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APARTMENTS. " APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. - (Continued.) jj THE W®BfCLCTTS; 1669 COLUMBIA RD. . Frigidaire, Elevator, Switchboard. 4 rooms and bath $50.00 Best of Locations—Newly Decorated. Concessions to Desirable Parties. W- F. LOCKWOOD. 1410 O NW. Is* EDW. M. WILLIS, APARTMENTS'. DAHLGREEN COURTS. 10th and R I. Ave. NI. ..... 1 rm., Murphy bed, kit., d. a , bath...s4s 50 2 r.. kit., d. a., b.. porch 05.50 Frtsidaire. 3530 10th ITT. N.E. 1 room. Mur. bed. d a., kit. and bath. 47.50 * rooms, kit.. Frigidaire. d. a. and bath SSO 00 to 83.60 _ 1006 WEBSTER ST. N.W. | 5 rooms, kit. and bath 45.00 1405 K St. N.W. National 7479. » /BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT. Near 14th and T*ark Rd. 4*06 ARKANSAS AVE (14»h A VARNUMVj Beautiful front apartment, consisting of comfortable living room, dining room, two bad rooms, kitchen and bath; only $73.50. FRIOIDAIRE. CAFRITZ, _ 1404 K St DUL_ 8060 2525 ONTARIO RD. NAV. Several desirable apt*. 2 bed rooms, liv ing room, dining room, kitchen and oath. $65; with 1 bed room. $55. 1465 COL. RD. NAV. 1 room, dining alcova, kitchen end bath. ~ Murphy bed; $37.50. 618 A ST. S.E. 3 rooms, kitchen and bath, $35; 1 room kitchen and hath, S3O 519 I. ST. NAV. I rooms and bath. $25 H. CLIFFORD BANGS, Realtor, WO Investment Bldg. Met Q34Q. I > ~ THE RIPLEY. 1434 R ST N.W. Apt. 41, 4 rooms end beth. $50.00. 1336 SHEPHERD ST NW. Apt. 6. 4 rooms and bath. SSB 00. Refrigeration on house current 1418 14th ST. N.W. 4 rooms and bath. $42,50. AMERICAN SECURITY ft TRUST CO. Real Estate Dept. 18th and Pa. N.W. Nat l 4815. | FINEST APTS ON 16th ST. ; 2-4 RMS., BATH, $45 UP. New bldg . largest and brightest rms.. mag nificent outlook; 4 rms, din r.. k. and path. elec, refrlgeretion; $82.50. Only one left. Tile hgt.h. shower, gsrsge, etc. A $-rm. apt only $45 Phone Adsms 6010. 3010 WISCONSIN AVE. Modern, naw fireproof building, overlook ing Nationil Cathedral. Electrle refrigera tion furnished on bouse current. Elevator Service. Two large rooms, kitchen and bath, large •teMta: <63.60. Inspection Invited. H. L. RUST COMPANY, - -- *■ :: ■ ! — 1 1 " 1 -- LOCATION REFINEMENT for thoem tcho discriminate THE LA SALLE 1028 Conn. Ave. 1 room «nd bsth.... $40.00 1 room, kitchen and bath... 545.00—47.50 2 rooms and bath... 65.00 j 2 rooms, kitchen and bath 75.00 4 rooms, kitchen and 2 baths 135.00 Alto (tndio apartments of 5 rooms with veranda, on 11th and 12th floor* overlooking the city. Eaet and eonth exposures. Res. Mgr. Met. 2161 W. W. DRURY 813 15th St. N.W. Nat. 8242 Quiet Neighborhood 401 23rd St. N.W. Overlooking Lincoln Memorial Convenient to Downtown Just a Few Minutes to the Golf Course Corcoran Courts Lowest Rents in Town Equipped With Frigidaire Twenty-four-Hour Switchboard and Elevator Service. Rooms of enormous slse. apart ments of convenient arrangement. | View of Potomac River and Arling ton Hills. $37.80 —Apartment consisting of ree. hall, large living room with Murphy bed and bath. s67.Bo—This beautiful apartment contains enormously large living room, bed room, kitchen and bath, with ree. hall. $77.80 —Apt. consisting of rec. hall, large, bright living room; Inclosed , sun porch, dinette, bed room, kitchen ' and bath. 187 50—Beautiful front apartment with southern exposure, all outside rooms; reception hall, with enor mously large living room and bed room, small dining room, kitchen and bath. Manager on Premises 2Srd A D N.W. National 6933 THE CLEVELAND PARK 3818 CONNECTICUT AVE One and two rooms, kitchen and bath. FRIOIDAIRE ON HOUSE CURRENT RESIDENT MANAGER imc. 1418 EYE ST. NATL 5904 r THE PARKSIDE 1702 BUMMXT PL N.W. Two squares Harvard st. en- j trance to Zoo Two squares north j of Quarry rd. from 16th and i Col rd Two rooms, kitchen, dining al- j cove and bath. Some corner apts.. SSO to $55. i One room, kitchenette and bath. ' dining alcove, S4O FRIGIDAIRE ON HOUBE CURRENT COMPANY me. 1418 EYE ST. NAT L 5904 ' _ I. m j' Riverside Apartments 2145 C St. N.W. Overlooking Lincoln Me morial —1 and 2 room ;i * apartments, furnished and unfurnished. li Agent and Manager on Premises i I National 5848 APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. RECOMMENDED APARTMENTS We manage all types of buildings located In all sections of the city. Un doubtedly we have the apartment you want. We can save you time and .. trouble. Let our representative help you. He will be glad to submit you a list of suitable vacancies. 1435 K St. N.W. NAtional 2345 THE MONTEREY CONN. AVE AND PORTER ST. All Apts. Newly Renovated. ! 1 room, kitchen and bath. 3 and 3 rooms, kitchen and bath. j Some apt*.- with porches FRIGIDAIRE ON HOUSE CURRENT Elevator Wlo£.Sanslury VF COMPANY INC 1418 EYE ST. NAT L 5904 __ BRIGHTWOOD COURTS COR. 6th AND JEFFERSON BTB. Two Rooms, Kitchen and Bath. Foyer. $45, $52.50 and $57.50. FRIGIDAIRE ON HOUSE CURRENT. RESIDENT MANAGER ON PREMISES. COMPANY INC -1418 EYE ST. NAT L 5904 COOL . . . CONVENIENT and ECONOMICAL kitchen ft [• L || Living [ • P 3 b dr oom — ; CLOSBT PATH L- .» A Typical Suite Renting at $53 & $62.50 THE PENTILLY 1812 K St. N.W. Especially daalrable downtown lo cation. Walking diatance to Govt. Depts.. theater and shopping dli trlets. Modern. 