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MORTGAGE FIRM DECLARES DIVIDEND First Disbursement Since 1927 Is Ordered —Sav- ings Bank Elects. BY EDWARD C. STONE. James P. Schick, president of the National Mortgage <Sr Investment Cor poration, 1004 Vermont avenue north vest, announced today that the board tt .il - r James P. Schick. pf directors had declared a dividend of 2 per cent on Its outsta ndi n g preferred stock, payable July 1 to stockholders of rec ord June 20. This is the first dividend declared by this company since July, 1927. Owing to the ' greatly depressed real estate market the corporation was required to take in many prop- | erties on which it held mortgages, which action caused it to become in a badly “frozen con dition and made its capital nonpro ductive. Mr. Schick became the vice president of the corporation in April. 1928. and on January 1. 1929, was made president. Upon his entrance into the manage ment he devoted himself particularly to the releasing of its capital from its frozen condition and to the improve ment of the condition of the mortgages held by it. . t . . He organized a real estate depart ment which has proved most success ful in the selling of property owned by it as well as in the renting and ' collection of rents on its income-pro ducing properties. Although the cor poration still owns a large amount of real estate, much progress has been made in the selling of properties which came into its possession. Among other problems solved by this corporation was the operation of the Capital Garage. The corporation held a second mortgage on this property under which it was required to take title by foreclosure in June, 1928. Sub sequently it acquired from the receivers of the owners the business and since that time have operated the garage. This venture has proved entirely suc cessful and satisfactory from the stand point of profit, and the business is now regarded as one of the notable suc • Cesses of downtown Washington. That the general condition of the corporation is much improved is indi cated by the declaring of the dividend, which action also seems to indicate im provement in the local real estate sit uation. National Mortgage & Investment pre ferred stock is widely held in Wash ington. It is listed on the Washington Stock Exchange, where it sold yesterday la two 100-share blocks at 4'g. Savings Bank Elects Officers. At toe regular monthly meeting of the board of trustees of the East Wash ington Savings Bank held yesterday the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: John C. Yost, president; S. H. Walker, first vice president; Lewis Flemcr, sec ond vice president; S. Wilson Earnshaw, . secretary-treasurer, and Walter H. Harlow, jr., attorney. Eight in A. I. B. Delegation. Eight delegates from Washington Chapter. American Institute of Banking, headed by the new president, Frank M. Pearley, will leave Washington Friday evening bound for the national conven tion at Denver. They will go by special train with other delegates from nearby cities. Those who will take the trip are T. Hunton Leith, Security Savings A Commercial Bank, who is on the A. 1. B national council; Rose L. Royce, Wash ington Loan & Trust Co., secretary of the local A. I. B. chapter; Aubrey O. Dooley. Federal-American National Bank, first vice president of the chapter: William P. Keith, American Security & * Trust Co.; J. E. McGeary, W B. Hibbs & Co.; H T. Bisselle. Riggs National Bank, and Willard Barker, Morris Plan The local delegates hope to obtain their share of committee appointments and anv other honors that may be float ing about. Mr. Leith has two more years to serve on the national council so that last year’s excitement over his election and the contest that accom panied it will not be repeated at Denver. Dividends and Other Notes. Southern Dairies. Inc., has declared the regular quarterly dividend of 37 I *. cents on the class A stock, payable July 1 to stock of record June 20. Orpheum Circuit, Inc., has declared the regular quarterly dividend of $2 on the preferred, payable July 1 to stock of record June 20. , The Merchants A Miners Transpor tation Co. has declared regular quarter ly dividend of 62 % cents, payable June SO to stock of record June 16. Western Union Telegraph Co. has de clared regular quarterly dividend of S 3, payable July 15 to stock of record June 25. Following the meeting of di rectors. Newcomb Carlton, president, gtated that business and earnings are Improving. Local Bonds In Good Demand. The Washington Stock Market opened todav with a $16,000 sale in Washing ton Gas 5s at 102' a followed by the three $5OO sales in the same issue at the same price. Gas 6s, series A. were also In demand at 102. while a $lOO series B gas bond sold at 102 V&. Capital Traction 5s were also In de . mand. The market opened with two $l,OOO sales at 93. $l.OO at 93 *$3,000 at 93 ! 