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—mm—'WASHINGTON’S FINEST MEN’S WEAR STORE———"— NEXT SUNDAY IS i Neckwear for Dad JQgß&G&jjfdljm ' at a special price! : M $1 I AKSmx'Wfmm mmm Snored &0 Si Ik Lined Construction ■Ryy, sj& Crepe failes English Twills Satin Foulards io, All-over Patterns Geometric Designs * $ 1 RALEIGH HABERDASHER 1310 F Street XVIII Century English Styles are Popular THE Mahogany Masterpieces of XVIII Century England are care fully copied today in modern adapta tions for Dining Rooms and Bed Rooms and are especially interesting and good looking. At Mayer & Co. now you will find many elegant copies of the works of the famous XVIII Century masters in suites that will charm and please, and at tempting prices. Let us show you these. A Special Showing of Berkey & Cray Dining and Bed Room Suites Now at 33V 3 % Off MAYER & CO. Seventh Street Between D and E - ... . Experienced Advertisers Prefer The Star " • • 5 : ■ -ma. - THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON. D. C.. WEDNESDAY. JtAE 11. 1930. CHAMBERLAIN RITES TO BE HELD AT HOME D. C. Manual Training Head Will Be Interred in Petersham, Mass. Funeral services for John A. Cham berlain, 65 years old, supervisor of manual training in the District of Co lumbia public schools, who died at his home, 1502 Emerson street, yesterday morning, will be conducted at the resi dence tomorrow morning at 11 o’clock. Rev. Dr. J. J. Queally will officiate. In terment will be at Petersham. Mass. Honorary pallbearers will be: Dr. Frank W. Ballou, superintendent of schools: Stephen E. Kramer, first assistant superintendent; Robert L. Haycock, assistant superintendent in charge of elementary schools; Walter B. Patterson, supervisor of special schools; Selden M. Ely. supervising principal of the fifth division, D. C. public schools; Harry O. Hine, secre tary of the Board of Education; Frank C. Daniel, principal of McKinley High School; Frank A. Woodward, principal of the Gordon Junior High School; S. T. Cameron and George F. Williams. Six manual training instructors will be the active pallbearers. The Denison, Abbot and Lenox Vo cational Schools will be closed tomor row and the McKinley High School closed tomorrow until 1 p.m. out of re spect to the memory of Mr. Chamber - lai», while manual training classes will be recessed for the day. Mr. Chamberlain had been super visor of manual training in the local schools since 1906, when the system was reorganized, and was popularly known as "the father of manual training" in the local schools. He first became con nected with the public school system here In 1887, when he was made in structor in manual training in the then Washington High School. He taught until 1889, when he was made director of woodworking, and the following year his title was changed to director of manual training. His next promotion was to that of supervisor, which posi tion he held at the time of his death, Adopt Hew Drug Symbol. BERLIN (JP). —The German Druggists’ Association has adopted as a symbol of its trade a staff with a serpent oolled around it. They found this in Greek mythology where Aesculapius, god of medicine, is pictured carrying it. -- "■ ■ • Italy expects its 1930 rush of tourists to be the largest ever entertained. Why Pay for Everything Chambers will give the whole funeral, cart rtjf ."i SIOO np casket for... STEEL VAULTS. eQC Best that money can vQO buy are only All Priest Include tbs Slneers Servlet of The Greater CHAMBERS Co. Offices and Chapels 14th Cor. Chapin N.W. Rhone Columbia 0432 1 /’ \ Ryan Service | If M J 1. Superior >| We strive to have our serv ice the finest possible.. .both from kindness and skill. . Funeral Parlor . . . Private Ambulance . . . and Livery ,£ in Connection. JAMES T. RYAN 1 Funeral Director j Sl7 Pa. Ave. S.E. 5 | Telephone Atlantic 1700-1701 ,i j J l ■IIWI'MWI r r r * r | A CONVENIENT CHARGE SERVICE AT NO EXTRA COST Eiseman's welcomes your account. Here you can choose from splendid stocks and pay in convenient weekly or monthly amounts out | of your income. No interest or carrying charges for convenient | j terms. , SUMMER SUITS all sizes and stylet $16.50 to S3O EISEMAN’S I Seventh and F Sts. N.W. j I PAPERING really an art Jl I “Earh to his own tool* done,” so it has been said. —For 33 years papering has been our speciality. J Our reputation has been for quality work at eon- We y A Wealth of Beautiful Designs A comprehensive select s tion of the most distinc - xy?