Newspaper Page Text
C-10 RENT HOUSES—UNFURNISHED. (Continued.) NR. GOV. PRINTING OFFICE. 1733 NORTH CAPITOL ST —l6O. Conveniently located home containing 6 bright rooms, kitchen and bath, hot-water heat, electricity, garage CAFRITZ. 1404 K St. N W. Plst. >OBO. “ UNUSUAL OFFER. NEW HOME—I42B PARKWOOD PL. Beautitul new home, just north of 14th and Park rd n w„ containing 7 large rooms (3 bed rooms' and glassed-in sleeping porch. 2-car built-in garage, large front porch, hardwood floors, hot-water heat and elec tricity. A real bargain for 190 a month. 1404 K St. Put. 809 Q. 133* L ST. N.W.—lO r. A' b *BS 00 1718 21st st. n.w.-ll r. * b 75.00 1379 Irving st. n w 9 r & b 75 00 1012 25th st. n.w.—« r. & b 27.00 529 9th st. ae— 6r. & b 30 50 421 7th st. s.e. —6 r. A b 35 50 COLORED. 1818 12th st. n.w. —5 r. & b 30 00 \ll n TTnion ct n W.---4 r & 3* atcr.... 20 jhj AMERICAN SECURITY t TRUST CO-, Real Estate Dept. 15th & Pa. Ave. N.W. Natl 4815_._ ago 00—1406 i;th N.W.: 9 R.. BATH; MOD. 85 00—3829 CSa. ave.; 7 r. bath; mod 52 50—2250 Shannon pi. s.e.: 6 r.; mod. 37 50 —421 2nd n.w.; fi r.. bath. COLORED. $47 50—1404 3rd nw.: 6 r.. bath. , 40 00—914 Ist n.w.; 6 r.. bath. 37 50 —1108 3rd n.w.: 5 r . bath. 30 00—1025 30th n w.: 7 rooms. 26 00 —47 Pierce n.w.; 6 rooms. 25 00 —425 Elm n.w ; 5 rooms. 20 50—814 20th n.w ; 5 rooms. 20 00—61 M s.w.: 6 rooms. 20 00 —21 17th s.e.: 6 r ; stable. 18 50 —2602 Eye n.w.: 5 rooms THOS. D. WALSH. 815 11th St. N.W. District 7558-7559. COLORED—NEW FIV E-KOOM BUNGA low. double porches, large lot, J 22.50 per month, one months rent free. Room 700. 1103 Vermont ave COLORED. 132 50—CORNER BRICK. NORTH east section; 5 rooms, bath. gas. elec. liKhU. To inspect telep lione Ada ms 7748. i 1 OOLOREP—6-ROOM BRICK. H.-W.H.. TILE b°h? elec , cellar laundry. 3 PWchM. near car line. Rent s4o. E. M. AIKEN. S.l lain st. Nat. 3556. evenings. Wis. 3293. cnTfiRF-D 737 2nd ST. N.W. —7 ROOMS ?nd ba™ J 37 50. newly redecorated, Sel $25 month. 2319 Va. ave. n.w. For key see janitor. 213 E st. n.w. COLORED. 5920 Dlx St. n.e Sn 2128 N Y. ave. n.w f?sn 531 26th st. n.w.... i OSO 413 Washington St n.w..... •••• •• • ■ •** Call National 0510. 1021 7th bi. w.w v _ 'COLORED. . 518 N st. n.w—B mis., bath. ejec.^-..*85.{J0 1315 Corcoran st. n a-.—lo r.. D . eiec. 517 2nd st. n.w —9 rms , bath. gas... * . SO2 21st st nw.— 6 rms., bath. gas.. 4. 50 600 Que st! n.w.-—7 rms., bath. gas.. 45 50 2143 D st. n.w- —6 rms., bath. gas..,. 3 32l“South Capitol st.—6 rms ~ b • *«»•.. 35.50 2008 L st. n.w —6 rms., bath, gas..., 30 so 2004 E st. n.w.—6 rms . water 32 50 443 2nd st. s.w.—6 rms.. bath. gas.... 3*50 136 B st. s.w—6 rms.. water.. 30 462 Va ave. n.w. —4 rms., water .0,50 18 Patterson st. n.e. . . 0 235 Oakdale st. n.w.—6 tv. b. B** 143 N st. s.e.—6 rms., water *‘ ?X 109 H st s.e—6 rms. water.... 16 90 1279 N j ave. s e.—s rms , water..., I 8 60 515'i 23rd st. n w.-4 rms.. water..., 20.50 1207 6>, st. n.w.—4 rms,. water...... 16 00 1506 Mass, a- - 8 -4/m^ water.... 20.50 643 La. Ave. N.W. * FOR COLORED. 1236 and 1240 Union st. sw—Brick dwell ings with six rooms, gas. , water ‘Pr.t kl, s7 ?ri Freshly papered and painted. Rent, $-2.50 * ach - WM. P. NORMOYLE. 810 F St N.W. National 2255. _ — TO COLOREQ. , 2232 Cleveland pi. n.w. —6-r. brick, e1ec.532.50 1226 3rd st. s.w —6 rooms, bath 30 00 904 F st. s w.—6-room bnck 2' SO 340 H st. s w.—s-room bnck 22.50 8 E st. s.w —6-room brick 22.50 55 N st. sw—s rooms.l6»o 114 Francis se—4-room brick, water.. 18.50 139 H st. s.e—s-room brick...... 1850 803 K st. s.e-4-room brick, bath..... 27.50 FLOYD E. DAVIS COMPANY. 733 12th St. N.W. Nat. 0353-0352. i "" COLORED. 1319 12th St. N.W—6 Rooms—* ■ LEE D. LATIMER CO., j Investment Bldg. National 4146. ; FOR COLORED. 1229 N J. AVE. S.E—s26. This home contains five rooms, electricity and gas. CAFRITZ. 1404 K St. N.W. Dlst. 9080..... . COLORED—HOUSES. ! 614 M n.w.—l3 r„ 3b , h.-w.h., elec. .1100.00 , 1008 Fairmont st. n.w.—6 r., b.. a.m.l. 65.50 1008 Lamont st n.w.—s r.. b.. aht.l.. 50.50 648 L st. n.e.—6 r.. b. h.-a.h.. gas... 50.00 1342 Riggs n.w—B r.. b.. h -ft.h., elec. 50.00 2019 K n.w.—7 r.. b.. gas. lat. heat... 45.00 3338 Sherman n.w.—7 r., b . lat. h.. gas 45.00 1520 6th st. n.w—B r.. lat h.. gas. 45.00 4621 Galt. pi. n.e.—6 r.. b.. el., lat. h. 4-.00 1413 Ist st. n w—6 Tj. b.. lat. h gas. 40.00 247 W st. n.w —6 r„ b.. lat. heat. gas. 40 00 1603 sth st. n.w.—6 r . b.. gas. lat. h.. 40.00 337 Elm st. n.w —« r.. b„ gas, lat. h.. 40 00 810 26th st. n.w.—6 r.. b., lat. h.. gas. 37.50 916 6th st. n.w —6 r . b.. J at r ... 35.50 2514 Eye n.w.—6 r. b. lat heat, gas. 35.n0 2269 Bth st. n.w—s r„ b.. lat. h., gas. 32.50 624 Hobart n.w—4 r.. b„ lat. h., ga*. “.50 1113 N. J. ave. n.w.—s T- S» s '^ 805'b R st. n.w —5 r., gas, stove heat. 32.50 2308 Eye st. n.w—B r.. stove heat.... 32 50 917 1 a Barry pi. n.w—6 r.. st °'6 b eat - 22-52 1523 Marlon n.w—6 r„ gas, stove h.. 30.50 9C9 6th st. s.e—6 r.. b„ gas.) lat. heat. 30.00 2214 9th st. nw 8 r.. sto ' e . *J ea L::‘ ,22* 837 26th st. n.w—6 r., gas. lat heat. 27.50 735 Morton st. n.w—s rooms gas..., 27.u0 1441 Church st. n.w —6 r.. stove heat. 27.00 1217 6'j st. n.w—s r., stove heat ... 25 50 2267 Bth n.w—s r.. gas. stove heat... 25.00 920 Barry pi. n.w—s r., stove heat... 25.00 2322 9th st. n.w.—4 r., b., lat. h.. gas. 25.00 49 Fenton st- n.e.—6 T., stove heat... 23.50 2322 Bth st. n.w.—4 r.. stove heat .... 22.50 1631 Kraemer n.e—6 r.. gas. stove h.. 2..50 154 Pierce n.w —6 r . gas, stove heat. 22.50 1230 6*a st. n.w.—4 r., stove heat 17.50 7 3V* st. n.e.—4 r.. stove heat........ 14.50 711 Pleasant ct. s w—4 r., stove heat. 12.50 26 Woodburn, D. C.