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CURB SHARES DROP IN FRESH SELLING Market Slips Off After Firm Start —Utilities Are Hard Hit. BY JOHN' A. CRONE. ■pectai Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. June 11.—In an effort to continue the rally of the preceding seasion. the Curb Exchange today held fairly Arm until noon, when a wave of ■ailing, which first hit the utilities, spread over most of the list. Trading up to that time was only one-half vol ume of Tuesday's session. The opening, unlike that of Tuesday, was not marked by the appearance of big blocks. While there was an early belief on the floor that the rally of Tuesday was more than technical, the slide at noon on a reduced volume of • trading proved disconcerting. Electric Bond & Share opened up % only, to react nearly 3 points around midday. Goldman Sachs, opening at 28*8, showed an initial gain of 7 8 . which was soon wiped out and replaced by s net loss from the previous close. Cities Service at its initial sale of 30*4 was Vs higher, but it fell close to 30 near mid-day. Transamerica at 34 > 8 showed an overnight gain of % points which soon was replaced with a loss of twice that amount. Coincident with the announcement of an issue of £1,500,000 of 7 per cent 15-year debentures in London, the ordi nary shares of Roan Antelope scored a gain of a point in this market. Deere & Co. was hard hit while the mid-day selling wave neared its peak. Opening up 3 g at 118'« Deere held faifly steady until noon when it began & plunge that within 15 minutes car ried it down to 107 3 8- , Standard Oil of Indiana plans a big expansion program in which pan-Amer ican and other units operating in for eign fields will play an important part. When some of the details qf this plan became public, traders turned bullish on the stock, which, however, sold off with the rest of the market. Associated Gas & Electric certificates, conspicuously weak in recent sessions, jumped 5 points today, following the announcement that the company had sold 13,700 automatic refrigerators with in six weeks. This is said to be the largest number of such units ever sold by a utility in a single campaign. Federal Screw, whose earnings have been effected because of the slackened activities of automotive manufacturers, « fell 2 points to a new low price for the year. BONDS ON THE CURB MARKET. Bales in DOMESTIC BONDS, thousands. High. low. Close. 1 Alabama Pow 5s '6B 102' 2 102% 102% 5 Alabama Pow 4%s '67 97% 97% 97'* 12 Aluminum Co 5a '52 102% 102 102% 5 Aluminum Ltd 5s '4B 99 99 99 9Am Aggre 6s '43 ww 85 85 85 18 Am Cmwlh Pw 6s 40 98 98 98 08 Amer G & X 5s '2B. 98% 98% 98% >4 Amer P * L 6s 2016. 108 107% 107% 4 Amer RoU Mill 5s '4B 99 % 99 99 •5 Appalach Pow 5s '56 100% 1007* 100% 40 Appalach Gas 6s '45 120 115 115 14 Appalac Gas 6s B '45 100 100 100^ 6 Arkans P & L 5s ’56 88% 98% 98% 16 Asso Electric 4%s '53 85% 85% 857* 1 At G k E 4%s '4B XW 81 81 81 S 3 Asso G&E 4%s C '49 85 84 84 41 Asso Gas A E 5%s '3B 79 % 79 79 • 1 Asso G * E 5%s ’77. 99 99 99 18 As Sim Hdw B%S ’3B 86% 86 86 •1 As Tel Util B VjS ’44 C 98% 97% 98 1 Atlas Plywd 5%s ’43 77% 77% 7<% 6 Bell Tel Can is A '55 103% 102% 102% SI Bell Tel Can 5s B '57 108% 103 103 S2Bost & Me 2d 5s 55 99% 99% 99% 1 Can Nat RK7S E '3B 103 108. 108 2 Cap Adm 5s '43 XW 80% 80% 80% 5 Carolina P A L 5s '56 102% 102% 102% 19 Caterpil Tr 6s '3B wi 103% 103% 103% 13 Cent S', Elec »%s ’54 82% 82 82% 12 Cent Stat Elec 5s '4B 79 78% 79 lOCig Str Re 5%i A '49 88 87 88 22 Cm St Car B%g A '52 98 97 98 1399 Cities Service 5s '50.. 105% 104 s 104% 4 dties Service 5s '66. 84 84 84 5 Ctt Serv Gas 5%s ’42 87 87 87 6 Clt Serv Pow 5%s ’52 87% Bi% 87% 5 Cleve El lUu 5s B '6l 106% 106% 106% 18 Consum Pow 4%s 'SB 98% 98% 98% 13 Cont G A E 5s A 'SB 90 % 89% 89% 16 Crown Zeller 6s '4O . 97 96% 96% 6 Crucible Steel ss, '4O. 99% 99% 99% SO Det C Gas 5s B '50.. 101% 101% 101% 1 Det C Gas 6s A '47.. 106% 106% 106% 1 Det Int Brdg 6%S '52 69 59 59 3 Det Inter Brdg 7s '52 56 55 55 14D1X GG 6%s A '37 ww 90% 90% 90% • 10 Duquesne Gas 6s 45. 97% 97% 97% 1 Edis El Bost 5s A 33 101% 101% 101% 5 El Pa NG 6%S '43 ww 105% 105% 105% 15 Elec P Sc L 5s A 2030 92% 92 92 11 Fairbanks Mor 5s '42. 97% »‘% 97j 2 1 Federal Wat 5%* 54 95% 95% 95 j 2 3 Firestone C M is 48 89 88% 88 • 8 Fisk Rubber 5%s '3l 99% 99% 99% 6 Florida PAL 5s '54... 90% 90% 90% 10 Gatineau Pow 5s 56. 94% 94% 94% 3 Gatineau Pow 6s '4l. 99% 99% 99% S 8 Gen Baking 5s '25... 97% 97 97% 5 Gen Wat Wk 6s B 34 94 94 94 4 87 Georgia Power 5s '67 101 100% 101 11 Grand Trunk 6%s '36 106% 106% 106% 9 Gulf Oil Pa 5s 37 ... 101% 101% 101% 8 Hous Gulf G 6s A '43 96 96 96 1 Hygrade Fd 6s A '49. 67% 67% 67Va 3 Illinois PAL 5%s '57. 95 95 95 2 Indnap PAL 5s A '57. 100% 100% 100% 78 Inland Util 8s '34... 124% 124 124 166 Insull Utilities 6s '4O 102% 102% 102% 5 Inter Pw Sec 7s E '57 101% 101% 101% 14 Intcrsta Power 6s '52 89 88 88 2 Inves Co 6s A '47 ww 99 99 99 lOlnves Co 5s A '47 XW 80% 79% 79% 1 Inv Eq 5s A '47 xw.. 79 79 79 26 Kelvinator 6s ’36 xw. 87% 87 87 63 Koppers GA C 5s 47 99% 99% 99% 13 Hopper GAC 5%s 'SO 102% 1027. 102% 15 Lehigh P S 6s A 2026 105 104% 105 2 Libby McN A L 5s 42 94% 94 94% 1 Long Island Lt 6s '45 105 105 105 127 La A Arkansas 5s '69 84 82% 84 6La P AL os 57 97% 57% 97% 4 Manitob P 5%* A 51 99% 99% 99% SO Mass Gas 5%S 46 98% 98 98 1 Memphis N G 6s '43 103% 103% 103% 2 Mllw G A E 4%s 67 98% 98% 98% 10 Miss Riv FI 6s 44 ww 113% 113% 113% 1 Miss River Fuel xw.. 95% 95% 95% *OO MO Pac R R 5s 80 wj 100% 100% 100% 3 Morris A Co 7%s 30.. 100% 100% 100% 1 Narragansett 5s '57.. iOl% 101% 101% 17 Nat P A L 5s B 91% 91% 91% 3 Nat P A L 6s A 2026. 105 105 105 1 Nat P 8 5s '7B 78 78 78 1 Newb yJ J 5%s 40 wi 98% 98% 98% 1 New Eng GAE 5s 47 91 91 91 # N Y F In 5%s 48 ww 86 85 85 85 N Y P A L 4%s 67 . 95% 95% 95% 9 Niag Bhares 5%s 50 104% 104 104 3 Nor Ind P 8 6s C 66 101% 101% 101% 1 Nor Ind P S 5s D 66 1017. 101% 101% 4 Ohio Pow 4%S D '56. 95% 95% 95% 5 Intercom Pow 6s '4B. 92 92 92 15 Pac G& E 4%S E '57 96% 96' 2 96% 1 Pac W O 6%s '43 ww 92% 92% 92% • 12 Penn OEd 57 2 s B 59 100 99% 99% 4 Penn OEd 6s 'SO xw 103 102% 103 5 Phila Elec 5%s '72.. 106 106 106 SO Pitts Steel 6s 48.... 103 1027* 102’% 1 Poor A Co 6s '39 104 104 104 6 Potomac Ed 5s E '56. 99% 99% 99‘.« 1 Pug 8 P Ac L 5%S 49 102% 102% 102% 6 Fug S P&L 5%S C '49 91 96% 96% 1 Rel Manage 5s A '54 82 82 82 1 Roch On Pow 5s '53 797a 79% 79% ISt L Gas A C 6s '47. 75% 75% 75% 4 San Ant P 8 5s B 'SB 97% 97% 97% 2 Schulte RE 6s 3a xw 80 80 80 3 Shaw W&P 4%s A '67 95% 95% 95% 1 Shaw W&P 4%s B '67 95% 95% 95‘, 2 3 Shaw’g 5s C '7O 102% 102% 102% 2 Snawsneen 7s '31... 100% 100% 100% 1 Snider Pack 6s ’32 . 