OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, June 12, 1930, Image 10

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1930-06-12/ed-1/seq-10/

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Eugene Hannan to Witness
Unveiling of Statue of
Abbe de l'Epee.
Early in 1885. when Washington was
• just beginning to shed its reputation as
a city of magnificent distances and un
sightly ruts. Eugene Elmer Hannan, 10
years old, was sauntering the streets
of his native city with a far look in his
The privilege to hear was not his.
and the uncertainty of learned speech
and lip-reading made this mode useless
to him. but little Eugene's restless
hands were itching for action, and in
his mind were many ideas. Eugene
wanted to be a sculptor.
This coming August, Eugene Elmer
Hannan. 55. a product of the Kendall
School for the Deaf and a former stu
dent of Gallaudet. College, will see his
dreams realized. With the sign language
virtually the predominating mode of
exirression, in the presence of dignitaries
from the French embassy and some
3.000 deaf delegates expected to assem
ble in Buffalo during the third world's
congress of the deaf, will be unveiled
the statue of Abbe de l'Epee, one of the
most celebrated benefactors of the deaf,
sculptured in 1929 in Paris by Eugene
Elmer Hannan.
Statue Bespeaks Success.
This statue bespeaks Hannan s great
est success as a sculptor. Into this
masterpiece he poured forth his whole
heart and soul, and in Buffalo, where
the world's congress will be sponsored
by the National Association of the
Deaf celebrating its golden jubilee, the
story will be told of how Hannan out
distanced his eight other distinguished
European deaf sculptors, including those
from Bulgaria. Spain. Russia, and
France, in a competitive bid for the
designing and creation of the statue of
Abbe de l'Epee.
It was no easy job to perfect this
statue, for owing to the excessive mod
\ esty and self-effacement of the dis
tinguished Abbe, no likeness of him
could be found. Mindful of Rembrandt's
-• propensity to use himself as a model in
picturization of prototypes of an artist,
Eugene Hannan was inspired to hit
upon an ingenious device. He contrived
to pattern the looks of Abbe de l'Epee
after his own, with, however, certain
deviations where the principle of art
demanded classical physiognomy. This
Hannan accomplished by watching his
face in the mirror while his chisel was j
magically transforming crude marble
into a finished product.
Son of a well known local plumbing
contractor in the late eighties, Eugene
Hannan enrolled at the Kendall School
in 1884, going 10 years later to the
Le Couteulx Institution for the Deaf in
Buffalo, on which grounds the statue of
Abbe de l'Epee will be erected. Twelve
months afterward Eugene was trans
ferred to the St. John’s Institute in
Milwaukee, where he first learned the
art of wood carving.
From Milwaukee Hannan came here
to Gallaudet, where he remained for
one year. Eugene attended Corcoran
Art School for three years.
Chicago School Lures Him.
Th® art school in Chicago next lured
the rising deaf mute. Two years there
sufficed for Mr. Hannan, who next
joined the Art Student League of New
York City. From this day he was to
encounter many famous artists and
sculptors. At different times he was
employed by Gutzon Borglum. Herman
Mac Neil and Richard E. Brooks, and
he was also associated with Leo Fried
lander. noted for his exterior sculptural
embellishments on the United States
Chamber of Commerce Building.
Then Hannan sailed for Europe,
studying and sculpturing in Spain,
Portugal, Italy and France. When he
returned home he was offered a posi
tion with the National Museum and de
tailed on special exhibits, enlarging of
models of statues, medallions and busts.
Later he was identified Richard
Brooks in his studio, first in Washing
ton and later in Boston.
There is one particular thing over
which the sculptor delights to rem
inisce, and that is that Dr. Edward
Miner Gallaudet, founder of the only
college for the deaf in the world, vho.
while refusing to pose for any one else,
succumbed to the wiles of Sculptor
Hannan. Five times for one hour each
did Dr. Gallaudet agree to sit for Han
nan while the latter toiled over the
statuette now to be found in Chapel
Hall at Gallaudet.
It was Eugene Hannan’s rare good
fortune to be employed by Gutzon Bor
glum during the latter’s sculpturing of
the statue of Gen. Philip Sheridan,
found today in the inclosure of the
circle in this city named after the il
lustrious Civil War strategist.