8-*tory building, completely redecorated throughout; unusually large rooms, attractive lobby, elevator, switchboard, etc. FRIGIDAIRE on house current Other Units Up to $75 All vacant apartment* lighted at night. See resident manager. B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. N.W. N.U, 2100 I Newton Hall 1417 Newton Street Furnished and unfur nished. Two rooms, kitchen and bath. Frigidaire Resident Manager Adams 1260 ! CATHERAL MANSIONS SOUTH An opportunity to obtain a 3, 4 or 5 room apartment with 1 or , 2 baths and exceptional sized rooms at very reasonable rentals 24-hr. service, electric ref. All 1 outside rooms Resident manager. 1418 EYE ST. NAT L 5904 THE IRWIN 1321 FAIRMONT ST. Close to Central High School, Arcade Market. Theaters, etc. I room, kitchen, dining alcove, j bath. Pullman set and Frigidaire. See resident manager. «/ ,**c -1418 EYE ST. NATL 5804 Every thing You Want in the V alley Vista Apartments (South End of Million Dollar Bridge) 2032 Belmont Road N.W. And every gtyle of apartment, too, from 1 to 5 rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Large, cool rooms with porchee overlooking Rock Creek Park. Free Frigidaire, Free Radio, Electric Dishwashers, Murphy Reds, Colored Tile Baths with | Showers, Case, Beauty Parlor, j Drug Store, Valet Shop. Rea sonable Rents. Come Out Today, or Call Resident Manager Decatur 5000 THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON. P. G„ WEDNESDAY. .TUNE 11. 193a APARTMENTS —UNFURNISHED. Royal Arms 3121 16th St. N.W. NEAR COLUMBIA ROAD. Located on beautiful 16th it., In Washington’s most exclusive resi dential section. 1 room, kitchen, porch and bath, $50.00 3 rooms, kitchen, bath and porch, $65.00 and up ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION APARTMENTS LIGHTED FOR INSPECTION EVERY EVENING RESIDENT MANAGER “O o The Parkridge 1673 Park Rd. N.W. NEAR ROCK CREEK PARK AND MT. PLEASANT SHOP PING DISTRICT. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION ON HOUSE CURRENT I 1 room, kitchen, dinette and bath, unfurnished $42.50 Furnished $55.00 3 rooms, kitchen, dinette and bath, unfurnished $62.50 Furnished $85.00 RESIDENT MANAGER Robert Lee O’Brien 1710 Eye St. N.W. Met. 5385 | THE QUEENSBORO 1614 17th ST. N.W. Downtown location. Two and three rooms. reception hall. ti > kitchen and bath. One room and bath. FRIGIDAIRE ON HOUB* CURRENT. RESIDENT MANAGER. 1416 EYE ST. NAT L 5904 1740 EUCLID ST. N.W. One room, kitchen, bath, dinette. Murphy bed and Pullman set; $35 to S4O. Two rooms, kltehen and bath. SSO to <55. ELEVATOR SERVICE. 1418 EYE ST. NATL 5904 —'~ ! THE KITE APARTMENTS i Ea«t Capitol Street Between 17th and 18th An apartment that coats little, if any, more than "rooms" and ia in- | comparably more desirable and com fortable. Each apartment efficiently arranged, light and cheerful—the building* are attractive and sur rounded by lawns and trees. Cool in i Summer and well heated In Winter. Janitor service, hot water; good car and bus servlge. 1 room, kitchenette, bath $27.80 S rms., kitchenette, bath (some with dinette) $36.00 to 40.50 3 rms.. klt’nette, bath, dinette.. 47.50 Reserve one; rent to start when you move In. Resident manager. Apt. II 23. 1723 E. Cap. at. Phone Atlantic 1924. Take Lincoln Park car. HARRY A. KITE, Inc. 1019 15th St. N.W. j National 4846 NEW APTS. 1109 to 1115 Penn St. N.E. Few squares north of Fla. ave. out West Va. ave. N.E. 2 rooms, kitchen, hath, large concrete porch, Areola hot-water heat, i radio aerials; convenient to busses, stores, schools and churches. All Apts., $34 B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. N.W., Nat. 2100 NEW DOWNTOWN APARTMENT HOTEL PARK CENTRAL 19th and F Sts. N.W. 8-Story fireproof building within ! walking distance of all Government departments, convenient to all i ahops. theaters and to the recrea tional facilities of Potomac Park. INSPECT TODAY $52 50—A well arranged house -1 keeping apartment with unusually large living room with folding dining i get; inclosed porch, dressing room i with Murphy bed, tiled bath with :j built-in tub. showers and fixtures H and kitchenette. ! l $72.50 —A well arranged houae ji keeping apartment with unusually I large living room with folding dining || aet. Inclosed porch, dressing room || with Murphy bed. tiled bath with built-in tub. ehower and fixtures and kitchenette. ! $82.50 —A charming apartment with I vestibule and closet. large living room, bright bed room with closet, tiled bath with built-in tub and i fixtures, inclosed porch, cozy dining I I room and kitchenette with special cabinet. Frioidairt (n every apartment. i Beautifully appointed 2-storv lobby. Radio in every apartment. Carpeted I corridor*. High speed