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A-6 LOUISIANA BANKER EXPECTS NORMALCY predicts Business Recovery Will Be Completed Within Six Months. ®7 tbl Associated Press. BILO3O, Miss . June 11—The awaken ing of renewed activity In building en terprise. in electrical development, in food distribution and In the radio, cinema and automobile fields is forecast by J. A. Bandi of New Orleans, vice president of the Canal Bank & Trust Co. He told the National Association of Building Owners and Managers he believed the return to normal business would be achieved within six months. “Concentrated thought and effort is being devoted to giving better housing facilities for the masses in our cities and in applying newer and heretofore untried principles to skyscraper and plant construction. "Easy money will be an encourage ment to enterprise that will begin with the small merchants and later relate Itself to the wholesalers and the manu facturers. “Great public movements and large expenditures will stimulate trade in cer tain directions until the full movement It reached.” The association’s convention was opened Monday with addresses by Bandi and Paul M. Robertson of In dianapolis. president of the association. The New Orleans banker said: “Intel ligent advertising, elimination of mar ginal producers and efficient operation results will be necessary to meet the growing competition for business in all directions.” Robertson, In his address, praised the Hoover business service conference, say ing that it had released millions of dol lars for building trades pay rolls through the rehabilitation of old build ings. gateslmadeTpresident OF U. OF PENNSYLVANIA Prominent Financier to Be Admin istrative Head Without Pay in Hia Alma Mater. By the Associated Press. PHILADELPHIA. June 11.—Thomas B. Gates, partner in the firm of Drexel Ac Co., this city, and J. P. Morgan <Sz Co., New York, was yesterday elected president of the University of Pennsyl vania. a newly created office. The announcement was made last Bight by Dr. Joslah H. Penniman. provost of the university, and in that capacity the financier will become “the chief executive officer of the univer sity.” In accepting the appointment Mr. Gates specified that he would serve without compensation. He was gradu ated with the class of 1893. Dr. Penniman will continue as prov cet It was understood that Dr. Pennl man will attend more to educational aspects of the university and Mr. Gates to the administrative phases. COL. NEWELL TO LEAVE ARMY AFTER 38 YEARS Orders Assigning Officers to Hew Posts Made Public by War Department. 001. Isaac Newell, United Btates In fantry, at San Francisco, will be re tired October 31 on his own application after more than 38 years’ service; Lieut. Gol. Robert Blaine, Cavalry, at the Army War College, has been assigned to duty in the office of the chief of Cav alry. War Department; Chaplain Hay wood L. Winter, at Miami, Fla., has been transferred to the retired list on account of disability Incident to the service; MaJ. B. K. Yount, Air Corps, at Langley Field, Va., has been assigned to oommand of the Rockwell Field, Coronado, Calif.; Capt. G. C. Park hurst. Infantry, has been transferred from Hawaii to Fort Adams, R. I.; Capt. M. S. Kennebeck, Dental Corps, from Hawaii to Fort Hancock, N. J.; Capt. R. L. Smith, Corps of Engineers, from Panama to Mitchel Field. N. Y.; Mas ter Sergt. Alonzo E. Rathburn, 3d Cav alry, at Fort Myer, Va., has been placed on the Amy retired list on his own application after more than 30 years’ active service. | rflnlls^ v^ lUiwflOfc c liAww^aS:' 1 . IPEwfec- JMSeaMik ..tnJKK:*/’""■-■«■■'<**.■. *\vC^ jMBBMfcs mßtu^ 4 ' " \. * You /itfve more /ime for your children, too! WASHDAY is more costly and doubly trying to the young mother who does her laundering at home. 4J Why expose yourself to washday work and worry when the Manhattan Laundry can lift the entire burden from your shoulders—and at such a reasonable cost? Not only flS3g||||k that, clothes wear longer when sent to the Manhattan. The “Net Bag System” of washing saves you money by saving . your clothes. No rubbing or scrubbing. The Nets stand We Nave YOU . between your clothes and all'hard surfaces. Many changes By Saving \bur Clothes of swirling suds, and many rinsings, swish the dirt away. Manhattan collects, launders and delivers your clothes all in three days. And for women who work, collections are made before 8 a.m. Phone today and have pur repre* tentative explain to you the many money saving Manhat tan services from which you may choose. MANHATTAN LAUNDRY PHONE DECATUR. 