70% 70% 70% ISE PAL 6s A 2025 xw 106 106 106 4 South Calif Ed 5s 52 103% 102*4 102% 1 South Cal Gas 5s ’37 93% 93% 93% S 3 Southern N G 6s ’44 99% 99 99% 13 Standard PAL 6s ’57 997 s 99% £9% 5 Sti lines 7s 46 xw 85 85 85 3 Sun Oil 5%s ’39 102% 102% 102% l Swift Co 5s ’32 100% 100% 100% 17 Texas Gas Ut 6s 4* 98 98 98 07 Texas PAL 5s 56.. 100% 100 100% 79 Trl Util 5s 79 85% 85% 85% 1 Uien A Co 6s 44 .... 91% 91% 91% 8 Union Oil Cal 5s 45 100 99% 99% 11 Uni Lt A Ry 5%a ’52 91% 91% 91% • 1 Uni Lt ARy6s A ’52 102 102 102 • U S Rub 6s 33 99 99 99 4 U S Rub 6%s 31 100 100 100 4 U S Rub 6‘aS '38.... 95 95 96 IV S Rub 6‘ ? * '39 ... 94% 94% Ms 2 Valvoline Oil 7s 17.. 102% 102% 102% S 5 Van Swerlngen 6s '35 95% 98% 98*4 |5 Virgin Ry 4%a B '62 98 :l « 98% 98% 10 Wabash 5s D 'BO 101 101 101 «Webster Mill 6’,as '33 97% 97% 97% 3 West News Del 6s '44 87 86% 87 8 Wes Tux Ut Ss A '75. 92% 92% 92»s FOREIGN BONDS. tl Bogota Mtg Bk 6s '47 100% 100% 100% 15 Buen Air Prov 7s ’52 91% 91 91 1 Cent Bk Ger 6s A '52 85 85, 85 1 Chile Mtg Bk «s ’3l lOO’/s 100% 100% 3Com Pr Bk 5%s '37 88% 88% 88% •0 Cuban Repub 5s '45 95% 95% 98% 1 Danzig Port 6%s '52 81% 81 ‘a 81% 4 Europ El Cp 6‘aS 65 94% 94% 94% 5 Gelsenkirchen 8s '*4 95% 95% 95% lOOer Cons Mun 6a '47 89% 89% 89% jGer Con Mun 7a '47 97% 96% 96% 1 Hamburg El 5%» '3B 85% 85% 85% 1 Hamburg Elec vs '35 101% 101% 101% 4 Hanover City 7a .. 98 97% 98 4 Helsingfors 6%t 'SO.. 92% 92 93 6 Iserco Hyd El 7*'62.. 91% 91% 91% • « 3 Manafeld MAS 7s '4l 87% 87% 87% 1 Parana Brazil 7s 'SB. 74 , 74 74 11 Prussia T 8 6s '52.. 95% 95 95 14 Ruhr GCo 6%s A '53 88% 86% 36% 8 Ruhr Hous 6%S '58.. 88% 88% 88% 3 Santiago Chile 7s '49 97 97 97 12 Btinnea 7s 36 xw... 85 85 85 1 Sydney NSW 5%s 'BS 89% ?9% 89% 9 Unit EJ Serv 7s '6B XW 95 94% 94% 15 Unit xnduat B>aS '4l. 92 91% 92 • 1U 8 W 6%* A '47 ww 91% 91 a 91% ;• ww—With warrants. xw—Without warrants, n—New. Wl—When issued. fTNANCIAt. * TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORE CURB MARKET | Notice—All atockf are sold In mm hundred-share lota excepting those designated by the letter ■ (655) (255) which (hows thoee stocks to bo sold ta odd lots only. —Prev. 1930.-. Stock and Salea— High. Low. Dividend Rat*. Add 00. Open. Kish. bow. Cloea 3% 1% Aeronautlo Ind war.. 9 2% 2% 2% 2% 23% 11 Aero Underwriters.. 4 11% HHt 11 11 83% 21% Ainsworth <52%)... 1 22% 22% 22% 22% 9% 3% Air investors ▼.t 0... 14% 4% 4% 4% 4% 1% Alexander Indust... 12% 2% 2% 2% 23% 18 All Am Gen Corn.... 6 20% 20% 19% 19% 15 14 Alles AFisher (2)... 1 14% 14% 14% 14% 15% 9 Allied Mills <600... 3 9% 9% 9% 9% 858 275 Aluminum Co of Am 2 282 282 282 282 109% 105% AluCoof Am pf ((). 2 109% 109% 109% 109% 44 82 Am Bakerles(A) (3). 2 82 32 82 82 18% 7% Am Capital <B) 8 9 9 9 9 28% 14 AniCPAUBHI«%) 27 1874 19% 17% 19% 33% 20% Am Colortype (2.40). 1 30% 30% 30% 30% 28% 23% Am Com T<A) blo%. 22 25% 25% 25 25% 60% 54% Am Cwlth P(B)10% 2 45% 4774 46% 4774 6% 1 Am Co’wlth Pwr war 43 2 2% 1% 2 % % Am Control Oil Fids. 5 % % % % 37 21 Am Cynam B <1.60). 90 23% 23% 21% 22 22 16% Am Equities 7 Ifi% 16% 16% 1«% 7674 46 Am For Pwr(war).., 21 5674 5674 SI 61 157 113% Am Gaa & Elec <tl). 60 135% 136% 129% 129% 109% 105% Am Gas*Elec pf < 6). 1 108% 108% 108% 108% 16% 10 Am Invest, Ino <B).. 7 11% 11% 10 10 89% 66% Am Lt&Trac in).... 14 70 70 65% 65% 54% SO Am Machine & Fdry. 11 48 48 48 48 4% 1% Am Marlcabo 46 274 3% 274 3% 19% 7% Am Natural Gas 10 15 16 12% 14 103 103 Am Sm&Ref 2d pf (6). 1 103% 108% 108% 103% 39% 23% Am Superpwr <1)... 844 30% 30% 27% 28% 101% 94% A.n Super Ist pf <«). 2 101 101% 101 10174 15% 10% Am U&Gen B vte 40a 40 10% 11% JO% 1074 3274 17 Amrad Corporation.. 4 20 2074 18 18 43% 15% Anglo Chll Nitrate.. 27 34 84% 30% 81 14% 1074 Appalachian Gas.... 20 11% 1174 1174 11% 2374 9% Arcturus Rad Tubs. 4 11 11 10 10 16% 8% Arkansas Nat Gas. .t 6 10% 10% 10% 10% 16% 8% Ark Nat Gas <A).... 87 10% 10% 9% 1071 8% 7% Ark N Gcu pf (60c).. 1 8 8 8 8 60% 46 Armstrong Cork t 2 % £o* 61 T 4 6174 6174 6174 8 5% Asso Eleo Ind <3OO . 5 5% 8% 5% 6% 51% 59% Asso Gas &El*c....i 2 89% 40 59% 40£ 46% 25*4 Asso G&E (A) 42.40. 24 36 86 85% 3574 11% 6% AssoG&E (A) dbrta 9 6% 6% 6% 674 147% 113% Asso Gas&El ctfs(C) 1 120 120 120 120 28% 23% Asso Tel Util (b*%). 1 23% 23% 23% 23% 26 18 Atlas Plywood (2)... 2 17% 17% 17 17 15% 6% Auto Music A(t1.05) 12 6% 6 6% 6 55 24% Aviation Com of Am 17 43% 45 43% 41 17 1274 Aviation Credit 2 14% 14% 14% 14% 19 7% Aviation Securities.. 6 16 16 ls% 1574 674 2% Bahia Corp 2 3% 374 8 8 15% 6% Blue Ridge Corp.... 13 8% 9 8% 8% 44% 33% Blue Ridge cv pf(al) 16 39 39 3774 38*4 55% 35% Brazil Trac 4k Lt <2), 43 46 46 43% 44% 16% 9 Brillo Mfg 2 8% 8% 8% 8% 28% 26% Brit Am Tob B t 1.20. 6 26% 26% 26 26 28% 26% Brit Am To reg tl 20 3 25% 28% 25% 25% 4 3 Burco, Inc (war).... 8 8 8 8 3 10% 7% Burco. Inc 5 8 8 8 8 41 40 Burco, Inc, cv pf (3). 1 40 40 40 40 17% 8% Butler Bros (JOc)..- 19% 9% 9% 9% 5% 3% Bwana M Kubwa.... 8 8% 3% 8% 8% 15 12% CampeCorp (2) 1 1274 127* 12% 12% 974 3% Canada Marconi....; 101 6% 6 674 6% 2% % Carib Syndicate 4 1% 1% 1% 1% 36 20 CelanessCorp 1 19% 19% 19% 19% 6% 3% Cent Atlantis States. 6 4% 474 474 4% 3674 80 Cent Hud G&E n(80e 8 81% 81% 81% 31% 40% 25% Cent Pub Sve. Del... 1 88 88 iiß 38 42% 38% Cent PS (A) (a1.76) 22 36 36 34% 34% 39% 19 Cent States Eleo f4O« 87 30 30% 27% 28% 83% 72 Cent Sta El pf(6)xw. 2 79% 79% 79% 7974 8% 4% Centrlfu* Pipet6oc). 2 6% b% b% 6% 10% 8 Chaln&Gen Equities. 2 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 2% Chain Stores Dev.. - 3 6% 6% 5% 57i 17 12 Chain Stores Stock.. 3 13% 13% 13% 13% 25 1974 Chat Ph A1 n-v(soc). 10 21% 21% 20% 20% 25% 1974 Chem Nat Asso n-v. 13 20 20 19% 1974 114 106% Childs Co pf (7) 120* 11074 111 110% 110% 44% 267* Cities Service(f3oc) 433 30% 3074 29% 3074 9374 *8 Cities Srvcpf (6)... 2 91% 91% 91% 91% 8974 82 CitSvc BB pf (6).... 1 83% 83% 83% 83% 93 57 Clev El Ilium (1.60). 8 58 68 57 57 36% 18 Clev Tractor (1.60).. 7 18% 18% 17 17% 6% 3% Club Aiumn Utensils 14% 4% 4% 4% 14% ,11 Cohn & Rosen. 1n0..» 1 11% 117 k 11% 11% % % Colombia Syndicate.. 1 % % % % 21 10% Col Oil & Gas v.t.e.. .• 15 12 12 1174 1174 5574 24 Columbia Pic (Jl%). 1 38% 38% 36 36 54% 35% Colum Pic v.t.c. U 74. 9 37% 38 35% 3574 335% 234 Com'wlth Edison(S) 110 s 298 298 293 293 6% 8% Com'wlth & Sou war. 48 4% 4% 4% 4% 19% 12% Comm Wat Serv b 6% 9 14% 1474 14 147 k 1 % Comstock Tunnel.... 4 % % % % 1% % Consol Auto March.. 6 % % % % 8% 5 Consol Copper 2 6% 574 6 6 19 13% Cons Dairy Prod (2). 1 14% 14% 14% 14% 136% 90% Con Gas. BaltO(3.60) 2L 127% 127% 126% 126% 6% 3 Consol Instrument.. 3 3% 3% 8 3 16 10 Consol Laundries.... 7 13 13% 18 13 ft ft Consol Nevada-Utah 10 ft 4, ft ft 13 774 Con Retail Strs (1).. 2 8 8 8 8 67 28 Cooper Bessemer(2) 2 60 5174 60 6174 17% 774 Cord Corp 44 7% 874 7% 7% 27% 22% Corp Sec, Chi (bS%). 3 23 24% 23 23 20% 1274 Corroon & Reynolds. 4 13 18 11% 11% 92 71% Cor A Rey pf (A)(6). 