—2 rooms— 10 00 B. F. SAUL CO., National 2100. 925 15th 8; NW. WANTED TO RENT —HOUSES. In QL IET^NEIGHBOrtiHO oD. BY COUPLE, small, clean, detached, ur.furnished h a m.i., not more than $55. Address Box 173-X. Star office. -T—, SMALL BUNGALOW IN D. C. RENT must be reasonable. Phone Lincoln 9148 - J | SALE—HOUSES. THREE-ETORY FRAME. SEVEN ROOMS. 408 New 1 York AV«._N.W. )elß* NEAR THE CAPITOL—3-FAMILY APART ment: hardwood floors, h.-w.h.. elec., nice grounds. Rent, slls a month. Owner must sell. Reduced to $6,750. This Is a gift. Arrange terms. District 7831. COZY NORTHEAST HOME. SEMI-DE tached. 7 rooms. 2 baths, modern: nice yard. 2 garages. Giving it away, $4,950; $250 cash or your terms. District 7831. SACRIFICE—B ROOMS. 2 BATHS. SLEEP ing porch. large lot; Chevy Chase. D. C . many extras; S3OO cash. bal. like rent. Ad dress OWNER. Box 478-V. Star once. 13* 818 6th ST. N.E—6-R. COLONIAL BRICK, h.-w.h.. elec, lights, parquet floors; cheap to responsible party on small payments. West 2024 or Clev. 6440. 13 1_ 1731 P ST N.W—BY OWNER. BEAU tlful 12-room atone house; latest heat; A DISTINCTIVE STUCCO ENGLISH DE _ - sign home, with weather-board side porch, beautifully landscaped grounds, located Just east of Connecticut ave.. two blocks north of Bradley lane. TWO baths and six rooms, with detached garage, designed to .match house. A real buy at the price of $13,950, convenient terms. Phone Wisconsin 2489. 1 to 9 p.m. ______ Ch7"CH.. D. C.—JUST WEST OF CONN, ave —Beautiful 4-bed-room home, landscaped grounds. An outstanding bargain at Attractive terms. Address Box 10a-X, Star office. ALMOST NEW 5-ROOM AND BATH SEMl detached house with b-i. garage, in Faii lawn. O-iginally sold <<?r *6-9|o Our Price, $5,750; easy terms. Cal, Mr. STUART, Nat. 0308 J FIRBT COMMERCIAL 6-ROOM B RI p R house, elec . hot-air heat, located near R. 1. ave. n.e. Price and terms reason able. E M. AIKEN. 927 15Ui st. Nat. 3556; evenings Wis. 3293. $3.490-FINE HOME. IST COM . PA. AVE. I se . 6 r el., gar., large lot: terms. GLAD MAN. 308 Pa. ave. se. eslab. 1901. ONLY $6,100. $l,lOO CASH. BAL. 1 TRUST. Practically new 6-room bitek ill gpod n w section with 3 porches, h -w.h.. . »»■ ; rage In excellent condition. To inspect, call Col 5515. SACRIFICE SALE ON 16th. $13,950 MUST sell at once. Cost $19,000. 8 rms., 2 baths. a m 1., 2-car ga r. Adams 4.86. BY OWNER 226 9th ST. S E MAKE OFFER. All Modern Improvements. Garage. * A~REAL BARGAIN. 109 R ST. NE. 8 rooms, bath, hot-water heat, electric light*, porches. Excellent condition. WAPLE & JAMES. INC.. 1826 14th St. N.W. North 0962. Evenings phone Ciev. 4944. " YOUR OPPORTUNITY. SIOO CASH. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. This unusual all-brick home is located In a restricted northwest community. It con tains 6 large rooms and bath with built-in tub and shower, hardwood floors, three large covered porches, modern daylight kitchen, latest electric fixtures, paved street and alley and many other extras. This home is In the best of condition and you should Inspect It at once. Call Cleveland ~ WOODRIDGE, d7c. $7,500. DETACHED—LOT 50x128. Excellently located in this fine community on shaded lot. Sir large rooms and recep tion hall, full-width front porch. 2-car de tached garage, rose garden and fruit trees: modern throughout: on paved street, rear alley; near schools, transportation, stores, etc J. E. DOUGLASS CO.. I SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS BELOW cost to present owner; very desirable modern home. Excellent location near Soldiers' Home grounds. Opposite Government Park. 9 rooms and bath. Lot 20 ft. wide Garage. Owner occupies. Property in excellent con dition. Special reason for selling. Investi gate EDW. P. SCHWARTZ. INC., 1014 Vermont ave. Dlst. 6210 (see Mr. Blrck hcadj. REAL ESTATE. MOON MULLINS—And Uncle Willie Knows. —By WILLARD 1 11 ir <- . / BAMJOENW f COME OM S f IDON'T | p. ■ ffwnwp [ 8008 E.V CiETS / Uo t dcqc-I 1 YOU KNOW \ I ... ► I MARR\ED, HE'UU MAkE | DEAR MAMIE. ) vni i<cc in ii/av<'\ 1 A RACHFV-CCZ. I I i. d j i~ A HUMP-eACK OUTOF JMOOMSHINE lg§S BAKIN'SOMEBODY V FAVO. J k 1 WHAT - V4EUI.. SOME POOR 6^L ( OF L a ratuf?ao - \ S°N\E. TROUBLE. J v > . MTT SURE t Oo! \ f THATS WHACT SALE—HOUSES, i Continued.! PRICE LOW.'—YOUR TERMS. 145 E ST. S.E. 6 big rooms, bath, hot-water heat, electric lights, garage. New condition. WAPLE A JAMES, INC.. 1226 14th St. N.W. North 0962. Evenings phone Clev. 4944. AN EXCELLENTLY PLANNED SIX-ROOM all-brick colonial home, located in Leland section, Chevy Chase. Large lot 60x117. with splendid shade trees, evergreens and shrub bery. THREE bed rooms, tiled bath with shower, ample closets, large living room, open fireplace, dining room, modern kitchen, pantry. Cross ventilation in every room. Covered side porch and built-in garage. THIS FULLY DETACHED HOME FOR $12,250. Phone Wisconsin 2873 between_l_and_9 pm. 1 AM LEAVING THE CITY AND' MUST sell my 6-room bungalow, slate roof, cypress siding, hollow-tile foundation, weather strip ping. very large living room, trimmed with chestnut; sun parlor and many other at tractive features. The lot contains over 7.000 square feet and fronts on two streets. Plenty of flowers and shrubbery. Cost nearly $12,000 and will sell for $10,500. I will pay title fee If sold before June 25. Call Georgia 0717. IN EDGEMOOR Must Be Sold At Once. Due to a foreclosure of a first mortgage for $13,500 this property can be bought lor $15,750 equity cash. This beautiful Colonial brick home is sit uated on a lot 75x150 feet and is surrounded by approximately $2,000 worth shrubbery and contains 9 rooms. 