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HOLS TO HERALD ME IN CHURCHES Programs Throughout City Include White House, Mission Home Observances. % v Iml •*' (CrntinuPd From First. Page) leave their desks tomorrow tftemoor* the oors of all Government buildings will be closed until Thursday morning, j Santa Visit Premature. S' ‘ Santa Claus made a premature visit j in arious parts of the city during the l past two days, but nowhere will he re- 1 ceive a more hearty welcome than at I the parties arranged in advance of j Christmas by the workers of the Central j Union Mission and the Salvation Army. Mrs. Hoover has consented to take part in both celebrations. The Central Union Mission will hold its Christmas party tomorrow morning at 10:30 o’clock at the Fox Theater, when Mrs. Hoover will assist in dis tributing bags of toys and Christmas good things to hundreds of boys and giilo whose Christmas otherwise would be cheerless. Supt. John S. Ben nett will be the official Santa Claus and Mrs. Bennett has seen to it that no child on the long list of names will be forgotten. There will be a lofty Christmas tree, and it is expect'd that approximately 2,000 children will be made happy on this occasion. Mrs. Coolidge always took part In these annual affairs of the Central Union Mission, and Mrs. Hoover agreed to continue the custom established by the former First Lady. She will tak? part the following aft ernoon at the Christmas party of the Salvation Army and pass out the first of 500 baskets of food to be distrib uted at 2 o’clock at Temple Corps, 606 E street. Maj. James Asher, in charge of the Army for this section, has ar ranged a program. The Navy Band Orchestra will fur nish music during the festivities, and officials of the Salvation Army w’ill be present in honor of Mrs. Hoover, as they were last year for Mrs. Coolidge. In addition to the dinners for poor families, the agency will have a Christ mas tree entertainment Tuesday night, and toys will be distributed to about 1.000 children. Through its connection with the Community Chest, the facili ties of the Army are greater this year than ever before. Dinners to Be Given. Scores of “down and outers” will be ttven free Christmas dinners at the Central Union Mission headquarters. 613 C street, on Christmas day and there will be a special treat also for the little inmates of the Children’s Emergency Home, of which Mrs. Ben nett is in charge. Volunteer workers have been supplying the “kiddie bags” for tomorrow ’s party, and in addition to the dinners to be supplied at the mis sion. many baskets ladened with food will be sent to poor homes throughout the city. George D. Homing will this Christmas present shoes and stockings to 125 poor children of the city, to be selected by the Central Union Mission. Each child, the recipient of a ticket supplied by the mission, will receive one pair of shoes and two pairs of stockings upon presenting the ticket at Saks & Co.’s store. This custom has ; been followed by Mr. Horning for many ! years and has always been of great ben- j efit to lots of poor families. Saks & Co. will play Santa Claus on ( Its own account to 100 boys on Christ- i mas morning. Each youngster supplied with a ticket from the Associated Char- j lties. will be presented with a warm, new overcoat. Isaac Gans. who inau gurated this custom years ago. has, made arrangements so that every bov will get a perfect fit. Potomac Heights will enjoy Its first j community tree this year, as a beauti- j ful tree will be planted at the corner j of Cathedral avenue and Sherrler place ; by the Potomac Garden and Landscape , Club. It will be lighted at 8 o'clock on Christmas eve, with appropriate cere- : monies. Carols will be sung by the members of the Palisades Chorus. Carols for Press Club. The National Press Club, along with nearly every’ other club in the city. Will hold forth on Christmas eve. v Carols and other songs appropriate to the season will be sung for members and guests of the National Press Club 1 in the club lounge at 1:15 p.m. Tues- I day by the National Capital Choir, un-' der the direction of Dr. Albert W.! Hamed, a member of the club. Thei choir numbers 22 voices. Soloists will: be Alicegene Graves and Irene Koehl, ! sopranos; Jessie Masters, contralto, and Sugene Dahl, tenor. The following will ! be Included in the 30-minute program: ’ •*0 God, Say Once Again Let There Be Light"; "Martin Luther’s Carol,” “The First Nowel,” “Die HeUige Nacht.” “God Rest You, Merrv Gentle men”: “The Holy Mother Sings,” “Holv Night” and ’O Come, All Ye Faithful.” The Friendship Citizens’ Association, m co-operation with the business men along Wisconsin avenue from Van Ness street to the District line and the Parent-Teacher Association of Janney j School, has arranged an elaborate community tree celebration Christmas i eve at 6 