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SPECULATIVE CURB SHARES IN ADVANCE Industrials, Utilities and Rails Bid Up. Despite High Money Rate. BY HARRY H. BECRF.F. Cpecial Di'potch to The Star. NEW YORK. June 26.—Indifferent to continued Arm rotes for money, the | speculative clement on th° Curb Ex- ; change resumed the process of bidding ; tip numerous issues in fairly active; trading today. leadership, however, was po longer in the utilities which nevertheless continued to present, the usual quota of strong issues. Wider in- ] tereet was shown in a varied list, of in- j dustrials. some of which rose aggres- > sively to new high records and gave the general tone a. stronger appearance than in some time. Early Features. Among the features early ir. the ses- j cion wer? Pennroad Corporation, the i holding company formed by the Penn- j sylvania Railroad interests. It opened | on a block of 20.000 shares and was ; turned ov*>r in large blocks reaching the i best, price on the recovery. The activity ! was based on unconfirmed reports that j the issue would be transferred to the j stock exchange within the course of the next few weeks. Considerable activity was also dis pla'-ed bv Marconi International Marine above the 25 level, which compared witn a low this year of 19. Important gains were also marked up by a score of more unrelated industrials and there was quite a sourt in the limited number of listed railroad shares in sympathy with the buoyancy of carrier storks else where New Orleans. Great Northern was traded in for the first time in weeks at slightly higher prices. Recent strength of Crocker Wheeler was explained by declaration today of a 2 per cent dividend on account of accumulations, reducing the arrearages to 10 per cent. The stock is very closely held and the floating supply is there fore limited, but the dividend announce ment failed to inspire much new inter est in the junior issue, which made a new high yesterday. One of the infre quent rumors in connection with its recent advance was that one of the leading electrical goods firms was in terested in the property. Although trading in the utility sec tions was on a more restricted scale, a ; few advanced in the accustomed fashion. | Gas Improvement old and new, which on an active turnover advanced further into new high ground. Columbia Electric Power made a notable gain, also estab lishing its peak for the year in the fore noon. while American Light & Traction, largely because of the appreciation of largelv because of the appreciation of the market value of its securties. was actve and strong. Shares of the holding com pannies recently formed and the securi ties they are to acquire did not do much. Other Active Issues. United States & Foreign Securities, after being comparatively neglected dur ing the boom n kindred issues, catne to life with a rise of substantial extent. Consolidated Gas of Baltimore fluctuat ed in a narrow' range following an nouncement, of the formation of a vot ing trust for the protection of the pres ent management. Draper Corporation. Swift & Co. and the other packing issues. U. S. Finish- j ing, American Cyanimid B and the In- ; temational Projector new were other Issues to do better in the general run of i specialties. Ols continued heavy, with, the exception of Cosden & Co. JULf COTTON GAINS. NEW YORK. June 26 (Special).— With the pressure removed from the Julv position following notices yes'er dav, July quotations on the Cotton Exchange stiffened today, while new crop deliveries were set back $1 a bale. As a result of today's business July gained 10 points, with positions about 10 points lower than yesterday. Spots were advanced 10 points to $18.55. Cotton range : Open. High. Low. Close. Tnlv 18 15 18.31 18.14 18 21 o?iobef": :: iS:™ 18.75 ls.ei u. 75 SSSSf as its it* lift Wrz ßß 88 88 WHEAT IRREGULAR. CHICAGO. June 26 (JP). —On late upturns in price today wheat went, sharplv above yesterday's finish, largely because of adverse crop reports from the Southwest, but quickly reacted. One ! report said that on account of exces- | sive rains mold was found in wheat j shocks and that the probable maximum j yield in Oklahoma was 35.000,000 bush- j els and in Kansas 115.000,000. The j forecast for Canada, though, and for . domestic territory Northwest pointed, to additional moisture, and the break- i ing of the drought became the domi- ! nant influence at the last, as was the j case earlier in the day. Wheat, closed nervous, at the same as yesterday’s finish to l 2 cent dowm. corn %e to me up. oats unchanged to %c off and provisions unchanged to a setback of 12c. WHEAT— Hieh. Lew. Ciofe. July 11V, 1.12 113’, December 1.2 V, 1.22 1.23% 1 CORN— „ i J«ll* 93', .92 .92*4 j September 95 .93% .94% December S 3 .80** -32 OATS-- Jiilr 44% -43% ■**,, September <4% .43% •'’ll 8 December 46% -46 -'*B% Jufy YB 7 88%. .88*, .87’4 ! September 92’a -9?% ?1. 4 December 9,% .95% 86 , j Jijly' Rl> 11.90 11.85 11.85 September ~..12.27 }2.?0 jJ-J? October 12.40 12.35 12.*>5 Ju?v Bfc 7! 1365 13.60 13 60 September 13.25 33.55 13.35 Markets at a Gla^c* NEW YORK, June 26 (iP).