4 and $5OO at 93V 4 - Trading then turned to Washington Gas Bs, $3,000 selling at 105. Capital Traction stock sold at 66 > 4 and closed at 65 :j 4 . Potomac Electric Power 6 per cent preferred came out at 110 Vi and the 5Vi per cent preferred moved at 107. East Washington Sav ings Bank sold at 25. Mergenthaler. ex dividend, at 100. and Peoples Drug ex dividend at 106> 4 Ten shares of Park Savings Bank changed hands at 72. Richmond Bonds Awarded. The State Planters Bank A Trust Co of Richmond, Va„ was awarded $2 035,000 4 1 2 per cent Richmond bonds, due 1940 to 1964, on bid of 103.87. Proceeds are to be used for achool, street paving, sewer, water works, gas works and general improve ment. ' The Pennsylvania Railroad reports for the quarter ended March 31, 1930, net income after charges of $11,449,- 666, compared with $12,496,656 In the corresponding quarter of 1929. Gross was $142,061,595. compared with $156,- 740 033; net after taxes $20,229,088, against $29,129,404, and total income $35,999,892, contrasted with $37,798,- 674 The District of Columbia Bankers’ Association luncheon group had their first meeting under the new admini stration at the Willard today, Lanier p. McLachlen presiding There was an unusually large turnout of members. The new president expects to start work on his standing committee ap pointments at an early date. Dispatches announce that negotiations »re under way for a merger of the Van Camp Packing Co. of Indianapo » 11s and the Jewel Tea Co. of Barring ton, 111. Details are not completed. G. Bowie Chipmarf of this city is a mem ber of the Van Camp board of directors. Eliot H. Thomson of the Washing ton Loan A Trust Co. told Baltimore bankers of the brilliant success at tained by Washington banx« in con- Ractlon with the co-operative Christ mas savings campaign. He also stressed the value of bank advertising in an •weptionally interesting address. _ rIX ANCT Au. I NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE I Received by Private Wire Direct te The Star Office. Notice—All stocks are sold In one hundred-share lots excepting those designated by the letter s (85s) (2855) which shows those stocks to be sold In odd lota only, Stock and Salon— Frev. Rich. Low. Dividend Rato. Add 00. Rich. I.ow. Clone. Clone. 424 22 Abltibl Pwr * Paper. 1 30% 30% SO** 31 66 45 Abraham Strauss... 1 52 52 52 55 37% 23M. Adams Exp U. 60)... 29 29 27(y 274 29*. 32 23 Adams Mlllis (2).... 1 29 29 29 304 234 114 Advance Humley.... 13 13 11 11% 15 4114 22 Advance Rumley pf. 4 27 26 26 26 IS, 4 Ahumada Lead 2 % % % *4 166% 118 Air Reduction 15)... 249 145 1364 1384 1454 36 21 Air Way T1 Ap(24). 11 254 23fc 23% 254 24 IK Ajax Rubber 8 14 14 14 14 94 5K Alaska Juneau 50 64 6(4 54 64 154 84 Albany Wrap Paper. 1 104 104 104 94 85'4 224 Allegheny Corp 204 234 22 224 234 964 894 AllogCp x S3O w 54. 189 K 89% 89% 894 994 934 Alleg Cp w S4O w 54 2 94K 94 94 934 72 67 AHpr Steel 12.30).... 3 60 594 594 61 343 255*. Allied Ch A Dvemfi) 81 297 285 288 296 68 494 Allls-Chalmers (I).. 29 594 654 564 584 34 24 Amal Leather 1 24 2K 2K 24 314 18 Amerada Corp (J)... 80 274 244 26 28 104 54 Am Agricul Chem... 4 64 64 64 64 39 26 Am Agricul Ch pf... 1 29 284 284 29* 974 77 Am Bank Note (43). 6 83 814 814 83 644 444 Am Brake 5h0e(2.40) lu 444 44 44 444 128 1184 Am Br Sh AF pf (7). 20a 1214 121 121 122 214 84 Am Brown Bov Elec. 40 184 16 164 174 804 604 Am Brcwn B E pf(7> 20a 744 74H 744 744 1564 1174 Am Can (4) 624 138 130 1354 139 824 52 Am Car* Fdy («)... 6 55 544 56 634 116 954 Am Car A Fdy pf<7). 3 100 100 100 1014 694 51 Am Chain Co •*).... 1 604 50 60 52 514 364 Am Chicle <t2 4)... 34 434 414 414 414 33 124 Am Comm Alcohol... 19 134 124 124 134 594 35 Am European Secur. 2 424 414 414 414 1014 65 Am A Forn Power... 395 79 72 744 79 1004 95 AmAForn Pwr 2d pf. 4 1004 1004 1004 100 334 194 Am Hawaiian SS (2 ) 66 284 264 27 4 264 344 224 Am Hide A Lea pf... 8 234 234 23 4 224 694 66% Am Home Pr0d(4.20) 10 694 59 69 60 414 34 Am Ice (14) 6 344 334 34 344 554 354 Am Internet! (*>.... 57 414 384 384 414 4 2 Am La Fr A Foamlte 2 24 24 24 24 105 544 Am Locomotive (4).. 8 66 664 554 664 1184 102 Am Locomot pf (7). 3 1024 1024 1024 1024 2844 210 Am Mach A Fdy (7). S 2444 235 235 248 514 384 Am Metal «3) 6 384 374 374 384 95 65 Am Nat Gas pf <7).. 10a 86 86 86 86 24 4 Am Plano 11 % 4 % 1 1194 77 Am Pwr ALt (sl).. 46 994 93 93 994 884 80 Am P&Lt pf A st(6). 4 674 874 87 4 874 394 264 Am RaAStd San 14. 127 294 27 274 29 37 204 Am Republics 6 23 214 214 22 1004 624 Am Rolling MIU(n2) 21 654 634 644 66 674 69 Am Safety Razor(6). 3 624 624 624 63 84 14 Am Ship A Com 2 14 14 14 14 644 464 Am Shipbldg (new). 80a 524 52 52 634 794 664 Am Sm A Ref (4).... 11 69 67 67 684 141 1834 AmSm A Ref pf (7).. 