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14 WASHINGTON GAS NET INCOME GAINS Figures for May and Year to Date Reveal Increased » Profits. BY EDWARD C. STONE. Net income of the Washington Gas Light Co. for the month of May was $122,397.02, an Increase of $36,021.84 over the corresponding month last year, according to the re port filed with the Public Utilities Commission. The total net income for the year to date 5 j is $514,829.66. a gain of $9-4,053.27 compared with the %W /syvar same period in Operating re v rnues for May, 1929, were $494.- 126.61. an advance of 85.781.77 over iH the month in 19:6 ■ ■ Thos° Thu.- far Jb§ file v'tt w-r* V 18#'- ' - 603,597.78, present ing an increase of i. Daaa Faber. $62,185.15 above the first five months of 1928. The company sold 535.928.506 cubic feet of gas during the month, or 15,696,- 102 more than in the month a year ago, and 2,857,112,724 for the year to date, an increase of 107.229,239 over the com parative period last year. '•There were 541.367,700 cubic feet of gas manufactured during the month, this being 585.900 more than in May, 1928, and gas manufacture for the year thus far. 2,917,046.800 cubic feet, is 28.044,400 in excess of the correspond ing period for 1928. Georgetown Earnings Also*Up. The net corporate income of the Georgetown Gas Light Co. for May was $19,632.72. or $7,089.06 more than in Stay. 1928. and the total for the year > date, $78,378.06, represents a gain of 19,551.18 over the same months in 928. | Operating income for the month was $23,315.35, an advance of $7,491.55 over May. 1928. and the total for the year to date is $97,370.93, or $20,503.06 above the total for the period a year ago. American Ice Net Higher. • i Net earnings of American Ice Co. and subsidiaries for May, after interest, but before Federal taxes and depreciation, Were $521,358. This compares with a net of $404,111 in May, 1928, a gain of over 29 per cent. The company’s net for the first five months of the year after interest, but before Federal taxes and depreciation, was $1,201,128, which compares with 906,179 for this period last year, a gain of over 32 per cent. Building Association Officers. The Kenilworth Building & Loan As sociation has elected these officers: Charles A. Appleby, president; Bamuel K. Murphy, vice president; John S. Driggers, treasurer, and Fletcher V. Shipley, secretary. Directors: George J. Baur, Joseph Brashears, I. D. Wise man, J. J. Miller and R. L. Jennings. Commercial jftaises Dividend. The Commercial Bank has increased the regular dividend from 6 to 8 per cent, according to announcement by President R. Golden Donaldson. In ad dition to this dividend advance, the di rectors have also declared an extra of 1 per cent, the action being prompted by present prosperous business condi tions. • Both the regular and the extra are payable on July 1. Lauck Joins Investment Trust. The election of W. Jett Lauck, econ omist, as a director of the Investment Corporation of North America, was an nounced today. In addition to Mr. Lauck’s new duties, he will remain chairman of the advisory council of the Bureau of Applied Economics, an independent scientific, statistical and research organization which has its main office in Washington. Mr. Lauck. as professor of economics at Washington and Lee University and later as director of industrial investiga tions for the U. S. Immigration Com mission under President Roosevelt, pre pared himself for the greater responsi bility of chief examiner of the Tariff Board created by President Taft and managing economist of the Commission on Industrial Relations under President Wilson. During the war, Mr. Lauck was secretary of the National • War Labor Board, of which Chief Justice Taft was chairman. Mr. Lauck was active in the fight to obtain a central banking system which resulted in the establishment of the Federal Reserve system, and has had wide experiences in the money and banking field. Among other directors of this local investment trust are William M. Jar dine, former Secretary ofr Agriculture, chairman, and Rolfe E. Bolling, presi dent of the Merchants Bank St Trust Co. Prices of commodities declined four tenths of 1 per cent during the week ended June 22, according to the whole sale price index of the National Fertil izer Association. This decline is two thirds of the advance of the previous week, and the decline was rather gen eral. The largest declines occurred in fertilizer materials, feeds, live stock, foods, fuel and textiles. There were 31 declines and 24 advances. Heard in Financial District. J. Dann Faber will preside at the final meeting of the year of the audi tors’ section of the District of Columbia Bankers’ Association, tomorrow night, at Olney Inn. As the section's first chairman, Mr. Faber has done most commendable work in placing the new organization on a solid foundation. There was a large attendance at the meeting of the bankers’ luncheon group at the Willard today, when Wilmer J. Waller presided for the first time as president of the District of Columbia Bankers’ Association. It 1s quite prob able that the new president will follow the example of Past President Robert V. Fleming arid appoint some of the leading standing committees in the near future. The board of directors of the National Bank of Washington, at its regular meeting today, declared the usual semi annual dividend of 6 per cent, payable -July 1, to stockholders of record June 29, according to announcement by the president. George L. Starkey. Norfolk & Western May surplus, after taxes and charges, $3,682,898, against $2,554,111 in May, 1928; regu lar quarterly dividends declared on common and adjustment preferred. Exchange Trading Improves. There were several good-sized trans actions on the local Stock Exchange to day. among them being a 50-share block of Mergenthaler Linotype which sold ex dividend at 105, and a 50-share block of Security Storage which changed hands at 119. Railway St Electric preferred sold to day at 96: 30 shares of Merchants Transfer ds Storage came out at 107% and 100 shares of Barber St Ross com mon sold at id, the same figure at which 100-share block changed handi at yesterday. National Mortgage St In vestment preferred sold at 37*, and 150 shares of Real Estate Mortgage Si Guaranty preferred came out at 7% Twenty-five shares of Chevy Chase Dairy preferred registered 106. Poto mac Electric 5% per cent preferred moved at 106%, the 6 per cent pre ferred registered 111% and an odd lo of Federal-American Co. commot brought 47. Bonds were again In fair demand The largest bond transactions wa rv*oo Washington Gas 6s, serjuk B, a 12$. , v financial; 1 r TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE I *L.I:; - - - • ■ . '-Prev. 1929-, Stock ana Sties— Pre* | High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Close 9 64% 38V* Abitibi Power A Pap 8 42 414* 41% 41 884* 79 Abttlbi PftPptU). 