OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, November 17, 1929, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1929-11-17/ed-1/seq-8/

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Deputy Says Organizer Had
Asked Workers to Be
Ready for Trouble.
By the Associated Press.
MARION. N. C.. November 16-
Testimony that Alfred Hoffman, or
ganizer for the United Textile Workers
of America, had told union members
in the CUnchfield mill village to be
ready for trouble in the Marion Manu
facturing Co. village, a mile away, and
when called to come prepared, was
ruled out of his trial with four others
on charges of rebellion against the
State and conspiracy to riot today.
The charges against Hoffman. W. E. S.
Towler. Del Lewis. Lawrence Hogan and
Hugh Hall grew from disorders in the
Marion Manufacturing Co. mill village
during textile strikes here last Summer.
Six men were killed in a riot on Oc
tober 2. which climaxed the disorders.
Ben Hendley, a deputy sheriff, gave
the testimony which Judge G. V.
Cowper. presiding, ruled out. Hendley
told of Hoffman maing a speech to the
Clinchfield mill union members and
related that at one point he said:
“I want you to stay prepared so that
any minute when we send a rushing
automobile over to Clinchfield and give
the sign you can come to East Marlon
and come prepared."
Clash of attorneys over admittance
of the testimony and Judge Cowper's
ruling upon it featured today's brief
session of court before it was adjourned
over Sunday.
Judge Cowper held it was necessary
to assume the meaning of the order in
an effort to find any suggestions the !
strikers should resort to illegal effort
and therefore the testimony was in
Further testimony relating to an as- j
sault by strikers upon workmen at the ;
Marion Manufacturing Co. mill on 1
Julv 17 came from Hendley, who oe- |
cupied the witness stand throughout ,
the session.
Maj. Somervell Is Expected to
Know Findings Next
Maj. Brehon Somervtll, District en
gineer for the War Department for the
Washington area, proposes to make his
decision on the application of the Sun
Oil Co. of Philadelphia for authority
to construct a wharf just north of the
Key Bridge and Rosslyn, Va., about the
middle of this week.
The United States Engineer Office
now has under consideration the va
rious expressions of opinion for and
against this project that have come in
as the result of Maj. Somervell's recent
letters inviting comment. E. J. Mer
rick. Jr., civil engineer, who handles the
preliminary work on the application, is
now out of the city on an official in
spection trip, relating to the fourfold
investigation of the Potomac River
basin, authorized by Congress, bearing
on hydro-electric development, flood
control, irrigation and navigation.
Mr. Merrick is scheduled to return to
Washington early next w'cek. As Maj.
Now She Want* to Tell Othera
About the Wonder Medicine,
Miller’* Herb Extract.
There is not a day passes that
some one does not come forward
! with a statement of praise for this
great medicine, and druggists say
it has proven to be the most satis
factory medicine they ever sold. As
one remarked the other day, it
seemed to him as though half the
people in Washington were using
Miller's Herb Extract (formerly j
called Herb Juice).
Mt ‘ Pt M l LOVE.
Mrs. Pearl Love, 1208 31st Street
N.W.. said a few days ago: "I know
Miller’s Herb Extract has made me
a well woman again and I want to
tell every sufferer that here is a
medicine they can depend on. I j
was in a bad shape when I began ]
using it and nothing I used helped j I
at all. Rheumatism and neuritis
caused me great pain, my hands
and limbs seemed as though they j
were asleep and I would have soells
of weakness and could hardly stand !
j up. food I ate did not digest, but j
1 instead soured on the stomach, caus
ing it to swell and bloat. I was con
tinually belching up a sour bile and
for days at a time my stomach was
so sore I could hardly stand to touch
it. Chronic constipation made it j
j necessary for me to take a strong |
! laxative, which In most cases only
! upset me and caused me a great
deal of suffering with nervous head
aches. My daughter-in-law advised
me to try the Herb Extract (for- ,
merly called Herb Juice* and I can- ;
! not praise it too highly, as it has j
simply made a new person out of
I me. No longer do I suffer with those
stomach pains as I did in the past;
all signs of numbness, also rheu- j
matic and other pains are gone:
food agrees with me, and I feel
■ stronger in every way. This Herb
i Extract acts wonderfully on the
bowels, also liver; carries off the
body poisons and relieves that tired, !
sluggish, worn-out feeling. No one
can realize the true value of this
medicine until they have given it a
1 trial, and I urge every one in poor
j health to give It a trial.”
