The committee is to gather at the
j Executive Mansion for luncheon tomor
• row and shortly afterward is to hold
its first meeting in the cabinet room
at the executive offices.
Mr. Wickersham was one of a num
ber of guests at an informal supper
last night at the White House. The
others were Representative and Mrs.
Ramseyer of lowa. Representative and
Mrs. Hoch of Kansas. Col. and Mrs.
U. S. Grant, 3d: Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Pratt of New York City, Miss Alida
Henriquez of Washington and Mrs.
Robert Armstrong, Washington cor
respondent of the Los Angeles Times.
—■— •
Gasoline “Cracked” From Fish Oil.
Dr. Gustav Egloff, member of an oil
research laboratory staff In Chicago, re
ports that the cracking process can
reduce inedible fish oils to gasoline.
National Committee Chairman, De
parting 1 to New York, Says
100 Addresses Were Made.
Clinton N. Howard, chairman of the
National United Committee for Law En
forcement, which has been conducting
a campaign since last January to “dry
up” Washington, announced the con
clusion of his work in Washington and
departed for New York last night.
The campaign was terminated by
two large mass meetings, one at the
Chevy Chase Baptist Church In the
morning and the other in the afte.noon
at the John Wesley A. M. E. Zion
Church for colored persons.
In a review of the work of the com
mittee in Washington during the last
five months at the Chevy Chase Baptist
Church Howard said he had personally
delivered more than 100 addresses, 75
of which were at mass meetings. A
tribute was paid to the co-ope.-ation of
the Washington pastors with the move
ment and also to the new administra
tion of Maj. Henry G. Pratt, superin
tendent of police.
Mr. Howard left for New York last
night, where he will start a drive to
suppress the 32,000 speakeasies that are
reported to be doing business In that
Woman Writer Busy at 82.
At the death at 82 of Mrs. Flora
Annie Steel, the great novelist of India,
at Springfield. England, recently, she
had just finished her autobiography,
had half finished a novel and had Just
published another, "The Curse of Eve "
which gave her views on social prob
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