1 84% 84V* 84V* 844 169% 101 Abraham & Straus.. 1 121% 121% 121% 121% > 96 85 Adams Exp pf (6)... 5 85. *4% 85 85 35% 27% Adams Millis (8)... 1 30% 30% 30% 30% 104% 27 Advance Rumley.... 3 30 38% 38% 39 119 40V* Advance Rumley pf. 2 60 60 60 60 4% 2 Ahumada Lead 7 £V* 2 2 2V* 153% 95% Air Reduction < 3)... 39 1511* 148 148% 150 48% 37% Air Wal El Ap(2%). 2 41 40% 41 40% 11% 4% Ajax Rubber 6 5% 5% 5% 5% 10% 4% Alaska Juneau. . 3 5% 5% 5% 5% 37** 27% Alleghany Corp 225 85% 34% 34% 35 105% 99% Alleghany Cps (5%)' 2 101 101 101 100% 100% 100% AUeg’y pf rets(s %). 4 100% 100% 100% 100% 5 318 241 Allied Ch ft Dye <6). 53 324 319 319 316% J 105 86 Alliance Realty(ftS). 90s 105 105 105 105 1 264V* 166 Allis-Chalm Ms (7). . 30 268 259% 265 264 - 42% 22% Amerada Corp <2)... 17 254* 24% 24% 25% 23% 10% Am Agricul Chem... 3 12% 12 12 12% 73*-« 40% Am Agrtcui Ch pf... 2 43% 43% 43% 43% 134% 110 Am Bank Note (t3).v 3 130% 129 130% 129% 65% 60 Am Bank Note pf (3) 70s 60% 60% 60% 60V* 20% 15 Am Beet Sugar 3 15 14% 15 15 60% 46 Am Beet Sugar pf... 1 51% 51% 51% 51 73% 40% Am Bosch Magneto.. 25 59% 68% 58% 59% 62 41 Am Brake Shoe 2.40. 7 65% 54% 65% 54% 126% 120 Am BrSftFpf (7)., 10s 120% 120% 120% 120 34% 15% Am Brown Bov Elec. 16 31% 30% 30% 31 104 49% Am Brown B E pf(7) 140 s 85% 84% 84% 83 151% -407** Am Can < t 4) 477 153% |50% 151 152% 142 139% Am Can pf (7) 2 139 (§39 139 139% 106% 92 Am Car ft Fdy <6)... 18 99%. 98 98% 98% 120 114 Am Car &F pf (7).., 1114 114 114 114 69% 46% Am Chicle (2) 96 60% 57 60% 50% 66 43% Am Com A7c <k1.60). 21 46%, 45% 46 46% 474* 28% Am Encaust Til (2). 2 31 31 31 31 138% 75% Am ft For Power 274 108% 104% 107% 104V* 99% 95 Am & For Pw pf (6). 10s 96 96 96 96 103 88 Ain A For Pw 2d pf.. 7 92% 91% 92% 92 1 42 24% Am Hawaiian (1)... 4 33% 33% 33% 34 42 30% Am Hide ft Lea f>f. .. 2 36% 36% 36% 36% : 85% 64 Am Home Prd (3.60) 1 72 71% 72 70% 46 38 Am Ice (t 3) 49 44% 43% 43% 43V* 96 89% Am ice pf (6) 14 94% 92 92 92% ’ 76V* 52% Am Internat <|2). .. 308 69 65% 67% 66 ! 126% 102% Am Locomotive (8).. 53 124% 123 124 123 188% 147% AmMch&Fdy (1).. 8 171% 167 171% 166% ■ 81% 50 Am Metal (3) 31 65% 64 64 63% 17% 5% Am Piano 1 5 5 5 5 ' 131% 81% Am Pow ft Lt til)... 215 133% 129 131 128% 84% 79 Am P&L pf Ast (5). 6 814* 81 81 81V* . 624* 40% Am Rad&Std San 2% 378 46% 44% 46% 45 64% 43% Am Republics 6 46% 45% 46% 45% 121% 106% Am Roll Mill <c2)... 42 119% 117% 119% 117 „ 74*» 61 Am Safety Ra* (t 5).. 8 63% 63 63% 62% 73% Am Ship & Com 13% 3% 3% 4 94 81% Am Shipbuilding (8) 20s 84 84 84 85% 124% 93% Am Sm & Ref.<4) 79 109 108 108 107% 138 180 Am Sm&Ref pf (7). 2 133 133 133 133 79% 56 Am Steel Fdy (3). .. 145 694*. 67% 68S 67% 114 110 Am Steel Fdy pf (7). 20s 120 120 120 110% 86 65 Am Stores (21 2 68 67 67 66% 94% 71% Am Sugar Rfg (5)... 4 774* 76% 77% 76% 111 104% Am Sugar Rfg pf(7). 2 106 105% 106% 106 60 36% Am Sumatra (3) 2 38 38 38 38 32% 17 Am Tel &Oa (5) 1 23% 23% 23% 23V* 238% 193% Am Tel & Tel (9). ... 332 222 218% 221% 218 186% 160 Am Tobacco (8) 10 174% 170% 172 170 188 160% Am Tobacco B (8)... 63 174% 1701* 174% 170 155 136% AroTypsFdry (8)... 2 144 143% 143'* 144 14614 67% Am Water Wks (Cl). 217 145 140 142 139% 27% 16% Am Woolen 11 17% 17% 17% 17% 68% 42 Am Woolen pf 4 42 41% 42 43 15% 9 Am Writ Paper ctfs. 3 13% 13% 13V* 13% 46 39% Am Writ Papr pf (3) 1 42% 42% 42% 43% 49% 24% Am Zinc Ld&Sm 6 29% 28V* 29% 29% 140 99 Anaconda Copper (5) 1392 116% 114% 1151* 113% 86% 62% Anaconda WSC (3).. 1 70% 70V* 70% 69 62% 44 Anchor Cap (2.40)... 2 44'< 44% 44% 44% 684* 44% Andes Copper (3)... ,381 544* 51% 51% 64 49% 29 Archer-Dan-51 (2)... 6 33 32% 32% 32% 95 85% Armour Del pf (7)... 1 -38 88 88 88 184* 10% Armour 111 (A) 17 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 6% Armour 111 (B) 14 6% 64* 6% s** 86 72 Armour 111 pf (7).... 1 72 72 72 72% 40% 19% Arnold Constable.... 1 21% 21% 21% 21% 30 24 Artloom (2) 2 25% 25% 26% 24 30% 27 Art Metal (1%) 8 28% 27 28 28 58% 49% Aseo Appl Ind (4)... 43 58% 57 67% 56% 70% 43 AasoDry G (2%).... 36 61V4 49% 49% 60 47% 40% AssoOil (2) 60s 45 45 45 44 231% 196% Atch T&SFe (10).. 81 2341* 231% 233% 231% 104% 99 Atch T&SF pf (5)... 4 103% 102% 108% 103 191% 169 Atl Coast Line (T 10). 9 191 190 191 189% 67% 32% Atl Gft W Indies. ... 17 67% 66% 67% 67% 694* 45% AtlG&WLpf (4).. 21 61% 58% 68% 671* 72% 58% Atl Refining (t1%).. 160 70% 69% 70V* 70 336% 221 Auburn Auto (J 4)... 34 345 337 337 335% 10 5% Austin Nichols 16% 6% 6% 6 36% 22% Autosales 11 33% 32% 32% 32% B 271% 1210 Baldwin Loco (7)... 60 256 248 254% 249 125 114% Baldwin Loco pf (7). 10s 118% 116% 116% 118% 133 116% Balto ft Ohio (•).... 296 126% 125% 126 125% 80% 75 Balto ft Ohio pf (4).. 2 76 75% 76% 76 77% 64% Bang ft Aroos (3% ). 13 77% '77 77% 76% 110% 105 Bang ft Aroos pf (7). 10s 108 108 108 107% 49% 38% Barnsdall (2) 84 40% 40% ' 40% 404* 106% 100 Bayuk Cgr Ist pf(7) . 40s 100% 100 100% 100% 29% 20 Beacon Oil.. 6 28 27% 274* 28 101 73 Beech-Nut Pack (3).. 1 82% 82% 82% 81 17% 11% Belding-Heminway. . 2 11% 11% 11% 11% 84% 81 Belg NRypt pf (t 6). 1 82% 82% 82% 82% 93% 78 Bendix Aviation (2). 133 88% 86% 87 85% 93% 754* Best ft Co (3) 10 92% 90 90 92% 118% 82% Bethlehem Steel (4). 906 110 107% 108 107% 123 116% Bethlehem St pf (7). 2 119% 119 119 119 136% 110% Bohn Alufn&Brtti).. 26 125 122% 122% 122 89% 78% Bon Ami A (tS) 1 84 84 81 85V* 11% 6 Booth Fisheries 17 77 7 98 83% Borden Co (3) 408 95% 93 94** 91V4 148% 107 Borg Warner (J 4)... 337 122% 116% 119 117 63% 30% Briggs Mfg 24 34% 34% 34% 35 13V* s** British Em Stl 2d pf. 16% 6% 6% 6V* 73% 42% Brockway M T (3)... 18 51% 50% 50% 61% 81% 60% Bklyn-Manhat (4)... 9 634* 62% 63% 62% 212% 170 Bklyn Union Gas (5) 32 207% 202 202 2#7 47 38% Brown Shoe (2%)... 