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B-6 AWARD DIPLOMAS AT SILVER SPRING Farty-eight Receive Certifi cates at Graduation Exer cises in Montgomery. Special Dispatch to The Star. SILVER SPRING, Md., June 11.— / Diplomas were presented to 48 grad- , uates of Takoma-Silver Spring High School at its commencement, held last j night in the school auditorium. O. H. Benson of Edgemoor, director of the department of rural scouting of the Boy Scouts of America, was principal speaker. Declaring that the young peo ple of today were better educated, had better health and more pulling power than at any other time since the found- j ing of the Nation, and possessed the greatest opportunity for wealth and leisure, he pointed out the problems that they must solve in order to be an as set to the Nation and make the most of their advantages. Illustrating his talk with a number of causes of crime given by 308 criminals, Mr. Benson challenged the young people to help in preventative measures rather than to rely on curative methods. He stated that in this new day the youth of the Nation have an opportunity for achieve ment and success never before avail able. Honors Awarded. Award of honors was made by Mayor Ben Davis of Takoma Park. Among I those who received awards was Robert Christie, who won the medal offered by the Sons of the American Revolu tion for patriotism, school spirit and loyalty. Miss Marion Rueth was given the award for scholarship and initiative, and Jacob Sclar and Neil Holmead were given honorable mention for work at school. A number of other awards, including the presentation of letters won in athletics, were also given. Miss Marion Rueth was valedictorian and Robert Adams salutatorian. Presen tation of diplomas was made by Wil liam H. McCeney, a member of the board of education. Rev. J. Wesley Loftis, pastor of the Silver Spring Baptist Church, gave the invocation and Rev. Ralph D. Smith of the Woodslde Methodist Episcopal Church delivered the benediction. Sev eral songs were given by the senior class. Graduates Named. Following is a list of the graduates: Academic John Robert Adams, George Herbert Beall, Doris Elizabeth Bitzing, Allen Ross Brougham. Arthur Robert Brown, jr.; Helen Edith Cavis, Robert Curtis Christie, Edna Mae Davis, Henry Darling Evans, David Edward Frieder. Herbert Bradley Hendrick, jr.; Edward Cornelius Holmead, Joseph Leonard Jew’ell, Maryanna Lawrence, William Carlton Leasure, David Rand Lee. Lawrence Vincent Lutes, Harold Eugene Miller, Philip Charlton Mc- Curdy, William Mather Bolles Mullett, Ruth Eleanor Nushbaum, Janie Mildred Poole, Marion Ursula Rueth, Jacob Benjamin Sclar, Louis Lawrence Selby, Benjamin H. Walker, jr.; Paul Leland Williams. General—Harold Roger Cook, Ralph Everett Harries, Lewis Vost Miller, Wilma Nadine Pemberton, Glendon I James Wade. Commercial—Harold Woodrow At wood, Dorothy Lee Covert, Anna Marie ! Fowler, Dorothy Griffith, John William Hardy, Virginia Alice Jones, Estelle Roxie Lamore, Edna Elizabeth Mus grove. Myrtle Katherine Sherrer, Mary Louisa Stewart, Agnes Catherine Sulli van. Virginia Catherine Thompson, Ann Forbes Wallace, Margaret Virginia White, Edith Josephine Williams, Chris tian Zander. DENY GAMING CHARGE Kennel Club Officials in Ohio Plead Not Guilty. LONDON, Ohio, June 11 OP).