3 baths, oil burner and 2-car brick garage. l*a squares from school and car line. Telephone WTsconsin 3811, between 3 and 9 p m. IN CHEVY CHASE. NEAR THE COLUMBIA Country Club, short block from car line, fine new brick and tile house, built through out of best material. Architecturally at tractive. trimmed in brown gum. Especially pretty stairway. Large living room, with fine fireplace; beautiful big dining room. Eastern exposure, roomy, handy kitchen and 2 pantries; toilet and lavatory on Ist floor; 3 fine bed rooms and 2 splendid baths on 2nd floor; 3 b;g, airy bedrooms and 1 bath on attic floor. Price cut down to $22,350. No brokers. Address Box 8-X, Star office. TRADE YOU RTOLD HOME FOR A NEW SIX-ROOM CORNER. ONLY $9,550.00, This pretty home is located In the new Fort Slocum Park section, on one of the highest elevations in the n.w.. giving the property a commanding view of the entire section. The home consists of 6 large rooms concrete covered front porch, breakfast and sleeping porches, hardwood floors through out. tile bath with shower, pantry, dry day light cellar, garage, paved streets. Only this house remains unsold out of 17 built. See tnls opportunity before It is gone. Near BChools and car line. Call EDWARD C. BAKER, NAtlonal 3601. 1518 K St. N.W. $6,950. AN OPPORTUNITY. $2,000 Underpriced. This tapestry brick home contains 6 large, bright rooms, tiled bath, 3 large covered porches. Inspect this at once. Will make very reasonable terms. Call Adams 2641 after 5 p.m. $12,850. New Colonial Rrick. Chevy Chase, D. C. An unusual opportunity to purchase a thoroughly individual and up-to-date colonial brick and frame home that is attractively situated and priced right. It Is located on a prominent avenue, ex cellent elevation, and amid delightful homes. There are six exceptionally com fortable rooms, full tile bath with shower and extra tile lavatory off master bed room; stairway to attic. Slate roof. Large and well landscaped lot. Garage. Liberal terms can be arranged. Evening Phone Service 7 to 9. Schwab, Valk & Canbv, 1704 Conn. Ave. Pot. 0830. NEW DETACHED BTONE RESIDENCE. CHEVY CHASE. D. C. Price. $23,500. Attractive, well built nine-room, two-bath, with first-floor lavatory home; also two-car garage and close to Chevy Chase Circle. Will trade for two or three story row house in Mt. Pleasant: must be within four squares of 16th and Park rd. Address Box 156-X. Star office. SPECIAL BARGAIN. 3021 24th St. N.E. (Just South R. I. Ave.) A beautiful bungalow on lot 45 by 120. wtlh stone wall in front; entirely detached; wonderful trees, vines, bushes, grape arbor; large porches and wonderful finished attic. Just the home you have been waiting for. SIOO cash. $65 monthly. Only one; don’t miss it. Inspect tonight. H. R. HOWENSTEIN CO., 1315 H N.W. Pis. 0908. 902 B Street N.E. —Near Lincoln Park, 4 bed room*, brick garage, absolutely modern. Call for ap pointment to Inspect. THOS. E. JARRELL OO . Realtors. 721 10th Bt. N.W National 0765. $16,500. New Detached Brick. Chevy Chase, D. C. A lovely colonial residence that is de lightfully situated just one square west of Conn. ave. and within a few minutes' walk of public school, stores, etc. New homes in this location are extremely scarce. There are six splendid rooms; master bed room with private bath, sec ond bath off hall; attic with finished room, huge clothes closet and storage room; breakfast room, wide covered porch; oak floors throughout; copper guttering, slate roof, brick garage. This house is situated on a slightly terraced lot amid a number of rare old shade trees There are many special conven iences and added attractions, and you will do well to investigate promptly. Evening Phone Service 7 to 9. Schwab, Valk & Canby, 1704 Conn. Ave. Pot. 0830. Jpjl Detached Home * ISfEi * snow ° n ! tic, garage,' paved street and ,j I- 3712 Windom PI. N.W. lley. The best buy west of |j North Cleveland Park Conn. Ave. i The last one of these -fjfljL i pretty semi-detach- \ |PML I ed six-room homes ; I Rifht at Fort Slocum Park 427 Mariet t a pi. N.W. ! ;}| and near graded and junior Marietta Park 1 high school. Two squares north of Longfellow j OPEN AND LIGHTED Tower * Met. j Bldg. . ' J N ZKQjtotef 2663 ’’ « THE KVIvCIXn KTAT?. WASH! X(; r [T>N\ T>. T„ JUXE 11. 193 Q, SALE—HOUSES. NEW DETACHED BRICK. ONLY $10,750. This house cannot be duplicated for this price. It is about 27 by 38 feet in size and built entirely of brick. The living room is about 25 by 16. with massive open fireplace. Dining room will take any full size dining room furniture. I,arße kitchen, pantry and butler's pantry. Master bed room has open fireplace and full private bath. The room is as large as the living room. Two other bed rooms and a second complete bath with shower complete the second floor. Large basement with built-in garage. Lot 50x160. Paved street. No obligation to Inspect—Just phone us 1 if you are looking for a new large house that is really a bargain. Easy terms can be arranged. NORTH WASHINGTON REALTY CO., INC. Shepherd 2400. Georg!a 4256 1 _ 14th ST. HEIGHTS N.W. 1222 Kennedy St. Modern 6-room house with two Inclosed porch rooms: parquetry floors on first floor; house In excellent condition; unusually deep lot. planted with beautiful flowers; conven ient to cars, schools, stores, etc. Open Sat urday and Sunday. Price and terms rea sonable. CHAS. D. SAGER, National 0030. 924 14th St. N.W. 1800 BLOCK PARK RD —9 ROOMS bath: garage; house in splendid condition. A good buy for $13,000. part cash. See P. F. CARLEY, 802 10th St. UPPER 14th fcT. ONLY $7,850.00. Here Is a splendid buy in a row brick house just off 14th st.. In a very beautiful section. Six rooms and bath, with recep tion hall; double screened rear porches. And Is priced far below its actual value. Snap this one up quickly. McKEEVER & GOSS, Inc., 1415 K St. N.W. Nat. 4750. $13,750. 