1 139 139 139 140 224 8 Am Sol v A Chem.... IS 84 74 74 84 33 4 244 Am SolACh cv pf ($). 2 254 23 4 234 254 624 40 Am Steel Fdy (*)... 15 404 40 40 404 116 1104 Am Steel Fdy pf (7). 10a 113 113 113 1134 664 464 Am Stores (2) 2 464 464 464 474 694 60 Am Sugar Ref (6)... 6 604 60 60 604 110 104 Am Sugar Ref pf (7) 2 1074 1074 1074 1074 264 124 Am Sumatra T0b.... 2 124 124 124 124 2744 216 Am Tel A Teieg <9). 220 2224 2174 2174 2234 2644 197 Am Tobacco ($).... 8 241 240 240 2444 2694 197 Am Tobacco B ($).. 104 250 2434 2474 253 1244 120 Am Tobacco pf («).. 2 1224 1224 1224 1224 1244 884 Am Water Wka tnl) 161 1034 964 984 1014 1064 994 Am Wat W lit pf (6) 1 1064 1054 1064 1054 204 74 Am Woolen 1 124 124 124 13 444 194 Am Woolen pf 6 35 84 35 36 174 8 AmZlnc JUd & Sm. ... 6 10 9 9 84 794 56 AmZlnc pf (6) 2 65 644 644 65 814 624 Anaconda Cop (7)... 84 67 544 544 664 534 334 Anaconda WAC (I).. 1 33 33 33 334 514 35 Anchor Cap (X. 40)... 2 444 434 434 44 294 224 Archer-Dan-M (l).. 3 224 224 224 224 824 744 Armour of Del pf (7). 1 784 784 7?4 78 84 54 Armour of 111 (A)... 16 54 64 64 6 44 24 Armour of 111 (8)... 7 34 34 34 84 65 65 Armour of 111 pf (7). 6 62 614 62 62 134 64 Arnold Constable.... 1 8 8 8 84 464 334 Asso Appl lnd (4)... 4 37 36 36 36 604 28 Asso Dry G (84)... 7 404 39 39 404 954 85 Asso DG istpf (6).. 2 92 91 92 92 242 4 2154 Atch To A8 Fe (10). 14 219 2164 217 2184 107 1024 Atch To ASF pf (5). 3 1064 1054 1064 1054 1754 1614 Atl Coast Line (tlO). 1 164 164 164 163 804 694 Atl Gulf A W Ind(l). 6 694 59 59 614 614 364 Atl Refining (T 2).... 87 394 374 374 394 106 764 Atlas Powder (4)... 9 76 744 744 78 106 101 Atlas Powder pf (I). 70s 1054 106 105 105 37 264 Atlas Stores (n1)... 23 294 274 274 284 2634 135 Auburn Auto (14)... 63 145 125 1284 140 7 6 Austin Nichols 8 54 64 64 6 30 26 Austin Xich pr A(3 ) 4 264 254 25 4 26 104 44 Autosales 5 64 54 64 54 684 37 Auto-Strop Saf H(3» 2 624 624 524 584 94 44 Aviation Corp of Dal 78 64 64 64 64 88 234 Baldwin Loco (1%). 19 244 28 23 24 1224 1084 Balto A Ohio (7).... 16 111 1084 1084 1094 844 63 Bang A Aroos (2%). 8 764 744 744 76 20*4 164 Barker Bros (2).... 60s 164 164 164 164 34 204 Barnsdall. A (3).... 144 254 224 224 25 994 97 Bayuk Cgr Ist pf(7). 10a 98 98 98 98 92 674 Beatrice Cream (4).. 8 85 83 84 84 704 56 Beech-Nut Pkg (8).. 2 54 684 534 66 64 4 Beldlng-Hemlngway 1 44 44 44 4 574 324 Bendlx Aviation (2). 93 374 344 354 374 564 314 Best ACo (2) 69 494 464 46 484 1104 90 Bethlehem Steel (•). 198 924 86*. 87 934 134 1224 Bethlehem Stl pf (7) 6 1314 130 H 1314 131 414 344 Blaw-Knox (14)... 11 364 364 364 36*. 69 434 Bohn AIA Brass (8). 9 46 424 424 47 904 604 Borden Co (kJ) 204 844 80 824 844 504 324 Borg Warner (1).... 26 264 344 364 364 244 134 Briggs Mfg Co 121 194 18 19 194 4 14 British Empire Steel 1 2 2 2 2 224 13 Brockway Motor Trk 18 194 184 184 19 85 68 Brockway Mot pf (7). 80a 82 81 81 83 784 63 Bklyn-Manhat 44).. 38 674 67 67 694 154 10 Brooklyn A Queens.. 1 134 134 134 13 1784 131 Bklyo Union Gas (5) 25 146 1344 138 1454 42 40 Brown Shoe (J) 1 40 4 404 404 404 304 134 Bruna-Balk-Col 12 164 164 164 164 334 144 Bruns Ter ARy 8... 6 18 17 17 18 314 224 Bucyrus (1) 6 25 244 244 264 43 334 Bucyrus cv pf (259). 4 394 394 394 374 164 94 Budd<EG)(l) 14 104 94 94 104 144 84 Budd Wheel (1) 48 11*. 10*. 104 114 89V* 77 Buff A Susque clfs.. 1 894 894 894 894 74 294 Bullard Co (1 60)... 67 444 394 414 444 43 264 Bulova Watch • 3>... 29 294 29 29 29V* 1104 974 Burns Bros (A) («). 2 974 97 4 97 4 974 35 17 Burns Bros (B) 8 20 20 20 204 514 37 Burr Add Mch (1>... 84 40 384 384 394 484 36 Bush Termni (24).. 4 394 38** 394 394 110 1004 Bush Term deb (7).. 20s 105** 106** 1054 105 44 24 Butte Cop A Z (50c). 1 3 8 3 24 54 2K Butte Superior 12% 2% 2% 2K 294 164 Butterlck Co 2 20 19 19 20 112 K 70 Byers (AM) 163 904 81 854 904 774 654 Calif Packing (4)... 13 684 674 674 684 24 1 Callaahan Zinc A Ld. 7 14 14 14 14 894 504 Calumet A Ariz (2).. 16 644 64 64 64 334 164 Calumet&Hectal 4). 13 174 17 17 16*. 30 19 Campbell Wyant «2) 10 224 21 21 22 754 674 Canada Dry G A (6). 10 664 634 634 644 226*. 1874 Canadian Paciflc(lO) 31 1984 196 197 1964 624 484 Can Paelflctnewiw.L 35 49*. 484 484 49 34V* 23% Cannon Mills (1.60). 7 244 23H 24 23V. 3624 1924 Case (J I) (6) 107 2344 215 2164 217 132 115 Case (J I) pf (7).... 60s 130 130 130 130 794 64 Caterpillar Tract 3 4 63 704 664 664 684 134 8 Cavanaugb-Dobbs.. 17 6 6 8 75 69 Cavanagh-D pf(6 4) 10s 614 614 614 60 60 20 Celotex (3) 183 25 4 224 23 284 844 60 Celotex pf (7) 1 65 65 65 66, 304 234 Cent Aguirre As 14. 2 244 244 24 4 244 84 34 Century Rib Mills. .. 3 44 44 44 44 624 51 Cent Rib Mills pf (7) 50s 61 61 61 61 I 654 to*. Cerro de Pasco (6).. 12 014 t>o% 514 604 j 154 84 Certaln-teed Prod... 9 84 8 8 84 ! 674 304 Checker Cab (4.20).. 