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A-12 RETAIL SALES GAIN IN FIFTH DISTRICT Report for May Reveals 3 Per Cent Advance Over Same Period Last Year. Department stores in May in the j Fifth Federal Reserve District, which Includes Washington, were 3 per cent ahead of the May, 1929. according to a preliminary report JdSt given out by * the Federal Reserve Board. Sales in - the Fifth District for the first five months of 1930 have also been esti mated by the Reserve Board and are on exactly the same level as last year, neither a gain or a loss being reported by 60 stores in the 23 cities in the trade area. Department store sales in May for the country as a whole were 1 per cent lower than those of the corresponding month a year ago. the report says. This innouncement is based on early reports 'rom 551 stores located in the 12 Fed eral Reserve districts. For the flve nonth period they are 3 per cent below he sales for the first five months of 929. Next to New York, which had a 5 per -ent gain in Mav, the Richmond Dis rict made the best showing with the ' per cent gain. Boston gained 1 per ent and Minneapolis 1 per cent. De artment store sales in all the other istricts were under the figures in May, 929. Sales in Dallas were off 10 per »nt, in St. Louis off 9 per cent, Chica -7 per cent; Atlanta, 5 per cent; San r rancisco, 4 per cent; Cleveland. 3 -r cent, and Kansas City, 2 per cent. The percentage of increase or de ease in Mav and for the five months presented in the following compari ns: Jan. 1 Number Reserve *M»y to of report district. 'May 31 Inc stores ital <551 stores) —1 —> ston 11 108 w York # 2 5o illadelphla ... —1 —4 4* •veland 3 —J •' » nneapolls ... 1 —] 1® insas City.... 3 —4 25 Ilia* —lO —5 13 n Francisco.. 4 —2 09 •May figures preliminary. Baltimore Markets racial Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE, Md.. June 11.—Pot a es. white, 100 pounds. 2.25a2.75; new, irrel, 2.75a5.50; sweet potatoes, bar 1, 2.50a4.50; yams, barrel, 3.00a4.00; paragus. dozen, 75a2.75; beans, hamp , 75a1.50; cabbage, hamper, 50a90; rrots, 100, 50a4.50; celery, crate, 2.50a 00; com, bushel, 2.25a2.75; cucum ■rs, hamper, 75a1.25; kale, bushel, 75a i; lima beans, bushel. 4.00a5.00; let ■ce, hamper. 25a75: onions, 100 pounds, lal.OO; green, 100, 75a1.25; peppers, ate, 1.50a3.0b; peas, bushel, 1.50a3.25; . idlshes, 100, 1.00a3.00; spinach, bushel, 00a1.25; squash, bushel, SOal.OO; to latoes, crate, 90a2.50. Apples, bushel. 1.25a3.00; grapefruit. ’ ox. 2.70a6.00: oranges, box. 3.75a9.00; ineapples, crate, 3.50a4.00; strawber ies, quart, 12a22. Dairy Market. Poultry, alive —Chickens, Springers, Mjund, 25a40; Leghorns, 20a30; old oosters, 13a15; old hens 22a24; Leg lorns, 14al8; ducks, 20a22; guinea .owls, each, 50a75; pigeons, pair, 25. Eggs—Receipts, 2,737 cases; nearby, Irsts. 2214; hennery, white, firsts, 23. Butter —Good to fancy, creamery, pound, 33a65: ladles, 24a25; rolls 24a25; process, 29a30; store packed, 19. Hay and Grain. 1.04%; No. 2 Winter, garlicky, spot, 1.06%; July, 1.05%; No. 3, garlicky, no ■uotatlon. Com—No. 2 domestic, yellow, new, 93a94; cob com, 4.75. Oats—White, No. 2, 51 ! / 2»52; No. 3, 50'4a51. Rve —Nearby, 75a80. - Hay—Receipts, none. The general hay market continues quiet under light receipts, mostly by trucks, but ample for the demand, which is limited. While not enough hay is arriving on which to establish values by grades or carload lots, the better grade of timothy and clover mixed are in fair demand at a range of 20.00 to 25.00 per ton. Live Stock Market. Cattle— Receipts, 75 head; light sup ply, market steady. Steers —Choice to prime, none: good to choice. 11.00 to 11.50; medium to good, 10.50 to 11.00; fair to plain, 9.75 to 10.50; plain to fair, 8.75 to 9.75; com mon to medium, 7.75 to 8.75. Bulls —Choice to prime, none; good i to choice, none: medium to good, 8.00 to 8.50; fair to medium, 7.25 to 8.00; plain to fair, 6.50 to 7.25; common to plain. 6.00 to 6.50. Cows—Choice to prime, none; good to choice, none; medium to good, 7.00 to 8.00; fair to medium, 6.50 to 7.00; plain to fair, 5.00 to 6.00; common to plain, 4.00 to 5.00. Heifers —Choice to prime, none; good to choice, none; medium to good, 9.00 to 10.00; fair to medium. 8.00 to 9.00; plain to fair, 7.00 to 8.00; common to plalp, 6.00 to 7.00. Fresh Cows and Springers, 50.00 to 150.00. Sheep and lambs —Receipts, 250 head; light supply; market steady; sheep, 2.00 to 6.00; Spring lambs. 9 00 to 12.25. Hogs—Receipts, 600 head; light sup- Sly; market lower; light, 10.60 to 10.90; eavies, 10.00 to 10.70; medium. 10.65 to I 10.90; roughs, 7.50 to 9.25; light pigs,’ 10 00 to 10.40: pigs, 10.50 to 10.80. Calves—Receipts, 100 head; light sup ply; market steady; calves, 6 00 to 11 50. Business Notes By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 11.—A petition is being circulated on the New York Cotton Exchange requesting a vote on making Saturday, July 5, an exchange holiday. P. A. Walters of Chicago has been •lected vice president of Stone & Web ster and Blodget, Inc. Chester Morrow Clark and Wendell Robert Erickson have been elected assistant, vice presi dents in charge, respectively, of re search and analysis and of the munici pal bond department in New York. Frank A Ketcham, president of the Graybar Electric Co., today announced removal of warehouse facilities of the company at Charlotte, N. C., to new and larger quarters at 1101 West More head street, Charlotte. The announce ment said the move was necessitated by accelerated demand in that terri tory for electrical merchandise of all kinds. The Gulf Refining Co.’s plan to use ’ water Instead of rail transportation in distribution will involve an expenditure of $400,000 in construction work on a terminal on the Ohio River at Louis ville, Ky. The company has purchased a 60-acre site adjoining the United States fish hatchery on Gibson laken and will construct storage tanks, docks, loading racks and pumping station. Louisville will become a distributing center for points in Kentucky and Southern Indiana, heretofore served by tank cars by rail. Orders have been received by the Ingersoll-Rand Co. and the Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. from the Anglo- Chilean Consolidated Nitrate Co. for . air tools to be used in the construction 9 of the new Pedro de Valdivia plant of t&e Lautaro Nitrate Co. FINANCIAL. I NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE I Received by Private Wire Direct to The Star Office. (Continued From Page 11.) '-Prev.l93o—, Stock and Sale*— Free. Hifh. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. _Clo»e. Close. 62*4 41% Kennecott Cop (3)... 