Owing to the great demand for
I Miller's Herb Extract (formerly
i railed Herb Julre) we have found It
' necessary to place another repre
| sentatlve in Washington. These men.
who are here to explain this great
! medicine, are located at store No. 2.
565 7th Street N.W'., and store No. 9. |
31st and M Streets (Georgetown), of
I the Peoples Drug Stores. If yon are
, not enjoying good health stop at one
| of these stores today and learn how
i this famous medicine has helped
i thousands here In Washington.
Somervell will be out of the city on |
official business early next week, he will
be unable to pass on the application of
the Sun OU Co until his return on
Wednesday or Thursday.
Numerous complaints against the i
, grant ing of the permit have been re- j
! reived in Maj. Somervell's office, in- j
I eluding °ne from Lieut. Col. U. S.
I Grant, 3d. vice chairman and executive
I officer of the National Capital Park and I
Planning Commission. On the other
hand, adjacent, property owners are
urging Maj. Somervell to grant the j

Norway is planning highways to con- t
nect all'its large cities.
ItouicMtorv S
=ssssssssss=ssss i 8 , i l | gsgs=JTTT M "ii■ 11 1 1„ 1 i , ■■BBMBMBBBgHMMf This great sale is reaching its final stages. Liquida
This Merchandise on Sale at The Julius Lansburgh Furniture Co., 909 F St., Only Furnit
■■■ j -.I - “Kroehlcr” Frieze Mohair and Rugs of their own high grade stock that permits
I■ ■ - —1 " " | ''' ——: —I S M , HJB 191 |nf ' r-. '-. An attractive suite at a very remai
. wrn low-price. Note the mahogany wood 1
3-Pc. All-Over Mohair New Style Living Room Suite Ud SSSS
A suite that will meet the demands of the most discriminating furniture shopper ornamentation *i'" oT- c '® < '* , "' P ° r
Three luxurious pieces, upholstered all over in attractive mohair. X A ttS/U? SSSS tT ”
"ompri,- l".’— A
tailored hems, 40 to 45 inches in width. Each 4-PC. Poster BedrOOm Suite Os Walnut
- £ This suite is decidedly low priced. It combines attractive- *"""
Blankets and Cxomtorts ness with moderate pricing. As pictured, large poster bed, M m T> T T O C • II „
French vanity, deck chest of drawers rnd large dresser. Made I /\§ Kit tN dDecially rncek
High-grade Fluffy All-wool Blankets. of genuine walnut veneer over gum foundation. Attractively JL. JUtd f «M» wL 1 J
66x80 carved and_finished. -■ - - Lustrous Deep-Pile Axminster F
Heavy Sateen Comforts, dainty floral patterns with JM.95 4-Pc. Walnut-Veneer Bedroom Suitesl Os) , 9xi2 . .s3l
plain border in rose, blue, gold, green and orchid *1 Dreiser, French Vanity, Chest and Double Bed vlfllvU’A 8.3x10.6 3i
10-Pc. Walnut-Veneer Dining Room Suite |fj,S . Me *......