22 354 32 32 344 ' 2414 2014 Chea A Ohio (10).... 15 1864 183 183 207 I 82 4 624 Chea A Ohio Corp ($> 10 634 614 614 634 ! 10 44 Chi A Alton 6 64 64 54 64 104 54 Chi A Alton pf 5 6 54 54 6 534 36 Chi A Eastern 111 pf. 2 374 374 374 38 174 114 Chi Great Western.. 18 124 114 114 134 524 34 Chi Great Weatn pf.. 18 424 404 40V* 44 264 164 Cht Mil StP A Pac... 29 174 164 164 18 464 27 Chi Mil StP A Pac pf 58 28 254 254 284 < 894 76 Chicago AN W (6).. 23 77 754 754 784 1404 1364 Chi ANW pf (7). ... 1 140 140 1(0 140*. 37 174 Chi Pnen T 001...... 14 184 174 174 174 554 484 Chl Pneu Tpf (3V4). 5 514 51 514 50 1 1254 1054 Chi Rift Padll... 12 1054 1054 1054 1074 J 32 264 Chi Yellow Cab <*). . 10s 274 274 274 264 324 20 Chickasah Cotton 011 7 204 20 4 20V* 20 674 53 Childs Co 12.40) 167 64 61 624 63 43 304 Chrysler Corp (1)... 200 324 31 32 324 49 394 City IceAF !k3 «0).. 9 404 404 404 404 134 74 City Stores (50c 19 84 84 84 BV* 105 914 Cluett-Peabdy pf 7). 20a 964 96 96 97 1914 1334 Coca-Cola <•> 44 1834 1764 1784 1824 644 584 Colgate-Pal-P (24). 3 594 59 59 60 35*. 144 Collins A Alkman... 15 25 234 234 264 204 13 Colonial Beacon 5 15 144 144 154 ’ 77 364 Col Fuel A iron 12). 103 614 554 58 614 ’ 764 Colo A South (3).... 1 75 75 75 80 ■ | 87 69 Col teas AEI <2l .. 83 774 72 734 78 ’ HO 1044 Col Gas AEI pf Ai«) 1 1094 1094 1094 110 1 374 204 Colum Graph (a2Bc). 294 224 204 21*4 23 • 199 1284 Columbian Carb •»«) 45 145 1384 1394 136 t 40*4 234 Comm Credit (21 ... 63 28*4 27 27 284 95 764 Com Credit Ist ($4) 60a 90*. 894 8 94 894 254 224 Comm Cred pf (14).200a 234 23 23 24 I 274 22 Comm Cred pf B (2).140s 25 24 25 244 ! 65 354 Comm in* Trigl.6o) 20 364 34 34 36 87 80% Com lnv Tcv pf(e«) 1 814 814 814 80*. 38 26 Comm Solvents ($1) 201 274 26 26 27 204 12*4 Comwlth A Sou(«0c) 264 164 164 15*4 164 • 104*. 99 Cmwlth A Sou of i«> 11 102% 102% 1024 1024 . 57 44 Conde Nast Pub (2). 1 45 45 45 46 ■ i 19*. 13 ('oneoleum Nairn . . 114 134 13 134 134 » 564 35 Congress Cigars (4). 2 39 364 384 38 59% 394 Consol Cigar .71. .. 7 454 414 414 404 27% 154 Consol Klim (2) 32 22% 204 21 22 - '284 18 Consol Film pf <X|.. 34 22*. 21 214 22% | 1364 96% Consol Gas N Y 14). S6O 124% 118 1204 125 1 1034 994 Consol Gsa NY pf(l) 8 1084 1084 1084 108 62 49 Con RR Cub pf «)..i 7 60 694 694 $94 THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D, C., WEDNESDAY. JUNE 11. IfMO. Sleek and Sale*— Fre*. High. Lew. Dividend Rate. Add SO. Blah. Low. Close. Close. 2 1 Consol Textile 21 14 1 14 1 224 12 Container!A) <1.20). 12 164 14% 14% 16 84 44 Container(B) 1 6 6 6 6 624 24% Conti Baking (A).... 46 26% 23% 244 264 73% Conti Baking (8).... 21 44 4 4 44 944 74 Conti Baking pf (I)- 5 764 75 764 76 71% 504 Conti Can 12 4) 63 62V* 58% 58% 62 *7% 18% Conti Diamond <2).. 23 224 214 214 20 77% 68 Conti lnsur (3.40)... 10 62 604 604 61% 84 44 Conti Motors 10 4% 44 4% 4% 804 194 Conti Oil of Dol 146 24% 224 23 24K 404 27% Conti Shares (1).... 67 304 27% 294 30 111% 874 Corn Prod (t1%>.... 76 1034 98% 984 103% 1474 140 Corn Prod pf (7).... 10a 1454 1454 1454 145 33 204 Coty. Inc. .. 69 204 194 194 204 35% 254 Cream of WhtttlW)- 10 38 »2 33 31 29 4 9 Crex Carpet. 2 16 16 15 15 22 104 Crowley Radio 6 16 14 14 144 69% 43 Crown Cork A Seal.. 3 45% 45 45% 46 93% 744 Crucible Steel 1k5).. 9 764 74% 74% 75 117 110 Crucible Steel pf (7) 10* 1104 1104 1104 1114 7 34 Cuba Can* Products.. 1 34 34 34 34 194 9 Cuba Co 6 174 174 174 174 y 64 Cuban-Amer Sugar.. 6 64 64 64 64 24 1 Cuban Dom Sugar... 3 14 IV* 14 14 1214 1144 Curtis Publlsn pf(7) 1 1204 1204 1204 1124 144 64 Curtiss Wright Corp 243 84 7% 8 84 19% 104 Curt Wright Corp A. 25 114 11 114 11% 904 64 Cutler-Hammer(lli) 14 674 624 62 4 67 43% 28% Davison Chemical... 26 324 30V* 804 824 181 1614 Delaware A Hud (9). 1 169% 169% 169% 169 163 1194 Del Lack AWn (<7*. 9 1214 119% 119% 121 80 60 Denver AK G W pf.. 4 644 64 64 634 265% 195% Detroit Edleon (I).. 4 219 216 216 218 237 139 Diamond Match ts).. 1200 200200 206 9% 6% Dome Mine* (1) 6 8% 8% 8% 84 SO% 20 Dom Stores ($1.20).. 11 22% 22 22% 224 87% 77 Drug Corporatn t*>. 96 82 804 804 814 434 27% DunhllJ inti ($4).... 3 304 29 29 304 1454 1124 Du Pont d* JN tt4.70) 110 123 1164 117 122 121 1144 Dupont deN db pf(6) 1 1194 1194 1194 119V* 1034 100 Duques Lt Ist pf ($) 2 1034 103V* 1084 103 674 444 Durham Hoa pf(s).. s4o* 614 614 614 614 2554 176% Eastman Kodak tts) 148 231% 2144 2194 2214 37 4 244 Eaton Axle A S (*).. 17 27% 26 4 264 27% 62 40 Kiting ton-Schild pf.. 3 40 40 40 40 1144 80 Kleo Auto Lit# (•).. $9 84% 784 80 83 9% 44 Electric 80at....... 1 6 5 6 6 1034 494 K1 Pwr A Lt(l) 994 844 774 79% 85 112 1064 El Pwr ALt pf |7). . 6 1104 110 110 1104 14 6V* Elk Horn Coal pf. ... 60s 6 6 6 54 7% 34 Emerson Brant lA). 1 3 3 3 34 34 24 Emerson-Brant (B)« 1 14 14 14 24 66 394 Eng Pub Serv (2.4 U). 8 69% 674 5a 584 1074 94-,% Eng PuttSvc pf t 6) .. 