—Stocks strong: United States Steel leads up- ; s ward march. Bonds irregular; several ■ convertibles at new tops in enormous turnover. Curb firm; Electric Bond A Share at new high. Foreign ex changes steady; Japanese yen slumps 10 points. Cotton lower; favorable weekly weather reports. Sugar easy; Cuban selling. Coffee steady; better Brazilian markets. CHICAGO. June 26 (A 3 ). Wheat steady; bullish Kansas estimate. — • GERMAN BONDS AND STOCKS. | NEW YORK. June 26 (Special).— I , Bid. Asked i Or Govt Red Loan w'th drawing Ctfs attached per 100 R M... 55.00 60 00 Ger Govt Red Loan without drawing etfa per 1.000 R M . 58 0(1 30 00 • Quoted in dollars per million marks.! Hamburg 4%x 1919 35.00 45,00 • Quoted In dollars per thousand marks.! German Gen Elect 4%s pre-war 23.00 24.00 German Gen Elect 4%s 1919.... 2.25 3.00 Berlin 4s pre-wai 4.00 5.50 Hamburg 3s. 3%s A 4s pre-war.. .10 30 Hamburg American Line 4%5... 31.00 33.00 North German Lloyd 4%s 31 09 33 no Krupp 5s 1921 ; 1.25 2.00 IMKseldorf 4s pre-war 10 .30 Frankfort a-M 4s pre-war 10 .30 Munich 4s pre-war. 10 .30 • Quoted In dollars per share i AEG (German Oe Eleel 45 00 47 00 Comment aud Privat Bank 44 00 46.00 I O Farben ex div 56,00 58 00 Diaconto Gellschalt 37 00 39 00 Berliner Handels 52.00 54.00 nrefdner Bank 38 00 40 <KI Deutsche Bank 40 oo 43.00 Dun'M aed’er Bank 6.6.00 67.n0 He*den C>vm 800 10 00 Mercur Bank Vienna 2.50 4.0,7 North Ge-man Lloyd . . .. 10 r -0 12.00- . Austrian AEG (General Elect. 3.00 5.00 FINANCIAL/ 1 I NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE I Received by Private Wire Direct to The Star Office. Sele-s in INDUSTRIALS. High. Low. Close, hund reds. 1 4 Acetol Prod A 12% »>/« 12*a 3 Acoustic Prod ft 3*2 5 24 Aero Sup Ml B n .. 18% IS'» 18% | 2 Acta Ansco 37 38% 36% 5 Ainswortn Mfg 54% 53% 6.,% 1 Allied Aviat Sec 13% 13*4 13% 4 Alexander Industries 14% l4t* 14% sii Allied PAL 80 73% 78'a 5 Allied P A L pfd 44 44 4 4 1 Allied P A L Ist nfd 75 75 75 1 Allison Dr B 1% I'* I', 1 Alum Co Amer 239% 283% 283 * • 2 Alum Goods Mfg 30' 2 30% 30% 2 Alum Ltd.. 154’2 154 >2 1>4% 25 Am & for Pow war . 85% 80'-, 85% 1 Amei Arch Co 3d’, 36' 4 36', 1 Amer lint A font Co 13 15 13 2 Amer Hr Bov El F. . . 2Pi 21% 21”* 7 Amt' Cities P A L A 61% 60’.. 63 * . 64 Amer Clt P A I, B 49% 48 48 r 4 3 Am Colortrnr 40 40 40 23 Am Ccmmvtnv P A. . 23', 22% 22% ! 1* Am Ccmmonw P B . £6% 25 s , 26% 43 Am Comw I J optl war 8 : « 7 s , 7', ! 13. Am Cyanamld Bn.. 86 a 54', 85 s * i 6 Atner Dep. ci'ics... 14- • 14 23 Amer Gas A El 197% 193 197 ! 3’, Amer Lt A Trar 279% 270% 278 ; 1 Amer Millin# 62% 62% 62% 1 Amer Phenix 60 60 r.o 1 Amer Sta Pud Kcr A. 26 26 26 ft'.i Amer Superp r. .. t,:% 4.’, .%’ * 3 Amer superp pfd. .. 91% PI in 3 Amer Superp 1 pfd.. 9i% Pi’» 9744 1 Anglo Chll Nitre.... 4: 41 41 1 Apco Mos.'.b A 8 8 8 ! IS Ark Nat o.s A y% ft’, a% i SArc'urus Radio T ... 42 , 40% 4J>* , 9 Arl2 Low £l% 56 5 <% i 47 Ark Na’. Gar 9’ 4 9'* 91, 16 Ark Nat Gas A... p' s 9’» 9> a ■ 2’j Arms Cork 63 63 66 1 Assa A Prim ..14 D 14 13 Asso Elec ind 11-u 11 « li«* 60 Asso Gas A LI A 85’a 54 6S*» 12 Asso G A El deb rts 7’ 4 7 7’ 4 1 Assn Laund Amer A. 10's 10’a1110 1 a ; 88 Asso Ci AE! n rts... 2 \ 2’» 2’» • 2 Assn Rayon 21‘« ?o’j 21’a ? Asso Raynn pfd 69’? 69’, 63’, I 1 A<l Coast Fisheries.. 62’2 62>a 62’a iS9U ftt A G A El n rts 2’, 2> 4 2’, j 1 U N Avia Sec ft<’« 54’« 54’, I 1 Auto Vo; Mach. . 9’, P’, 9’, 3 Auto Vet M rlv pr pi. 20N 20 20 2 Aviation Co of Am.. 65 63 65 75 Aviation Corp 17’« 16’2 !•?’- 2 AviaMcn Credit ... | 4 Axton Fisher A. .. TTi’j 34’» 35 ! 4 Babcock A V/tlcox ..130 130 130 180 lab A Kair efs. .. 78’ 4 78% 78% 2 Bliss EW 49 48% 49 1 Blyn Shoes Inc I-'* l’a 1% 3 Brar Tr L A P 57 57 87 f Briefs & Stratton.... 35” j 35’a 3ft3« 11 Brist Myerr 118 113 U 113 1 Bnt-Celanese Ltd ... 7'j 7'a 7'j ;. Bklyn Cit.v KR cod... 7’* 7 r a 7’« o Bklyn City RR 8 8 8 SOBudd Mis 21’, li> 4 20’« 2 Bui L’iax A F. P 100’» 9S’« S'J*-. 56 But Niac A L P A... id I 93- 4 luu 1 , IBul N A E P pfd ... 24'a 24'j 24’ 2 1 Bruck Steel Mills 33’a 33*« 33’a IBv Frod Coke 11 31’« 31’« 31’» 4 Burma Corp 4‘j 4’a 4‘i 3« Burrousil Add n 64', 66v’« 10 Cable Had Taoe vtc.. 16 IR‘, 16 15 Can Marconi VV 7’, V 2 7’i 21 Capital Admin A... 44’, 39’a 49- 1 , 4 Capital Admin A ptri. S7-> 4 7 3 s 3 Carnation Milk 44 43 a 43 a 3 Caterptl Tract 82 81 82 SCelan Cor Am 33 31' 2 31' 3 2 Cent Atl Sta Bcr vtc. 12'j 12> 4 12*^ 17 Cent States El 151 147’# 151 12 Cent States El 127 m-’a 127 l' 4 Cent Stales El 6s pfd lSs' a 155'a 155' 2 4 Cent Fub S A 45 'a 45’« 453 b 7 Cent States El n ftl' 4 49V« 51', 4 17 Cent States El 150 3 . 148’a 150 3 Cent States El war... 60', 4 62 60' 4 1 Cent Sta El 6-, pid 150 150 150 10 Cent Sta Li conv pid 254 249 264 2 Cent St El pfd ww. . . 83’ 4 83’* 83% 12 Cent St E conv pfd n 128% 123% 128% 5 Chain Store Stock.. 35 33% 33% 12 Cent St E conv pd n 127% 123% 127% 93 Check Cab Mfg 63% 60 63% 1 Cities Ser n s7d 31% 31% 31% , 129 Cities Ser n 32 31% 31% 4 Cities Ser pf.i 96% 95% 96% 1 Cities Ser B pfd 9 9 9 1 Cities Ser BB pfd 92 92 92 1 Clt Se P * L 6V pfd 92 92 92 1 City Mach A- T 001... 