14 MORROW SHOWS HIMSELFUBERAL Naval Conference Envoy Is Revealed as Keen Judge of Men. BY WILLIAM HARD. Mr. Dwight W. Morrow, Ambassador Mexico, delegate to the London Naval •onference and prospective Senator ~om New Jersey, made a remarkable jeech yesterday to the Washington rwspaper organization called “Overseas ’Vriters.” but, since the rules of “Over "as Writers" forbid the printing or re lating of anything said by anybody • ho addresses the club, the reporting f Mr. Morrow's speech of yesterday be omes quite a problem. This writer has decided to solve this roblem by reporting a few things that Ir. Morrow did not say to “Overseas i riters," but that this writer has heard im say on previous and other occa ons. By this method some light will ? shed anyhow on Mr. Morrow's char ter and disposition as a public man i the numerous capacities to which he as attained. To begin with, it remains an aston hment that this New York lawyer and inker continues to be so completely a beral and so completely a believer in holly popular government. Mr. Mor >w, in praise of the American states lan, John Adams, long ago said: “For the divine right to rule, whether ! aimed by King or Parliament or party, i :>hn Adams substituted the divine, in- i right of the people to grow.’’ | There is barely a doubt that Mr. farrow in the Senate will classify as a j beral. Just as clearly as Mr. Grundy f Pennsylvania will classify as a con- j ’rvative. Will Favor Deliberation. It seems further quite certain that | Ir. Morrow in the Senate will not be ] imong those demanding changes in enatorial procedure for the purpose of nacting legislation without debate. On he contrary, Mr. Morrow during the .eague of Nations debate in the Sen uay^urmtwreStoren^^^^ I tomorrow we offer all that is i left of iso\ J2S- \ m \ k *oNE« A welist a \ ° few of the hundreds of specials you will find $49.50 Secretary Desk and Bookcase $24.75 Veneered with genuine (rained mahogany aver mmvood. $29.50 32x48 Gate-Leg Tables .$14.75 Os finest make veneered English brown mahogany. $19.50 Finest Floor and Bridge Lamps.... .$9.75 Marble trimmed basea at.d handsome shades of reorgette or parchment. $12.50 Fireside Benches $6.25 M Inches lone* with heavy metal base and upholstered velour seat. $29.75 Chinese Red Decorated Tea Wagon. .$14.88 With rnbber-tlred wheels and removable glass tray. $49.50 Finest Walnut-Finish Genuine Cedar Chests $24.75 45 and 48 inch length. Choice of cedar or walnut. $29.50 Coxwell Easy Chairs $14.75 Soft soring seats and backs covered with 2-tone Jacquard velours and tapestry. $5.95 Priscilla Sewing Cabinets $2.98 Os gnmwood. finished In brown mahogany. $2.00 to $3.00 Specials—Fancy Pi110w5...... 89c Damask table scarfs—magazine baskets—smoking stands and end tables. $129.00 Overstuffed 3-Piece Living Room Suite $64.50 Covered with fine-grade velour. Spring construction; fully guaranteed. $29.50 Very Finest Tables $14.75 Your choice of davenport tables—occasional tables—period console tables of finest woods, walnut, mahosany and maple veneers. $350.00 Exquisite 10-Pc. Period Dining Room Suite $175.00 fid-inch massive buffet—canopy rhlna cabinet—lnclosed server, table and set of fi chairs with upholstered seats. $39.50 Famous Inner Coil Spring-Filled Mattress $19.75 Hlrhly resilient roil units and pure layer felt. 10-year guarantee. All alzes. $198.00 Complete 4-Pc. Bedroom Suite. . . .$99.00 Os fine woods and genuine walnut veneer, beautiful dresser. Princess vanity dresser, rhrst of drawers and new-stylr bed. A quality aulto. $29.50 Wardrobes and Roomy Chiflorobes. .