2 1044 104 1044 10a 50% 39% Equit otffce Bldg 1$) 4 48 48 48 48 63% 40% Erl* KB 38 41% 40 40% 41% 67% 61 Erie K R Ist pf (4).. 2 63% 63% 63% 63% 43% 20 Eureka Carp Cl (4).. 1 194 194 194 20 30% 11 Evans Auto Ldg 2%. 18 124 104 11 11 26% 22 Exchange Bus (11$). 20s 24 24 24 24 39% 12 Fairbanks Co pf 10a 124 124 124 124 604 344 Fairbanks Mora* (I) 18 46 41 41 45V* 274 13% Fash Park Asso 9 144 11 144 13% 90V* 59% Fed Lt A Trc (sl4). 7 70% 694 694 70% 124 7% Fed Motor Tr t»0c). 2 9% 9% 9% 9% 43 324 Fed Wat S. A 1*2.40) 6 34 334 33% 344 38 29 Federated Dept Strs. 11 314 27 4 27 4 304 89% 664 Fid Pho Fir* iill.CO). 2 73 714 714 71 104 7 Fifth Av* Bus (64e). 60a 8% 8% 8% 9 404 31 Filene’s Sons 1 31 31 31 31 334 21 Firestone T&Rt 1.60) 4 214 20% 20 4 21 874 76 Firestone TAR pf (•) 4 764 75 76 764 61% 60% First Nat Strs IsVi)- 77 664 634 634 65% 64 3 Fisk Rubber........ 13 34 3Vk 34 34 21 10 Fisk Rubber Ist pf.. 180a 11 10 11 10% 21% 10 Fisk Rub Ist pf cv.. 80a 12% 11 12% 10 504 30 Follansbee Bros (3). 1 31 31 31 30 1044 604 Foster Wheeler (2). 227 95% 844 89 95 28% 154 Foundation Co 2 174 17 17 174 50 364 Fourth Natl Invest. 6 38 36 36 87 57% 164 Fox Film (A) (4)... 443 484 43 45 49% 554 384 Freeport. Tex (t 5).. 122 484 444 454 48 954 90 Fuller pr pf(T7.84).. 60* 90 894 894 90 86 80 Fuller 2d pf(t7.40).. 30* 844 844 844 84 7% 34 Gardner Motor 2 84 34 34 34 164 114 Gen Am Investors... 11 11% 104 104 114 1114 974 Gen Am Tnk Car(s4) 166 102 97% 99% 101 714 494 Gen Asphalt (4) 20 54% 62% 62% 544 125 105 Gen Baking pf (8)... 20* 115 116 116 115 384 25 Gen Bronx* tl) 28 27 4 24 4 26 26% 344 174 Gen Cable 6 194 18 194 174 74% 51 Gen Cable (A) (4)... 3 604 60 60 634 61 48 Gen Cigar (4) 6 49% 48 49% 60 96% 604 Gen Electrlo (1.50).. 1670 774 724 74 784 114 11% Gen Elec spec (60c). 7 11% 11% 11% 114 614 464 Gen Food Corp <s).. 224 574 64V* 66% 674 18% 104 Gen GasAEl. A(*I0). 185 11% 10% 114 114 1064 85% Gen GAEI cv pf(6).. 4 884 86 86 674 111 104 Gen GAEI pf A (7). 50a 106 106 106 106!-, 122 115 Gen GAEI pf A It). 10a 120 120 120 121 44% 37% Gen Ital Eds <a2.62). 3 374 37% 37% 37% 59% 484 Gen Mills (1) 3 464 46% 45% 454 544 374 Gen Motor* (t1.t0).. 961 464 444 45V* 46% 964 944 Gen Motors pf wl (5) 31 944 944 944 95 115V* 104 Gen Motors deb ($).. 1 1164 1154 1164 116 Mi 1314 1174 Gen Motors pf (7)... 84 127% 1274 1274 1274 21% 12 Gent Out Adv (»).... 1 114 114 114 12 624 32% Gen PublicSvo (b«).. 22 414 394 39% 41 1064 854 Gen Ry Signal (6)... 45 88 844 86% 87 19% 134 Gen Realty A Util... 18 154 13% 13% 15% 100 91 Gen RltyAUtpf (e6). 2 924 924 924 924 90 67 Gen Refractor! t 4 %) 13 78% 75 76 794 101 99 Gen Steel Cast pf («) 2 99 99 99 99 514 37% Gen Theat Equip vto 257 394 35 374 40 1064 804 Gillette Saf Ras(n6) 55 83% 81 814 834 204 114 Gimbel Bros 31 154 13% 13% 15% 824 664 Gimbel Bros pf cT > .. 1 764 764 764 764 38 18 4 Glidden Co (2) 23 194 184 184 194 19 114 Gobel (Ad01f)...... 36 13% 124 124 12% 474 37% Gold Dust (2%) 446 424 374 39% 424 584 354 Goodrich (B F) (4).. 15 37 35 35 374 1044 90% Goodrich(BF) pf (7) 7 91 90 90 91 964 62 Goodyear Tlrs (6)... 68 814 73 76 814 1024 90 Goodyear let pf (7). 1 100 100 100 994 284 11% Gotham Silk Hosiery 13 124 11% 11% 124 79 65 Gotham pf xw (7)... 100 576 76 73 75 15% 74 Gould Coupler 1 8 8 8 8 13% 64 Graham-Pa1ge...... 26 8 77% 8 10% 6 Graham-Palg* rets.. 8 74 7 74 8% 594 27 Granby Copper (S).. 6 30 284 284 294 52 324 Grand Silver S (ml). 1 37 37 37 39 20% 13% Grand Union 6 14% 14% 14% 16 60% 37 Granite City Stl (4). 25 394 384 384 394 43 324 Grant (W T) (1).... 18 364 32% 38 334 102 86 Grt North pf 46).... 8 87% 86 87% 87 994 834 Grt North pfet (6).. 4 834 83V* 834 844 25% 194 Gr Nor ctfs Ore (a%. 15 204 20V* 204 204 344 214 Grt West Sugil.4o). 28 23 22 28 23 28 124 Grigsby Grunow.... 648 234 204 22 4 224 464 32 Gulf Mobile A North 11 374 34% 34% 344 984 94 Gulf Mo AN pf ($).. 1 964 954 954 964 80 43 Gulf States Steel (4) 9 444 42 43 434 32 26 Hackensack W <l%) 100 529 284 29 284 284 26 Hackensk pf A(l%). 40* 274 274 274 274 234 12% Hahn Dept Stores... 28 164 15% 16% 16% 31% 234 Hall (W F) PrCo(2) 1 234 284 234 234] 98 85 Hanna pf (new) (7). 60a 934 93 93 934 724 65 Har Wkr Ref (t$V4). 14 60% 69 59% 604 26 134 Hartman (B) t 1.30). 3 14% 14% 14% 15 17% 64 Hayes Body 16 BV* 74 74 8 135 123% Helm* (G W) pf (7). 10a 135 135 135 135 109 70 Herahey Choc (6).... 65 102 94 954 1004 108% 884 Hershey Choc pf(ts) 17 1024 100 100 99 254 15 Hoe (R) ACo 4 154 16 15 15 414 264 Holland Fur <*t2%). 2 354 35 354 36 12% 64 Hollander Sons 77 77 7 29 144 Houdaille-H (B)l,20. 22 16% 154 164 16% 63 49 Household Fin pf(4). 3 624 62 62 62 1164 524 Houston OH (bl 0%). 838 994 86 91% 92% 414 264 Howe Sound (t4ls).. 5 324 31% 31% 324 53% 46 HudAMan Ry (1.60). 4 46 46% 45% 464 624 354 Hudson Motor (6)... 