* lively artistic patterns that will bring a netv beauty into your home. Let Us Give You an Estimate Just phone us—and we will gladly send you an expert to estimate without any obligation to you. Furniture Refinished WE ARE KNOWN FOR OUR LOW PRICES FOR PAINTING AND DECORATING /Mm*. S (p 7/NEW YORK DECORATING CO. II 911 13th St. N.W. Phone Met. 2460 • U——— ir 1 '" : " a 1 lt!L "- THE WEATHER District of Columbia—Fair tonight: tomorrow Increasing cloudiness, not much change In temperature; gentle south winds. Virginia—Fair tonight; tomorrow in creasing cloudiness; not much change in temperature; moderate east and southeast winds. Maryland—Fair tonight; tomorrow increasing cloudiness; not much change 1 in temperature; variable winds, be coming moderate southeast and south. West Virginia—Fair tonight; tomor row increasing cloudiness, rising tem perature in east portion. Record for 24 Hours. Thermometer—4 p.m., 70; 8 p m., 68; 12 midnight, 62; 4 a.m., 55; 8 a.m., 63; noon, 75. Barometer—4 p.m., 30.01; 8 p.m., 30.08; 12 midnight, 30.13: 4 a.m., 30.18; 8 am., 30.29: noon, 30.28. Highest temperature, 75, occurred at noon today. Lowest temperature, 84, occurred at 5 a.m. today. Temperature same date last year— Highest, 85; lowest, 51. Tide Tables. (Furnished by United States Coats and Geodetic Survey.) Today—Low tide. 2:19 a.m. and 2:57 p.m.; high tide, 8:01 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. Tomorrow—Low tide. 3:04 a.m. and 3:41 p.m.; high tide, 8:43 a.m and 9:14 p.m. The Sun and Moon. Today—Sun rose 4:41 a.m.; sun sets 7:33 p.m. Tomorrow—Sun rises 4:41 a.m.; sun sets 7:34 p.m. Moon rises 8:29 p.m.; sets 4:34 a.m. _ Weather in Various Cities. O Temperature. & a 1 IB !Sf! Stations. £ 3.* „ Weather. 5 5 : :; : B Abilene, Tex ... 29.92 80 60 0.30 Cloudy Albany, N Y... 30.26 76 62 0.34 Clear Atlanta, Ga.... 30.14 80 62 .... Pt.cloudy Atlantic City... 30.28 68 60 .... Clear Baltimore. Md.. 80.28 74 56 .... Clear Birmingham ... 30.10 82 62 .... Clear Bismarck. N. D. 29.70 76 54 Clear Boston. Mass... 30.32 64 56 0.60 Run, Buffalo. N. Y... 30.16 60 52 0.20 Clear Charleston, 8.0 30.18 82 66 .... Pt.cloudy Chicago. 111.... 30.04 68 58 0.01 Cloudy Cincinnati, Ohio 30.16 76 50 Clear Cleveland, Ohio. 30.14 62 56 0.26 Clear Columbia. 8. O. 30.18 84 62 .... Pt.cloudy Denver, C 010... 36.70 74 54 .... Clear Detroit, Mich... 30.12 70 56 .... Cloudy El Paso. Tex... 29.74 88 54 0.40 Clear Galveston. Tex. 26.98 78 74 .... Cloudy Helena. Mont... 29 60 88 64 .... Pt cloudy Huron. 8 Dak 29.86 76 50 .... Clear Indianapolts.lnd 30.10 74 58 .... Cloudy Jncksonville.Fla. 30.10 82 72 .... Cloudy Kansas Cfty.Mo. 29.94 72 54 0.14 Rain Los Angeles.... 29.74 76 80 .... Cloudy Louisville. Ky.. 30,14 76 58 .... Pt.cloudy Miami. FJa 30.02 84 78 0.02 Cloudy New Orleans... 30.02 8Q 70 Cloudy New York, NY. 30,28 6| 58 0.08 Cloudy Oklahoma City. 29 88 80 62 0.20 Cloudy Omaha. Nebr .29 92 78 58 Cloudy Philadelphia. Pa. 30 28 76 62 0.20 Clear Phoenix. Ariz. 29.62 100 76 Clear Pittsburgh. Pa.. 30.22 60 52 1.18 Clear Portland, Me .30 40 54 50 0.16 Rain Portland. Oreg. 30 02 76 56 Cloudy Raleigh. If C. 30 22 84 58 .... Clear Salt Lake City. 29 72 84 58 .... Clear San Antonio... 29.92 78 68 .... Cloudy San Diego. Calif 29.74 68 62 Cloudy Sar. Francisco. 29.74 72 52 Clear St. Louis, Mo . 30 08 82 58 0.24 Rain St. Paul. Minn. 29.92 82 S 6 0.34 Clear Seattle. Wash .29 98 68 52 .... Pt cloudy Spokane. Wash. 29 78 86 52 ... Clear WASH, D C. ..30 29 73 54 0.03 Clear Tampa, Fla 30.06 86 68 .... Cloudy FOREIGN. (7a m., Greenwich time, today.l Stations. Temperature. Weather. London, England 58 Clear ! Paris. France 68 Clear Vienna, Austria 66 Clear Berlin, Germany 72 Sear Brest. Fiance 56 Clear Stockholm, Sweden 60 Clear (Noon. Greenwich time, today.) Horta (Fayel). Azores... 