Frederick Wemley Wants More
Time to Devote to His
By the Associated Press. i
LONDON. June 26—Credited with
solution of more murder mysteries than
any living man. Frederick Wensley at
the age of 64 yesterday announced he
would give over his duties as chief of
the criminal intelligence division of
Scotland Yard to devote his time to his
The control of the division was ex
m i iwir. iTTTTTrf I 'in rgcrnuj n I
y 'y Thoughtful
t At & Considerate
These three words explain Ryan
Service and why It Is reretnired as
superior. Our equipments are the
very newest and best. Our charges j
always well within reason.
Funeral Parlor — Private,
Ambulance and Livery
in Connection.
Funeral Directors
317 Pa. Ave. S.E.
Telephone Atlantic 1700-1701
ij | Hesitation Eliminated
Rr , In many, many families we have en-
tirely eliminated need for hesitation
when the decision comes up of selecting
a funeral director. ra?
The high quality of our service, to-
VjSn gether with our extremely moderate
costs, have made the selection of Deal's C&i
a matter of course in hundreds of local
families. Cost of complete services jjvfa-
K here range from $125.00 and up.
fjbr referenceyour neighbor Si
lEg 616 H STREET N.E
jjlpi Phones Lincoln 8200-8201
_ -.■■■■ *
bi|ythe ,
" glgl BMjiine mu oi comfort
MEXT winter yonH remember longingly the
I comfortable warmth of bright Summer days—
”l unless yon differ from most of ns mortals.
Next winter, in yonr hoqie, yon can enjoy floods
of June warmth if yonr fire is laid with Famous
Reading Anthracite—nature’s finest fueL
Iw mi th b*a*l ■ Today you can buy your next winter’s supply of
wtu i a sprinkling of Fyro- this cleaner, longer-burning, more dependable fuel
well Famous Reading Mo- a t lower prices. Soon it will be too late to get bar
thracMe. Order a few tons gains in winter comfort like this. So call your coal
merchant today—and save money on Famous
Reading Anthracite all next winter.
—Merchants —
John P. Agnew A Co., Inc. David Melnick CHEVY CHASE, MD.
728 14th Street N.W. 1116 W Street N.W. Thomas W. Perry
Phone Main 3068 Phone North 1988 Wieeonein 2600
Rin.ldi Bros. CLARENDON, VA.
132° F Street N.W. 2145 Georg,a Ave. N.W. Virginia Ice A Fuel Corp.
Phone Mam 6240 Phone North 1600 Clarendon 1373 r
Brookland Coal Co. R. N. Smith
Michigan Ave. AB.AO. R. 471 E Street S.W. FOREST GLEN, MD. |
R. N.E. Phone Franklin 6907 E. C. Keys A Sons
Phone Decatur 180 Southern Bldg. Supply Co. Silver Spring 2
J. Edward Chapman 6000 Blair Road N.W. GARRETT PARK MD
37 N St. N.W. Phone Georgia SOO Chisholm Bros.
Phone North 3609 L. P. Steuart A Bro. Kensington 37-N
J. E. Colliflower A Co., Inc. 138 12th Street N.E.
1001 15th Street N.W. Phone Lincoln 1203 , HYATTSVILLE, MD.
Phone Metropolitan 4277 Rosalie M. Theclcer Dickey Bros.
John F. Davis 1519 4th Street N.W. Hyatteville 171
1013 H Street N.E. Phone North 1206 Hyattsville Ice A Fuel
Phone Lincoln 460 B, J. Werner Corporation
Dickey Brothers 923 New York Ave. N.W. Hyattsville 710
1447 Maryland Ave# N.E# Phone Main 8944 MT RAINIER MD
Phone Lincoln 6646 ALEXANDRIA, VA. Geo. N.‘Well.
C. H. Fishbaugh A Son DeWilton Aitcheson, Inc. Hyattsville 226
1330 14th Street N.W. 107 S. Royal Street
Phone North 514 Alexandria 69 LEESBURG, VA.
R. J. A M. C. Grace Thos. J. Fannon A Sons Leesburg Lime Company, Inc.
400 F Street N.E. Duke A Henry Streets Leesburg 174-J
Phone Lincoln 233 Alexandria 132 POTOMAC VA
Griffith-Consumers Co. Geo. H. Robinson’s Sons Potomac Coal Co.
1319 G Street N.W. 112 S. Union Street Alexandria 1432
Phone Franklin 4840 Alexandria 21
W. H. Hessick A Son W. A. Smoot A Co., Inc. . D , “j V: |, RDA *-E, MD.
14th A Water Sts. S.W. Cameron A Union Street* 5° c £ v '. *£a * Fe * d C °‘
( Phone Franklin 8127 Alexandria 960 Rockville 68
W-_ if- m e Ward Bros.
1151 16th St N W BLADENSBURG, MD. Rockville 129
D.'.,ir 273 UjESTjaTB p SEAT PLEASANT, MD.
Marlow Coal Company _ F. L. Watkins
811 E St. N.W. Lincoln 1706
Phone Main 311 Hyattsville 1423
WAP Street. N W BOWIE, MD. . Griffith A Perry, Inc.
11 arifiswr' ' -- sja&z ~ I
I Road N.W. Walter R. Davis J. E. Colliflower A Co.
! Phone Georgia 621 Hyattsville 407-R Clarendon 393
pec ted to revert back to the five are a
superintendents, known as “the big
five." since the post of chief constable
now held by Wensley was created more
as a compliment to his remarkable
record of crime detection rather than
as a permanent police office.