—Three members of the board of managers of 1 the West Jefferson Kennel Club, Lim ited, near here, pleaded not guilty Sat urday when arraigned on charges of permitting gambling in connection with the dog races. The officials—O. P. Van Scholk, sec retary; P. V. Miller and B. A. Sargent— were released on bonds of SBOO each pending trial June 16. Track officials announced there would be no further racing until after the trial and expressed intention to make it a test of the legality of the "contribution system." Coffee, tea, cocoa and spices brought tnto the United States last year were 1 valued at $398,164,000. j The RITZ ' By Nemoflex $3.50 —A very new foundation garment of swami cloth. The very newest develop- j ment In detachable garters is shown. They are very small, convenient, do not pull the stockings, and buckle adjustments are eliminated. The shoulder j straps are also detachable. —Fitted by experienced eonetieree without extra charge. Second Floor. I I hi I “COTY” Heavy Turkish Order Cash’ll ‘J .. SshesJ Bath Towels yv £% TTJ Rubberized Cretonne BaT T ° AT ° id !,ny! Q Shower Curtains _ 1 35L5L /H-K -■ m* JL Zs V GroM * ••* • • .$3.00 —For a limited time we are sea- W I S-C AM]! w** taring this special package of *75 _L / /All \ > SjoflJ dK J U Bed, Blue, Green er Black fragrant, velvety dusting powder | —18x36-inch towels, of lf/\t fl\ j] at this special price. It is put up —These attractive shower bath closelv woven verv absor- i\\\\ Mh 00 Jf/L* 2 —Safeguard your young- ln the "Ivory Design" boxes, each curtains will not only give faith- l .L ||Al J\ fIL *ters’ clothes from loss In with a large velour puff-and ful service every day but will add bent Turkish toweling, with /jf/Vi I 4Lx ~yrrJ If the laundry, etc., by mark- comes in the same odors as the J a bright note of color to the striped borders of blue, pink, JlfM \\ i l /faxT lng them with Cash’s Woven regular boxes gold, green and orchid. Spe- MA \ IXltv *rc'7S.« b . y »d i/oSS? ST** —Nickel-plated Portable Show- dally priced. lil [|i fA\\ Schools C&m P 8 Paris Ls Jaeca at $5.95. I liJ a !j A yy v > J Cliypre v" Kann’s—Third Floor. Kann’s—Street Floor. • 111 MM Kann'a—Struct Floor. Kann’s—Street Floor. / Hodges Argentine Fibre ** MjsflT Hostesses’, Nurses’and Rugs—9xl2 and Bxlo Sizes JiMiISHBL Maids Tub Silk Uniforms $9.95 e, -5z52.95 J " \ \ —These are the famous “White Swan” make, and this opportunity You will be both economical and comfortable if you \ \ \ t. buy them at $2.95 la very unusual. They are very smart, made choose your Summer rugs from this collection. For they \ ft 1" *he regulation style, with long sleeves. You will went several , ~x s . j . . f a. » . . L \ ll for the Summer, and at tomorrow’s price you can buy two for arc cool-looking, beautiful and certainly most inexpensive. 11 I \ j MB than you have been used to paying for one. 6x9 ft.—56.95 4*4*714 ft.—54.95 36x72 in.—52.75 27x54 in.—sl.69 Vh\ M Sizes 16 to 46 -> Kann'a —Third Floor. * Kann's —Second Floor. A Special Selling of I 0 S U jyj jyJ- Mfgr*. Sample Line ; ; SILK FROCKS Garme “* B I JafcL Ught Crepes. IVintvd Crepe. CSU Silk-tO-Top Printed and v\ as liable Silks 3 for SI.OO * National Pressure “Havelin” Electric Ensembles of Printed Silk. - • K .._ i_ Service-Weight COOKERS CLOCKS r Ann Hose, $1.09 Size, Sp ~ua SHIIV S “5£’SF A Pair., $3.15 517.98 QS 'I —There Is'luw a # unall let '* tt dress linings in the as- and xpectally priced. A medium —These splendid cast aluminum SOTtment, aervlce weight—full fashioned and 557“.”d C ”S to e th"""kltrh‘.n: -Attractive, handy electric -Eight dollars is certainly not much to pay for •”* •» *>»> TOW C«k a. rnLmusiiS S clocks lor your desk or dresses as delightfully cool and summery as SOe to SI.OO Value. and to» «nes a* to io. 'LX uw*most . ne »7 r .ary . . the ,htM ' • | "< i •«'> materials. An On Sale-Notion Department “ A «“*, f ‘ he *»• out of food values. . t. unusually varied selection to choose from, too, ular shades, also whita. is Ot aixe *2198 nil and the featuring the predominating style points—the Kann'e-Btreet boot. Kann’s-Street Floor. IVVt 98 practically nU - and the cape , the bolero and the chic frilly touches. 