o’clock. It will be held on 1 the grounds at Wisconsin avenue and j Albemarle street. The Elks' Club Boys’ j Band will accompany the singing ofi carols. A living tree will be dedicated on this occasion to the boys of the community' who lost their lives during the World! War. Rev. William W. Shearer of Co- j lumbla Episcopal Church will be mas ter of ceremonies. The committee of! the Friendship Citizens’ Association 1 W’hich made possible the placement and j lighting of the tree comprises A. G.! Seiler, chairman; Mrs. May Lightfoot, Rankin H. Rice, president of the asso ciation; Miss B. L. Pulizzi. principal of Janney School: J. J. Calvin and Ran dolph Poore. Mrs. Lightfoot is chair man of the committee on arrangements for the progrem. Elaborate Christmas plana also are bei n g made by a number of organiza tions connected with the Community Oy,est. 1 f riendship House, which started its festivities with a tree celebration for ! children of the pre-school group Friday j afternoon, and a supper for the staff 1 and volunteer workers last night, will have a program of Christmas carols this afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. There also will be a party for the children of the day home at 12:30 o’clock Tuesday and caroling from 6 to 8 o’clock in the evening. Candle Llrht Carol Service. A candle light carol service will be held by combined glee clubs at the Y. W. C. A., Seventeenth and K streets, at 4 o’clock this afternoon. Practically every day of the entire holldav week will be given over to some kind of . activity. Among other features, 40 Girl Re serve Clubs will give parties and gifts to children in the following institu tions: HiUcrest, St. John’s Orphanage. Baptist Orphanage, Neighborhood House, Noel House, Friendship House, Galllnger Hospital, Children’s Hospital, District School for Feeble Minded Chil dren, Associated Charities. Juvenile. Protective Association, Central Union' Mission, Gospel Mission. Foundling Hospital and Blue Ridge Preventorium. At Children’s Hospital there will be 14 Christmas trees, some of which will be located in the dispensary and wel fare sections, while others will adorn the wards. Students of public and pri vate schools are co-operating to give the little patient* at the hospital this i Christmas treat'. At Neighborhood House the program Will begin tomorrow night with songs and stories and on Tuesday night Santa Claus will visit the day nursery chil 'dren. Neighborhood House will send ■SO children to the Walter Reed Hospital J party Wednesday. Baskets will be distributed by the . % CAPITAL PREPARES TO OBSERVE CHRISTMAS j.- ~ „ I •J / \ ! * -. '■ v , y . - ijmuwwbe: > J / BgggMl " ——- _.... j i “14 OPPORTUNITIES" i APPEALABANDONED Associated Charities Act on Advice of Chest Budget Committee. , There will be no appeal for the “It i Christinas Opportunities" of the Asso- I ciated Charities and Citizens’ Relief ; Association this year. Walter S. Ufford. general secretary, announced yesterday. “Acting under the official advice of the budget committee of the Community Chest,” said Mr. Ufford. “the Associated 1 Charities has abandoned the Christmas ! opportunity appeal for a group of 14 I specially selected families needing relief, j The board of managers of the society accept without question the opinion of ; the budget committee that the appeal | at this time would seem to interfere ; with the principle of immunity of 1 Community Chest contributors from i further solicitation from its member i agencies. The society hopes, however, ; that any persons who have been inter - I ested in particular families, but who are not contributors to the Community ; Chest, will still remember without solici tation the family needs of the society's clients.” When the Civitan Club learned that this Christmas opportunity appeal was not to be renewed, it expressed its dis- i appointment, as its members had plan ned this year to take under its care one of the 14 needy families. The club then invited M%s Louise O. Brail, ar i sistant secretary of the Associated I Charities and in charge of its family ! work, to tell them at their last luncheon , meeting about the needs of particular i families. After Miss Beall’s talk the i Civitan Club voted an appropriation oi j SSOO, and this amount has since been j received by the society, with instruc | tions to have it distributed among five i families who would otherwise have been ] included in the Christmas appeal, or ! SIOO for each family. Contributions Received. Meanwhile District visitors of the As i sociated Charities received a variety i of unsolicited contributions yesterday, to be used to brighten the homes of needy families. Miss Helen P. Story, supervisor of the society's family work in the Eastern j district, was advised by the Worac Club, 1 composed of wives of the men at the I Red Crass headquarters, that