23 28 23 . 804 Ccmmonw & Sou. .. 23’, 23% 23% 273 Common* A- Sou optl 9% 9% 9% 1 Clevc Tract 32 31 31% 8 Cohn A- Rosenberger. 43% 42 43% 1 Clark <D Ll Co 3% 3% 3% 13 Col Gas Sub rts 60% 57% 60% 3 Coleman Lamp P ... 65 65 65 1 Columbia Pictures... 30% 30% 30% 804 Commonw A Sou ... 23% 23% 23% 8 Columbus El Pow... 90 89 90 % Commonwlth Ed 260 252 259% 273 Commonw A Sou optl 9% 9% 9% ft Cons Aircraft 37% 37 37% 7 Cons Auto Mer vtc. ..5 5 5 2 Cons Auto Mer pfd.. 25 24 25 2 Conncc Elcc 134% 134% 134% 27 Consol Dairy P 39% 36% 37% 4 Consol Film 21 % 20% 20% 1 Consol Instru 26*2 26% 26% 9 Cons Laund 17% 17 17 ICons Ret. Sirs 26% 26% 26% 2 Cont’l Diamond Fiber 35% 35% 35% 1 Cont GlEprpl... 103% 103% 103% 3 Cooper Bcssemr pf A 49% 48% 49% 1 Corrnon A R pfd A.. 100 100 100 1 Crowley Milner 47 47 47 1 Curtiss Aero Exp ... 35% 35% 35% 45 Curtiss Airport vtc.. 12 11 11 15 Curtiss Flyln* Serv . 23% 23% 23% 1 Daniel Reeves 37% 37% 37% i 3Da vega Inc 33% 33% 33% 50 Del Aircraft 15% 15 Ift Deere A Co 559% SRI Sftl 30 De For R C 15% 14% 14% 1 Dixon (Ji Crucible xd 168 168 168 : 2 Doehler Die C C 31% 31 31% 1 Domin Br Ltd 105% 105% 10V, 8 Douglas Aircraft.... 37V* 36 36% 5 Draper Corp 78 73% 72Va I 2 Dublller CAR 5% 5% 5% 2% Duke Pow 201% 200% 201% 37 Durant Mot 43% 13 13% 1 East States Pow 8... 62% 62V* 63% 33 Eisler Elec 28% 27V* 27% 474 El Bond A Rh 115% 110 114% 6EI Bond A Sh pfd ... 104% 103 104% 17 E Invest. Inc 19?% 189% 191% 13 8l P A L optl war 47% 47V* 47%. 2Em Pow Cor ft7V* 56% 56’i 2 En? Pub Serv opt war 31 31 31 4 Evans Wall Lead 19% 19 19% 12 Fabrics Finish 12’* IS 7 * 12% 2 Faaeol Mot co 4 s * 4% 4% 3 Fe.ndanro Corp A ... 3% 2% 3% 1 Fanny Far Inc 12 12 12 6 Fansteel Prod 12 11% 12 3 Fedders Mfß A 31% .31 31% 3 Federal Water A 46% 46% 46% ■ 3 Financial Inv ; 29 28% 28% 36 Fiat rets tB% 28% ?8% 353 Fleischmann Royal n . 34’* 33% 34 ’ < Ford Mot Co Can rts 48 48 48 in Fokker Alrp Am 51 49’* 51 r Ford Mot Co Can A n 4«% 46 46 19 Ford Mot Ltd 15% 15% 15% 1 Foremost Dairy J 3 13 13 14 Foltis Fisher 31% 30% 31% 5 Foremost Fabrics 27 25% 27 15 Fox Theaters A 22% 22 22% 3? Freshman Chas C 0... 8% 7% 8 12 Game well Co 81’* 80 81 8 Oarlock Pka 26% 26 26% 23 Gen Am Inv rts m% 9% 10% 1 Gen Bsk 7V, 7% T% 8 Gen Bak pfd 72’* 71% 72% ' 2 Gen Elec Ltd reg 12% 12% 12% 1 1 Gen Ftreprf* n 38 38 38 3 Gen Indus! Alco vtc 34% 3«% 34% , 1 Gen Print Ink 45% 4ft’e 45% 36 Gen Pub Ser 57 54% .ftfe. 6 Gen Real A Util Co 20 19’, 19% 1 3 Gen R»al A Ut Co pfd 93% 93 93% ! 14 Globa Und Ex 25 2i% 25 2 Gilbert pfd 48% 48 48% 1 Gleaner Comb Har... 115 115 115 I 5 Glen Alden Coal 126 124 124 ( 15 Gold Seal Elec n 23% 22% 23% j 19 Goldman Sachs n... 102% 101 102 4% Or AAP T C non vtc 285 285 285 2 Grand Rap Varnish 21% 20% 21% 4 Gotham Knltbac Ma 8% 8% B’, ; 2 Gramoph Co Ltd rets 79 78% 79 1 Grigsby Grunow n... 137% 137% 137’, | 2 Ground Grip Shoe... 38% 38% 38% 2 Happ.n CSt A 3% 3 3% 8 Haygnrt Corp 64% 63% 64% 1 Hazeltine corp 57% 57% 57% 4 Helena Rubens.ein... 19 18 19 1 Re.vden Chem 37 37 37 22 Hiram Kalk GA'V n 19% !B% 19 2 Household Fin pfd ... 50 50 50 1 Hurlers cum pfd . 90 90 90 2 riygrade Food Prcd. 35 34% 34% I 1 Imp Chemical 8% 8% 8% 1 Tnsur Co N A 78% 73% 78% j 2 Innur Recur 2R% 25% 25% 11 Insur Shares 20% 20 20 17 fnt Mer Marine r... 28% 27% 27% 243 In ern Util B IP% 19 19% 1 Interstate Hosiery . ZO% 20% 20% 4 Investors Equity ... 54 52 53% 7 Irving Air Chute ... 31% 31% 3’.’# 21 Ital Superrow A.... 20% 19% 20 1 Ital Superp deb its 11’* 11% 11% 1 Karsfadt. R, IS% 18’.i 18% 2 Kerniath 14% 14’, 14% 13 Keystone Aiicraft ... 45’a 43% 43’, 2 Klein <D Emil. Co . 26% 26% 26% 9 Kolstn-Brandes 5% 5% 5% 3 Lackcwan See 39% 39% 39% 2 Lake Super C 16 16 16 3 Lake Found AM... 26% 25% 25% 3 Lazarus 3ft 34% 75 ! 2 Leh Coal A Nav 152 150% IPS’* I 2Lerner Stores 64% 63% 63% 3 Libb Owens Sh G1... 194% 186 194% 2 I.ibbv McN A L n ... 12% 12% 12% 3 L:ly Tulip Cup 23% 23% 23% | 9 Long Isl Lt 73% 7ft% 76% % Long Isl Lt pfd 107% 107% 107% 1 : 15 Louisiana Ld A Ex.. 9% 9% 9% ’ % Ludwig Baum pfd . 93 93 93 2 MacMarr Stores .... 40% 40% 40% 2 Mangel Stores 34% 34’, 34% ! ; 1 Mangel Stores pfd 100 100 100 ; 11 Manning Bow B xd... 12 12 12 434 Marconi Inti Mar 25% 24% 25% | 24 Marc Wire Lond B .. 18% 13 18% 1 Marion Steam Shov n 24 24 24 : 35 Mavis Bottling 6% 5% 6% I 7 Mayflower Assn 73. 72% 73 22 Mid Royalty cv pf. .. 28% 28 28% ft M.LelUn Stor A .... 52% 50% 62% 3 Memphis Natl Gas .. 14% 14’* 14% 5 Merchants Mfc A .. 22% 21 22% 4 Merritt Chap A 5... 29% 29 29 8 Metro Chain Sirs 71 75 75 7 Midland Roy C pf 28% 28% '‘B% 2 Midi S' Prod 100 97% ICO 1 10 Mid West U’il 202% 201% 202 1 % Mid W U’il 7s pfd 119% 119% 119% 14 Missouri Kans P L. . 31% 30% 3t% 14 Mohawk Hud Pow . . 88’. 86% 88 % Mob Hud P 2 pfd. . 103 103 103 ft Mohawk Hud war 64’* 60% 64% 19 Murray Corp rts. . 18% 18% 18% 3 Moore Drop Forg A 66’* 63 65 2 Motor Meter Gauge. 31% 30V* 31% % Mount St P C pf 93 91 93 I‘Municipal Serv 22% 32V. 33% 1 Nathan Straus 23V, 23% 23% 7 Nut Aviation 69 67%. 67% 3 Nat Container wi. 26% 26 267* 2 Nat Container pfd wi 23 27% 28 2 Natl F3m Strs 35 % 35 35 2 Nat Rub Mach 34% 34% 34% 420 Niagara Hud Pow wl 24% 23V* 24 1 Nat Sug R N J n. . . 