1120 Entire AlTertlMment OapyrUhted IBBQ. WHERE THE NET GETS THE WEAR AND THE CLOTHES GET WASH Probes Lynching EL ’ Ik ’ ATTORNEY GENERAL J. BERRY KING. Is in charge of investigation into the fatal wounding of Henry Argo. Negro, during a mob attack on the county jail at Chicka6ha, Okla. —Associated Press Photo. JAIL FORMER OFFICER SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Re public, June 11 <A>).—Alfredo Ricart, i former minister of national defense in 1 the cabinet of former President Horacio Vasquez, was arrested yesterday, but liberated shortly afterward. His arrest followed the imprisonment Monday of two others who served un der Vasquez—Angel Marla Soler. former minister of foreign affairs, and Martin Moya, former finance minister. The new government has given no reasons for the arrests. For real service—plus beauty, style and HMr comfort, the new Paris Garters have no equal. There’s teal comfort in the fine- Kl ly woven elastic . . . the soft, perfectly tailored shield.. .and the exclusive Paris HI locking device. Paris will keep your socks in place month after month. Your RT TB finest hose will never tear when held by the patented Paris rubber cushion clasp Paris Garters ... perspiration will never rust the metal 254 to $2 parts. Always pause long enough to ask, Paris Suspenders distinctly, for Paris .... it will mean 504 to $5 many months of satisfaction for you. B PARIS GARTERS No metal can touch you Keep UP your good appearance THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11,, 19301 'COMPLETE PLANS FOR GERMAN LOAN About $98,250,000 of $300,- 000,000 Issue Will Be Floated in U. S. By the Associated Press. PARIS. June 11.—First commerciali zation of the German reparations debt will be undertaken during this week with issuance in the nine interested countries of a $300,000,000 German rep arations loan. About $98,230,000 of the loan will be floated in the United States. Details of the issue were decided in Paris during a three-week session of international bankers, representatives of the Bank of International Settlements and officials of the creditor powers, and were announced last night by officials of the new International Bank. The loan Is to be known as the “514 : per cent 1930 German government in ternational loan.” The day of issue is to be left to the interested govern ments; the price is 90 for every country except France, where it Is 98. each $8 of the price going to the French treas ury as capitalization of tax for 30 years. Confident of Subscription. Financial circles were confident here today that the issue would be subscribed BALDNESS Ecan BE AVOIDED Try LUCKY TIGER for falling hair ■ proven germicide. A npHkdeiightfuUv perfumed heir jJgJDdreMing. America’*largeit j-JSwa seller at Barber*,Druggists. within a week, and that the first slice of the unconditional part of the Ger man annuities fixed by the Young plan will have been commercialized. The object of the loan Is to furnish, in accordance with The Hague agreement, the first slice of reparations established under the Young plan. Os the amount, $100,000,000 will go to Germany for Internal improvement and the re mainder to creditor nations. Two final points delayed the work of the international group arranging the loan These were the price of issue and the extent of the bankers’ commis sion. The suggestion of Montague Nor man, governor of the Bank of England, that the commission of the American banking group be fixed at a higher rate than that for other ■countries because of the system on the American market finally was adopted. $50,800,009 for Expenses. The conferees understood that the American commission is 4 per cent. The loan itself actually will total between $340,000,000 and $350,000,000. the amount over the $300,000,000 being to cover these bankers’ commissions and expenses of the issue. The nominal amounts to be subscribed in the different countries are as follows: United States. $98,250,000. Germany, 36.000,000 reichsmarks (about $8,200,000). Belgium, 35.000,000 belgas (about $4.500.000). tJhe o/iilius XjMjishurgh It Is Pleasant to Select the Suite Desired From Our Large Display Floors Containing Upward of Four Hundred Attractive Suites, Each Different ■I I ™ 4-Piece Gothic Design Bed Room Suite Attractive 10-Pc. Walnut Veneer Dining Room Suite Truly an attractive Gothic style suite of selected Consisting of 60-inch buffet, semi-enclosed glass door walnut veneer over gumwood foundation. Comprises a yd china closet, enclosed server, oblong extension table, five French vanity, return end bed, deck chest of drawers and I £jk side chairs and one host chair. Seats of figured jacquard I F\J large dresser. Handsome, two toned, beautifully de- velour. An exceptional value of walnut veneer with 1 signed. maple overlays. ' Feather Bed Pillows Coil Spring Drop-Side Crib, Wood-Finished Metal Double Coil Da-Bed Inner Spring Mattress Enameled S ? r .