SALE—BV SIXERS PROPERTY. }"WO .ERAMB houses on k street clos» to the market at 2lst. Zoned for pus:negß. Front aft of nearly 30 ft.; deep lot to a.ley. Expect in* to leave city, nrjll eell fj-h lor *19.000. OWNER Address Box 193-X. Uta^otfice SECOND COMMERCIAL SITE RIGHT downtown. 30x100. will sell for true assessed sal le. This cannot he duplicated. _ . . . „ E. A GARVEY, District 5770, Room 1014. 1010 Vt. Ave RENT— BUSINESS PROPERTY. Jll* ST N.W. *125 00 «0 Mery.and are. a w 35 00 1305 9eh at. n.w 35.00 The Washington Loan and Trust Company. •00 E Bt. N.W. Phone National 3440. —— r BEAL ESTATE—LOANS. » n ? .2nd TRUST LOANS PROMPTLY 6r**SrVSJß.lL?®* e ** ratea. Refinancing JAMES money to loan on d. c. real estate V* ?, r l?T»ir ount 4t prevailing Interest. JESSE L HEI3KELL. 1115 Eye st. n.w. CONSOLIDATE YOUR FIRST AND SECOND trusts QUICK ACTION. Reasonable rates I*3 appraisal fee Met. 4300-Clev 0318. * ..MONEY DFUVERED IMMEDIATELY I’OO— Pay *I.OO tele. *soo—Pay *2.50 wl *2.00 wk. *l,ooo—Pay *4 50 wk CO . 319 Bond Bldg. Nat. 3490. BEE ME FIRST—Ist. 3nd AND 3rd TRUSTS. “9.1S d tape, quick service, reasonable *3OO. repay *1.50 wk *SOO. repay *2.50 at. .J'f'K rep*» *3 50 wk *9OO, repay *4.60 at. • I.soo.Yepay *7.50 wk *2.000. repay *lO 00 wx *3,500. repay *l2 50 wk *3.000. repay *15.00 wk. k *3,soo.repay *17.50 wk *4.000. repay *2O 00 wk Above payments Include principal and in terest and can be arranged monthly and oj-wfcr.thly. Also loans In nearby Ud. A Va. tm. A. HENRY,. INC.. 1016 Eya st. n.w. (where Eye at. meets N Y. aye ). REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOAN'S. SIDNEY ROCHE. , 1427 Eye St. N.W. National 7915. QUICK MONEY --TO LEND. 2nd AND 3rd TRUSTS: *IOO TO *4.000 ON MARYLAND AND D C HOMES THREE DAYS TO COMPLETE TRANSAC TIONS. COURTEOUS SERVICE C. F. WARING, 1* 8 F BT N.W. NATL. 9173. AUTO LOANS. A BETTER. CHEAPER PLAN. TO BORROW ON YOUR AUTO OR TO refinance the unpaid balance. ... NORMAN GOLDBERG. •16 O BT. N.W . ROOM 501. MET. 4143. e Liberal Loans Procured On Autos. Trucks. Stoie. Office Equipment. Quick Low cost Confidential service, vo indor«ements. HONK. 931 N Y. ave. n w Fr *O4O _Je2s* AUTO LOANS. QUICK SERVICE. Open Evenings. 545 Md. Ave. N.E. Lincoln 0178 1610 14th St. NAV. North 10173. LOANS ON AUTOS. te? USB YOUR CAB—LOWEST RATES ACME FIN. & REALTY CO., LICENSED BROKERS 905 N. Y. Ave. N.W. _ „ National 3453 MONEY TO LOAN. LOANS PROCURED ON AUTOS . OR STORE FIXTURES. ■ OREENBAUM. RM. 836, TOWER BLDG . 14th * K STS. N.W, MET. 8662. 12» WE BUY FIRS7 _ DEEDS OF TRUST NOTES on vacant ground, building lots and acreage; •Iso buy second deeds of trust notes on lm- S overt property. FULTON R. GORDON. mtlnectal Trust Bldg. District 6331 WANTED—MONET. *3OO BONUS FOR LOAN OF *I.OOO FOR SIX months with Interest on *50.000 worth of antique furniture; absolutely secure. Prop erty owners. Nat. 3327, 11* SALE—SUBURBAN. Aung alow 5 rooms, gas and elec . tarage: large lot; *250 cash, *35 per mo. HOLMEB CO- 1004 K at. n.w. Nat. 3677. 5-ROOM BUNG. AND *« ACRE, *3.500, HOT air heat, glass-inclosed porch; garage, 6 ml. city. Easy terms. Call Clarendon 400, 6-BOOM BUNGALOW AND 1 ACRE. *4.500. strictly modern: cost *6.800; garage, h.-w h., elec, range; easy terms. Call Clarendon 400. MAGNIFICENT 8-ROO.M HOUSE. 3 CORNER 50-ft. lots; 2-car garage; most refined local ity beautiful shade, lawns, hedges, fruit; cost *l2 500 In 1922. for half: easy terms. GEO. C WALKER. Hyatts. 803: eve.. 206. 1 1* ATTRACTIVE 3-RM HOUSE. PORCH. ONE acre, about ’a m. Kensington, good water; *3OO cash, only *lB mo.; *2,400. Kensing ton 74-J. 5-R. AND B BUNGALOW. GAS. ELECTRIC ity. furnace heat, garage. 2 blocks car line. *IOO cash. *35 mo ERVIN REALTY CO., phone Hymttsville 765. OWNER. CALLED AWAY. MUST SELL NEW 6-room house, bath; a m l.; In the one-fare tone; two large lots, shade trees, shrubbery; jrice. *5.500. terms. O. B ZANTZINGER CO., >45 K St. N.W. Nat. 5371. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. Attractive furnished home with six rooms ind bath on a large lot at Herndon. Va. Electric range, electric refrigerator, electric l.tip; barn or garage and chicken house; pr.V- >5.200, including furniture. An offer nwfted. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD. Realtor. i ACRES—NICE 6-ROOM AND BATH ltlise. h.-w.h.. elec., porches, shrubbery, irfhard and chicken house; garage; 30 min. irive to city; price, *7.500 easy terms, douse and grounds in excellent condition. O B ZANTZINGER CO . Phone Hyatts _ 72. HyatLsville. Md. BRAND-NEW. STRICTLY MODERN 10-RM brick house, hardwood floors, a.m.l. Located In exclusive Golf Club Manor, near Wash ington Golf and Country Club. Price. *25.000: remarkably liberal terms. W S HOGK. Jr.. 801 Shoreham Building. f-.VO-ACRE PLACE. IMPROVED BY SEVEN - room bungalow, two miles this side of Rock- Vlllg; *SOO cash, balance monthly. PERCY H RUSSELL COMPANY. 17*1 K St NW. National 1581 woodridge; d. c. Nearly new 6-room house near Monroe at. Garage, beautiful level lot, paved street, •ak floors, fireplace, large porches; price. *9.250. reasonable rash payment, balance likivrent. Also 5-room semi-bungalow, with range, price. (7.650. *3OO cash. Inquire 3900 17th st. n.e.. at R. I. ave. Nor th 7050. FOUR AND ONE-HALF ACRES! Two houses, number of fruit trees, fine *r*ve; all fenced, facing 600 feet on county road, fine flowing spring and only 100 feet off main highway close to transportation and stores at Forest Gien," Maryland. Price. *6.000 for quick sale. Ask for Mr. Ware, with WAPLE A JAMES. INC. NEW BRICK BUNGALOW— $7,950. UNUSUAL DESIGN. OPEN TONIGHT 6 TO 9 P.M. Corner of Takoma and Boston aves . Ta koma Park. 2 blocks north of Bliss Electrical School, near grade and high schools. BUNGALOWS. BUNGALOWS. f rooms, g.m.1., *4.250; 5 rooms, big lot. edTSSO; » rooms, h.-w.h.. *6.750. terms. *2OO rash. *4O to *52 50 per month. H. C. MAY NOR. 3605 Bientwood rcl n e North 4338 < ' NEARBY'VIRGINIA. 5 r and bath bungalow; h.-w.h.. elec , *i acre lot. fruit trees. Price. *4 850. on rea sonable terms; or will exchange for 5-6 room liome. N.E or S E. 7 room and bath stucco home, excellent eo ulttlon. h-w h . elec.. g»». fireplace lot 75xT15 ft.; 2-car garage Price. *6.500. terms. fegoom and bath modern home, large rooffis; 'i-arre lot. garage, chicken houses, shade. Price. *7.850 Let us show you the above and other de ■ sirable homes in nearbv Virginia. Our Clar ■ endon office open until 9 30 p m. ■ N. E. RYON CO.. INC. B Clarendon 1250. 1004 Wilson Blvd. CLARENDON, VA.' Is r., gas. elyc $2,950 H 5 r.. gas. elec . bath 4.500 V 5 r , a.m.1.. nearly 1 acre 4.950 ■ New. 5 r., ami 5.250 ■ 5 r.« with 10.000 so. ft 5.250 ■ 6 r.. a m i 6 750 H Will take clear lot as down payment or ■ gel' on easy terms. H And many others to choose from. Also ■ choice lots. *ls down, balance *lO a month. ■ JUDSON REAMY, B is N Clarendon Ave. Clarendon. Va I Telephone Clarendon 1032. Evenings, 1823. I r ~ sale ok^bext—Suburban. ■ RENT, SALE OR EXCHANGE-6-ROOM ■ 'i acre ground. East Falls Church. ■Va partly furn. Mr. HEWITT. Dec. 5360 ■ ■* WANTED—SUBURBAN. IwVnTED- BUNGALOW OR SMALL HOUSE. ■ preferably In or near Mt. Rainier. Md.; B should be convenient to bus or car line Ad ■ dress Box 150-X. Star Office. .11* I'w'ANT TO RENT IN MARYLAND. POSSIBLY ■ around Silver Spring, seven-room house with ■ shade and garage, not too close to neigh- H bors. preferred off of main pike Muit be ■ m condition for use July 1. Will pay rent and take interest in keeping place Will pay *6O Answer promptly. Ad- H . ty».,s Box 183-X. Star office. * | BENT-SUBURBAN, I FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW, STRICTLY MOD ■ ern. near cart and bus line; *4O. Phone ■ HyattsvlUe 589, U* H TWO FURNISHED COTTAGES ON LARGE ■ country place. 