Chief Constable Wensley plans to
quit Scotland Yard at the end of July.
He declined a special five-year exten
sion in office beyond the age limit, of
fered as a signal mark of confidence on
the part of the highest police authori
ties in England.
His career began in the Limehouse
district as a plain policeman in 1888.
He came to know every nook of China
town and the East End and the location
of anarchists’ haunts and dens of in
iquity in the slummy streets of Shore
ditch, Whitechapel. Hsckney and Wap
ping. Thirty years of his life were
spent in ferreting about this queer
With his hawk like features, deep-set
piercing eyes and bushy eyebrows,
Wenslev resembles Lord Reading and
really looks the part that novelists and
playwrights have assigned the detective.
In real life his work often shamed
j the amateur exploits of his prototypes
' in fiction.
His most recent case was in bringing
! to book Sergt Goddard, one of his asso-
I eiates in justice, for bribery in connec
tion with West End night club life.
Most of his cases were sordid mur
! ders which w'ere not sensational but
' which required much skill to solve.
Owing to the deplorable state of the
! roads in Jugoslavia, the government
I has decided that every male citizen of
m litarv age must work for at least
six days each year in rebuilding them.
Funeral Services to Be Held To
morrow Morning.
Funeral services for Mrs. Julia V.
Towle*, a native of Washington, but
for many years a resident of Arizona,
who died at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Mary Craven, 1725 De Sales street,
yesterday, will be held at St. Mat
thew's Church, Rhode Island avenue
near Connecticut avenue, at 9 o’clock
tomorrow. Interment will follow in
Mount Olivet Cemetery.
Bom in Washington in 1888, Mrs.
i Towles married and moved to Arizona
14 years ago, where she had resided
prior to her return to this city last
year. In addition to her mother, she
is survived by her husband. John R.
Towles; a son. Robert, and a sister,
Miss Cecelia Craven of this city.
District Woman Is Buried in Oak
Hill Cemetery.
Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth
H. Auld of 1403 Thirty-first street, who
died at her home last Monday, were
held from her late residence today. In
terment was in Oak Hill Cemetery.
Mrs. Auld was bom in Montgomery
County, Md., in 1882, and came to this
city when a child. She was a member
|of the Daughters ors the American
Revolution and the board of the
Presbyterian Home. Surviving her are
her husband. Robert E. Auld; a son,
Paul Auld; her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
O. F. Vinson of this city, and a sister.
Mrs. John W. Beall of Inwood, W. Va.
£& $4.00
$l5B Steel (OP A A
Vaults vOuiUU
Couch Casket CICC
Funerals vA 03 Up
Funerals .. SIOO.OO
Finest Service Obtainable
Cor. 14th & Chapin N.W. Col. 432
Opposite Arllnrton Cemetery
Your opportunity lor inspection IS
NOW. Vaults are selling rapidly, only
a limited number remain.
Open every day and Sunday. A more
fitting memorial lor loved ones cannot
be obtained.
Glass-front cremation niches for urns
containing ashes can be purchased.
Office 1000 Conn. Ave. Main 7897
Many Towns in Old Dominion
Apply for Airport
Special Dispatch to The Star.
RICHMOND, Va.. June 26.—The ap
plication of the town of Manassas. Va.,
to the Virginia State .Highway Com
mission recently for advice concerning
the painting of the town name on a
roof top for the information and
guidance of birdmen winging over was
considered another indication of the
rapidly quickening air-consciousness
of the Old Dominion.
Officials of the Department of Com
merce have promulgated a series of
suggestions for the establishment of
such signs, according to A. H. Pettigrew
of the State Highway Department, in
which a height of 12 feet is recom
mended for the letters to Insure reason
able visibility from normal flying ele
In the case of Manassas, however,
the letters will be painted slightly over
eight feet in height. This restriction
is made necessary because of the Insuf
ficient length of the building on which
the sign is to be lettered and the
length of the town’s name. The
town name, however, according to
William E. Cocke, one of its fathers,
who applied for the information, will
soon be emblazoned to all who pass In
the air, from the roof of a school
building there.
Anot her indication of the air minded
ness of the several towns and cities of
the State, according to Mr. Pettigrew,
is the response received during the
past year to the highway commission
request for aid in establishing airports
throughout the State.
The legislature appropriated $25,000
to be expended under the direction of
the State Highway Commission, in
aiding generally in establishing landing
fields within or near their borders.
Under the rules laid down by the
Highway Commission for the employ
ment of the appropriation the towns
and cities are required to acquire,
either by purchase outright or by lease
for a period of not less than five years,'
the acreage necessary for the landing
Under the arrangement five new air
ports have been constructed and the
i Richard Evelyn Byrd Field in Rich
mond has been adied to the extent of
SI,OOO. Other fields already construct
ed and in use are situated at Waynes
boro, South Boston, Port Richmond,
Bristol and at the rifle range at Vir
ginia Beach. The South Boston Field
is lighted and may be used for either
day or night time landing or taking off.
Perry & Walsh
Private Ambulances
29 H St. N.W. Main 984
The Newest and Smartest!
The “Arlie”
by Stetson
An ideal shoe for sportswear or dress. Os
white calfskin contrasting with black or
tan grain trim. Examine its stitching,
perforations and general quality of shoe
making and you will be as enthusiastic
about it as we are. Lengths, 6 to 11.