7 Rooms—2 Baths, Saul’s Addition. A lovely detached home situated on a prominent street lined with shade trees. At the price quoted it represents an out standing value as well as an EXCEP TIONAL HOME. It Is situated on a beautifully landscaped lot amid ample shrubs, flowers and trees. On the first floor there Is a huge living room with fireplace, large dining room, kitchen, pantry, bed room with complete tile bath with shower. Wide covered porch. The second floor contains three splendid bed rooms and a second tile bath. It is com plete in every detail. Including numerous added conveniences, and a special feature is an automoatlc GAS FURNACE, garage. Evening Phone Service 7 to 9. Schwab, Valk & Canby, 1704 Conn. Ave. Pot. 0830. $7,500. 1236 HARVARD ST. N.W. 8 large rooms and bath (4 bed rooms on second floor), Pittsburg automatic hot-water heater, gas and electricity; a comfortable home at a bargain. White only. Must be sold lttimediately Make offer. Clear. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., Inc., 1519 K N.W, District 101 S. BEAUTIFUL HOME IN SAUL’S ADDITION. ONLY $13,750. Detached. 2-story house on one of the best streets in that high-class residential section. It has seven large rooms, first-floor lavatory, tile bath and shower on second floor. large open fireplace and delightful porches. This is an unusually fine property and is priced at a sales-compelling figure. There is a 1-car garage to match the house. McKEEVER & GOSS, Inc., 1415 K St. N.W. Nat. 4750. 4914 7th St. N.W. Inspect or call for appointment to Inspect this desirable brick home. Every modern ' appointment, including garage, screens, awn ings, radiator covers and weather strips. THOS. E. JARRELL CO.. Realtors. 781 10th St. N.W. National 0786. A REAL BARGAIN. 1621 Monroe St. N.E. Regular price. $9,950; ours. $8,960—A de sirable semi-detached new brick house in this fine section; large porches, big lot: busses pass the door. We will make the terms to suit you. Open for inspection. You will save SI,OOO by buying now. Come oue this evening H. R. HOWENSTEIN CO., 1315 H N.W, Pis, 0908. •| $11,950. r Center-Hall Home. ’ Chevy Chase. Out-of-town owner is offering this de l lightfully situated home at an unusual ' price. It is located just 100 yards west I of Oonn. ave. in the most attractive sec tion of this popular suburb. There arc six lovely, bright rooms, ample closet I space, living room with fireplace, large ! sun parlor with southern exposure, every modern convenience and garage, i Entire property in perfect condition. Beautifully Improved lot, 70x120. Vacant. Evening Phone Service 7 to 9. Schwab, Valk & Canby, . 1704 Conn. Ave. Pot. 0830. SALE—HOUSES. Auction Sale Continued on Account of Rain Until Sat urday, June 14, 1:30 P.M. Tourist Homo For lodging, dinner and dancing; also lots and acreage. Virginia Manor, between Washington and Laurel on Baltimore Boulevard. At Buyer's Price Long Easy Terms Rand Concert Meet the big crowd Saturday j N. C. Hines, Inc. Auctioneers District 8676 Clievv Chase Home We believe you will be very pleased with the inside treatment we have given thU home, especially the entire end wall of the living room, which has been worked up in natural finished white pint, solid-paneled boards to the ceiling—deep open fireplact and book shelves. SOMETHING DIFFERENT. 3 bed rooms, 6 closets on second floor. Easy Terms. Do nos hesitate to call Wi*. 2873 lor fur ther information. NOT JUST ANOTHER HOUSE . . . but something decidedly better j in the way of design, appointments and construction. Ideally situated on 90-ft. paved strpet in Glover Park, adjoining the exclusive Mass. Ave. Heights sec- i I tlon . . . and only 10 minutes from mid-city. Inspect Tonight or Tomorrow 3805 Benton St. N.W. There are 6 big rooms, 3 wide cov ered porches, built-in garage, varie gated tile master bath, deep cedar lined closets in every bed room, double hardwood floors throughout, dull brass hardware, bracket lights, brick mantel with Radiant heater, Frlgldaire, 2-tone sanltas on kitchen walls and numerous other ultra-mod ern leaturcs. Large lawn Is fully landscaped and bounded by harmonizing retaining I : wail. THE LOW PRICE IS THE MOST SURPRISING FEATURE i To reach—Take a Burleith-Olorer Park but or drive out cjue or H at. to 37th. north to Tunlaw Pel., and turn left at Ben ton. Home oven daily until 9 v.m. o B. H. (.BUYER Builder 927 15th St. Nat'l 2670 i.... I Chevy Chase, D. C. Sale or Trade. Here is a beautiful, detached, atone house, hardly a year old, with very large living room, open fireplace, dining room, kitchen. Frlgldaire, breakfast room and three open porches and lavatory on the first floor; four bed rooms, two baths and large open porch on second floor. Large attic, with maid’s room and plumbing outlets for additional bath, if desired. Cellar up above ground, with full-sized windows. 