they would i lend their cars to distribute the things j thus provided. This motor service will be available all day Monday and Tues day. Among the groups contributing for dinners, toys, clothing and other use | ful articles in this section were Miss j Madeira's School for Girls, sending toys; i St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, giving S3O; St. Mark's Episcopal Church and the Ninth Street Christian Church, giving Christmas dinners to Associated Chari- Catholic Charities as usual this Christ- i mas. Through gifts from Trinity Col- | lege students and other individuals, ! the Catholic Charities takes care of j foster children in its charge and wherever there is any doubt the child will receive a toy. its name is turned 1 into the Christ Child Society which sees that the child is not forgotten. The Christ Child Society has been busy for some weeks in preparation for Christmas. It will provide baskets of Christmas dinners as well as toys to those on its rolls. This year in ad dition to its regular activities, the or ganization will have a Christmas tree and party at its Fresh Air Camp and Convalescent Home in Rockville. St. Ann's Orphanage will have a * tree for each group of its children on Tuesday evening. There will also be parties during the week. DINING ROOM Club Breakfast 50c Special 65c Luncheon Table d Hote Dinner $1.50 Alto A La Carto. No Covor Charge EXCELLENT CUISINE MUSIC ■WWIEBSmiSM i THE SUNDAY STAR, Yv ASI il [sU’W )X. J). (\. liKi KMBhll 22, 1929—PART ON K. a! I* *■ jg ties families in addition to those of their own circle; classes of the Edmonds School providing toys for 30 children. Miss Louise W. Harlow, visitor for the Georgetown district, reported a number of Christmas givers in her section, among which W’ere the following: $25 by the Parkway Motor Co. to be used for fruit distributed to 68 families, which is to be distributed by a commtt ] tee of which Mrs. Frederick Mcßeynolds ! is the chairman: canned goods from the Washington Alumni Chapter of the Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority; 68 Christ mas stockings given by the Friends' Sunday school; 11 overcoats from Saks & Co.. $6 from the “En Avant” Club of the Western High School, toys by the Girls’ Reserve. 20 dolls by the Girl Scouts, Troop No. 26. Western High; a Christmas tree and trimmings from the Northminster Presbyterian Chapel and also one from the Fillmore School, a community tree from Mrs. Fred Dubois, chairman of the Georgetown district conference of the Associated Charities and numerous individual gifts of shoes and articles of necessity. Toys and Money Donated. In the central section of the city, of which Miss Elizabeth Northcutt is the visitor of the Associated Charities, con tributions were recevied from the fol lowing: Toys from the Girl Reserves of the Y. W. C. A.; money, clothing and food from various organizations, in dividuals and churches. The donors In cluded the Social Service Society of the Chevy Chase School, from the Gamma Chapter of the gigma Epsilon Society, the Wesley Methodist Church. Girl Scout Troop 35. and Gunton Temple Memorial Church. In the Southwest office of the Asso ciated Charities, where Miss Rosa Brown is the visitor, the Southwest. Citizens’ Association gave $25 for dinners for families known to the visitor. The Randall Junior High School Is sending 22 baskets and toys in addition to half a ton of coal each for tw’o families. Epiphany Church is also sending a bas ket. In addition toys are being pro vided by the Girl Reserves of the Y. W. C. A. In the two districts of which Mrs. Laura B. Glenn and Mrs. Ethel C. Wil liams are the visitors, the District con ferences have been planning for weeks to see that every family in these dis tricts are provided with the things neces sary for Christmas, including a toy for each child. In addition to the members of the conferences, donations of toys, food and clothing have been sent bv the Minor Normal School, the Dunbar High School, the Phyllis Wheatley Y. W. C. A. and many individuals. CHORUS PLANS PROGRAM. The Woodlothian Chorus, consisting I of 50 members, will present its first program oi the season Tuesday morn [ ing at 9:20 o’clock from the balcony of i Woodward & Lothrop’s Department i Store. Solo ports will be taken by Mrs Emma Embrey, soprano; Mrs. Helen Lancaster, contralto; Horatio Rench and Granville Lecf. tenors: Charles Moore base, and Howard Moore, baritone. Raymond Rapp will accompany on the piano with William Starnell directing. j CELEBRATION IS HELD. An old-fashioned Christmas celebra- ! I tion, with field operators now in the city Joining with all of the Washing , ton staff, was held yesterday afternoon | in the lobby of the Coast and Geodetic I Survey Building. A large, brilliantly | arrayed Christmas tree added atmos- I phere. and a Santa Claus In the person of Joseph G. Deckelman distributed I presents among the personnel. ti Christmas S j« Jewelry n Shop at the friendly store— I iff you’re always greeted with a iV Zi smile—with no obligation to it J buy. _ }$ || Specializing in T 4 Perfect Diamonds It ft . and 55 American Watches Complete Line of Gifts 91 A imall will reserve roar fl ?