Widths AA to D.
Raleigh Haberdasher
1310 F Street ' ■ 1
Staking the Claim
■ 'HE prncpeclnr stakes his claim
where he discovers nuggets of
gold. When the nuggets are plentiful
his search for wealth
is assured. But the Refreshing as a cool
. . . . /ii ing shower! Tasty as
greatest treasure of all t i,e kind you used to
—h eal t h does not Ret in country spring
have to be searched wf^de!rFiake SHut
for. Health comes to termilk. You’ll love the
you in the golden nug- of yd iow butter . of
gets of mellow butter course it’s real! Golden
m Flake is sold at grocery
that flavor W* y ,ores anf j home-de
/W livered. Order it At-
“Bright and Airy—the Daylight Dairy 9
1 i ‘
Riles Today
Nr .
Medical director of the United States
Veterans’ Bureau, who died recently at
Bedford, N. H., was buried this morning
at Arlington National Cemetery.
Funeral services were held yesterday
afternoon at the Presbyterian Church
at Bedford, and the body was accom
panied to Washington by members of
the family and Dr. Winthrop Adams,
personal representative of Brig. Gen.
Frank T. Hines, director of the Veterans’
Births Reported.
The following births have been reported
to the Health Department in the last 24
David and Rose Goodman, boy.
Martin I. and Elisabeth H. Cook. boy.
Eblnezer C. and Edith M. Musselmmn. boy.
Roland O. and Vida L. Penney, boy.
•William T. and Helen M. Bailey. boy.
Raymond L. and Josephine C. Taylor, boy.
Charles and Pauline FJchneider, boy.
Lemuel R. and Helen A. Hall. boy.
Clyde W. and Agnes C. Richards, boy.
William F. and Nettie O. Swift, boy.
Frank and H ebf cca Sandler, boy.
James A. and Lula K. Peterson, boy.
George D. and Grace Tebb*. girl.
Charles W. and Thelma Simpson, girl.
Wilbur and Valentine Joslln. girl.
Lorenzo S. and Bertha V. Sabin, girl.
William M. and Mary J. Eger. girl.
William E. and Mary L. Rowles. girl.
George F. and Mary E. Herde. girl.
Peter G. and Demitra Maggos. girl.
Stewart H. and Margaret Rltnour. girl.
Robert L. J. and Margaret T. Carmody,
Walter C. and Minnie I. Duke. girl.
John W. and Rose Dyer, girl.
George J. and Laura E. Geiger, girl.
Melvin J. and Florence L. Griggs. Doy.
Henry O. and Jennie Harris, boy.
Charles 8. and Frances Embrsy, boy.
William and Lydia Branson, boy.
James and Beatrice Lewis, boy.
Lawrence and Viola Johnson, boy.
James W. and Evelyn Mosley, boy.
Travis and Mildred White, boy.
Thomas H. and Anna L. Johnson, boy.
Deaths Reported.
The following deaths have been reported
to the Health Department in the last 24
Sarah H. Noyes. 80. 134# Monroe st. n e.
Lillian L. Herfurth. 88. 426 Delafleld pi.
Ida G. de Henwood. 69, Providence Hos
Nellie Grant. 40. Providence Hospital.
Hattie N. Giesler, 25. 2127 15th at. s.e.
David B. Bean. 2. 310 Randolph pi. n.e.
Charles Mann, 72, St. Elizabeth's Hospital.
Lena Butcher. 42. Providence Hospital.
'Minnie B. Furguson. 36. 1128 Ist st.
Ferdinand Turner. 34. Galllnter Hospital.
Mary Anderson. 29, 2040 Georgia ave.
William Jarvis, 12 days, Children's Hos
Retired Employe of The Evening
Star Had Completed Service
of 36 Tears.
Edward J. Gardner, 63 years old, 4000
Illinois avenue, who was a printer and
an employe of The Star for 36 years,
died at his home yesterday.
Mr. Gardner came to this country
from England, where he was born, and
entered the employ of The Star April
13. 1882. He was retired last Decern- |
ber 17, and his associates in the com- 1
posing room presented him with a !
clock on Christmas day as a token of j
Mr. Gardner is survived by his widow.
Mrs. Zaidee M. Gardner, and a son, Ed
ward D. Gardner of this city.
He was a member of the Holy Nam -1 i
Society and Columbia Typographical,
Funeral services will be held from i
the residence Friday at 9 a.m., followed
by mass at St. Gabriel’s Church at
i 9:30 o'clock. Interment will be in
■ Mount Olivet Cemetery. i
District of Columbia—Partly cloudy
, tonight; tomorrow generally fair and
■ somewhat warmer: gentle northerly
winds becoming variable.
Virginia—Mostly cloudy tonight and
tomorrow with showers in southeast
portion tonight, and possibly tomorrow
morning; somewhat warmer in the in
terior tomorrow; moderate shifting
i* winds becoming northerly.
West Virginia—Fair, somewhat cooler
in northeast portion tonight; tomorrow
fair and slightly warmer,
i Maryland Partly cloudy except
i showers on the coast tonight: tomorrow
generally fair, somewhat warmer, gentle
northerly winds.
Record for 24 Hours.
Thermometer—4 p.m., 72; 8 p.m., 72:
12 midnight, 69; 4 am., 68; 8 am., 68;
noon, 72.
Barometer—4 p.m.. 29.82; 8 p.m.
29.84; 12 midnight, 29.88; 4 a.m., 29.91-
8 a.m., 29.97; noon. 29.99.