elevatort. I, Switchboard. Apartments available 1 immediately. All-ntght service. See Manager on Premises Metropolitan 0540 6645 GEORGIA AVE. OPPOSITE WALTER REED. One. two and three rooms, kitchen and hath. FRIOIDAIRE ON HOUSE CURRENT. SEE REBIDENT MANAGER. v) COMPANY tic* 1418 EYE ST. NAT L 5904 HAMPTON COURTS 2013 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. i i A building of unusual distinc tion, Just on 16th at... on a beau tfiful wide avenue. All outside apartments, light, cheery rooms; Frigidaire on house current, oil burner: 24-hour switchboard and elevator service. Will furnish ants if desired. One. two and three room*, kitchen and bath suites. One room and bath, non-housekeeping. Very reasonable rentals. Resident manager on premises V> COMPANY INC. jj 1418 EYE ST. NAT L 5904 j APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. ; The Alroy ' 1615 Kenyon St. N.W. This fine, modern, fireproof building has just been placed | ; under our management, and we * are sure an inspection by you ; will rent the few vacancies that ; are available. The prices are reasonable. ! a and 3 rooms, kit., bath, dining ! alcove. Murphy bed. #60.50 to #92.50 Prigidalre—Elevator Switchboard —A.M.I. Conveniently Located Resident Manager No. 29 - L. E. Breuninger & Sons Investment Rldg. Nat'l 2040 ! Realtors : The Lindbergh 200 Mass. Ave. N.W. i i Now Under N. L. Sansbury Co. \ Management Attention, occupants of Gov- ! eminent Hotels!!! We have |j ! available at 200 Massachusetts ' Ave. 1 and 2 room, kitchen and j bath apartments. FRIGIDAIRE ON HOUSE CURRENT 24-HOUR SERVICE SEE RESIDENT MANAGER COMPANY INC 1418 EYE ST. NAT’L 5901 Park Tower Twenty-four-forty Sixteenth Street ANEW building ererleoklng Meridi an Park—excellent transportation by bu» or atreet rar» to downtown— garage In building. 1 Room and Bath to • Rooms. 3 Baths and Porch. Reasonable Rental* Attractive Entrance Lobby and Lounge Telephone Switchboard S Elevator* (operator controlled) Refrigeration on Hou*e Current Complete Service RESIDENT MANAGER [Shannon & luch^] Manaolno Aoenti 1488 K St. NA. 8848 ..... i... i.."i.'7r..TT... ....rir..... ..~rf.Tr.. .. Large Apartments j With Porches At Reasonable Rents THE STANTON 128 C St. N.E. | Entire building renovated j | j and in perfect conditiort. All • | outside rooms. j Modern elevator being' in- \ |i stalled. : Convenient to Union Station, j : Gov’t Printing Office, Post j j j Office and all car lines. I 6 rooms, kitchen and hath j j $60.00 and $62.50 B. F. SAUL co. I 925 15th St. Nat’l 2100 j{ _ : PELHAM COURTS 2115 P ST. Two. three and four room*, kitchen and bath. FRIGIDAIRE ON HOUSE CURRENT. 24-Hour Service. SEE RESIDENT MANAGER. 1418 EYE ST. NAT L 5904 THE PREMIER 718 18th ST. N W. Convenient to Government de partment*. 1 room and bath and 3 rooms and bath. Vj INC. 1418 EYE ST. NAT L 5904 I j: 1305 Potomac St. N.W. Electrolux Refrigeration. 1 room, dressing room bath. .127 80 | 2 rooms, kit., r. h.. bath 45 00 3 rooms, kit., r. h., bath 80.00 All Apts. Just. Redecorated The Sihlev, 15 M St. N.W. FRIGIDAIRE INCLUDED. 3 rooms, rec. hall and bath.... $42 50 4 rooms, rec hall and bath.... 52.80 See Resident Manager. Apt. 22. Walking Distance to G. P O . Union Station and City P. O. Shelton, 3520 W PI. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. . J 36.50 Modern English-Front Building. See Resident Manager. I St. Dennis, 1636 Kenyon St. 2 rooms and bath $35.00 i S rooms and bath 47.50 4 room* and bath 80.00 FRIGIDAIRE—MODERN BLDG. Mt Pleasant Section. Resident Manager. 314 V St. S.E. 8 room* and b*th $39 50 4 rooms and bath 50.00 115 D ST. S.E. 3 rooms and bath $45 00 One Block From House Office Bldg. i ; Resident. Manager. 520 G St. S.E. 3 rooms, r. h., bath $42.50 See Resident Manager. J. C. WEEDON CO., 1727 K St. N.W. Met. 3011 LA REUSE 5423 Conn. Ave. N.W. Northeait Corner Conn. Ave. and j Legation. O Recentlv rompleted. modem hulld | ing. Electric refrigeration, operated at owners’ expense. Twenty-four- , hour switchboard service. Two fast elevator*, operated twenty-hour hours a day Baths, complete with shower. Garage in basement. Building under ronstant supervision of a competent 1 resident manager. Suites of three rooms, kitchen, dining alcove and bath (some with porches), $87.50 to $105.00. Also two rooms, kitchen, dining alcove and hath, $09.50 to $77.50 Apartment* Open for Inspection Day and Evening B. F. SAUL CO. National 2100 925 15th St. N.W. i 1 APARTMENTS-- UNFURNISHED. NEAR 18th AND COL. RD. Two large rooms, bath, dinette, kitchen, at low rental. SSO month. CHARLES S. MUIR CO., 1408 N. Y. Ave. N.W. Nat. 1595. aa«a>»>igimimiiiaimfaiis ■illltlll ig*a«iiii«i*j ■a m 1321 EUCLID ST. N.W. 1468 HARVARD ST. N.W'. £ £ Vi Block from Central High BchooL _ Three rooms, kitchen and bath, open Jj S 4 Rooms and_Bath. *SO. CURRENT. S 1471 IRVING ST. N.W. ** Convenient to Arcade Market, thea- 1420 CHAPIN ST. N.W. E ters. stores, churches, etc. j rooms, kitchen and bath. *howex; 2 .. 3 and 4 rooms and bath, $35 and $55. 