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BEAUTS STUDY TICKET IN INDIANA 27 Aspirants Seek 11 Nomi nations to Be Made at Convention. Mr the Associated Press. INDIANAPOLIS, June 11.—Indiana Democrats met in convention here yes terday to select candidates lor the minor State offices that will be in contest at the November election. Republicans nominated their candidates last week. Hopeful of breaking the hold Repub licans have had on the State govern ment since 1917. Democratic candidates were out in force There were 27 as pirants for the II nominations to be made. The morning session of the conven tion was devoted to oratory. Paul Mc- Nutt, dean of the Indiana University School of Law, was the keynoter. He at tacked recent Republican national ad ministrations. declaring that "the rev elry and evil of the Harding regime, the inaction of the Coolidge administra ■— tlon and the ineffectiveness of the Hoo ver experiment have brought this coun try into leaderless uncertainty, if not economic chaos.” He also denounced the Rpublican administration of State affairs and predicted that tax relief would be the dominant issue of the State campaign. A platform prepared by the resolu tions committee pledged enactment of a Stata income tax, condemned the pending tariff and urged appointment of men to the Public Service Commis sion who are in sympathy with the law creating the regulatory body. Speechmaking and reading of the platform occupied the morning session. Balloting on candidates was planned for this afternoon. When her airplane recently turned a •omersault at Cramlington. England, Miss C. R. Leathart, the pilot, escaped ! without injury. THE WINNERS in the BOND B*lo,ooo PICTURE-PUZZLE CONTEST "Major Awards** —FlßST PRIZE s2ooo Won by WAYNE F. KOPPES - - CLEVELAND HEIGHTS, OHIO for the following solutions to the six pussiest PUZZLE I—For radio economy, PUZZLE 4—Bon* tube* beat ba in hours of pleasure per dollar, er; distant stations are heard with select Bond batteries. Rest restores out any bait. Demand Bonds for tbeir current. better audition. PUZZLE 2—Triple protection for PUZZLE s—Bon* tubes are the batteries, power and balbs insured secret of perfect reception. Higher by this marvelous flashlight; for vacuum prevents bum, insuring aafety, choose Bonds. clear, beautiful tones. PUZZLE 2 Many unique features PUZZLE 6—Bond Mono-Cells mark Bond flashlights’ superiority. store renewed energy when aneu- Bonds penetrate darkness and re* ployed; that explains the secret of store battery power between flashes. their longer, richer life. Every Bond product ie a proven winner.—Take no chance*, buy Bond*! A FIRST PRIZE OF $50.00 ▲ was won by each of the following contestants for solutions to individual pussies under the “Secondary Awards** t PUZZLE I—LORA D. FELTON Belington, W. Fa. PUZZLE 2—GLENN CHAPMAN Scotland. lIL PUZZLE 3—-WILLIAM E. SHURTLEFF Provident*, R. I. PUZZLE 4—CARLTON NASH Taylor, Pa. PUZZLE S—JEAN STRACHAN Portland, Ora. PUZZLE 6—LILLIE M. WENGLER St. Louis, Ha. TT *»x they are—the winners of the First Prises in the Bond SIO,OOO “ Contest! Out of the many thousands of pussle entries received, these contestants, in the opinion of the judges, submitted the most expressive and appropriate solutions. Our congratulation.