15 miles out. high and quiet. ■ purest water; 5 rooms, bath; *45. 8 rooms, ■.bath; 165 Wood lor fireplaces included. Rockville 253. _ ■ b-Pm BUNGALOW. WATER. EI.EC. LARGE |K lot. shrubbery; *2O per mo bungalow, water, elec., large lot, SB shrubbery. *25 per mo bungalow; amt.: *27 56 per mo. REAL ESTATE. RENT—SUBURBAN. p (Continued.! r 204 FLOWER AVE.. TAKOMA PARK—NICE t front room and sleeping porch and kltchen -1 ette. furnished • * 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. ALL CONVENIENCES - Including furnace and gas range: near stores r and bus line; only *33 50 per month. 611 1 Lownsdale st . Colmar Manor, Md., or call Hyatt* 898-J FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. 2 BED ROOMS, living room 24x12 fireplace, radio. Frigld airc. double garage: shrubs, shade trees and lawns surround house attractively furnish ed. references required Mr. BENNER. Nat. , 8756. Bradley 220. 11* ) 4-ROOM AND BATH BUNGALOW. SLEEP ) inx porch; *25 month. j 5-room and bath bungalow, ami.; *4O a month. 5 7-room and bath brick house, h.-w h, double garage: *45 7-room and bath house: 2 lots; am! . ga rage; newly painted and papered; *SO. O B ZANTZINGER CO Phone Hyatts. 72. Hyattsville. Md AUCTION SALES. TOMORROW. THOS. J. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS. I 1431 Eye Street Northwest. * TRUSTEES' SALE OF ENTIRE PERSONAL PROPERTY INCLUDING GOOD WILL ! OF THE CAPITOL TITLE AND GUAR -1 ANTEE COMPANY. INC , 1425 EYE STREET NORTHWEST. > Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust chattel dated April 1. 1930. and duly le ; corded April 2. 1930. among the land records of the District of Columbia and at the te quest of the party secured th»rehy. the undersigned trustees, will sell at, public auc tion. within premises No. 1425 Eye street northwest, on THURSDAY. JUNE TWELVE. 1930. AT TEN O CLOCK AM. all and singu lar. the goods, chattels, and personal prop erty named, mentioned and described as follows: All furniture. furntshlnßS. plant, equipment, supplies and all other personal property, both tangible and intangible belonging to the said party of the first ■ part. Including the Increase and all ad- I ditlons that may hereafter be made to the above described property, and also any other chattels or personal property of every na ture and kind that the said party of the first part may own on the above described premises or elsewhere during the time that this deed of trust is in force Terms of sale: All cash, to be sold as an entirety. HAROLD N. MARSH. JAMES C. ROGERS. _le4.dA-ds.exSu Trustees. _ D. NOTES. Auctioneer Larjfe Auction Sale of Furniture, Floor Covering* and Household Effects of Every Description Also other miscellaneous goods—all on Thursday. June 12. at 10 A.M. Consignments reeeired ud to the hour of sale. Terms Cash. D. NOTES. Auctioneer. 633 La. Ave, THOS. J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. 1431 EYE ST. N.W. TRUSTEES SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE BEING A TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING. CONTAINING SIX ROOMS AND BATH. KNOWN AS 2024 BENNING ROAD NORTHEAST , . . Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust, re corded In Liber 5992 at folio 51 of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned will sell at Public auctlon in front of the premises, on THURSDAY. JUNE TWELFTH. 1930. AT THREE-THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M.. the following-described land and premises, situate In the District of Co lumbia. and being lot numbered aeventy aeven (77) In Ethel M. Rutty’s subdivision of lots in souare numbered forty-five hun dred and six (4506). as per plat recorded In Liber No 78 folio 43. of the records of the office of the surveyor for the District of Co lumbia. upon the following terms. Terms of sale: Said property is ■object to a prior deed of trust securing an Indebted ness of *3.500. and said property will be sold aubiect to aaid deed-of-trust indebted ness All cash over and above said deed of trust. Interest and taxes to be paid or ad justed to date of sale. A deposit of *SOO will be required at the time of sale. All conveyancing, recording, etc., at the cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be compiler with within thirty (30) days frotn day erf sale, otherwise deposit will be property resold at risk and cost of deiault- Ina purchaser after five (5) days advertise ment of such resale in some newspaper pub- Ushed in my29.31.ic3. Trustees^ THOS. J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. 1431 Eye Street N.W. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF VALUABLE IM PROVED REAL ESTATE. BEING THE FOUR (41 BRICK DWELLINGS NOB. 1354. 1356. 1358 AND 1360 I* STREET a certain deed of trust, duly recorded In Liber No. 6015. folios 151 154. 157. 160 et seq.. of the land records of the District ot Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at Public auction, m front of the premises, on THURSDAY. THE TWELFTH DAY OF JUNE. A.D. 1930. AT FOUR-THIRTY O’CLOCK P.M. the follow ing-described land and premises, situate m the City of Washington. District of Colum bia, and designated as and being lots ninety six (96 1 . ninety-seven 197). ninety-eight (98' and ninety-nine (99) In Edward J. Walker's subdivision of lots In square ten hundred and forty-seven (1047). as per plat recorded in Liber 84. folio 150 of the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia _ Terms of sale: One-third of the purchaae money to be paid In cash, balance in two equal installments, payable In one and two years, with interest at seven per cer.tum per annum, payable semi-annually from day of rale, secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of *2OO on each oroperty will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing, recording, etc., at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within 30 days from day of sale, other wise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of default ing purchaser, after five days’ advertisement of such resale In some newspaper published In Washington, D. C. SAMUEL A. DRURY JAMES B. NICHOLSON. Je2.4.8.9 1112 Trustee*. FUTURE DAYS. THOB. J. OWEN A SON, AUCTIONEERS. 1431 EYE BT. N.W. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE CONSISTING OF TWO-STORY. BASEMENT. SEMI-DETACHED STONE RESIDENCE CONTAINING EIGHT ROOMS AND TWO BATHS. BEING NO 3026 RODMAN STREET NORTHWEST By virtue of a certain deed of trust, dated February 1. 1929. recorded February 1. 1929. in Liber No. 6281. at folio 185. among the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on MONDAY. THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF JUNE. AD. 1930. AT FOUR-THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M. the following-described land and premises, situate In the District of Colum bia. and designated as and being lot num bered 114 In square numbered 2061 of a subdivision made by Charles J. Btreeter and others of lots In block numbered 6. "Con necticut Avenue Highlands.” as per plat recoided In the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia In Liber 80. at folio 125. Improved by the two-itory. base ment. semi-detached stone residence No. 3026 Rodman street northwest. Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for *IO,OOO. further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale: the purchase price above said trust »o be nald in cash. A deposit of *SOO required. Conveyancing, recording, etc., at the pur chaser's cost Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit for feited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. RALPH P BARNARD. HORACE G. SMITHY. Jes-dAds.exßu Trustee*. I ADAM A. WESCHLER A SON. Auctioneers. TRUSTEE 8 SALE OF TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, NO. 2822 WISCONSIN AVENUE NORTHWEST ; By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly ' recorded in Liber No 5764. folio 45R et seq., ’ of the land records of the District of Co lumbia. and at request of party secured thereby, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale by public auction, in front of prem ■ Ises, on MONDAY. THE SIXTEENTH DAY OP JUNE. 1930. AT FOUR O'CLOCK P M.. > the following-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, to wit: Lot 49 in George C. Humphrey and others' ■ subdivision of square 1930. being a part of thi subdivision known as ’’Cathedral ! Highlands. ’’ as per plat recorded in Liber 64, at folio 3. in the surveyor s office of the District of Columbia Terms of rale Property will be sold sub ject to a prior deed of trust for $8,500. at 6'c. due October 28. 1932: balance cash. A deposit of *SOO required of purchaser at sale All conveyancing, recording and no tarial fees at cost of purchaser. Terms to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise trustee reserve* the 1 right to resell property, at risk and cost of ) defaulting purchaser, after five days’ ad ) vertlsement. of such resale In some news ) paper published in Washington. D C. 1 THE MUNSEY TRUST COMPANY. > By C H POPE. r , . , Vice President. Jes-dAds.pxSu Trugtee. THOS. J. OWEN * SON. AUUCTIONEERS. 1431 EYE ST. N W. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable Brick and Stone Office Building, t Known as Premises 609 F Street Northwest. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, dated May 29, 1929, being instrument No. 149. re corded May 29. 1929. In Liber 6329. folio 451 among the land records of the District * of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees ’ will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on FRIDAY. THE TWENTIETH DAY OF JUNE. A.D. 1930. AT FOUR ’ O'CLOCK P M.. the following-described land t and premises, sl'uate In the District of Co ■ lumbia. and designated as and being part l of original lot 2 In square 455. described by t metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at . a point on the north line of F street north 3 feet 6 inches east from the southwest cor ner ot said lot, and running thence north 50 feet: thence west 3 feet 6 Inches: thence north 51 feet 10', Inches to the rear line of said lot; thence east 26 feet 7'/j Inches: thence south 101 feet 10V, inches to aald F - street: thence west along said F street 23 s feet I*4 Inches to the beginning. Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of r trust for *40,000. securing the National Ben ' eftt Life Insurance Co., further particulars ’ of which will be announced at time of sale: ’ the purchase price above said trust to be paid In cash. A deposit of *SOO required Conveyancing, recording, etc . at purchaser s E co*t. Terms to be complied RJfh within thirty days, otherwise deposit foßeited and i the property may be advertised•nd resold •t the discretion * j 1 * decker CHAPt-Fg E. MARSH. THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C., WEDNESDAY, .TUNE 11. 1930>. AUCTION SALES. FUTURE DATE. i THOB. J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS, 1431 EYE BT. N.W. ; TRUSTEE S SALE ~OF VALUABLE BRICK ’ DWELLING. BEING PREMISES NO 1228 t FIFTEENTH STREET NORTHWEST, i By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly recorded in Liber No. 5136. folio 285 et seq , of the land records of the District of Colum • bia. and at the request of the party secured ■ thereby, the undersigned trustee, substituted i In Equity Cause No. 51292. will sell at public auction, in Tout of the premises, on MON DAY. THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF JUNE AU. 1930. AT FIVE-FIFTEEN O CLOCK . P.M . the following-described land and prem ises. situate In the city, of Washington. ) District of Columbia, and designated as and being part of lot 2 in George P. Cutter and . R. B Clark a subdivision of square north of square 196. as per plat recorded in Book 10. page 57. In the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia: beginning for the same on the line of Fifteenth street west at the northeast corner of said lot and square and running thence aouth along said street 20 37 feet: thence west 47 67 feet, thence north 20.37 feet to the line of N street north, and thence east along said N street 47.67 feet to the place of beginning. Terms of sale; All cash A deposit of *SOO will be required at time of sale AH conveyancing, rerording. etc. at cost of pur - chaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, other wise the trustee reserves the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of de faulting purchaser after five days adver tisement of such resale In some newspaper published in Washington. D C. STANLEY' D WILLIS. Substituted Trustee. Jes-rfAds.fxSu Equity No. 51292. ADAM A. WESCHLER A SON. Auctioneers TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE IM PROVED REAL ESTATE CONSISTING OF TWO- STORY AND BASEMENT APARTMENT HOUSE CONTAINING TWENTY-SEVEN APARTMENTS. BEING NO 2917 GEORGIA AVENUE NORTH WEST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly recorded In Liber No. 6304. folio 417 et sea., of the land records of the District of Co lumbia. and at the reques* of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will offer for sale by public auction, in front of the premises, on FRIDAY. THE TWEN TIETH DAY OF JUNE. 1930. AT FOUR THIRTY O CLOCK P.M . the following described land and premises, situate In the District of Columbia, to wit: Lot numbered three <3* In block numbered five <5) in Howard University's subdivision of "Effing ham Placp." as per plat recorded in the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber District 1, at folios 76'v and 77. except the part thereof condemned and taken for widening of Georgia avenue by proceedings in District Court Cause No. 1645 in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. Terms of sale; The above property will be sold subject to a prior first deed of trust for *32.500 at e'*'*-, balance all cash over trust. A deposit of *I.OOO required of pur chaser at sale. All conveyancing, recording and notarial fees at cost of purchaser. Terms to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise trustees resrrve the right to resell property, at risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washington, D. C. H. L. OFFUTT. CHRISTIAN J. OOCKELER jelO-ri Ads.cxSn Trustees. THOMAS J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. 1431 EYE ST. N.W. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. BEING A TWO-STORY SEMI DETACHED BRICK AND STUCCO DWELLING CONTAINING EIGHT ROOMS. ONE BATH AND LAVATORY. KNOWN AS 1826 IRVING BT. N.W. Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust, re corded in Liber No. 5865 at folio 200. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the parties secured thereby, the undersigned will sell at public auction. In front of the premises, on FRI DAY. JUNE THIRTEENTH, 1930. AT THREE O’CLOCK PM., the following-de scribed land and premises, situate In the District of Columbia and being lot num bered sixty-two (62' In Jacob B. Bhaplro's subdivision of part of square numbered twenty-five hundred and eighty-eight (2588). as per plat recorded in Liber No. 84. folio 64 of the records of the office of the sur veyor for the District of Columbia, and upon the following term*; Terms of sale: Purchaser to pay one third of the purchase price In cash, the balance in two equal Installments, payable in one and two years, respectively, with interest at the rate of 6% per annum, pay able semi-anmially and secured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash at the option of the purchaser; taxes and In terest paid or adjusted to the date of sale: all conveyancing, recording, etc., at the cost of purchaser: good title or no sale. A deposit of *SOO 00 will be required at the time of sale, or deposit forfeited and the property resold at the cost and risk of the defaulting purchaser after five (5) days’ previous advertisement of such resale In some newspaper publshed In Washington, D. C. B FRANCIS SAUL. J. WRILEY JACOBS. 925 15th St. N.W., Je2.dA-d.'.exßu&,ie4 Trustee*. THOS. J OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. 1431 Eye Street Northwest. Executors’ Sale of Lot 823 in Square 241, Improved by Two- Story Brick Building, Suit able for Garage, Small Ware house, Repair or Work Shop, Situate in Alley Bounded by 13th and 14th Streets, P and Que Streets Northwest, Cen tral Location. By virtue of the power and authority vested in us b.v the executors of the estate of August W. Nelson, deceased, we will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY. THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF JUNE. 1930. AT FIVE O’CLOCK PM . lot 323 in square 241, with improvement* thereon as above set forth. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids made lor the property. , , , Terms of sale; One-third cash, balance in one end two years, with Interest at six per cent, payable semi-annually, secured by deed of trust, or ail cash at option of purchaser. A deposit of *3OO required at time of sale. All conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchas er's cost. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of such resale In some newspaper puolished in Washington. D. C. THOS. J. OWEN & SON. Auctioneer*. Je3.5.7, THOS J. OWEN A SON, AUCTIONEERS, j 1431 EYE ST. N.W. Trustees’ Sale of Two-Story and Basement Brick Business Property Known as Premises 1209 You Street Northwest. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, dated May 29. 1929. being instrument No. 150, re corded May 29. 1929, among the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auc tion. in front of the premises, on FRIDAY. THE TWENTIETH DAY OF JUNE. A D. 1930. AT FOUR-FORTY-FIVE O CLOCK P.M , the following-described land and premises, sit uate in the District of Columbia, and desig nated ns and being lot 32 In Drury's sub division of lots in square 273. as per plat recorded in the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 18. folio 139. Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for *IO.OOO, further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale; the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of *SOO required. Conveyancing, recording, etc., at the pur chaser's cost Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit for feited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. JAMES J. BECKER. CHARLES E. MARSH. JelO-d&ds.exSu Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. 1431 EYE ST. N.W. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF VALUABLE BRICK DWELLING KNOWN AS PREMISES 512 TENNESSEE AVENUE NORTHEAST By virtue of a certain deed of irust. duly recorded In Liber 5851. at folio 204, among the land records of the District of Colum bia. and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on MONDAY. THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF JUNE, i A.D 1930. AT THREE O'CLOCK PM . the following-described land and premises, sit uate in the District of Columbia, and desig nated as and being parts of original lots 1 and 2 in square 1052. the same being fully set forlh In said deed of trust bv metes and bounds and known for purposes of tax ation as lot 824 In square 1052. Terms of sale One-third of the purchase money to be paid In cash, balance In two eoual installments, payable In one and two years, with interest at six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, from dav of sale, secured by deed of trust upon the prop erty sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of *SOO will be re quired at time of sale. All conveyancing, recording, etc., at cost of purchaser. Terms ' of sale to be compiled with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise the trus tees reserve the right, to resell the property, at the risk and Cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of such resale l In some newspaper published In Wash ■ lngton. D. C > PHILIP BOBYS, : ASA BOBYS. ’ 3e5, Trustees. j ■ 1 - - .i —- 1 THOMAS DOWLING * CO . AUCTIONEERS 1 1115 Eye Street Northwest. I [ Trustees’ Sale of Chattels and [ Fixtures of Majestic Cleaning ! & Dye Works, Inc., Rear 632 1 H Street N.W. f By virtue of a certain chattel deed of trust dated December 14. 1929. being lnstru * ment No. 78, recorded January 7. 1930, among 1 the chattel records of the District of Co lumbia. and at the request of the party f secured thereby, the undersigned trustee's - will sell at public auction In the premises, on I TUESDAY. THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF ; JUNE. AD. 1930. AT TWO O’CLOCK P M.. 5 all the machinery, fixtures and equipment comprising a complete wholesale cleaning and i dyelr.g plant and all other chattels on said i premises Further particulars will be given 1 at the time of the sale. A deposit of *SOO 1 will be required at the time of sale. Terms; All cash. CHARLES I. KAPLAN. LOUIE D. TANENBAUM. AUCTION SALES. FUTURE PATS. 'THOS J. OWEN * SON. AUCTIONEERS. 1431 EYE ST. N.W. j Trustees’ Sale of Valuable Two- Story and Basement Brick Corner Business Property, | Known as Premises 1924 13th Street Northwest. By virtue of a certain deed of truat. duly ; recorded In Über No 6329. folto 459 et seq . of the land records of the District of Colum . bia. and at. the request of the party secured I thereby, the undersitned trustees will sell i at public auction, in front of the premise:; [ on FRIDAY. THE TWENTIETH DAY OF . JUNE. AD 1930 AT FOUR-THIRTY ■ O'CLOCK P.M.. the following-described land and premises, situate in the District of Co lumbia, and designated as and being part : of lots sixty-four < 64>. sixty-five <6s> and . sixty-six 166> in George N Coburn a aub : div’sion of ouare two hundred and thirty , seven (237). as per plat recorded in Liber H. D. C . folio 21. of the records of the office ot the surveyor of the District of Co ' lumbia. contained within the following l metes and bounds, viz: Beginning for the same at the northeast corner of said lot i sixty-six 'fid' and running themce west flfty-four <541 feet five «5• inches along I the line of north You street: hence south twenty <2o> feet: thence east fifty-four (541 feet five (5' inches to the line of 13th street west, and thence north twenty '2O) feet to b *Terms:* Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for *20.000. securing the National Ben efit life Insurance Co. further particulars of which will be.announced at time of sale, thp nurchasp price above said trust to be pal d P |n rash. A deposit of *SOO required Convpyanctng. recording, etc., at the pur py-inepr e post Tpi'ins to bf complico Wi*n : Jetted* arid*thefteff?'™.*"be^SdverUs^d I "" d rfsnld ,h * JAMES°.T. BECKER 0 ' 1 '"- CHARLES E. MARSH jelO-dAds.exSu Trustees. ADAM A WESCHLER * SON, Auctioneers. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF VALUABLE 2-STORY BRICK DWELLING. NO. 255 WARREN STREET NORTHEAST Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded in Liber No. 5404. folio 239 H!®- of the land records of the District °f Co lumbia. and at. the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will Oder for sale by Publlc auction. in lront of the premises, on FRIDAY, THE THIR TEENTH DAY OF JUNE. 1930. AT FIVE 1 O'CLOCK P M., the following-described land and premises, situate in the District of Co lumbia. to wit: Lot numbered 61 in Apple ton Cady's subdivision of part of lot num bered 2 in square numbered 1033, as per plat recorded in the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 41 at f °Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase monpv to be paid in cash the balance in two equal installments, represented by the prom issory notes of the purchaser, payable in one and two years, with interest at six per cent per annum from day of sale, payable semi-annuallv. secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash. at. the option of the purchaser. A deposit of *l5O required of putchaser at time of sale. All conveyanc ing at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to -eseil the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser after five days' advertisement of such resale in some news paper published in the city of Washing ton, D. C. MALCOLM HUFTY. WILLIAM A. CADY. Je3.6 9,11.13 Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN A- SON. AUCTIONEERS. 1431 Eye St N.W. TRUSTEES’ BAI.E OF VALUABT TWO STORY BRICK STORE. BEIN( PREM ISES NO 3009 FOURTEENTH 3TREEI NORTHWEST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded in Liber No. 5678. folio 203 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Co lumbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction. In front of the premises, on FRIDAY. THE THIRTEENTH DAY OF JUNE. A.D. 1930. AT FOUR O'CLOCK P M the following-described land and premises, aituate in the District of Co lumbia and designated as and being lot 104 in Jarrett C. White s subdivision of part of block 35. “Columbia Henghts.” as per plat recorded In Liber No. 69. folio 119. of the recorda ot the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia, said block 35 now be ins known for purposes of assessment and taxation as square 2849. Terms: Sold subject, to g prior deed of trust for *22.500. further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale, the purchase price above said trust to be paid tn cash A deposit of *I.OOO required. Conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchaser's cost Terms to be compiled with within thirty aays. otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. HARRY L RUST. JR . GEO. CALVERT BOWIE. Je3-d&ds.exSu Trustees. THOB. J. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS. 1431 Eye Btreet N.W. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF VALUABLE IM PROVED REAL ESTATE. BEING THE BRICK DWELLING NO. 1316 CORCORAN STREET NORTHWEST By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly recorded in Liber No 6141, folio 345 et seq., of the land records of the District of Co lumbia. and at the request of the party se cured thereby, the undersigned trustees wirl sell, at public auction In front of the premises, on FRIDAY. THE THIRTEENTH DAY OF JUNE. A.D. 1930. AT THREE THIRTY O’CLOCK PM., the following described land and premises, situate in the City of Washington. District of Columbia, and designated as and being lot one hun dred and forty-two (142) in Cammack s sub division of lots in square two hundred end forty (2401 as pet plat recorded in Liber 12. at folio 35 of the records of the office ot the turveyor of the District of Columbia. Terms of sale. One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash, balance in two equal Installments payable in one and two years, with Interest at seven per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, from day of sale, secured by deed of trust upon the prop erty sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchase:. A deposit of *2OO will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing, racord ing. etc., at coat of purchaser. Terms of sale to be compiled with within 30 daya from day ot gale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property et the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washing ton, D. C. SAMUEL A DRURY. JAMES B. NICHOLSON 1e2. Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN A SON, AUCTIONEERS, 1431 EYE ST. N.W. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. BEING A TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING. EIGHT ROOMS AND BATH. ELECTRICITY. LATROBE HEAT: KNOWN AS NO. 17 NINTH STREET NORTHEAST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, dated April 28. 1927. being Instrument No. 27, re corded Mny 11. 1927. among the land rec ords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the pßrty secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction, in Iront of the premises, on MON DAY. THE TWENTY-THIRD DAY OF JUNE. A D 1930. AT THREE O’CLOCK P.M., the following-described land and premises, situ ate in the city of Washington. District of Columbia, and designated as and being lot 21 in Elizabeth A. Altemus' subdivision of part of original lot 6 in square 941. as nrr plat recorded in the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia, in Liber 27 at folio 141. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash, balance in two equal installments, payable in one and two years, with interest at 6 per centum per annum, payable semi-annually from day of sale secured by deed of trust upon the properly sold, or all cash at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of *3OO will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing, recording, etc., at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale lo be complied with within thirty davs from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser alter five days' advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washing ton. D, C. ROBERT L McKEEVER, EARL E. GOSS, Je11. Trustees. ADAM A. WESCHLER & SON. Auctioneers. Administratrix’s Sale of Unim proved Lot on Third St., Be tween G and H Sts. N.E. By virtue of an order of the Buprema Court of the District of Columbia, holding a Probate Court, in re estate of Charles E. Myers, deceased. Administration No. 37186. j the undersigned administratrix will offer fer i sale by public auction, in front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY. THE EIGHT EENTH DAY OF JUNE. 1930. AT FOUR O CLOCK P.M., the following-described real estate, situate in the District of Columbia, to wit: Lot 801 in square 777. fronting about 22' 2 feet by a depth of 100 feet, with side alley, on 3rd at., between G and H sta. n.e., to be sold subject to a deed of trust for *4OO. Particulars at sale. Terms: All cash above said trust. A de posit of *3OO required of purchaser at sale, balance of purchase money lo be paid upon ratification of sale by the court. All convey ancing. recording and notarial fees at cost of purchaser Sale subject to ratification by the court. ISABELLA MYERS. Administratrix, c. t. a. ROGER J. WHITEFORD. Je7. Attorney, Smith Bldg. THOS. J OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. 