79 46% 44% 44% 140% 20 Kinney (O R) 41 )... 1 38% 38% 38% 39* 97 86% Kinney (OR >pf (8). 10a 87% 87% 87% 86% 8% 1% Kolster Radio 22 4% 3% 3% 3% 65% 38% Kraft Pb Ch (1%)... 4 53 53 63 53 36% 29% Kresge(SS)Cof 1.60) 29 30 29% 29% 29% 9 7% Kresge Dept Stores. 1 9 9 9 9 70 65 Kresa (SH) (1) 1 55 55 55 58% 35% 23% Kreuger* Toll 1.60. 249 29% 28% 29V* 29% 48% 29 Kroger GrAßak(nl). 43 29% 28% 28% 29% j 100% 98 Laclede Gaapf (6).. 20a 98% 98% 98% 100% 26% 21% Lago Oil & Trans.... 8 23% 23 23% 23% 113 93 Lambert Co «t> 241 94% 84% 88% 94% 11 6 Lee Rubber * Tire.. 16% 6% 6% 6% 42 34 Leh Port Cem (2%).. 1 33 S 3 33 33 17% 9% Lehigh Valley Coal.. 9 10% 9% 10% 10 84% 70% Lehigh Valley(M%) 4 71% 71% 71% 71% 97% 78% Lehman Corp (3) 3 82 78% 80% 84 36 24% Lehn A Fink <*>.... 1 26% 26 26 26 31% 19% Lih Owens FGI (1).. 13 22% 22% 22% 22% 113% 91% Liggett A Myers(t6) 1 96% 96% 96% 99 114% 91% Llgg A Myers B(t5). 135 100% 95% 97 100% 49% 28% Lima Locomotlva... 2 28 28 28 28 45% 39 Link Belt (2.80).... 1 40 40 40 40% 81% 62% Liquid Carbonic (4). 60 75% 70 72 75% 95% 42% Loew’e, Ino (I) 180 82% 75 77 81% 96% 84 Lotw'i pf x« (6 Vi).. 2 94% 93% 93% 93% 6% S% Loft Inc 5 4% 4 4 4 70% 60% Loose-Wiles (f 2.80). 31 64% 60% 63 64% 28% 16% Lorlllard (P) C 0.... 19 22% 20 20% 22% 12 8 Louisiana Oil 109 8% 8% 8% 9 51% 38% Lou G A El< A) (1%) 62 42 38% 39% 41% 138% 128 Louis A Nash (7)... 2 134 134 134 134 44% 28 Ludlum Steel (2)... 30 31 29% 30% 30% 39% •28 Mac And & F (t 2 85). 2 28% 28% 28% 28% 89% 61 McKeespt TPI (tS).. 63 83% 79 80 83% 37% 22 McKesson A Hob 12) 8 25% 23% 23% 25 20% 14 McLellan Stores.... 7 14)4 13% 14% 14 110 82% Mackay Cos (7) 140 s 83 82% 83 110* 88% 65% Mack Trucks (6) 14 69 66 67 68% 159% 125 Macy (RH)ACo(nt J) 3 128 125 125 131% 15% 10% Madison Sa G (1%). 1 13% 13% 13% 13% 12% 6% Mslllson ACo 11 10% 10% 10% 10% 60 15% Manat! Sugar pf.... 150a 23% 21 23% 22% 55% 9% Man Elec Supply.... 20 13% 11 11 13 40% 29% Man Kiev mod g (d 5) 8 29% 29% 29% 29% 3 1% Market St Ry 3 1% 1% 1% 1% 30% 17% Marmon Mot (hsoc). 4 16% 13% 14% 15% 48% 42% Marshall Field <2% > 6 42% 42% 42% 42% 51% 37% Alathieson Alklli t 2). 18 41% 40% 41% 42 61% 47% Alay Dept Stra m 2).. 9 49V* 48% 48% 48% 23 16% Alaytag Co <t2 > 4 16% 16% 16% 16% 40% 29% Maytag Co pf <*).... 1 30% 30V* 30% 30% 42 26% Alelvllle Shoe (2).... 1 36 36 36 37 23% 12% Mengel Co (2) 4 13% 13% 13% 13% 26% 23% Metro-Gold pf (1.89). 1 25% 26% 26V* 25% 37 16% Mexican Seaboard... 332 26% 23% 24% 26% 38% 17 Miami Copper (4)... 4 20 20 20 19% 77 63 Michigan Stl (m 2 %) 2 69 67% 67% 67% 38 23% Mld-ContPetm (2).. 49 27% 26% 26 26% 2% % Middle States Oil ct. . 2 1% 1% 1% IV* 53 82% Midland Steel <3)..„ 1 33% 33 33 32% 28% 12% Minn Moline Pwr.... 41 19% 18% 18% 19% 92% 72 Minn Moline pf(6Vi) 2 86 85 85 87 2% 1% Minn A St Louis 3 1% 1% 1% 1% 59% 54 AI StP A SSM lsd (4) 90s 59% 59 59% 58% 66% 41% AloKan A Tex <1)... 19 45% 41% 41% 43% 108% 103 Mo Kan A Tex pf (7). 1 105 105 105 106. C 98% 70 Missouri Pacific 2 75% 75 75% 80% 146% 125 Allssouri Pac pf (6).. 7 129% 126% 126% 128 40 18% Atohawk Carpst 32 20% 19% 19% 19% 63% 47 Monsanto Ch tgl%>. 7 47% 42 44V* 46% 49% 35V* Alontgom Ward (3). 336 42% 40 40% 42% 16% 3% Moon Motors 11 9% 9 9 9% 72 58% Alorrell ACo (4.40).. 4 60% 58 58 61 2 1% Alother Lode (20c).. 9 1% 1% 1% 1% 11% 4% Motor Meter G A El.. 14% 4% 4% 4% 81 50 Aiotor Products (2).. 2 52 51 52 52 34 26% Aiotor Wheel (8).... 2 26% 26% 26% 26% 20% 12% Mullins Mfg 1 15 16 15 15% 53% 46 Afunslngwear (t 4).. 1 47% 47% 47% 47% 25% 18 Alurray (b 2 % stk)... 2 20% 17% 17% 18% 49% 35% Myer(FE) A B:o<2). 2 43 42% 42% 42% 58% 38% Nash Motors (•).... 43 37% 36% 37 38% 26% 15 Nat Acme (1%) 15 15 14 14 14% 39% 11 Natl Air Trans 2 22 20% 20% 21 20 9% Natl Bella Hess 2 12% 12% 12% 12 93 71 Natl Biscuit, n(2.80). 32 88% 83% 83% 89 83% 63% Natl Cash Reg.A(t4) 83 59% 65V* 55% 58% 62 45% Natl Dairy (22) 219 57% 53% 54% 57 24% 18 Natl Dept Stores (2) 4 17% 17% 17% 18 90 88 Natl Dept St Ist (7). 10s 88 88 88 88 39% 29 Natl Distillers (2).. 12 32% 30% 30% 32% 33% 24% Natl Enameling (2).. 2 22% 22% 22% 23% 189% 137 Natl Lead <t«) 1 142 142 142 142% 58% 32 Natl Pwr ALt (1)... 238 44% 40% 42% 44% 4% 1% Natl Radiator 1 2 2 2 2 IV4 % Natl Rys Mex 2d pf.. 6 % % % % 124% 101 Natl Supply (6) 1 112 112 112 112 98% 70% Natl Surety (6)...... 2 80 78% 78% 79% 41% 30 Natl Tea Co (2) 2 30% 30% 30% 30% 64 43 Nelsner Bros (1.60). 1 50% 50% 50% 50% 32% 17 Nevada Copper (1%) 23 19 18% 18% 18% 58 40 Newton Steel (3).... 2 39% 38 38 43 47 40 N T Airbrake (3.60). 1 42% 42% 42% 43 192% 166% NY Central (8) 62 170 164 164 169% 144 110% N Y Chi A StL <«)... 12 110% 110% 110% 110% 48 35 N Y Dock 12 35 33 33 36 824 180 NY A Harlem (6). ..210s 225 206 206 219 32 22 N Y Invest (1.20).... 10 25% 23% 28% 25 128% 107% N Y N H A Hart (6). 6 111% 108% 108% 110% 135% 119 NYNH A H pf (7).. 1121 121 121 120% 17V* 10% N Y Ont A Western.. 2 11 11 11 10% 4% 2 N Y Railways pf.... 2 2 2 2 2% 104 100 N Y Steam pf («).... 10s 103% 103% 103% 103% 265 226 Norf A Western (10) 3 232 230% 230% 233 88% 83 Norfolk AWn pf (4). 20s 85% 85% 85% 85% 15% 9% North Am Aviation.. 70 9% 8% 8% 9 132% 93% North Amiblo%stk) 138 117% 110% 114 115% 67 61 North Amer pf (8).., 9 55% 65% 65% 65% 65 45 NoGer Lloyd (3.43). 22 55% 53 53% 52% 97 76% Northern Pacific (6). 19 80 78 78 78% 96% 75% North Pacific ct <6). 20 76 76% 76 76 4 % Norwalk Tire A Rub 10 1% 1% 1% 1% 15% 9% Oil Well Supply 1 10% 10% 10% 10% 93 86 Oil Well Sup pf (7).. 10s 89 89 89 89 34% 18% Oliver Farm Equip.. 13 25 22% 22% 24% 90% 70 Ollv Fr Eq pf A (6).. 1 83% 83% 83% 86 46% 31% Ollv Fr Eq cv pt(3).. 3 36% 35% 35% 38 8% 2% Omnibus Corp 2 4% 4% 4% 4% 99% 63 Orpheum Clr pf (8).. 20s 88 88 88 85 80% 67 Otis Elev. n(2%>.... 10 72% 67% 67% 70% 126% 118% Otis Elev pf (8) 10s 127 127 127 126% 38% 29 Otis Steel (3%) 8 29% 28% 28% 29% 60% 60% Owens,lll Glass(n4). 2 51 51 51 51 19% 7 Pacific Coast 1 13 13 13 15 29% 17% Pacific Coast Ist pf.. 10s 24 24 24 24 74% 62% Pacific Gas AEI 12). 73 66 62 62 65 107% 72 Pacific Lighting (3). 28 91 85 85% 90 178 138% Pacific Tel ATel (7). 620 s 144% 138% 138% 138% 145 116V* Pacific Tel A (6). 10s 126% 126), 126% 128 23% 15 Packard Motor (1).. 366 16% 14% 15 15% 64V* 51% Pan-Am Petrolm.... 4 69 57% 59 59 67% 60% Pan-Am Petm (8)... 64 59% 67V* 67% 59% 12% 4% Panhandle P A R.... 6 8% 7% 7% 8% 77% 48% Param’nt Publlx (4). 110 65% 61 63% 66 35% 20% Park ATllford (13).. 3 24% 24 24 24 4% 2% Park Utah 2 2% 2% 2% 2% 26% 12% Parmelee Trans 1%. 29 14% 12% 13 12% 9 2% Paths Exchange.... 41 4% 4% 4% 4% 19% 5 Pathe Exchange (A) 8 9% 8% 8% 9% 1 32% 18% Patino Mines 2 19% 18% 18% 19 14 6 Peerless Motor Car.. t ,6% 6% 6% 6% 55% 26% Penlck A Ford (1)... 