72 Part cloudy (Current observations.) Hamilton. Bermuda 74 Part cloudy San Juan. Porto Rico... 76 Cloudy Coltm!* Can'iU* Zone! 111 L! 80 Pa'rVcloudy 'ELISE BARTLETT WINS DIVORCE FROM ACTOR LOS ANGELES. June 11 </P). Elise Bartlett, stage actress, was awarded a divorce Monday from Joseph Schlld kraut. motion picture actor. Schiidkratit did not contest the suit. He will pay his wife $250 a week ; alimony, under an agreement reached ! out of court, and divide community j property valued at $20,000. The couple married in the Philadel- I phla City Hall, April 7, 1922. JOHN PAGE DEAD Concrete Expert of Maryland Park Baccumbs at Casualty Hospital. MARYLAND PARK. June 11 (Spe cial). —John Page, one of the best known residents of this section, died at Casualty Hospital yesterday after noon of cerebral hemorrhage. He was a specialist in concrete work and was superintendent of construction on the foundation of the Lincoln Memorial, the walls of the new Bureau of En graving and Printing and other notable structure* in Washington. Mr. Page was bom at Errol, Scot land, 56 years ago, and had been a resident of Washington and vicinity for the past 26 years. He leaves a widow and seven children, one of whom is married to J. P. Van Wle of the Gen eral Accounting Office. Puneral services will be held Friday morning at the resi dence of his daughter on Edgar avenue. Interment will be at Mount Olivet Cemetery. ■' > >■' ■■■ - CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. TODAY. Card party, Sisters of the Kesher Israel Congregation of Georgetown, Hebrew Home for the Aged, Eleventh street and Spring Road, 8 p.m. Piano recital. Madeleine Aughin baugh students. Pierce Hall, Sixteenth and Harvard streets, 8 p.m. Meeting. American University Park Citizens’ Association, Hurst Hall. Ameri can University, Massachusetts and Ne braska avenue 8 p.m. Dinner, business and professional section of the Women’s City Club, 22 Jackson place, 6:30 p.m. Dinner and dance. New York State Society, large ball room of the Willard Hotel, 8 p.m. Graduation exercises, Columbus Uni versity, grand ball room of the May flower Hotel, 8 p.m. FUTURE. Meeting, Men’s Club of St. Stephen and the Incarnation Episcopal Church. Sixteenth and Newton streets, tomorrow night. Election of officers. 8. W. Trenary Buried. WINCHESTER. Va., June 11 (Spe cial).—Funeral rites were held here to day for Samuel W. Trenary, 84, retired official of the old United States Express Co., whose death occurred Monday at Cumberland, Md., where he had been living since the death several months ago of his wife. Mrs. Emma Haymaker Trenary, in Clarksburg, W. Va. Surviv ing are two daughters, Mrs. Lucy V. Weiskettle, Cumberland, and Miss Fan nie Trenary, Philadelphia, and two sis ters, Miss Ida Trenary, Cumberland, and Mrs. Anna E. Myers, Millvale, Pa. ---- • Births Reported. The following birth* nave been reported to the Health Department la the last 24 h °Hennr B. and Virginia E. Clark, girt. Richard P. and Lillian V. McCarty, girl. Edward W. and Mabel I Orey. girl. Robert N and Gladys Riley, girl. Delmar J. and Lottie E. Collier, girl. Albert H. and Anra O. Beachley. girl. Floyd M. and Grace M. Snider, girl. Charles R. and Gertrude G. Turner, girl. Robert H. and Mary L. Htsson, alrl. Harry B. and Ruth E. O’Dell, girl. William H. and Katherine I. Curtl*. girl. Abraham and Ethel Berman, girl. Frederick H. and Mildred Cook, girl. Francis P. and Mary V. Callahan, girl. James A. and Catherine A. Bowles, girl. John M. and Nettie M. Ferguson, girl. Walter J. and Eleanor Reilly, girl. Thomas R. and Grace L. Gately. girl. Richard F. A. and Alice A. Muller, girt. Wilfred C. and Elsie V. Burgess, girl. Charles R. and Frances E. Brown, girl. Granville L. and Kathryn T. Hynson. girl. John C. and Mildred Albright, girl George H. and Hazel L. Posey, girl. Gordon D. and Frances M. Burrows, girt. Thomas and Eunice Jackson, girl. Wilbur and Allene Carl, boy. Ernest J. and Elma Jackson, boy. Knowles and Kathryn T. Blanchard, boy. Gilbert A. and Mildred F Monck. boy. David B. and Sophye Cohen, boy. Millard T. and Mildred F. Charlton, boy. Clalson and Carol King, boy. Nazaret and Zaruhe Caroglanian. boy. Al«.n G. and Dorothy