3 45% 45 45 46% 55% 38% Bruns-Balk-Col(S).. 2 40 39** 39% 39% 44% 18 Bruns Ter &Ry 5... 0 26 25V* 25% 25% 42% 25% Bucjrus Erie (1).... 6 30% 294* 30% 30* 60 384* Bucyruscvpf (2%). 4 42% 41% 42% 42% 85 54% Buff&Susque 4 66 65 65 65% 68% 51% Buffalo ft SUBq pf (4) 10s 62 52 62 52 53% 46 Bullard Co (1.60).... 9 48% 47 47% 48% 39 224* Burns Bros B 2 24 24 24 24 32944 234 Burr Add Mch (t 5).. 7 318% 310 318% 308% 110% 103% Bush Term deb (7).. 30s 104% 104 104 104% 118% 110 Bush T Bldg pf*7).. 10a 115 113 115 115 9% 4% Butte Copper ft Zinc. 2 4% 44i 4% 5 12% 6% Butte & Superior (2) 3 77 77 41 28 Butterick Co 1 304* 30% 30% 31 192% 122*4 Byers (AH) 42 144% 138 142 141 C 81% 72% Calif Packing (4)... 7 75% 74% 7444 75% 4 1% Callahan Zinc ft L... 2 1% 1% 1% 1% 135 124% Calumet* Art* (10). 19 1294* 127 129% 129 61% 36% Calumet ftHecla(4). 12 43% 43 43 42% 90% 78 Canada Dry G A (5). 18 89 88 88 88% 265% 218 Canadian Pac (10)... 21 234% 232% 232% 232% 48% 36% Cannon Mills (2.80). 5 36% 36% 36% 37 101% 95 Car Clin & O sta (5). 30s 96 96 96 94% 331% 308 Case (J I) ctfs (6)... '2 326 323 323 329 42% 224* Cavanagh-Dobbs.... I 23% 23% 23% 23% 794* 62 Celotex (3) 1 57% 574* 67% 68 48% 30 Cent Aguirre (2).... 2 31% 3JV* 31% 32% 52% 40% Cent Alloy Steel (2). 83 46% 46 4 6 46 112% 1054* Cent Alloy St pf(7).. 10s 110% 110% 110% 109% 128 884* Cerro de Pasco (6).. 19 100% 98% 98% 99% 284* 16% Certain-leed Pyod... 4 24% 241* 24% 24% 81% 47% Certaln-teed pf 1 73 73 73 • 73 230 195 Ches ft Ohio (10).... 38 230% 228V* 238% 228% 104% 78% Chesapeake Corp (3) 63 96% 94% 96% 94% 19% 11% Cht ft Alton 11 14 13 13 14% 25% 14 Chi ft Alton pf • 16 19% 17 17 20 43 28 Chi ft East 111 1 28 28 28 ZZ 1 66% 50 Chi ft East 111 pf.... 10 51% 49 61% 50% 23% 12% Chi Great Western... 3 16% 15% 13% 16 63% 38 Chi Great Westn pf.. 12 434* 42% 42% 42% 39% 27% Chi Mil St PftPac... 21 324* 31% 31% 32% 63% 46V* Chi MU St F&Pac pf. 80 63 62 62% 51% 94% 80% Chi ft N W (41 88 87% 86 86% 86 ; 39% 28% Chi Pneu Tool 50 36% 34 , 35% 34V* ! 56% 48V* Chi Pneu Tpf (3%). 2 52% 52 52 52 ’ 139% 115 Chißl&Pac (7).... 49 134V* 132% 134 132% 1021* 98% Chi R1 & Pac pf <6). 1 99 99 99 99 I 36 28V* Chi Yellow Cab (3).. 30s 31% 31% 31V* 28% ' 50 37% Chlckasha C 011 (3). 4 38 38 38 37% ■ 71 44% Childs Co (2.40) 109 72% 70% 70% 70% ! 135 66 Chrysler Corp (3)... 127 75% 74 V* 74% 75% ! 62% 49 City Ice St V (3.60).. 6 52% 52V* 62% 52% ! 105% 100 City Ice ft Fps (6%). 10s 99 99 99 100 27 20% City Stores (1) 20 21 20% 20% 21% . 248 248 CCC&StL (8) 1 260 260 260 482 . 79% 73% Clev ft Pitts (3%)... 20s 754* 754* 754* 75 - 140 120 Coca-Cola (4) 14 130V* 130 130 132% l 72% 48 Collins ft Alkman... 48 57% 531*. 65% 54 78% 56 Colo Fuel & Ira# 24 651* 64 * 64V* 6444 81 53% Columbia G&E <2).. 728 80% 78% 79% 78V* 108 103% ColumGftEpf A <6). 4 106% 106% 106V* 106 - 88% 55% Couml Graph <29.10 490 61% '594* 61 58 . 199 121% Columbn Carbn t 4 %. 25 198% 191 193 198'* S 62% 43 Com Credit (2) 153 51 49*4 60% 50% 1 28 25 Com Credit pf B (2). 40s 27% 27% 27% 27V* e 105% 95V* Com Crd Ist pf(6%).280s 101 100 101 101 j 195 131% Com Inv Trust <t*).. 16 164% 161V* 163V* 165 62% 27% Com Inv Trst war... 2 50% 50% 60% 60V* _ 109 101% Com Inv Tr pf (7 ). .. 10s 101% 101% 101% 102% , 416 225% Com Solvents (hS).. 46 419% 408% 417 410% 238 107% Comnwealth Pwr 44. 2 225% 222% 225% 225V* _ 93 69V* Conde Nast Pub (2). 2 68 66% 68 66 I 35% 19V* Congoleum-Nalrn.... 178 23% 224* 224* 22 i 92% 69 Cong Cigars (48%).. 4 74% 74 74V* 75% * 96% 76% Consol Cigar (7) 3 78% 77% 78% 77% j 96 84 Consol Cgr pr pf 6% .120 s 89V* 89 89% 89 , 30% 25 Consol Film In pf(2) 1 25% 25% 25% 26% B 126% 95% Cbnsol Gas <*) 390 125 123% 124V* 123% '• 100% 95% Consol Gas pf (6)... 4 97% 97% 97% 98 * 70% 61 Consol RR Cub pf(«) 1 64% 64% 64V* 55 6% 2% Consol Textile 16 3 2V* 2% 3% d 23% 12 Container Corp A... 1 14% 14% 14% 14% 11% 6 Container Corp 8.... 2 7% 7% 7% 7 » 84% 47% Conti Baking A 17 84% 82/ 84% 80% n t 4% 8% Conti Baking B 26 13 12% *3 13 160 88% Conti Baking pf (I). 1 96 96 96 96% 1 80V4 60 Conti Can (2%) 685 78% 76V4 77 76% 18 94V* 79 Conti Insurance (2). 25 87% 86 86 86% It 28% 17 Centl Motors (*oc>.. 317 17% 15% 15% 17% 102% 82 Corn Prod (t 3) 11l 102% 100% 100% I*l THE ErECTNU STAR. WASHTWHm, T>. C., WEDNESDAY. JTFN~E~ 26, 1929.' -Prev. 1929-, Stock and Sales— Prev. Bleh. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low Close. Close. 82% 61 Coty Inc (g 2) 44 60% 69% 60 69% 125 85% Crosley Radio (21).. 3 92% 92% 92% 91 51 42% Crown Cork ft Seal.. 2 43V* 43% 43% 44 25% 18% Crown Zellerbach (1) 4 20V* 20 20% 38% 101 85 Crucible Steel (5). . . 113 103% 100% 101% 100% 116% 109 Crucible Steel pf (7). 1 109% 109'* 109'* 109% 5% 1% Cuba Cane Sugar.... 4 3 2% 3 2% 18V* ST* Cuba Cane Sugar pf. 2 8% 8% 8% 8% 95 60% Cuban-Am Sug pf. .. 20s 63% 63V* 63% 63% 67V* 49% Cudahy Packing (4). 2 51% 51 51% 52 129 117 Curtis Publishing!®) 2 122 122 122 122 173% 135% Curtiss Aero ID 190 167% 163% 167 164 65% 58V* Cutler-Ham (3V*)... 21 67 64 64 64V* D ' 69% 42V* Davison Chem 68 61% 49% 51 49% 128 116 Deere &Cops < 7). .. 10s 119% 119% 119% 119% 207% 182 Delaware St Hud (9). 46 201% 201 200% 198 133% 120% Del Lack ft W (t7).. 1 123% 123% 123% 124 77% 55% Denv&RGWpf 1 68V* 68V* 68V* 68V* 64% 43% Devneft Ray A (t 3). 63 60 45V* 49% 45% 115% 112 Devoe&Rlstpf (7). 10s 115 116 115 115 164 130 Diamond Match (8). 20s 143 143 143 149% 10% 8% Dome Mines (1) 6 10 10 10 10 53V* 43 Dominion Strs (1%). 18 48 45% 48 45% 126V* 105 Drug Corpn (4) 12 109% 108 109% 108 92 57% Dunhill Inter (t 4)... 17 68V* 57 68V* 57V* 28% 20% Duplan Silk (1) 6 22 22 22 22 198V* 156% Du Pont de N(t4 V* ). 193 187V* 181 183 181 119 115% Dupont d X deb (6).. 1115 115 115 116 11V4 6V* Durham Hosiery... . 15% 5% "5% 5V* 100V* 98% Duquesne Ist pf (5). 2 99"* 99% 99% 99 E 191V* 168 Eastman Kod ftß).. 4 177% 176 177% 175 128 125% EastmSh Kod pf (6). 170 s 125% 125% 125% 125% 76% 56 Eaton Axle &S (3).. 21 63V* 62 63% 61% 172 126% Elec Auto Lite (6)... 263 168 A 155 156 166% 115 109 El Auto-Lite pf (7).. 10s 110* 110 110 111 18% 11% Electric Boat 16 13% 13 13% 13 78% 43% El Pwr & Ltd) 273 73 69% 72 71 92% 77 E’ec Stor Bat (5) 31 85% 83V* 84% 83% 83% 68 Endicott-John (5)... 2 68% 68V* (V. 68% 60V* 47 Eng Pub Serve 4sl >. 