42 42 42 44 Nat Theater Sup.... 20% 19% 20 95 N K Row A opt war wi 7% 77% 7 Nia Pow B opt war wi 62 60 60% 3 Neh! Corp 21% 21% 21% 1 Neuner Bios 192 152 152 % Natsner Broa pfd. . 202 109% 199% 1 Nelson H 26% 26% 26% 5 New Haven Clock... 23% 23V* 23% 2 N Orl Or Mo R R... £0 19% 20 IN Y Hamburg 41 41 41 2 N Y Invest 38 38 38 (-N YTd Co pid IllV, 111% 111% 5 Niagara Shares .... 58% 58 58 6 Niles Bern, Pnd 61% 56% 61% 2 Noma Elect 24% 24 24 18 Nor ASner Aviation.. IT% 17 17 1 13 NSrth Am Utility Bee 20* 18 18 1- 2 North Eastern F B-D sPa 68V, 66% 8 Nor Sta P A *193 195% 198% THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON. D. C„ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26. 1929.' 1 Noradel Agr.e 23% £3% 23% 3 Oil Stocks A 14 13% 13% 1 Ok’.a OAK pfd. .. 10,% 10?% 1u7% 3 Outboard Motors A . 18’* 18% 13% I 2 Outboard Motors B . 11% 11% 11% 2 Overseas Sec 52’, 5a 5.: *, 3S Packard Motors n wi 27% 26% 26% 2 Pec G & E 1 pfd £5% 25% 25% 2Pa ram Cab Mit; 16 15% 15% 2 Parmelee Trans .... 24% 24% 24% % Pend D Groc A. . 53 53 53 2 J C Penney A- C 0... 110% 109% 110% V, J C Penney pfd 97% 97% 97% 2 Penn G & El A 20% 20% 20V* 1 Penn O Ed p Did.. 103’* 103% 103% 1 Penn Ohio Ed B war. 30’., 30% .10’* 4 Penn Wt P C 100% 99 99 1016 Pennror.d Corn vtc.. 21% 20% 2(l’, 1 Peep Lt t•: Priv C A . 47 47 47 13 Perfect Circle fi% fir,’., 62% 5 Perrymsn E%c ... . 20% 10% 19% 20 Petryl Cr.rp 1 pd. 26% 26% 26% 1 Phil (Louis' 8.. .. 27% 27% 27% 4 Pick Bcr * Co pfd . 15% 15% 15% % Pied A- North 78 76 13 3 Pierce Gov 31% 20 in 2 Pilot Rn Tube ’8 17% 17% 70 Pitney Bowes P. .. 27% 27 27 1 Plttsb A- Lake F .. 1C) 1»3 143 2 Pittsb Scr & Bolt 26 26 21 1 Pratt A* Lamb .... It 71 71 16 Prudential Inv 25% 23% 21% ’ , Puk S P f 1, pid . . 96 98 98 2 Pyrene Mfg S’* 8% 8% IQRSCo 32% 30% 39’* 2 Rainbow Lum PA.. 34% 3.1% 34’* 18 Rayoestos 90 87 83 5 Re’.ianee Management 30’. 30% .10%, 2 Reynolds Metal B 39’* 19 .19 4 Reynolds Metal A.... f> 69 69 1 Reynolds Metal B .. 33’* 39’* 39’* 1 Rich Rad 9 9 9 1 Rockland L A P Co n 32% 32% 32’* 2 Roeh Cent Power 40 39'., 40 £ Und Re gale T State 28% 27% 28% 1 Rolls Reyce ltd. . .11 11 11 13 Roosevelt Field ll 10% in’, 2 Swfe T Stnt rod . .... 27% 27% 27% 1 Russeks Fifth Ave... .14 .11 34 1 Safe-T-Stat 30 30 30 2 St Regis roper 1.10% 180 ISO 2 ScbifT Co 53 53 59 1 Schulte Un sc-41 Sir 11% 11% 11% 4 Ser, Gen Am Inv 27% 27V, 27% 1 fire Gen Am Inv pfd io r ' ici inr, 2 Segal Lock A Hnrdw- 10% 10 in K Select Indus ine 19% IP’, 1 Select Ind Itm pfd . 90 90 9(1 t Sclfr rrov Stores . 3’* 1% 3% 30 Sentry Safety Control 21% 26% 21% 46 Serv El vtc 18% 17% 18% 1 Eeton Leather 24 24 24 93 Sherwin Wins Co 93 92 93 2 6l*ira Pa- E .. 54’* 54 54’* ' Sikorsky Avia'lon ... 41% 45% 45% 11 Silica Gel v ic 37% 2.5% 3fi% 1 Silver I A Bros 72 72 72 % Silver I A Bros pfd. 193 195 103 7 Southeast PA L. 119 11.7 118 1 Southeast P A- I, pfd. 105% 105% 105% i 2 Sou CEB pfd 25'* 25% 25% 7 Sou Ce.l Pew A. . . 28 27% 27% 12 Southland Royalty .. . 18% 18% 18% 1 Und B F Square Co . 45 41 45 2 Southern Ic« A- tl R. 7’* 7% 7% 1 Sou New C TI T 24 24 24 % Southw PAX. nfil 101% 103% 101', 2 Spanish A Gen rctrA. 3% ,1% 3% 1 Stahl Meyer 39% 3a% 39% 1 Stand In, 33 33 33 1 Stand Mot 4'* 4% 4% 3 Stand Pow A Lt... 80% 78 .80% : % Stand P A-I. pfd.. . 99’* 99% 99% 2 Stand stl Prop 26% 26% 26% 12 Stein Cosmetics .... 22% 22 32% 60 Sterling Sec A 24% 19% 24% 27 Sterling Sec pfd.. 14 13% 13% 35 Sterling See pfd allot 36% 32% 36% lOStutZ Mot 13’, 13 13% 1% Superheat Co 174 171 171 117 Swift Inti 34’* 31% 34% 1% Swift A- Co 126 125 12,4 1 Swiss Am El pfd 97% 97% 97% 3 Syra W M<-ch 23 2-4% 24% 1 Third Nat Inv 50 59 50 9 Taegert Crrp 53% 53% s?'» 8 Tomps Prod A 60% 59% 59% 7 Toddy vtc B 10 10 10 11 Trans Am 138% 13.1% 138% 2 Trans Air Trap 29% 29 29% 7 Trans Lux DLP S A 12% 11% 12 3 Travel Air Co 52% .40'* 52% 27 Tri Cont Corp 35 34% 34’* 9 Tri Cont Corn pfd. lot', 104 194% ; 1 Trunz Pork Stores.... 46%. 46% 46% I 1 Tung Sol Lamp n ... 46% 45% 40% 6 Tung Sol Lamp 53% 32% .72’,! 1 Tung Sol L A 43 43 43 1 Union N G Can ... ‘A 44 4* 1 Union Tobecco .... 8 8 8 1259 Uni Corp its wi 4% 3!| r’* 1 Union Twist 51 51 51 22 Uni Carbon vtc 77 68% 77 1 Uni Carbon pfd .. . 98 98 98 2451 Tin b Corp rts wi ... 4% 3|l 4,*, 2 llni Chem pr pfd... 36’* 36% 36% 3 Uni Drydock 16% 16% 16% 1190 Uni O Imn C rts.. 2% 2% 2% 24 Uni Elcc Bond ric.. 2’* 2% 2% 3 Uni Elec Ser n 17 16% 17 26 Uni Get* Co 22% 21% 22% 127 Uni G Imp C 247’* 228% 243 '* 2281 Uni G Imp C n 47% 45 47% 1199 Uni G Imp C rts 2% 2% 2% 7 Uni G Imp C n pfd. . 94 93% 9.7% 70 Uni Lt A P A 49 39% 33% 1 Uni Lt. A P B 61 61 61 2 Uni LAP cv pfd . 99% 99’, 99’, 1 Uni L A P B pfd... 59% 59% 59% 8 Uni L A Pcv pfd.. 100 99% 107 j 2Uri Stores Corp wl. 26% 26 26 5 Uni Piece Dve Wks.. 88% 37% 37% 2 Uni Stores Corp wi.. 26’* 25 26", | 10 Uni S ores Corp » wi 49% 48% 43 J « fi Uni Stores Co pfd wi 84% 84% 84% 1 U S Finish H 3 112 112 1 U S Foil B 61 61 61 87 U 8 A For Sec 63 58% 67% 3U S Freight Os Del.. 80% 84% 85 i 1U S Gypsum 69% 63% 69%! 2US Lines 17% 17% 17%! 