* to the winners. To all other* whe entered the contest w* extend our acknowledgments and thanks. Complete list of Winners at your Dealers! Go to your dealer's today and ask Bond ‘‘candle-light,** shock-absorb to see the complete list of 1065 era and safety-switch features, but lucky contestants. Your name may also are equipped with colored be among them! .. . You will also eases and Chromium-plated fittings, be interested in seeing the new Taka a Bon* flashlight on yonr trip Bon* Flashlights far the vacation and a supply of Bon* Mono-Cells season. These unawual flashlights —the batteries which restore their not only seatam the distinctive awn power between flashes! BOND ELECTRIC CORPORATION, JERSEY CITY, N. J. Ckksgs 1 .oncost«r Kansas City San Francisco UmAmrm .f Flm. —d M~*-CUU—SmSU ~A~. “IT* mU ~C~ Bmtl. Hr*— *m igl and Dry Sauriu — -Hlgh-Vmeumm. Radio Tmb.t. BUY BOND PRODUCTS FROM THESE AUTHORIZED DEALERS: NORTHWEST People* Drue Store*, Inc.. 4983 Os. Ave. BROOKEVIM.E, MD —H. W. BaawrU. •tenart Motor Co., 1011 «th St. N.W. . j .... „ . . BRUNSWICK. MD—H. D. Barnett, 117 ", _ W. C. Winstead. MIS Georsla Ave. N.W. *..» patoniae St i W L k A Psopleo Dm* Stores. Ine., MR 7th *t. c . L. Otborn. SMS Ga. Avo. N.W. HHfmattSr wrs.«, V. A. M W- I. P. Dinowitzer. IKO Penns. Ave. N.W. „ _ People* Hdwe. Store*. 718 7th St. N.W. W. W. Daly* Son*. 855 Center Market. CAPITOL HEIGHTS MD.—H enr »*. People* Dm* Store*. Ine., 727 7th St. People* Dm* Stores. Ine., IMI Pa. Ave. Sehnelder. Bl»t St. A Crntral Avo. N.W. N.W. CATLETT. VA—Catlett Meter Co. People Dm* Store.. 1n... 11*0 7th *t. Cr^nS:' WiVe*-'“"aV.* A 37*thV CE T D h * B Co^m°nMt, C*ColmM W * So t nT*isiS l, 7th“*t S N.w7‘ ” W ' NORTHEAST CHERRYDALE. VA.-Htll * Poole. Mar . Market Phey.. 7th * P Ste. N.W. j. Gla»*man. I*3o North Capitol St. *» M - *«breve. People* Dra* Store*, Ine., «#4 9th *t. w. P. Hammer A Son. Mt B St. N.E. CLARENDON. VA. American Dm* t N.W. F. Fraser. 5*9 C St. N.E. St ore*. Ine. I Geo. M. Teat man. Borer's *e«nl*« Dm* Store*. In#., 1189 ltth St. stein’* Hdwe. Store. 707 H St. N.E. Pharmacy. w—a. lit* ,„k at I > l * r * * n H st - DEL BAT. VA.—Service Hdwe. Co. Kraemer A Duehrin*. Ine.. 1414 14th St. Gustav Hartl* 509 H St. N.E. nusVTON MD —J W n.„t A *.., , n a. * a. Peonle* Drur Store*. Ine.. 80* H St. N.E. DRATTON, MD. J. W. Dent A Son*. Peonle. Dm* Store*. In*.. 2002 14th St. People* Dru* Stere*. Inr.. IMI H St. N.E. DERWOOD. MD.—R. R. Kemp. N.vl. , .... Eckincton Hdwe.. 11l Florida Ave. N.E. FAST FALLS CHURCH VA Ware's People. Dm* Store*. Ine.. 8009 14th 8b Peonle. Hdwe. Store*. 1434 Fla. Ave. N.E. PharmaVr ' VA. War* s Benrr FDLmer. 3**4 14th St N.W Fred' toV R h PALLS CHURCH. VA.-W. N. Lrn.h, People* Dru* Store*. Ine., 3230 14th St. People* Dru* Store*. 1n... 20*2 R. I. At*. Horae# E. Brawn. - K y ~ ,», c . N.E. FAULKNER. MD —H. N. Bowie, gervlre Hdwe. Co.. 4710 ltth St N W Rrookland Phev.. 12th A Monroe St*. FBFDFRICK MD —Peonle. s.rvl.. n... People** V w «r in idimiAn j #, qa« v r*nitni Rflrilffl Dtur Stores. Ine,* 113 North People, Dm, Store., Ine.. S4SI 18th St. * Slmp.on" * Rl ft ? s^V^hnV'.nS o f pt, SOUTHEAST GAITHERSBURG, MD.