105 57V* 66% 67% 56% 99% 92% Eng Tub Svc pf (5%) 1 96", 96% 96"* 96V* 41 31% Equitable Bldg(2%>. 3 39% 39% 39", 39% 81% 64 Erie R R 167 80% 79% 79% 79% 62 56 Erie RU2d pf 1 60 60 60 59% 64 44% Eureka Vac Cl (4)... 2 61 51 51 52 73% 55 Evans Auto L(|2%). 8 61% 60% 61% 60% 25% 22% Exchange Bus (IV*). 10s 25% 25% 25% 25V* F 72% 64% Fash Pk Assotk2 V*). 1 68 68 68 68 109 68% Fed Lt & Trc (sl%). 11102V* 99 102% 100 I 22% 13% Fed Motor Tr (80c).. 34 15V* 14% 15% 14 112 90% Fid Plien F ins (2).. 29 102 100 102 97 98V* 66 Filene'sSons 7 71V* 70 70 70 74% 62 First Nat Stores 1%. -14 68% 67% 67% 66% 20% 7% Fisk Rubber 29 9% 8% 9% 9% 87% 65% Fleischmann (f3V4). 255 82% 81% 81% 81% 73% 57V* Follansbee (t 2%)... 18 67% 66 66 66V* 69% 44 Foundation Co 6 49% 48% 48% 49% 101 80% Fox Film A (4) 60 89% 88% 89 88 54V* 37% Freeport-Texas (4).. 4 46% 45% 45V* 46 G 33V* 20 Gabriel Snub A 36 27 25V* 27 26 25 10% Gardner Motor 10 14 ' 13% 13% 13'* 102 81 (ien Am TnkCar(K) 20 86% 85% 85% 86V* 87% 61 Gen Asphalt 21 81% 80% 81 81 69% 55V* Gen Bronze (2) 20 65% 64 65% 64 61 37V* Gen Cable 4 44% 43% 44% 44 120% ’Bl Gen Cable A (4) 6 92 91V* 91% 92 74 63 Gen Cigar (4) 9 71V* 70 71% 70% 311 219 Gen Electric (6) 440 317% 310 313 309 11% 11 Gen Klee spec (60c). 7 111* 11 11 1114 90 70 Gen GasftEl A <el%) 1 80 80 80 80% 116V* 104% Gen GftEl pf A (7).. 10s 106 . 106 106 103 89% 67% Gen Mills (3) 3 72% 72 72 73% 91% 68% Gen Motors (t 3.30).. 907 75V* 74% 74% 76% 126% 122% Gen Motors pf (7). .. 1 J23V4 123V* 123% 123% 62 47 Gen Outd Adv A (4). 1 47% 47% 47% 47% 41 32 Gen Outd Ad vtc (2). 34 34% 33% 33% 34% 118V* 93% Gen Ry Signal (5)... 62 119% 116%. 117 115V* 86'* 68 Gen Refrac (f 3%).. 107 77% 76 77V4 75% 126% 101 Gillette Safety R <S) 36 111** 108% 110 109'/* 90 81 Gimbel Bros pf (7).. 1 81% 81% 81% 82 68V4 36V* GliddenCo (t1%)... 189 60% 56% 59% 56% 106% 101% Glidden pr pf (7).... 20s 103 102% 103 103 66 44 Gobel (Adolf) 21 50 49V* 49V* 49V* 82 53% Gold Dust (214) 91 62% 61 61% 61% 105% 73 Goodrich BF <4).... 47 81% 80% 80% 80V* 115% 111 Goodrich pf (7)..... 34 112 112 112 113 154% 112 Goodyear Tire (5)... 86 126% 124 124 126V* 104% 101 Goodyear Ist pf (7).. 2 101% 101% 101% 101% 60- 40V* Gotham Silk H (2%) 2 41% 41 41% 40% 14 7 Gould Coupler 4 10% 10% 10% 10% 64 25 Graham-Palge 72 32% 31% 31% 32% 102V* 62% Granby Consol (7).. 14 78% 7f% 78V, 78% 96% 77% Grand Stores (1).... 4 84% 84% 81% 83 32% 20% Grand Union 40 26% 24 24% 22% 64% 41 Grand Union pf (3)., 20 47 44V* 46% 45 46% 43% Granite City Stl (8).. 28 46 44 44% 44% 144% 114% Grant WTil) 8 122% 120% 120% 119% 115V* 101 Grt North pf (6).... 30 110 109% 109% 110 112 100 Grt North pf ct (5).. 10 108% 107 108 106% 39% 26% Grt Nor Ore <al%).. 206 30% 29% 29% 29% 44 32% Grt West Sug (2.80). 14 35 34% 35 35 119% 112% Grt West Sug pf (7). 10s 113% 113% 113% 113% 197% 13#% Greene Can Cop (8). 33 162% 159% 160% 161% 69 32% Gulf Mo & North.... 2 44% $4% 44% 44% 79 65V* Gulf Sta Steel (4)... 43 65% 60 64V* 60 H 66% 33% Hahn Dept Stores... 25 36% 36 * 36% 36% 115 95% Hahn Dept S pf<6%) 3 98% 98% 98% 98% 99% 91 Hanna (M A) Ist<7). 10s 96 96 96 96 39'% 20% Hartman B d 20)... 6 22% 22% 22% 21% 68% 40% Hayes Bdy (bß%stk) 9 41 40% 40% 411* 95% 64 Hershey Chocolate.. 5 90 89 89% 90 99% 80 Hershey Choc pf (4). 2 94 94 94 4 9 106% 104 Hershey Ch pr pf (6). 2 106 106 106 106 23 15 Hoe (R) &Co 2 21% 21% 21% 21% 22 13% Hollander ft Son 1 16% 16% 16% 17 52% 37V* Hodd Hersh B (IV*). 105 49% 48% 49 48 79% 62 Household Prd (t 4). 6 67% 65V* 65% 68% 109 70% Houston Oil 2 77 77 77 78% 82'* 56% Howe Sound <t4 >*).. 7 67% 66% 67% 67 68% 34% Hudson ft Man (2%). 12 41*4 40% 41% 40% 93'/, 75V* Hudson Motor (5)... 409 89" * 86 88V* 85% 82 39% Hupp Motor (f 2).... 35 49V* 48V* 48V* 48% 1 152 132% Illinois Central (7).. 65 143% 139 142% 139% 145% 133 V, Illinois Cent pf (6).. 1 144 144 144 137 39% 30 Independ Oil ft G (2) 18 34% 34% 34% 34V* 32% 17% Indian Motor Cycle.. 11 23 22% 22% 22V* 52% 29 Indian Refining 160 44% 41% 43% 42% 48% 28 Indian Reßning ct... 86 42% 40% 42 40% 153% 120 Ingersol Rand 15%). 2 146 1454* 146 146 96% 78V* Inland Steel (3%)... 23 92% 91 91 90% 66% 38% Inspiration (4) 11 45 44% 44% 44V* 58% 22% Interboro Rap Tran.. 2 23T4 23% 23% 23% 17% 8% Inti Agricultural.... 4 9 9 9 9% 102% 83% Inti Cement (4; 4 86V* g 5 85% 84 103V* 64% Inti Comb Eng (2)... 36 64 62% 63V* 63 121 99 Inti Cmb Eng pf (7). 6 102% 102 102% 102% 119% 92 Inti Harvester (2%). 35 107% 106 106 106'* 145 140 Inti Harv pf (7) 1 140 140 140 140 102% 65% Inti Match pf (8.20). 17 83% 82% 82% 81% 7% 4 Inti Mer Marine!.... 10 6% 5% 5% 6% 51V* 361* Inti Mer Marine pf. .. 27, 47 46 46% 46% 72% 40V, Inti Nickel Can (80c) 617 52% 51% 62V* 51% 35% 25 Inti Pap ft P A(2.40). 3 28% 28% 28% 28% 24V* 14% Inti Pap ft Pwr 8.... 23 18 17V* 17% 17% 17% 10% Inti Tap & Pwr C. ... 27 13 12V* 13 12% 93 80 lntl Pap ft Pwr pf (7) 2 86 85% 86 86 63 43V* lntl Print Ink (2%).. 1 49 48% 48% 60 59 43 lntl Rys Cent Am... 3 48 48 43 45 80V* 69% lntl Ry Cn Am pf(s) 260 s 74 73% 74 ’71% 90 55%.1nti Salt (1%) 10s 70% 70% 70% 70V* 150 118 lntl Silver (t 8). 2 142% 141 142% 140 119 108 lntl Silver pf (7) 10s 109% 109% 109% 109% 94% 78 lntlTel&Teleg (2). 1071 95V, 92% 95% 92% 93% 69% inter Dept St (2) 14 72 70% 72 71% J 162% 82% Jewel Tea new (3)..’ 7 82% 82 82V* 82% 242% 152V* Johns-Manvills (3).. 169 189 183 183 184 123 119 Johns-Manv pf (7).. 200s 121 121 121 122 122% 117 Jones & Laugh pf(7) 10s 120% 120% 120V* 121 16% 71* Jordan Motor Car... 14 7% 6V* 6V* 7% K 98% 78 KanClty Sou (5)..., 14 94 92% 93 94 70% 64% Kan City Sou pf (4).. 2 64% 64% 64V* 65 24 11 Kelly-Spring Tire. .. 15 16% 15% 15V* 16% 94V* 70 Kellv-Spring 8% pf.. 90s 72 72 72 74 59% 40% Kelsey Hayes (2)... 22 60% 50 50% 50% 19% 12 Kelvinator Corp 65 15% 15 15V* 16 104% 77% Kennecott (5) 33 86% 82% 85% 85V* 60% 45'/* Kimberly Clrk(2%).. 12 49% 49V* 49% 49% 36V* 27% Kinney (G R) d)... 22 40 38 39 38 ' 109% 93V* Kinney (G R) pf (8). 60s 100 99 99 100% 78% 25% Kplster Radio 25 33% 32V* 32% 32% 50** 32% Kraft Ph Ch (1 % )... 36 48V* 48 48 47% 99% 95 KraltPh Ch pf (6%) 1 96 96 96 96 67% 43% Kresge S S (1.60). ... 8 47% 46% 46% 47 114 92% Kress SH(1) 2 93% 93% 93% 94 46% 33V, Kreuger ft Tol(l.34). 71 36% 35% 36 35% 122% 75% Kroger Grftßak(cl). 26 86% 85 85V* 85 L 38% 26 Lago Oil ft Trans.... 