2-car garage on very deep lot. This house is located on one of the finest streets not far from Chevy Chase Circle. It Is priced at $22,750, which is several thousand dollars less than its actual value. Owner will sell on moderate terms or will trade for a house within three or four blocks of Sacred Heart Church at 16th & Park Road. Undoubtedly the biggest op portunity in Chevy Chase today. MoKeevcr & Goss, Inc. 1415 K St. N.W. Nat'l 4750 5100 Block Conduit Road Bargain Price New semi-detached dwellings, containing 6 rooms, tiled bath, built-in tub, hot-water heat and electric light. Built to Sell for $9,750 Our Price $6,650 —Cash, $l5O Lots 25x120 The Commercial National Co. 14th and G Sts. Nat’l 2680 SALE—HOUSES. - I WEST OF 16th AND COLUMBIA RD. Brick house of 7 rooms and bath. Near stores, schools, churches and transportation. This house will he sold S3,(XX) below original price. Call L. E. BREUNINGER & SONS, National 2040. Investment Bldg'. |i 3721 Porter St. N.W. New—Detached— Red Brick Four beautiful bad rooms, two bright baths, Oil Tex walls, big living and dining rooms, complete kitchen, concrete and brick seml privnte living porch, big breakfast I porch, service porch, sleeping porch, abundance of wardrobe and storage closets, big attic with plenty win dows. The equipment Is complete, | Including electric refrigerator, and the entire property Is screened. L There Is a two-car garage to match —yet the price of this beautiful home Is only *19,750. Open and Lighted Daily QZoi/cJfoobr Tower Bide. Metrop. 9668. j Have you heard about Burleith Heights j 38th and T Sts. N.W.? h ! i" I A C n | A new group of « the very popular English-tvpe Homes at Popular Prices await your inspection Y o- Six rooms and hath to Eight rooms and two baths O' Many interesting innovations and modern refinements. j&ooleu Bros. 1 C\ m sunataaOffsrnutmarmr Tower Bldg. Nat’l 9240 You Get So Much You Pay So Little Inspect the Exhibit Home 1707 C St. N.E. (Open Daily to 9 P.M.) We feel quite sure the time spent will he most valuable— that yon will leave, as many have, with the thought that it is not necessary to look elsewhere —this is your house! EXCEPTIONALLY EASY TERMS will buy you seven large rooms, tiled bath with shower, and a built-in garage. There is natural chestnut trim, paneled wall paper of artistic pattern, beautiful electric fixtures and radio outlets. You will marvel at the size and beauty of the kitchen, with its complete equip ment, including Frigidaire. The front or back porch is a good place to find a pleasant, cooling breeze. 'llie neighborhood is restricted, convenient to Anacostia Park and Eastern High SchooL Robert E. Kline, Jr. 718 Union Trust Bldg. Nat’l 6799 Or Any Broker OXsfl Near 14th and Spring i!PU,yUU R oa d N.W. Bargain, in perfect condition, with two-car garage, inclosed breakfast porch, elec tric lights; close to stores and all means of transportation. J r <2O Otft New Home, 20 ft. wide, In St. Gabriel’s Parish; fl spacious rooms, fully equipped kitchen, Frig idaire, large wardrobe closet in every room, hardwood floors and , trim throughout. screens, garage; situated on the highest point in Petworth. 1 0711 Petworth corner, will 9 trac ie; Colonial type, all brick; three covered porches, tiled bath, shower, screened throughout, artistic dec oration, Frigidaire, ga rage; large lot with beautiful shrubbery. C AFRIT Z 1404 K. St. N.W. DUt. 9080 < SALE—HOUSES. $9,950. NEW SEMI-DETACHED BRICK, 7 room* and bath, Frigidaire; garage; attic 5014 Kansas Ave. N.W. Open Dailv. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., Inc., 1519 K St. N.W. District 1015. SIOO CASH—SS9.SO MONTH. WOODRIDGE SEMI-DETACHED Why rent when you can own a 7-room home. tiled bath, hardwood floors, h.-w.h., screened, deep lot to garage. In one of the best aertlons in town’ Be sure and rail Mr. ADLER. National 8949. 12* Near Wardnian Park Hotel. By owner, beautiful 3-story, semi-detached brick house with all modern Improvements; oil furnace. Kelvlnator. cheap commercial electric power, etc. Overlooking beautiful 5-acre senatorial estate. 12 all outside, light rooms, 3 baths, 2-car built-in garage; wide alley, large yard. Owner leaving city. PRICED EXCEPTIONALLY LOW. Qol. 8748 or Nat. 4919. , Inspect Our SAMPLE HOME 4441 Fessenden $8,950 —Terms Well located and in the direct path of our city’s mast rapid ex pansion. these homes represent |! as complete and attractive home values as you can find in any of our better home communities. Six large rooms flooded with sun light through English casement windows —most attractively deco rated throughout and completely appointed built-in bath with ; shower —Instantaneous gas heat er—oak floors throughout—lino leum on kitchen floor —built-in garage. Open & Lighted Until 9 P.M. Natl. Mortg. & Inv. Corp. 1004 Vt. Ave. Nat. 5833 l I II SIOO Cash —$13.75 Weekly. 1218 Owen St. N.E. Just north 12th and Fla. ave. n e Can be used for 2 families If desired. Big open and closed porches, built-in garage. This is a bargain: see it and you will buy. Only one. Inspect any time. Phone for auto to Inspect. Terms Just like rent and you are buying a home. H. R. IIOWENSTEIN CO., 1315 II N.W. Dis. 0908. COLORED RESIDENCE. Trice, $7,500. Three stories, ten rooms and two baths; located on 9th st. near N st. n.w., first com i merctal zone; *I,OOO cash and *6O per month will buy this home. All rooms large and house is in good condition. For Further Information Call Mr. BCHIRMER. McKEEVER & GOSS. Inc., National 4750. 1415 K Bt. N.W. UNUSUAL NEW HOMES! NEARING COMPLETION. 3rd and Madison Sts. N.W. See Them Before Deciding. New, up-to-date 7-room homes with hard wood trim; 4 bed rooms, all-tile bath, built in garage; large back yards; paved street and alley; all modern conveniences. Facing direct on a 17-acre Government park. Ex cellent car service on 14th st. line. Don’t miss this opportunity. Priced under *IO.OOO. WAPLE & JAMES. Inc., OWNERS AND BUILDERS. 