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CITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM OUTLINED Will Be Well Under Way Within Four Years, Heath • Tells Michigan Bankers. Within three or four years most of the great development program for the National Capital will have been accom plished or will be well under way, ac cording to Ferry K. Heath, Assistant Secretary of the. Treasury, in charge of the public building program. This prediction was made by Mr. Heath today in addressing the Michigan Bankers' Association at Grand Rapids, Mich., in connection with the showing of the film "The Nation's Capital.” which was produced here under direc tion of Secretary of the Treasury Mellon. While the whole program will run Over a period of possibly 8 or 10 years, Mr. Heath gave assurance that much will be completed within less than half that time. Reviewing the projected development of the Nation's Capital, Mr. Heath de scribed it as including "a grand devel opment of the Mall, w hich stretches | from the Capitol to the Lincoln Memorial.’* "As adjuncts to this great Govern- i tnent park, bordered as it will be by j magnificent departmental buildings,” j Mr. Heath said, "will be the expansion : of the Capitol Grounds to the Union j 6tation, the additions to the Senate and House office buildings, the new build-; ing for the Supreme Court, the great Arlington Memorial Bridge, the new highway to Mount Vernon and the drive from the Lincoln Memorial to the Great Falls of the Potomac. . Drives to Be Developed. “The Cram ton park bill. Just passed, which has been sponsored by Repre sentative Cram ton,” Mr. Heath ex-; plained, "provides the means for a great development of the drives along the Potomac. The highway to Mount Vernon will be completed soon, and in a few years there will be a beautiful drive extend ing from Fort Washington to the Great Falls of the Potomac, where a bridge is to be built, and another highway ex tending from there all the way to Mount Vernon. In addition, legislation pro vides for the extension of Rock Creek Park Into Maryland, so that all the j lovely country and great natural beau- j ties of the scenery in and around Wash- | Ington will be saved to the people for All time. "In a few years visitors to Washing ton will leave the Union Station, which, as you know, Is a magnificent gateway to the city, step out into the station plaza, drive past the great buildings of the Capitol group down a Federal ave nue lined with the most magnificent architectural composition to be found anywhere in the world, the outline of Classical buildings reflected In pools and | cascades, beautiful gardens on every side and shaded drives, until they pass the Washington Monument and arrive at the Lincoln Memorial. Its beauty seems to grow with the year*. From the memorial the great Arlington Bridge leads you to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the last resting place of thousands of the defenders of the land. Progress Over U. S. Outlined. “The people of the country will have A Capital expressing and fulfilling their needs which will become the great shrine of the Republic. To paraphrase two presidents, Washington will express the soul of America and stand as the symbol of the Nation.” Mr. Heath outlined progress In the building program throughout the coun- j try. On January 1 of this year, he I said, "we had $40,000,000 of contracts I on hand. Due to the extended program And the desire of the administration to* ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ I $M RAJDIIO CO. t M SERVICE Dlf p every SALE • J J 1> SHA P. KEI vl } ■* KS SCHMELING * World's Heavyweight a, Championship J I Jl BROADCAST f\ I J/ 1 BY RADIO Jf \ J ; C Get Your Set Ready Jr ' -K : * HK A T etc Pep in Your Batteries *T * Old Set DEFI, 45 Volts, 99c i |j IMPERIAL, 45 Volts ji. u, A.Cu Heavy Duty, $1.98 t TiiKoc EVEREADY, 45 Volts J +c wMfl lu»es w . 