* purchase. Charge Accounts Invited M. Wurtzburger Co. iA n 742 Ninth St. N.W. & Open Kvenlnn JA j Left: The municipal Christmas tree in Sherman Square before the Treasury. The first tree lighted hv President Cool idge in 1925 was killed by the heat from the electric light bulbs used to il luminate it. This n«w tree has been donated by the American Forestry As sociation. The lights this year will be of a different type. Right: Christmas party yesterday at the Bureau of En graving. William Wolf as Santa and Miss Anna Murphy with Dickie Now drav. TOY EXHIBIT PLAN OF GIRL RESERVES Gifts Repaired in Shop to Be Distributed After Display at Y. W. C. A. Christmas toys, dolls, books and other gifts that the Girl Reserves of Wash ington have been repairing in their toy shop in the last three months will be exhibited in Barker Hall of the Young Women’s Christian Association, Seven teenth and K streets, this afternoon. The gifts will be on display following the annual candle light service in which the various departments of the associa tion will take part and then will be distributed among under-privileged chil dren in 11 institutions in the city. The candle light service is an annual event for the Girl Reserves and will be presented at 4 o'clock, ushered in by the colorful "procession of candles" and followed by a carol tableau in five groups that will sing the carols of Bohemia, Holland, Spain, Austria and Poland in the costume native to the countries. The Elizabeth Somers Glee Club will participate in the service with two groups of Czech and French carols. Misses Dorothea McDowell, Katherine Moritz and Mabel Cook will serve with the Girl Reserves as hostesses. Thirty members will represent the association at the lighting of the community Christmas tree at Sherman Square on Christmas eve night and later in the evening, under, the direction of Miss Lucy Street, national secretary for music, will sing in several of the city's hospitals. Christmas parlies and carol singing exercises have been planned at the several Y. W. C. A. centers during the week. Christmas music will be sung dally at the centers at Twentieth and B streets, and at. 614 E street at. 12:30 o'clock from December 22 to 24. in clusive. and at the headquarters build ing. at Seventeenth and K streets, at 6:30 o'clock on the same days. Carols also will be sung at the Elizabeth Somers residence. CRIPPLED CHILDREN GUESTS OF KIWANIANS More than 100 crippled children will | be entertained with a Christmas party and tree from 3 to 5 p.m. today in the Chestnut Farms Auditorium at Twenty sixth and Pennsylvania avenue, as guests of the Kiwanis Club. A number of visitors will be present, including Senator Capper of Kansas, who attended a similar party last year, fn accepting the invitation for today's party, he said. “I would not miss it for anything " Miss Gertrude H. Bowling, director, Instructive Visiting Nurse So ciety, members of her staff and the wives of Kiwanis members will also be present. This party has been arranged by the newer members of the club —that is, the men who have joined during 1928 and 1929. Charles R. Huff is general chairman, and A. B. Van Voorhees will be in charge of the entertainment fea tures. Edgar Morris, president of the club, will make an address of welcome. A large Christmas tree has been provided, from which Santa Claus himself will distribute presents to each child. Re freshments will be served. Fred East and William F. Raymond, accompanied by Robert S. Thomas, members, of the club, w ill sing Christ mas carols. Other entertainment fea tures Include a dancing doll act di rected by Miss Beatrice Coles, and a marionette show. Music will be fur nished by Sidney Seidenman’s Hotel Mayflower Orchestra through the cour tesy of Seidenman, who is a member of the club. The children will be transported by | members of the Kiwanis Club. Y Esseman’s .N 7th & F Sts. i Pay After Christmas • • on Liberal Terms — I No Extra Cost!!! $35, S4O and $45 SUITS & O’COATS Now Reduced to *24 75 '33 75 ,j the finest line of Suits and O’Coats you’ve seen at these sale prices. Every conceivable style is represented. I | Often a charge account ... fay in small | weekly or monthly sums . . . in January, Feb ruary and March. No extra cost for these I ' m^mggßmmassss^ us^mm gf^^^ msgmgßsaig^^' PRESIDENT TO HAVE SIMPLE CHRISTMAS Mr. and Mrs. Hoover to Miss Older Son, Who Must Stay in California. President, and Mrs. Hoover's first Christmas in th? White House will be a quiet, simple affair, typical