\ temperature, 85. occurred at
l 2:30 -5 m ” y cst *rday; lowest tempera
ture, 68, occurred at 7:00 a.m., today.
Temperature same date last year—
Highest, 87; lowest, 67.
Tide Tables.
(Furnished by United States Coast and
Geodetic Survey.)
Tc> <l»y—L°w tide. 5:12 a.m., and 5:48
p.m.; high tide, 10:47 a.m. and 11:23
Tomorrow—Low tide, 5:52 a.m. and
6:24 p.m.; high tide, 11:27 a.m.
i The Sun and Moon.
n —® un rose :43 a.m.; sun sets
7:38 p.m.
. T °lToi?' oW ~ Sun Tlses 4:44 a.m,; sun
sets 7:38 p.m.
Moon rises 10:59 p.m.; sets 8:33 a.m.
Condition of the Water.
Great Falls—Very muddy.
Weather In Various Cities.
WTemperature »» "
*< 3; irr* }* 2.
i r|s? Pg
Stations. | |2|R »= weather.
*• ? «•
:: : P
Abilene, Tex..., 29.98 88 66 ”. .. Clear
£Jba.iy, It Y... 29.88 80 62 1.02 Pt.cioudy
Atlanta. Ga 29 98 72 64 0.90 Rain
Atlantic City . 29.92 80 70 048 Cloudy
Baltimore. Md.. 29.94 88 68 0.30 Cloudy
Birmingham ...29.96 74 70 Rain r
Bismarck. N. D. 29.84 72 48 0.01 Rain
Boston. Mass... 29.80 86 68 0.62 Cloudy
Bnffal o -, N - X. - 29 94 68 88 002 Rain
Charleaton. S.C 30 04 84 72 0.38 Cloudy
Chicago. 111.... 29.96 70 60 ....Clear
Cincinnati, Ohio 30.02 78 56 0.02 Clear
Cleveland. Ohio. 29:98 68 58 0.22 Clear
Columbia. 8. C. 30.02 82 68 0.12 Cloudy
Detroit, Mich... 29.96 76 58 .... Pt cloudy
Detroit. Mich... 29 90 76 58 ....Pt.cioudy
El Paso, Tex... 29.80 96 74 ....Clear
Galveston. Tex. 29 88 90 74 ....Clear
Helena. Mont .. 29.82 80 54 0.02 Clear
Huron. 8. Dak. 29.90 78 52 .... Cloudy
Indianapolis. Ind 30 00 76 60 ....Clear
JacksonvUle.Pla. 30.02 86 74 0.14 Cloudy
Kansas City. Mo. 29.98 80 64 Clear
Los Angeles 29 86 82 60 Cloudy
Louisville. Ky.. 30.04 76 62 ....Clear
Miami. Via 30.04 86 78 0.01 Pt.cioudy
New Orleans... 29.86 88 72 0.34 Cloudy
New York. N.Y. 29.90 80 66 1.08 Cloudy
Oklahoma City. 29.98 78 62 Clear
Omaha. Nebr.. 29 88 84 62 0.02 Cloudy
Philadelphia. Pa. 29 94 86 68 0.36 Cloudy
Phoenix. Ariz... 29.76 112 80 Clear
Pittsburgh, Pa.. 29.98 76 58 0.12 Clear
Portland. Me... 29.76 74 68 0.16 Cloudy
Portland, Oreg. 30.12 76 58 Cloudy
Raleigh. N. C. 30.02 86 66 0.20 Cloudy
Salt Lake City, 29.80 94 62 .... Clear
San Antonio... 29.92 90 70 Clear
Son Diego. Calif 29 84 74 60 Cloudy
San Francisco.. 29.88 76 54 .... Clear
Bt. Louis. MO.. 30.02 78 64 .... Clear
St. Paul. Minn. 29 98 72 50 0.04 Clear
Seattle. Wash.. 30.06 66 56 .... Cloudy
Spokane. Wash. 29.92 82 56 Clear
WASH., D. C... 29.96 85 68 1.01 Cloudy
(7 a.m., Greenwich time, today.)
Stations. Temperature. Weather.
London. England 52 Clear
Paris. France •.. 54 Cloudy
Berlin. Germany 54 Cloudy
Stockholm, Sweden 42 Cloudy
Gibraltar. Spain 66 Clear
(Noon. Greenwich time, today. 1
Korta (Fayal), Azores... 68 Part cloudy
(Current observations.!
Hamilton. Bermuda 80 Part cloudy
. San Juan. Porto Rico 80 Cloudy
Havana, Cuba 76 Clear
Colon, Canal Zone 78 Part cloudy
Wool Pool Brings In $29,044.17.
HARRISONBURG, Va„ June 25 (Spe
cial).—lndicative of the development
of the growth of co-operative market
ing as the salvation of Shenandoah
Valley farmers, the Rockingham Farm
Bureau's wool pool this year sold 72,000
pounds of fleece, as compared with
35,000 pounds a year ago. The pool
brought a total of 129,044.17 to the
VOR LOST ANIMALS, apply Animal Reseua
League. 349 Maryland ave. «.w. Main 8088.
MAN'S SUIT—CaII Atlantic! 137, 5:30 p.m?
i just.