98 * jc Hf! Ilff r$ /A Big Six Dry Cells , >f * IJIfl 07C 3for69c * M hIbM Riifk Tillies Klil Licensed by RCA lUUC9 T ■jili All Tubes A“I XJV 199 All Tested V Hi 22?® Meter Tested © I ttv inn ami ” \PSII 171A, 226,227, JL UA 1W Guaranteed 'II 245 and 224 UX 201A 30 Day. ■+C ft 111 R. C. A., Victor, Majestic if- V [ II Atwater Kent, Philco yL Zenith and Sparton Jj£ FIGHT SPECIAL—B2O.OO allowance for your old )f- W radio on any of the above sets t★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Automobile Entry To White House To Be Made Easier It will be an easier matter to arrive at the White House— speaking from the viewpoint of a motorist, rather than a presi dential aspirant—when Pennsyl vania avenue is repaved and changes are made in the en trance to the grounds of ttye White House. Sharp turns are to be eased bv making a wider arc in the outlines of the entrance drive ways to permit automobiles en tering the grounds to turn in from the Avenue with more con venience. The repaving of West Execu tive avenue and State place be tween the White House grounds and Seventeenth street and New York avenue, also is to be under taken Immediately. The curb lines are to be adjusted so that if the old gate posts in West Executive avenue are taken down the pavement will be unbroken. Removal of these antique posts as constituting traffic hazards has been urged from time to time, but as yet they have withstood all storms of protest. place as much work as possible on the market this year, we expect to have $80,000,000 of contracts in force by the first of next January'. To carry on this enormous amount of work the super vising architect’s office has a foroe of more than 200 men working on sketches and designs, plans and contracts, and we are expanding this force by one third as rapidly as is possible under the civil service rules.” ' • Cave-in Victim Dies. LEADVILLE, Ohio, June 11 (£*).—'The fifth victim of the cave-in Saturday at the Climax mine, largest producer of molybdenum in the world. Arthur N. Wilson, died Sunday from In juries received when he was burled by rocks and dirt. BACK HOME EXCURSION From Washington, D. C. WEDNESDAY, JULY 2nd Reduced Round Trip Fares to ALABAMA GEORGIA NORTH CAROLINA Birmingham.. .$25.M Atlanta S2IOO Asheville $17.40 Mobil. $31.85 Auffu , t . O 0 40 Char,ott Montgomery.. $26.65 ™** U ** 1,, ” Durham $10.50 Columbu* .... $23.80 Gr««n*boro ... $10.50 FLORIDA Macon $22.08 Ral.igh $10.58 Jacksonville.. .$29 00 Winston Salem. Miami $39.00 SOUTH CAROLINA S IIJS Tampa $36.50 Columbia $17.45 TENNESSEE MISSISSIPPI Greenville ....$17.70 Chattanooga ..$20.00 Biloxi $33.85 Spartanburg ..$16.60 Johnson City.. 514.75 Jackson $33.50 _ Knoxville $18.55 Meridian $30.00 LOUISIANA Memphis $28.00 Vicksburg ....$35.05 New 0r1ean5....535. Nashville $23.00 GOOD TO RETURN UNTIL JULY 22nd, 1930 15 TRAINS n A II V J u,,m * n - Dp * win « r Ro °"';•?*•»• TOTUr erviTTU U/\lLi 1 Room * Sleeping Cars, Dining THE SOUTH ** “* “ * Cars - Modern Steel Coaches. Tickets, Schedules and Information at CITY TICKET OFFICE *. o. WHITESEL McPherson Square • 1 »D*OEBB Trsrclins Psssenscr Art. Phonea National 1468 DiTl,lon ?u,n «' r Art. National 1466 SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Tiiiii hi \ jIaMJMx feIAK, C., iLU2\iLBL)AI , JU.Nib 11, VOIDING OF MARRIAGE TO DIVORCEE IS ASKED Married Without Knowing Wife's Decree Fixed Six Months’ Ban, Husband Alleges. Alleging that he did not discover that his wife was prohibited from remarry ing within six months from the date of her divorce until six months after their marriage, Frank K. Heindrloh of 1461 Harvard street yesterday filed in the District Supreme Court a bill for annulment of his marriage to Mrs. Mary Deacon Heindrich, The ceremony oc curred here November 23, 1929. Through Attorneys Raymond Neu- IReal Estate Loans (D. C. Property Only) 6% No Commission Charged Vou can take 12 years to pay off your loan without the u expense of renewing. SI,OOO Q for $lO per month, including H interest and principal. Larger II or smaller loans at proportion- I ate rates. Perpetual Building Association Eatabliahed 1881 Largest in Washington Assets Over $22,000,000 J Cor. 11th and E N.W. JAMES BERRY, Frenident decker and William C. Ashford, Heind rich declared that his wife was first married to Earnest E. Deacon on June 27. 