3 47% 41 44% 49 80 63 Penney (J C) (3).... 3 64% 63% 64V* 63% 12 6% Penn Dixie Cement.. 1 8 8 8 8 86% 72% Penna R R (4) 61 75% 74 74 74% 325 230 People's Gas. Chi (I) 3 282 280 280 293 99 95 Pers Marq pf (6).... 2 97% 97% 97% 97% 101 94% Pere Marq pr pf (5). 20s 99% 99% 99V* 100 27V* 24 Petrol Corp (1 %)... 120 25% 23% 24% 25% 44% 34V* Phelps Dodge (3)... 1 37 36% 36% 37% 55 50% PhllaCo6% pf (3).. 2 64% 64 54% 64 35% 36% Fhila Rap Tpf (3%) 30s 33% 33% 33% 40 26% 11% Phils Read CA 1 163 21V* 17% 19% 21% 15% BV* Philip Morris (1).... 2 11 11 11 11 44% 29% Phillips Petrm (n 2). 216 34% 32% 33% 34% 33 21% Pierce-Arrow (A)... 2 2514 25 25 25% 82 69% Pierce-Arrow pf (6). 1 75% 75% 75% 76 2% 1 Pierce Oil 14 1% 1% 1% 1% 52 20% Pierce Oil pf 1 36 36 36 34% 7% 2% Pierce Petroleum.... 8 6% 6% 5% 5% 37% 30% Plllsbury Flour (2).. 8 30% 30 30 30% 50% 42V4 Pirelli of 1ta1y(3.14). 6 42% 42 42 42% 110 86 Pittsburgh Coal pf.. 2 87% 87 87 91% 22% 17% Plttsbgh Screw 1.40. 8 20% 20% 20% 20% 45 36 Ptttbgh Term C pf... 60s 40 40 40 41 22% 20% Pittston Co (37 %c).. 12 22% 22 22% 22V. 34% 25 Poor ACo (B) (2)... 44 26 25% 25% 25% 76V* 59'* P Rican Am To A(7). 1 61% 61% 61% 64)4 27V* 12 P Rican Am To (81.. 12 16V* 14% 14% 16% 103 97 Postal Tel AC pf (7) 1 99 99 99 100% 54 42 'Prairie Oil A Gss<2) 3 43 40 41% 43 60 46% Prairie Pipe L <t6).. 26 46% 44V* 44% 46% 16% 7% Pressed Steel Car.. . 2 8% 7% 7% 8% 78% 52% Proc A Gamble (2).. 74 72% 68% 69 72% 11% 6% Prod A Refiners 18 8% 8% 8% 8% ,034* 81% Pub Serv.N J (8.40). 220 106% 101 103% 107% 112% 106% Pub Serv NJ pf («). 2 112% 112% 112V* 112 131 121 Pub Serv NJ pf (7). 2 129% 128% 129% 131 156 143 Pub Serv NJ pf (3).. 1 156% 156% 156% 156% 112 107% Pub Serv E&G pf < 6). 2 110% 110% 110% 109% 89% 70% Pullman Corp < 4 >... 6 70% 69% 69% 72 8% 1% Punta Alegre Sugar.. 6 1% 1% 1% 1% 27% 21% Pure Oil <1 %» 120 22% 21% 21% 22% 114% 110% Pure Oil pf ($) 20a 113% 113% 113% 114% 88% 66 Purity Bakeries <4). 28 67% 66% 67% 68 69% 34% Radio Corp 2607 44% 39% 41% 44% 86 68 Radio Corp <B) (6). 12 76% 76 75% 74 60 19 Radlo-Kelth-Orph A 1474 35% 30% 32% 36% 58% 33 Raybestoa Man 2.60. 26 37% 36% 35% 37 141% 110% Readmit Rwy <4)... 3 112% 112 112 112% 64% 43% Real Silk 16) 8 47 46% 47 46 46% 25% Rem Rand 11.60).... 106 33% 30% 31 32% 102 95 Rem-Rand 2d pf (S). 10s 101 101 101 101% 14% 9% Reo Motor Car <*oc) 21 10 9% 9% 9% 79% 50% Republic Steel (4) . 65 54% 50% 62 53% 96% 95 Republic Steel pf 16) 6 95 95 96 95 34% 28% Reynolds Metis 2 40. 3 29 28% 28% 30% 7% 4 Reynolds Spring.... 6 4 4 4 4 80 70 Reynolds Tob A (8). 60a 73% 73% 73% 73% 68% 49 Reynolds Tob B <I). 90 61% 60% 60% 62 28% It Richfield 011 12)..... 66 19% 18% 191* 19% THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON. D. C„ WEDNESDAY. JUNE 11. 1930. Prev.tOSO—, Stork and Sale*— Fre*. HUh. Low. Dividend Rote. Add 00. Risk. Low. Clo*e. Clo*e. 25% 16% Rio Grande Oil (2).. 33 20% 19% 19% 20V* 59% 43% Ritter Dent Mfg (t2> 1 43 43 43 43% > 48% 33 Rossla Insur (2.20). 22 35% 32% 33 35% i 56% 49% Roy Dutch (al 3415). 33 52% 51% 61% 51% I 1 122% 88 Safeway (es> 32 93% 88% 91% 92% 99% 94 Safeway pf (6) 60s 98% 98% 98% 98% 109% 105% Safeway Strs pf (7). 20s 108 108 108 109 118% 104 St L-San Fran (1)... 6 105 104% 104% 104% 101 92 St L-San Fran pf («) 2 98% 98% 98% 98% 76% 58 St L Southwestern..! 12 68% 62% 68% 70 31% 24% Savage Arms (2).... 4 24% 23 23 25 18V, 4V* Schulte Retail Stra.. 2 BV* BV* 8V« 8% 12% 7% Seaboard Air Line... 6 7% 7% 7% 7% 14V* 9% Seagrave <e1.20) 1 10% 10% 10% 10% 100% 79 Sears Roebuck(22%) 100 80% 76% 77% 81% 23 9% Second Natl Inv 17 10% 110 10 10), 3% 1% Seneca Copper 11% 1% 1% 1% 13% 7% Servel. Ire 36 9% 8), 8% 9% 32% 20% Sharon Steel H (2).. 4 21V* 21 21V* 21 27% 17 Sharp A Dohme 1 19 19 19 19% 63% 54 Sharp* Do pf (3%). 3 58% 68 58 58 52 36% Shattuck(FG) (tl %) 58 42% 40% 41% 42% 48% 42% Shell Trad*Tr(a97c) 20s 45 45 45 45 25% 19% Shell Union (1.40)... 88 20% 19% 19% 20% 106% 97% Shell Un Oil pf (5%) 8 99 97% 99 97% 35 8% Shubert Tlieatrea.... 17 19% 17% 17% 19% 94% 30% Simmons Co (2) 65 33 31 31% 32% 37 21% Simms Petrm (1.60). 2L 24% 21% 21% 23% 32 21% Sinclair Con Oil (2).. 239 26% 25% 25% 26% 112% 108 Sinclair Oil pf (8)... 7 108 108 108 108% 42 28% Skelly Oil (2) .. 42 33% 32% 32% 34% 99% 93', Skelly Oil pf (6) 9 94% 93% 94% 93% 8 5)9 Snider Packing 2 5% 5% 5V* 6 36% 23% Snider Packing pf... 2 21 18 18 25 118 95% Solvay Am pf(6% ).. 1 111% 111% 111% 112% 30% 20 Sou Porto Sug (1.40) 5 20% 20V* 20V* 20% 72 56% Southern Cal Ed (2). 39 63% 61% 61% 62% 9 3% Sou Dairies (B) 16% 6% 6% 7% 127 116 Southern Pacific <•). 9 118% 117 117 118% 156% 101% Southern Itwy (*)... 16 109 107 107 106% 101 97% Southern Rwy pf (6) 6 98V* 98% 98% 98% 36% 19% Spang-Chalfant 14 32% 31% 31% 32% 96 92 Spang-Chal pf (6)... 20s 94% 94% 94% 93V* 30% 13% Sparks Wlthngtn(l). 66 23% 20% 20% 22% 25 20% Spencer Kelg (1.60).. 2 21 21 21 21 36% 21% Spicer Mfg 1 21 21 21 21 45% 39V* Spiccer Mfg pf (3)... 1 39% 39% 39V* 40 62 29% Spiegel-May-S (3).. 9 30% 24 24 30 29% 20% Stand Brands (1%). 143 21% 20% 21 21 129% 102% Stand G A E (3%). .. 109 110% 102% 106% 111% 67 64 Stand G*E pf (4).. 2 66 65% 65% 65% 110% 1101, Stand GasAEI pf (7). 1 113)4 113% 113% 110% 15% 9% Stand Invest Corp... 5 9% 9 9 9% 75 65% Stand Oof Cal (2%). 160 67 63V4 64% 66% 104% 98 Stand Oil Exp pf (6). 3 101% 101% 101% 101% 49 35% Stand Oil of Kan (J) 18 37% 35% 36% 36% 84% 58 Stand Oil of NJ(t2).1473 75% 70% 71% 75% 40% 31% Stand Oil N Y (1.(0). 133 34% 33 33% 34% 3 1% Stand PlateGlasa... 3 1% 1% 1% 1% 10% 3 Stand Plate Glass pf. 20s 3 3 3 3% 47% 33 Starrett (LS) (t 2%) 1 40 40 40 40% 20% 10% Sterling Seo (A).... 12 16% 14% 14% 15% 14% 12 Sterling Seo pf (1.20) 8 14 14 14 14 48 36% Sterling Sec cvpf(S) 2 43% 43 43% 43 47 25% Stewart-Warnsr (1). 16 27% 27 27% 27% 118% 77 Stone A Webster (4). 70 93 85% 88% 92% 47% 31 Studebaker Corp (4). 25 32 31% 32 32 1% % Submarine Boat 5 % V, % % 70 53 Sun Oil (fl) 6 62% 60% 60% 62 105% 102% Sun Oil pf (6) 70s 104% 104% 104% 104% 9% 5% Superior OH 44 6% 5% 5% 6 29% 19 Superior Steel 23 20 18% 18% 19% 15% 8% Sweets of Araer (I>.. 2 11% 10% 11% 10% 17% 8% Symington (A). .... • 10 9% 9% 9% 26% 15% TelautCorp (t 1.30). 1 19 19 19 17% 17 13 Tenn Cop ACh (1).. 21 13% 12% 12% 13 60% 50% Texas Corp (3) 104 65% 53 53% 54% 67% 54% Tex Gulf Sulphur(4) 73 57% 55 56% 56% 14% 8% Texas PC A Oil 16 10 9% 9% 10 32% 13% Texas Pac Land Tr.. 241 24 21% 21% 22% 36% 18 Thatcher Mfg (1.60). 5 22 20V* 22 21% 32 26 The Fair (2.40) 1 261* 26% 26% 26% 26% 20% ThermoidCo (2).... 42 23% 20% 22% 23% 15% 7% Third Avenue 2 9% 8% 9% 8% 471* 36% Thomp (J R) (3.60). 1 37% 37% 87'? 