—W. D. Barrett. The Herht Ce.. Sportinc Good* Dept. Peonle* Dru* Store*. Inr., 1018 E Capitol fj:, n l ' ■k" C *" peonle* Dru* Stere*. Ine., 1000 F St. St. * Woodward. C. N. Peltier, Thomas N.W. Havener's Radio A Sport Store. 1208 _ Peoples Dm* Sore*. Inc.. 1118 F St. Good Hopo Rd. S.E.. Anaeostla D. C. SlSS.'iVr “ E r W ORurt. N.W. Dixie Hdwe. Co.. 207 Pa. Ave. SE. GERMANTOWN. MD. German te w n Pennies Dru* Store*, Ine., 1823 F St. Alex. .1. Berlin. 003 Pa. Ave. S.E. N.W. . . Southeaxt Hdwe Co., flit Pa. Ave. S.E. 2va TT s VII IF M n '. SjIeSL. a . peonies Dru* Storr*. Ine.. 1107 G S«. People* Dru* Store*. Ine., *53 Pa. Ave. HTATTSVILLE. MD.—Cnrr Broa. A Bo»- yIV f well. Dnarow * l>ruf Stere. Flit Iren C. Srhneider’n Son*. I*3# G St. N.W. F. Frsrrr. 111.1 Pm. Avr. S.F. Service Station. Hyrnttaville Phmrmary. pennies Drum Store*, Ine- 3101 M St. H. P. Flare!. 423 3th St. S.F. » un 1 wm a.w t N W w R Wall* Kth St « F LANDOIKK, MD.—E. B. Selby. W C. Barrett A Co., 311* M St. N.W. Frank Del Veerhio. 1212 ltth St. S.E. LA PLATA. Mb.—Central Garaxe. JM. People* Dru* Store*. Ine., 3200 M St. Mr Goldh-rr. *59 (St. 9F. . n «/** Co im, P ' **»Dona*h. N-W. _ t T *• Reardon. 2205 Nlrhol* Ave. SB. ivroUvil,? Mn i r *n wit e . Ornrcrtown Tobareo Co., 3207 M St. r.eo B Stevens. 27'5 Nlrhol* Ave. S.E. r W. V W R F Vmrtv Virhnlß Aw* i v Mulliite*. Rlordmn A Grimth. Kentpekv Hdwe. C... 3243 M St. N.W. R *' SOI THWFST LEONAmDTOWN. MD. - Leonard t. w n Martin Hdwe. Co.. 1408 P St. N.W. SOI THWFST Motor A Hdwe. Ce. Frank F Peeh. 4525 Wl* Ave. D. Welnberr. 52* 4H st. s.W. LUCKFTT. VA.—Try A Carter. Jf. H. Sehnelder 7lfl 4'<. St. SW. MANASSAS, VA. Hospitality Service Mitchell Hdwe. Co.. 5000 Wisconsin Ave. Harrison Battery A Elret. Shop, 728 i'A S« s «' st. S.W. MEADOWS. MD.—R. M. Hardy. Peonies Hdwe. Store*. 18th A Columbia Geo. M. Yeatman. 42fi 7th St. S.W. MFCHANJCSVILLE. MD.—E. Trier. ra People* Dru* Store*, Ine., 505 7th St. MT. RAINIER, MD— Snlre Pharma c Bromber*. 1731 Kalorama Pd N.W. S.W. 3*20-22 84th St.: Mt. Rainier Novelty j A. Bartemeier, 18th A Calif. Ste. B. C. Furr. 7th A G St*. R.W. 81 i- r- a ... w. A. Finch 241* 18th St. N.W. AOiMSTfllvv, wo.-r. O Hirkman. NOKESVILI.E. VA.—E. C. Spitlrr. Dulin A Martin C#.. Conn. Ave. at L St. ALEXANDRIA. VA.—Fred G. Ayr*., B. E. OCUOQUAN, VA.—Oeeoquan Dru* C#.. N.W. Knlxht A Son. Sam Mendeleon. 110# W. S. Lynn A Son. Ffoplfg Pnc Biorta. Inr- 114 t Conn. Hint St.: People* Service Dru* Stores. FISGAH. MD.—-Mix Bowie. Ave. N.W. Inc.. 705 Kin* St.; J. M. Reed. Oil EPL N 'l. *9£. K , 8 - M .P; —V £ ri ' ht r» Tirbervllle Ine., 17*0 Conn. Ave. N.W. Kin, St.; Tre*er* General Store. Whit# PURCELLVILLE. VA.—E. E. Niahsls. Silver Hdwe. Ce , 3328 Conn. Ave. Stone. 128 S. Royal St. V *— P *" y * Melnteer. Peoples Dm, Store.. Ine., 3827 Cenn. ARLINGTON. VA.-Celumhla Hardware *JVERD;JML MD.—l'• „ Avs. N.W. Co. ROCK FOnrr. MD.—Hill & Lloyd, Rock •WAT * " <W# - C# - lfeolK T! Dm^ B^tom.""'lnV*'Mß0 r Cenn. BM* ALTON/mD O —V. C. Blaeklsek A Co. mTVdl'" 4v# N.W. BELTSVn.LE. MD file Bro*. SII.VER SPRING. MD —Dodley A Kiefer * People* Dm* Stereo. !