7 36 33% 36 33 157V* 127% Lambert Co <S) 67 142 140 140 141% 25 10 Lee Rubber ft Tire.. 1 14V* 14% 14V* 15% 65 50 Leh Port Cem (2%). 2 50'* 60V* 60% 51 110% 106% Leh Port Cm pf(7i.. 60s 109% 108 108 108% 28% 19 Lehigh Valley Coal.. 24 23% 21% 23% 22% 43 34% Leh Val Coal pf i 3). 4 40 39V* 39% 39V* 102% 77% Lehigh Valley (3%). 11 90V* 89% 90 90 68% 51 Lehn ft Fink (3) 7 61% 61 61 62 106',* 81% Liggett* My (t 0)... 10 83 82 83 82 103% 81V* Liggett* My B (t 5). 22 83% 82 82% 81% 65 42% Lima Locomotive... 25 64% 63% 53V* 63% 113% 71% Llq Carbonic (t 4%). 15 87 85% 85% 85 84% 48% Loew’s Inc <t3) 40 56 54% 66 54% 11% 7% Loft Inc *... 67 9% 9% 9% 9% 32% 26V* Long Bell Lumb A... 2 26% 26% 26% 26 74% 66 Loose-Wiles (2.60).. 73 64% 63 64V* 63 31% 20 Lorlllard (P) Co 246 28% 25% 27 27% ,’ 18 12% Louisiana Oil 17 12% 12% 12V* 12V* 100% 89 Louis Oil pf <«%)... 200s 92 92 92 90% , 47 35% Lou G&EI A (1%).. 183 46V* 43% 46 46% 163% 138% Louis ft Nash (7).... 4 144 143% 141 143% 100 66% Ludlum Steel (2).... 101. 99% 97 99 97 M ■ 46 37 Mac Aft Forb(t2.«s) 9 40 38% 40 38% r 104% 71% McCall Corp (4) 4 96V* 99 ggu, 99 113% 97% McCrory A (2) 10s 101% 101% 101% 101% 1 115% 97% McCrory B<2) 4 103 102 102 102% 82 62% McKeesport T P (4). 25 71% 70% 70% 69% . 69 49 McKesson ft Rob (2) 11 62% 51% 62% 62% 1 62 55 McKes ft Rb pf(3%). 1 60V* 69% 60% 60 . 114 TL 91 Mack Trucks (<).... 33 99% 98% 98V* 97% d 186y|148 Macy Company tt3). 81 185 182% 184% 182% 24 17% Madison SqG U%).. 11 19% 18% 19% 18% r-Prev. 1929-, Stock and Sales— Pre,. High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hl*h. Low. Close. Close. 82% 60 Magma Copper (5).. 8 69% 68% 69% 68% 39% 24% Malllnson ft Co 4 26% 26 26 ' 26% 105% 95% Malllnson pf (7) 10s 97% 97% 97% 97% 120 119 Man Shirt pf (7) 10s 119 119 119 119 38% 25 Mandel Bros (2%). . 4 25% 25 25 25 37% 25 Man Elec Supply 3 26V* 25% 25% 25% 67V* 31% Man Kiev mod (d 5).. 1 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 25% Man Shirt (2) 5 30% 30 30 30% 39V* 20 Market St Ry pr pf. . 1 26 26 26 24 47% 33% Marland Oil 40 35 34% 35 35% 89V* 69% Marlin-Rockw (t 4).. 1 81 81 81 80% 104 66% Marmoti Motor (4>.. 31 89V* 86% 86% 90 55% 42% Matbleson Aik <e2).. 107 57 55% 57 65% *lB 7% Martin-Parry 2 8% 8% 8% 8% 108% 73% May Dept Strs 14)... 90 84 82 83% 83 25 19 May tag Co <t2) 9 21 20% 20% 20% 54% 39 Maytag Co pf (3).... 2 39 39 39 39 90V* 80 Maytag Co Ist pf (6). 1 81% 81% 81% 82 72 56% Melville Shoe d. 40). 1 61 60 60 61 34% 20 Mengel Co 19 26% 25% 26% 26% 27 24 Metro Gold pf d. 89). 1 25% 25% 25% 24% 69% 36% Mexican Seaboard... 63 46V* 45 46% 45% 54% 30% Miami Copper (4)... 81 43% 42% 43% 43% 107% 85 Michigan Stl (2%).. 20 107% 105 | 105% 105 39% 30V* Mid-Continent P 5% 3Vi Middle States Oil 6 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% Middle States Oil ct.. 12% 2% 2% 2% 275 225 Midland Stl pf tlo% . 2 248V* 248 248% 246% 28% 18V* Miller Rubber 5 18% 18 18 18V* 40 36% Minn Moline Pwr 7 36% 36% 36V* 37 100 98 Minn Moline pf 6%.. 2 97% 97% 97% 98% 3V4 2 Minn ft St Louis 9 2% 2% 2% 2% 47% 53 MStP&SSM 6 43% 42 42% '4l 55 42% Mo Kan ft Texas 600 54% 53 ’ 53 51% 107'* 102 Mo Kan ft Tex pf (7). 13 105 104% 104% 104% 96% 62% Missouri Pacific 29 SO% 90% 90% 90 138% 120 Missouri Pac pf (5).. 113 i 135 135 135 80% 60% Mohawk Carpet t 2 \. 3 70 69% 70 70 156% 99 Mom Ward (2%) 116 108% 10S% 106% 107% 8 4 Moon Motors 13 4% 4 4 4% 6% 3 Mother Lode (40c)... 73% 3% 3% 3% 60"* 12% Motion Picture 27 57V* 54% 55% 55 18 16% Moto Meter Act 3 18 17% 17% 17% 206 96V* Motor Products (t7). 15 128% 120 126% 118 48% 39 Motor Wheel (2) 8 45% 44% 44% 45% 81V* 42% Mullins Mfg 13 47% 46% 47V* 46 61% 50V* Munslngwear (t 3%) 13 59% 57% 57% 59% 99V* 62 Murray Corp (a3)... 35 93% 92% 93 93% -w N 118% 81% Nash Motors (6) 44 85% 84% 84% 85 39% 28% Natl Acme d) 69 38 36% 37% 36% 48% 37 Natl Air Trans 16 37% 36V* «6% 37 71 47% Natl Bella HesstlD. 57 50% 50 50% 50 205 166% Natl Biscuit (t 6%).. 16 189V* 187% 187% 188% 144 141% Natl Biscuit pf (7). . 3 142 142 142 142 148% 96 Natl Cash Reg dO.. 38 116% 115% 115% 116 73% 62% Natl Dairy (|1%)... 452 75% 73% 74% 73% 55% 33 Natl Distillers 14 51V* 50% 50% 51% 107% 67% Natl Distillers pf(7). 6 106% 105% 105V* 107 62% 43 Natl Enameling (2). . 9 48 46% 46% 46% 173 132 Natl Lead (5) 100 s 156% .151 152% 152 141% 138% Natl Lead pf A (7).. 100 s 140 140 140 140 61% 42% Natl Pwr ft Lt d)... 301 58% 56% 57% T 6% 41 17 Natl Radiator pf. ... 1 19 19 19 20 6*« 4% Natl Ry Mex Ist pf.. 15% 5% 6% 5 91% 64 Natl Tea (1%) 2 66% 66% 66V, 66 62V* 39% Nevada Copper (3).. 91 47V» 46% 46% 46% 58%- 43 Newport Co A (3)... 41 67 66% 67 62 111% 93 Newton Steel (3).... 8 100% 99% 99% 99% 49% 41% Nnr Air Brake <*).,. 12 45% 45 45 45% 208 178% N Y Central (8)..... 285 208% 207 207% 208 145% 128V* N Y Chi ft St L (6) ... 10 145 144% 144V* 144 109% 100 N Y Chi ft St Lpf (6) 1 106'* 106% 106% 106% 58% 40 N Y Dock 7 50V* 48 60V* 48% 379 285 NY* Harlem (5).. -80 s 337 323 323 324 113% 80V* NTNH4HH),.,. 134 112% 110% 111% 111% 122% 114% NYNHft Hpf (7) .. 5 123 121% 123 122% 32 24 N Y Ont & West 12 25% 25 25 25% 9% 3V* N Y Railways pf. ... 13% 3t* 3% gr^, 114V* 110 N Y Steam Ist pf (7). 10s 110% 110% 110% 110% 48% 33 Norfolk South (2%). 8 39 36% 39 36 228 191 NorfolkftWstn(tlO). 28 237 235% 236 233'* 87% 83 Norfolk&Wstn pf(4) 30s 85% 85% 85% 86 138% 90% North Am(blo%stk) 604 146 142 142% 138% 54% 51% No-rth Am pf (3) 2 5.3 52% 53 62% 103% 99% North Am Ed pf (6). 1 low* 100% 100% 100'i 64% 48% No Ger Lloyd 13.41). 7 54% 54V4 54% 52',i 114% 95% Northern Pac 45).... 54 108% 106% 107% 106 112 96 North Pac ct (5).... 36 105 103!* 104% 103 O 32 17% 011 Well Supply 4 20 20 20 21% 106% 92 011 Well Sup pf (7). .100 s 96% 96 96 97 64% 34% Oliver Farm Equip. . 4 40 38V* 38% 39% 69% 49% Ollvr Fr Ep cv pt(3). 8 55V* 54% 65 54** 95% 69 Orpheum Cir pf(3).. 10s 75 75 75 72 48% 37 Otis Steel 133 45% 4.3% 44% 44% 108 96% Otis Steel pr pf (7).. 1 100 100 100 99% 359 276 Otis Elevator (6).... 1 345 345 .345 342% 125 122 OtisElevpf (6) 20s 124 123% 123% 123% 110 106 Outlet Co pf (7) 10s 110 110 110 107% 84 78 Owens 111 Glass (4).. 2 81 80% 80% 81 p 40 21% Pacific Coast 2d pf.. MOs 30 30 30 30 71% 63% Racine Gas ft E U).. 77 68% 66% 67% 66 91% 70 Pacific Lighting (3). 16 88% 87V* 88% 87% 1% 1 Pacific Oil stubs 22 11 11% 200 159 Pacific Tel ft T t7).. 