39% 39% 24% Thompson Prod(2.4o' 11 25% 24% 22% 26 18% 11 Thompson Starrett.. 10 13% 12 12% 13 49% 40 Thomp-Star pf (3 %) 1 43 43 43 43% 17% 10% Tide Water As (60c). 151 16% 15% 15% 16 89% 78 Tide Water As pf (6) 2 87% 87 87% 87 94% 86% Tide Water Oil pf (6) 2 85% 85% 85% 92% 21% 14% Timken Det Ax(80c). 4 15 14% 14% 15 89% 64% Timken Roller (3)... 25 66% 64% 64% 66% 6), 2% Tobacco Products... 13 4% 4% 4% 4% 12 7% Tobacco Products A. 10 10% 10% 10% 10% 24 16% Transcontl 011 (30c). 174 19% 18 18% 19% ■28% 12 Transue A W (1).... *3 15% 13% 13% lf.Ve 41% 30% TricoFrod (2%).... 5 33% 33% 33), 33% 20% 11% Tri-Conti Corp 50 13% 12 12 13% 93% 89% Trl-Cntl Corp pf (6). 16 94 93 93% 93 37% 30% Truscon Stl <g1.20). 2 31% 30% 30% 30% 31), 15 Twin City Rap T(J4) 2 15% 15 15% 15 79 64% Twin City RT pf (7) 70s 70 70 70 70 138 97% Und-Ell-Flscher (»). 66 103% 96% 97% 101% 17% 10 Union Bag & Paper.. 2 13 13 13 13 106% 75% Union Carbide (3.60) 824 79% 75 78 79% 50 41% Union Oil of Cal (22) 13 43% 42% 42% 43% 242% 215 Union Pacific (10)... 12 222 219 219 221 86% 82% Union Paclflo pf (4). 3 86% 86% 86% 86% 99 43% Utd Aircraft 619 67V* 60V* 61% 66% 77% 56 Utd Aircraft pf (3).. 3 65% 65 65 64 58% 36 Utd Biscuit (1.60)... 44 53% 50 50 53% 84 44% Utd Carbon (2) 46 59% 54% 55 58 9 4 Utd Cigar Stores.... 11 8 7% 7% 8 68 26 Utd Cigar Strs pf.... 1 64 64 64 68 52 30% Utd Corporation.... 2476 40% 36% 38% 41 53% 46% United Corp pf (3).. 10 51 60% 50% 51 11 6% Utd Dyewood 60s 77 7 9 19% 7% Utd Electric C0a1.... 12 8% 7% 7% 8 105 86% Utd Fruit (4) 9 89% 87% 87% 88% 49% 31% Utd Gas A lmp(l.XO) 339 41% 38% 38% 41 14 6% Utd Paperboard 22 6% 6 5 6% 3*% 23% Utd Piece Dye W (2) 4 27 24 27 26% 14% 4% Utd Stores (A) 75 13% 11% 11% 13% 43% ’ 15% Utd Stores pf 44 41 39 39% 41% 20% 9% U S Distributing 1 10 10 10 9% 32% 18V* USAForSecur 6 21 20 20 20% 103 72 US Freight (3) 4 73 70 70 72 30% 19 U S Hoffman (2).... 5 23 22% 23 23 139% 76% U S Alcohol 4t7>.... 67 80% 74 79% 80% 26 15 US Leather (A) 2 18 18 18 19 92 77% U S Leather pr pf (7) 4 91 91 91 90 38% 18V, U S Pipe A F (2).... 42 33 30% 30% 32% 21 15% U S Pipe A F Ist 1.20. 16 20% 20 20 20% 75% 59% US Realty (6) 67 61 59 60% 60% 35 21% US Rubber 141 26% 23% 25 27 63% 46% U S Rubber Ist pf.... 7 49% 46% 47 48% 36% 21% U S Smelt Ref (2%). 3 22% 22V* 22% 22 198% 161% US Steel (7) 1160 165% 160% 163% 166% 146 141 U S Steel pf (7) 15 145V* 145% 145 V, 145% 68 60% US Tobacco (4) 2 64 64 64 63% 76 30 Unlv Pio Ist pf (3).. 20s 70 70 70 65 9 2% Unlv Pipe A Rad.... 3 6% 6% 6% 5 45% 31% Util PwrALt A (e2)„ 62 38 35% 35% 37% 7% 3% Vadasco Sales Corp.. 78% 3% 3% 3% 143% 49% Vanadium Stl (t 4).. 1366 101% 87% 93% 101% 47% 37% Vick Chemical (2Vi). 5 46% 45% 46 46 8% 5% Va-CarChem 16 6% 6% 6% 5% 114% 105% Va El A Pwr pf (7) .. 100 s 113% 112% 112% 115 14V* 12 Va Iron Coal A Coke. 100 s 13% 13% 13% 13% 156 65 Vulcan Det (4) 210 s 92% 88% 83% 90 67% 41 Wabash 17 43% 40 40 42 89V* 80% Wabash pf (A) (5).. 1 76 75 75 80V* 86 75 Wabash pf (B) (5).. 2 76V4 75% 75% 82% 31% 24% Waldorf Systm(l%) 19 28V* 27% 28% 28% 42% 26 Walworth Co (2).... 17 30% 28% 28% 29% 15% 4% Ward Baking (8)... 19 10 9% 9% 10% 80V* 38% Warner Bros Plo (4). 1374 55% 48% 50% 55% 70% 36% War Bros Ppf (2.20) 13 52% 47 47 60 27 15% Warner-Qutnlan (1). 41 16 15% 16% 16 63% 48% Warren Bros (3).... 14 63 60% 60% 52% 43% 23V* Warren Fdy A P (2). 6 34 33% 34 33 29% 22% Wess oil A Snow (2). 8 26% 25% 26% 25% 69% 50% Wess OASn pf (4).. 6 57% 67% 67% 57% 101% 97% West Penn El pf (6). 20s 101% 101 101 101% 110% 106% West Penn El pf (7). 120 s 110 109% 110 109% 110 104% West Penn Pw pf(6). 80s 108% 108% 108% 108% ' 117% 113% West Penn Pw pf<7). 30s 116% 116% 116% 116 24% 13% Western Dairy (B).. 3 17% 17% 17% 17% 36 21% Western Md 65 26% 24% 25% 25% 30% 20% Western Pacific..... 2 21% 21% 21% 22 53% 40% Western Pacific pf... 4 43 42% 43 42V* ' 219% 168% Western Union (2).. yi 176 169V* 171 175 52 40 Westlnghae A B (2). 9 41 40% 40% 40% 201% 140 Westlnghse EAM (6) 652 164 152% 156% 164 48% 29% Weston El Instr (1). 18 37 35 35% 37% ' 69% 37 W’estvaco Chlor (2). 1 43 43 43 41 43 31 White Motors (2)... 11 33% 33% 33% 33% 54%. 36% White Rck MS(t4 %) 8 48% 46 45 47% 13% 7% White Sewing Mach. 8 7% 6% 6% 7% ' 21 11% Wilcox Oil A Gas 2 17% 17% 17% 17% 26% 22 Wilcox Rlch.B etfs 2 1 22% 22% 22% 22), 11 6% Wlllys-Overland.... 18 76% 6% 7 85 67% Wlllys-Over pf (7).. 5 68% 66% 66V, 70% 13 7% Wilson ACo (A).... 3 9 9 9 8% J 64% 42 Wilson ACo pf 3 50% 49 49 60% 72% 58% Woolworth (2.40)... 116 61% 59 60 61% 169 67% Worth Pump 114 150 136), 140 162 93 78 Worth Pump(B) (6) 7 90 88 90 90 73% 67% Wrlgley (Wm) (4).. 3 71% 71 71 71% 32% 12% Yellow Truck 309 25% 23 24*4 25% 105 72 Yellow Truck pf.... 106* 97 95% 95% 96 47 36% Youngs Spring <*).. 7 38% 37% 37% 37% 16% 6% Zenith Radio 36 12% 10 10% 11% BIGHTS EXPIRE 22% 18% Am Tel * Tel. Aug 1 791 19% 18% 18% 19% 21% 20% Ches & Ohio 34 21% 20% 20% 1% 1% DuPont d«N. .July 15 90 1% 1% 1% 1% % % Oamewell. . ..June 23 54 % % % % 1% 1% Haekenek W.. . July 1 520* 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% % Phillip* Pet.. June 16 190 % % % % 10:30 A.M 454.500 12:00 Noon 1.413,500 1:80 P.M 2.305 900 2:10 T.M 2,983.600 Dividend rate* as aiven in tha above table are the annual earn payments based on the latest quarterly or hall yearly declarations s Dnit of trading less than 100 shares tPartly eitra IPlus *% In stock (Payable In scrip. (Plus 9% In stock, a Paid last rear no regular rate, b Payable tn stock d Payable when earned, e Pay able in cash or stock, f Plus 10% In stock, g Plus 6% In stock, h Plus 3% in gtock. 1 Plus 6% In stock, k Plus 1% la stock, a Plus 1% la stock. , BOND PRICES FIRM AFTER EARLY LOSS Market Becomes Steady at Noon —New Issues Are Small Today. BY F. H. RICHARDSON. Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, June 11—So far as the effect on bond trading today was con cerned, first impressions of the an nouncement from Paris that the $300.