■#.. 7 Dnpent BENNING. D. C —Dl.trlet Helsht* Serv- . Store No. l. J. C. Csnshlln. rirel# lee B'allon. ST. INIGOEB. MD.—S. L. Raley. *”• sffK'.’!,. M Sb-i 1 T b T sr..v, T trau*«b T «nt. vajia: »“ r... a™ aovda. rn.-n.wu a ■*.*«. n-i r„„. Seo ole* Hdwe. Store*. 3*53 Gs. Ave. RRANDYWfNE. MD —C. R. Wlllelt. UPPER MARLBORO. MO. Marl h* r o N q L.ndy A Son. 39*0 Gc.cla Ave. BRENTWOOD. MD. -Peo n1 e . Hdwe. A Berry. « sdKKbk Byrd Medal The National Geographic Society’s spe cial medal of honor will be presented to Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd by President Hoover, Friday, June 20, in recognition of his distinguiahed work' in Antarctica and his flight to the South Pole. In addition to the profile bust of Admiral Byrd and the inscription, the face of the medal bears the two stars and anchor of a rear admiral’s insignia, and the wings, shield, and an chor of a naval aviator. The obverse side of the medal bears a symbolic flg- I ure—a winged man conquering the Poles. THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, P. C„ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1930. MRS. BORN AND HUSBAND BREAK RECONCILIATION By the Associated Press. CHICAOO, June 11.—Mrs. Edith Wil mans Born, a former member of the Texas Legislature, who several months ago started suit against her husband, Henry A. Born, president of a refrig erating company, for separate main tenance, later became reconciled with him, only to have the partnership dis solved once more, it was revealed in court Monday. Bom was brought into court to show cause why he should not be held in contempt for not paying $l5O In at torney's fees as ordered by the Judge. Judge Joseph Sabath continued Uie hearing to June 23. quickly relieved and often cleared away by a few applications of LResinoL No More Gas In Stomach and Bowels If you wish to be permanently re lieved of saa in stomach and bowels take Baalmann's Oas Tablets, which are prepared especially for stomach ass and all the bad effects resulting from sas pressure. That empty, gnawing feeling at the pit of the stomach will disappear: that anxious nervous feeling with heart pal pitation will vanish, and you will again be able to take a deep breath without discomfort. That drowsy, sleepy feeling after dinner will be replaced by a desire for entertainment. Bloating will cease. Your limbs, arms and Angers will no longer feel cold and "go to sleep" because Baalmann's Oaa Tablets prevent gas from interfering with the circulation. Oet the genuine. In the yellow packgge, at any good drug atore. Price <1. — Advertisement. Accounts Invited—No Interest or Extras Added~T^^^~ mmmmi 7^!r^^^ mmmmm ~^ S!S^\ 'll $7.50 Congoleum ... , I $lO Slip ;II Made Rug* I' T ° jTp AL AT !| Cover Set* . 1 ? : ft!!.., I goleum-made rugs m a T , ~ . | for 3-piece overstuffed 111 prat variety of at- BOTH SIDES OF7™AT ft ST. “THE living room suites. 5 I I tractive patterns. |fc- - separate cushions. Ir. Sin.. r-or.h n—T JlforBOYS Tomorrow! A Great One-Day Sale for Boys!