345.00 and $47.50. 5 _ Frlgldaire on House Current. Z 3618 CONNECTICUT AVE. £ - 930 EMERSON ST. £ E tlon*cn house current Ct refri « era * Cor Ga. Ave. and Emerson Bt. j* S Rea Ar . Apt Sr 3818 Conn. Ave. Apti. of 2 and Bath. g S 1638 17th ST. N.W. Resident. Manager. > (Corner 17th and R StaJ " £ 4-Room and Bath Apt., *l*. DORSTAN HALL, *, 2532 14th ST. CORNER BUILDING—FRIGIDAIRE. • * Corner Ride Apartments of two rooms, kitchen, as E 8 Rooms and Bath (Ist FI.), SSB. dining alcove, bath with shower, and jj porch. Reasonable rental*. 1461 GIRARD ST. . 5 4 rooms, kitchen and bath; porch 1816 KALORAMA RD. » and open fireplace; electric refrigera- Second-floor front: 7 rooms and 2 m £ tion; $75. baths; screened porch; Frlgldaire on - in: house current: 890. 2145 CALIFORNIA ST. Fourth floor: 7 rooms end 2 bath*; m ». 2 and 3 Rooms. Kitchen and Bath. ecreened porch: *BO. £ Frlgldaire on House Current. J r the rockledge, th 2 ® ™™t LF n D e ON ’ g _ , 2*s® 20th ST. NW. Second-floor Front Apt. w Overlooking Rock Creek Park. One 8 Rooms and Bath: Only *55. £ Z I 0?? »"«1 b*th; two rooms, kitchen. Resident Manager. JJ bath and foyer; all outside rooms; in . >* m excellent condition; modern baths with _ £ *» bullt-ln tubs. Resident manager on 1914 FA. AVE,. m g premises. Reasonable rentals. Frigid- Exceptionally Large Room*. « «w alre on house current. Newly Decorated. £ - >« 1220 N ST. N.W. lee and heat furnished. £ Walking Distance of Downtown. " |" 1 Room. Kit., Dining Alcove and Bath. 3126 16th ST. N.W. £ $35 and 840. | rooms, kitchen and bath. £ S 2535 13th ST. N.W. Resident Manager. •jj Half Block from Centra! High School. Frlgldaße 01 on Hous? Current. , 5509 9th ST. N.W. »• “uMWm!" 1, * hoW Frlg!d.!r. on House Current. 5 6 rooms and bath (front apt ): ex- Resident Manager. ” ceptlonally large rooms. S6O. £ 1480 GIRARD RT. £ in THE ASHLEI, Corner 15th and Girard. 2038 18th ST. N W. I Rooms and Bath, $65. I Rooms and Bath, *55. Frlgldaire if Desired. ** g IS ansbury VJ INC. « 1418 Eye St. National 5904 S is 3 .TviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaifiiiißiiiiiMiaimiiiiiiianiißHiMitiaiiiiniiaiviiiiiii^ m A GET OUR APARTMENT FOR RENT LIST S ALBAN TOWERS. 3700 MASS. AVE. SULORAVE MANOR. 5130 CONNEO *» N.W.—Switchboard, case, garage, TICUT AVE.—Electric refrigera- H electric refrigeration, elevators. tlon. elevator, switchboard, real-. m resident manager. dent manager. 2 rms.. kit. and bath SBS 00 $ r., k., b . d. a . foyer, porch . *82.80 4 r., k., b.. porch. 135.00 3 r., k.. d. a., foyer, bath and *» 5 r.. k.. 2 b., porch 165 00 porch 90 00 6 rms., kit., 2 b., porch 170.00 ... ~ ■ PARAMOUNT, 829 QUINCY ST. N W. .» ” LA REINF. 8425 CONN. AVE. N W.— —Electric refrigeration, elevator JJ Electric refrigeration. 2 elevators, and resident manager. m switchboard, resident manager. 2 r., k, b., open porch, d. a *65.00 »» « garage. 3 rooms, kit., bath, d. a., foyer and £ 2 r., kit., d. a , bath *69.50 porch 80.00 S r., kit., d. ... bath, porch.. 105.00 , 10# mh „yj W.—Elevator, refrlg- £ £ PENTILLY. 1812 K BT. N.W.—Electric eratlon. resident manager, switch- « *» refrigeration, elevator, switch- board service. £ JJ board, showers, resident manager. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. . $62.50 „ 9 rooms, kitchen, bath 3 rooms, kitchen and bath... 75 00 «» * and porch «80 00 to *75 00 4 r., kit., bath SBO.OO to 100.00 £ £ J rooms, kitchen and bgth., 53.00 .... .... „ „ _ ~ . « 3541 11th ST. N W—Resident man- >< " 3821 NEWARK ST N W.—Frlgldaire. ager. Electric refrigeration. elevator. Resident manager. 3 r„ kit. and bath.. .$42.50 to $47.50 m 2 rms. kit., bath *55.00 to SB7 50 £ *• 3 r . k & b ... ~ 85 00 OOTHAM APT.. 1945 CALVERT BT. " " N.W.—Elevator. •• £ 741 NORTH CAPITOL ST.-r3 rooms. • r„ kit. & bath *102.50 » kitchen and bath S4O 00 LE BOUROET. 2127 CALIFORNIA 8T £ m 3859 N HAMPSHIRE. AVE. 8.W.-1 N W.—Electric refrigeration: eie- ■ » rooms, kitchen and bath *47 50 vator. resident manager. 3 rooms, kitchen and bath ... 55.00 1 room and bath $25.00 m . 1 r., kit. and bath 35 00 « s Ib>,b * ,s ° s II LLXWFXLYN. 8524 FST N.W.—K„I- ML rnM*. D fit. 7nd blth .7.13180 S £ dent manager. _ -a £ 4 rooms, kit. and bath $42 50 1808 CONN AVE N W.—Electric re- « •» frigeratlon. elevator. resident S £ 1909 19th BT. N.W—Elec, ref., elev. manager m Resident manager. 1 rm, kit. and b *45.50 jj ! £ Sr., kit. and bath SBO 00 3 rms.. kit. and b *57.50 to 63.00 4 r„ kit. and bath 82 50 ig7g MINTWOOD PL. N.W—Electric S i 3 1445 SPRING RD. N.W.-Electrle re- , I £ * and bath... $65 Oo * ro °“*' k ‘‘ c ijl n b * th ’’ ’ *? r ®° 3 i 4r . k <fc b .. . 80 00 3221 CONN. AVE.—Elevator service. ,«« ! * ’ electric refrigeration, resident «e J! 1361 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. N.W.— manager. „ „ £ Electric refrigeration. 3 r . kit and bath $62.50 w 4 r., k., b., porch SBO 00 i BOO WYOMING AVE. N.W.—2 rooms 3 !!* SCHFNIEY. 2131 H N.W—Prigidalre, k!t - and bath * 4o ;ff 3 elevator, resident manager. EAST FLORENCE COURTS. 