of the observance in many thousands of American hom'-s. Throughout their married life, espe cially when their boys w r ere young sters, Mr. and Mrs. Hoover have al ways made much ov-r Christmas, and there Is every reason to feel that they are not going to change their ways just because the former Is now President and they happen to b? living in the Executive Mansion. This famous old mansion, which has Iren the scene of Christmas celebra tions by presidential families for more than a century, again will witness an observance which, while dlgnlflrd and plain, will be a really merry one. Nevertheless the happiness of Mr. and Mrs. Hoover, as in many other homes where absent ones will rob th* day of some of Its joyousness, Is going to be tinged with disappointment. Herbert Hoover, jr„ the older of the two Hoover boys, and Peggy, his young wife, and their two children. Herbert. 3d, aged 4, and Peggy, aged 3. will be spending Christmas at their home thousands cf miles away In Pasadena, Calif. Despite this keen disappointment over the absence of thir son Herbert and his family, the presence of Allan, the younger of the two boys, will dispel the gloom on Christmas day. Allan, who Is studying business administra tion at Harvard, will .he with his parents during the holiday period. Send Presents to Coast. Although Mr. and Mrs. Hoover are not going to enjoy the sound of pat tering grandchildren’s feet up and down the corridors of the White House, they have had the fun of packing presents and toys to send off to H?r brrt’s family. A great share of this fun has been Mrs. Hoover’s. The Christmas season has found the President unusually busy and he has been remaining at his desk until well after dark each afternoon. Mrs. Hoover has bought all sorts of dolls and other playthings for the two grandchildren, and when the big box from the White House arrives at Herbert’s little home In far-oq Pasadena there will be much excitement. The Hoovers will have plenty of company during the holiday season. Among these will be the old friends who nsed to frequent the Hoover home on S street and who drop in uncere moniously at the White House. They will be anything but lonely. Mrs. Jeanne Large of Monterey, Calif., Mrs. Hoover's sister, and her two children, Janet, aged 16, and Delano, aged 14, w’ho have been frequent vis itors at the White House since last March, will be house guests over Christ mas. It Is expected that two or three other Intimate friends may also be house guests on this occasion. Christmas dinner, for a small circle of the President's friends, will be an elaborate, though informal one. Nor ejre the young people going to be for gotten. To compensate somewhat for the absence of their own grandchildren, the President and Mrs. Hoover will have the children of some of their friends visit them Christmas afternoon. Among these will be the families of Secretary of Labor Davis and George Akerson and Walter New’ton, of the President secretariat. Then, of course, a young folks’ party will follow. It has not been decided yet whether or not there will be a carol festival be neath the front portico of the White House on Christmas eve. This custom was adopted by the Coolidges several J years ago, and drew many hundreds of, persons to the White House grounds to join in the singing. Trees to Be Trimmed. Mrs. Hoover will personally superin-1 tend the task of placing the greens and other decorations suggestive of the holi day, and will help trim the several trees that will be erected in the house. The principal tree will be placed at the south end of the east room. At its base will be figures and objects depict ing the scene at the birth of the Christ child. There will be another tree in the room on the second floor used as a liv ing room, and also a small, trimmed tree In each bedroom and another on the front portico, making 16 in all. The President and his wife will send no gifts except to members of their family and very intipiate friends. Mr. Hoover has so few hobbles, and because of this and his aversion for jewelry. It' is always a difficult matter for Mrs.! Hoover to select a Christmas gift for him. As usual, therefore, she will make books serve as the principal part of her j gifts to her husband. Among these arc some new travel and mystery stories. I She knows the President's liking for j such reading. The President and Mrs. Hoover will ! not inspect their Christmas packages until after breakfast, and will attend 1 religious services later in the morning. j In the meantime, postmen and mes- j senger boys are making frequent trips j to the White House, conveying girts l and greeting cards sent by friends and j admirers all over the country. French |! j Doors $5.55 L 3 branches! i k necnuujenA yj j mocKnoTTOHmau 7 5921 COMMUNITY TREE PLANS COMPLETED Thousands t<Y See Hoover Turn on Lights at