1226 14th St. N.W. North 0962, NORTHEAST, $7,650.00. Brlek home: six bright, large rooms, tile bath, hot-water heat, hardwod floors; con venient to cars, schools and stores. Small cash, easy terms. Phone Ga. 3344. CLEYELAND PARK. SIO,OOO. A very beautiful detached bungalow, with reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, two bed rooms and bath on one floor; large floored attic; hot-water heat, with oil burner; built-in garage; large lot, with flowers, trees, etc. Splendid location, close to Connecticut ave. McKEEVER & GOSS, Inc., 1415 K St. N.W, Nat. 4750. $22,500. Opposite the Cathedral. Mass. Ave. Heights. We believe this to be the most attrac tively priced detached home ever offered for sale In this delightful close-in sub urb. Briefly described, it consists of: First flour, reception hall, living room with fireplace, dining room, sun room, pantry and kitchen. Second floor, four splendid bed rooms, two tile baths, one with shower, and Inclosed sleeping porch. Third floor, two rooms, bath and storage space. Features include OIL HEAT, ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR. screens, awnings, weather strips, oak floors throughout, slate roof, maid’s room and bath, 2-CAR GARAGE. The entire prop erty Is In perfect condition and In our opinion It represents an unusual oppor tunity for the fortunate purchaser. Stop to think. This home Is opposite the Nr tlonal Cathedral, near the new Britiah embassy, just NORTH of Mass, ave and within 12 minutes' drive of the White B°hse NOWHERE can you And a better VALUE. Evening Phone Service 7 to 9. Schwab, Valk & Canby, i 1704 Conn. Ave. Pot. 0830. 1 I Owner Moving to N. Y. Desires , to Sell His Detached Home in a Nearby Montgomery Co., Md., Section. $7,875. , Built on a LOT 63x228. almost a little B 7>Ple shade trees, flowers and shrubbery. Near transportation. stores, schools and churches, and paved street, to city. Six rooms and bath, hardwood floors, hot-water heat, electric lights, screens, at tic, plenty of closet space arid center-en trance hall All in good condition and easy i terms can be made. A Seven-Room Detached Home in Chevy Chase for Only $7,500. Good news, lin t It. and It ta a real buy. too, One of those popular semi-bungalow types, conveniently and beautifully located, containing all modern features. Including oak floors, real flreplpace and hullt-ln re frigerator. Built on lot of unusual pro portions. A wonderful place for the little folk to play In comfort and safety. Get In now and enjoy the Summer In your own home. Convenient terms can be made. If You Are Looking For a New Home \Ye Can (MTer You the Rest to Re Found —ln Washington's finest group-home com munity. where the prices range from *10.950 to *24.500 For full Information CALL CLEVELAND 6892 after 6 pm. Inspection arranged for day or evening I BOSS & PHELPS, 1417 K 84. Realtor*. gM# REAL ESTATE, SALE—HOUSES. COLORED—BA RGAINS! Irving lit. ♦ant of 13th—9 r Ab., a m,l. Columbia st. nr. 10th A R. X. ave —8 r., b. Near Navy Yard —6 r. Ab.: fine repair. Kraemer st. n e. nr. 16th—5-rm. frames. See these before renting, buying or trading. N. F. RYON CO . 1216 N. Y. Ave . 3418 14th. COLORED HOMES. We have the best 9-room, 2-bath home ’ with hot-water heat, elec, lights and 2-car garage In upper Northwest section of city. Price, 19.500, 31,000 cash, balance like rent. You should see this real home today—to morrow may be too late. WAPLE A JAMES. INC.. 1226 14th St. N W North 0982. FOR COLORED. S KINGMAN PARK. H ST CARS TO 23rd 8T N.l. SECOND ANNIVERSARY. NEARLY 200 SOLD There Is a reason: Inspect and learn why. Sample house, 633 23rd st. n.e. Washington d C.ty s greatest modern, all-brick home de : velopment. A refined community. Don't il delay In Investigating the opportunities il offered to acquire a real home. This Ideally t located section, adjoining extensive river e park. Homes have every modern Improve ment and are built most substantially. Have full cellars, hardwood floors on first floor, modern tile bath. 3 porches, deep lots to alley. Prices, 36,175 to $7,250; terms to suit. • CHAS. D. SAGER. national 0036. 924 14th Bt. n.W. COLORED H BEE THE HUGHES’ HOMES. ULTRA-MODERN GRAY TAPESTRY BRICK. ! 5, 6. 7 ROOMS WITH HALLS. SAMPLE HOUSE. OPEN AND LIGHTED, 546 25th N.K., $6,175. PACING KINGMAN LAKE, OPPOSITE ! NEW GOVERNMENT PARK. Constructed under personal supervision of an ENGINEER, of the HIGHEST GRADE materials, by SKILLED MECHANICS, for DISCRIMINATING PEOPLE, i 25th AND BENNING RD. John Young. Representative. Lincoln Sl*4. WANTED TO BUY—HOUSES, j PAY CASH FOR BARGAINS OR WILL~aSI sumo your trusts at equity bargain prices; any aectlon Ad dress Box 1288, City P. O. | CASH FOR DETACHED OR SEMI-DETACH ed modern 6 or 7 rooms, n.w. or n.e.; *9.000 to 814,000. Address Box 187-X. Star office. ♦ f OWNERS, ATTENTION! I List your colored vacant properties for sale or rent with us. Quick results, honest service. ATLANTIC REALTY CO., 29 Fla. ave. n.w. North 0608. 11* — SALE OR RENT—HOUSES. CLEVELAND PARK. 3605 Macomb st. n w —Detached; southern i exposure; nine rooms, three baths; front 1 and rear porches; modern equipment through j ! out; screens; detached garage. Open daily ,13 to 7 p.m, Sunday by appointment. JAMES G. PENNEBAKER. j 1520 K St. Nat. 5291. RENT—STORES. 1507 KENILWORTH AVE. N.E. STORE, 20x50; suitable for any business; rent re duced to *4O per month. Call National 8181; a evenings. Columbia 9583 1 916 2lgt ST., *25 MO.. 2300 9th ST., STORE R and 6 rms.. *SO 2112 N. Y. ave.. 3 r., b, y elec., gas. *SO. 2032 Georgia ave.. store and 2 4 rms,. *45. Call Nat. 0510. 1021 7th at. e CORNER LA MONT. MT. PLEASANT—CAR stop. Ideal for delicatessen or branch store, one block oft 16th st.: also adjoining store, full. dry. bright basement. Rent reasonable. • Columbia 1531. DELICATESSEN. 5631 Ga. Ave. N.W.—*6s. Large store, located In new and fast-grow ing community, especially suited lor a deli catessen. I CAFRITZ. ~ 1404 K St N.W. Dist. 9080. it ' 3116 M ST. N.W. Approx. 