‘ ng an<l Gftn\ Beds Wood finish metal ends, I ’VH 4:75 « assnette MattreSS Sturdily «"> sp>™gs and mattress. A.l r..« 'fitted w’ithVnrfa'e Complete constructed. Cretonne covering and val- and comfort Complete— sp g ‘ _ « a qj- dft trmtr °c 011 $ 1 .98 With strong link wire *PZL*~‘ 5 „ jS / -4,/ /) spring mat- A spring and aU-ootton mat- * AO tfass. No Phone Order. 7-Pc. Walnut Veneer Dinette Suite 3-Pc. Serpentine Front Mohair Living Room Suite An ideal suite for the small apartment or bungalow. A very splendid suite at a remarkably low price. Comprises 54-inch buffet, enclosed server base china d* f| gA Three sturdy pieces with graceful curved fronts, large ktv A cabinet, pedestal extension table, four chairs with jac- settee, armchair and tufted-back chair, fitted with loose I /| quard velour seats. Maple overlays add to the attrac- J reversible spring cushions and upholstered in high grade £ T" ~F tiveness of this suite. mohair. High Back r Porch Gliders $ I striped csnvsa can- $>593 _ Special 1 JL °py- . Wh “* Porcelain Lined 3. D00r Q.k Cavalier Strongly cons , ruc , cd ® _ . „ ,°.° r Refrigerator 1 op-icer swinging spring settee back Iron Framo Fumed Oak Oak Refrigerator Ketrigerator Refrigerator and seat with soft, thick eaj> i porch Swinn Three-door model w# u inc U inted and pads, closely tufted. WHHaL Lawn IH W a I I C OO SStt 8 rifted 1 "* nii aSSlnm2f“ *e°l'l V.ulS“: O.h.r Coml.r.M. OUdrn «BS Bench 411 J f liilllfr-JL <9B Hnlng. P ' e " porcelaln Ice capacity. t MT $3475 sl7-95 $9.75 and $39.50 | > ifeSferilil»dl StSC'” • — 1 na 3*Piecc Upholstered Hand-Woven Fiber Suite 3-Pc. “Krochlcr” Love Seat Bed-Davenport Suite, • ...... , .... . Upholstered in Jacquard Velour |or A 7C . A very shapely and sturdily constructed suite, consisting |t% rocker. It is strongly constructed anji finished with ere- V jXj * * of three pieces. Love seat by day and a comfortable bed by I ■ tonne-covered backs and loose spring-filled seat cushions. night, button-back chair and armchair—all upholstered in I § 1 • . r\ t » n jacquard velour with reversible spring cushions. “** * Convenient Deferred Payment* The Julius Lansburgh Furniture 909 F St . N.W 9 France. 2,215,000,000 francs (about $88,000,000). Graat Britain, 12,000,000 pounds ■ (about $58,000,000). i Italy, 110,000,000 lire (about $5.- 500,000). Holland. 73,000,000 florins (about $30,000,000). Sweden, 110,000,000 crown* (about $29,000,000). Switzerland. 92.000,000 Swiss francs (about $17,000,000). The figures in dollars listed are only approximate. “AUTHOR” SENTENCED J Mail Carrier Uses Lindbergh’s Name to Sell Publishers Book. LOS ANGELES, June 11 (JP).— cferald R. Gage, for 17 years a Government mail carrier, was sentenced to five months in the county jail Monday after he had pleaded guilty to mail fraud in connection with publication of a book written by him under the name of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh. Gage was accused of making gr rangements with Dorrance <& Co. of Philadelphia to publish the book, lead ing the publishing house to believe it was doing business with Col. Lindbergh. The complaint, filed In Federal Court here, said the publishers lost $7,000 through advertising for the forthcom ing book. 6 Lift Ban on Study of Ganaan. , ADELAIDE OF).—The State of South Australia has decided to permit school ’ children to learn German, a study ban ned when the World War started. Many influential South Australians are de scendants of German pioneers. When the Vienna Philharmonic Or chestra recently made Its first appear ance In London In 24 years It was heard by an audience of 6,000. I A DELIGHTFUL BOAT TRIP TO PHILADELPHIA Dally paiienfar Saryica eeeept Sunday aa beautiful Inland water routa. The new steamer JOHN CADWALADER Salle treat Baltimore Tueedav and Thursday 4 P. M., Saturday 4 P. M. Daylliht Savlne Tima PARE. St.SO ROUND TRIP, S 4 Tfcreufh tickets to New York City and Now Jersey Seashore saints. Felder an reauest. 1 ERICSSON LINE PIER 1 LIGHT ST. I RKMEN OF WELDIT CO. m£&olm-bull Jr MjSkSj when itcomesto weld- I ■ - ING.WE ARE THERE. | Did somebody bump your car and break your bumper? Horrid thought! Don’t worry, we will WELD it for $1.50. When it’s a question of saving your money on broken articles we are the Kingfish. Cracked engine heads, motor blocks, heating boilers, etc., all come under this classifi cation. Weldit Co., 516 First St. N.W. Metropolitan 2416