- 000.000 German reparations loan would be priced at 90 for per cent were depressing and during the first hour the list sagged in most departments. Later, however, as volume fell off, prices recovered and by noon were showing a net advance. While the price of the German loan at 90 was considered low, in view of the fact that tentative subscriptions have been taken here at 91 and 92. the realization that the low price will clear the loan out of the wßy in short order proved reassuring. Another factor aiding the advance was the small total of other new cap ital offerings, at around $10,000,000. Money rates were unchanged, with funds in plentiful supply in both the call and time markets. * Once again, the feature of the high grade group was the activity in Liberty fourth which were 2/32 higher. Other points of strength in this group were Atchison general 4s, Southern Pacific 4'is, Union Pacific first 4s, Philadelphia Co. ss, Columbia Gas 5s and New York Telephone 4'is. There were fractional declines in New York Central 4s. Pennsylvania 4* 2 s and Great Northern 7s. International Telephone & Telegraph 4' 2 s led the stock privilege group down ward again as stocks declined. Texas Corporation ss, American Telephone 4’is (1939) and Baltimore & Ohio con vertible 4’ 2 s were other active issues. Pathe Exchange 7s ran up over 4 points on heavy buying, presumably oh retention of the old management at the stockholders’ meeting. The issue is now selling about 40 points above its low of the year and only a few points below its peak price. National Dairy Products s*4s w'ere again active and a shade higher. Other gainers in the industrials were Armour of Delaware 5»/2S and Phillips Petroleum s*is. Junior bonds of the carriers fluctuat ed erratically. St. Paul adjustments, Denver & Rio Grande Western ss, Frisco 4 1 / 2 s, Southern Railway 4s and Boston & Maine 5s all gained. The election of O. P. Van Sweringen to the board of the Denver & Rio Grande Western brought buying into that road's securities. Foreign dollar credits were quiet for the most part, though German bonds acted well in the light of reparations issue announcement. French and Bel gium descriptions were off. Washington Stock Exchange SALES. Wash. Gas 55—516,000 at 102'i, SSOO at Wash. Gas 6s A—sl,ooo at 102. Capital Traction ss—sl,ooo at 93. SI,OOO at 93. SI,OOO at 93*4, $2,000 at 93*/ 2 , SI,OOO at 93H, SSOO at 93*4. Wash. Gas 6s B—sloo at 103 Va- $3,000 at 105. Capital Traction—lo at 66*4, 8 at 66, 2 at 66, 10 at 65^. Pot. Elec. 6% pfd.—s at 110*/ 2 . Pot. Elec. 5*/ 2 % pfd.—2 at 107. East Wash. Savings Bk.—lo at 25. Mergenthaler Linotype—lo at 100, 7 at 9934. Peoples Drug Str. pfd.—lo at 106V4, 2 at 105%. AFTER CALL. Wash. Gas ss SSOO at 102*/ 2 . Wash. Gas 6s A—s2oo at 101 */ 4 . Pot. Elec. s*£% pfd.—3o at 107*4, 25 at 107*/ 8 . Pot. Elec. 6% pfd.—lo at 110*/ 2 . Mergenthaler Linotype—lo at 100. Wash. Gas 6s B—sloo at 103%. UNLISTED DEPARTMENT. Park Savings Bank—lo at 72, BONDS. Bid and Asked Prices. PUBLIC UTILITY. Bid. Asked. Amer. Tel. & Telga. 4%s ’33... 100 Amer Tel. A Telga. 4%s '39... 165 Am. Tel. A Tel. ctl. tr. 8s 105 ....... Anaeostla A Pot. R. R. 5s 62'a *4 Anacostla A Pot. guar. 5s 94 96 C. A P. Tel. of Va. 5s 101 3 103 Capital Traction R. R. 5g 92% 93 '3 City A- Suburban 5s 81 83 Georgetown Gas Ist 5s 103 • •••- Potomac Elec. cons. 5 % IOZ'4 102% Potomac Elec 6s 1953 106% Wash., Alex. & Mt. Ver. ctf.... 2 Wash.. Balto. A Annap 9s 68 ... Washington Gas 5s 102% }O3 Wash. Gas 6s. series A 102 103 Wash. Gas 6s. series B 104% *2S 2 Wash. Rwy. A Elec. 4s 88% 87 MISCELLANEOUS. Barber & Ross. Inc., 6 Vis 90 92 Cham.-Vanblt. Hotel 6%s 80 .... Chevy Chase Club SVaS 100 ~••• D C. Paper Mfg 6s 73 80 W. M. Cold Storage 5s 95 ..... Wash. Cons. Title 6s 82 95 STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer. Tel. A Tel. <d9) 220 JV ..... Capital Traction Co. <6>....... 65% 66 Wash. Gas Light Co. <18) 124 127 N. A W. Steamboat (d!2) 240 260 N. A W. Steamboat its wi 17 *7% Pot. Elec. Power 6% Pfd. UO'a 111 Pot. Elec. Power 8%%. pfd 107 107 « Wash. Rwy. A El. com. <7).... 550 . ■ •• • Wash. Rwy. A El. pfd. (5i 98 1 4 99 '3 Wash. Balto. A Annap. com.. 5 Wash., Balto. A Annap. pfd ... 5 NATIONAL BANK. Capital (14) ”0 Columbia (12) 4§|} J 92 Commercial (stamped! (10) ... 230 -40 ntutrirt (8) 218 280 Federal-American (10) 27S 290 Metropolitan (14) 259 2*9 Riggs l IS> «70 500 Second <9e) *** 210 Washington 250 TRUST COMPANY. American Sec. A Trust (IS>... 385 410 Continental Trust (6i ........ 125 150 Merchants’ Bank A Trust (8).. 125 National Sav A Trust (12t> 550 ..... Prince Georges Bk. A Trust... 30 40 Union Trust (8g) 250 275 Wash. Loan A Trust (14) 450 510 BAVING3 BANK. Bank of Bethesda («*>-•• *9 89 Commerce A Savings (10) 330 • East Washington (12) 25 35 Security Sav. A Com. Bk (17). 482 506 Seventh Street (12) 305 United States (30). 830 Washington Mechanics’ (20)... 50 FIRE INSURANCE. American (12) 322 Corcoran (10) 150 •:••• Firemen 3«'i 40 National Union (15) 23 28 TITLE INSURANCE. Columbia (6h) J% 12 Real Estate (6h> 1«9 ••••. Title A Inv. Co. of Md. com... 20 30 MISCELLANEOUS. Barber A Ross. Inc . com 15' 2 20 Chevy Ch. Dairy pfd. (7)...... 103 109 Col Sand A Gravel pfd. (7)... 94 96 D. C Paper Mfg Pfd 35 60 Dist. Natl Sec pfd. (7).,...... 70 85 Emer Bromo-Sels. "A’ (2).... 31 S 3 Federal Storage pfd. <BL- 110 125 Fed.-Amer. Co. com. (1.20f>.... 30 34 Fed-Am. Co pfd (6t »?% 102% Lanston Monotype (8).... 121 133 Mer. Tr. A Stge. com. < 10).... 109 111 Merch. Trans. A Stg. pfd <7>.. 100 104 Mergenthaler Linotype <7n) ... 99 4 100 National Mtge. A Inv pfd. .... 5% 8 Peoples Drug St. pfd <S' a * ••• 105 *96 4 Real Fst. M. A G. pfd. (8) 7 • Security Storage (4e)... > . 114 118 Ter. Ref. A Wh. Corp (3) 52 The Carpel Corn (1.50)....... 24 28 Wash Mech. Mtge. com. (8).... 9!i 10 Wash. Med. Bldg Coin. ..... .. 95 .... Woodward A Loth. pfd. (7) ... 107 112 •Ex dividend. v2V 3 % extra. B Books closed. g 3% extra. n2sc extra. M% extra. f3oc extra. extra. extra wlWhen Issued. e1%% extra. dEx rights. i 2% extra. —• POTATO MARKET. CHICAGO. June 11 (/P).—(United States Department of Agriculture).— Potatoes. 92 cars new; 2 cars old; on track, 399 cars new; 11 old; total United States shipments. 527 cars; new stock steady in barrels; barely steady on sacks; firmer undertone; trading fair; Southern sacked Bliss Triumphs. 3.00a 3.35; few best. 3.60; No. 1, 1.75a2.00; North Carolina barrel Irish Cobblers, 5.23&A.50, | ON NEW YORK :bonds STOCK EXCHANGE | Received by Private Wire Direct to The Star Office UNITED BTATES. (Sales are In *1.000.) Sales High Low Close. Llbl%s 43 100 26 100 24 100 24 Lib Ist Lib 4th 4(4*. 129 102 19 102 17 102 17 DSl%| '43 . . 110118 10118 10118 US 45’44.... 1 108 24 108 24 108 24 U54%552.. 6 113 4 113 4 1134 FOREIGN. Sales. High. Low. Close. Argentine 6s Ju *69 39 99% 99 99 Argentine. May *61.101 9944 98H 98%. Argentine 6s Oct’E9 3 99% 99 99** Argentine 6%5*62. 100 93*4 93 93 Argentine (a A.... 101 99*4 9F 99>4 Argentine 6s 8.... 25 99'4 99 99*4 Australia 6s *65.... 9 88*4 88% 88% Australia 6s *67.... 16 89 88 88% Australia 4%s *66.. 2 81 81 81 Austria 7s 10 105% 105% 105% Bank of Chile 6%a. 2 96 95% 96 Bank of Chile 6% s. 6 98% 97% 97% Batavian Pet 4%5. 10 * 94% 94% 94% Belgium 6s 7 107% 103% 103% Belgium 6%s 1 109% t 09% 109% Belgium 75*65 68 114% 113% 114% Belgium 7s *66 10 109% 109 109% Belgium 8s 6 109% 109% 109% Bolivar 7s *6B 11 78% 78 78 Bolivia 7s ctfs *69.. 