While in Spain Hannan was intro-,
duced to two famous deaf Madrid
brother portrait painters, the De Zubi
arres. One of them w'as pleased by
Hannan's appearance, and this admira
tion culminated in tha painting in oil
of a Hannan portrait, said to be worth
$3,000. This portrait still hangs in the
Hannan home on Adams Mill road.
While abroad Hannan came more
greatly to appreciate the romantic story
of Abbe de l'Epee and his altruistic ac
tivities in behalf of the deaf. The abbe
obtained a just celebrity throughout the
world for founding out of his own
means the first school for the deaf in
France. To this shrine Thomas Hop
kins Gallaudet, the American educator
and investigator, 30 years later wended
his way to procure new ideas and in
Successor Proves Hospitable.
When Gallaudet arrived the venera
ble abbe was not living, but in keeping
with the tradition of benevolence set by
Abbe de l'Epee, his equally distinguished
successor, Abbe Sicard, gave the Ameri
can visitor a cordial welcome and new
ideas and information connected with
the education of the deaf.
In addition to putting at the disposal
of Dr. Gallaudet the method of in
structing the deaf developed and per
fected by Abbe de l'Epee, the Ameri
can was allowed to take back with him
the most brilliant, deaf pupil of the
Paris institution, Laurent Clerc. This
young man for years was a most valued
. asset to the pioneer Hartford School
and taught his pupils at the Hartford
School as few ever have before and
Abbe Charles Michel de l'Epee was
born at Versailles, France, in 1712. He
started to study for priesthood, but
when ready to take his orders was dis
qualified because of his Jansenist opin
ions, reputedly heretical to strict Cath
olicity. He went to live in retirement in
Paris" and having a few years previous
ly been admitted to the bar became an
About 1765 an important episode took
place which changed the destiny of
the deaf race. A tiny incident prompt
ed De l'Epee to return to a life of an
ecclesiastic. He became a priest and
subsequently a canon at Troyes.
The incident Is related in a quaint
story which recently appeared in the
American Annals of the Deaf, and the
account follows:
"One day some business led Abbe de
l’Epee to enter a humble dwelling,
where were seated two girls who were
busily and silently plying the needle.
He spoke to them, but they gave him
no answer: he spoke again and again,
asking question after question, but they
seemed to have no idea of the necessity
or propriety of replying to the stranger's
civil address.
’At last the mother came in, and,
seeing the surprise of the visitor, she
burst into tears and said, 'Alas! father,
mv daughters are deaf and dumb.’ It
was enough: his whole heart flowed
v out in sympathy, and De l'Epee at last
recognized his true call.
"Abbe de l’Epee began early to study
the phenomena of deafness and the
ignorance and isolation w'hich it so
Harrcwfully ensures. HU enthusiasm
Honors Famous Abbe
1 < ! 1
l* ' jyß
(W )
xr/j / ./
Upper: Statue of Abbe de 1* Epee,
renovator and developer of the single ;
manuel alphabet, which is more popu- j
larly used throughout the world than
the British double-hand alphabet. The
statue was created in Paris by E. C.
Hannan (lower) of 1860 Clydesdale
place, this city, and will be unveiled in
Buffalo in August, 1930. Abbe de 1’
Epee was one of the great apostles of
philanthropy and he was a cotemporary
of Samuel Heinicke of Germany and
Thomas Braidwood of Scotland, pro
moters of pure oral method of instruc
was equal to any possible effort; it was
a leading feature in his character.”
After many experiments, requiring
much patience and perseverance, "Abbe
de I’Epee grafted on his system of
methodized signs those impulsive ges
tures which mutes seemed instinctively
to employ in order to express the wants
of their newly stimulated minds. He
observed that they fell into a sort of
natural language of their owm, which (
was abundantly expressive in conveying
the meaning of one deaf mute to an- I
other deaf mute. He was himself a
learner, and as he learned so he taught,
laboriously, openly, beneficently, con
Served at Own Expense.
“The experimental education of the
two silent sisters of Troyes was suc
cessful beyond their master’s most san
quine hopes. Thus encouraged, he re
moved to Paris and there set up an ;
establishment for the deaf and dumb, '
without aid, by his own individual ex- !
ertion and at his own expense. He j
possessed a private income of 400
pounds a year, and three-quarters of
this income he dedicated to the neces- t
sities of his benevolent institution.