1910, and on July 8 last obtained a decree in the Circuit Court for the City of Clifton Forge, Va. Heindrich states that last month he discovered his wife had no right to remarry until six months from the date of the decree. - . • Students Hold Demonstration. BELGRADE, Jugoslavia, June 11 [IP). —Reports received here from Bari, Italy, Monday said that Fascist stu dents held demonstrations against France and Jugoslavia. About 500 stu dents were reported to have demon strated before the Jugoslavian consulate. yy * Hi Right Reserved to Limit Quantities ——l/.4/L ORDERS! It _______ Prompt service for out-of-town customers. Add 10% of amount of order to rover cost of parkins and malllna. /a ■ _/J§#f/t> / * >n«F^a | PJ Address ... PEOPIES DBrG STORE No. «. Mall Order I///I I/11//lil'l / Department. Mtk * Q Streets N.W., Washlnston. D. C. f | ASumm^7rmt^;- WhoU ! // 1)41) fcfjf $ // Dwtrict 5215 \\ fralingers ill H Nationally Known CIGARS i} II! \V “SILVER JUBILEE YEAR ” J M Priced Lout M mm Our Twenty-Fifth Year f M wrapped are In a box. I » Boxes as 70 /jUf j|l \\ •/ P»f>Hc J, £ llj I 5c Beechnut m 5c Cinco (Londres) ••• • • .s«‘.«* •• • •uws > w<«<un. • {.1,95 I fruit Drops fr&jj 10c El Verso (Adj.) |M| |y| I « , j „ 2/25c El Producto (P. F.) M 14.75 IPM I *3 /Or LI)C Stratford (Jr.) •• • • • •«■•••• • • £2.00 L J Iwl Stratford (A. D.) M* • • •:«%•;•-**.«»' • $7.00 Pff ii tmmrnmmti m . n 10c Garcia Grande (Boq.) $3.75 fgl ■ 9 w ” 9 10c Henrietta (Pop.) ......m..!w.m*m..13.75 |ft f t I hrirty choppers § fll| _ A # _ ._ 9 9 j 2/15c Popper 8-Center ...*•• • $2.89 |Jy sys |> * I ■ ■ 10c Rnbt. Burns (Pant.) ...*... *,«* $3.75 Ii # I4* I f a 00* 2/25c Robt. Burns (P. G.) Ks.xs*Kt<'M«xe>.>M>:«<.<.<• -14.75 fji i 1g IT i ■ I ▼▼ It ■ UV J 10c Webster (Cad.) jl / 3/20c White Owl $2.69 Mi 11 *T" * I W I I 10c Cortez (Dip.) $3.75. ffJB jI o buy I heir Daily Needs 10c Robt Burns (Staples) $3.7^ |*. n i rt ' c. i rfjjjHjtoj.') i BH . rPI ,„ jyy |ijAl a Peoples Drug More! || j Not One Day .•. But Every Day .•. Peoples Prices Will Save You More jyj | /t-\ S'** ic ppinT' aT t *tv -rtc-*, | Pi JW. Vacuum Bottles X Xix J-/ • Klienen Rayon || ii | m ii. iew A. 60c Bottle of /tJt/'I/ n i n . [PI mm |jqff a Baby Pants ii „ Hgj Pfn/ Size /yC A Astring-O-Sol These bottle* are full pint else, well |Sf|| and a Beautiful 9 Y ( constructed and are a value at this H|;|i _ __ »|H A \ .1 4 2 u V* ."l 4 ?* Bfl low price. They wUI keep liquids hot PttStel iMTISteT GlttSS Jftl StJd *and"m?{a , "’in”fl t vi ill or oold for many hours. You will find paVSi !h»d “Th»r. ar! Ifll Wl them very handy for picnics and out- jfl (Choice of 5 Colors ) ■ i 1 MfflHfi / or y ° ur Room == BB!B |i! jy Durable Leatherette Pif/oM?< I /or 0n1y... 55c Turkish Towels | U| Only 59C I Specially Priced! Ij 'These pillows come In many de- 8 Large Bottle f<ffi jUtiHUiUI ~ Rvi/nlnr sf)r Value Ml • M j signs made up of various colored I || I Regular ouc value fYSS 11 » leatherette squares and triangles. KV A I 9KlliHßlßi " ls " /A i , II [li * yl They will add a note of color on |C2BKJi NSSESSSJ9 G/ass l# Ij i (24x48 Inches) fU *1 B ( the porch or in the den. 1 1'..1.n.'.ii» ; IJ .D ' /iXY _ T ■! f % To Use at the Beach or Astring-O-Sol is a pleasant tasting 1 Ij iff i /yjbV - \ 1 Ia / or C ar( * Parties liquid, highly concentrated, that has | j j j ||!|| 1 I Ml kl Pageant astringent, antiseptic and deodorant j j j J|l| Soft( , uxurio us toweuHt/ was . J properties. It is very economical as j It II that are s pleasure to /.