7 75% 75% 75 75 74% 45 Cosden Oil 10 53 63 47% 47% 7% 6% Creols Petroleum. ..i 19 6% 7% 6% 7% 34% 18% Crocker Wheeler.... 7 20% 20% 19 19% 6174 34 Cueno Press (2%)... 7 46 46 44% 44% 4% 1% Curtiss Wright war. 12 2 2 174 1% 2 1 Cusl Mex Mining.... 2 1111 1274 7% Darby Petrolm (1).. 3 8% 8% 7% 7% 87k 3 Dayton Air & Eng... 22 4% 4% 2% 2% 162% 110% Deere &Co (t 1.20). .• 81 118% 118%J04% 110 8% 2% De Forest Radio.... 46 4% 4%~" 4% 4% 11 4% Darby OH Refining.. 2 7% 7% 7% 7% 9% 6 Detroit Aircraft.... 15 7% 7% 6% 7 22% 1974 Diesel Wem % 2 18% 18% 18 18 23% 10% Dixie Gas&Utilitiea. 1 14% 14% 14% 14% 23 15% Doebler Die Casting. 1 16% 16% 16% 16% 23% 12% Douglas Air <760... 6 19% 20 19% 19% 6674 31 Dresser(Sß) A(3%). 11 4874 49% 47% 47% 4474 38% Dresser (S R) B <2).. 6 40% 40% 3974 89% 10874 41 Driver Uarrls(new). 6 84% 84% 7674 76% 13% 4 Dublller Cond A Rad 2 6% 6% 6% 6% 209 145 Duke Power <25)... 25s 179 179 179 179 17 157* Duquesne Gas (new). 18 16 16 18% 1874 7 374 Durant Motors 2 3% 8% 8% 8% 4% 3 Durham Hosiery <B) 2 4% 4% 4% 4% 21 12 Duval Tax Sul w.1... 6 18% 18% 12 12 42 25% EastnG&F Asso.... 8 3574 36% 86 36% 44 18% EastnSU PwrB(l). 10 34% 34% 81% 81% 17% 14 Eastn Util Asso cv.. 1 16 16 16 16 18% 774 Eastn Util Inv (A).. 6 11% 11% 10% 10% 23 13 Eisler Eelectrtc(lH) 22 13 13% 13 13% 21% 15 Elactrographic (2).. 2 18 18 18 18 91 92% El Bond&Sh pf w!(5) 2 93% 93% 93% 9374 11774 80% El Bond&Sh <b«).. 766 98% 98% 90% 92% 1097 k 103% El Bond&Sb pf (•)., 4 107% 107% 107% 107% 39% 24% Elec Pwr Asso (1).. 13 28% 28% 26 26 37 22% Elec Pwr Asso A (1) 15 25% 26 24 24 7874 28% Ele>'Pwr A Lop war 2 60 60 69% 69% 107 9974 El P&L 2d pf(A)(7). 1 105% 105% 106% 105% 32% 15% Eleo Shsreholdg(tl) 12 21% 22% 21 21 15% 1274 Empire Fire 1n5....» 2 13% 13% 13% 13% 6u 40 Emplrs Power (3)... 8 50 60 49% 49% 2% % Engineers Gold 2 1111 23 16 Europ El, Ltd A (60c) 13 15 16 14% 15 9 6 Euro Elec deb rts.. - 8 6% 6% 6% 5% 6 2 Evans Wallow Lead. 2 2% 2% 2% 2% 9% 2 Fabrics Ftnlnshing.. 12 4% 6% 4% 6 6% 1% Fagol Motor 12% 2% 2% 2% 2% 74 Fandango C0rp...... 10 74 1% 74 1% 9 6 Federal Baking Shop 1 8 8 8 8 4274 30 Federal Screw <3)... 8 29 29 28 28 24% 19 Federal Metls(tl 74) 1 19 19 19 19 3% 1% Flat Stock deb rta... 2 1% 1% 1% 1% 34% 13% Fokker Aircraft.... 7 2174 2174 21% 21% 974 6 Foltia Fischer Corp. 16% 6% 6% 6% 3874 £8 Ford Mot, Can Atl 74 60 38% 33% 31% 32% 12% 6% Ford Mot,France 28c 12 10% 1074 1074 1074 1974 10% Ford Mor.Ltd 27 740. 38 16% 16% 16 167 k 7% 274 Foundation For Shs. 4 4% 4% 474 4% 17% 2V* Fox Theater Cl (A). 22 1074 1074 974 974 33% 20 Garlock Pkg (1.20).. 2 2674 26% 26% 26% 4% 2% General Baking 26 274 274 2% 2% 54% 83% Gen Baking pf <!)... 9 3374 3374 33% 387. 59 60 Gen Capital Corp.... 7 50 6074 50 50 14 10% Gen E. Ltd rctslCOc) 8 1174 11% 11% 11% 9774 80 Gen G&E cv pf BIS). 8 8374 8374 83% 8374 30V4 20 Gen W W*E( A) <B>. 2 2974 29% 29 29 317 21 Gleaner Harv, n (2).. 1 £9 29 29 29 l/IV4 98 Glen Alden Coal 8... 11 98 98 98 9 s 16% 11% Globs Underwriters. 6 11-4 11*4 10% 11 % v* Gold Coin 14 & ft & A 7 " Golden Center 6 4 4 374 4 46% 25% Goldman Sachs T C.. 68 28% 28% 25% 26% 6 2% Gold Seal Eleo new.. 27 3 3 2% 274 3% 1% Goth Knltback Mach 2 1% 1% 1% 1% 44 31% GraymurCorp 2 37% 87% 3774 3774 260 220% Gr A APT n-v (6).. 10* 220 £2O 220 220 J9O 150 Great Lake DAD tlO. 9 230 280% 250 230% 20 12% Greenfield Tap&Die. 1 14% 14% 14% 14% 14% 11% Groc Stores Prod vt« 7 18% 18% 13 13 49 38% Guard Fire Asso(2). 1 38 88 38 38 29% 27 Guenther Law »2)... 2 28% 28% 27% 27% 166% 131% Gulf Oil of Pa< 1% ) . 82 141 144 136 137% 1% %« Happiness Candy. ..i 11% 1% 1% 1% 35 18% Hazeltlne Corp (2).. 2 28% 28% 28% 28% 7% 5 Helena Rubensteln.. 6 6% 6% 4% 4% 32% 24% Hires tC E) <A)(2>.. 1 28% 28% 2»% 28% 7 5 Hoi Uniter Gold l«0c) 2 #H 6% 6% b% 21 15 Holt <H> &CO(1.«0) 1 18% 18% 18% 18% 27% 19% Houston Oil of Texas 95 22% 22% 19% 21 14% 8% Hudson Bay M * 8. . 3 8% 8% 8% 8% 119 78 Humble Oil «2) 28 97% 97% 93% 94 65 87% Hydro Elea Seo (2).. 6 42% 42% 42% 42% 15 10 Hygrade Food Prod. 11 11% 11% 11% 11% 76% ImpChemlnd .t 2 6% 6% 6% 6% 30 22% Imp Oil. Can. n(6o*). 23 24 24 28% 23% 41 36 Ind Pipe L, n (t 2%). 1 36% 36% 38% 36% 47% 32% Ind Terr lllu Oil lA> 6 32% 32% 32% 32V. 63% 32% Ind Terr lllu Oil IB) 3 32% 32% 32% 32% 29% 17 Ind Fin ctfs(blo%). 3 20 20% 20 20% 71 54% insull Ut InT(b«%). 4 61% 61% 60 *>o 85% 69% Ins Co. No Am <tß).. 1 76% 76% 76% 75% 23 17 Insurance Seed.4o). 4 18 18 It 18 1% % intercontinent Pet a 12 11% l 1% 24 17% Inti Petroleum ID.. *7 20% 20% 19% 19% 61 49 Inti Salt (newfe. ... 8 49% 49% 49% 49% 46% 32% Inti Superpwrttl )•« 11 39% 40 3R% 18% 19% 6% Internal! Util <8)... 106 16% KH 14% 14% THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON. D. C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1930. 1930.—• Stock and Sale*— High- Low. Dividend Rata. Add 00. Open. High. law. Cloca -4% % Ilntl Utilities (war) 9 11 % 74 14% 10% Interstate Equities.. 8 10 10% 10 10% 27 12 Irving Air Cbf 1.60) M 5 1974 20 1874 19 18 9% Italian Superpwr A.. 9 10*4 10% 10% 10*4 9% 5 Italian Super war... 2 6% 6% 6% 674 44 28% Johnson Motor * 1 83% 33% 3374 33% 3 174 Kirby Petroleum...-i 5 2 2 2 2 20% 11% Klein(R>pt pf < J 120) 3 10% 10% 10% 10% 2 % Kolster-Br «Am Sh) 12 11 74 1 102 97 Koppers G&C pf (6). 175* 102 102% 102 10274 84 66% L'Alr Liquids 1 67 67 67 67 43% 35% Lackawanna Sec(4). 2 41% 4174 41% 41% 8774 29 Lefcourt Real pf(3). 6 31% 31% 31 31 60% 38% Lehigh Coal AN 1.40 4 41 41 39 39 6% 2% Liberty Baking 12% 2% 2% 2% 30% 17% Lily Tulip Cup 1%.. 3 23% 23% 23 23 20% 3% Loew’s. Ino (war)... 19 14 14 11% 11% 64% 12% Loew’s. Inc. deb rts.. 1 45 45 45 45 5574 34% Lone Star Gas. n (1). 19 47 47 44 45 56 40 Long Isl Light!6oc). 4 46% 46% 45% 45% 6 2*4 Louisiana Lan A Ex. 36 2% 2% 2*4 2*4 24% 18 MacMarr Stores (1). 8 19 19% 18% 19% 15% 12 Mangel Stores 1 12% 1274 12 4 12,4 77% 62 Mangel Strs pf(6%). 75# 62 62 62 62 49% 37 MapesCMfg <t3%). 3 46 46 45% 45% 47% 32% Marine Mid (1.20)... 18 36 36 31 31 3% 1 Mavis Bottling 13 1% 2 174 174 69% 48 Mayflower Asso (t 2) 1 65 65 65 65 73 66% Mead Johnson t3.T5.. 1 70% 70% 70% 70% 22% 10% Memphis Nat Gas... 11 16% 16% 16 16 20 17% Mer Cha & S (1.60).. 1 19 19 19 19 2% 1% Mesabl Iron 12 174 174 1% 1% 16*4 8% Met & Min. Inc(1.20) 24 13% 14% 13% 14% 30 15% Met Chain Stores.... 6 1574 15% 15 15 1174 6*. Mid Sts Pet v.bc. A.. 3 7% 7*4 7% 7% 6 8% Mid Sts Pet v.t.c. 8.. 2 3% 3% 3% 3% 29% 25 Mid W Sts Ut (1%).. 6 28% 28% 2< 74 2 8 38 25% Mid Wst Utll(b8%). 34 31% 31% 29% 29% 29% 22 Midland Ut(bl%%). 1 28 28 28 28 3% 1% Min Corp of C (25c).. 1 174 1% 1% 1% 36% 1874 Mo Kan P L (blO%). 88 36% 36% 36% 36% 6 I*4 Miss KP L v.t.c..... 71% I*4 1% 1% 27*4 13 Miss Riv Fuel bd rts. 3 19*4 19*4 19% 19% 110 103% Moh Hud P2d pf(7). 60s 107*4 107% 107*4 107% 16 9% Monroe Chem(l%).. 1 9*4 9*4 9** 9H 2% 1% Montecatinl deb rts.. 11 1 44% 37 Moody’s ISpt pf (3) 1 43 43 43 43 12% 8 Mount Pr0d(1.60)... 