825 sq. ft. 1408 P St. N.W. Approx. 525 sq. ft. *75.00. AMERICAN SECURITY & TRUBT CO . Real Estate Dept. 13th 4b Pa. Ave. W.W. Nat'l 4815. 256# 14th ST., *l5O MONTH. 3438 14th. *9O. 4718 14th st., *SO. FRANK E ALTEMUB, ‘ 717 4th BT.NW.—STORE. 4 R„ B . , elec *65.00 , 105 H at. n.w.—Store. 6 r.« b., elec.. 50.00 1 631 L st. n.w 50.00 I 328 3rd st. s.w.—Store. 6 r., water.... 42 50 1 1301 4'a st. s.w.—Store. 6 r.. water.. 50 00 433 4V» st. s.w —Store, 5 r.. water 30.50 JAMES F. SHEA, STORK AND DWELLING. 709 4th ST. N.W.—sss. Large store with living quarters above containing 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. CAFRITZ, f 1404 K St. Dist. 9030. ", FINE. LARGE. UP-TO-DATE STORE ON Connecticut ave., suitable for any business. Rent reasonable. PERCY H RUSSELL CO., 1731 K St. N.W. » LARGE STORE. ; 3212 Georgia Ave,—*32 50. This store, conveniently located In a new and thriving community, at an unusually ' attractive rental. Suitable lor any business. ’ CAFRITZ, 1404 K St. Dist. 9080. 1436 PARK RD. N.W —STORE *150.00 2509 14th st. n.w—Store 100 00 1940 9th n.w—Store. 4 r . b.. a m i... 100 00 1329 "th n.w.—Store, 2 floors above... 75 00 2807 M st. n.w.—Store. 4 r., b . e’.ec.. 75 00 3301 12th st. n.e 65.00 3305 12th st. n e 50 00 420 Fla. ave n w.—Store 50 00 . 1035 Bladensburg rd. n.e —Store 50 00 1 1161 20th st. n.w.—Store. 3 r., elec.... 47.50 1808 Fla. ave. nw 40 00 3603 18th n.e 35 00 i 1247 7th st. n w 30 00 3631 18th st. n.e.—Store... 25 00 230 H st. n.w 10 00 B. F. SAUL CO., ; National 2100. 925 15th St. N W. ; 1737 F ST. N.W. « Opposite Interior Department. New store. 11 ™ 7^ dera sUow window, bright, attractive, only : ' ' LEE D. LATIMER CO.. • Investment Bldg. National 4148. ; APT. HOTEL DRUG STORE ! CONCESSION. Large store, located in a new apartment hotel containing over 200 apartments, at the intersection of three streets A real oppor tunity. bee manager. Pot. 5600. CAFRITZ, 1404 K St. Dist. 9080. SALE OR EXCHANGE. BUSINESS PROPERTY. HOME INVEST ment. near Dupont Circle—Store and two rooms: 2 apts. ot 4 rooms. bath, each; like new; HOLMES CO., 1004JC st. n.w. Nat. 3677. 365-ACRE FARM, FAIRFAX CCG NEAR £ a !A W a /„ „f! v,' j Pa! r l m n- ; finest land: com. apple orchard: also com. timber will sell on easy terms or exchange for city property. KELLER * STUART. Nat. 6307 5 SIX-ROOM BRICK HOUSES WITH small trust for farm or lots. Apt M-18 Trinity Towers. Adams_364S. ' _ , JIJ WOODRIDGE, D C Splendid 5-r. b. home, a m 1.; h-w h, fireplace, sleeping porch. Will trade for 5- room bungalow In Mt. Rainier or nearby Md 7203 ire “ 377 R ' *' aV *' Be ’ 01 Call North WE "HAVE A NUMBER OF CLEAR SHORE lot* neat Gibson Island, which we will sell on easy terms or exchange for city Invest ment property and assume one trust. Aaents protected. KELLER k STUART. Nat. 6307 IDEAL ROOMING HOUBE—WILITcONSID'- er proposition on a downtown bulldina- 8 apartments. 5 rooms and bath each (40 sep arate rooms, 8 baths); located within a square of Government developments Will finance a responsible party. This is an un usual opportunity. H GRADY GORE & CO. 1024 Vermont Ave. National 7190 CHEVY CHASE. MD.-4-RM. AND BATH modern house; acre beautiful shaded grounds, paved street, near car line. Con sider downtown house, preferably section going colored. Call Mr. STUART. Nat. 6308. SALE—VILLA SITES. J HEAVILY WOODED LOT ON WOODLAND I drive In Mass. Ave. Heights, less than two thirds the market price Over 100 ft front and a real bsAain. Address Box 202-X. Star office. ~ - ■ ' ' OFFICES AND RTI'DIOS. . NIdKLY FURNISHED PRIVATE OFFICEII Rent only 330 month. Apply Room 908, Dist. Nst'l Bank Bldg. IfERY DESIRABLE OFFICE WITH ME'ZTXI nine, on Connecticut ave. Rent reasonable. PERCY H. RUSSELL CO.. 1731 K Bt. N.W. National 1581. NICE, BRIGHT. CORNER "OFFICE ROOM on second floor of 1731 K st. n.w.. near Con necticut ave. Rent very reasonable. PERCY H RUSSELL CO , 1731 K St. N.W. PRIVATE OFFICfi. Munaey Building—Occupant of adjoining room desires to share services of capable private secretary, or would consider sharing seme refined, well furnished offloe, not desk epace, but high-grade prlvato or semi-private office. Reasonable cost. INQUIRE ROOM 1184. Munsey Building. • RE N T—-OFFICES. District Natl Bank Bldg., 1406 G St. N.W. b> heart of busintas section. Singly roomi and suites. 315 50 up. Excellent looatldr. sos Insurance business or business school. See Bupt. on Premises, or N. L. SANSBURY CO., Inc., 1418 Eye. Nat’l 5904. dHANDLkR 1 buELblNd. 1427 Eye St. N.W, IN THE HEART OF THM FINANCIAL DISTRICT. Single Offices and Suite*. Free Secretarial. Telephone Serytoe and Many Other Features. Reasonable Rentals SHANNON A LUCHB. INC., „ _ Managing Agents. 1435 K St Nat. |3tf. 511 11th ST. N.W. Entire 6th Floor for Lease. SUITABLE FOR OFFICES OR LIOHT MANUFACTURING. 1,900 Square Feet at 31 Per Square Foot. Freight and Passenger Elevators. Janitor Service N. L. SANSBURY CO., Inc. ( 1418 Eye. Nat’l 5904. 12th ST. NEAR G, 616 12th ST. N.W. Entire second floor con sisting of 3 exceptionally large rooms, newly reno vated, suitable for mercan tile or offices. Very rea sonable rent. N. L. SANSBURY CO., Inc., ” 1418 Eye St. N.W, Nat’l 5904. SALE—LOTS. ■ DETACHED WOODRIDGE LOTS, 40x107. ON **'ooo each. Phone Potomae !??• Mr. Barrow. H. R. HOWENSTEIN CO* 1 Jli n St. D.w. TAKOM A PARK. D. C., OVERLOOKING • Branch fd.; level, shady lot. Out-of ‘“w„n on.y *1,250. Mr. • aCHAEFER. Nat 0866 or Shep 2841 • YOU : —hare been looking for a bargain la 16th ST. HEIGHTS. f ?ou r, must*-,ctq b urckly Ul lot neßr ,6th . I Phone Mr. Getz. r „ EATON & CO . 