7 79% 78 78 Bolivia 8s 6 92% 92 92% Bordeaux 6s 4 104 103% 103% Brazil 6%s *26 18 84% 84 84 Brazil 6%s *27 7 84% 84 84 Brazil 7s 13 91% 91% 91% Brazil 8s 50 101% 101% 101% Bremen State 75... 45 102% 102% 102% Canada Es’62 16 105% 105% 105% Chile 6s *6O 5 90% 89% 90% Chile 6s *6l 9 90% 90% 90% Chile 7s*4S 6 101% 101% 101% Colombia 6s.Jan *6l 6 77 77 77 Con Pwr Japan 7a.. 1 100% 100% 100% Copenhagen 4%s *6* 3 92% 92% 92% Copenhagen Esrota 1 98 98 98 Cuba 6%s 11 100 99% 99% Czecho 8s *6l 21 109% 109% 109% Danish Munic 8s A. 2 108% 108% 108% Danish Munlc 8s B. 5 109 108% 109 Denmark 4%s 9 92% 92% 92% Denmark 6%5’66.. 11 101% 101% 101% Denmark 6s 1 105% 10514 105% Dutch East In<T 47. 2 101% 101% 101% Dutch East I6s *62. 2 101% 101% 101% El Salvador 8s *48.. 32 108 108 108 Finland 7s 3 100 100 100 Framerlcan 7%5... 2 108 108 108 French 7s 78 117% 117% 117% French 7%s 26 123% 122% 122% German Bank 6s 's» 5 91% 90% 91% German El P 6%5.. S 97 97 97 Ger Gen Eleo 75.... 1 104% 104% 104% German 7s 65 108% 107% 108% Hungary 7%s 1 101% 101% 101% Irish Free State Ea. 7 98% 98% 98% Italy 7a 22 99% 98% 99 Italian Pub Svc 7a.. 7 98% 96% 98% Japanese 5%s *66.. 129 191% 190% 191 Japanese 6%s 12 103% 103%, 103% Jugoslavia Bank 7a 2 84 83% 84 L y°***«s 2 104 103% 103% Karstadt 6s *43.... 5 79% 79% 79% Kreuger&Toll Es ct 16 96% 96% 96% Marseille 6s 1 103% 103% 103% Milan 6%s 7 91% 91 91% Montevideo 7s 1 101% 101% 101% New So Wales 5*..-. 2 84% 84% 84% Nord 6%s 4 105% 105% 105% Norway 6s *63 1 98% Norway 6% s 25 102% 102% 102% Norway 6s *44 2 10.3 103 103 Norway 6%s *62.2 102% 102 102 Orient dev 6% (1. . 15 89% 89% 89% Orient Dev 6s 63... 17 98 97% 97% Parls-Lyons-M 65.. 9 104% 104 104% Paris-Ly-Med 75... 2 105 105 105 Peru 6s *6O g 76% 76% 76% Peru 6s’6l 2 76% 76% 76% 1 87% 97% 97% Poland 6s *4O 17 78% 78 78% Poland 7a (rets).... 9 86% 86 86 Poland 8s 5 Prague 7%s 5 105 105 105 Queensland 65..... 7 96% 96% 96% Rhine Wat EP 65’62 1,3 91% 90% 91% Rhine West6s *63.. 7 91% 91 91% Rhine WstEP 7s*so 1 102% 102% 10i% Rio de Janeiro 6%.. 1 78% 78% 78% Rto da Jan 8s *45... 11 100 99% 99% Rio Gr du Sul 6s*4t 2 73% 73% 78% Rome 6%s 10 91% 91 91 R y’l Dutch 4%sww 47 89% 89% 89% Saxon (PW> 7«.... 7 98% 97% 97% Sao Paulo *SO 2 99 98% 99 Seine 75‘42 6 108% 107% 108% Serbs Cr Slow 75.... 6 84% 84 84 Serbs-Crot-Slo Bs.. 4 96 96 96 Solssons 6s 13 104 103% 103% Sweeden 6%s 11 105 103% 105 Swiss 6%s *46 12 104% 104% 104% Swiss Confed 85.... 7 108 107% 108 Toho El Pwr 6s *32. 8 100% 100 100% Toho El Pwr 75.... 1 100% 100% 100% 0 3 77% 77% 77% Toklo 5%s *6l 6 90% 90% 90% Utd Klngm 6%5*37 30 104% 103% 104% Uruguay 6s *6O 6 96% 96% 96% Yokohama 6s 8 96% 95% 96 MISCELLANEOUS. Abftlbl PAP 6s *63.. 27 85 84% 84% AbramAStraus 6%s 1 101% 101% JOl% Adams Exp 4s *48.. 2 85% 85% 85% Alleghany Cp Ea *44 15 100% 99% 99% Alleghany 6s *49... 71 100 99% 99% Allis Chaim 6s-87.. 6 101% 101% 101% Am Chain 6s *B3 1 101% 101% 101% Am Beet Sugar 65.. 2 72 72 72 Am For Pwr 5a 2030 49 89 88% 89 Am I GCh 6%5*49. 13 106% 106% 106% Am Int Cor 6%a *49 3 98 97% 98 Am Metal 6%s *84.. 76 97% 96% 97% Am Nat Gas 6%a*43 6 86 86 86 Am Smlt A R Ist 6a 25 101% 101% 101% Am Sugar Ref 65.. 6 103% 101% 101% Am TAT cv4%s*39 24 170% 168% 170% Am TATEs *65 55 104% 104% 104% Am TAT cl tr 55... 19 105% 104% 105% Am TAT sf 6s 12 104% 104% 104% AmTATS%s 14 107% 107% 107% Am Water Wks ss. 5 101% 101% 101% Am Wrtg Pa 6s *47. 9 82% 81% 82% ArmourACo 4%s*S9 5 90% 89% 90% Armour. De1.6%5.. 9 84% 83% 84% Bell Tel Pa Es fC).. 6 107% 106% 107% Bethlehm Stl pm 6s 5 103% 103% 103% Beth Steel rs 65.... 3 103% 103% 103% Certn-Td 6%s rets. 1 45 45 45 Chile Copper 6s 3 96% 96% 96% Col GAEI ss.May*62 114 103 102% 102% Com Invest 6%s ’49 63 96 95% 96 Com Invest 6s *48.. 103 100 99% 100 Con Coal Md. 65... 4 46£ 46 46 Con Gas N Y 6%5.. 16 106 105% 105% Cuban Am Sugar 8a 11 98% 98% 98% Det Edison 6s *40... 11 103% 103% 103% Oet Edison 6s 1 107% 107% 107% Dodge 6s 7 95 94v* 94*. Duquesne 4%s *67.. 12 100% 100% 100% East Cuba Sug 7%s 1 70 70 70 Fisk Rubber 85.... 1 76 75 75 Gen Cable 6%s *47. 1 99% 99% 99% Gen Mot Ac Cor 6s. 39 102% 102% 102% Gen Pub Svc4%s.. 6 100% 100% 100% Gen Thea Eq 6s *40.209 98% 97% 97% Gen Thea Eq 6s *44. 4 109% 109% 109% Goodrich 6%s 8 107 106% 107 Goodyer 6s rets.... 8 94 93% 94 Hoe ACo 6%s 2 79 79 79 Humble OA R 65.. 4 101% 101% 101% Humble O A R6%s 12 102 101% 101% 111 Bell Tel 5s 13 105 104% 104% 111 Steel 4%s *40... 2 100 99% 99%' Inland Steel 4Vi *76 2 94% 94% 94% tntl Cement 5s 4*.. 19 100% 100% 100% Inti Match 6s *47... 34 100 99% 99% Inti Mer Mar 6a.... 2 100% 100% 100% Inti Paper 5s *47... 8 89% 88% 88% Inti Paper 6s 2 94 93% 94 Inti Tel A Tel 4%5. 5 91% 91% 91% Inti TAT 4%scv. . 80 119% 117 117% Inti TelATel 6s *65. 40 98% 98% 98% Kan City PA Lt 6s. 3 105 104% 105 Kan GAE 6s '62... 6 106% 106% 106% Kendall 6%5*48 ww 1 82 82 82 Lackawanna Stl 6s. 1 103 103 103 Laclede Gas 6a 1 101% 101% 101% Laclede 6%5*53.... 6 103% 102% 103% Laelede 6%s D *6O. I 103% 103% 103% Lautaro Nitrate 6s. 21 83% 83% 83% Llgg&Myers 6a *6l. 3 103% 102 102 Loew*s. Inc. 6a 17 124 122 122 Loew's 6a w o war. 2 99 98% 99 Lorlllard 5s 4 90% 89% 90% Lari Hard 6% e 1 94 94 94 Nst Dairy 6 %a.... 179 97% 97% 97% N Y Edison 6s *44.. 16 105 104% 105 N Y Edison 6%a.... 1 113% 113% 113% NYGAEHP4S.. 7 94% 94 94% W Y Tel 4%a 22 100% 100 100% NY Tel 6s *4l 7 107 106% 106% N Y Tel 6s *49 # 110% 110% 110% North Am Ed (5... 1 103% 103% 103% Nor Ohio TrAL 6s. 26 103 101 103 Nor States Pwr 6s. 10 101% 101% 101% Nor States Pwr 6s. 4 105% 106% 10:.% Pacific Gas A El 6a 2 102% 102% 102% Pac TA T Ist 55... 10 102% 102% 102% Pan Amer Pete 65.. 8 104 104 104 Paramount 65*47.. 2 101% 101% 101% Fatlis Exohaoge 7i. 114 78 71 76 FINANC I A TJ. BalM. High. Low Close. Peoples Gas 5».... 2 102** 102% 102% PhilaCo6s’«7 17 100% 100% 100% Phlla A Read 6s**9. 141 104 1031* 103% Phillips Pet 6% a.. 13 9614 96 96 Postal Tel A C 6%s 8 95% 95% 95% Pressed St! Car Bs. 5 87 87 87 Pub Svc G 4%5’67. 9 98% 98% 98% Pub Serv G4*4 a '7O 3 98% 98>4 98’4 Pure 011 6*4s 37... 2 99% 99% 99% Punta Alegre 75... 1 34 34 34 Rem Arms 6s *37... 1 96 96 96 Rem Rand 614 s war 7 99 98% 98% Richfield Oil 6s *44. 1 93 93 93 Sinclair 011 6s 6 100% 100% 100% Sinclair 011 6145. .. IS 102% 102% 102% Sinclair 011 7s 16 103% 103% 103% Sinclair Crude 614 s 20 100% 100% 100% Sfcelly Oil 6V4» 20 96% 96% 96% Solvay Amer 5s *43. 2 97>4 97% 97% South Bell Tel 6s. . 14 103% 103% 103% Southwest Bell 55.. 5 105 105 105 Stand Oil. NJ’46 ... 24 103>4 103 103% St&nd Oil. N T.4Hs. 6 98 97% 98 Tenn Cop 6s 8’44.. > 100% 100% 100% Tenn El Pwr 6s ’47. 