D. Nichols, boy. CarTfon Z. and Hazel E. Pettit, boy. Robert L. and Mary J. Scott, boy. Nunzlo A. 6. and Rosina Bovello, boy. Mark J. and Helen H. Don Dero. boy. Norman W. and Olive B. Kldwell. boy. Lewis T. and Pauline V. Shook, boy. John A. L. and Margaret V. Saver, boy. Alvin L. and Edna N. Carroll, boy. Richard E. and Elizabeth Q. Farrall, boy. Samuel and Mary Baron, boy. Elwood I and Elineta C. Galnea. boy. William H. and Ellen H. Allor, boy. Lawrence A. and Ida V. Haggard, boy. Clarence E. and Cecil R. Combs. «lrl. John R. and Lina M. Glisson. girl. Horace and Jennie Wells, girl. Robert and Hattie Clarke, girl. Harry and Julia Mitchell, girl. William and Martina Summers, boy. Harold W. and Marian V. Moore, boy. John A. and Sallle Jackson, boy. Deaths Reported. The following deaths have been reported to the Health Department In the last 24 hours: Philip Garnett. 79. 1419 Columbia rd. Letltfa C. Alvather, 78. 3521 W place. Joseph Reilly, 74. Providence Hospital. Columnia C. Mandanyohl. 73. 511 E st. n.e. Leo Bimmons. 70. Emergency Hospital. Mark Bognot. 70. Mayflower Hotel. Margaret J. M. Gormly. 68. 1444 W *t. Mary Burgee. 65, *903 F st. James L. Chase, 62, on street. 17th and Park rd. May Knowlelne. 10, Children's Hospital. Mathew Taylor, SI. Oallinger Hospital. George H. A. Carter. 48, 1237 sth st. Irene Brooks (alias Lorton). 43, Oallinger Hospital. Thomas P. Green, 40, 86 I at. g.w. Naomi Burrs. 35. Georgetown Hospital. • Estelle Brown. 25. Preedmen's Hospital. Elizabeth Banks. 22. Tuberculosis Hospital Charles R. Kelly, 10 months. Children s Hospital Rose Mathews. 116 F st. William J. Hartwell. 125 W st. Infant of James and Annie Mae Roach#, Oallinger Hospital. FOUND FOR LOST animals apply Animal Rescue League. 349 Maryland ave iw Nat 8086 tOSL BAG—Purple leather overnight bag, Satur day. June 7, between Rittenhouse st., Chevy Chase. D. C.. and Baltimore. Md. Phong Cleveland 1185. Reward. BILLFOLD, black, eont. stamps and receipts Near 10th st. Return 1014 11th st. n.w. Re ward. • CAMPING OUTFIT, homemade, canvas. Bla densburg rd.. P st. or Florida ave. Reward. F. A. Forsberg, Apt. 4, 1747 Church st. n.w. CAT. red Persian, lost Saturday night. Pet worth section. Reward. 434 Buchanan st. n.w. Col. 6972. CAT—Tuesday. June 3. small female cat. mixed gray and brown, had cut on back, vicinity Takoma Park. Reward. Phone Georgia 4103-J after 7 p.m. 11 • DIAMOND RlNG—Carat: square white gold mounting Reward. Call Mrs. Bennett, Nat. 5100. or Col. 9288 after 6 p.m. DIAMOND RING, lost In front of 1816 New Hampshire ave. n.w. Liberal reward. Re turn to Harry G. Wilson, 4004 Georgia ave. n.w. DOG—s2o reward for Information leading to recovery of German Boxer, tan color, male, medium sized, named "Sprudel." H. P. Wil son, Hollin Hall. Phone 218, Alexandria. Va. n« DOG—White Eskimo Spitz, license rfo. 4081. Call Cleve. 5305. 3934 Livingston st. n.w. Reward. 11» FOX TERRlteß—Wire-haired, white, named “Cricket.” Reward. Clev. 1348. GERMAN POLICE DOG. female, brlndle with black strine on back, no collar, named “Betty.’’ Lost from 1742 L st. n.w. Reward. Call North 7785. GLASSES, child's, tortoise-shell, on Ana costia car line Sunday morning. Reward. Finder please call Line 3811-J. * GLASSES—Tortoise shell, not in case, day afternoon Reward. Columbia 8283. Vicinity Mt. Rainier car stop. Thursday, June 5. Reward. Call Hyatts- Vllte 89. 11* KEY FOLDER—BLACK, In front of or in Capitol Bldg., Tuesday p.m. Call Metro poltian_l972. MANS PURSE. Saturday night, containing small amount and auto driver's permit. Re \vard, Phone Col. 2738. • ORGANDY DRESS with taffeta spray of flowers. Reward. Cleveland_s93l. SET OF KEYS, Wednesday. June 4. Finder please return to 1727 Mass. ave. s.e. and receive reward. CEMETERIES. GLENWOOD CEMETERY Vanltage, $5 per month Choice lots and sites for sale. FORT LINCOLN CEMETERY NON-SECTARIAN PERPETUAL CARE LOTS VAULTS CRTPTS Wide Ranee Sold or Rented For Ashes REASONABLE PRICES-TERMS MODERN CREMATORIUM Washlngton-Baltlmore Blvd. at Dlatrict Lin* Lodge Hons* City Office. 