2 9*4 10 9*4 10 12*4 7% Natl Amer Co 5 8 8 8 8 51% 40 Nall Bond & S (25c). 1 39% 39% 39% 39% 108 104 Natl Da Pr pf A (7).. 3 104% 104% 104% 104% 20 16 Natl Fam Strs<l.6o). 6 167* 17 16% 16% 26 20 Natl Fam Spf (2)... 2 22% 22% 22% 22% 474 2% Natl Food (B)(b2%) 1 2 2 2 2 41% 25% Natl Fuel Gas (1). ~i 17 36 36 33 33% 30 12% Natl Investors 21 17% 17% 15% 16 85 84 Natl Invest pf (5%)* 1 79*4 79% 79% 79% 26% 22% Natl Pub SvA(l.6O). 3 23% 23% 23% 23% 27% 16% Natl Rub Mach (2).. 4 16% 16% 16 16 32% 15% Natl Screen Svc(2).. 11 32 82% 31% 82% 14*4 12 Nat Sh T Sec A 150 c- 5 14% 14% 14V4 14% 76% 60 Natl Steel x-war(S).. 2 64% 64% 64 64 85 29 Natl Sugar. NJ (2).. 2 33% 33% 33% 33% 22*4 18% Natl Transit (1) I 18% 18% 18 18 10% 3% Natl Union Radio..- 76% 76% 6*4 26 16% Nehl Corp (1.80).... 4 22% 22% 22 22 149% 60 Nevada Cal Elec 80s 129% 130% 125% 125% 3% 2*4 New Brad Oil <6oc).. 3 2*k 2% 2*k 2% 95% 8874 New Eng Pwr pf (6). 20* 90*4 90% 90% 90*4 91% 66% N J Zino (12 %) 2 74 74 73% 73% 14174 105% Nswmont M<n (J 4).. 8 112% 112% 108% 108*. 42 24 NewportCo(2) 6 31 31 30*4 30*4 1 % New Quincy M (10c). 1 % % % % 9*4 6*. NY Auction 4 7 8 7 8 167 k 10% N Y Pet Royalty 4 12% 12% 12% 12% 18 8 N Y Rio&Bu Aires... 2 13’k 1374 1374 13% 117 114 N Y Tel pf (6 74) 60s 117% 117% 117% 117% 24% 1874 Niag Hud Pwr(new). 137 20*4 20% 19 19% 6% 4*4 Niag Hud Pwr.A war 25 6*k 5*4 6 6 16% 11% Niag Hud Pwr B war 8 1274 1274 12 12% 21% 12 Niag Shars Md(4oc). 3 17 17% 17 17% 4574 27% Niles-Bement-P *274 1 31 74 3174 3174 3 174 44% 267* Noranda Mines (2).. 2 2674 26% 26% 25*. 6 2 No Am Avlat A war.. 20 8 3 2% 2% 6% 8 North Am Cement... 2 6 5 4% 4% 86 67 Nn Am Lt&Pr(bß%). 83 69 69 69 69 11% 674 Nor Cent Text 60c).. 2 8% 8% 8% 8% 4% 2*4 Noth Euro Oil Corp.. 17 3 3% 274 3 183% 168 Nor Sta Pwr A(«)... 6 160% 160*k 158 158 3474 22*4 Novadel Angene (2)- 6 2074 33% 3074 33% 1% % Ohio Copper 3 *4 *4 *4 *4 76% 66% Ohio Oil (4) 16 74% 74*4 73% 73% 108 103 Ohio Oil pf new (4).. 1 10474 104% 104% 104% ll*k 8% Oilstocks. Ltd A :60s 19% 9% 9% 9% 11% 8% Oilstocks (B)j:50c). 3 11 11 1074 10% 38% 29 Orange Crush (1%).. 1 37% 37% 37% 37% 18*4 10% Outbd Mot(A)<l.9o). 4 14% 14% -14% 14% 19% 15 Overseas Secur (1).« 1 14 14 14 14 28*4 26% PsoGAEI lstpf 1%.- 8 28% 28% 28% 28% 89% 27% PaoPubSvc (1.10)..- 1 30 30 30 30 19% 12% Pao Western 0i1...* 1 14% 14*4 14% 14% 2% 1 Pandem0i1......... 29 11% 11% 4% 174 Pantepec Oil 4 2% 2% 2% 2% 13** 6 Param’t Cabi bl %).. 16% 6% 6% 5% 16% 12 Pennroad Corp 85 12% 12% 11% 11% 95% 73 Pa WaterAPwr(l).. 2 85% 85V* 86% 85% 46 31% Peoples L&P. A a2.40 1 33% 33% 33% 33% 12 67. Perryman Elec 16% 6% 6% 6% 574 4% Petrol Corp war 13 4% 5% 4% 5% 15% 7 Pilot RaT(A)(I.2O). 9 6% 76% 7 20% 10 Pitney BP, n (20c).. 6 13% 13% 13 13% 130 111 Pitts & Lake Erie(s) 800 s 118 119 118 119 27% 20% Plymouth Oil (2).... 4 24% 24% 24% 24% 32 14% Power Securities.... <> 28 28 26 26 15% 8% Prince & Whiteiy 1.. 24 1174 1174 1074 10% 44 35% Prince & Whit pf (3) 1 38*. 38% 38% 38% 23 14 Prudential Invest... 26 16% 16% 15% 15% 27% 1774 Pub UUI Hold w w.. 87 21% 21% 19% 19% 99 96*. Pure Oil pf (C) ,20s 98% 98*4 98% 98% 27 14 Radio Products 1.... 1 13 13 13 13 9% 7 Railroad Sh Cp(2sc). 2 77 77 90% 69 Railway &LtS(ts).. 1 82 82 82 82 14% 8 Rainbow Lu Prod A., 5 8 874 7% 874 7% 3% Rainbow Lu Prod 8.. 5 4 4 8% 3% 5% 2% Reltsr-Foster(4oo)., 2 2% 2% 2% 2% 26% 16% Reliance Manag..... 3 17% 17% 17 17 8% 6% Reynolds Invest.... 2 6% 6*. 674 674 83 24% Roan Antelope Min.. 10 24% 26% 24% 25% 2974 19% Rocklans LtAP(92e) 16 26% 26% 24% 25 6% 2 Roosevelt Fleld.lno.. 11 3 3 2*k 3 11% 7% Rossla Inti Corp.... 6 7% 7% 7% 7% 8% 8% Ryan Consolidated.. 2 5 6 6 6 74 A St Anthony G01d.... 20 -ft -ft ft -ft 84 19% St Regis Paper (1).. 40 27% 27*. 25*. 26% 16V4 10 Salt Creek Prod (2)- 3 11% 11*4 11% 11% lOV* 674 Seaboard Util (50c).. 2 7% 7% 6% 674 4274 36% Seaman Bros (3).... 1 39% 39% 3974. 39% 7674 41% Sec Corp Gen new (4) 5 43% 43% 42 42 9 6% Seg Lock AH 460 c).. 3 6% 6% 6% 6% 12% 7% Selected Industries., 9 874 8% 7*4 7% 84% 66 Sel And allot cfs 6% • 3 72 72 71 71 9% 8% Sentry Safety Cont.. 2 3% 374 374 3% 69% 61% Sheaffer Pen (13).... 2 54% 64% 64 64 20 8% Shenandoah Corp.... 17 12% 12% 12 12% 48% S 3 Shenan Coro pf <a3). 19 44% 44% 42 43% 34% 18 Silica Gel Ctfs 1 21% 21% 21% 21% 95 88% Silver(lsaac) pf (7). 80s 88 88 88 88 660 465 Singer Mfg <T26)... 120 s 495 495 486 486 25% 16*4 Slsto Finance Corp.. 3 20 20 20 20 260 137% Smith (A O) (3).... 820 s 222 222 210'/. £lO% 33 18 Solar Refining 2 16V* 16% 16% 1674 18 6 South Coast 17 77 7 46% 87% South Penn 01Kt2%) 2 40 40 40 40 25% 22% SoCalEd pf C (1%). 1 26% 26% 26% 26% 21 20 Sou Natural Gas.... 2 19% 19% 19% 19% 17 9 Southland Roy (1).. 17 13 13% 12% 12% 13 6 S W Dairy Products. 16% 6% 6V* 6% 20% 7% 8 W Gas Utilities. .„ 11 14% 15% 14 14 2% 1 Spanish A Gen Reg.. 71% 1% 1% 1% 3% % Standard Motors.... 2 1% 1% 1% 1% 69% 49% Stand Oil, Ind (2%). 126 62 62 60% 60% 40% 33% Stand Oil, KY(tl-*0) 13 86 .35% 34% 35% 108% 81 Stand Oil. OhlO(2%). 2 82 82 81% 81% 80% 62 Stand Pwr ALt (2). . 1 63 63 63 63 37% 20 StarrettCorp 1 22% 22% 22% 22% 48% 34 Siarrett Corp pf (8). 4 37 37*. 36% 37*4 28% 10 Stem Cosmetics 9 18% 18% 17% 18% 18% 10 Sterchl Bros Stores.. 1 10% 10% 10% 107* 20 15 Struthers Wells T. •> 1 12 12 12 12 4% I*4 Stutz Motor Car 2 £74 274 274 2% 62 48% Sullivan Mach (4)... 60e 60 60 60 60 10 6% Sunray Oil <40c).... 9 6% 6% 6% 6*. 63 38 Superheater <t3%).» 4 41% 41*k 417 k 41% 34% 29% Swift ACo new (2).. 2 29% 29% 29% 29% 38% 31 Swift lnternatl«2%) 8 34% 36 84 34 98% 90 Swiss-Am El pf (6).. 1 97% 9774 9774 9774 9 674 Syrac Wash M B 41) 16% 674 6V* 6% 29% 19 Taggart Corp (1)... 2 27% 23% 23% 23% 98 6474 Tampa Electrlo (J 2) 9 77% 80 76V* 77% 86% 44 Technicolor, 1nc.... 12 61 61% 467* 46% 774 4% Teck Hughes 160e).. 16% 6% 6% 6% 15% B*k Texon Oil &Ld (25c). 4 13 13% 13 13% 6% 3*4 Thatcher Sec Corp.. 13% 3% 8% 3% 87 76 Thermold Co pf (7). 600 s 77 79 77 79 43 24 Tobacco A All Stks.. 4 39% 39% 37% 37% 63 44% Todd Shipyard (4).. 1 66 56 56 65 10774 10774 Toledo Ed cu pf (7).. 10s 108% 108% 108% 108% 47% 34% Transamer Ci. 60).. 221 34 34% 32% 33% 10% 6 Tran Con Air Tran., 6 8% 87k 8 8 13% 4% Trans Lux DL PS... 12 10 10 9% 9% 9 4 Trl-Cont Corp (war) 2 6% 6% 5% 6% 68% 40 Tri Utilities!tl.2o).. 3 48 48 47 47 26 23% Trunz Pork S (1.60). 1 24 24 24 24 22% 7 Tubslze Chatel <B).. 12 9% 9% 8% 8% , 28% 20 Tung-Sol Lamp (2). 1 21 21 21 21 15*k 15 Twin States Nat. G A 1 14 14 14 14 1 27 17% Ulen&Co (1.60) 2 23% 23% 23% 23% i 85 26 Un Nat Gas. Can 1.60 1 31% 31% 3174 81% 1 % Union Tobacco 9 % *4 % *4 16% 8% Unit Car Faatnrt 60c) 2 8% 8% 874 874 30% 14% United Corp (war).. 13 22% 23 21% 22% 44 26 Utd Founders*b2.B6) 162 26% 27 2674 26 45% 19*4 United Gas Co 2 34 84 33% 83% , 28% 17*4 United Gas Co (new) 242 20% 20% 1874 18% 1 11% 6% United Gas (war)... 