—Come Early for Best Assortments! I m ßoys’ 79c to SI.OO Boys’ $1.50 and $2.50 I II iSuits || WfflkMffl yZM 59c to 95c Wash Suits $1.69 to $2.95 Bell $1.69 to $2.95 Sport $1.50 to $4.95 Play Two for Pajamas Sweaters Suits Y/® A Sample lines. sur- Wool and part Indian Suits, cow- A YyW ?3s?J?r y . n sunon.r!»sll. 9 Plus lots and irregu- 9 wool Summer saeat- 9S boy. fireman, police, MR. ” ■ Jars. One and two V M ers. Pullover atyle |fl clown aul te. Noi ~ W&I vBRW *V™ *V,«S« 8 * piece style. In new In the newest models. every sire In each lutit to 8 Ittesulars. 2 OT colors. Sizes 4to 18 AM With or without style. Sire. 4to 14. M sLEfoJjgffik Boys’ $1.50 to $2.50 79c to $1.50 Pajamas 79c to $1 Cloth Pants 79c to $1 Caps WZMVZiatyflS Beil Shirts Two for Two for— Two for R wMwtm a A «,ssr.-hf,n r «; $ ■ $ A »,!r:-Kss.*«sas $ ■ WrA Bvfl b ite and fsncTbro.d- V H In one and two piece “ ■ ca m p or vscat on H and wool eaps. Bult- W/a ITT Jfl cloth. Collar at- models. Some of out- W **J- Ne t£ In* pattern*. Sizes . MA VJtI mVem *°« e ‘ rr « u * lng fll,nnel - 4to 18 - “ l f o ur « Irre * ular »- MR to 7. nL fymMyM 95c to $1.25 Shirts $1.19 to $1.50 Wash 50c to 69c Wearables Boys* $1.50 and $2 Two for Knickers Four for _ Bathing Suits BflHy/ Collar-attached or A JP ( ‘"'f ft Washable flapper M Wool aults. skirt A fport-collar styles In & Ml ?]* ?*■ , w, .’ ,,e o, u * r *’;- V H pants. 3 to 8; cloth A effect. 24 to SO: wool 9 LVjflv *»>»« *"'? f *,P c » v H a Kh .*. kl ’ knlcker*. 7. 8 and 9; 5 M shirts and trunk*. ~ MMr/ 1/VtSr wlora. Sires 12 to end cotton blouse.. 4 to 10. tt H good style*: 26 to 34 regulanf k" ®° me * r * plaids also. 7to 18. Irretulars. No mall In the lot. Each piece I 69c Play Suits and 59c to 95c Wash 59c tV $l .50 Hickok $1.50 to $2 Khaki mAtfAAtflk Overalls, 2 for Pants, 2 for . Belts, 2 for Breeches WV/////Am> SiSv* a R ■ n„ B ' rvi "f. bV w “ *•} ft New sample line, ft Rtdln* breeches, A If in *8 h P Bin.* U rtlntm t A| Ji"*?' '°^ on Some with Initial. 9 SH long white pants and B R Ju . ?V ,e «..?rrn? i?„ p n i* , I S nl S k * r ~ M others with harness w khaki lonfles for w ByT/VTyyffl * a rn 2~ kn » len *ll> B*P- buckle Also sport camp. etc. Slug In Sizes 6 to 14 years. per styles: S to 18. belts: 24 to 36. OTi the lot. ( to 18. Ri^P -*) 1,500 Pairs of Boys’High-Grade vd I II Thursday Attractions ‘ Genuine Koverall*r|l IBftbMftSe p | y Every pair wears the The greatest showing and sale KT_ r RnnnAtc O m I guaranteed lab e 1 of of Koveralls we have ever H ncW Donncw li Jjj& : Koverall—a new pair had—come in tomorrow and t O/P* jQ^ j • \F* t^le sea m s r ‘P* buy a supply for the kiddies. ■ \ \\%\/ f These new models include the sleeveless and quarter-sleeve or nio< l c l s or Summer and are made from khaki, blue denim, bullet II Hf Organdy !Lw cloth, blue striped, fancy striped, or woven fabrics of serviceable ■ *wM I'rtnT'' sjK ualit > % J llst f° r play, for they vv'ear and u'ear and stand COc \ °P en down the front or back with drop seat. Sizes 2to 8 years. ■ * I w ■ ill ii—-k Ocldenbcr*’*—Boys’ Dopt.