1382 GIL Lincoln 887* District 6101 FUNERAL RITES HELD FOR MAJ. JOHN H. STONE Spanish-American War Field Bur geon Who Died Monday Buried in Arlington Cemetery. Funeral service* for Maj. John Ham ilton Stofie, 58 years old. United States Army Medical Corps, retired, who died Monday at his residence, 1421 Colum bia road, were held at 9 o'clock this morning at Chambers funeral home Interment was in Arlington National Cemetery. Maj. Stone, a native of Rockville, Md., was a graduate of the George Wash ington University Medical School and the Army Medical School here. He was also a veteran of the Spanlsh-American War, having served meritoriously as a field surgeon in Cuba. Besides his widow, Mr*. Marla Ser rate Stone, he is survived. by two daughters. Miss Rosa Dora and Miss Marie Florence Stone, and a sister. Mrs. Edward M. Clary, all of this city, and a brother, Robert L. Stone, of Schenectady, N. T. MRS. ISABELLA PARKER RITES THIS AFTERNOON Funeral services for Mrs. M. Isabella Parker, 85 years old, widow of E. Southard Parker, former president of the National Metropolitan Bank, who died yesterday at her residence, 1738 Connecticut avenue, are being held at 5 o'clock this afternoon at the resi dence. Interment will be tomorrow aft ernoon, in Mifflintown, Pa. Mrs. Parker, a native of Mifflin town, had been a resident of Washington since 1887. She was prominently affili ated with the New York Avenue Pres byterian Church. Mrs. Parker is survived by seven chil dren, Mrs. John B. Lamer, Mrs. H. K. Willard, W. W. W. Parker and Bralnard W. Parker, all of this city; Mrs. Roscoe C. North of Selinsgrove, Pa.; Ezra D. Parker of Mifflintown, Pa., and Mrs. A. Reed Hayes of Lewistown, Pa. A brother and sister, George C. Wilson and Mrs. Charles W. Mayer, both of Mifflintown, also survive. SCOUTS PLAN CAMP TRIP Men to Be Guests of Boys Fun* 21-22 at Annual “Gang-O-Rall.” Scoutmasters of every troop of Boy ‘ Scouts in Washington will be guests . of the District of Columbia Council. Boy Scouts of America, at an annual "Gapg-0-Rall” to be held at Camp Roosevelt June 21 and 22. The oc casion will feature the opening of the 1930 camping season of the local Scouts. ’ The program includes a tour of the camp and swimming and a session in Sea Scout leadership, WILL TEACH DETROIT CHICAGO, June 11 UP).—ln the in terest of health and science, five Chicago city officials went to Detroit today lugging five gallons of plain, ordinary drinking water. Richard W. Wolfe, commissioner of public works, said the idea of the expe dition was to show Detroit how Chicago filters water. iratfjii. BUHRER. MARY E. Suddenly, on Monday, June 9, 1930, at her residence, 5612 14th *t. n.w., MARY E. BUHRER. beloved wife of Dr. James D Buhrer. Funeral Thurs day, June 12, at 2 p.m., from First Re formed Church, 13th and Monroe sts. n.w. Body will lie In state at church from 1 to 2 p.m., and not after services. • RI HRIR, MARY E. The members of the Ladles' Aid Society. First Reformed Church, will meet at the church to attend the fu neral of Mrs. MARY E. BUHRER. MRS. THOMAS E. JARRELL. President. MRS. ANNA ROBERTS. Secretary. BURKE, CATHERINE. On Tuesday. June 10, 1930. at her residence. 245 12th »t. n.e., CATHERINE, wife of the late Edward J. Burke. formerly of Pittston, Pa. She Is survived by Thomas J,. William E., John H.. Joseph R.. James G., Mary C. Burke and Mrs. Francis Farrell. Funeral from the above residence, Friday, June 13. at 8:30 am.; thence to Holy Comforter Church, where mass will be sun* at 9 a m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 12 CHAMRERLAIN, JOHN AVERY. On Tues day, June 10. 1930, at his residence. 1502 Emerson st n.w,. JOHN AVERY CHAM BER,LAIN. husband of Annie P. Chamber lain. Services at the above address on Thursday. June 12, at 11 a.m. Interment Petersham, Mass. CLARK. HARRY LINDEN. On Tuesday, June 10, 1930. at his residence. 1805 30th st. n.w. HARRY LINDEN CLARK, be loved husband of Mae R. Clark, father of Virginia R. Clark and son of the late William D. Clark. Funeral services at his late residence on Thursday, June 12, at 2 p.m. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 11 COLBERT. MARTHA ELIZABETH. Passed ; to the great beyond suddenly, on Satur day, June 7. 