■■■■ / )|i) s 48 wSe. eS mT/e of |l ii! I low Ü Brice V * r yor , Vour°card*pa*t*ea* etc regular strength mouth wash. It is | ! I good weight snowy white IS fiP| 90- n , also a .plendid external healing agent, j Z%7\riLVZ?Z 111 Deck used full strength. please the most critical. Ml I HOME REMEDIES 8 TOILET ARTICLES | li| —At Money-Saving Prices H—Priced Very Low |ii Hsl Adlerika Compound. Ii! 51 Bayer Aspirin Tablets.,. . ~.,.,... .73c 75c Winx Liquid 63c M m 25c Blue Jay Plasters 19c n Sli c “ b “ ZVrZZIS. 50c Williams’ Shaving Cream..... 30c l«j jl; 60c California Syrup Figs. M 40c Fletcher’s Castoria. ..23c BLISS 60c Van Ess Shampoo.,.i.,. . . .49c j|| f|J 50c Cuticura Ointment.,., .39c 48c and 95c 50c Tre-Jur Compact..., 39c m M 35c Energine Dry Cleaner.2lc —-—; ~„ i 30c Spiro Toilet Powder..2sc % ’iUa r • iII JA Regular Size—Box of 12 ‘ r . a OA gJY \m 60c Formammt Tablets. .. .. .4uc Kntt>v c ”• ® " a P* •• • . fc 35c Freezone Corn Remover.24c 9 65c Pond's Creams. . . . .34c *| I's 65c Glover's Mange Remedy.. . ( .,.s.4Bc The Preference of 60c Pompeian Massage Cream 38c W j| 35c Harper's Headache Remedy.,.,. 20c ° f ° ur 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste 28c JM | 50c Horlick's Malted Milk. ~.,39c National * B 25c Palmolive Talcum Powder 17c || || $1 Ironized Yeast Tablets . t .:. c .i. w 73c p a le Dry B 50c Odorono Cream Depilatory 42c || | 35c Lrapactic Pills 27c Ginger Ale Jlk 50c Mum Deodorant.... . .37c jj| y 50c Liistenne Antiseptic. .t.i.i .c.i. i.i . 38c Have a glass of this tempt- IPPij 50c Palmolive Shampoo .i.:.i.i • .28c % 25c Mercurochrome Solution .. 19c dmner le and r> g !r B a er niw 50c Neet Depilatory ......^ 3sc j | j 50c Musoldent Mouth Wa5h.,.,.„,.,.37c JJ e ”;« r d f i"s“!;*«*. , ie“° l,e gp 51 Mavis Talcum Powder. . . 69c M $ 35c Noxzema Cream ..:23c Sd e p °l P X Mennens Skin 8a1m..39c llj | $1.50 P.D.Cod Liver Oil. ...98c g& A < «.r, «,»««». M « k . 50c Jergen’s Lotion ..33c Wj J| $1.35 Gude’s Pepto Mangan., .81c 15c—2 for 25c 25c J. &J. Baby Ta1cum........ .14c L*J INCREASE IN TOURIST CAMP BUSINESS REPORTED Plans Are Being Made for Con struction of Additional Cabins Next Winter. The tourist camp Is doing about one third more business this year than at any previous time, Capt. Ray C. Mont gomery, superintendent of the United States Park Police, who Is now also superintendent of the tourist camp, said today, with cars noted from almost every State in the Union. Tentative plans are afoot for the construction of additional tourist eabina at the camp next Winter, and Capt. Montgomery and H. P. Clarke, resident manager of the camp, are planning to make some trips to tourist camps in this vicinity to see if improvements might be embodied In the operation and extension of the local camp. Prep arations are being made for extending the bath housa facilities in the Fall. „■■ ... + ——— 100 Drown as Chinese Boat Sinks. SHANGHAI, June 11 UP).— One hun dred passengers and crew of the Chi nese steamer, Litung, weTe drowned Monday. The Yangtze River vessel struck a rock off Tungchow, on the north shore of the river's mouth, and sank. CHURCH AND STATE TOPIC' Adventista Discuss Dual Delations Existing in England. SAN FRANCISCO. June 11 (A*).—Ex ; isting relations between the church and the state in Europe were up for dis cussion here yesterday by the World Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Speakers included three European di vision conference presidents, Revs. L. H. Christian. H. F. Schuberth and A. V. Olson. Featuring their addresses was a discussion of tne effect on European affairs of the restoration of the tem poral power of the Pope in Italy. RUGS CLEANED Stored . . . Repaired Our expert washers and one of the most modernly equipped plants assura you the best. NESHAN G. HINTLIAN Oriental Rugt 818 17th N.\T. Natl 9«7S A-7