BRACELET, allver link. Tuesday noon. Carl
ton Hotel or en route Medical Science Bldg,
via. 16th and L sts.; valued sentimental
value. Liberal reward if returned to Sky
lark Book Shop. 1621 K st. n.w. 27
BROOCH—WiII the party who found a dia
mond brooch in woodward & Ldthrop's
dressing room please call the lost and found
at Woodward & Lothrop’a?
BRINDLE BULLDOO, answers name of
Brownie. Phone Cleveland 1712-W. 27*
BUNCH OF KEYS in leather case, in city
or route to South River. Bunday. Communi
cate Mr. Crandall, National 8100, before 5
p.m.: reward.
EYEGLASSES —On Sunday between St".
Paul's Church. 15th and V *ts. and 14th
and U or on Takoma car. ahell-rim glasses
In Clafltn case. Reward If returned to
room 201. 1319 F. «
EYEOLABSES—At Georgia ave. car termi
nal, Takoma. lady’s tortolae-shell-rim glass
es. Reward. Address Box 185-C. Star
office. 28*
FRATERNITY FIN. name engraved “W. S.
Mayers.” Return to F. D. Mayers. 1843
Kaloramajrd. Reward,
PERSIAN CAT. orange and black: reward.
1734 New Hampshire ave. North 6209. 27*
POCKETBOOK-Lady’s black, folding, con
taining about S2O and papers, between 2nd
and Mass. ave. and 212 O st. n.w. Return
Mrs. Billinas. 212 O ait, n.w. Reward.
RINGS in public washroom Y. W. C. A.. 614
E st. n.w.. 2 diamond rings, one solitaire.
one Masonlc emblematic. Liberal reward. *
RINGS, in ladies' - room. Mayflower Hotel.
Sunday afternoon. One plain gold wedding
ring, initialed, and one antique gold ring
set with white stones. Liberal reward. Mrs.
W. M. Maloy. 1820 Eutaw place. Baltimore.
Telephone Lafayette 3612. 26*__
BCOTCH TERRIER, nearly black: short hair:
answers to name Tammle: vicinity Union
Station. Reward. 1508 H st. n.w. National
SETTER, white and black; female; answers
to name "Luby.” Lost about June 19 from
136 R. I. ave. n.w. Kindly call Decatur
2664. Liberal reward.
UMBRELLAS (2>. and children's raincoats
dropped from machine vicinity Belt rd. and
WATCH Man's open-face watch. Elgin
make; lady's picture la back. Reward.
1221 Ala, ave. s.e. . 27*
WATCII. white gold KamlUon. engraved
P. H. J.. Mt. Pleasant or Columbia Heights.
Return 3414 17th st. n.w. Phone Columbia
1662-J. Re ward. i *
D rk brindle, white chest, somewhere i
in Mount Pleasant. No collar or tag. |
Reward. CaU Mrs. Babcock, 1636
! '
Veteran Printer Dies
in i^i
Hl . m
Sixty-four From City Will Attend
State Convention Opening in
Richmond Tonight. ,
Special Dispatch to The Star
ALEXANDRIA, Va., June 26—A
local delegation of 64 Republicans left
here today by motor bus and in private
machines to attend the State conven
tion, which will be held at Richmond
tonight. The party included 31 dele
gates and 33 alternates, as follows;
Delegates Eugene Simpson, John
Barton Phillips, Mrg. Charles A. Strauss,
Samuel A. Haslett, Charles Dean, James
Rush, Kemp Rush, A. T. Peake, Robert
Hancock, Mrs. R. B. Henderson, E. E.
Carver. Mrs. Richard B. English, Mrs.
L. O. Hardin, Charles A, Strauss, J. D.
Brown, P. C. Knight. R. S. Luckett,
Mrs S. A. Haslett, R. B. English. O. B.
Angelo, Robert Whitestone, G. R.
Gaines, Mrs. E. F. Baldwin. 'L. O.
Hardin, W. R. Cline, O. A. Houston,
I J. A. Kretchmer) E. E. Hellmuth. Henry
Padgett. Mrs. C. C. Leadbeater and
T. P. Lloyd.
Alternates—Mrs. R. L. Agner, R. E.
Grover, Mrs. Reid, Maury W. Gaines,
Thomas Chauncey, C. Hupp,- J. Melvin
Whitestone, C. E. Welch, George Cole,
A. R. Wallerstadt, Mrs. G. R. Gaines,
Walter Pierpoint, H. H. Watkins,
Charles White. Joseph Haslett, Mrs. F.
C. Knight, Mrs. John Barton Phillips,
Spencer Forrest, Mrs. O. B. Angelo,
W. S. Schoenl, George H. Schwarz
mann, John Strauss, Mrs. M. Schlo
man, E. K. Thomasson, P. F. McCon
nell, Mrs. C. E. Welch, Mrs. E. E.
Carver, Leonard Miller, Frank Myers,
Harry Rudd, Gardner Lloyd, Mrs.
Maury Gaines and Mrs. Mary Lloyd,
Mrs. Mary Schriver Dead.
CUMBERLAND. Md„ June 26 (Spe
cial;.—Mrs. Mary Schriver, 89, widow
of Anthony Schriver and mother of
former City Commissioner Joseph S.
Schriver, died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. F. E. Zimmerman, East
Norwood, Ohio. Two other children
also survive, Edward J. Schriver, Ridge
ley, W. Va., and William M. Schriver,
this city.
Marriage Licenses.
Rudolph N. Bchilke, 26, and Evelyn M.
Howard, 21; Rev. Thomas A. Calnan.
Oeorce W. Douglass, 23, and Marsaret E.