1930. MARTHA ELIZABETH COLBERT. She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted husband. James E. Colbert: one brother, one steplather and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the George B. Clarke Co. fu neral parlor. 1416-18 Florida ave. n.e. until Wednesday. June 11, at 11 o'clock a m . thereafter they may be seen at the I residence of Mrs. Marguret Fields. 347 F st. s.w., where funeral services will take place Thursday, June 12, at 2 o'clock p.m. Friends Invited. 11 DUNN, JOHN F. On Tuesday, June 10. 1930. at Sibiey Hospital. JOHN P., beloved husband of the late Mary Dunn. Remains resting at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Edna M. Davis. 2502 28th jgt. n.e. Notice of funeral hereafter. DUVALL. LAURA M. On June 11. 1930. at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. James Lloyd Howes, 8711 Green ave., Woodstde. Md . LAURA M. DUVALL, beloved wife of Benjamin Dix Duvall, mother of John P. M. Duvall of Washington. Benjamin N. Duvall of Richmond. Va.; Mrs. Charles W. Bolglano of Washington and Mrs. A. Lee W. Horine of Brunswick. Md. Funeral services at the above residence on Friday. June 13. at 9:30 a.m. Interment In Mount Olivet Cemetery, Frederick, Md. 12 DYSON. KATIE. Departed this life Mon day. June 9. 1930. at her residence. 104 L st. n.w., KATIE DYSON. She leaves a devoted husband. Edward Dyson: three 1 daughters. Esther, Edna and France*: two son*. Russell and Elmer Dyson; one sister, Rebecca Coleman; one brother, Peter Wil liams. and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Robert Campbell funeral home. 423 4 ,? a st. s w., until Wednesday, thereafter at her late home. Cedar Heights. Md. Funeral Thurs day. June 12. at 1 pm,, from C. M. E. Church. Rev. James Young officiating. 11 EISENHOUR, I’RETHA M. On Wednesday, June 11, 1930. at Garfield Hospital, URETHA M. EISENHOUR. Remains rest ing at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w., on Thursday. Notice of funeral In morning's Post. GILLMAN. HOWARD M. On Monday, June 9. 1930. at Walter Reed General Hospital, HOWARD M., beloved husband of Emily E. Gillman, In his 91st year Funeral from the residence of hts daughter. Mrs. J. Herbert J. Yule. 3914 New Hampshire i ave. n.w., Thursday. June 12. at 2 p.m. Interment (private) in Arlington National ; Cemetery. ll» HARRIS. HARRIETT. On Monday, June 9, 1930, at Freedmen's Hospital, HAR RIETT HARRIS, the devoted Irlend of Carl C. Baker. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church, 1432 You st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 11 HOOF. JULIA N. On Tuesday, June 10. 1930, after a brief Illness, at the home of her granddaughter. Mrs. Rex W. Lauck. 3151 Mount Pleasant st. n.w., JULIA N. HOGE. widow of the late James M. Hoge. Services at Friends' Meeting House. Lin coln. Va., 2:30 p.m., Thursday. June 12. HORNER. JAMES WOODWARD. Suddenly, on Tuesday. June 10, 1930. JAMES WOOD WARD HORNER, beloved husband of the late Anna S. Horner and father of Violet H. Jordan. Funeral from his late resi dence. 16 Seaton pi. n.w., on Friday. June 13 at 2:30 p.m. Relatives and friends In vited. Interment at Glenwood Cemetery. 12 KALDENRACH. ANDREW S. On Tuesday. June 10. 1930. at his residence. Clinton, Md. ANDREW 8, beloved husband of Sarah F. Kaldenbach (nee Fowler), aged 85 years, and father of Irving Kalden bach. Funeral from the chapel of Thomas F. Murray & Son. 2007 Nichols ave. s.e., on Thursday. June 12. at 2:30 p.m. Rela ’ tlves and friends invited. Interment Con gressional Cemetery. LEWIS. DANIEL SMITH. On Monday. June 9. 1930, at 8:30 p.m., DANIEL BMITH LEWIS, beloved husband of Maude J. Lewis (nee Herbert). Funeral from his late residence, 330 11th st. s.e.. Thursday, June 12, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Ceme tery. IX* LI'CHS. MORRIS. On Tuesday, Juna 10, 1930. at 2:30 p m., at his residence, MOR RIS, beloved husband of Betty Ball Luchs and father of Bertram Luchs and Hilda Hemerdtnger, In the 67th year of his age. Funeral from Geier’s chapel. 1113 7th st. n.w., Thursday, June 12, at 2 p.m. Inter ment Washington Hebrew Congregation Cemetery. LUTZ. KATHERINE. On Tuesday. June 10. 