68 38V* 35% 364 384 26% 15% Hupp Motor Car t*». 28 16% 16 16 164 136% 125 Illinois Cantral (7)..' 8 1244 123 123 126 80% 734 Illinois Cent la ln(4) 20s 77V, 774 774 80*. 32 * 20V* lndepend Oil A Gill). 26 24V. 23 23 23% 17 6 lnd Motor Cycle 11 64 6% 6% 6 28%' 134 Indian Refining 146 154 134 14 15 27% 13 Indian Refining rets. 16 144 134 134 144 124 90 Indus Ray(bs% stk) 8 101 101 101 101 239 1544 Ingersol 1-Rand (75). 6 2064 198 198 2064 98 70% Inland Steel (4) 2 82 82 82 86% 304 164 Inspiration Cop (2).. 20 18% 17% 17% 18 17% 13 insurance Sh 146 c).. 3 13 124 13 13 894 20% Interboro Rap Tran. 19 28% 26V* 27 28% 284 20% Interlak* Iron (1)... 21 21 204 204 21% 84 44 Inti Agricultural.... 2 6% 64 6% 6% 67 4 544 Inti Agricul pf (7).. 2 60 60 60 61 1974 1524 Inti Bus Mach ln«).. 7 184 176 176 182 19% 13 Inti Carriers. Ltd %. 24 144 184 144 14 75% 66% Inti Cement (4) 7 61% 60 60 604 144 6 Inti Combustion.... 63 8% 7% 7% 84 78 30 Inti Comb Eng pf.... 2 55 54 54 59% 116% 78% Inti Harvester (3%). 102 94 864 91 93% 1444 1404 Inti Harvester pf (7). 1 1444 1444 1444 144 64 314 Inti Hydro El A (*s) 117 44 4 414 42% 43 92 664 Inti Match pf (4).... 30 794 76 78 79V4 33 21% Inti Mer Marin* (1). 12 284 224 22 4 22 44% 254 Inti Nlckl of Can(l). 1246 27% 254 264 274 314 234 Inti Pap A P <A)2.40. 1 26 26 25 24% 18 12 lntl Pap A Pwr (C).. 3 IS IS 13 13 324 25 Inti Rwys Cent Am.. 60s 25 25 25 25 153 69 Inti Salt (8) 10 1504 1494 1494 1504 119 88 lntl Silver Ml) 3 88 85 85 88 1124 105 lntl Silver pf «7).... 10a 110 110 110 107 77% 55 lntl Tel A Teieg (I). 390 574 54 54% 584 40 24 Inter Dept Strs ts).. 7 26 244 26 264 32 23 Intertype Corp (2).. 4 254 254 264 26% 29 17 Investors Equlty(l). 16 18V* 174 174 17% 43 34% Island Creek Coal<4) 7 35 35 36 35 664 43 Jewel Tea (t 4) 14 53 494 50 63 148% 95 Johns-Manvlll* ($).. 249 101 924 95 101 1234 1184 Jones A Laugh pf (7) 180* 1224 122 122 1224 64 2 Jordan Motor Car... IS 2% 24 24 24 85% 714 Kan City Sou ($).... 2 704 704 704 724 134 114 Karstadt (R) (1.02). 6 11% 114 114 11% 414 24% Kavser Julius (24). 19 294 28 28 28% 150 85 Kelth-Albee-O pf < 7). 2 110 1054 1054 110 64 34 Kellv Spring Tire. .. 85 64 44 44 44 42 204 Kelly-Spring $% pf. 460a 30 25 294 25 384 224 Kelsey Haves (2). .. 23 230% 294 294 304 26% 74 Kelvlnator Corp 266 224 194 204 21% 89 78% Kendall Co pf(t#.«T) 10* 77 77 78% (Continued on Phs« 12.) STOCK PRICES SAG FOLLOWING RALLY Some Issues Break Below Yesterday’s Levels in Bear Attack. BY CLAUDE A. JAGGER. Associated Press Financial Editor. NEW YORK. June 11.—The stock market, having just struggled to its feet, was sent reeling again by the impact of another wave of selling today, but man aged to pull itself together and make substantial recovery by early afternoon. Important shares tumbled about 4 to 10 points before short covering began to cushion the decline. Trading was in comparatively light volume, but the violence of yesterday’s late upturn was in Itself enough to bring out liquidation being held up for better levels, and this attracted fresh bear attacks. There was no inclinaMon to support the market until the selling had run its course. The weekly steel trade reviews said that the trend of production is still downward, but reported somewhat bet ter stability in prices. Wall Street is now giving closer at tention to developments in Washington than usual. The tariff bill has become a chief topic of board room conversa tion, and there is a general feeling that any decisive action on the bill, finally disposing of it, would be a bullish de velopment. Corporate News contained several dividend reductions or omissions by smaller companies, including Celotex, which passed the quarterly payment. These developments affected sentiment adversely, and bearish rumors, many of them branded as ridiculous in re sponyible quarters, were widely cir culated. One of the more favorable items was an announcement by Western Union management that telegraph busi ness had Improved markedly during the current quarter. Several important issues tumbled to new' lows. Lambert dropped 9 points *nd Bethlehem Steel 6. both to new 1930 minimums. Shares losing 4 to 6 points before the rally included such issues as United States Steel, Radio, General Electric, American Can, Standard Gas, Electric Power & Light, Western Union, Public Service of New Jersev, United Aircraft and Colorado Fuel. Air Reduc tion, Johns Manville, Houston Oil, East man Kodak and Allied Chemical lost about 7 to 10. Case tumbled more than 17 points, and Auburn more than 13 to a new low. BANK CLEARINGS. NEW YORK, June 11 (Special).— New York bank clearings, today, sl,- 431,000,000; a year ago, $1,280,000,000. New York bank balances, today, $189,000,000; a year ago, $156,000 000. New York Federal Reserve credit balances, today. $176,000,000; a year ago, $134,000,000. TREASURY CERTIFICATES. fkeported by J AW. Selmman Sc Co.) Rete-Meturity. Bid. Offer 3V»s Sept. 15. 