6U S Rad 61% 51 54% I 4 V S Rad vtc 54’, 54 54% | 1 Universal Aviation... 15% 15% 15% 6 Util Eonitie 27 26% 26% f 17 Util PAL etf B 37% 36% 37% j 103 Util PAL wi.. 28% 28 28%' 22 Util A- Indust Corp 2fi 2.5 25% 3 Util A Ind Corp pfd 30% 30% 30% 5 Vick Financial Corp. 11 10’* 11 2 Van C Pkg pfd 25% 25 25% 2 Vogt 31** 31% 31% 1 Waitt A Bond A 23% 23% 23% 2 Walgreen 87 86% 86% 2 Walgreen war 62% 62 62 3 Watson J W 5% 5% .6% 3 Wayne Pumo 19 ia% 18% 4 West. Auto Sup A 73 71 % 72 I 2 Wcstn A'r Exp rts.. 6% 6% fit* j ft Whif.enight Inc . ... ?% 2% 2%' 1 Wfdlar Food P-od.. 25’* 2ft’* 25% 3 williams RCA Co 27 27 27 2 WII Low Caret** r'd *B', *8 *B% 2 Winter n J 13% 11'- 13% 4 Wipton Enrme 75 78'* 73’, 1 2 Zenith Radio 37% 31 31 j 2 Zonite 31% 33 33 Sales in MINING STOCKS, hundreds. 24 Carnegie Metals .... 20 16’* rn 15 Con Tun A Drain n. 1% 1% IV, 7 Cons Con Mines ... . 11’* 11% in, 4 Golden Cenfe- M .... S’* 4% 4% 2 Holllncer Gold xd... ft% 5 s * 5% 28 Hud Bav Min A Sm.. 17% 17% 17', 1 Mason Vnl 1% 1% 1% 5 Metal A Min 71 79% ?0% 1 Mohawk Min 55 55 sft 1 New Qutnrv 2% 2% 2% 6 Newmont Mining 4s A I"*!*, I'm ins 7 , 1N J Zltnr n 78% 7»% 7?% ? Nlplssing 2’* 7% 2% ?« Korun*’* 58’* r-6% 57% 19 Ohio Cop 2 1% 1 Premier Gold M . ”■ '% ’% 1C r>oen Antolone Cop 47% 47 47 2 Rhatt'tek TVn'i 17'. 17 17% 5 Tonopah B-lmont. .. 8% R% 8% ■ 7 Tononah Min 10% !«', 18' , I'Wendon Cop i% j% i’v 1 Yukon Gold % % % I Rales in INDEPENDENT OIL STOCKS. | , hundreds. 2 Am Con Oildds % % % j 2 Am Maracaibo Co .. 4 4 4 . 6 Carib R-nd 3% 3 3% 1 Colon O’l 7% 7% 7% 41 Cosden Oil 75’. 69% 75 2 Creole Petr 8% 8 8 1 Darhy Pete 14% 14% 14% 7 Derby O A Ref 19’, 19 in , ? Emu G A” 1 8". cum Pfd 198' - 106% 196 V, 1? Gulf O 1 Pa 171% 179 173’ . 1 Homaokln Gil .... 3". i% 3% 1 Houston Gulf Gas 15% 15% 15% 25 Tntereont ret 1% i% 1 *-» ■ 4 T/'onard Oil 4% 3% 3% ! 1 Lion Oil 34% 34V* 34% I 1? Lone Star G, Dd O'! 7 , 64 84% ! 3 t/jn* ft sr Gas Del n 32% 39% 3’% ; 3 Lone Star Gas rts .6 6 6 1 1 Marland Mex . 1% I** 1"* | 1 Mount Gulf 7* 7 « ?* 17 Mount Prod 17% IB 7 * 17 ! 14 Na! Fuel Gas 31% 31% 3”* j 3 New Bradford O .. .. 3% 3% 3% I 1 N Y Pete Roy 17 17 17 3 Pa- Western Oil 16% 10% 18% 4 Pandem Oil 1% 1% 1% 1 Pantepec Oil 8% 6% «'/» | 1 Pyan Con S% 6% 6% ' 1 Rrlt, Ck Cons 3% 3% 3% 1 19 Salt Ck Prod 20% 20 20 ! 44 Transc Oil rts % % U ; I 7exon Oil A Lind n 15 IS 16 t 4 Venezuelan Pet ... 4 3V* 3% I Sales STANDARD OIL ISSUER AND FOR- j in units. MER SUBSIDIARIES—STOCKS. 100 Anglo Am Oil Ift Ift 15 1 5000 Conti Oil 20% 29 20% j ! 1309 Humble O f R ... 114’, 114 114’,: i 4 111 P L 4 3 % 4 > 27 imp o Can n.. , % % % 200 Ind PI. * 96 9a% 96 ' 1100 Inter Pet L'd n 22% 22 * .12% J 103 Nat Transit 23' .• 73 ,3 ' 1600 Ohio Oil 72% 71% 71% 100 Penn Mex Fuel 226-s 226% -26% j 400 Solar Resin ll 39% 39% 30% 1 300 South Penn Oil 53 52% 5e% i 17200 8 O Indiana 55% 58% 5a% ■ ! 1700 S O Kentucky n. ... 3,’% 36% 37% i l 100 R O Nebraska 47 40% 4«%. | 309 S O Ohio 121% 121 121% j • 500 Vacuum OH 115', 114 a 114% J Sales in BONDS. th °io Abltibl PAP 5s A 'S3 84% 84 84% i 1 Alaham row 4%s '67 92% 7 Allied Pk Gs 39.. ’8 47% 48 | 1 Allied Pk 6s '39 COD ’8 48 48 I 12 Alum Co Amer 5s '52 101 100’, 100% 2 Alum Ltd fts -18 95% 9ft% 9ft% lAm Aggro Cor 6s 41 100 100 100 17 Am Commonw 6- '41101% 109% 101 4Am OasAF! 5s 2928. 65% 95 95 18 Am Po.' ALt 6s 2016 1015, 103% 109% 4Am Sea'ii’g 6s *3l. .. 80% 86% 88% 11 Appal F! Po? fts ’SB. 9ft’, 95% 65% 2ft Ark P4Jj sft '56...... 9'% 94’, G'% 12 Asso Dye A Pr 6r. .38 70% 69% 70% IT ASSO GasAEl 5%s '77 105 103% 10ft 5 Atl Fruit sis ’49 15% 15% Ift'- o Ar'as rivw 5%s '43 86 Bft 66 32 Beacon Oil 6s 36 117 lift 116% .1 Bell T Can fts A '55. 69% 99% <>9% ft Boil T Can 5s B 57 109 109 100 ft Boston A Me 6s M ’33 101 109", 100% 8 Cap Admin Co 5s '53 98 97 98 5 Caro PA’. 5s 'SB 98' , 93 I’C 4 States El fts '4B 84% 84% 84% 17C Rys cfs dep 6s 27 82% 82% 82% JCSEIH 5%S '49 A 93 92% 93 2 Cities Serv 5s '6B. 87V* 87 87% 2 Clt Serv Gas 5%s '42 86’* 30% 86’* 43 Clt S-rv Pow 5%-i '62 04’, 94% 94% 1 Con Gas B 4%s 09 G 99’, 99% 99% 2 Cons Tex 8s '4l 84 84 84 55 Conti G&E 5s A 58 88 87 87% 2 Cudahy 5s '46 98% 98'', 98% II Cudahy s’-s ’37 96% 96%. 96% 5 Det Inti 6%s '52 . 86% 88% 86% 3 Det Ir.t: 7s '52 70% 76 76 1 Dlx Gulf Gas 6' sA'37 76% 78% 78% 23 El Paso Nat C,as6%s’43 106 105 10f.% 5 El P«*o NatGas6%s'3B 108 107 V, 108 4 Empire O A Rs%s '42 86% 86% 86% 1 Fed Bur 6s '33 83% 83% 83% 2Ft rest cot Mil fts '4B. 99% 90% 90', 10 rirest T A' R fts 42. . 94% 94 94 11 Fla P A' li 6s '54 88% 88% 88% 21 Garloek Pailt 6s '39 .. 100 98% 100 l Gatineau P»w 5s 55. 93V* 93% 93% 1 Gatineau Pow 6s ’4l. 97 97 97 1 C.n Am In 5s A '63 ww 82*« 82’* 82*. 20 Gen Ind Ale 6*,s 44 104 103'* 104 1 Gen Laun MaC>.s'37 95 9a 95 5 Gen Rayon 6s 48 81 81 81 2Ga fc Fla 6a A '46... 65 65 65 25 Georgia Pow 5s ’67... 90’i 98*, 96’, 15 Grand Trunk 6-’-is '36 105»a 104’j 105>a lJ Uml Oil l ean us '4llOO 9a ', 100 7 Harpcn 6s '49 Bl ’s 91 a « *P« 4 Hood Rub 7s 36 84 83'* 84 2 Houston Ou G 6'ss 43 7i) 73 79 1 Houston Gu O 6sA'43 77 77 77 1111 Pow A- L s'.vs ’5 7 97 92 92 43 Ind Oil A- Gas bs '33 110 109*3 lJß’a lOlndiauap PAL 7s E '57 38 96 £6 2 Inti Pow Sac 7s L '57 96 96 96 2 lnll Ser Amur 5s '47 86 8> 86 12 Inters,la N G 65'36 ww 102 102 1026 4 Intersta Pow 5s 5 7.. 