70s 186 182 182 182 130 116% Pacific T&T pf t 6).. 10s 127% 127% 127% 127'/* 153% 116% Packard Motor (t 5). 64 1331* 131% 13\% 133 63 40V* Ran-Am Petroleum.. 2 54 64 54 54 66% 40% Ran-Ajm Pete B 108 57% 56% 56% 66% 72 55% Raramount-F-L (3). 346 66% 64% 66% 64V* 87% 47 I'ark&TUford U 3-). 16 64% 54% 54% 65 13% 7 Park Utah (80c) 16 71* 7% ?** 7% 14V* 7% Paths Exchange.... 34 9% 9% 9% 9% 30 13% Pathe Exchange A... 11 21 19% 20V* 19% 47% 34% Patino Mines t 3.89)., 6 37 !* 37 37 37% 22% 11% reerless Motor Car.. 7 12% 11% 11% 12% 58 38 Renlck ft Ford 19 55% 64% 54% 55 27 14% Renn Dixie Cement.. 16 14% 14 14V, 14% 84% 72% Pennsylvania RR(4) 187 84% 83V* 83% 84 287% 208 People s Gas Chi 18). 6 274% 274% 274% ?75'i 174% 148 Pere Marquette 118). 22 176 171% 175 171 101 96 Rere ilarq-pr pf (5).. 1 97 97 97 96 97 92 RereMarqpf <&).... 1 93% 93% 93V* 94 79V* 56V* Phelps Dodge 13).... 4 62 61% 61% 61% 34 17% Rhilaft Read Cft 1.. 8 18% 18% 18% 18% 2314 13% Philip Morris d).... 7 14V* 14% 14% 14V, 47 37% Phillips Pete (1 Vi).. 13 37V, 37% 37% 37V* 37% 27% Pierce-Arrow A 9 31% 31% 31% 31V* 3% 2 Pierce Oil 15 2 2 2 2 61% 30 Pierce Oil pr 1 39 39 39 39% 5% 4V4 Pierce Petroleum.... 3 4% 4V4 4% 4% 63V* 39*, Plllsbury Flour (2).. 4 45% 44V* 45 46% 65% 50% Pirelli CO A%2 88)... 170 62 69% 62 59% 83% 64% Pittsburgh Coal 4 65% 65 60 64% 100 83% Pittsburgh Coal pf.. 2 90 90 90 91 100 92% Pitts Steel pf (7).... 60s 98 98 98 99% 148% 125% Pitts ft W Va 16) 18 142V* 140% 142V* 140% 28% 26 Poor ft Co (t 2) 1 26% 26V, 26% 26% 95% 77 PKican Am To (A)7 1 80V* 80% 80% 80 105 101% Postal Ttl ft Cpfl7). 1 103V* 103% 103% 103% 81% 62% Postum Co (3) 137 74V* 73V* 73% 73% 65% 55 Prairie Oil ft Gas.... 11 56% 56% 56% 56% 61% 53% Prairie Pipe L (t 4).. 21 60 69% 60 59% 25% 15 Pressed Steel Car... 8 18% 17% 18% 17% 81 73 Pressed Stl Cps (7). 174 V, 74% 74% 74 26% 18 Prod ft Refiners 1 18% 18% 18% 19 106% 75 PubSvcNJ (2.60)...1306 109% 104V* 108% 103% 108V* 103% Pub Svc NJ pf 16). .. 2 106 106 106 105'* 109% 105% Pub Svc EftG pf (6) .. 5 106% 106 106 106% 91% 78 Pullman Corp (4)... 338 86% 83% 86% 84 21% 14% Punta Alegre Sugar. 6 15% 14% 15% 15% 30% 23% Pure Oil (1%) 48 26% 26V* 26% 26% 115% 111 Pure Oil pf (8) 10s 111% 111% 111**, 112 139% 109% Purity Bakeries t 3). 8 124% 124 124% 124 E 114 68V* Radio Corp 492 86% &4% 84% 85% 82% 74 Radio pf B (5) 779 V, 79% 79% 79V, 46V* 19 Radlo-Kelth-Orph A. 285 34% 33% 34 33 80V* 75 It R Sec 1C stk C(4). 10s 75% 75% 75% 75% 117 V, 101% Reading (4) 64 114 111% 112% 112% 84% 57 Real Silk Hosiery... 3 77% 77 77% 76% 16% 6 Reis (R) ft Co 7 12% 11% 12% 11V* 35% 28 Remington-Rand.... 159 34V* 33% 34% 34V» 96 90% Reming-Rnd Ist (7). 2 93 93 93 92 100 93 Reming-Rnd 2d (8). . 3 99 99 99 96% 31V** 22% Reo Motors tt1.60).. 14 23% 23 23 23% 102% 79V* Rep Iron ft Stl (4)... 260 101% 98% 100% 97V* 12V* 6 Reynolds Spring.... 77% 7% 7% 7% 80 70 Reynolds TbA(2.4O) 20s 70 70 70 70 66 63 Reynolds Tb8(2.40). 27 53% 53% 63% 53% 49% 39% Richfield OU (2) 11 41% 41% 41% 41% 42V, 25% Rio Grands Oil (k 2). 19 29% 29% 29% 29% 62V* 69 Ritter Dental (2%).. 1 61 61 61 614 96 63 Rosaia Ins (2 20).... 35 72% 71% 71% 70 43% 27 Royal BakPwdrd). 65 33 32 32% 32% 55% 491* Royal Dutchtal.336) 15 53V* 52% 53% 62% . S 195% 154% Safeway Stores (3).. 26 164 160% 163 161% 97 93 Safeway pf (6) IDs 94% 94% 94% 95% 108 102 Safeway Strs pf (7). 10s 105 105 105 105 PHONE CO. TO SPEND $331,150 IN QUARTER Extension of Conduits and Improve ment in Exchanges Among Changes Planned. Additions and improvements to the telephone system in Washington, in cluding routine construction for the third quarter of the year, involving ex penditures of $331,150, have Just been authorized, by the board of directors of the Chesapeake ds Potomac Telephone Co. This appropriation brings the total amount authorized for such work in the District of Columbia so far this year to $1,356,765. The facilities to be provided under this appropriation include additional underground conduit and cable in the Adams-Columbia, Ailnntic-Llncoln cen tral office areas an# the installation of —Prcv. 1929-* Stock and Sales— ft" Hieli. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hirh. Low. Close. Close. 94 62 St Joseph Lead (t 3). 42 88% 67 67 67Vt 125 109% St L-San Fran (5)... 48 119 Uff% 118% 117% 115% 82 St L Southwestern.. 15 95% 94 94% 93% 51% 38% Savage Arms (2).... 3 40% 40% 40% 40% 41% 20 Schulte Retail Strs.. 32 20% 20 20 20 21% 12 Seaboard Air Line... 15 14 14 14 14% 24% 16% Seaboard Air Line pf 5 21 20% 20% 20% 22% 14% Seagrave (e1.20) 2 14% 14% 14% 14% 181 139% Sears Roebck (12%). 61 164% 163 163%'163% 10% 4 Seneca Copper 75% 5% 5% 5% 44% 41 Sharon Stl Hoop (1). 3 43% 43% 43% 43% 172% 123% Shattuck S G (2) 17 172% *69% 169% 172 31% 25% Shell Union (1.40). .v 71 26% 26% 26% 26% 74% 48% Shubert Theater (5). 11 50% 48% 48% 50% 116 75 Simmons Co (3) 77 103% 101% 102% 101% 37% 18% Simms Pet (1.60) 45 31% 30% 31 31 45 35% SinclßirOll (t 2%)... 255 36% 35% 35% 35% 46% 32% Skelly OH (2) 16 39% 38% 39% 38% 112 105 Sloss-Sheffleld pf (7) 1 86% 86% 86% 86% 56% 33 Snider Packing pf... 1 53% 53% 63% 53% 46 34 So Porto RSugt2%. 15 37% 37% 37% 37% 136 124% So Port Rlc Spf (*). 20s 125 125 125 126 68% 53% Southern Cal Ed (2). 85 64% 62% 64% 63% 50% 36% Southern Dairies A.. 4 40 40 40 42 16% 10% Southern Dairies 8.. 1 11% 11% 11% 11% 138% 124 Southern Pacific (6). 78 137 135 135% 134 158% 138 Southern Rwy (8)... 18 146% 145% 146% 146 99 93 Southern By pf(s).. 2 95 95 95 95% 63% 50% Spalding A G (1.60). 16 60 69 60 59% 52% 34 Spang-Chalfant 76 41% 39% 41% 40% 275 170% Sparks Withgtn (t 4) 1 244% 244% 244% 245 67% 59% Sparks Withgtn (n). 5 61% 60% 61% 61% 43 35% Spencer Kelgt 1.60).. 2 38% 38% 38% 38% 66% 45 Spicer Mfg 14 54% 60% 53% 61 55% 46% Spicer Mfg pf (3)... 2 47 46% 46% 46% 117% 77% Spiegel-Mav-St (3).. 136 87% 84% 87% 86% 43% 17 Stand Com Tob (1).. 15 19 19 19 19 124% 80% Stand Gas &El (3%) 316 121% 116% 118 117% 67 62% Stand G&E pf (4)... 2 63% 63% 63% 63% 81% 64 Stand Oil Calif (T 3). 73 72% 71% 71% 72% 62% 48 Stand Oil N J (t 2)... 163 66% 66 56% 66% 45% 38 Stand Oil N Y (1.60). 99 39% 39 39 39% 9% 4% Stand Plate Glasss.. 1 5 5 5 5 77 65 Stewart Warnr(3%). 