1431 Eye Street Northwest. TRUBTEEB’ SALE OF THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING KNOWN AS PREM ISES 1310 FAIRMONT STREET NORTH WEST. . At _ _ By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, passes in Equity Cause No 51348 will sell at pub lic auction, In front of the premises, on TUESDAY. THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF I JUNE 1930, AT FOUR-THIRTY O’CLOCK I PM. the following-described land and premises, situate in the District of Colum bia and being lot 50 in Lester A. Barr s sub division of lot 17 tn block 31. “Columbia Heights," as per plat recorded in the office of the surveyor for the District of Colum bia in Liber county 12. at folio 118; said - block 31 bein* now known for purposes of assessment and taxation as square 2861. Terms of sale. Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for *2,700.00 further particu lars of which to be announced at time of i sale, the purchase price above r, aid trust to be paid in cash. *3OO 00 deposit required • upon acceptance of bid. All conveyancing, notary fees and recording at purchaser a cost. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, other wise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of de i faulting purchaser, after fl>e davs adver tisement of such resale in some newspaper published tn "“^^FIgcHER. LEROY S. BENDHEIM. Trust*—. [g/JOURNEYS END! I C. Sfuprriffand Vernon Bartlett 1 csovoiomt iqs# gv ntK.iM * uomi co-'S-mv (Continued From Yesterday’* Star.) ! ‘ No, no,” Osborne assured him sooth ingly. "He thinks it’s due to you.” “It’s all right. Uncle. I’ll stick it out \ now. It may not be much longer now. i I’ve had my share of luck —more than my share. But it’s rather damnable for that boy—of all the boys in the world—to have come here. I might at least have been spared that." "You’re looking at things in rather a black sort of way.” ‘ And haven’t I every reason to?” Stanhope asked, with a shrill, nervous note in his voice. He poured out an other whisky, paying no heed to AUCTION SALES. FUTURE BAYS. . _ THOMAS J. OWEN & SON, AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES’ SALE "’oF~ VALUABLE TWO STORY DETACHED FRAME DWELLING. SITUATE NO 3706 INGOMAR STREET NORTHWEST. J . Bv virtue of * deed of trust recorded in Liber 6363 *t folio 378. of tbe land records of the District of Columbia, we shall sell in front of the premises on WEDNESDAY. THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF JUNE, AD. 1930. AT TWO-THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M , lot num bered forty-four (44i in square numbered eighteen hundred and seventy-six <18761. in the subdivision made by the Chevy Chase Land Company of Montgomery County. Maryland, of part of “Mount Airy called “Chevy Chase Heights.’’ as per plat recorded in Liber 36 at folio 40. in the surveyor s office of the District of Columbia. Terms of sale: One-fourth cash, balance in one. two and three years, with interest at six per cent per annum, payable semi annuallv. Deposit of *SOO required at time s*vg*f rom *date^of salie *t o* COrt?p 1 ete**! h ? *ptir? chase. Further Particulars at sale. VERNON G. OWEN. jeS-d&dbs.exSu Trustees. LEGAL NOTICES. WILLIAM W. BRIDE AND WALTER L. FOWLER. Attorney*. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE Dis trict of Columbia, Holding » District Court —ln re Condemnation of land for tne extension of Taylor street between Georgia avenue and 13th street northwest, in the District of Columbia.—District Court No. 2037.- Notice and order of publication.—No tice is hereby given that the Commissioners of the District of Columbia (pursuant to a certain provision of the act of Congress ap pioved March 4. 1913, entitled “An act mak ing appropriations for the expenses of the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal vear ending June thirtieth, nine teen hundred and fourteen, and for other purposes.'’ whereby they are authorized to open, extend or widen any street, avenue, road or highway to conform with the plan of the permanent system of highways in that portion of the District of Columbia outside of the cities of Washington and Georgetown adopted under the act of Con gress approved March 2, 1893. as amended bv the acts of Congress approved June 28. 1898, and May 28, 1926. respectively, by con demnation under the provisions of subchap ter one of chapter fifteen of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia) have filed a petition in this court praying the con demnation of the land necessary for the ex tension of Taylor street between Georgia avenue and 13th street northwest, in the District of Columbia, as shown on a map or plat filed with the said petition, as a part thereof, and praying also that this court empanel a jury in accordance with the law provided for in such cases to assess the damages each owner of land to be taken may sustain by reason of the said exten sion of Tavlor street between Georgia ave nue and 13th street northwest, in the Dis trict of Columbia, and the condemnation of the land necessary for the purposes thereof, and to assess the benefits resulting there from. plus *ll or any part of the costs and expenses of said proceedings, upon any lands which the jury may find will be benefited as piovided for in and by the aforesaid act of Congress approved May 28. 1928. it is by the court, this 9th day of June, 1930, ORDERED that all persons having any in terest in these proceedings be. and they are hereby, warned and commanded to appear in this court, on or before the Ist day of August. 1930. at ten o'clock am., and con tinue in attendance until the court shall have made its final order ratifying and con firming the award of damages and the as sessment of benefits of the jury to be em paneled and sworn herein, and it is further ORDERED that a copy of this notice and order be published twice a week for two sue- i cesslve weeks in The Washington Evening Star, the Washington Post and the Washing ton Herald, newspapers publiahed in the said District, commencing at least twenty days before the said Ist day of August. 1930 It ts further ORDERED that a copy of this notice and order be served by the United States marshal, or his deputies, upon each of the owners of the fee of the land to be condemned herein, as may be found by the said marshal, or his deputies, with the Dis trict of Columbia, and upon the tenants and occupants of the same, before the said Ist day of August. 1930. By the court: ALFRED A. WHEAT. Justice (Seal.) A true copy Test: FRANK E CUNNINGHAM. Clerk. By J. W GARDNER, Jr., Asst. Clerk. Je11.12,18,19 i PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received bv i the Purchase Section. Bureau of Standards. Washington, D C., until 2 P.M. June 23. 1930. for alterations and addit'on to the 1 North Building. Bureau of Standards. Plans and specifications available on and after 1 June 9. 1930. at the Superintendent's Office. Bureau of Standard*. A deposit of *lO will i be required for each set of plans and apect neat ion*. Jell-2t EDUCATIONAL. |— ■——■—■■■ mimtmmmmmmmSSSSSaSSSßSSi ßs WASHINGTON COLLEGE of LAW Co-educational SUMMER SESSION June 23 to August 2 Morning and Evening Classes 2*oo G Street Met. 4SBS msmmmmmm— - I EMERSON INSTITUTE ACCREDITED SUMMER TERM ' Begins Jnna 18 Forenoon and late afternoon rlassoo Write or Call for Information 1740 P St. N.W. Decatur 4551 The GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Member Association American Law Schools. Approved bv American gar Association. Summer Sessions 1930 First term—Jan* 18 to July 98 Second term—July SI to September II Registration days —June 13 and 14 and July 29 and 39 Stockton Hall 720 Twentieth St. West 1644 National University Law School Summer Term Begins June 16. 