92 !<1 31 8 Kelvin Corp 6s '36 .. 6C, BO'i 69>, 41 Kop Gas & Co 5s '47 96 ! a 95*, 96 2 Laclede Gas s’,s '35. 93 96 98 3 Lellieh P6s A 2026. . 102*1 lOL'-’i 132** 1 Libby MrN & L 5s 42 91 91 81 5 Long Is I Lt 6s 45. . 103 3 « 103 103’, 17 1.0- Ang C. A K 5s 61 91 90 90 11 Mass Gas 51,s 16... 102>'a 102 102 < McCord Rad 6s M 3... 95 93 95 £ Memphis Not O6s 43 96’, 96*2 98’ 2 2 JNarrag Co bs A 57. . 98 97’* 93 84 Munson iIS L 6',s 37 113’ 2 108 112', 5 Nat U Prod 6* ?s '35 . 102*2 102*4 102'* 5 Nat Fond Gs 44 A 99*2 99',2 99*. 2 2 Net P ft I, 6s A 2026. 104',4 104 104 II Nat Puo Serv 5s '7B. 79 78’i 78*2 1 Nat Rub M 6s 43 14’3 140 140 4 New- Ens G At E 5s '47 91 91 91 3 New Eng G A E 5s '4B 90 89 83 21 N * P A- L 4'iS 67.. 90*2 9l)'a 90’a 2 Wor 'iexas Util 7s 35 98 98 93 2 Nor t, r* M 6',S C '33 1u.,'2 lOu** lUu’a 13 Ohio Pow 4*as D ’O6 80’.a 90*2 SO j 11 Ohio Pow 5s '32 B . 93 97 ’2 97Va 4 P?.c G A E 4*28 E 57 91*4 94*4 23 Par. Y.’m Oil B'vS '43 9o* 1 95 93*4 3 Park A reliorti os '3b 96 2 9,,', 96*2 11 Penn O E bs A 'SO ww 101 luO 100*2 3 Penn O E s’,s '59 H 91', 91 91*2 2 Penn I* A L 5s It '52 99*2 99’a 99*2 3 Peoples Lt p hs 79 83 89 89 1 Philii E P 5 ! 2S '72... 103’* lOSM 103*4 1 PhiiH Suburb 4’ ,5 57 96 95 96 1 Pitta steel Cs 48... . 102 102 102 2 Poor As C-’O bs '39. . . 96*ii 86'a 96’* 4 Potomac Ed .IS E '56. 9.) 94 '4 95 4 Proctor iV O 4',s '47. 97)*2 9 .'»'•* 9j', i Reliance B <V. S6s '44 9U‘j 99* 2 99* j 83 Kichfld Oil 6s '44 A. 99*, 99’ 1 99 ‘4 1 Richilri Oil 5* js '31.. 100’* 100 ! e 100':» 2* Roeh cent Pss A '53. 87'., 87 87 1 S’ I. Gas & C 6s '47. 85 65 85 1 Schulte R Est 6s '35 9R 9S 91 5 Sha W & P 4’.-s A 67 91 s , 91’* 91’, 1 fci'.rl Wyo Coal 6s '47 89 8.7 89 17 Snider Pack 6* 32 . 89'i 89', 89’, 11 SR P t: L 6s A 2025. 102 101*, 102 12 Sou Cal Fd 5s 51.... 9.i ’4 99*a 99*2 2 Sou Cal Ed 5s '32 99■ M 69 3 4 93’. 1 Sou Cal G 5s '57 97’, 97’, 9"'» 3 SOU Cal Gss .37 92’. 32 92', 16 Scu Gaines bs 30. . 99 37 97 11 fcW ti A E 5s A '67.. 82’* 92’ 3 92', 1 stand PAL Cs 57. . . 97*2 97*.t 97*i * Sun Oil s*as '39 99Va 99’, 99’ 2 lOfcWift A Co 5s '32. ... 99*4 S3'-, 4?9>* 5 o’ ll Am Inv 5s A '48.. 102', 102', 102', 8 Uni Lt A Rail s*2* 52 89 C 8 88 3 Uni Lt A Rail 6s A '52 99', MU, 99*a 5 U n of Hav 7',<. 36. 108 108 103 1U S Rub 6MS 40. .. »:*’« 99’* 911’, 61 Util P A I. 5s '59 . . 89’, 89 69 4 Valvollne Oil 7s 37 104’* 104', 104'a 97 West Pow s'js A '57. 154 146 15.3 4 Wise Cent 5s ’3O 98’, 98’, 98’, Paler, in FOREIGN BONUS. tnousands. 1 Baden 7s 'sl Ps’» 95’, 95’. 7 Berlin C F. 6* s s 59,. 91', 91 91 3 Buenos Aires 7s '52 I'll', lul's Ini', 5 Buenos Aires 7*,s 47 104';! 104‘v 104', 1 Burmels A- Wain 63 '4O 98** 93** 98** 5 Cauca Valley is 48 . 8.1- 811*2 86*2 sCen Bk G St 6s B 51 83*2 83*2 83', 6 Com A Pr Bk s*,s '37 80’, 86 86', 1 Uanisn Cons 5s 55.. 96', 96*4 96*, I 8 Finland R MtC 6s '6l 83 85 B,j 6 Free fit Prus 6s 52.. 87'* 86’* 87’* ; 1 Oelren Min Cs '34 89’, €9>, 89' 4 ] 2 Ger Cons Mun 7s '47 97 96 , 97 8 Ger Cons Mun 6s '47. 67 86 ', 87 6 Hamburg E s*2* 38.. '4 83*, 84 2ln M BK Fin 7s ’4<* 7’ 2 99’-a 99*i ! 11 Isar Hyd El 7s 52 78 87*a 87’j 10 Ital Super 6s ’63... 77 76’, 78 4 9 Lima R Per 6',s '58.. CB*i 88 88 4 Mnsf MAS 7s Ml ww 93’, 93*» 93 \ 5 Mor Bk Bogota 7s '47 90 89 99 2 Mor B Bogota 7s '47 n 90 90 90 26 Mor B Den 5s '72... 95 93 95 8 Ruhr Gas C’-s A '53 *3'j 83'.* 83'i 7 Rumania Inst 7s 'SO 64 83'a 84 1 Russ O 6>,s 19 cfs 11 14 14 11 1 Soarbruecken 7s '35 99'a 99*a C9'i 2 Santiago 7s 49 98', 98’, 93M 1 R'innes Hu 7s 36 wa 80 r. 6 R 6 1 SMnnrs Hu 7s '46 wa 86*2 88'i 86*2 13 Swiss Govt s*2* '29 99’« 99*a 90’, 3 Uni El S 7s A ww '56 9) 91 91 2 Uni s Wks fi*2S A 47 67 67 87 A—Plus extra In stock. B—Plus 10 per cant in stock, xd—-Ex-dividend, wi—When issued, n—New. ww—With warrants. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. CHICAGO, June 28 (United States Deportment Agriculture).—Hogs—l9,- 000 head, including 5.000 direct; trad : mg very slow; early sales unevenly. 15 to 25 cents lower: later mostly 25 ; cents lower; early top, 11.15; butchers, ! medium to choice, 250-300 prunds, 10.40 I to 10.90; 200-250 pounds. 10.60 to 11.15; i 160-200 pounds. 1050 to 11.15: 130-160 ! pounds, 10.25 to 11.10: packing sows, ; 9.00 to 10.00; pigs, medium to choice, 90-130 pounds. 10.00 to 11.00. Cattle—6,soo head; calves, 2,500 head; market very slow; very slow trade on all prices; finished steers and yearlings about steady; others unevenly steady to 25 cents lower; general sentiment bearish: she stock at standstill; top, 15.60; slaughter classes, steers, good and j choice, 13.00; 1.500 pounds, 13.75 to 15.60: 1,100-1.300 pounds, 13.75 to 15.60; 950-1.100 pounds, 13.25 to 13.50; common and medium, 850 pounds up, 10.25 to 15.50; fed yearlings, gord and ! choice. 750-950 pounds. 13.25 to 15.25. Heifers, good and choice, 850 pounds j down, 13.00 to 14.75; common and | medium, 9.50 to 13.00: cows, good and | choice, 8.75 to 12.00; common and , medium, 7.25 to 8.75; low cutter and j cutter, 5.75 to 7.25; bulls, good and I choice (beef), 10.25 to 11.50; cutter to medium, 8.00 to 10.25; vealers (milk I fed), good and choice. 