But he soon found himself anticipating
his slender revenue in order to feed .
and clothe his dependents.
"The sternest self-denial was needed !
to keep the machinery of his establish- }
ment in action, as the abbe was soon
wearing very old clothes in order that!
his beloved mutes might have new ;
ones, and allowing himself a very bare i
allowance for food that his children
might not hunger. Even when years ,
advanced heavily upon him and the j
cold was strong, the brave old man!
would sit and shiver rather than m- 1
dulge himself in the luxury of a fire, j
"As numbers increased, the abbe
was obliged to avail himself of the j
charitable assistance of the Due de}
Penthievre and a few philanthropic !
‘ characters, but, with some small excep- '
tion, it may be said in general terms
that the Abbe de l’Epee's beneficent
establishment was his own, fed from
. his own emptying purse and kept alive '
. with his living zeal.”

‘ Alexandria Colored Man Convicted
I for Seventh Time and Jailed.
j Special Dispatch to The Star.
;: ALEXANDRIA, Va., June 12.—Hugh
t! Burke, 56, colored, of 323 Potomac 1
, i street became this city’s premier pro- I
■ hibltion law violator when he was con- 1
j victed of a seventh offense violation in :
I Police Court today. Judge William S. :
I Snow sentenced him to serve six months
[ on the State farm and fined him $5 ,
j and costs.
s Burke was arrested by Detective
.! Sergt. Edgar Sims just before court
t j time this morning and was taken be
. fore the judge immediately. He is I
.! said to have had a small quantity of I
. ] alleged corn whisky in his possession.
) • Records at headquarters here show that
. i he was convicted on six previous occa
i j sions for similar violations and had
been dismissed on two other charges.
’ Eastern Star Plans Lawn Fete.
! HYATTSVILLE, Md„ June 12 tSpe-
I cial). —Ruth Chapter, No. 7, Order of
the Eastern Star of Hyattsville, will
j, hold its annual lawn fete tomorrow and
» Saturday on the Howard property next
> to the National Guard armory on the
Washington-Baltimore Boulevard here.
> Luncheon will be served each day at
, noon, and the fete will continue through
» the afternoon and evening. There will
. be various ‘booths, refreshments and
i other features.
' City Upholstering Co.
Special Kata on t'vbolilrtini
s Making old furniture like near
Reflnlstiing Klip Covers
2106 18th St. N.W. Pec. 26C8
i "Guaranteed He Slate, Na Cllnkere**
t Ask thm Man Who U»a» It
y Ralph J. Moore Coal Co.
s 1406 N. Cap. St.
3 Pot. 0970 Pot. 0971
i ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
Leisure Should Be Utilized,
He Tells Graduates of
Southeastern U.
A warning against America's "dan
gerous blessings.'' leisure and luxury.
! was sounded last night by Dr. WffHarr.
Knowles Cooper, past general secretory
of the Y. M. C. A. in an address at the
annual commencement ceremonies of
Southeastern University and affiliated
schools of the Y. M. C. A. In Memorial
Continental Hall.
1 Approximately 100 graduates of the
; university's law and accountancy
I schools and of the Washington Prepara
tory School and the Woodward School
for Boys, received diplomas In the j.res
i once of a large gathering of parents,
relatives and friends.
Churches Fail to Keep Pace.
Churches and other character build
ing agencies have not kept pace with
commercialized amusements in making
the most of youth's leisure time. Dr.
Cooper told the graduates.
"The unparalleled resouices of this
country, together with the inventive
genius of our people and their tireless
industry, have produced two blessings
which mav carry with them elements
,of danger." Dr. Cooper declared. ' The
average young man of today will spend
] not. more than 40 hours per week in
I earning a living. He will have not less
i than that amount of time free to en
, gage in pleasure, study or whatever he
“The church and the character-
I building agencies have quite overlooked
j this unusual opportunity to deal with
: youth at this most important point,
while commercial amusements have
taken full advantage of it.”
Huston Thompson Presides.
Huston Thompson, president of the
Y. M. C. A, and of the board of trus
tees of the university, presided. Grad
uates of the respective schools were
presented by Acting Dean George W.
Offutt, jr., of the Law School; Dean
Joseph K. Moyer of the Accountancy
School, Dean Homer J. Councilor of
the School of Religion, Principal R. O.