61 76% 74 74% 74% 98 73% Studebaker (J 5) 27 80 78 • 78% 78% 4% 2 Submarine Boat 3 2% 2% 2'% 2% 68% 57 Sun Oil (gl) 7 65 64 65 63% 105% 100’% Sun Oil pf (6) 60s 102% 1*2% 102% 102% 12 7 Superior Oil 42 7% 7% 7% 7% 73% 34 Superior Steel 87 54% 63 53 53% 19% 12% Symington A 26 18 16% 17% 16% T 25% 19 Telautograph (1).... 1 19 19 19 19% 20% 16 Tenn Cop &Ch (1)... 7 17% 17% 17% 17% 68% 57% Texas Corp (3) 51 61 60% 60% 60% 85% 70%,Tex Gulf Sul (4) 68 72% 72% 7214 72% 23% 16 Texas PC&Oil (bo). 5 17% 17% 17'% 17% 24% 13% Texas Pac Land Tr.. 45 16% 16% 16% 16% 28% 16% Thatcher Mfg 6 24% 23% 23% 24 48% 35 Thatcher pf (3.60)... 2 42 41% 41% 43 51% 34% The Fair (2.40) 7 35% 35 35 35% 62 44 Thompson J R (3.60) 1 46 46 46 46% 23% 17% Tide Water Asso 63 19% 19% 19% 19% 90 84 Tide Wat Asso pf(6) 10 85% 86% 85% 85 40 27% Tide Water Oil( 80c). 1 34% 34% 34% 34% 31 22% Timken DetAx(Boc). 6 25% 25% 25%. 25% 98% 73% Timken Roller (3)... 244 108 . 101% 107 101 22% 14% Tobacco Pr (1.40)... 52 15% 15 15% 15% 22% 18 Tobacco Pr A (1.40). 32 19 18% 19 19 14% 9 Transcontinental.... 90 10% 10% 10% 10% 59% 38% Trico Prod (2%) 5 66% 55% 55% 66% 31% 19% Truax Traer (1.60).. 3 20 20 20 20 61% 44% Truscon Stl (41.20).. 1 47 47 47 46 58% 40% Twin City Rp T (4).. 1 40 40 40 40% U 142 91 Underw-El-Fish(4).. 35 140 138 140 138% 43 24 Union Bag & Paper.. 3 32 31% 31% 32 99 75% Union Carblde<2.6o). 316 103% 101% 101% 102 54% 46 Union Oil Calif (2).. 14 48% 47% 48 48 234% 209 Union Pacific (10)... 26 234% 232% 232% 233% 84% 81% Union Pacific pf (4). 2 81% 81% 81% 81% 150% 121% Union Tank Car(s).. 1 141% 141% 141% 140 162 78% Utd AircrafUfcTrans. 682 142% 136 141 137 109% 68% Utd Alrcraft&T pf 3. 41 91% 89% 91% 89% 63% 41 Utd Biscuit (1.60)... 6 45 44 44% 45 27% 16% Utd Cigar Stores(l). 32 16% 16 16% 16% 104 90 Utd Cigar St pf(6).. 3 90 90 90 90 75% 58% Utd Corporation.... 1724 65% 61% 65 61% 47% 45 Utd Corp pf (3) 24 47% 46% 47% 47 81%. 30 Utd Electric Coal(3) 13 42% 42 42% 42% 158% 109% Utd Fruit (c 4) 5 118 117 117 118 55% 27 U S Cast Irn Pip (2). 7 33% 33% 33% 33 19 16 U S Cst I P Ist (1.20). 2 17% 17% 17% 17% 18% 12% U S Distributing 8 15 15 15 15 10% 2 US Express 2 6% 6% 6% 6% 186% 128 U S Ind Alco (6) 49 184% 181 182 182 35% 19% US Leather 2 24 24 24 24 61% 38 US Leather A (4)... 14 41% 40% 40% 40% 119% 81 US Realty (5) 37 87% 86 86% 87% 65 42 US Rubber 28 52% 52% 52% 62% 92% 73 U S Rubber Ist pf... 32 82 77 82 78% 72% 48 U S Smelt Ref (3%). 176 61% 57% 60% 57 186 157% US Steel (7) 1671 190% 185% 188% 184% 144% 140 U S Steel pf (7) 13 140% 140 140% 140 109% 83 US Tobacco (3) 3 84 83% 83% 83% 85% 71 Univ Leaf Tob (3)... 15 76 74% 76% 76 123% 120% Unlv Leaf Tob pf(8). 8s 122 122 122 122 93 83% UnivPtct lstpf(l).. 20s 84 83% 83% 84 22% 10% Univ Pip® & Rad.... 3 12 11% 11% 11% 49% 35 Util Pwr ALt A (e2) SO 44% 43 ‘ 43% 43% V 13% 6% Vadsco Sales 10 9%4-*9% 9% 9% 116% 68 Vanadium (T 4) 183 92% .*0 91% 88% 83 60 Van Raalte Ist pf... 50s 81% 81% 81% 76% 115% 110 Victor Talte pr pf (T) . 9 115% 115% 115% 116% 24% 9% Virgmla-Car Chem.. 6 12% 12 12 11% 65% 36V* Virginia-Car 6% pf.. 1 42% 42% 42% 43% 97% 86% Virginia-Car pf (7).. 2 89 89 89 89 101% 99% VaEl&Pwr pf (6).. 20s 100 100 100 99% W 81% 60 Wabash 16 72 70% 71 71 32% 22% Waldorf Systm (1%) 47 30% 29% 30% 29 45% 23% Walworth (1.20).... 210 46% 44% 46% 44% 21% 8% Ward Baking B 6 10 9% 9% 10 134 97 Warner Bros Piet...,496 123% 117% 120% 118% 62% 54% Warner Bros Pic <n) 456 62V* 69% 60% 59% 69% 44 Wjarn Br Ppf (2.20).. 7 64% 52 54% 53 42% 28% Warner-Qutnlan (2). 1 rflH 31% 31% 31% 171 139 Warren Bros (t 0)... 25 172% 168 168 170% 34Vi 15% Warren Fdry & Pipe. 5 18 17% 18 18% 113% 72% Webster-Elsenlohr. . 2 90% 90% 90% 90% 48 37 Wess 011 & Snow(2). 10 37 36 36% 38 72% 62% Wess O&Sn pf (4).. 11 63 62 62% 63 | 102 94% West Penn El pf (6). 20s 96% 96% 96% 96% > 111% 103 West Penn El pf (7). 40s 108% 108 108% 106 117 113 West Penn Pw pf (7) 10s 116% 115% 115% 115% 54 32% Western Maryland.. 44 43% 42% 42% 42% 41% 32 Western Pacific 22 36** 36 36% 36 64% 56 Western Pacif pf.... 15 60% 59% 60% 69% 220% 179% Western Union (I).. 21 195% 194 196% 195 64% 43% W’estngh Air Brk(2). 21 48 47% 47% 47% 176% 137% WestnghEl&M (4).. 235 178% 176 176 176% 170 132 Westngh E Ist pf{4) 60s 172% 172% 172% 170 48% 22 Weston El Instru.... 21 42% 41 41 41 94% 49% Westvaco Chlor (2). 6 72% 70% 70% 72 38 30% White Eagle Oil (2).. 5 33% 33 33% 33% 63% 38 White Motor (1).... 1 42 42 42 42V* 48 12 WhitS Sewing Mach.. 1 20% 20% 20% 21 29% 19% Wilcox Oil & Gas.... 2 20% 20% 20% 21% 61% 37 Wilcox Rich(A)2%.. 13 50% 49 50 49% 62 34 Wilcox Rlch(B)c2... 51 49% 48% 50 49% 35 20 Willys-Over (c 1.20). 79 23 22% 23 22% 103 92 Willys-Over pf (7).. 2 94 94 94 92 27 16 Wilson &Co A 5 17% 17% 17% 17% 232% 192% Woolworth Co (6)... 1 221% 221% 221% 222 • 94% 85 Woolworth Co 66 89% 88% 89 88% 64% 43 Worthington Pump.. 74 67% 63% 55% 60 82 66 Worthington B 5 75 71 75 70 149% 109 Wright Aero (2) 356 141% 133% 140 132% SOT* 70 Wrigley Wm (4).... 6 74 74 74 73% Y 73% 61% Yale & Towns (4)... 2 72% 72% 72% 72% 61% 34% Yellow Truck & C... 33 41% 40% 41 41% 69% 52% Young Sp&W it 2%). 35 69% 67% 67% 68% 141% 105 . Young Sheet AT (5) 9 141 139 139% 138% RIGHTS EXPIRE 6% 3 Am Tel AT. .July 1 694 6*6% 6% 5% 32 23 Ches A Ohio.. July 1 80 32 31% 32 32 6% 4% Colum Gaa&Elec ... 377 6% *5 5% 5 7% 5% Col Graph . ..July 10 513 7% 6% 6% 6% 4% 2% Int TelATel .. July 6 404 4% 4% 4% 4% % V* Loft July 6 27 % % 44 Sales of Stocks on New York Exchange. 10:30 A.M 672,800 12:00 Noon 1 726 200 1:30 P.M., 2.702.300 2:10 P.M 3.1681600 Dividend rates as given in the above table ere the annual cash payments based on the latest quarterly or half yearly dec laration. sUnlt of trading lesa than 100 tharea. tPartly extra. fPlua i% In stock. {Plus $3 In preferred stock. fPlus 1-25 in stock a Paid this year—no regular rate, b Payable In stock. e pin. g<- In atock d Payable when earned, e Payable In cash or stock 1 Plus 10% in stock, g Plus 6* In stock, h Plug 2% In stock iP us »V« In stock, k Plus 3% In atock, a additional central office equipment in the downtown Washington offices. Under the routine construction proj ects authorized will be the extension of underground conduit and cable systems in every section of Washington and the installation of switchboard additions, . telephone equipment and private branch exchange .switchboards. BUILDING CONTRACTS. NEW YORK, June 26 (jP).