1930 100 9-32 100 11-32 3 «s Dec. 15, 1930 100 14-32 100 IS-32 3 a» Mar. 15. 1932 100 16-32 100 IS-32 3’js Sept. 15, 1932 100 16-32 100 16-32 3'rS Dec. 15. 1932 100 16-32 100 18-32 DIVIDENDSDECLARED NEW YORK, June 11 (JP Regular. Pe- P»y- Hldn. of Company. Rate. riod. able. record. Aetna Cas A 8ur...40c 4 July 1 June 11 Aetna Life In* 30c 4 July 1 June 11 Air-Way El Ap...62‘ 2 c 4 July 1 June 30 L>o pf 11.75 4 July 1 June 20 Am Yvette *2 0f...50c 4 July 1 June 16 Apponaug Co 50c Q June 30 June 14 Do pf 61.62‘a Q July 1 June 14 Beech Creek RH...50C 4 July l June 13 Broad 8t Invest... ,30c 4 July l June 16 Bronx Cty Trust 40c 4 July 1 June 20 Cap Ad Ltd S'r pf. ,75c Q July 1 June 20 Cleveland Trust 13 4 July 1 June 15 Davpt Hos Mills 50c 4 July I June 20 Do pf 61.75 4 July 1 June 20 •Diversified Inv A..50c Q July 15 July 1 Glens Falls Ins 40c Q July 1 June 20 Intercol Coal $2.00 SA July 2 June 21 Do pf 14 SA July 2 June 21 Mead. John A C0...75c 4 July 1 June 15 Metropoll Ice pf .61.75 4 July 1 June 16 Mid Ut Vr pf A..61.75 4 July 7 June 24 Do 7f« pr 1ien..61.75 Q July 7 June 24 Do 6% Df A....61.50 Q July 7 June 24 Do 6"r pr 1ien..61.50 4 July 7 June 24 Mk. Jd. Voeh pf. 6175 4 July 1 June 15 Nat City Bk JClev),62 <3 July 1 June 23 Peo Nat Bk (Bkyn). .61 Q July 1 June 10 Perfect Circle 50c 4 July 1 June 20 I Petro Royal pf lc M July 1 June 25 , Stand Gas A El. .87 -»c 4 July 25 June 30 Do pr pf 6175 Q July 25 June 30 Tx La Pr 7'« pf 61 75 Q July l June 14 | Trans A Wm Steel..2sc Q July 15 June 30 Extra. Diversified Inv A...50c July 15 July 1 Mead. John A Co. 25c July 1 June 15 Metropol Ice pf 30c July 1 June 16 Petrol Royalties...l’,c July l June 25 Initial. Blue Rib Cp Ltd...soc Q July 1 Juna 18 Reduced. Adamello Gen £1ec..14 lire Con Dlam Fiber 50c 4 June 30 June 20 Omitted. Durh Dup Raz pf. 61 Q Due June 1 Stud Mail Ord A . 50c 4 Due July 1 •Payable In cash or stock. Money to Loan Secured by first deed of trnst on real estate. Pravaillng interest and commiialon. Josephj. Weller Jttf! • < ► Real Estate Loans > 1 4 ' Lowest interest and # I i ► commission. ► < ► Large and small loans ► ► negotiated. y Also money for sound 2nd " y > Moore & Hill, Inc. 4 1 ! \ (Since 1900) i y X 730 17th Street N.W. < Earn 6 l / 2 % On Guaranty First Mortgages A safe, conservative investment is by far the better selection. Guar anty First Mortgages are placed on improved Washington real estate and are further secured by our resources of • $3,800,000. IN DENOMINATIONS AS LOW AS $250 Stop in, or Send for Booklet, “The Success Plan” May Be Purchased on Monthly Payments Real Estate Mortgage & Guaranty Corporation Capital Resources Over $3,800,000 24 JACKSON PLACE NEW SECURITIES NEW YORK, June 11 {JP).— New se curities offered today Include: Central Power A Light Co. $5,500,000 5 per cent bonds priced at 95 by syndi cate headed by E. H. Rollins & Sons City of Richmond. Va., $2,035,000 4'i per cent bonds priced to yield 4.20 per cent, by First National Old Colony Corporation and syndicate. City of Worcester. Mass., $1,000,000 tax anticipation notes by Salomon Bros it Hutzler. CHARACTER OF STEEL DEMAND SHOWS CHANGE Underlying conditions in those lines comprising the great bulk of steel con sumption have been undergoing a gradual change during the more recent past. That is, those lines which re- j qulred the major portion of finished steel : during the closing months of 1929 and the first quarter of the present year are now yielding considerable ground, and the industry is becoming more and more dependent, for stabilized operations, on increased requirements from fresh sources, according to a current survey by the Standard Statistics Co. of New York, which follows in part: "The railroads in 1929 <in:luding the equipment makers) accounted for some 17 per cent of aggregate demand, and were surpassed only by the automotive industry in the volume of steel taken. This year rails will undoubtedly head the list of consumers. "Railroad equipment orders have dropped sharply since the high levels of January and February, and although work on the books is sufficient to neces sitate a relatively steady flow of steel for a number of months, little Impetus for a higher rate of activity for this type of demand can be seen. "Among the other lines responsible for a good amount of demand during the early months of the year (although consuming a smaller aggregate of steel products), agricultural implement mak ers are reported to be curtailing opera tions, the machinery and machine tool trade has shown considerable decline, and the tin plate industry is seasonally lower. Together, these three influences account, roughly, for some 12 per cent to 15 per cent of total yearly require ments. "It is doubtful that