22 B*4 B*4 874 874 99 94% United Gas pf <7)... n 96 * 96 * 42% 29V* United Gas Corp ctfs 7 34% 347* 33 33 56 27% Utd Li A Pwr All).. 326 47*4 47% 43 44% 1 119*4 97% Utd Lt & Pwr of(«). 9 113*4 113% 11174 11274 2% 1% Unit Profit Sharing.. 4 1% 1% IV* 17. , 22% 14% U S Elec Pwr (war). 42 17 17% 16 17 6% 6% U S Elec Pwr (war). 16% 6% 6% 6% 30 19 U S Finishing (12).. 2 17*k 17% 16 16 r 26% 17% U S Foil <B> <l>. ...> 11 .2% 22*. 211 ft 2174' . 68 42 U S Gypsum 0.60). . 2 46 jr46% 4b 46% 1 8 2% US & Inti Secur 8 4% *% 474 474 1 76 60% U S&lntl Sec Ist (6). 3 66% 66% 66% 66% —Prev 1930. Stock and Sales— High. Low. Dividend Rata Add 00. Open. High. Low. Cloea 20% 14 US Lines pf (1) 18 16*. 16% 15 15 23 17% US A Overseas war.. 13 18% 18% 1774 17% 55 42% U S Radiator <8).... 1 48 48 48 48 16% 11 Utd Verda Ext <4).. 12 11 1174 10% 10% 44 H Unity Gold 1 74 % 7* 7i *4 % Utah Metal & Tunnel 6 % % % % 28 14% Utility PwrALt(al). 26 20% 20% 19% 19% 23*4 16% Utility A Ind .. 5 16% 16% 16 16 29% 22 Util A Ind pf (1%).« 2 23% 23% 2874 2874 22 10% Utility Eauitlas....» 4 15% 15% 15 15 97% 85% Vacuum 011 (14%).* 38 89% 89% 86 86 16 6 Van Camp Packing.. 17% 7% 774 7% 4% 2% Venezuela Petrolm. .• 2 2% 2% 2*4 2% 9% 7% Vick Financial Corp. 5 8 874 8 874 61 39 Walgreen Co 1 88% 88% 38% 38% 13*4 8% Walker (H)(1) 7 10% 10% 10% 10% 4% 2% Walker Min (7%e).. 1 274 274 274 274 19 8% Wayne Pump 2 16% 16% 16% 16% 85 33 Wayne Pump pf 3%. 1 84 34 34 84 HANKS IN SUPPORT OF STOCK MARKET Investment Trusts Also De clared to Have Aided Yes terday’s Recovery. BY JOHN F. SINCLAIR. Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, June 11.—A sharp rise In stock prices on the New York Stock Exchange in the last hour yesterday brought heart to thousands of anxious traders. For a week watchers on the big board have seen the stock price level sinking lower and lower. Was there any bottom? If so, when would it be reached? The early trading was very discour aging. When the U. 8. Steel Corpora tion reported a decline of 294,993 tona in unfilled orders for May 31, as com pared with the April 30 figures, lt did not help the situation any. Then when Radio Corporation broke below 39 to a new low it looked like another market crisis had come. But the last hour did a lot to restore confidence. Most of the blue chip stocks registered a distinct gain over Monday’s close. General Electric was up 3V a points, U. S. Steel 5, Radio 3. Para mount 3Vs, Standard Oil of New Jersey 3 '/ 2 and Columbia Gramophone 2. Strong buying support from the banks and investment trusts entered the mar ket just as everything looked worst. So far, the public, with memories of burned fingers last November, has been cautious about getting back into the market. Yesterday lt was a traders' market, and most anything can happen in such a market. J. Edward Jones, New York oil-royalty expert, has brought out some pertinent facts about the crude oil “overproduc tion” problem. “There is a vast difference between overproduction and oversupply,” said Mr. Jones. “The real condition of do mestic underproduction has been gen erally masked by four things: 1. An improper presentatio nand determina tion of suply and demand figures; 2. In overlooking the significance of im ported oil; 3. In misinterpreting the significance of crude oil stocks on hand; 4. In the Indiscriminate, if not insid ious, slogan ‘overproduction’.” Mr. Jones says that when the adop tion of the conservation policy forced a decline in the production of domestic oil during the week of December 28, 1929, as compared with the previous week, the Imports of oil increased cor respondingly. “Domestic overproduction, except for short periods and locally, is a myth,” said Mr. Jones, “and a general oversup ply exists primarily because of imports. The 13 years prior to January 1, 1929, represents 11 years of domestic under production and but two years of domes tic overproduction.” Crude oil enters the United States free of duty. “Before attacking the problem of overproduction in the United States, the problem of oil import is worthy of a serious study.” says this New York oil man. “It will reveal some very sur prising facts, little understood by the people of the United States.” The Chrysler Building In New York will have the distinction of being the world’s tallest structure for about one year. Next year former Gov. A1 Smith’s Empire State Building, now being built on the site of the old Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York, will top the Chrys ler structure and, for the time being, have the world’s ‘'tall” crown. But not for long either. Fred F. French, the realty expert, is about to announce the erection of a 100-story building on the old Hippodrome plot, which he recently purchased. The Merchandise Mart of Chicago, however, is far away, in area, the largest building in the world. It has six times the area of the Chrysler Building, five times that of the Bank of Manhattan Co., and twice that of the Empire State Building, when completed. There are many who believe that the peculiar location of Manhattan Borough, N. Y. —situated on an island of rocks — lends itself to world leadership in height and that it will remain t.he real home of the skyscraper. Buildings from 100 to 150 stories are possible and probable Just as soon as a new and much lighter floor material, built of steel or some such substance, becomes popular. But with heavy floors, a building reaching up beyond 60 or 70 stories, be comes a problem. In 10 years more the “New York sky line” will be dotted with buildings 100 to 150 stories In height. (Copyright, 1930. by North American News paper Alliance.) BALTIMORE STOCKS. Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE, June 11 Bale*. STOCKS. Last sale. 105 Arundel Corporation 437a 25 Appalachian Corp 4 75’Bsltimore Truet Co 38% 275 Black Sc Decker com 35 7 Consolidated Gas com 125 7 Consolidated Gas sct cum pfd A 103 1 a 200 Consolidated Coal com 7 60 Emerson Bromo-Sellaer A com... 31' 2 30 Fidelity & Guar Fire Corp 40 30 Fidelity Sc Deposit Co 175 57 First National Bank 49% 20 Houston Oil pfd 80 6 Manufacturer* Fin Co com 19’. 125 Maryland Casualty Co 79’« 10 New Amsterdam Cas Co 41 30 Park Bank 29 15 Pa 7Vater * Power *3% 135 Union Trust Co 67% 140 United Railway Sc Electric 12'a 600 U S Fidelity A- Guaranty 40 BONDS 7000 United Rwy A Elec Ist 4s 57 6000 United Rwy A Elec Income 45... 42 STOCK AND BOND AVERAGES By the Associated Frees. From Yesterday’* 6:30 Edition. STOCKS. SO 20 20 90 Industrial*. Rails. Utilities. Total. Today 177.8 126.1 251.9 182.7 Previous day 172.6 125.3 244.0 177.7 Week ago 186.7 129.5 268.0 192.0 Year ago 210.1 134.8 236.8 201.9 Two years ago 153.3 119.0 141.2 145.6 Three years ago, weekly aver.. 120.2 117.0 115.0 118.8 High (1930) 202.4 141.6 281.3 205.8 Low (1930) 166.5 125.2 207.9 168.2 BONDS. 