4 106% 106% 106% Tea Corp cv 65’44. 170 104% 103% 10:.% Transcontl Oil 6>4s 51 102% 102 102% United Drug 6s'6l. 6 97% 97% 97% U S Rub Ist rs 65... 23 85 84% 85 U S Rubber 7%5. .. 6 100% 100% 100% Utah PwrALt 65... 4 101 101 101 Utilities Pwr 6%5. 6 91 90% 91 Vertlentes Sug 75.. 3 61 61 51 Walworth 6s 45. .. 3 91% 91% 91% Warn Bros P 6s *49.209 103% 102% 102% Warner Sug 7s’4l. . 1 104% 104% 104% Westn Union 6s’6l. 1 103% 103% 103% Westn Union 6%5. 8 109% 109 109 White Sew Macn... S 73 73 73 Wickw-Spen cv 7s. 2 25 25 26 War Quin 65’39. ... 1 89% 89% 89% Wiilys-Ov 6%s *33. 2 100 79% 100 Wilson* Co Ist 6s. 17 101% 101 101% Win RepeatAr 7%s 2 103 103 103 Toungstn S&T 65.. 15 102% 102 102 RAILROAD. Atchison adj 4s. ... 2 90% 90% 90% Atchison gen 4s. .. 65 94% 94% 94% Atch deb 4%5’43. . 86 130 129 129 Atl & Dan 2d 4s'4B. 1 53% 53% 53% Atl Coast L Ist 45.. 1 94% 94% 94% Atl Coast Line 4s. . 6 91% 91% 91% Atl C L 4%s ’64 16 99% 99% 99% B* O gold 4s 17 93% 93% 93% B &O cv 4%s 11 100% 100% 100% B&O cv 4%s '60.. .244 102'* 101% 101% B & O Ist 6s rets... 1 104% 104% 104% , B& O ref 5s 4 103% 103% 103% B*o6s 2000 (D).. 12 103% 103% 103% B&Orf Imp 65.... 10 109% 109% 109% B & O SW 6s *SO. .. . 18 103% 103% 103% B& O Toledo 45.... 2 87 86% 87 P.ang&Aroos 4s *6l. 1 88% 88% 88% Boston & Maine ss. 119 100% 100 100% , Bklyn Elev 6%5... 1 92 92 92 Bklyn Manhat 65... 24 98% 98% 98% Bklyn Un El Ss *6O. 49 103 102% 103 Brdway*7th Av 6s. 2 17% 17% 17% , Can Nat 4%s *57... 2 95% 95% 95% Can Nat 6s. July’69. 7 102 101% 102 Can Nat ss. Oct’69. 16 102% 101% 102% Can Nor 4%s ’35... 6 99% 99% 99% Can Nor 6%s 5 116'% 116% 116% Can Northern 75... 3 110% 110% 110% Can Pac deb 45.... 14 88 87% 88 Can Pac 4%5’46. .. 5 99% 99% 99% Can Pacific 55’54.. 26 102% 102% 102% Can Pacific ctfs sa. 82 102% 102% 102% | Cent of Ga 6sC 59.. 5 100% 100'% 100% Cent of Ga 6%s 1 105% 105% 105% Central Pacific 45.. 1 93% 93% 93% Cent Pac Ist ss’9o. 1 104 104 104 Ches&Ohlo Corp ss. 17 100% 100 100% Ches* O 4%s ’93 A 7 98% 98 98% Ches AO4 %s B '95 157 98% 98% 98% Ches & Ohio con 6s. 1 103% 103% 103% Chi & Alt 3s 3 68% 68% 68% CB& Q gen 45’53.. 3 94% 94% 94% i CB & Q 4%5’77 8.. 82 99% 99% 99% C B&Q 111 dlv 4s. .. 7 93% 93% 93% i Chi & E 111 gn 6s 61. 1 75 75 75 Chi Gr West 45’69. 74 72% 71% 72% Chi Mil&St P 4%s C 6 94 94 94 , Chi Mil&StP 4%s E 5 94 94 94 Chi M&StP 4% s ’B9 44 99 98% 98% CbIMiIStPAP 65’76. 29 89% 88% 88% CMSP&Pac adJSsOJ 128 57% 56 56% Chi &NW gen 45... 87 90% 90% 90% Chi &NW con 4%5. 53 101% 101 101 Chi &Nw 6%s 6 109% 109% 109% Chicago Rwys 65... 2 80 80 80 Chi R1& Pgn 45.. 6 90% 90% 90% Chi R1& Prs 4s. .. 11 97% 97% 97% Chi Rk Isl 4%s A.. 3 95% 95% 95% Chi RI cv 4%s 60.. 185 100% 100 100 Chicago T H 65.... 5 95V* 95% 95% C & Wind conte.. 9 98% 89% 89% C& W Ind 6%s ’62. 1 104% 104% 104% Clev Term 4%a *77. 11 99% 99 99% Clev Term 6s 5 105 105 105 Cuba R R 7%s 2 88 88 88 Cuba Nor 6%s rets. 1 62% 62% 62% Del & Hud Ist rs 4s. 30 93% 93 93% Del & Hud 5%5.... 8 105% 105 105% Den & Rio Gcn 4s. . 17 96% 96 96 Den&RGW 4%s '36. 11 99 87% 97% Den&RGW 65’66... 34 96% 96 96 i D R G&Wst 65’76.. 1 92% 92% 92% Des M&FtD 4s ctfs. 1 26 25 26 , Det United 4%5.... 1 99 99 99 Erie Ist con 4s 1 87% 87% 87% Erieconv 4s (A)... 2 84% 84% 84% Erie gen 4s 20 82 81% 82 Erie 6s, 1967 5 95 94% 94% 1 Erie 6s. 1976 139 94% 94% 94% Fla East C6s *74... 6 51% 51% 51% Gr Trunk st deb 6s. 8 106% 105% 105% Grand Trunk 75.... 13 110% 110% 110% Gt Nor 4%5’76(D). 1 97% 97% 97% Gt Nor 4%s E wi... 10 97% 97% 97% Great Nor gen 75... 71 111% 110% 111% Hocking Val 4%5.. 1 99 99 99 Hud & Man adj 65.. 24 81% 81 81 Hud & Man ref 65.. 17 99V* 98% 99% 111 Cent ref 4s 3 93% 93% 93% 111 Cent 4%5’66.... 32 100% 100% 100% Int Rapid Trans 6s. 19 66% 65% 65% Int Rap Tr 6s stpd. 21 66% 66 66 Int Rapid Trans 6s. 27 57 54 54 lowa Central ref 4s 10 77 7 111 Cent 45’52 2 91% 91% 91% 111 Cent Chi 4%5... 4 98% 98V* 98% lowa Cent Ist ss. .. 1 29% 29% 29% Kan City Term 45.. 10 92 91% 92 Kan City Sou 65.... 1 101% 101% 101% Lake Shore 45’31.. 5 100 100 100 Lehl Val con 45.... 1 89% 89% 89% Leh.Valley 55’20.. 7 110 109% HO Long Isl rs 45.’49... 2 91 91 91 LAN uni 4s 3 96 95% 96 Manßy Ist 45*90... 8 50% 60% 50% Market St 7s *40.... 4 92% 92% 92% Mill El RyAL ss’6l. 3 101 101 101 Minn A StL ref 45.. 1 11% 11% 11% M StPASSM con 4s. 53 90% 90% 90% M StPASSM 6%5... 1 101% 101% 101% MK A Tex Ist 45.. 1 88% 88% 88% MK A Tex 4s <B>.. 1 88% 88% 88% M KAT pr In 6s(A) 18 103 102% 1027*. Mo Tacific gen 4s. . 9 79 78% 78% Mo Pacific 5s A ’66. 8 101 100% 101 Mo Pac 6s F *77 .... 30 100% 100% 100% Mo Pac 6s G ‘7B 11 100% 100% 100% Mo Pac 6%s *49 cv. 71 108% 108% 108% Mont Trm ref ss’4l. 2 98% 98% 98% Nassau El 4a '61... 2 52% 62% 62% N O Tex & M 5s(A) 5 99 99 99 NYTAM6%s.... 6 101% 101% 101% N Y Cen gen 3%5.. 12 81 80% 81 N Y Cent 45'9*.... 5 92% 92% 92% N Y Cen deb 4a. ... 12 98% 98% 98% N Y Cen rs lm «%«. 38 99% 99% 99% N Y Cen ref 6s 24 107% 107% 107% N Y Cen deb 6s. ... 1 106% 106% 106% N Y Cen LS el 3%5. 6 79% 79 79% N YC&St L4s. ... 5 96% 96% 96% NY C A StL deb 4s. 4 100 100 100 NY C A StL 4%s C 24 97% 97% 97% N YCAStL 6%s B 3 107% 107% 107% N CC A StL 65'31.. 12 101% 101% 101% NY C AStL «s •13. . 6 102% 102% 102% NYNHAH B%s '6B. 1 79 78% 79 N Y NHAH 4s ’67. . 12 80% 80% 80% NY NHAH 4%5'67. 10 93% 93% 93% NY NHAH ev db 6s 24 124% 124% 124% N Y Railway 65.... 11 4% 4 4% N Y Ont A W Ist 4s 12 62% 52% 52% NYW A B 4%5.... 6 88% 88% 88% Norf AWn con 45.. 2 93% 93% 93% Nor Paclflo 3s 3027. 21 66% 65% 65% Nor Pacific 4s 24 91% 91% 91% Nor raclflc 6s (D). 2 105% 105% 105% Nor Paclflo ref 65.. 9 113% 113% 143% Ore Short L con Ss. 1 104% 104% 104% Or# Wash Ist «5... 9 91% 91 91% Penna 4%* 1970... 336 96% 96% 56% Penna con 4 %5.... 13 101% 101% 101% Psnna gen 4%a.... 48 99% 9999% Penna 4%a '6* 23 100% 100% 100% Penna gen 6s 6 108% 108% 108% Penna 6s *66 1 103% 103% 103% Psnna 6%s 8 109% 109% 109% Peoria E lat 4a. ... 2 88% 88% 88% Pere Mart] Ist 45'66 7 91 90% 91 Pars M 4%a 19*0. . 37 98% 98 98% Pers Maro Ist 6s. 2 104% 104% 104% Philippine RR 4s. . 1 28 28 28 P C CAStL 5s 8'76. 2 109 109 109 Port El PL «s 5 100% 99% 99% Port R LA P ss'3o. 5 100 100 100 Reading gen 4% A. « 99% 99% 99% Rio G West col 45.. 2 85 84% 84% Washington Produce Butter—One-pound prints, 38 I ;a39 l &; tub, 36a37. Eggs—Hennery, 24a25; current re ceipts. 23. Poultry, alive—Spring broilers, large, 38a40; small, 32a35; Leghorns, 25a28; fowls, 23a24; Leghorn fowls, 17al8; ducks. 15al8; geese, 15; capons, large. 35a37; small. 30a33. Dressed —Spring chickens, large, 45a48; small, 40a42; fowls, 27a28; capons, large, 40a42; small. 30a33; ducks. 