Sherman Square Christmas Eve. Arrangements were completed yester day for the ceremonies on Christmas eve when President Hoover will touch the button that will light, the 1929 Na tional Community Christmas tree In the presence of thousands of citizens assembled in the vicinity of Sherman Square on the Ellipse. Officials of the Federal and District Governments will join in singing Christmas carols around the living tree and President Hoover will be intro duced by Secretary of the Interior Ray Lyman Wilbur, national chairman for the ceremonies. A concert by the United States Ma rine Band at 5:30 o'clock will open the festivities and the President, accom panied by Mrs. Hoover and White House From Dainty Ik *• *• fr "* Ribbon V II ■ Lb ‘ Today and ******* W £ DaJ Remember Your Friends With Jsr Mfy <&om£, Tnaeb l&atutuef U oUt nPk f Tnde Mark Reoiite-ed V. t. Patent Ogle « g>TjKf J’ _ The «*ire Family will welcome a box of the "Famous Fannie Mav mA/T u r mad!T a Hffhf a *^ les i ‘-a, ' J? ad * e fresh to<Ja y and * VfT y day. Fannie May tCBY ( r / j Candy Shipped AH Over the United lii x*J States and Insured Free Against Loss £ THERE’S A FANNIE MA Y SHOP NEAR YOUR HOME k. {JV**! ta.^w n c Sl «*«, 1406 N - Y - Arm - 614 ,3 ‘ h »«• n.w. I#l# E S ‘- NW * 3305 M* St. N.W. 1704 Pa. Ave. N.W. \J *** Fannle M,y open until 10:30 f djk V. ISiN. The Dollar Quality“ Candy - The Credit Jewelry 0 Store of the Hour Have You Waited |||l||| * If so, come directly to our store. We are I pared with line merchandise for everyone I prepared with prices to suit every purpose I and our 12-month charge plan makes it I possible for every one to have just what they want without financial worry. I v What *1 Will Do! ? 3Sg> Perhaps you have spent over your budget and still have others you should remem sl Down Buy* .Any Article Up to $lOO. year to pay. You never feel the pinch of paying under our 12-MONTH CHARGE ■ *• ,rM I PLAN! 7 he easiest, fairest, most economic I A f .Aigg cal payment plan ever devised!" I /Vo red tape—just make your selection—hand I h'L&w the clerk $1 and say “Charge It ” aides, will arrive at 5:55 o'clock. Mem bers of the national committee, headed by Secretary Wllbif, and the execu tive committee, headed by Miss Sibyl Baker, director of the Community Cen ter Department, which has charge of the festivities, will receive the President and Mrs. Hoover. Mr. Wilbur will make a brief address before the President touches the button that lights the tree at 6:08 o'clock. Buglers to Sound Call. As the great spruce is lighted, a signal flare will illuminate the sky and throughout the city buglers of the va rious Boy Scout troops will sound the call to announce to the people that the Christmas tree is lighted. Carols will be sung by a choir of ap proximately 500 boys and girls of the junior high schools of the city, led by Dr. Edwin N. C. Barnes, music director in the public schools, a vast audience I will join in the singing. Then the! Christmas greetings of the City of Washington will be presented to Mrs. Hoover by a Girl and a Boy Scout. The "Star Spangled Banner,” played by the Marine Band, will conclude the cere monies at the tree. Later in the evening, under the aus pices of the committee on carol singing, groups of singers will go to hospitals and other Institutions in the city to serenade the patients with carols. Mrs. Gertrude Lyons, vice president of the District Federation of Music Clubs, has charge of this program. Busses donated by the local trac tion companies will transport many groups from the tree ceremonies to the various Institutions. It Is ex pected that not less than 25 institu tions will be visited in this way. Girl Scouts to Trim Tree. The national community Christmas tree will be trimmed by the Girl Scouts of the city tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Arrangements for the lighting are in the hands of the Electric League, with L. T. Souder as chairman of the committee in charge. Capt. Ray C. Montgomery, representing Lieut. Col. U. S. Grant. 3d. director of the office of public buildings and public parks, has completed arrangements for tak ing care of the large crowd at Sher man Square, while Mrs. Joseph M. Stoddard, chairman of the carol sing ing committee, has likewise completed arrangements for the music on the i occasion. 1 It was in 1923 that, the President M the United States first lighted the community Christmas tree in Wash ington. a Vermont fir, sent to Presi dent Coolldge. The following year, as part of the movement for the establishing of a liv ing community Christmas tree, the American Forestry Association in co operation with the Community Center Depai tment, the Electric League and the Society for Electrical Development presented a living tree to the President for the people. The tree is a 35-foot spruce and was planted in Sherman Square. 5