10 10 10 SO Industrials. Rails. Utilities. Total. Today 93.8 106.9 99.7 100.1 Previous day 93.9 107.0 99.6 100.2 W'eek ago 94.2 106.9 99.5 100.2 Year ago 93.1 102.6 97.1 97.6 Two years ag0.... 95.5 105.2 99.1 99.9 Three years ago, weekly aver.. 94.9 105.9 98.8 99.9 1 High (1930) 94.5 107.1 99.8 100.5 Low (1930) 91.9 104.5 f 97.8 98.4 (Copyrisht. 1930. Standard Statistics Co.) —Prey 1930.-. Stock ana Sale*— Htth. Low. Dividend Ret* Add 00. Open. Hlch. Low. Clot*. 69 62 Welch Grape Jt3*4-. 1 68 68 68 68 46* 18* Wqstn Air Exp(6oc). 6 3714 87* 37* 37* 125 90 Western Mdpf<7).. 60* 112* 112* 112* 112* 16* 6* Wll-Low Cafeteria.. 11 9 10* 9 10* 66 45* Wilson Jonea (»).... 1 44* 44* 44* 44* 2* 1* Wright Hargreavea.. 1 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* *T" Oil A Gaa » 8 1* 1* l* l* 21* 14* Zonlte Product* (1).. 1 16* 16* 16* 16* RIGHTS. Expire 1* fc Cities Service.... June 1*3204 ft ft * * * * Hud Bay MAS.. July 16 60 4 ft ft ft 4H 8 Lon* Star Gas.. July I 39 4 4 3* 3H 3 ft Mo Kan Pipe... .June 26 89 * * * * * * Newport Co June 20 49 * * * * * * Twin Sts NG.A. .June 27 2 * * * * Dividend rales In dollars baaed on last quarterly or semi* annual payment. •Bx-divldend. tPsrtly extra. tPlus extra In stock, a Payable In cash or etock. b Payable In stock, d Payable in preferred stock. Assumes New Duties I vJNb JOHN C. WALKER. 1 Director and member of executive com mittee of the Chevy Chase Savings [ Bank, who today became president of , the institution. He take# the place left , vacant by the late Frederic E. Farring ’ ton and is a widely known Washington businesa man. ! BUSINESS IS BETTER ! ON BEACH RAILWAY ; J. M. Rector, treasurer of the Chesa < peake Beach Railway Co., Is of the 1 opinion that the vastly increased ‘ freight business of that company re j fleets better business conditions in Southern Maryland. During the quar , ter just ended the tonnage handled by the company was 200 per cent greater ' than in the corresponding quarter of last year, the increase for March hav ing been particularly large, 351 per ‘ cent. Officials of the company find that in creased building activity in the terri tory is partly responsible for the in creased business. However, organiza tion of shipping business in that ter ritory, so that round-abount transit is . being cut down, has also figured prom inently. Capt. John H. Hughes, general agent of the company, has been In that post only about a year, but he has been in close contact with shippers, for the ; purpose of reducing transportation rates and increasing speed of shipments : through new routing of commodities. ‘ Owing?, Md., is designed to become the principal distributing point along the . line, and the Southern Maryland To . bacco Growers’ Association has estab lished a distributing warehouse there. Evidence of the prosperity of the sec ’ tion appears in the numerous shipments ; of automobiles. GRAIN MARKET , CHICAGO, June 11 (/P) —Late reports of rainfalls in Canada gave a decided ! advantage to the selling side of the J wheat market today, and prices under -1 went a material setback. Virtually no ■ attention was paid to the official crop : report from Washington, although the condition of Spring wheat was given . as 85.7, the lowest, with only six excep ; tlons, since 1867. With no export demand ; of consequence, about the sole source of ! buying was that from previous sellers I who were in a position to collect profits. ' Wheat closed heavy, at almost the 1 day’s bottom level, l 3 a bushel lower ’ than yesterday’s finish. Corn closed %a ’ l’i down; oats. 74a Y2 off. And provi sions varying from 12 decline to a rise • of 2. ! WHEAT— High. Low. Close. ' July 106’. 1.04 1 < 104*. , September 1 09% 1.07’» 1.07»» December 1.14% 1.12 V. 1.12% CORN— . July 81% .80 .80 % t September .82% .80% 80% December .76% .74’* .75 ’ OATS— ! Jlly 39% 39% .39% 1 September 39% .39 39% , December 427. .42% .42’* July .61*'. .59% .59% September 65% .84 .64 December 71% .69’* .69% - > POWER FIRM EXPANDS J NEW YORK. June 11 (4 s ).—‘The Ca , nadian Power & Paper Corporation has . acquired the Anglo-Canadian Pulp & , Paper Co., on the basis of an exchange of 2 1 4 shares of Canadian Power for . one share of Anglo-Canadian. INVESTMENT TRUSTS 1 NEW YORK. June 11 (iP). —Over-the- counter market: Bid. Asked. Am & Cont Corp 24% 26% Am Ins Stocks 16 18 Assoc Stand Oil Shares 12 12% Banslcllla Corp 13% 20 Basic Industry Shares 8% 9% British Type Invest 11% 12 Chain & Gen Equities 1% 9% Chain & Oen Equities 6%7* pf. 69 74 Chain Btore Invest new 2 3 ! Chain Store Invest pf 16 Chartered Invest com 87 29 1 Corporate Trust Shares 9 9% Diversified Trustee Shares A... 84% ..... Diversified Trustee Shares 8... 30% 20% Diversifled Trustee Shares C. .. 8% 9V* Deposited Bk Shares series N Y 13V. 13 i Deposited Bk Shares series 8.. 110% First Am Corn 110’'. Fixed Trust Shares A.. 20% i Fixed Trust Shares B 16% Incorporated Investors 58% 59 1 Investment Trust of N Y 10% 11% 1 Rackson & Curtis Inv Assoc... 56% 57% Rackson A Curtis Corp pf 97 Nationwide Securities 9% 10% 1 Nor k South Am Corp B 2 4 Overseas Secur 14 17 t Super Corp Os Am Tr Shr* A... 9% 10% Super Corp of Am Tr Bhrs B. .. 9% 9% Trustee Standard Oil Shis 8.. 10% 11% United Ins Trust Shrs 16% 16% U S Elec Lt & Fr Shrs B 107 j 14% FINANCIAL. CHICAGO STOCK MARKET By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, June 11.—Following is the complete list of transactions in stocks on the Chicago Stock Exchange: Bales in hunds. High Low Close 400 Abbott Lab 39* 39 39* 150 Adams Mfg . 34 33 34 50 Addressograph Inter. 34 34 34 100 Allied Mot Ind 13 13 13 100 American Colortype.. 30 30 30 150 Am Com Pow A ... 2514 25* 25* 200 American Equities... 16*2 16'2 16* 15 Am Pub Serv pf.... 99 99 99 500 Amer Radio 2* 2* 2* 450 Amer Service 2* 2* 2* 950 Amer States Pub Serv 10* 10* 10* 100 Am Pub Util PI 94 92* 94 12 Am Pub Util Pf 95 95 95 850 Art Metal 15* 14* 14* 25 Asso Tel & Tel pf.. 95 95 95 10 Asso Tel A Tel 7s pf 103 103 103 850 ASSO Tel Util 23* 22* 23* 100 Atlas Stores 28* 28* 28* 550 Auburn Auto 143 130 132 1750 Banco Kentucky.... 23 23 23 6750 Bendix Aviation 37* 34Va 35* 50 Binks Mfg 26* 26* 26* 3800 Boig Warner 36* 34* 35 250Brach A Sons 15 15 15 100 Brown FenceAWire B 19* 19* 19* 250 Burnham pf 28 27* 28 500 Butler Bros 10 9* 9* 1300 Castle A M 45 40 45 100 Ce Co Mfe 12 12 12 16 Cent 111 Pub Serv pf 94 94 94 350 Cent 111 Securities... 26* 26* 26* 20 Cen Ind Pow pf 87* 87'- 87* 200 Cent, Pub Serv Del. . 38 37 37 i 2950 Cent Pub Serv A 36 34* 34* j 700 Cent A S West 25 23* 23* 50 Cen A Sw pr In pf 102* 102* 102* 100 Cent A S West pf... 97 97 97 50 Chain Belt 41* 41* 41* 6750 Chicago Corp 13* 12* 13 950 Chicago Corp pf 40 40 40 30 Chicago Flex Shaft. 