24a25. Meats, fresh killed—Beef, 20a23: veal, 20a22: lambs, 25a28: pork loins, 28a32; fresh hams, 25a27; fresh shoulders, 22: smoked hams. 27; smoked shoulders. 22: bacon, 27; lard, in packages, 13; In bulk. 12. Live stock—Calves, Spring lambs, 8al0’?. Fruits —Apples, box stock. 3.25; oranges, California, 800a8.50; lemons, 8 50; pineapples, 3 50a4.00; watermelons. 1.00al.50; cantaloupes, jumbos. 4 00s 4.25; standards. 3.50a3.75; ponys, 2.75 a3 00; honeydews, standards, 3.50a4.00. flats. 2.75a3.00; strawberries. 3.00a4.50: huckleberries, 5.00a9.00; blackberries, 3.00a4.50. Vegetables—Potatoes, new, 5.00a5.35: old, 150-pound sacks, 4.50; 120-pound sacks, 3.50a4.00; asparagus. 100a4 00; cauliflower. 2.75; lima beans. 6 00; string beans. 1.00; cabbage. 50c bu.shel basket; peppers, 4.00; squash. I.ooa 1.50; tomatoes. 2.00a2.50; beets, 4.00a6.00 per, 100 bunches, carrots. 3.00a6.00 per 100 bunches; spinach, 1.75a2.00: kale, I.ooa 1.25; com, 3.00; cauliflower, 2.00. Corporation News NEW YORK, June 11.—The following is today’s summary of important corpor ation news prepared by Standard Sta tistics Co., Inc, New York, for the Associated Press: News Trend. Steel activity witnessed a further slight recession in the past wepk. Operations in the industry as a whole averaged about 71 per cent ol capacity against a shade above 71 per cent in the previous week. In the like week of 1929 average was about 97 per cent and in 1928 slightly under 76 per cent. The United States Steel Corpora ation maintained its rate at 75 per cent but Independent rate declined to about 67 per cent from 67>/ a per cent a week ago. Railroad freight car loadings for the week of May 31 were the lowest for the period since 1922. Total of 860,249 car* was 71,223 below the preceding week, due chiefly to the Decoration day holi day and the fact that the following day, in many instances, was observed as a holiday. Compared with 1929 week de crease was 112,575 cars, while against 1928 period reduction was 74,424. All districts reported decreases compared with 1929, while all except the Pocahon tas region reported reductions compared w-ith 1928 period. Outstanding in corporation news 1* the large number of unfavorable divi dend announcements. Reduction in quarterly rates was made by John R « Thompson, Newton Steel and Conti nental Diamond Fiber, while omission of payments was announced by Celotex and American Seating. The Companies. American Seating passed 50-rent quarterly dividend on common stock due at this time. Atlantic Refining acquires Tarzan Oil Co. of Rochester, N. Y. Canada Power & Paper to absorb An glo-Canadian Pulp & Paper Mill* through exchange of 2Vi shares Can ada Power & Paper stock for 1 share Anglo-Canadian ordinary stock. Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pa cific Railway May groes off 15.7 per cent; net down 60 per cent. ‘ Continental Diamond Fiber declared quarterly dividend of 50 cents; last payment 75 cents. Celotex Co. passes quarterly dividend of 75 cents on common stock due July 1. Diamond Shoe May sales up 18.7 per cent; five months, 17.5 per cent above year ago. General Refractories propose increasing capital stock from 300,000 no par shares to 600,000 shares. Additional securities for acquisitions from time to time. F. W. Grand 5-10-25 Cent Stores, Inc., May sales up 9 per cent; five months, 10.2 per cent above year ago. Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea May sales up 7.8 per cent; five months, 8.1 per cent above year ago. Gillette Safety Razor introduces de luxe line retailing from $5 to $75 each, also new de luxe blade selling at $2 for 10. Hamburg-American Line awarded $38,- 801,000 by war claim arbiter for vessels seized during World War. International Nickel of Canada pro pose increasing common stock to 15,- 000,000 shares from 19,928,594. Rights to purchase 6 new shares for each 100 held at S2O share to be offered stock holders. Proceeds for completion of expansion program. International Silver obtains new Waldorf-Astoria Hotel silver contract; initial order calls for over 100,000 pieces. Isaac Silver & Bros. Co„ Inc., May sales up 26.2; five months, 2'.3 per cent above year ago. Jonas & Naumburg omits preferred dividend of 75 cents, due July 1. Lucky Tiger Combination Gold Min ing declares dividend of 10 cents on common stock; last payment, 2 *'2 cents, November 20. MacMarr Stores May sales up 10 5 per cent; 5 months, 8.9 per cent above year ago. Newton Steele declares quarterly divi dend of 50 cents on common; cost pay ment, 75 cents. North German Lloyd awarded $27.- 311,000 by war claim arbiter for vessel* seized during World War. Sally Frocks May sales up 5.2 per cent; 5 months, 49.4 per cent above year ago. Singer Manufacturing declares ex tra and regular quarterly dividends of $2.50 each; last extra, $4.50, March 31. Nathan Strauss. Inc., May sales up 34.5 per cent; 5 months, 27.5 per cent above year ago. John R. Thompson Co. declares quar terly dividend of 75 cents on common;* cost payment, 90 cents. United Electric Coal earned 99 cents on common stock in 9 months to April* 30. against $2.17 in pervious like period. Westinghouse Electric & Manufactur ing makes patent licensing arrangement with English Electric Co., Ltd. of Lon don; to acquire minority interest In company. Sales Hlsh low Close R I Ark A L 4%5... 33 99% 98% 98% St LIMAS 65... 5 100% 100% 100% StL IMAS RAG 4S. 5 98 98 98 StL ASFpi4s A. .. 39 91% 90% 91% StL ASF 4%s 76.. 71 93% 93% 93% StL A SanFr In 6s. . 6 102% 102% 102% St LS W con 4a '*2 15 99% 5 9 99% StL SW 6s '62 2 100% 100% 100% StP AKC ShL 4 %S. 24 99% 97% 97% StP Un Dep 6s 10 106% 106 106 Seaboard AL raf 4s 1 63 63 53 3eaboard AL cn 6s. 16 64 62% 63' S B All Fla 6s '*6 A. 13 59 57% 57% Sou Pac clt 4s 1 92% 92% 92% Sou Pac ref «5.... 20 93% 93% 93% Sou Pac 4%s rets.. 2 97% 97% 97% Sou Pac 4%5'69 ww 67 99 98% 99 Sou Rwy gen 4a.. 40 91 90% 91 Sou Rwy con 65... .30 109% 109% 109% Sou Rwy 6s '66.... 30 119 117 119 Sou Rwy 6%S 12 125% 124% 126% Texas A Pac Ist... 4 109% 109% 109% Tex A Pac 6s B *77. 5 102% 102% 102% Tex A Pac 6s C'79. 3 102% 102% 102% Third Avs ref 4s’6o 6 49% 49% 49% Third Avs ad! 6s. .. 45 26 26 26 Tol Tr LAP 6 % s’3o 2 100 100 100 Ulster A Del 4s *62. 4 48 48 48 Union Pac Ist 45.. 6 96% 96 96 Union Pao 4s '6*... SO 90% 90 90 Un Pac Ist ref «a.. 11 91% 91% 91% Union Pao «%5.... 2 99 99 99 Virginia Ry Ist 6a. 30 106 105% 106* , V» RyiPwrJs... 10 101% 101% 101% Wabash 4%5'76 ret 45 93% 93 98% Wabash Ist 6s 2 102% 102% 102% Wabash 65'76 B. .. 3 100% 100% 100% Western Md 45., 19 84 83% 84 West M<l S%s '77.. 8 99% 99 99% West Pacific 85.... 2 96% 96 96 West Shora 4s 61..-. 5 88% 88% ,83% WlsCen gn 4s 43... 2 78% 78% 78%