osrsrs ,-srvs UMPN *l9- 7S sl2-75 iJ“J
ft. extension table, large buffet, china cabinet, inclosed ■ ■ W V Jm georgette shade. gJ . 1 Continuous post wood-finished JL I(J
rhairc and I armrahir. -JBL. jh*| I <3 rHU cane panel metal bed, comfort- „ .... „
server, 3 stoe cnairs ana l annuim. Mi> I | I Tin ft„t *nrimr anrt *ll -rot- Has compartment* for sta- 5 drawer
*|s?B JtagniScent WSO 10-Piec<i Mah^any
j|| !••■ ••• it I Mahogany An- DUfICBII ■ nylC tvOOffl Just the suite when unexpected guests arrive
» b wei* The cabinet makers' art is illustrated in the very for it serves as an extra bed
ff /jTW as attractivenesj. highest degree in this magnificent suite. A suite Three handsome pieces upholstered in genuine mo-
F 6-Pc. Massive fj that you will enthuse over and will make a grand |L W/M hair. Includes a large davenport, easily converted into ■ ■ J
Walnut Veneer addition to your home furnishings. Consists of a / Z-L a full size bed, dub chair and fireside chair. Loose I
1 r» , i « double pedestal Duncan Phyfe table, serving table, M W reversible spring cushions, with handsome modernistic I W
IL iijijiil r>eUrOOm milic Hi» china cabinet, f/i-inch buffet. 5 side chairs and 1 design moquette ott reverse side. *
ill f Illgn Ddtb armchair. This suite is embellished with graceful carvings Constructed
1 ' *«fso *tr IVJ r**L. o i of SP,erted grain mahogany veneer on hardwood foundation. The chairs are The same Suite, upholstered in two-tone rose and <g» < P
/ 7 : r ' , richly upholstered in As a Thanksgiving special, you are offered taupe Jacquard Velour, 3 pieces afl) J
i 1.. I.'?! A'' . . i Colorful cretonne upholstered “You’ve W€lcOTTl€ to Cl V I / n /l/l Ip C! ■/
woven construction. ™ ht " Charge Account” J-jTXL/CHICC Vl/i 7 if* *3^o
l* ~
“Al” Capone’s Reputed Lieutenant
Held on Conspiracy Charge.
HAMMOND. Ind., November 16 (/P).
' —Phillip Callendar, reputed chief lieu
tenant in the Calument district for Al
•Scar Capone, yesterday w'as
brought from Chicago under heavy
guard and placed under SIOO,OOO bond
i on charges of implication In the North-
I ern Indiana vice and liquor conspiracy
i rases. The bond is said to be the high
! est ever set here.
Callendar was arrested three week*
ago at his Burnham Inn In Burnham.
111., Chicago suburb, and has been held
incommunicado at Chicago since then.
He will be arraigned some time next
PVnir deputy United States marshals
and four Department of Justice agents,
armed with shotguns, brought Callen
dar to Hammond.
Seaplanes Land on Sails.
Seaplanes have successfully landed
upon and taken off from large sails
dragged on the surface of the water by
moving vessels in experiments in Ger-
Mexican Jury Votes to Free Ac
cused Slayer of Husband.
MEXICO CITY. November 16
Bv a vote of 6 to 3 a Mexican criminal
court jurv last night acquitted Bernice
Russ of Louisville. Ky., on a charge of
murder of her common law husband.
Genaro Benavent. Since the verdict
was not unanimous, the magistrate re
ferred the case to a superior court and
committed the American woman to fur
their custody.
If the superior court does not raitfy
: the acquittal she will be subject to re-
I trial, this procedure being usual under
Mexican law.
Miss Russ wws believed to be the first
American woman charged with murder
in Mexico and brought to trial. She
claimed to have shot Benavente after
he had mulcted her savings from her.
Earliest Clocks.
Some of the earliest clocks had no
dials. Only the hourly strikings told
the time.
m -■ —-
Interest in commercial aviation in
Mexico is very strong.
French Attache Suspended for Part
In Obtaining Document.
PARIS. November 16 (/P). —Count de
Noblet DAnglure. an attache of the
French foreign office, yesterday was
p’aced on the Inactive list for two years
because of the part he was alleged to
have played in the publication of an
official document. Earlier an investigat
ing magistrate had ruled there was no
ground for prosecuting the count on
charges of espionage and plotting
nrniTimm ifilm itn'lTmmnimllllinrimrminl'rrmf
against the security of the stat
The count is alleged to ha'
Harold Horan, an American net
man. to obtain a document p«
to be a secret naval agreement
France and England. Horan
pelled from France more thai
No Full Moon in Monl
February. 1866, was in one re
most remarkable month in th
history. It had no full moon.
—, —•— ——- ■■
Coal mines of
creasing their output.

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