Fastnaught. la; Rev. Henry W. Tolson.
Willie Gordon. 34, and Ethel Ellison, 29;
Rev. J. H. L. Washington.
John V. D. Sherlock, 28, and Theresa M.
Sturm, 27, both of Baltimore, Md.. Rev. Paul
L. Norris.
Marcus Plickinger, 21. Columbiana. Ohio,
and Anna Haas, 21, North Lima, Ohio; Rev.
. Allan P Poore.
Richard E. Waterhouse. Jr., 38. West Ndr
wick, R. 1., and Mary F. Robertson, 34, this
city; Rev. J. c. Palmer.
John W. Gaskins, 33, and Ruth S. Wright,
30; Rev. William A. Taylor.
Walter Davis. 21, and Marlon Skelton, 21,
both of Brentwood. Md.; Rev. Aquila Sayles.
Henry G. Turton., 29, Chevy Chase. Md..
and Anna M. Crown, 24, this city; Rev.
Frank X. Bischoff;
James Morris, 30. and Isabelle Washing
ton. 20; Rev. William L. Washington.
Clarence L. Bush, 38, and Bertha E. Norris,
27; Rev. M. W. Hyle.
John H. Olcott, 28. Glencarlyn. Va., and
Mary S. McAllister, 23, this city; Rev. J. J.
Charles Pahy. 36, Santa Pe, N. Mex„ and
Mary a. Lane, 28, this city; Rev. Thomas
A. Walsh.
Clarence W. Lentz. 24. and Roberta M.
Hennessy. 25: Rev. Joseph R. Sizoo.
James G Rennie. 33. Richmond. Va., and
Margaret R. Hutchison, 32, Pittsburgh, Fa.;
Rev. Robert W. Miles.
Russell Piste. 25. Xenia. Ohio, and Doro
thy Dinges, 19, Brentwoqd. Md.; Rev. L. I.
Arthur p. woods, 20. and Elsie M. Jenkins,
18, both of Vienna. Va.: Rev. John Huff,
i K; Fre *> 31. and Grace M. Womers
ley. 31; Rev. Samuel E. Rose.
Harold J. Taylor. 28. this city, and Fred
erica Norris, 24. Alta Vista, Md.; Rev. Wil
liam A. Lambeth.
Burnell C. Marshall. 27. Mount Sterling,’
Ky.. and Glenna K. Shumate, 31. McDowell,
Va ; Rev. Claire E. Hawthorne.
P. Dlegelman. 28. and Ellen O. Me-
Carthy, 30; Rev. Joseph F. Denges.
Matthew I Sacks. 27, and Hannah Statler.
21. both of Baltimore. Md.; Rev. X T. Loeb.
Louis Brisker. 31. and Sarah D. Pranklin,
24; Rev. George Silverstone.
„ O* ol .*' Tanner, 22. and Katherine L. Hall
ni »n- 1# : Rev. E. H. Meuser.
H . Sale. 2W, and Louise E. Steln-
Coun’cilor b ° th 01 Rlchmond * Va.; Rev - H. J
h 2 d P ple - «; •*»> Kathleen Litus.
haver th ot Sellmlul > Md.; Rev. J. C. Copen
of Slfanka.
°of M Mrs. E. M. Dodson
, Md :- wishes to thank her
K ° od friends for the kindness ex
tended her in her bereavement. »
Departed this life
Sunday. June 23. 1929, at St. Elizabeth's
k J °S N , V Yr ALEXANDER, the be
husband of Rosa Alexander. Funeral
Wednesday. Junt 26. at 2 o clock. frone
James H. Winslow Co.'s chapel. 12th and
f|ry *' il W ‘ lut * rme nt Wuodlawnr Ceme-
his residence. Berwyn.
!&*■*, IRVI £J° LEVI. beloved husband of
Charlotte Beardsley, axed 47 years. Fu
»«r»l irom his late residence Thursday.
27, it i p.m. Relatives and friends
invited. Interment Cedar H!U Cemetery.
B, MARV ALICE. On Tuesday. June 9 a 9 ' *L her J lome - MARY ALICE, be
loved daughter of Ray D. and Alice Nobla
Brown. Funeral Thursday. June 27, at
2 Din., from Roly Comforter Church,
Vienna. Va. (Syracuse and Tully, N. Y.,
papers please copy.)
CARPENTER. JOHN S. On Monday. June
24. 1929, Rear Admiral JOHN S. CAR
PENTER. Supply Corps. U. S. Navy, be
loved husband of Charlotte Clark Car
penter. Services at his late residence. 417
4th at. n.w., June 27. at 10:30 am. Inter
ment in Arlington Cemetery. 26*
C £. ASE : MARIA. Departed this life on
Tuesday. June 25, 1929. at her residence.
1230 4th st. n.w.. MARIA CHASE. She
leaves to mourn her departure one broth
er, two nieces, one nephew. Remains
resting at Wm. T. Tolbert's funeral par
lors. 1308 6th st. n.w. Notice of funeral
later. 27*
CORLEY. MARGARET L. On Tuesday. June
25. 1929. MARGARET L . beloved daughter
of Albert P. and Mary B. Corley, aged 20
years. Funeral from her late residence.
1245 V st. s.e., on Thursday, June 37. at
8:30 a.m. Mass at St. Theresa’s Church.