steel requirements from the construction field will fully equal those of a year ago during the early future. "Dominating the less favorable side of the picture so far this year, and to a larger extent the whole outlook for steel, is the prospect of a decided re duction in the output of automobiles during 1930. "One of the most encouraging trends currently dominant in the industry is the increasing backlog of orders shown by the steel pipe mills.” Arthur P. Smith has resigned as executive vice president of the Harri man National Bank ft Trust Co. of New York to become chairman of the board of International Bank Stocks Cor poration. an investment trust. HIGH BATE OF INCOME WITH GREATEST SECURIT* ANNUITIES Cash Refund—Joint—Deferred! Send tor Informatton LEROY GOFF INSURANCE—ALL BR4NCHES 1036 Woodward Bids. Nst. 6340 I REAL ESTATE LOANS Made at Low Interest Rates TYLER & RUTHERFORD Applications Invited on hlsh-elasi apartments and dwelllnts. and particu larly on well located holiness properties, for 3. 5 or 10 years. If so desired. 1520 K St. N.W. National 0475 First Mortgage Loans Lowest Rates of Interest and Commission Thomas J. Fisher A Company, Inc Specializing in Mortgages on Investment Properties JAMES Y. PENNEBAKER Nat. 5291 1520 K St. N.W. ( The Commercial National Bank Saving* Deposit* Bear Interest on Daily Balances from Day of Deposit to Day of Withdrawal. Com pare this method with usual method of computa tion. Call and let us ex plain. Other Departments are equipped to serve you in all banking and fiduciary matters. The Bank of Personal Service 14th & G Sts. N.W. Resources Over $20,000,000 v WADS R COOPER. President J ———— -- L-!". 1 .. ... 1 ' 11 ■SSJ W OPPORTUNITY PIESENT money rates at world cen ters are the lowest in many years —the Paris rate of q}/z% being the low est since 1898. We believe this condition cannot long continue without a stimulating es- Memben feet on b onc j s anc i f, xec | income bear- NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE ,n 9 securities. STOCK EXCHANGES r , , , , , , . A list of bonds and stocks which we Associate Member , , NEW YORK CURB be '' eVe '° b ® attraCtlV< > exchange prices will be sent on request. Mackubin, Goodrich & Co. ESTABLISHED 1899 BANKERS .508 H STREET REDWOOD & SOUTH STS. WASHINGTON, D. C BALTIMORE. MD. .. #. 4. S FINANCIAL. BOOK VALUE FIGURED OF 29 CLOSED BANKS The 29 North Carolina State banka which failed during the two years and eight months from May 1. 1927, to De cember 31, 1929, with total book value of $10,952,183 available for creditors to realize on, had been 46 per cent liqui dated at the end of that period, the records of C. I. Taylor, liquidating agent for the North Carolina Corporation Commission, disclose. The amount distributed to creditors, largely depositors, from the assets of these 29 banks amounted to $3,728,953 during the 32 months, while claims out Equitable Co-operative Bldg. Assn Organised 1879 50th YEAR COMPLETED JOHN JOY EDSON, President WALTER S. PRATT, Jr„ Secretary Assets 15,723.083.61 Surplus A Profits $1,755,911.57 Subscription for the 99th Issue of Stock Being Received , j I Systematic Investing! 1 s2*so Small, Regular, Constant investing i will bring you nearer your goal than II || Share larger sums haphazardly saved. S»Hr' 915 F St. N.W. Ownership of Standard American Trust Shares Gives the individual full participation in the profits of twenty-five corporations representing a carefully selected cross section of American business. The stocks of these companies are among the most actively traded issues listed on the New York Stock Exchange. We recommend these shares at the market, about 10. Complete description upon request. Stein Bros. & Boyce Established 1853 Woodward Building . . . Washington, D. C. Main Office, Baltimore, Md. SAFE FIRST MORTGAGES ONE OF THE STANDARD ©INVESTMENTS Certain types of investment are looked upon with highest favor because of the entire ab sence of the speculative ele- Over a Third 6% FIRST MORTGAGES of a are in this class. The inter- Century est * s definitely fixed; and the principal strongly secured. It ithout a May be purchased in amounts Loss from $250 up. B. F. SAUL CO. National 2100 925 15th St. N.W. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR SAFETY A-11 standing and th* book liabilities, other than proprietary, for which claims have not been proved, amounted to $4.840,896. the records showing that the division of liquidation has collected $4,138,392 and has a balance of assets, book vaJue, on hand of $6,813,791. —' • ■ ■■■■■■■ PARIS BOURSE PRICES. PARIS, June 11 (A”). —A heavy tone I prevailed on the Bourse today. Three per cent rentes. 87 francs 90 centimes. Five per cent loan, 102 francs. Exchange on London. 133 francs 73'a centimes. The dollar was quoted at 25 I francs 4714 centimes.