1010 Vermont Ave, National 2920. WANTED—LOTS. WANTED. LOT. MODERN: 16th HEIGHTS. Must be reasonable for cash. Mail full par ticulars to Mr Steers. N. L. SAN3BURY . to,. 1418 Eye st. n.w. i SALE—FARMS. j r?L°, ! if A n , RIVER COLONIAL HOMES > B*oßll farms, *2O acre and up DE - SUAZO &. McNAB. Bond Bldg. Nat. 3934 r 7 4-ACRE FERTILE FARM. 5-ROOM DWEIZX t Poultry houses, garage, stable, etc.: 8 miles from Capitol; *3.500. A splendid 200-acre place on the Patuxent r R'yeu "ice sloping beach, substantial farm buildings. This farm Is convenient to a - r 9 ad> an _ easy 45-mlnute drive to Washington. D C. Write or phone Henry L. , Morris Agent, O. B ZANTZINGER CO, t UPPgf Marlboro. Phone Marlboro SY 80,000 MILES —or more than three times around the earth, is the distance I have traveled In the last 3 yrs selling farms. If you want acre age. an estate or a farm near by. I feel well prepared to render efficient service. JOHN A. BRICKLEY, Licensed Montgomery Co. Broker. r > ._ 4217_9th_8t ; _N.W. Adams 6950. 13• ; FOR SALE. ' PERFECT FARM. 1 Near Md. University, mile of Wash. 1 and Balto. blvd.; 75 acres modern house. 8 • r. and b . hot-water heat, front and back • porch; barn and stable tenant house, chlcla • en house, blacksmith shop, garage, 2 wells. 2 grape vineyards. 7 acres team *I.OOO » year): front lawn covered with beautiful spruce trees. This is highly cultivated, rich . soil truck farm (money maker). Can be . subdivided into wonderful building sites. See me st once. Owner leaving city, price rea sonable. Terms can be arranged. C. F. WARING. 1416 F st. National 9172 WATER-FRONT * SHERWOOD FOREST COTTAGE, FUR nished. *1.275; forced to sell at once on ac count of sickness. Call Lincoln 5343-J, 16* k PINEY POINT SHORES—LOTS AS LOW as 152. Send for free circular. Bauman tc Heinzman. 1 Thomas Circle. Dec. 4700. | FOR SALE—MY BEAUTIFUL WATER front home, Chesapease Bay and Severn River; 16 acres, adjoining Annapolis: filtered water, sewers, gas. electricity; large sandy bathing beach. Address Box 362-R, Star office. I NORTH BEACH. MD. ATTRACTIVE 1- 1 room eottage with screened-in porches, nice -1 ly furnished; accommodate 12; running 1 near . bea eh. Rates reasonable. Call 1 1 NORTH BEACH. MD—ONE-HALF SQUARE of bay froni. Accommodates 8. *25 per wees. Columbia 8664. • CEDARHURST ON CHES. BAY—3I MILESi D. C. line (near Shady Side>. Lots and cot tages at lowest prices and terms. BAUMAN A HEINZMAN. 1 Thomas circle. Dec. 4700. WILL GIVE *SO DEPOSIT ON LOT AT North Beach. Md. to person taking up re maining *4OO, on terms. 1332 Eye st. n.w,, 1 Apt. 31. • * COTTAGE AT NORTH BEACH. FURNISHED. Rent by month or season or will sell. Ap- Piy 1332 Eye st. n w . Apt. 31. • NORTH BEACH—ATTRACTIVE COTTAGES: electricity; inside toilet, water: season, 5200 to 8250; available this week end._Nr>rth_7Bo3. BENEDICT. MD.—LOTS 5250. NEAR SHORE! choice location; terms. OWNER. Clev. 7082. BENEDICT. MD—COTTAGE. 6 ROOMS! water front. Priced right lor quick sale. OWNER. Clev. 7082. | SALE—6-R BUNGALOW AT BENEDICT. ' Md. on the beach; good fishing and crabbing; ; easy terms. Address Box 199-X, Star office. 1 ' I '-_ FOR RENT—MODERN. ATTRACTIVELY j furnished cottage. 5 rooms, bath, electricity, on South River. 23 miles from Washington. MRS. D. BILLINGS, Riva, A. A. County. Md. | BAY RIDGE. ON THE CHESAPEAKE BAY. Delightful cottage. 30 by 32' 3 feet, over looking bay, 5 rooms and bath, sun parlors 1 on 2 sides of house Large living room, real open fireplace. Weil furnished. Includ ing Plano. Lot 50 by 185. concrete block garage. Containing bath house with shower, basin and toilet. Owner, who has been • transferred to another city, is offering this wonderful place for less than *5.500. For further particulars. call BAY RIDGE REALTY CORP . Peter J Hagen. Room 219. Bond Bldg National 9657. Evening phone, Potomac 1298-J. NORTH BEACH, MD. CORNER BAY FRONT HOME. Abundant shade trees Six-room house, maid's room in attic, front and side porch es; thoroughly screened: furnished complete ly and ready for Immediate occupancy. Owner compelled to sell, will sacrifice for *4.000 Mr. Ramey, Ward man Construction Co., 1437 K St District 3830 RENT—WAREHOUSES. LARGE WAREHOUSE. REAR 425 N. V! s ave. n.w., *4O mo. Warehouse and 10.000 ft. of ground, rear 2332 9th st n.w . *6O mo v Call 1021 7th St. N.W.. Nat. 0510. SALE ACREAGE? BEAL T TIFUL TRACT' OF OVER 30 ACRES on State road In the Country Club section of Kentdale. Vicinity of the Congressional Country Club and the National Horse Show Grounds. Ideal to divide Into a number of sites of 3 to 3 acres. If sold at this time will consider *SOO per acre. Map and Infor mation from owner. Address Box 194-X, Star offlce._ » NEAR GREAT FALLS. FRONTING ON THE Potomac. 100 acres at *lls per acre. Ad dress Box 77-X, Btar office. • OUT-OF-TOWN REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR RENT—THE BEATTY HOTEL at Bluemont. Virginia. Due to the death of Mr. Beatty this hotel is for sale, or can be rented for the season, furnished. A very desirable location for a sanatorium, being near the Blue Ridge Mountains, and about 60 miles on hard road to Washington. I Immediate possession H. C. THOMPSON, attorney lu fact for the heirs. Purceilville, Virginia. » • SALE—INVESTMENT PROPERTY. MT. PLEASANT. NEAR MERIDIAN PARK New condition. Two adjoining seml-detach -1 ed bricks, south front. 27 ims, 7 baths, h.-w.h., hwd. floors. Suitable h.k. apts, club, sanitarium, rooms, boarders. Now have 4 lovely apts. and 10 other spacious rooms. 4 complete kitchens. Income 6 times rental. I Bargain price with *6,000 cash. Trade for, small, clear properties, partnership, illnes«l forces sale Owner selling. Completely fur nished optional. Address Box 190-X. Star office. • -