2153 "• 1 room, kitchen and bath... .$37 50 CALIFORNIA 8T N.W —Elevator £ 3 «« Marrow BT. N.w.-l room kit. , on 3 3 rooms*kitchen and bath.;*47 50 4 »; fit'; V .' ” V .£ S 1701 L ST N.E—3 rooms, kitchen 1801 OTIS ST. N.E.—l r„ k„ b. .*27 50 £ and bath S4G 00 3 r , jjit.. b 37 50 » I! 3*l! 14th ST N.W—3 rooms, kitchen BHARON, 3148 OST N W—Frigid- « 1 and bath *37.50 and *4O 00 alre. elevator, resident manager, J 1 room and bath 27 50 1 room, kitchen and bath . *37.50 « li 2 rooms, kitchen and bath... 60.00 « K K?tt, NW —1 «sa r ) LAWRENCE ANNEX. 332 2nd ST N.E * ” kitchen and bath $33. ) j r > k A b *32.50 and $35.00 J £ 3131 FST N.W—Second floor. 4 j Bl3 QDE gT 8 W Resident man- £ rooms and bath *35.00 ager. Apt. 103. Electric refriger- 3 r 430 IRVING ST. N.W—2 room*, kit. , tlon . . . £ •w and bath $45 00 j room, kitchen and bath... .*42.50 C 3534 10th ST. N.W—Elec, refrlsr. 539 LAMONT ST. N.W—Elec, refrlg- S ' 2 r., k.. b S4O 00 eratlon being installed. 1921 19th 8T N.W.—Elec. ref. being 2 rooms, kitchen and bath...s42 50 £ E! Installed. , ... .. 3415 E ST. N.W—Resident manager £ »» S r., k., b. and porch . *9O * *95 00 3 rooms, kit., bath *42.50 Sw 300 EYE BT. N.W.—3 rooms, kit. and 3 rooms, kit., bath 52.50 * £ bath *35.00 and *37.50 173 s 17th 8T N.W—Elec, refrigera- « B 513 tod h BT. N.W-3 room., i 4 . “TsTm Ac *97.60 S I H 80 .nd A bath. ST ;. . r .°° m $42 k SO I * oo a^dT r ?”.f r :.” E .“?.r.’. k .*4o.oo i UNHEATED APARTMENTS {j noQ Penn st. n e.—2 rm§.» kitchen, bath. Areola heat, electricity, $84.00 ■N | B. F. SAUL CO. | National 2100 925 15th St. N.W. j,„l« | CHOICE APARTMENTS AT REASONABLE RENTALS j The Dahlia The Siinbury j 7019 Georgia Ave. NW. i : Opposite Walter Reed Hospital a D wT*h°"xi'Mrr,b* : : New apartment with all convenience*. 1 room, kitchen, bath, Murphy : i: including case on premises. bed ...... ••• •...> • ■■: I : 3 rooms, kit., bath, porch. Kel- 3 rooms, kit,, bath. Murphy bed. : : vlnator $62 50 dinette 60.00 ; : 3 room*, kit.', bath, porch. Kel- _ See Resident. Manager. No. 101. : : vlnator W OO 1612 K St NW^ : See Resident Manager. IV CU. IN. w . Beautiful Studio Apartment. : The Gelhave 2 room.. *90.00 j i Most Desirable* Section The New Hampshire & j : 1 room, kitchen, bath. Frlgldaire. *4O 00 „ . . tj 2 rooms, kitchen, bath. Frlgldaire 55 00 OumCV Apts. : 3 rooms, kttchen. bath. Frlgldaire 65.00 ______ v . : : See Resident Manager. No. 108. Corner New Ave. and j Tl,_ Allicrtss Excellent Apartment*. I lie AlllSOll j room , kitchen, bath, Frigidaire $42 50 4425 14th St. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath. Frigidaire, : : Desirable Apartments in Excellent porch .. . . 60 00 • Location See Resident Manager. No. 105. : 1 room, kit., bath. Kelvlnator.... $42 50 | • 2 rooms, kit., bath, Kelvina- Ine I.OIOraCIO 1 : tor *52 50 to 57.50 i 3SJ Longfellow St. N.W. See Resident Manager, No. 27. j room . bath, Murphy bed. (Til t* 1* Frigidaire $37.50 : the IlVOli 2 rooms, kit., bath. Frlgldaire... 51.50 ji 3237 Hiatt Place N W. , £ M ' den *; M *"** , * 1 L r Near 14th and Park Road. llOi Ij St. i : 1 room, kitchen, bath, Murphy 1 , ‘ * .* 1 _ ~ ti ned $37 50 Convenient Downtown Location. jj 1 See Resident Manager, No. 8. 3 rooms and bath *40.00 : L. E. BREUNINGER & SONS, Inc. : 211 Investment nuilrling National j I JUST COMPLETED—ONLY A FEW LEFT [j IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY NEW MIRAMAR DOWNTOWN APT. HOTEL 15th and Rhode Island Ave. Within Walking Distance of All Government Departments and Everything Downtown UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE RENTALS i Charming apartment containing large living room, kitch - j : * •<s" en, dinet equipment, sun porch, large dressing room with jr built-in Murphy bed, tiled bath, built-in tub and shower. jjl FREE—Frigidaire Current—Radio Reception Every Apartment Planned for Maximum Comfort You Will Re Proud to Live in the Miramar Res. Mgr. on Premises Pot. 5600 CAFRITZ —Owners and Builders : jj APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. New Modern Apartments. 65 M at. n.w—2. 3 and 4 room apart ments. kit and bath; 3 car lines; 15 min utes to Treasury and walking digtanee to O. P. O. and Post Office. 340 and up. See resident manager. i2* i ■«■■■■■■* ■■a(***a*ii,iig(«*agg*(*, *■ *(*■'< APARTMENTS, APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. APARTMENT EXPERTS. Save tlma and worry. Largest raatal da ouiun 804 17th Bt NW Dili. 6848. $37.50-2023 4th ST. N.E. Near R. I. ave.—S rooms. Also at *45. L. «. F. PRINCE. 814 Investment Bldg Situated in Washington's Most Desirable Downtown Residential Section. LONDON HALL. 1133 13th St. N.W. 24-Hour Elevator and Switchboard Service. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION ON HOUSE CURRENT. 1 Room. Kitchen and Bath. Unfurnished. 145 00 to $55 00. 