125-qt. * lie $28.98 cjLses zre in a pretty brown There are both sleeveless, and elbow sleeve Convenient Terms bakelite finish. Plug n on styles. In white, yellow, pink, baby blue, and . 4jb/ Demonstrations Daily an y A. C. current. n jj # rj *ll B jJL Kann’s-Third Floor. Kann’s-Street and Third Floors. Sizes 14 to 20 and 38 to 4S OIIK Uilßlltllllg Dresses at Only HUily 7 L' w 4.4 Costume Slip 5 I I —Shantung frocks are very popular this Spring. / [j] i The capelet sleeves, or the sleeveless styles make f / mmmm M Flat Crepe—Create de Chine—Rayon Crepz them very cool in both looks and reality. They . _ _ have sports necklines, which also add to the cool \ { fa '1 _ * | 71l appearance, and the majority have pleated skirts. |'# “ | 7 ea* wh ° T * * f# orchid « flesh * blue « n *le> also J# f Window Screens and Screen !| : "F Ilf 111 under the sheerest of Summer frocks. Sll- a _ • 1 TVT f houette, tailored and lace-trimmed styles Doors Are Essential iiow# ;j or lizL n 34 j r 1j * .9 of flat crepe and rayon crepe only) LlilllClreil S £01(1 111 tail t 8 Here They Are at Low Prices Kann’s—second Floor. Continental Screen Doors, $1.98 to $6.95 Vs CHr Yotl Call BuV f Or 1 00 -Varnished and walnut stained doors-with black galvanized or W *VU VIOUIfUJ lUI f bronze wire filling. Sizes 30x78, 32x80, 34x84 and 36x84 sizes in the Regatta Union Suits, 2 for Ouiltad p.j. «? t assortment. . -Of crow-bar muslin. Sizes -BUe 17x30 inches. For ei Extension Window Knock-Down Screen Chiidrsa’s Craapars ° ribß W € £7 laß ”' Screens, 49c l« 89c to 8»e JSKa ‘SSSTft.SS* $1 -18x33 to 30x46 in. sizes, filled -The Continental frames with slid- mm*, .X „ n V ’ white blouses. Sizes 2t06. $1 withaalvanized wire Metal cen- ing track, beading, nails and metal N. v i-3 ° n * Domb • «... tTr h brace ConUnenUl make. corners. Sizes 30x30 to 36x84. M —27x27 Birdeye Diapers. In »1 Slip-on Sweaters ter brace, wnunenui sealed package. —ln pretty combination col- Screen Wire for Screens and Porches j Un « «^ ukk w r ? k# V* 81 “ 8 2 *<* 6 years. Se bronie, mw fi " • 1 51 ritajk. poke ».,!« mu. •« / \ ? v vj Panty Wauti, 4 far hrlm. Kann’s Third Floor. ‘ SI P-tty Wa.h Frack. m U »- S TO I 12 1 —Of prints and voiles—with PI \ D .i;r w,r *’ 4 . ,0r and without panties. Short 11 . a-««• 1 r*l „• c -Embroldsry trimmed. Sizes sleeves. Sizes 2 to 6. Candlewick Maple Uiairs S l , “° S 7Y „ 51 k.^ 1 Of#lf • —Tuck-ia Pajamas —of cotton or wool in pretty Cl n 1 ,1 W r. —Of colorful prints. Sleeve- PI colon. Sizes 2to 6. $1 Bedspreads 95c EEEEf Snorty Crei>e-Sole ' s ’u»A.“ *— -oo mw „v.*‘; n 7X »< S1 $2.35 =scfjg nYFORIiS i— ’ r* : Regularly $2.95 frames are p J ot maple in —Single and double bed size mush”* z? n Tire Combinations tufted designs in pretty r"T’i : rnN r /-k ■ Sale! Rayon Underwear colors. Charming gifts for SStahVil « U i / I II _ J the bride. «p e c iai Fourth V I I ft T rimmed and /C A Kann’s—Street Floor. value. Floor. W \ W f(1 ■ ■ ■ • gTk Q _ I Appliqued —This special sale comes In opportunely, Just 1 * C J 17 1 / \ \ when you are looking forward to vacation needs. Sapolin Speed Kliamel -The ideal shoes for Summer sports—chic, /Jf-TM S„i:;TrchV^!£ ,^% d „ comfortable and most inexpensively priced in / J Vbloomers—of delustered rayon, in pretty pastel 1 p£! rt *n 5 i/ pIU!’ tS! this sale. All sizes 3 to 8 in combinations of colorß and rfpjlar sizes 4 black and white kid, pearl elk, tan calf, reptile Eltrm S i ießavon —Easy to apply, dries hard in four hours, leaving calf end smoked elk. ySi 1 / \ chemiae, Bloomers, ?okTrs d gIO6SJ, finlSh ' In Wh “ e and a “ ““ P ° PUlar | ” Kann'a—Fourth Floor. || “* “* THF. EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON. D. C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 193 ft