14 14 14 50 Chicago Investors... 77 7 16 Chi N ShAMill RR pf 20 20 20 25 Chicago Rys Series 1 20 20 20 100 Chi Rys Series 3 * * 14 50 Chicago Yellow Cab.. 27 " 27 27 18750 Cities Service 30* 2944 30* 56200 Cities Serv rts ,« 4 * A 50 Club Aluminum 4* 4* 4* 1000 Commonwlth Edison. 295* 292 292 50 Consumers 5* 5* 514 iIS2£ on,; Chicago com... 17* 16* 17 2800 C°nt Chicago pf 46 4s* 46 2*5 Continental Steel vtc 17* 17 17 5050 Cord Corp 9 734 3 £ mer Corp Sec com.. 23* 22* 23 > ~ H® ct,s 68 87 68 * 170 Crane Co 43 42 47 In dust.ries ... 2 2 2 *5221 * c Household 53* 49* 52 600 Elec Research Lab.. 1* 1* 1* *2OO S oote ™P ear * Mach. 15* 15* 15* 1050 Gen Theater Eq 39* 34* 33 150 Gen Water Works A 29* 29 29 200 Gleaner 30 2$ 20 5 2? Lakes Aircraft 0 s!a 6 SlfAu L yS kes Dred * c 240 240 " 240 41800 Grlgsby-Grunow .... 23 1 21 21 7 * 50 Hart-Carter 19 19 19 50 Hormel A Co 27* 27* 27* ?22 Houdatlle-Hershey B 15* 14* 15* 150 Illinois Brick 21 21 21 150 Ind Ter 32* 32* 32* 25521n1and Utilities ""i 33* 32* 33 7 sn2 r nS V)I J llll Invest •. 62 60 61 222 i n Ut In pr 2d ser.. 94 93* 93* 200 Inv Co of Am 47 46 47 400 Iron Fireman 27 24* 24* 550 Jefferson Elec 41 39 391; 100 Kellogg Switch 5* 5* 5* 1 5® K« n -Pad Tube A La 8 7* 8 J Hen Ut Jr Cum pf 50 50 50 700 Libby-McNeill 15* 14* 14* 650 Lincoln Printing 25 24* 25 50 Lincoln Ptg pf : 42 42 42 100 Lindsay Nunn Pub... 23* 23* 23* 100 Lion Oil Refining.... 24 23 23 300 Loudon Packing 49 48 48* 1400 Lvnch Glass Mach... 23 20 20 37 222 «1 54 56* «22 Manhattan, Dearborn 34 33 33* 300 Marshall Field 42* 42 * 42* 1750 Merch A Mfrs A.... 31* 30* 31* 1150 Mid-Continent Laund 9 8 ‘ B%* 63500 Mid West Util new 31* 29 29* ’ pf A 102* 102* 107' , 1 600 Mid West Ut A war 3 2* 2* inOMid West Ut B war 5 4* 5 4 2050 Mid Nat Gas 18 17* 17* i 250 Midland United 27* 27 27 450 Mid Unit rt 5.......; { V. { 350 Mid Unit war 3* 3* s • 10 Mid Util 6 r - pl. . 91 s . 91* 91 5 2 173 MJrt Util 7~,p i:;: 112 no* 112 * 200 Miller A Hart 34 33 34 ™22 fJo-K.nsas Plpe Lin * 36* 36* 36* 150 Modine 57 57 57 20 Monroe Chem pf 27 27 27 lOOMuncie Gear A 4* 4* 41. 450 Muskegon Motor Spec 19 18* 18* 250 Muskegon Mot com... 12* 12 12 laoo Nat Fleet Pow A 29 27 27 11 Natl Pub Serv pf 46* 46* 46* 122 Repub Inv. 45* 45* 45* 200 Nat-Standard 35 34* 35 100 National Terminals.. 13* 13* 13* 6JO Noblit I-Sparks 50* 48* 48* 650 North Am Car 46 44 46 ,50 North Am Gas A Elec 21* 21* 21 s . . 1650 Nor Am Lt A Pow.. 70 69* 70 222 £ So Anl er Corp. . 18* 18* 18* 1 500 Northwest Bancorp.. 50 49* 49 5 ,1 i 100 Ontario Mfg 25 25 25 150 Parker Pen 35* 35 35* 656 Pines Wlnterfront 32 29 30 * lOOPolymet Mfg 12 11* 11* [ 700 Process Corp 7* 77 > JlPub Scrv e ' r pf 124* 124* 124* JO Public Serv 7* pf .. 130* 130* 130* I 550 Q R S Music Co 16* 15 16 350 Railroad Shares .. 6* 6* 6* ' «52 J? a , th . Packing 21* 21* 21 s . ?00 Re Xnt 13 IS 13 100 Reiance 12* 12* 12* 100 Richards Elmer 3 3 3 300 Ryerson A Son 32* 32* 32* -122 l ally . ocks 18 13 13 2100 Saxet Co 16 15* 16 1400 Seaboard Utilities .. 7 6* 6* 100 So West GA El pf. 100 100 100 300 Standard Dredging pf 23* 23 23* 25 Standard Rub Serv.. 17* 17* 17* • 500Steinite Radio 2* 1* I s . 1 1700 Stone (H O) A C 0... 13* 11* 13 | 750 Super-Maid 23 * 20 20 50 Sutherland Paper .... 8 8 8 [ 200 Swift A Co 30 29* 30 I 1400 Swift Inti 34* 335. 335. 1 ■ 150 Time-O-Stat Controls 24 23 23 " i 900 Twin States 11 1 a 14 14* . 50 United Am Util 15* 15* 15 s , ' j 300 Unit Am A 20 2.1 30 ! 100 United Gas 33 33 33 800 U S Gypsum 46* 44* 45 1600 U S Radio A Te1.... 19* 17* 17* 750 Utah Radio 7* 7* 7* 150 Util Power A Lt A... 38 37* 37* iOO Util Pow’ & Lt n-vflt 20* 19 19 1000 Utility A Ind 16* 16 16* 7 22«, , i! ity £ Ind pf 23* 23* 23 3 4 32 Viking Pump 11 11 jj 1 -24 Viking Pump pf 27* 27* 27* 200 Vortex Cup Co 24 24 24 '! 100 Vortex Cup A 29 29 29 ! 50 wahl 5* 5* 6* 100 Warchell pf 20 20 20 110 Waukesha Motor 105'- 105 105 25 Wayne Pump pf 33 33 3.7 .550 West Cont Util 25 24 25 410 West P L A Tel 26* 26* 76* 100 Wieboldt Stores 32 30* 32 * 50 Williams Oil-O-Matic. 77 7 250 Winton Engine 62 61 81 300 Wise Bkshares 10* 10* in'* 50 Yates Machine 77 7 3000 Zenith Radio 12* lOVb 11 Stock sales today. 417,000 shares. BONDS. 160000 Insull 6s ’4O 102* 102 102* 1000 Chi Rys A 5s '57 .. 59* 59* 59* Bond sales today, J 199.000. _ FOREIGN EXCHANGES. (Quotations furnished by W B Htbbs St Co.) Nominal gold Belllng checks value (or par). today. London, pound *4 8665 *4 85* Paris, franc 3.91*c 3.92*e Brussels, betga 15.91 c 13 95*c Berlin, mark 23 82c 23 85*c Rome, lira 5.26 c 5.23*c Zurich, franc 19.3 c Athens, drachma... . 13c Madrid, peseta 19 3c 19 38c Vienna, schilling .... 14.07 c Budapest, pengo.... 17 49c Prague, crown (nom.l 2 964 c 2.96%c Warsaw, sloty 11.22 c .. Copenhagen, crown.. 26 8c 26 7S*c Oslff crown 26.8 c 26 76c Stockholm, crown.... 26.8 c 26.84 c SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. (Reported by J. A W. Seligman A Co.) Bid. Asked. Allis-Chalmers Co. 5s 1937 101* 101* American Tel. A Tel. s*s 1943 107* 107* American Thread s*« 1938.... 100 100* Baltimore A Ohio 4*s 1933 ... 100 100* Batavian Pet. Corp. 4*s 1942.. 93* 94* Bell Tel. of Canada 5s 1957.. . 102* 103 California Pet. Coro. Stas 1938. 101* 102* Canadian Nor. Rwy. 4*s 1935.. 99* 100* Chicago Rock Island 4s 1934 97* 97* Chile Copper Co. Ss 1947 96* 96* Cudahy Packing Co. s*s 1937 98 98* Gen. Mot. Accep. Corp. 6s 1937 102* 103 General Pet Corp. 5s 1940 102 103 Oeneral Theaters Equip. 6s 1940 98 98* Goodyear T. AR. 5s 357 93* 94* Grand Trunk of Canada 6s 1936 108* 105* Gulf OH of Pa 5s 1937 101 101* Humble Oil s*s 1932 101* 103 Internal Match Corp. 5s 1947. 99* 100* N. Y., Chi. A St. Louis 6s 1932. 102* 102* Peop. Qms. Lt. A Coke 4*s 1930 99* Phillips Pet. Co. s*s 1939 95* 96 Pure Oil Corp. s*B 1937 99* 100 Shell Union Oil Co. 5s 1947.... 96* 96* Sinclair Cruda Oil Co. s*s 1938 100* 100* Standard OH N. Jersey 5s 1946. 103* 103* Standard Oil N. York 4*s 1951. 97* 98 St. L., Ir. Mt. St So. Ry. 8* 1931 100* 100* St. L., Southwestern Ry. 4s 1932 99 99* Swift A Co. Ss 1933 100 s, 101 Union Oil Co. of Cslif. 5s 1935. 100* 101* United Drug Co. Ss 1953 97 97* U 8 Rubber 5s 1947 84 s 4 85 Western Electric Co. 5s 1044. ... 103* 104* Wheeling Steel Corp. S*s 1948 102* 102* Wheeling Bteel Corp. 4*s 1953 91 91* In the last five years the consumption of bread In Paris haa decreased by 5,000,000 loaves a year. A-13 Business Notes By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. June 11.—Resident buy ing offices here reported that for seasonable merchandise were again quite heavy at the start of the week. Most of the business was received through the mails. Telegraphic orders were of about the same proportions as a week ago. 0 An index prepared by the Bureau of Business Research of New York Uni versity for the National Wholesale Grocers’ Association shows that whole* sale grocery prices in May reached the lowest point since January. 