13th and V sts. s.e., at 9 a.m. Relatives
and friends Invited. Interment Mt. Olivet
EASTON. LOL'ISE M. At her residence on
Wednesday. June 26. 1929. LOUISE M,
EASTON. Funeral from her late resi
dence, 1701 Park road n.w., on Pridev,
June 28. st. 1:30 p.m,. thence to Bt.
Stephens' Episcopal Church. 16th and New
ton sts. n.w.. where services will be held
at 2 p.m. Interment Rock Creek Ceme
tery. 27
FRY, WILLIAM A. On TUMday, June 25.
1929. at Emergency Hospital. WILLIAM
A. FRY. aged 77 years, husband of Jennie
C. Fry. Funeral, private, from Deal's
parlors. Thursday. June 27. at 10 a.m. In
terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. •
Saturday morning, June 22, 1929.
Wednesday. June 26. at 2 p.m.. from New
man's undertaking parlor. 637 Tea st.
n.w. Interment Lincoln Cemetery. Friends
invited. Rev. D. E. Wiseman officiating.
GARDNER, EDWARD J. On Tuesday. June
35. 1929. at hts residence. 4000 Illinois
I ave. n.w., EDWARD J. GARDNER, be'oved
(husband 'of Zaidee M. Gardner. Funeral
from his late residence Fridsv. June 38.
rt 9 a.m,. thence to St Gabriel * Church,
where mass will be sung st 9:30 (Dm. for
the repose of hts soul. Interment Mount
OUvet Cemetery. 82
D catty a.
G4RI.ICK. WILFRED E. On Mondsy. June
24. 1929. after a. Hovering lllnes*. WIL
FRED 8.. the beloved husband of Bertha
C. Garlick of 233 12th place n.e. Funeral
from the chapel of J. William Lee s Son*.
332 Pa. ave. n.w,. on Thursday. June ?7.
st 2 o'clock p.m. Relatives e.nd friend
Invited to attend. Interment in Cedar Hill
Cemetery. , 20
GARLTCK. WILFRED E. A specidl com-
I muntcation of Myron M. Parker tartar.
No. 27. F. A. A. M . Is called for 113 p.m
I Thursday. June 27, 1929. lor the purpose
! of attending the funeral of our lat?
| brother, WILFRED E. OARLICK.
VAN W. ROBERDS. Master. 26*
HAIRSTON. CLIFTON 1.. On Monday. June
24. 1929. s t his residence. 4506 Douglas *•.
n.e.. CLIFTON L. HAIRSTON, husband of
Nellie Perry Hairston and father of Helen
O. and Clifton P. Hairston Funeral from
his late residence Wednesday. June 26. rt
I r o'clock pm. (private).- interment Fri
j day at Mattoon. 111. >
I of Irving J. Henderson. 1868 Monroe rt.
i n.w. Funeral Thursday. June 27. at 1:43
j p.m. from the above address. Interment
l Arlington National Cemetery.
neral from W W. Deal's funeral home.
816 H st n.e.. on Thursday. June 27. at
1:30 pm., thence to St. Sophias Greek
Church. Bth and L sts n.w,. where serv
ices will be held at 2 p.m. Interment
Oienwood Cemetery.
1929, at the residence of her daughter.
Mrs. Lula V. Nofsinger. Cockeysville. Md-
MARGARET ANN <nee Biggs'. her 84th
year, beloved wife of the late Levi B. Kid
well. Funeral services at the Wippert
Mortuary. Baltimore and Monroe sts.. Bal
timore. Md.. on Thursday morning at 11
o'clock. Interment and services Oak Hill
Cemetery Temple, Washington, D. C., at
1:30 p.m.
j KOHL. MARY ANNIE. Suddenly, on Mon
day. June 24. 1929. MARY ANNIE KOHL
(nee Ruppert). beloved mother of Louisa
•teiner and Rose McCoHotigh. Funeral
from the residence of her daughters Mrs.
Rose MeCollouyh. 19 P st. n.e.. on Thurs
day. June 27. at 9 a.m Requiem mass at
the Church of the Immaculate Conception
at. 9:30 o'clock. Relatives and friends in
vited. Interment Bt. Mary's Cemetery. •
Lt’CKETT. ARTHUR. Departed this life
Tuesday. June 25, 1929. at 8:05 p.m . at
his residence. 21 N st. s.e.. ARTHUR
LUCKETT. age 58 years, beloved husband
of the late Fannie Luckett. He leaves to
mourn their loss ten children. Francis.
Rev. Arthur Luckett. Jr.: Dorothy. Harry.
Edward. Earl. Grace. Oscar. Daniel and
Mrs. Ruth Lightfoot; five grandchildren
and a host of other relatives and friends
Notice of funeral later. *
MARSHALL. MARY. On Sunday. June 23,
1929. MARY MARSHALL, devoted mother
of Miss Emily Purnell of New York City.
Notice of funeral hereafter. Remains
resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis Co. fu
neral parlors. 2222 Oa. ave. n.w.
NEWMAN. ELLA W. Departed this life on
Tuesday. June 25. 1929. after a short ill
ness. ELI,A. the, devoted wife of the late
Thomas A. Newman. She leaves to mourn
two devoted children. Thomas and Oer
trude. and other relatives and friends.
Funeral from her late residence. No. 49
O st. n.w., Saturday. June 29. at 2 o clock.
Interment at Payne's Cemetery. 27*
OWENS. WILLIAM H. Departed this life
Monday. June 24. 1929. after a brief illness,
in full triumph of Christian fdith. WIL
LIAM H. OWENS, devoted husband of
Mary Oliva Owens, father of Pearl. Earl,
Dorothy and Ruby Owens and Evelytl
Clements, brother of Mri. Essie Holmes.