13.00 to 16.00; I medium, 11.00 to 13.00; cull and com mon, 8.00 to 11.00; stockcr and feederi 1 steers, good and choice, all weights. I 12.25 to 13.25; common and medium, i 9'.76 to 12.25. Sheep—Receipts, 12,000 head; mnr : ket steady; fat native lambs, 14.00 to j 14.25; rangers, 14.00 to 14.50; grassy j yearlings. 11.00 to 11.25; fat ewes. 6.00 I to 6.50; feeders, quotable steady; lambs, 1 good and choice. 92 pounds down. 13.7 b | to 14.65; medium, 12.25 to 13.75; cull j and common, 9.50 to 12.25; ewes, medi | um to choice, 150 pounds down, 5.50 to I 6.75; cull and common, 2.50 to 5.50; feeder lambs, good and choice, 12.50 j to 13.60. MONEY MARKET. I NEW YORK, .June 26 (/FY—Call i money steady, 10 prr cent all day. Time loans easier; 30 days. 8; 60-90 days, 8; 4-6 months. Prime com mercial paper, 6. Bankers acceptances j unchanged. METAL MARKET. NEW YORK, June 25 (7’).—Copper | steady: Electrolytic spot and future, 18. ! Icon steady, unchanged. Tin steady: ! spot 44a50; future 45.25. Lead steady; j spot New York 7.00; East St. Louis 6.85. Zinc steady; East St. Louis spat i and future 6.70. Antimony 8.70a8.75. RUMOR OF AIR MERGER IS REVIVED IN STREET Bv the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 26.—Meeting of I Wright Aeronautical corporation di rectors today revived persistent rumors m Wall Street that a merger of Wright • and Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Cor ; poration into the largest aviation or gafiization in the world was pending. C. M. Keys, president of Curtiss, had no comment to make on the report, it I was stated at his office. SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. (Rf-ported by J A w. Seliiman <fc Co.) AlUs-Chalmers Co. 5s 1937 B S8 1 4 °99 r ' Alununum Co. of Ampr. 5s 1952 lonu 101V4 Amer. Tel. & TH 4s 1929 * 4 Armour A- Co Dels. s*,s 1943: . 88 89 ' Ba!tiivore A Ohio 4’3s 1933 .. 96’. 97'i Batavian Pet. Coro. 4',s *942.. 92 92*j Bell Tel. of Canada 9s 1955 . . 99*. ino>? California Pet. Corp. s'rs 1338. 93*,' 100 Canadian Nat. Rwy 4*,s 1930. av 4 99*', Canadian Nor Rwy 4*,s 1935. 93 97 Chess. A Ohio Rwy 4* >s 1930.. 99 891.'. Chicaso P.ork Island «s 1934... 93 fiS'i Chile ceppo- Co. 5s 1947. 7. 93*4 941 1 Cupahy Packljis Co. s*,s 1837.. 96*, 97'a Ofl. A Hudson Rwy. 7 s 1930.... 100’« 101*4 Edison El. 11. Boston 4*,s 1330 98 98** Gen. Mot. Accep. Corp. 6s 1937. 100'-* 101 General Pet. Corp. 5s 1940 10(U« mi Goodyear T. AR. 5s 1957 91** 92'i Grand Trunk Canada fls 1936.. 103 104*4 Gulf Oil of Pa. 5s 1937......... flß’i 991: Humble Oil s>i,s 1932 lOO'i 101 Internat Match Corp hs 1947.. 951* 99 Oregon Short Line 4s 1929 99 99* * Phillips Pet Co. s'i* 1939 80*’, 89'* Pure Oil Corp. s*is 1937 97'* 98 hhel union Oil Co. 5s 1947 ... 95’* 96*> Sinclair Crude Oil Co. s*is 1938 94’, 95*J Standard Oil N. Jersey 5s 1948. 100'a 101 St. L.. lr. M. A So. Rwy. 4s 1929 99-* .. St. L., Southwestern Ry. 4s 1932 94' , 94** Swift A Co. 52 1932 98*4 99'* Union Oil Co. Calif, 5s 1935.. 95 97 United Dnia Co. 5s 1953 . 93*i 94 *3 Western Electric Co. 5s 1944 . 101'* 102 Wheeling Steel Corp. s'jg IMS 99 100 (r* Drought has caused destruction of the rice crops in parts of China. f RAILROAD MORTGAGE CASE UNDER ADVISEMENT By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, June 26.— Federal Judge George A. Carpenter has taken under advisement the report of a master in ehancery recommending the foreclosure of mortgages totaling $40,000,000 on the Chicago & Alton Railroad. It was within the province of the court to order sale or reorganization of the road and such action has been pre dicted. One of two mortgages concerned in the case has received no interest pay ment for seven years, according to the report, while the other has been with out interest payments since it was plared on the road in 1912. The first mortgage, held by the Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co. of New York as trustee, was for $22,000,000 at Money to Loan S»cnr*d by first deed of trust on real rstata. I Prevailing intrrrst and commission, Insenh I Weller 4 -° Wa%h '• * Trait I _____ _ YVeller Bldg- 9th AFN IV 1 == r: First Mortgage Loans Fair Fates of Interest J. LEO KOLB i 923 N. Y. Ave. Dis. 5027 A Complete Investment Service G/llet & CO. RANKERO INVESTMENT BUILDING WASHINGTON. D C Tflephont, Main 2460 |LI "~iz==a YOU CAN INVEST WITH CONFIDENCE IN OUR FIRST 6% MORTGAGE ' NOTES DENOMINATIONS OF J 250 AND UPWARDS < o PROTECTED by careful appraisement of tra'ned men. <> SECURED on carefully selected and im proved real estate in Washington and its environs. INSURED O against loss by fire by standard i insurance companies. INTEREST CHECKS RECEIVED BY INVESTOR THE DAY THEY ARE DUE OQSsarHELpS j 1417 K St. Main 9300 Parkirc stare In rrar of office for ocr client* f fold or 5e11... which? 