1 Room. Kitchen and Bath, Furnished. SSO 00 to $55 00. There is a resident manager on the prem ises for ynur convenience. McKEEVER & GOSS. Inc., 1415 K St. N.W. National 4750. ALBAN TOWERS. DESIRABLE APARTMENT of 3 rooms, kitchen, dining alcove, porch and bath at reduced rent to Sept. 30. Lease can he had after this date at regular rental. Call Clev. 6400, Apt. 506. BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT. EXCELLENT LOCATION. 1860 CLYDESDALE PL. N.W. Just two blocks from 18th and Columbia rd. at the entrance of Rock Creek Park, with unobstructed view of the entire valley. EQUIPPED WITH FRIQIDAIRE. Apartment consisting of rec. hall, large living room, dinette, kitchen, tile bath and Murphy bed; *45.00. CAFRITZ, 1404 K St. Dlst 9080. THE BRISTOL, 1833 S ST. N.W. (Fireproof.) Only S6O, Front Corner Apt. 4 Rooms. Reception Hall and Bath. Electric Refrigeration. 3 Car Lines—3 Bus Lines. Resident Manager, Apt. 6. LARGE APT. Near 18th and Columbia Rd. 3111 18th ST. N.W.—*52.50 This unusually attractive apartment con tains 5 large rooms and bath. UNUSUALLY LOW RENT. Northeast Section— Thla apartment contain* 3 room*, kitchen and bath. 628 Bth st. n.e. NR. 14th AND PARK RD. 4333 14th BT. N.W.—*47.60. Thla desirable apartment contains 2 lart* rooms, kitchen and bath. NR. FRANKLIN PARK. 1235 K ST. N.W—l6O. .. Thla apartment contain* 2 unusually lart* rooms, kitchen and bath. DESIRABLE APT. ONLY $39.50. 834 KENYON ST.—FRIOIDATR*. 1 Besuttful apartment, consisting of 3 large rooms, kitchen and bath. CAFRITZ. •1404 K St. Plst. 8080 4226 7th ST., COR. VARNUM. 4 rooms, bath, ahower. Frlgidalre, aouth ern exposure; near Grant circle. Inquire i Janitor. • 1870 WYOMING AVE. 6 AND 7 ROOMS. TEL. DECATUR 1880. i ■» - 1 ■■■■■ THE SAVOY, 2804 14th ST N.W. Sea these apartments today Redecorated, i Open and lighted until 8 pun. 34-hour ele ! vator aervlce 5 targe rooms, foyer, oath *BO to 178 THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL CO.. INC. 14th and O 6ta. Nat. 3680. ! COOL N.W. PORCH APTS. SUMMER RATES. 4 rms. and porch as low as *62.50: 8 rmi. ; and porch, *72.50. Beautiful fireproof corner i bldg , detached, facing two parka, exclusive: ; near stores, school, churches: tile baths. pantry, fireplace, large inclosed sleeping 1 porch about 10x20 feet, refrigeration op ; tional. Best In Wash. Phone Adams 5578. < ' ' I ONLY S6O. i 4 Rooms, Reception Hall. Front Corner Apt. i Electric Refrigeration. THE BRISTOL, I 1833 S St. N.W. * i • 2 Car Lines. 2 Bus Lines. I Resident Manager, Apt. 5. ! I $43.00—080 KENYON N.W., 8 R„ K.. B . HEAT. • j 35.00—1128 18th st. n.w.—4 r. and b. ■ I 32.50—1922 Ist n.w., 4 r., k., bath. gar. « 32.50—660 Kenyon n.w., 2 r., k.. b., heat. ! COLORED. • 1 $16.00—819 26th n.w., 3 r., bath. elee. jj 10.00—323 3nd n.w.. 2 rooms. THOS. D. WALSH. ! 815 11th St. N.W. District 7558-7589. • COLORED—ATTRACTIVE APTS. FOR DE ■ sirable tenants. *2O, *25, *3O: a.m.1.; Janitor < service; fine location, newly decorated. J Adams 1550. • : FOR COLORED—I4I3 T BT. N.W.. THE > Nolando Apt.—4 rooms and bath. In good ; condition: rent. *55. Apply M. J. RAINE, ! 310 2nd st. n.w.. Met. 4514. 11* ! REFINER COLORED—2 R„ K. * B„ JAN > itor service; new building: rents. *4O to *45. » Inquire of Janitors at 733 Lamont st., 1109 " O st. n.w., 1933 18th st. and 1820 Oregon • ave. 17* • COLORED: 654 MORTON BT. N.W.—Front ; apartment. 3 rooms and bath, a.m.1.: good I service; S4O. Four rooms, bath and screened porch. $45. H. R. SMITH, 3473 14th at. n.w. S Adams 3789 S COLORED—I2OO IRVING ~ST\ N W.—AT « tractive 2-room, kitchen and bath apt.; ! excellent location: new building S4O per . month. UNION STORAGE CO., 705 Florida ave., N. 0104. 1 *I7.SO—COLORED—*I7.SO. CHEAPEST IN CITY -2 rooms kit. A bath, just papered. 1007 Md. ave. s.w. COLORED—3O6 M N.W. 2 rooms, kit., hot. water furnished. 619 Q n.w.—3 rooms. $25: nice condition. 632 Q n.w.—4 rooms, hath. North 9129. COLORED. 2922 Sherman Ave. Fine Colored Apartment House. 2 Rooms. Kitchen and Bath. N. L. SANSBURY CO., Inc., 1418 Eve. Nat'l 5904. COLORED—APARTMENTS. 1433 T st. n.w.—4 r.. k., b *70.00 1768 You st. n.w.—4 r.. k.. b.. porch... 85.00 1812 Vernon st. n.w—3 r., k . b 50 00 1607 7th st. n.w.—4 r.. k., b 47 50 1825 Fla. ave. n w.—2 r , k . b 47.50 533 21st. st. n.w.—3 r.. k.. b 45.00 2 r.. k., b 37.50 1827 Corcoran st. n.w.—2 r., k., b 45.00 1014 Euclid st. n.w—2 r.. k.. b 43.00 221 O st. n.w—2 r.. k., b 42.50 1 r.. k.. b 35.00 2022 Euclid st. n.w.—2 r.. k.. b 42.50 143 W st. n.w.—3 r.. k,. b 43.50 3308 Sherman ave. n.w.—3 r.. It , b.... 42.50 3312 Sherman ave. n.w.—2 r., k. b.... 42 50 57 O at. n.w.—l r.. k.. b 32.50 UNHEATED FLATS. 763 Morton n w.—S r., k.. b , elec.. Ar eola heat ....$40.50 717 Euclid st. n w—3 r., k b., elec.. Areola heat. Immense porch 40.00 788 Morton st. n.w.—3 r„ k.. b . a.m.1.. 38 50 620 Hobart nw—4 r.. b.. gas. lat. h. .. 32.50 2232 Bth st n.w.—4 r.. b.. elec., Areola heat 30.50 638 Florence n.e.—4 r., b , lat. h . aas. 27 50 447 Neal pi n.w.—3 r.. b . stove heat.. 22 50 425 Ridge st. n.w.—3 r. stove heat.... 17.50 B. F. SAUL CO., Nation a! 3100 925 15th Bt. N.W. TO COLORED. 