—Dodge Corporation reports that during the week ending June 21 contracts for new building and engineering work, amount ing to $122,721,500, were let in 37 States east of the Rocky Mountains, compared with $143,649,600 ifcst week, and $179,421,900 in the corresponding week iast year. GOLD SHIPMENTS. NEW YORK, June 26.—The Guaranty Trust Co. is receiving $1,850,000 in gold from Buenos Aires today. A $2,000,000 shipment, also from Buenos Aires, is ' due here July 24 for the Central Han over Bank & Trust Co. FINANCIAL. - * Wall Street briefs By the Associated Press. United States Steel Corporation an nounced the subscription response by stockholders for common shares at $l4O a share In ratio of one share for every seven shares held was ‘‘complete ly successful.” Stock offered totaled $101,660,500. Production of steel ingots, as report ed from various steel centers, is slight ly under 95 per cent of rated capacity, against 96 per cent a week ago, 96 per cent two weeks ago and 72'/i per cent a year ago. The hot weather, rather than a decline in buying, was given as the reason for the slight re duction. United States Steel Corpora tion is operating at 99 pek cent against 100 per cent a week Independ ents are at about 92 per. cent, tom- ’ pared STOCKS GO HIGHER IN BROAD ADVANCE Rail and Utility Issues Lead in an Active, ~ Rising Market. > BY STANLEY W. PRENOSIL. Associated Press Financial Editor. NEW YORK, June 26.—A broad up ward movement of prices took place In today's market with the railroad and public utility averages reaching record high levels. While the industrial aver age was still a few points under the year's top. the recent advance has prac tically wiped out all of the ground lost In the May reaction. Call money renewed unchanged at 10 per cent, with an apparently sufficient supply of funds attracted to keep the rate at that level all day. There was no change in time money on com mercial paper rates. Wall street is looking for another large increase in Federal reserve brokers’ loans this week, due not only to the revival of bullish activity in the stock market, but to the expiration of stock purchase “rights.” Merger Rumors. ' Strength of the high grade railroad public utility and industrial shares, more than a score of which established new high levels, testified to a strong ip vestment demand. Professional opera tors also were reported to be heavy buyers of those stocks on an apparent effort to revive speculative confidence in the general market. Trading showed a moderate expansion in vol ume, but public participation was still on a much smaller scale than it was before the sharp break in prices last month. Merger rumors continued to play an important part in market operations. Wright Aeronautical, which is expected to enter into some form of a combina tion with the Curtiss group of com panies, ran up 7% points, and Cur tiss 3. Public utilities were again heavily bought. New high records for the year, or longer, were registered by Interna tional Telephone, North American Co., American Power & Light and Public Service of New Jersey, the gains run ning from 3*2 to 7 points. American Water Works advanced 5, Standard Gas St Electric 4 and American Tele phone 3%. Important stocks maintained leader ship of the market in the closing hour when a number of favorites were quot ed from 5 to 10 points above yester day’s close. United States Steel brought 190 Vi and Public Service of New Jersey 109y 2 . Burroughs Adding Machine, Auburn Auto and Motor Products were 9 to 10 points, while Warner Bros. Pictures, Illinois Central and Bornwamer advanced i to 6. The close was strong. Recovery Is Resumed. Prices resumed their recovery at the opening. Missouri-Kansas-Texas opened with a block of 15.000 shares at 53, up 1%, and U. S. Steel common opened with a block of 5,700 shares at 185%. up 1. Allied Chemical advanced 2Mi points to a new high at 319. Early gains of 1 to 2Mi points also were recorded by Anaconda, Radio-Keith-Orpheum, Co lumbia Graphophone and Childs Co. Commercial Solvents dropped 2 points. Establishment of new high levels for the year yesterday by the public utility and railroad averages In the face of 10 per cent call money rates had a bullish effect on speculative sentiment. Trad ing continued largely professional In character, but with nearly $900,000,000 to be distributed in the form of dividend and interest payments around the lint of the month, operators for the advance were counting on a heavy reinvestment demand. While call money is expected to go above the 10 per cent rate before the mid-year credit stringency is over, no repetition of the 20 per cent rate reached in March is expected in banking and brokerage circles. CHICAGO DAIRY MARKET. CHICAGO, June 26 OP),—Butter- Higher; receipts, 11,143 tubsr creamery, extras, 42%: standards. 42%; extra firsts, 40%a41%; lints, 39%a40%: sec onds, 38a39. Eggs—Unchanged; re ceipts. 15,800 cases. Poultry, alive—Firm; receipts, 2 can; fowls, 27; Springs. 41; broilers. 34; roosters, 20; turkeys, 22a30; heavy ducks, 17&20; heavy geese, 15. ssooo,ooo GERMAN LOAN. NEW YORK, June 26 (A*).—A six months’ credit of $3,000,000 at 8 per cent has been extended to the Ruhr Chemical Corporation of Germany by ! Dillon, Read St Co., in association with i a German banking syndicate. The ice blockade of the South Swed ish ports this year was the wont since 184 t More than a thir-l of O Ijjr a century % experience A Bring W Us Your v Problems —placing the management of your realty in ear hand* —especially apartment , houses—and with our ex perience let us put it on . the right basis of expense and earnings. Ws are specialists in apartment house manage ment. B. F. SAUL CO. Natl. 2100 925 15th St. N.W. BONDS , Months of high money rates have depressed bond prices to levels which now make many issues attractive both on a yield basis and for possibility of price appredatiQn in the event of a trend toward easier interest rates. In our recently published lists of bond investment suggestions, the average approximate yield* for 78 issues, excluding State and Municipals, was 6.04%. Send for Current Lists TV EQUITABLB Securities COMPANY INC. A subsidiary »f - The Equitable Trait Company ej New York Stanly Cam, Representative 917 Fifteenth Street, N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C