19.70, at 6:30 P.M. Standard three-year course lead ing to degrees of LL.B., B. C. L. and J. D. Graduate courses leading to de grees of LL.M., M. P. L., S. J. D. and D. C. L. All classes held at hours conven- j lent for employed students. School of Economics and Government Degree courses of collegiate grade offered in PoßUcal Science, Govern ment, Economist. Psychology, His tory, Finance, Business and Lan guages. Address, Secretary National 6617. 818 13th SL N.W. MOVINGrPACKING ANU STORAGE. MOVING, here or elsewhere: padded van. carelul men. lowest prices. Phone Hyatts. 460 W. H Brooks Furniture Co., Hyatts- Md. l/AOVINO JKSTORAdTbT7| KRIEGSp XPRESS & Storage I | co. . inc. ' PACKING V SHIPPING 616 EVE ST. NW, » PIST 20 10 | Osborne's slight movement of protest. ! Then he went on in another tone. “It's funny about his sister. I used to go and stay at their place during the holidays—Raleigh's father knew mine. At first I thought c f her as another kid like Raleigh. Things changed a bit during the last day before war broke out, when the three of us went for an excursion together, and I couldn't help thinking how definitely all that sort of life was going to come to an end—for me. at any rate. And then when I went home on my first leave I realized what a topping girl she was. Funny how you realize it suddenly. I just prayed to come through the war—and— and do things—and keep absolutely fit for her.” Osborne removed his pipe. ‘'You’ve done pretty well,” he said. "An M. C. j and a company.” Stanhope went on as though he had not heard the encouragement. "It was all right at first. I only saw her once after that first leave, because she came out to France, and we've never been able to fix things up. I spent my last leave, as you know, in Paris, because she'd gone back home again, and I couldn't bear to meet her in case she realized. It was that awful affair on Vimy Ridge that did me down. I knew I'd go mad if I didn’t break the strain. I couldn’t bear being fully conscious all STEAMSHIPS. BOSTON BY SEA ! '* ,'V e 9 BEST OF ALL SUMMER TRIPS You cannot be too early in making reservations for the popular vacation ocean-trip from Baltimore to Boston. Extra sailings this season, but with Mass, jooth Anniversary celebration, bookings will be unusally heavy, 1930 booklet ready: economical all expense tours to New England, Nova Scotia, Niagara Falls. Quebec, N. Y. City, etc. Copy on request. Regular sailings now to Boston, Florida. MERCHANTS & MINERS I Transportation Co. j 1338 H St.. N.W. National 46,1 Is tk. The Ocean Trail to TEXAS m FOR ALL POINTS WEST with a day at AIIAAII enroute > VACATION TOUR to New Luxurious Liners > miami, GALVE STON S S. Mohawk —S. S. Algonquin ► .nd Houston From New Yerh Every Saturday. 13 day*—All Expenses Take it easy and enjoy the cool, breezy | $125 ocean trail to Galveston with a day for I sightseeing in Miami. A wide range of | ALL-EXPENSE accomodations including suites with bedr , * and private bath. Electric fans, forced TOURS to MIAMI ventilation, hot and cold running water in I 3to 13 days $99 up all rooms. ) Orchestra for Concerts and Dancing, Mo- ' CANADIAN i tion Pictures. Deck sports. Large Swim- t CRUISES ming Pool. Make your Western trip a i real vacation. [ S. S. Shawnee sails m July 12, 26 and THROUGH TICKETS K Au g. g, 2 3 CALIFORNIA, OKLAHOMA, NEW ft 12 days $l5O up MEXICO, ARIZONA, COLORADO C ana Alt Points on the PACIFIC COAST fk - W 12 Other Take \ our Car. Rolled Aboard. Low Rates. K ALL-EXPENSE All-year fretgni service every H ednesday b- Saturday [F TOURS Ask Any Authorized Tourist Agent or M 6 to 13 days • %. m __ $60.50 up CLYDE srnd tor iuu,,raud / • * 0 /older* Fs.senser Department. /1 /H fisi Ik Pier 3«. N. R.. New York City. W /awwrt TOURS TOURS • CANADIAN VACATION V oyageur^^^^^^ G°f E "* t j' e ,h°r* ’a VERY IMPORTANT | canoes and thelproud CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES . French and British merchant- operate from the head of uke 1 Superior, via the St. Lawrence River, mm Iying-to in the bays. But the wide St. Lawrence River and I its mountain barriers remain in S££3K?ftS2s£oEs i •i . i j City, to Niagara, the Thousand Silent Splendour# Island* and Rochester. They oper ate a fleet of 106 steamers, freight So near your home and yet so I foreign, this old Quebec. New i • i . • . i r-, , metropolis of Canada; Quebec, the ' Sights, nCW air, the French historic walled city; Murray Bay. I , . ~ . “Newport of the North"and i tongue. Lome and see It all, from Tadoussac, Canada's oldest *ettle- 1 | , tnent. The Saguena y Canyon is one the decks of long white passen- of nature s masterpieces. , ger Steamers that glide on even Lewiston, Rochester. Duluth or , 1 it L r xt- Detroit in the U.S.A.. or Sarnia. C KeelS all the Way trom JN iagata tO Queenston. Toronto, Montreal or ; j the Saguenay. Let old-fashioned hospitality welcome you. Our Al [ agent will tell you more about h t your northern neighbour. ] Firmer trrile at once for Illustrated folder, nxnjr 1 { and guide, which deteribe in dmtmll the C pleaeuree of thie wonderful vacation crulae, l Wot full Information, rates and res»rnations, apply to your Travel Agency or r J. W. GANVIN, General Agent r 411 Real Estate Trust Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Kingsly 0983 r w s U 97% | CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES AUCTIONS. the time. You’ve felt that. Uncle, i haven't you?" "Often," agreed Osborne. "There were only two ways of break ing the strain. One was pretending I was 111, and getting home; the other was this.” He raised his glass. "Which i would you pick, Uncle?" 'T haven't been through as much as | you. I don't know yet.” "I thought it all out. It's a slimy i thing to go home if you're not really ill. so Cheero! And long live the men who go home with neuralgia!" Osborne did not drink the toast. Instead he nodded toward the whisky | bottle. "When the war's over, and the strain's gone, you'll chuck all that up. And you'll soon be as fit as ever, at your age." "I've hoped that all the time. It i might have worked. If only Raleigh j had gone to one of those other 1,800 j companies.” "I don't see why you should ! think ” ! Stanhope interrupted him. "Oh. for i the Lord's sake, don't be a damn fool, i You know! You know he'll wTite and ‘ tell her I reek of whisky all day.” He poured himself out some more drink: his hand w*s so unsteady that part of it splashed on to the table and over Hardy's tattered trench map. "Nonsense." Osborne protested. "Why should he write like that? He’s not a ” "Exactly. He’s not a damned little swine who'd deceive his sister. It's no good. Uncle Didn’t you see him sitting there, all through supper, staring at me and wondering. He’s up in those trenches now—still wondering—and be ginning to understand. And all these months he's wanted to be with me out here. Poor little devil!" "I believe Raleigh'll go on liking you and looking up to you through every thing. There's something very deep, and rather fine, about hero worship." "Hero worship be damned!" Stanhope paused, and then went on in a strange, high-pitched voice: "You know, Uncle, I’m an awful fool. I’m captain of this company. What'a that bloody little prig of a boy matter? That's what he is—a little prig. Wants to write home and tell Madge all about me. Well, he i won't, d’you see. Uncle? He won’t I write. Censorship! I censor his letters j —cross out all he says about me." "You can’t read bis letters,” Osborne | protested. "Cross out all he says about me." re pealed Stanhope dreamily. “Then we all gd west in the big attack, and she goes on thinking I'm a fine fellow for ever—md ever—and ever.” Osborne rose from his bed, picked up Stanhope's pack, and pulled out the blanket. "Come along, old chap. You come and lie down here.” he