933 N ST. N.W., THE HENRIETTA 4 rooms, kitchen and bath; bl* rooms: elec. Janitor service and elevator service. s6° 00. rLf)YD E DAVIg COMPANY. 733 12th St N W Nat. 0353-0352. COLORED. 1030 FAIRMONT BT. N.W. 2 rms.. kit . bath, porch $42.50 TO COLORED. 1637 11th n.w.—4 rooms, bath; elec, and heat 733 12th St, N.W. Nat. 0353-0352. TO COLORED 2207 CHAMPLAIN ST. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath: janitor serv ice. elec., and in good condition. *37.50. FLOYD E. DAVIS COMPANY. 733 12th St. N.W Nat. 0353-0352. APARTMENTS —SUBURBAN. ENTIRE SECOND FLOOR. PRIVATE HOMl" 2 rooms kitchen, private bath; Partly fur nished; *25 month. Oarage available. Sll ver Spring 145-J. 3116 DOUGLAS BT. N.l.—S ROOMS AND bath, first floor front porch end yard; very reasonable. 11 RENT—FLATS. 1231 FLA. AVE. N.E —5 R • 8.. ELEC.*3SIO 1111 C st. se —4 rms.. bath, elec 32.50 t I 627 Pa. ave n w.—2 rms.« kitchen.... 25.00 I JAMES F SHEA. 643 La Ave N W COLORED. *2325 N st. n.w.—s rms., bath, gas ..,*35.50 460 Va ave. s.w. —8 rms., bath. gas.. 30.50 1110‘,» U St. nw—2 rms. bsth, gat.. 37.50 JAMES F BHEA. I 643 La. Ave. N.W. WANTED—APARTMENTS. WANTED. BY QUIET. REFINED COUPLE, furn. apt. tn private home. Must be rea sonable. Please give description, price and location. Will consider small houae. Ad dress Bog 203-X. Star office WANTED—WELL FURNISHED APT. 3 TO 5 rooms, elevator, telephone, desirable n w • for Summer season: adults: references. Ad dress Box 196-X. Star office. QUIET COUPLE WANTS 3 OR 3 ROOM apt., good location: reasonable. Olya ad dress and price. Address Box 188-X. Btat office. ______ SALE—CO-OPER ATI ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT FRONTING Connecticut ave.—Two bed rooms, porch living room, dining alcove, bath: TOTAL UPKEEP LESS THAN RENT. Will consider very small down payment Phone before noon. Cleveland 5528-J or address Box 185-X. Btar office »* RENT HOUSES—FURNISHED. 4712 15th ST. NW —7 ROOMS. 2"BATHA , sleeping porch: cool and comfortable: Sum mer months OWNER. Columbia 4601-W VICINITY CATHEDRAL AND CONN? AV*S . for op# y##r. artistically furnished T-room home, a m.l : references Reasonable. Adults. May be seen by appointment. Adams 5005. CHEVY CHASE. BEAUTIFUL RIDGEWOOD ,ave.—New brick house, comp, furnished, lncl. Oriental rugs, grand piano, radio. Vietrnla. elec, refrig.. vac. cleaner; child's playground with small pool, etc . shade trees, porches. Lease by season or year to particular peo ple only. Call Wls. 4164 12* CHEVY CHASE. D. CL—PLEASANT "f-ROOM home, comfortabaly furnished; porches, lawn; to desirable couple or small family under terms that make rental very rea sonable, July 1 to Sept. 10. Clev*. 1882-W. CLEVELAND PARK. FOR SUMMER months. 4 bed rooms. 3 baths, maid's room and bath. 3308 35th st.. between Newark and Macomb. Clev. 0840. 20* FOR SUMMER MONTHS. BEAUTIFUL Lo cation In Wesley Heights. 1910 Olover Driveway. Clev. 4460. * ATTENTION—9 ROOMS. 2 BATHR GARAQft. delightful location, near Rock Creek: June- Oct.; *IOO or less: same as unfurnished. Call at once. Potomac 1014. • july; august, sept —studio-hous* on quiet, shady street near Zoo Park and 18th and Col. rd.; 8 rooms, b.. 3 porches; completely furnished, piano, radio. Frlgid alre. cont. h. w., garage, references required. SBS per mo. 3002 R ST. NTW. 6 Rooms and Bath. Phone Clev. 8008. ON GEORGETOWN HEIGHTS! 8-ROOM dwelling In large and beautiful grounds In secluded section, for 2 or 3 months' terra. TYLER * RUTHERFORD. INC., RENT HOUSES—UNFURNISHED. 5611 CHEVY CHASE PARKWAY. NEAR CTR cle—Seven rooms, two baths, garage, a m l. Rent *IOO. Open. Columbia 7655. FOR LEASE—DETACHED MODERN HOME In Chevy Chase. Md.: living room, dining room, 3 large bed room*, pullt-ln garage and large porch: beautiful shrubbery; lot 50 by 175 feet. House will b# reconditioned to suit lessee. Convenient to stores ana ear line Apply at once. 6410 Georgia at., Chevy Chase. Md. Phone Wlsconaln 3740-W. 10 ROOMS AND BATH.’ H.-W.H.: 606 fl n.w. location for roomer* or arranged for 3 or 3 families; only *67.50. Call North 0553. 1315 FAIRMONT ST. N.W— house, newly papered and painted; 13 rooms. 4 complete bath rooms. 3-*tory back porch** with stairway leading to 3-ear garage; hot water heat, electrically equipped laundry. Occupy part of thla attractive house and the rest will rent and pay handsomely; rent re duced; house open. Phone Col. 7744, Apt. 410 East. 14* NEAR CONO. LIBRARY—6-R. A B. BRICI dwelling: electricity; modern: rent moderate. Phone OWNER. Lincoln 0641. »* 6 ROOMS AND BATH, ELECTRICITY AN* gas: garage; h.-wh. Detached houae. 1501 Evarts st. n.e.. one block from R. I. ave. Phone North 4)363. 6-ROOM BRICK, A.M.L. *42.50; H.-W fl. Inquire 59 EYE ST. N.W.—B ROOMS. BATH. HOT water heat, dec.: excellent condition: con venient to Govt. Printing Office. Union Sta tion and Capitol. Rent only 155.50. 903 Ist st. n.w.—7 rooms, bsth. hot-wstar heat, elec.; aood condition; close to cars, churches and schools Rent only *40.50. P J. WALSHE, INC.. 1107 Eye St. N.W National 2098. 