5 ’ asked this Cities Service investor ' And the financial editor answered— a} "If you bought for income, there is no need to sell.” FINANCIAL editors, as this clipping from a leading newspaper shows, recommend Cities Service Company Common stock as a good investment to buy and keep. The high investment character cf Cities Service securities makes them desirable to hold for both income and investment. During the past twelve years, net earnings available for common stock and reserves i have never been less than 13?il on the average amount of Common stock outstanding. For the twelve months ending February 28, 1929, * J they were 23.39?0. « . Since Cities Service Common shares were first issued in 1910, dividends have amounted to more than one hundred million dollars in cash * Safety ofa Cities Service invest* securiftes. condition** in" Dividends on this security are being paid at the annual rate of 12 % dustry, because Cities Service on the par value of the stock—one-half in cash and one-half in stock, enterprises are diversified. Likewise, because of the in- Because the value of the stock dividend increases correspondingly dispensable character of the with any rise in market value of the stock, it rs unnecessary to sell Cities services from which Cities „ , . , r c . . . . Service earnings are derived, Service Common stock in order to profit from an increase in its market they are not subject to the price. Shareholders benefit through an enhanced value of the stock « U sen U tiai°eme C rpTi«s. n *° le *‘ dividends without disposing of their holdings. HENRY L. DOHERTY & COMPANY Fiscal Agents for Cities Service Company 634 Southern Building Washington, D. C. Branches in Principal Cities HENRY 1_ DOHERTY tk CO. Southern Bide.. IVushinston. O. C. A 'ft iftl A Send copj*of booklet describing the investment possibilities of Cities Service securities. N»me-_ . - - Address T - - - - • City t T.U.S. ] r it. | V f 2 pel" Mnt interest. The second, for ,! 518.000.000. called for 6 per cent inter | cst. and is held by the United States | Mortgage & Trust Co. of New York. A mortgage for $45,000,000 loaded onto the road when it was purchased i by E. H. Harriman, New York financier, in 1899. was not concerned in the ac ! tion since interest of 3 per cent has been paid regularly. C. W. Addman recently completed 62 years’ service with a cutlery firm in England. —< Mortgages Investments JAMES V. PENNEBAKER Main 5328 1520 K St. N.W. f REAL ESTATE ] NOTES Secured by First Trusts ! | _____________ Conservative Appraisals Chosen Locations 6% Interest I 1 ' II WEAVER BRQg Ts REALTORS \J 809 15th Street N.W. Main 9486 i V, BUY GUARANTY FIRST MORTGAGE NOTES AND BONDS that PAY 6 c /o /” ’'s Invest in these cxccl f \ lent securities that a-e issued to yield 6V with 4 absolute safe protection r\7 of principal and interest ffcfikky— Guaranty notes and Ufi / bonds are secured on # income-producing prop erties in Washington _ and Its suburbs and CJJ backed by our 53.400.0*)0 /n resources / 4ft Let us show you how you can build up a lib erM income. . , safely I S Denominations from y Q)/ u $230 Up i Monthly payments if i v V desired I Send for Booklet, “The Success Plan" Real Estate Mortgage & Guakahty CORPOHATIGH N Capital Resource* $ 3,100.C00 / FINANCIAL. i FIRST TRUST LOANS Low Interest and Commission slates. Prompt Service. [ THOS. E. JARRELL CO. Realtors : 721 10th St. N.W. Main 76G | Mortgage Money Loaned At Low Interest Kates Tyler & Rutherford Representing Mutual Benefit Life In*. Co. K2O K Street Main *475 % /\ MAN OLD? A well-known economist recently asserted that under our fiercely competitive system, the average man is ripe for retirement at the age of forty-five the very age that old-fashioned people spoke of as the ‘prime.* Although this means hardship for many who, . taken unprepared, find the means of livelihood slipping from their hands, it is not in itself an evil thing. Those who have foreseen and prepared P for their retirement often find the late forties and I the fifties the happiest years of life. Let us tell you about our simple, common-sense ; plan, whereby small sums, systematically invested 5 will be returned to you greatly increased by the magic of compound interest, in substantial annu ities when you have chosen to withdraw from active business. If you will follow this plan we will UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEE the income. Write today for full details and for our latest financial statement showing resources of more than $25,000,000. • Investors Syndicate j -Ur-,-—"s== Established 1894 1 ~~ 1 ■ 1 ■ ~ \ Barr Building, Washington Telephone: Metropolitan 1879 • CLIP THIS COUPON > ' jj Investor* Syndicate Name |i Kindly s«nd mo o copy ol your Com- Arfdres [I pound Intorost Booklet which describes •••«»••••••••••••• |[ vour plan ol GUARANTEED Investment. Jjj 13 i , 1 First Mortgage Loans 4 Lowest Rates cl Interest and Commission Thomas J. Fisher & Company, Inc. I _ ___ . . Applications for Real Estate Loans trill receive prompt attention and assure to the applicant a service Involving careful and complete analysis of the problem Involved and a solution based on economical pro i cedurc. Consultation invited. w*»M CK MVERae4GpS Ccnln I _| Arrte: yvv.-rL> National 4750 1415 K St. Ask for Mr. Dean i ,