urged persua sively. He put the pack at the head of the bed to act as a pillow and spread out the blankets. Stanhope sat with his elbows on the table, his chin propped on his hands. "Little prig—that's what he is,” he argued. "Did I ask him to force his way into my company? No, I didn't. Very well, then, hell pay for his ! damned cheek.” "Come on,” urged Osborne, and he STEAMSHIPS. put his hand gently on Stanhope'* shoulder. Stanhope shook it off roughly. “Go away!” he ordered. "What the hell are you trying to do?” "Come and lie down, and go to sleep.” "Go to sleep y’self. I censor his let ters, d'vou see. Uncle? You watch and see he doesn't smuggle any letters away.” "Righto. Now come and lie down. You've had a hard day of it.” Stanhope rase unsteadily to hi* feet. "Where's Hardy?” he asked sharply. "D'you say he's gone?” "Yes. he's gone.” "Gone, has he? Y'know, I had a word to say to Master Hardy. He would go. the swine! Dirty trenches—every thing ditry. I wanner tell him to keep his trenches clean.” "We'll clean them up tomorrow.” Osborne assured him "I'll see to that.” Stanhope looked at his companion, and laughed gavly. Then he seized him round the middle and tried to dance a few steps with him. “Dear old Uncle!” he cried. "Clean trenches up with a little dustpan and brush. Make you a little apron—with lace on it.” "That’ll be fine. Now. then, come along, old chap. I'll see you get called at 2 o'clock. You must be tired.” Stanhope allowed Osborne to lead him to the bed and help him on to it. "God!” he muttered. "I'm bloody tired. Ache all over—feel sick.” "You'll be all right in a minute.” Osborne put the blanket over him. "How's that?” he asked. "Comfortable?" "Yes. Comfortable.” He looked up into Osborne's face and laughed again. "Dear old Uncle. Tuck me up.” "There we are.” Kiss me, Uncle.” “Kiss you be blowed! You go to sleep!” Stanhope closed his eyes. "Yea—l go sleep.” He gave a deep sigh and began to breathe heavily. Osborne stood watching him and thinking how young he looked. Hardly more, really, than a schoolboy. And three years of this! It was all a rum business. He turned away and walked over to the entrance to the servants' dugout. "Mason.” he called in a low voice. Mason appeared with unbuttoned tunic. "Yes, sir?” “Will you call me at 10 minutes to eleven? I'm going to turn in for a little while.” "Very good, sir.” said Mason: and then he added: "The pepper's come, sir.” "Oh, good.” "I'm very sorry about the pepper, sir.” "That’s all right, Mason. Good night.” Osborne, left alone, strolled across to the dugout steps. From his breast pocket he drew an old-fashioned silver watch. He wound it carefully with a little key, while he stared out into the starlit night. CHAPTER XVII. \ M IND yer nut.” said Trotter. *• l\/\ as Raleigh followed him up /VI the stepp. earthy steps to 1 T 1 his first duty in the trenches. "These tin 'ats ’ave saved many a skull from being cracked on low roofs.” They stood together in the trench while Trotter wheezil.v regained hi* breath. The crisp, cool air and the gray darkness of the night were star tling in contrast to the stuffy, candle lit dugout. There had been a dense, solid stillness down there, a stillness which had made voices hollow and un real. Up here in the trenches it was different, a vague, awe-inspiring some thing lay over them. There were sounds —sounds which Raleigh did not under stand. Sometimes there was the dull, far-off rumble that he had heard be fore. It came now, it seemed, with each light rustle of the breeze. Shadows crept slowly here and there with the rise and fall of Very lights. Now and then machine guns rapped out vigor ously and single rifles cracked. The sounds of the bullets passing overhead were like long-drawn-out sighs. Then there were intervals of silence, broken by the low drone of talking men, and once a big shell passed high above the clouds, bringing to them the quiet sound of a rippling stream. Trotter had at last regained hi* breath. "The job of an officer on dooty." he began, "is to see everything's all right." He paused, and. as Raleigh realized that something was expected of him, he murmured, “I see,” and "Thanks.” "Now,” continued Trotter briskly, "let’s begin.” A few yards along the support line brought them to a trench which branched off to the left. Trotter turned into it. "This,” he announced, "takes us up Into the front line.” There seemed no plan or reason in this winding trench: it took a roaming course like a woodland path. Trotter stopped abruptly after turning a few corners. " ’Ullo,” he said. "Hullo.” came a thin, cultured voice. An officer rose from where he had been leaning in the shadows. "Every thing's O. K.,” he said. "Here's the Very pistol.” He handed a large barreled pistol to Trotter, and followed it with a handful of cartridges from his tunic pocket. Then more carefully -almost reverently —he produced three additional car tridges from his breast pocket. "The colored ones," he murmured a* he handed them to Trotter, who, in turn, carefully placed them in a separate pocket to the other cartridges. "Righto,” said Trotter. "Better go and get your supper.” "Right! Cheero!” The officer squeez ed past them in the narrow trench, giving Raleigh a fleeting, inquisitive glance and a slight smile. Raleigh caught a glimpse of a rather girlish face that seemed peaked and gray in the darkness. “ ’lbbert.” announced Trotter, as he resumed his way. “Bit windy, ’e is.” He then proceeded to explain to Raleigh that the officer on duty always carried a pistol for firing Very lights, and. besides the usual white lights, they had three colored ones which acted as signals in case of sudden alarm. "You got to keep ’em carefully separate, because you can’t see their markings in the dark. I nearly ended the war once—sending up a red one by mistake. And here,” he continued, with a note of pride in his voice, as a lecturer when he comes to his best lantern slide, "here we are in the front line.” It was merely a place where the trench joined another that ran at right angles; no different, in the dark ness, from those that Raleigh had been in since—seemingly months, but actual ly only a few hours ago—he had turned from the sunken road into the deep trench across the plains. Yet never in his life before had he felt the warm thrill of pride that came to him quite suddenly and unexpectedly on Trotter’s words. He was in the British front line, facing the Germans with no one in front of him, but many thousands behind. All those French people, quietly working in their fields, his own father, Madge, the fellows at Barford—they were all sleeping now, easy and secure because there were men in the British front line. A few yards to the right he could dimly make out two soldiers on a fire step, their heads and shoulders silhouet ted against a falling light. A sheet of corrugated iron spanned the trench below, and two more figures sat dosing beneath its cover. "This ’ere's a sap,” said Trotter, taking a narrow, tortuous trench which jutted out ahead; “leads you out to 60 yards of the Boche.” The sap was shallower than the front line, and Trotter walked slightly doubled up. "Keep yer ’ead down day and night’s my motto. No point in being silly. Ead down ana belly full—that's been my motto all through. Many a man * taken a bullet through being afraid of people seeing Im keep ’is ’ead down. The sap became narrower toward its end. and finally opened into a small, scooped-out recess. Two sentries lay motionless on the sloping side. "Oos that?” came a hoarse voice. "Officer on dooty," replied Trotter. AContimifd Tomorrow • StaU. C-11