—Third moor. Men’s $lO and $12.50 Dainty Vacation I Hot Weather FrOCkS 4 ®RRR#« In Cool, Neu, Fashion, t II j£p“^ , " d '' , sL9B 9111(5 3T\ rarOk & RR f Ms ff I gM MP o. i • i* S Washable Striped Silk Crepes... Cairls Muslin m / f White and Pastel Pongees... Polka YW^||§|| _ _ I ■ Dotted Silks.. .Summer Prints... UnderWOßf c . OA . cn IA V I Pastel Crepes ... and Youthful ll iRUI maiS g SU g mmmmm Sizes o4to OU Plain or Printed Organdies... Knit- ig ig,| R '(A Slips ted Pastel Frocks with Separate @ll |l;l Here are cool, breezy suits I Aj I ■ Jackets.. .Crisp Linens. f1 3 ill /v-'h an that will give you a world of | jm 1 ■ Such an attractive and varied §jj | p 1 \ (\\ Ij Combi - real comfort during the hot I I I g rol, P frocks at only $5 is sure II |E jl 11\ Y A nation * weather—and the price is low fl 11 ‘°, bc »« tbis , tim ' of > ear 11 ||\ 1 V . “ , . M I I when vacation wardrobes are being Is I | t»yi f pf a enough lor anyjnan S pocket- . /■ 1 ■ assembled and budgets have to be |g,i bl.a t \ 1 U Os well tailored Beach C oth, I l\ 11 Sleeveless and short-sleeved mod- 9 I nMrtft ... „ ... .. . . 14 Tropical Cloth and Crashes in a I ■l ■ els with cape collars, cape sleeves, sliotilHers and bloom<?r 1 «- K com- large range of stripes, plain col- IBM bows, pockets, pleats, flares, con- TOgR binations. Trimmed with dainty ors and mixtures. We have a good I ■ z trasting bands and other clever de -1111 embroidery. Full cut and well assortment for your choice —come f ■ * tails. made. Sizes 4to 14 years. j n an( ] sce f or yourself. For all -M A White. .White With Colors... M *** £ Soft Pastels Sizes 14 to SO J%< K and Seventh W <«9ld.nb.rr’i—Second Floor fc*- / $3.50 Satin ■" 11 Corselettes Girls 4 *2-4’ Bathing Suits sl6 (9x1 2 ft.) Grass Rugs r “ With Exceptional values in girls’ A dßjfev A A well know-n make that fl|iy|Hasll aa a* * \ w, te»»js|su.9S assssas JL mi ft. make them elastic, hizes ~f> ■ lt yi serviceable and attrac- Uplltt to 36 for girls up to 14 years. tlvely patterned. Third Floor Downetnlrg Store wv \\ B °F ————l 1\ $1 Ready-to-Hang Porch Awnings | Some of the Best Values to Be Found in Washington! Beautiful garments to don be- ] Hlgh-grada, ready-to-hang 5 ft. wide $7.25 12 ft. 6 in. wide, $13.70 neath your Summer frock*! striped awnings of heavy R- c r. • i *o or , Made of rich satin with uplift MAm \ ounce material that will O tt. Wide $0.25 13 ft. 6 in. wide. $14.70 brassiere top, boneless back, and uA. w, save you both the expenae _ > ■ . , .. three small bones In front. Com- IHlwi'Rl r I'T » nd trouble of having your 7 tt. Dm. Wide. .stz.7s .ACs a ' *,e >. A forlable elastic Inserts and sup- rHVQ tl 111 lllillllllßlltll IuIR'IiImM awnings made to order. of./?* *j o -tr\ ,k< *’ “* ® ***• Wide, $15.7U porters. Slaes 32 to 40. t t With heavy painted stripes O it. Dm. Wide. .SIU.7IJ rJ * SSf (*Teen with khaki, brown e\ r. c ■ *j 0.. 7A 15 ft wide sl6 70 l* li| with khaki—as nearly sun- 9 ft. 6 in. Wide.. $1 1.70 15 11, Wiae 910. /U Special Group of “ we "“ k ' ,h ” t 10 ft. 6 in. wide, $12.70 IS ft. 6 in. wide, $16.70 Corselettes ' v •^»= S£ * $1.98 Savings on Window Awnings to Match “kSS of light-weight dotted material. stripes on sn qc stripes on sn 4Q painted stripes eo Qfi shades of si eo S t to U 3 P « l,t ° f khaki khaki on khaki.... green , painted * 59 Second Floor Goldenher*'* —Fourth noor —^L*l— Parking Space Opposite Bth Street Entrance^g^j ll^j^lll^^mmma^^m^r^ii^^^^^^S B-9