1930, KATHERINE, beloved wife of the late Frederick Lutz. Funeral from the residence of her son, Gustave Maurer, 1219 Michigan ave. n.e., on Friday. June 13. at 8:30 am. Requiem mass at St. An thony's Church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Bt. Mary s Cemetery. 12* MAHONEY, DENNIS F. Suddenly, on Wed nesday. June 11. 1030. at hts residence. 213 A st. n.e., DENNIS P. MAHONEY.- the beloved husband of Hannah MBhoney (nee Sullivan) and father of James D. Ma honey. Notice of funeral hereafter. A-9 iUati}*. Oailinge? 1 ?! o. MARSHALL, devoted husband of F. a Marshall, brother of Hattie V. William* of New York and Alice Carter. Rematne resting at Robert Campbell ! funeral par lor. Funeral from Israel C. M. B. Chureh, New Jersey ave. and Morgan st. n.w., Thursday, May 12, at 1 p.m. Relatives ana friends invited. MARSHAL!. BENJAMIN C. The Orlspue I Attucks Relief Association announces the death of Brother BENJAMIN C. MAR SHALL on June 9. 1930. and that the fu neral will be held on Thursday. June 12. from Israel C. M. B. Church. Morfan st. and New Jersey ave.. at 1 p m. W BTEPHEN FULLER, Frea. J. O. BURLLS. Secty. MARSHALL. B. C. The Asoclatlon of Oldest Inhabitants (Colored) will attend funeral of B. C. MARSHALL Thursday. 1 o'clock, from Israel Church, New Jersey ave. end Morgan st. n.w. SAMUEL W WATSON, President, O. L. WALTON, Secretary. * NASH, GENEAVA M. Suddenly, on June 9. 1930. GENEAVA M . beloved wife of Ru dolph G. Nash, mother of Mary Fletcher, aged 43 years. Funeral from W. W. Deal s funeral home. 816 H st. n.e., on Thursday. June 12, at 12:30 pm. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Beauavllle. Md. FAGE. JOHN. On Tuesday. June 10, 1930. JOHN PAGE, beloved husband of Catherine Page. Funeral services at the residence of his daughter. Mrs. John P. Van Wie. Edgar ave, Maryland Park, on Friday, June 13, at 8:30 a.m.; thence to St. Mar garet's Catholic Churen. Seat Pleasant. Md., where masa will be aald at # am. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 12 PARKER. MARY ISABELLA. On Tuesday. June 10, 1930. at her residence. 1738 Con necticut ave., MARY ISABELLA (nee Wil son ), widow of E. Southard Parker. In her 86th year. Funeral services at her late residence Wednesday afternoon at t o'clock. Interment Mifflintown, Pa.. » o'clock Thursday afternoon. 11* PAYTON, AGNES. Departed this life Mon. day. June 9. 1950, AGNES PAYTON, be loved daughter of the late Augustus and Maria Jones, sister of the late Josephine Buckner, Nellie and Edward S. Jones. Body resting at Mrs. Ruth Dabney s fu neral parlor. sth and O sts. n.w. Funeral Thursday. June 12. at 9 a.m.. from Holy Redeemer Church. Friends Invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. • POINDEXTER. ROBERT. Departed this lift sudd nly. on Sunday, June 8. 1930. ROB ERT POINDEXTER, husband Os Ross Poindexter, beloved son of James and Jennie Poindexter He leaves to mourn their loss four sisters, two brothers and a host of other relatives and triends. Re mains resting at Barbour Bros, funeral home, 48 K st. n.e., until Wednesday. June 11, at 6 p.m., thereafter at his sis ter's residence, 38 Myrtle st. n.e. Fu neral Thursday. June 12. at 2 p.m,. from the above residence. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 11 RIGGS, JANE AGNES. On Wednesday. June 11. 1930, at her residence. 1617 Eye at. n.w., JANE AGNES, beloved daughter es the late George Washington and Janet Shedden Riggs. Funeral from St. Mat thew’s Church Friday. June 13, at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment at Rock Creek Cemetery. Please omit flowers. 12 RILEY, CATHERINE M. On Tuesday. June 10, 1930. at her residence, 44 Ere at. n.w., CATHERINE M. RILEY (nee Fitzgerald), beloved wife of the late Michael M. Riley and mother of James E., Edward F RUey and Mary M. Snow and Mrs. William Hendrick. Funeral from the above resi dence on Friday. June 13, at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at St. Aloyslus Chureh at 9a m Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and friends Invited. 12 ROSE. MARY M. On Tuesday, June 10. 1930. at her residence. 