Mrs. Florence Brooks and Mr. Clinton
Young and loving uncle of Gertrude Wal
lace. Funeral Thursday. June 27, at 1:30
o'clock, from Galbraith A. M. E. Church.
6th st. between L and M sts. n.w.. Rev.
W. D. 3attle officiating. Remains resting
at 18 Fenton pi. n.w.
RHONE. ADA CHANEY. Departed this life
on Mondav. June 24, 1929, at her residence.
2488 Phillips ct n.w.. ADA CHANEY
RHONE, beloved wife of Ma.i. Soottsey
Rhone and daughter of the late Thomas
and Mary Chaney. Funeral Thursday. June
27. at 2 pm.. Rev. C. C. Williams,
officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial
Cemetery. Remains resting at Jenifer a
funeral parlor, 1115 22nd st. n.w.
SMITH. ELIZA. On Tuesday. June 25. 1929.
ELIZA SMITH, wife of the late Jamea
Albert Smith, devoted mother of Blanche
Green. Daisy Shorts. Mary Burnette and
William Smith, sister of Laura Richwine,
Henry Thomas and Carrie Beryman.
Notice of funeral hereafter. Remains
resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis Co. fu
neral parlors. 2222 Ga. ave. n.w.
SUTTON. CORA L. Mondsy. June 24. 192*.
CORA L. SUTTON, wife of John W. Sutton
of Oakton. Va. Funeral from Oakland
Methodist Church. Oakton. Va.. start
ing from J. C. Ives' funeral home. In
Clarendon. Va.l at 12:30. June 27. Rela
tives and friends invited.
TAVLOR. WILLIAM (BULL). Departed thlg
life Tuesday. June 25. 1929. at his resi
dence. 108 M st. s.w.. WILLIAM TAYLOR.
He leeves to mourn hts departure a devoted
friend. Hattie Mason: two brothers, one
MXter and a host of other relatives and
friends. Remain* Testing at the John T.
Rhlnes funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts,
s.w Notice of funeral later.
TOWLES. JULIA V. On Tuesday. June 35,
1929. at the residence of her mother. Mrs.
Mary Craven. 1725 De Sales st. n.w.. JULIA
V. TOWLES (nee Craven), wife of John R.
Towles. Funeral services at St. Matthew s
Church, R. L ave. near Conn., where mass
will be offered on Thursday. June 27, at
9 a.m. Interment Mt. Olivet Cemetery.
1 WRIGHT. RAYMOND M. On Tuesday. June
25. 1929. at his residence. 1224 6th st. a.w..
RAYMOND M., beloved son of John H. and
Louisa Wright, in the 49th year of hit age.
Funeral from above residence on Friday.
June 28. at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends
invited to attend. Interment at Cedar Hill
Cemetery. *7
Iti fHrotortam.
PINKNEY, AMANDA. In loving memory of
our dear mother. AMANDA PINKNEY (nee
Marlowe), who departed this life June 26,
. Only a memory of by-gone dayg
And a sigh for a face unseen.
But a constant feeling that Ood alone
Knows Just what should hare been.
Your lore for us was strong and true.
Such love could come from none but you.
A memory that lingers far and near
In those you held and loved so dear. «
We question, why did you have to got
And yet it is only for God to know.
It’s Just seven years ago today
Since from our midst you passed away.
But time in Its flight cannot erase
Our one desire to see your sweet face.
There are stars that go out In the dark
But whose silvery light shines on;
There are roses whose fragrance still lingers
When the blossoms are faded and gone.
There are hearts full of light and aweet
When no longer their life current flows,
StlU their sweetness lives on with the liv
Like the souls of the star and the rose.
SMITH. MAGDALENE M. In sad and low
ing remembrance of my dear niece.
MAGDALENE M. SMITH, who entered
into eternal rest June 26, 1926.
The month of June once more is here.
For us the saddest of the year.
Because three years ago today
My dear niece passed away
Joseph F« Birch's Sons
30.14 M St, N.W. BSSJOPJS
Phone Lincoln 372.
Funeral Director Private Ambulaneo
641 H St. N.E. Line. 5543
Neither the guccetsors ot nor connected
with the original W. R. Speare establish-
PlTone Frank. 6623 H St. N.W.
Formerly 9t6 F St. N.W.
Wm. H. Sardo & Co,
Private Limousine Ambulance
Lincoln S2A
Succeeding the original W. R. Speare CD
1623 Connecticut Ave.
Potomac 4600
3 years at 180 S H at.. 43 years at Ml P it.
Quick. Dignified. Efficient Service.
Automobile Servict Chapel
W. W. Deal & Co.
316 H ST. N.E. LINCOLN 3100.
Frank Geier’s Sons Co.
1113 SEVENTH ST. N.W. M a : n 9Al’\
Modern Chapel. Telephone lw * ln J
1337 10th Bt. N.W Phone North 47.
132 PA. AVE. N.W. NATIONAL 1384. 1333.
Prompt Auto Delivery Service.
Gude Bros. Co.. 1212 F St.
ERATE PRICES. TEL. M. 106 and M. 341A.
Open Evenings & Eye
and Sundays '
Beautiful Floral Designs
$5 and up.
Choke lots and si tea far salt.
tyanlUsa S 3 per month.