1213 INGRAHAM ST. N.W.—6 R. AND 8~, h.-w.h.. e>c., a.m.1.: good condition; garage. 8 Grant circle n.w..—6 rm., b., h.-w.h., elec.; elegant location. 818 Kennedy st. n.w.—6 rms., b., a.m.1.; I newly decorated: 3-car garage. 3803 Kansas ave. n.w.—9 rms.. b. and shower: a.m.1.; garage; good condition. Adams 0179. 5224 CHEVY CHASE PKWY. 8 rooms, fireplace, porches, garage; almost new; *IOO. Key at FRANCIS A. BLUNDON CO., INC . 805 H St. N.W. National 0714. NEAR 14th AND VARNUM !sT. 1404 VARNUM BT. N.W— *IOO. Beautiful home, conveniently located, only one-half block from 14th st. car line, con taining large, bright living room, dining room, kitchen and four bed rooms, built-in garage and Frlgidalre. CAFRITZ, 140' K St. Plst 9080. 810 6th ST. S.W.—lO R.. 8., H.-W.H . .*75 oS 140 c st. n.e.—B rms,. bath, h.-w.h 55.00 606 2?nd st. n.w.—B rms.. bath. elec.. 60.50 1400 A st. s.e.—7 rms., hath, elee 45.50 219 Ist st. n.w —8 rms.. bath, gas 40.50 4 D st. s.e.—6 rms., bath, elec 42.50 1387 N. C. ave. n.e.—6 rms . bath. elec. 40.00 807 H st. s.w.—6 rms., bath. gas.... 35.50 804 flth st s.w.—6 rms.. bath. elec.. 40 50 321 Linworth pi. s.w.—6 r.. bath, gas. 32.50 318 13th st. s.w—B rms., water, gas.. 30,00 488 H st. s.w.—6 rms., water 35.50 1007 4th st. s.e.—6 rms, bath. gas.... 28 50 1003 11th st. s.e.—6 rms.. bath. gas.... 25.50 495 Eye st. s.w.—s rms.. water 20.80 878 N st. s.w.—s rms.. water 15.40 1343 4’a st »w.-5 rms., water 14.40 1302 4‘/a st. s.w.—6 rms.. bsth, gas.. 20.80 JAMES F. SHEA. 1230 D ST. N.E —6 R. 4b B : AM I .145 00 625 12th n.e —6 r. & b 30.50 627 12th n.e.—6 r & b.; elec 25.50 HALL & BRO.. 1204 H St. N.E. Lincoln 1691. BOARDING HOUSE. 1124 Bth ST. N W.—*7o. This desirable home, conveniently located, contains 9 rooms and bath. Three of these rooms can be used for separate kitchens. Hot-water heat, electricity and garage. CAFRITZ. 1404 K St Plst, 9080. 804 H ST. N.W.—9 RMS., B . H.-W.H., elec *75.00 3422 13th st. n w.—7 rooms. 2 baths... 65.00 522 D st. n.e.—6 rooms. 3 baths 40 00 910 7th s.w.—6 r.. b., good condition.. 32.50 814 7th s.w.—B rooms, bsth. garage... 40.00 1204 6th s.w.—6 rooms, bsth. a.m.1.... 35.00 321 9th se— 6 r . b. h.-w.h., brick ... 35 50 FLOYD E DAVIS COMPANY. 733 12th St. NW. Nat. 0353-0352 A REAL BARGAIN; 1240 G St. N.E., $55.00. This splendid home contains 6 unusually large, bright rooms, kitchen and bath, front and rear porches, garage CAFRITZ, 14th and K B»s N.W. Plst 8080. 521 3rd ST. N.E. 6 rooms, bsth, h-w.h . elec , garage...*s2.Bo 605 SOMERSET PL. Semi-Detached. 6 rooms, bath. elec,, h.-w.h *SO 00 1801 NEWTON ST. N.W. 9 rooms and 2 baths, garage SBO 00 25 E. BRADLEY LANE. 9 Rooms. Bath. AM I. 200 E. RAYMOND ST., CHEVY CHASE. MD. P rooms. 2 baths, h -w.h., elec, lights, ga rage. large yard, shade, fruit trees, etc. N. L. SANSBURY CO., Inc., 1418 Eye St. Nat 5904. WHITE—HOUSES. 5406 Colarado ave. n w.—9 r., 2 b.. a.m.1., double garage $l5O 00 1210 Lamont st. n.w.—ll r., b., a m 1.. garage 95 00 3210 17th n.w.—9 r. 2 b., h.-w.h., elee . 90.00 1304 Farragut st—7 r.. b . a m.1., gar 85 00 2435 18th n.w.—lo r.. b. a.m.1., gar.. 80 00 924 Grant pi. n.w.—l2 r., b, a.m.1... 80 00 3643 Veavey st. nw—6 r.. b. ami .. 80 00 1316 Longfellow st. n.w.—7 r.. b. a.m.1.. double garage 80 00 3518 13th st. n.w.—9 r.. b. ami. Frlgidalre 80.00 1388 Kenyon st. n.w.—ll r., 3 b , a.m.1., double garage 80 00 1226 Quincy n.w -6 r . b.. s m i,. gar. 75 00 946 N. Y. n.w.—lS r„ b., elec., h -a h... 70 00 442 K st n.w.—9 r . b . a m l 65 00 1829 Ist st. n w—B r., b, a m.1,. gar.. 60 00 1841 N. Cap. st.—6 r.. b., amt 60 00 732 Newton st. n.w.—6 r., b. am.!.... 60 00 3238 N st. n.w.—B r. b.. a.m.1........ 60 DO 410 Shepherd n.w.—B r . b.. am 1 . gar. 60 no 614 Sheridan st n.w —6 r . b . sm 1 . 55 00 1413 Morse st. ne. 6 r., b. a.m.l 53 00 49 Quincy pi. n.e.—6 r.. b,. ami . 52 50 3651 13th st. n.w.—B r.. b . smi., isr.. 50 00 1*27 N Cap st—7 r.. b.. a.m.l 50 00 450 K st. n.w.—» r . b , am 1 45 50 2 Military rd . Fort Myer Heights. Va. 5 r., b . pipeless furnace, elec so 00 Jill 10th s e 6 r.. b,, gas. stove heat 25 no 1743 Ist st. n.w —6 r„ b.. h.-a h., gas. 35 no M **—® r ” h ’ stove heat... 25 00 422 16th st. s* —4 r. and stove heat.. 12 50 B. F. SAUL CO., National 2100 925 15Ui St N W JUST OFF CONhT, AVE. AND R ST. Eight-room, two-bath home, newly redeco -1 rated, at reduced rental of *7O per mo. ( HARLES S. MUIR & CO., 1403 N. Y, Ave. NW. Nat 1595 BEAUTIFUL NEW DETACHED HOME IN CHEVY CHASE. 4615 NORWOOD DRIVE—*IOO. This comfortable home, overlook ing Chevy Chase golf course. 1 square south of Bradley lane st Wisconsin ave., contains reception hall, large, bright living room with fireplace dining room, bright kitchen. 3 large bed rooms, tile bath with built-in ! tub and shower, extra tile lavatory on bed-room floor, side porch which i« screened; large front and rear yards, garage This type home is seldom offered for rent. CAFRITZ. 14th * K Sts. N.W. Dlst. 9080. (Continued 011 Next Page.) C-9