$14.75 Os gumwond. American walnut finish. $22.00 Finest 25-Yr. Guaranteed Coil Bed Springs $ll.OO M tempered steel colls with spring-fled tops. All alze*. | LOW TERMS © I STORES Main Store, 827-829 7th St. N.W. Store No. 2,1213 Good Hope Road S.E . ate was one of the few pro-League Americans to stand up and say that the subject was an enormously compli cated and difficult one and that the Senate ought to take its full time to debate it thoroughly. From this prece dent it may be safely calculated that Mr. Morrow will turn out to be a rather old-fashioned American Senator in the direction of wanting complete senatorial deliberation before putting legislative ideas into the statute books. Further, as a delegate to the Lon don conference. Mr. Morrow, it may be safely anticipated, will go in very heav ily for personal persuasion and not so heavily for wTitten argument. This writer recollects that, when Mr. Mor row was about to depart for the first time to Mexico City, he remarked to a friend: “I never met a Latin American law yer who, in written argument, couldn’t argue himself all around me or anv other lawyer from north of the Rio Grande. When I get to Mexico I’m going in for personal conferences and not for notes.” Keen Judge of Men. That certainly showed a keen judg ment of the qualities of the people with whom Mr. Morrow was going to nego tiate and some hard common sense about how to avoid getting promptly licked by them. At London the British, Accommodations For Business People Near Union Station and Capitol The New Bellevue Hotel 15 E Street N.W. Rooms with private bath available at month ly rates of $30.00 to $39.50. Corner suites $77.50 to $87.00. THE SUNDAY STAR. WASHINGTON, D. C., DECEMBER 22. 1929—PART OXE. ■ I who themselves are pretty good at per ■ sonal conference, will find in Mr. Mor row an expert. One final remark of Mr. Morrow's, > which he did not make at “Overseas Writers,” will further indicate his con ception of diplomacy, whether in pri vate or in public life. This WTiter heard Mr. Morrow once say: “It is not a formula, it is a person ality, that makes success in anything anywhere.” Eloquent Speech "Lost.” Mr. Morrow is a man who Is short, 1 with very small hands and very small i feet, and a large body and a very large head. The contrast between his diminutive hands and feet and his ■■■ ■—! * I II I I II 111 HIM ——— I C ■-f CUuptabU and flpptcptiafa l \§m) parent Obtaintthltl mcmy~ saving prices] _ \ This Christmas spread good cheer by sending your Wl Js' \f " ':■■■' ■■ . fl:' "v friends and loved ones packages of pure, delicious candies. Ww//M? J Almost everyone likes candy . . . especially good candy m\mW ‘. . . and in our stores you are assured of the utmost in quality and purity regardless of your selection. ; i , With a Warm Reception by Candy Lovers ! ! Einwlf Gold Craft Chocolates KrvV biCvVl W PmtP* Better candy cannot be bought at any price because GOLD CRAFT 0 \'A*.Chocolates y\ Chocolates are made as good as good candy can be made. You, too, v ||KhuVI ~(/j‘ yf ('/Hwl * n pa - ckage ° f CRAFT is an incomparable assortment JRjjgf/ \. IJ Pound Box 6Qq 2-Pound Box §1,60 S-Pound Box $4 I f Assorted Chocolates MM Assorted ChTcofatesWk Home-Made Candies I 11.tax49c2-li.box9sc fS®|- ch t sP e"? d $ &j$ H. iox49c2-lb-tox9sc I 5-lb. box The economical family package. Such de- 5-lb. box 2 == I Everybody likes this delicious candy. nut to P s » cocoanut creams, nut nouga- delicious assortment of choco- Each package contains an assortment of tines, lemon patties, strawberry caramels, marshmallows, almonds, cher- creams and caramels will late covered iruits, nuts and creams, ries, nougats and other tempting pieces be found in this beau- J&jar/Mf together with tempting bonbons and ... all coated with a tempting vanilla tiful 5-lb. package. ® ... _ T j • flavored dark chocolate. A splendid candy Other specialties, racked in attrac- I that is very low priced. tive Holida y Greeting Boxes. \ J#*" / \ New 1929 Crop I is. 29c s-n. an >IM r , . . Georg,a Paper Shell | In our opinion, this is one of the very finest PECANS I filled hard candies made. Dainty cuts with tempting centers of fruits., chopped nuts, pure 'A mt fruit jellies and marmalades. frejft lb. 49C 2 lbs. 95C " Specially selected, full meat pecans, gathered ■ tv Clk #* SI from the new 1929 crop and shipped direct to us. ■ O-10. till 1 Sampler These are exceptionally high grade nuts with I A favorite, old-time mixture, made of highest I-lb. S LSO 2-lbs. $ 3 3-lbs. s 4 _ so S-lbs. $750 Very Sh , ellS ' ? e “‘T'T ’T jf' l’ I quality sugar and purest imported flavors. A * v Vs &u possible due to our large contract placed In ad- ■ delicious candy for the little folks .. . absolutely Prestige vance with the growers. Get your supply at I P“re. 1-tb. $2 2-lbs. $4 one of our stores. Ij Myra Monet Pleasure Island r l C nlt-od AT«#f I Hard Candies sus ° 2Ah ’ ** tresh baited Nuts I Ur. in, 29c n.».f3 I These pure sugar hard handles wdll r• 1 * V 4 3Sc }/$ lb, 3Sc lb, 3Sc I prove a welcome addition to your stock of * 3r .. _- ~ .. ~ __ Christmas candles. Many different flavors Jp. A I4b sl ■ / lib. $1.29 lib. $1.29 lib. $1.29 I “All Over Town”—The Better to Serve You ■ powerful and forceful head and face is • startling. He made today one of the most eloquent speeches of his career, not , one line of which will ever be printed, and it is only appropriate that some of his wisdom from other should at the same time be recorded. (Copyright. 1929.) •— Bulgaria Feels Quake. SOFIA, Bulgaria, December 21 (/P). — An earthquake of some severity was felt in Bulgaria at 11:20 p.m. last night. Due to rupture of telephonic and tele graphic communication, nothing was known of effects of the shock in the provinces. DEVELOPMENT PAMPHLET PUBLICATION ASSURED Speeches Outlining Work in Capital for Next Decade Will Be Compiled. Addresses delivered in the auditorium of the United States Chamber of Com merce last April on various plans for development of the Capital will be printed in document form by Congress. Publication of such a pamphlet was assured yesterday when the Senate, on motion of Senator Vandenberg, Repub lican of Michigan, approved a resolution previously acted on by the House. Sen ator Vandenberg explained that the document would represent a summary of the improvements planned for Wash ington during the next decade. The April meetings at the Chamber of ] Commerce were arranged by Secretary of the Treasury Mellon for official Washington. - • When a talking picture in a foreign language was recently presented in Budapest, Hungary, theater directors informed the public authorities that if permission was again given for pres entation of films in a foreign language they would close their theaters. BILL AFFECTS VETERANS. Capper Measure on Guardianship Follows Uniform-Law Model. Chairman Capper of the Senate Dis trict committee introduced a bill yes | terday recommended by the United States Veterans’ Bureau, to amend por tions of the District code relating to guardianship of incompetent veterans and dependent minor children of vet erans. The measure also would serve to | make uniform throughout the country ; the laws concerning incompetent vet- | erans and the minor dependents of t veterans who are receiving benefits from the Federal Government. The bill embodies the features of the uniform veterans’ guardianship act, as proposed by the commissioners on uni form State laws, and approved by the American Bar Association, the Ameri can Legion and other service organisa tions. Yonngster Is Clever Swimmer. MADEIRA (N.A.N.A.). —Amphibian is j a mild word for the 3-year-old ! wonder of Madeira. He is almost a fish. I He does every kind of stroke, breast, ; Trudgeon. crawl and the rest, and a I swallow dive from the topmost diving | board.