1922. Th* index number, based on daily quota tions of 24 representative grocery items* was 95.7 for May. a decline of set per cent from April and 12.7 per cei from the index for the corresponding* month last year. The only item that showed a. slight increase last month was rice. Those showing lower averages were raisins, lima beans, flour, oats, corn meal, prunes, sugar, coffee, tea, tomatoes, corn and lard. Policies amounting to $33,108,000 were taken out by 13,277 employes of the Sinclair Consolidated Oil Corpora tion and subsidiary companies in the first year of the group life insurance plan of the corporation, just completed. The eligibility requirement is *ix months’ service. American machinery for the manu facture of tools and similar products is in heavy demand smong foreign manu facturers, who plan to compete with American manufactured products, ex port circles here have pointed out. Orders from France, Beligum, Ger many, Sweden, Russia and a number of other countries are reaching machine tool builders in this country in a volume equal to the high totals at tained during the first six months of last year. DENIES BEAR RAIDS WERE PANIC FACTOR Stock Exchange Head Says Large Short Position Might Have Helped Market. By the Associated Press. BOSTON. June 11.—The 1929 stock market panic taught several lessons, but no practical measures have been sug gested which could either have prevent ed it or minimized its force. Richard Whitney, president of the New York Stock Exchange, said in an address last night. The newly elected president of the Stock Exchange, who. as acting presi dent, steered the trading mart through its greatest crisis, gave his views on the panic in an address before the Boston Association of Stock Exchange Firms. It was his first important address since succeeding E. H. H. Simmons as presi dent, and was made in the city where he began his career. Mr. Whitney disclosed the result of an investigation by the business conduct committee of rumors of bear raids dur ing the height of the Autumn liquida tion. Questionnaires to Stock Exchange houses on their condition at the close of business on November 12, which marked virtually the lowest point of the drop in prices, discredited rumors of a large short position. "It was found,” Mr. Whitney said, ‘that the aggregate amount of bor rowed stock was so small as to be almost inconsequential, being in fact only about one-eighth of one per cent of all stocks listed on the exchange. * * * It seems worth while to point out that in gen eral. the extraordinary absence of Dids for the purchase of stock throughout the panic would indicate an absence of a sufficient short interest to give the market its ordinary stability. If early in the Fall a large short interest had ac cumulated presumably stock prices would never have reached the great heights they did before the panic and also added buying power during the panic would have been afforded by short covering." Discussing the lessons the crash taught, Mr. Whitney said “it Is my feel ing that In the panic, the stock ex change demonstrated the necessity of holding its markets open as far aa U humanly possible, even in the face of great liquidation. When prices decline drastically amid heavy trading and pub lic excitement, there always has been, and always will be, those who imagine that closing the Stock Exchange would provide a helpful remedy. To this view, their fear of financial losses and even of business insolvencies very humanly urge them. But such an attitude loses sight of fundamental economic prin ciples.’’ NEW YORK COTTON NEW YORK, June 11 (Special) The cotton market developed consid erable Irregularity today and, after an active covering movement, advanced 10 to 15 points. A weak stock market caused re-selling on a scale that estab lished new low records for the year in the last hour. Commission house interests released contracts purchased recently and pro fessional operators sold toward the close, leaving the list at the bottom with a loss of about 10 points on the day and the lowest closing thus far this season. Spots were reduced 15 points to 15.10. Cotton range: Open. Hixh. Low. Close. July 15.17 15.20 14.96 15.01 October, old ... 14 19 14 31 14 03 14 03 October, new .. 13 90 14 02 13.75 13 75 December, old.. 14 30 14 35 14 13 14.13 December, new.. 14 02 14.12 13 88 13 88 January, 01d... 14.29 14 34 14 15 14 15 January, new... 14.03 14.13 13 90 13 90 March 14.24 14.31 14.10 14 10 May 14 35 14.40 14 27 1457 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET CHIC.' GO, June 11 UP).—United States Department of Agriculture— Hogs—Receipts, 19,000 head, including 5,000 direct; slow, mostly steady with yesterday’s average: weighty butchers strong; packing sows opened strong to higher; later trade weak; top, 10.15 Said ior few loads of 180-210 pounds: utchers, medium to choice, 250-300 pounds, 9.65n10.10; 200-250 pounds, 9 75 &10.15; 160-200 pounds, 9.75a10.15; 130- 160 pounds. 9.50a 10.15; packing sows. 8.65a9.50; pigs, medium to choice, 90- 130 pounds. 9.00a9.85. Cattle—Receipts, 10.000 head: calves, 3,000: very little done; undertone 25 or more lower on most killing classes: largely steer run: best weighty steers around 13.00: slaughter classes, steers, good and choice. 1.300-1,500 pounds. 11.25a13.50; 1.100-1.300 pounds. 10.75a 13.00; 950-1,100 pounds. 10.50al3.00; common and medium. 850 pounds up 7.75a11.50: fed yearlings, good and choice. 750-950 pounds, 10.75a12.75. Heifers, good and choice. 850 pounds down. 9.50a11.50; common and medium. 7.00al0.00; cows, good and choice. 7.00 a9 25; common and medium. 5.25a7.25; low cutter and cutter. 3.75a5.50: bulls, good and choice (beef). 7.65a9.00: cut ter to medium, 5.75a7.50; vealers (milk fed), good and choice, 10.25a12.50; medium. 9.00a10.25; cull and common. 7.00a9.00; stocker and feeder steers, good and choice, all weights, 10.00a 10.75: common and medium. 7.50a9.75. Sheep. 10,000 head; early sales of native lambs steady; later bids 25 or more lower; fat native lambs, early, 12.00a12.50: Idahos. unsold. Good year lings, 9.5Ca10.00; all throwouts uneven ly lower: fat ewes, mostly 3.50 down; lambs, good and choice, 92 pounds down, 11.50a12.50; medium, 9.25a11.50; common, 7.50a9.25; ewes, medium to choice, 150 pounds down, 2.50a4.00; cull and common, 1.00a3.00. COTTON CLOTH SALES. NEW YORK. June 11 OP).— I The As soclatioa of Cotton Textile Merchants reports that sales of standard cotton cloth for May amounted to 66.9 per cent of production. Shipments were 97.9 per cent of production. Stocks increased 1.3 q per cent during the month, while un filled orders decreased 23.9 per cent.