2963 7' ld e n ®t- n.w.. „ MARY M., beloved wife of the late Henry L. Rose. Services at her late residence on Thursday, June 12. at 2 o'clock p.m., followed by Interment in Congressional Cemetery. Relatives and friends Invited to attend. RUSSELL. LEO BOYD. On Wednesday. June 11, 1930, at his residence. 534 Inara- - ham st. n.w , LEO BOYD, beloved husband of Grace E. Rjissell. Fnneral service at his late residence on . Ju u® 13 ' * t 2 p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. SHREVE. DANIEL TRUNDLE. On Wednes day. June 11. 1930. »t his res! ld *" c ®. 4907 Illinois ave. n.w., DANIEL TRUNDLE - SHREVE. the beloved husband of Effle Hammond Shreve. Funeral St his late residence ?n Friday. June 13. at 11 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. Frederick. Md. 13 SIMMS. HENSON. Departed this ll{® Bun dav. June 8. 1930. at Freedmen s Hoapltal. HENSON SIMMB. beloved father of Rosa W'lllams. He leaves to mourn one d »u«J’- ter one brother, three sisters and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services Thursday, June 12, at 12.30 o clock, at hi* daughter's residence. 14 Fenton st. n.e. STEEL. JULIA B. Departed this life on - Sunday, June 8. 1930, at her residence, 231 K stIT. JULIA B. STEEL, devoted daughter of Mamie Alexander, niece of Mrs Eliza Henry. Mrs. Cora Beggs. Julia and F. Schanck. Richard and Isaac J™)*' s . Remains resting at the John T. Rhine* funeral chapel* 3d and Eye st?. s-w., until Wednesday evening June 12, at 1 p.m . from Rehoboth Baptist Church. Interment Harmony Ceme-ery. W^ KE J^neY T « E th?}^?den^of^; S. - Pa Funeral services at Hysong s fu neral home. 1300 N st. n.w .Thursday. June 12. at 10 a.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 1 .. WILLIAMS. JULIA ELAINE. On Tuesday. r*. loved daughter of Wjlllp B. »nd Tull* *. Williams and sister of Phyllisiß. Williams. Funeral from the »bov® residence Thurs day. June 12. at 2 p.m. Friends ana relatives Invited. 11 Itt fflmurtmtt. CARUTH. HENRY <HAB«Y> C. B*cred to the memory of my devoted friend. HENRY (HARRY) C. CARUTH. who departed thla life sixteen- years ago tod. fe . JONES. GARNET F. In B*d membrance <>* dea^, GARNET F. JONES, who. died two years a*o today, June 11. 1928. And then he closed his j eyes In sleep; No*more f our* UrS» tnoV'Z. smile. And. oh. the hurt of lA r«r. C n A J HI o? n, o B ur CATHERINE LAOOAN. who S*'** r s? d im* 8 ltfe twenty years ago today. June \l. V»W. Anniversary mass at Holy Comforter HFR Ch LOVINO CHILDREN. HELEN C. HINES AND J JOSEPH LAOOAN. • MIDDLETON. JOSEPH. Sscred tO ihemem ory of my beloved ion* JOSEPH middle TON, who departed this life June 11. 1929. Washington, D. C. It was a sad heart a year ago today, When Jesus took you away. For He alone knew what was best And took you to the home of rest. That vacant chair at home, sweet home, Brings greater ftro SISTERS ft PROTZMAN. A t acred memory. . LULU M. REYES. PASADENA. CALIF. tvi FR MARIA. BRISCOE* LOriSA. In loving remembrance of our dear ♦ MARIA TYLER. wh ° dep ?r ted lfl £s' and ou*r hl defr“aunt. LOmSA BRISCOE, who departed this life one year ago today. June 11. 1929. Loved in life. Remembered In death. LAURA ’tYL.e'r? ANNA 6. PARKER AND THE FAMILY funeral directors. “WILLIAM H. SCOTT 409 Bth ST. 6 E. LINCOLN 0530 Joseph F. Birch's Sons ' (ISAAC BIRCH) s ir c. XT \\ r Phone West 009* 3034 M St. rs.w • Established 1841 “ Established 1878 JOHN R: WRIGHT CO. ml i*tb *t- N.W. Phone North **47 Clyde J. Nichols, Inc. 4tOO 9th St. N.W. C.L4»M^ ]. WILLIAM LEE'S SONS, CREMATORTU M. 332 PA AVE N.W NATIONAL 13*4. 11*8 W. W. Deal & Co. *l6 H ST N.E LINCOLN *3OO _ CHAS. S. ZURHORST Ml EAST CAPITOL *T. Phone Lineoln 0372 Frank Geicr's Sons Co. SS.SS2S. “ TIMOTHY HANLON SThsTrE. ""Lin'rsSS VTL. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor* of nor connected with tha original W. R, Spear* Mtabllsh -1009 H St. N.W. Phon. rr. r nk.J62« r w w Wm. H. Sardo & Co. Private Limousine Ambulance 4ia h it. hl Lincoln 0524 Modern Chapel ALMUS R SPEARE Suee.edlnt the Original W. R. Speare Co. I*t» Conn.etlcut A*., Potoma. 44 FUNERAL DESIGNS. Prompt Auto Delivery Service. Gude Bros. Co*, 1212 F St, Artlstlo—txnreaalT*— in.xp«nilv«. GEO. C. SHAFFER Tssssr wthfcfe* M