Eltason.of the Preparatory School and
Headmaster Nathan E. Hodges of th*
Woodward School. Diplomas were
awarded by Dr. James A. Bell, director
of education.
Gold scholarship keys were awarded
Henry M Levy of the Law School and
Bessie Woodcock and Frank Woolfolk
of the School of Accountancy, each of
whom averaged 93 per cent for three
The list of graduates follows:
School of Law, LL. B.—E. Chester
Adams, W. B. Barefoot, Robert J. Bar
too, James Alexander Bell, Kurt
Brandt, Robert Wesley Boteler, Levi E.
Bottens, Robert G. Bunis, Robert W.
Carroll, Lewis M. Churbuck, Herbert L.
Cook, Bertha M. Crump, J. H. Derby,
John R. Dower, Diller B. Gross, James
W. Head. Donald R. Hyland, Joseph F.
; Irvine, Guy Lane Hen, Henry M. Levy,
1 Marcus U. Lyons. Arthur B Miller, Al
mon S. Nelson, James O. Planck, Earl
C. Pugh, Charles H. Riegner, Hugh E.
Riley, John A Russell, Paul L. Slap
nicka, H. Heinrich Spang, Earl M.
Spencer, Jean C. Stormer, Robert B.
Stormer, W. A Walker. Cromwell War
ner and Miriam G. Wunder.
School of law (certificate of gradua
tion) —Canio Fierravanti.
School of accountancy (M. C. S.) —
Lena C. Nead and George S. Rice.
School of accountancy (B. C. S.) —
L. E. Beacock, Margaret E. Betts, Bessie
E. Blosser, Rollin E. Bushnell, Will H.
Corey, E. L. Dlugensky, Lionel B. Farr,
William Glukenhouse, Lester Goldberg,
Morris Harris, A. K. Kauffman, August
P. Koster, Laura F. Lovelly, Anacleto
M. Madarang, Guy F. Mclntire, Adolph
Schow\ Jam*6 Sullivan, Paul V. Trent,
Bessie Woodcock and Frank L. Wool
School of accountancy (certificate of
graduation)—Elwood H. Arthur, Ben
-1 jamin Kipnas, S. L. Lindamood. E. F.
| Lollo, Harry Mehlfelt and M. D. Par
School of religion—Clara Vogel Lee
and Edith Bpnde Crum.
Washington Preparatory School—
James H. Benn, Alan B. Clark, Dorothy
Cox; Robert W. May, Stella M. Reid,
Raymond S. Sifdol, Lewis M. Small
wood, Howard Tompkins and Joseph B.
Woodward School (high school course)
| —John B. Bell. Fred G. Dawson, James
j W. Ford, Charles W. Hopkins. Lafayette
,R. Hubbard, Charles B. Kupersteln,
1 Joseph Kupersteln, H. Latane Lewis,
Hubert Nash, Fred T. Parker and Julian
: E. Williams.
i Woodward School (eighth grade)
Charles W. Arnold, John G. Hoyle, Wil
son W. Jones, George H. Martin, Rob
-1 ert F. Matsudaira. James I. Muir, jr.;
Joseph Snyder, Charles Wesner and
Paul C. Wong.
! I —: 1
Washington Produce
i Butter —One-pound prints, 38’,ia39Vi;
tub. 36a37.v
i Eggs—-Hennery, 24a25; current re-
I ceipts, 22M-a23. ;
Poultry, alive—Spring broilers, large,
■ 38a40; small, 32a35; Leghorns, 25a28;
i fowls, 23a24; Leghorn fowls, 17al8;
j ducks, 15al8; geese, 15: capons, large,
j 35a37; small, 30a33. Dressed —Spring
i chickens, large, 45a48; small, 40a42;
; fowls, 27a28; capons, large, 40a42;
! small, 30a33; ducks, 24a25.
Meats, fresh killed—Beef, 20a23; veal,
20a22; lambs, 25a28; pork loins, 28a32;
fresh hams, 25a27; fresh shoulders, 22;
1 smoked hams, 27; smoked shoulders,
22; bacon, 27; lard, in packages, 13; In
bulk, 12.
Live stock—Calves, 8alOV£; Spring
lambs, SalO’i.
Fruits—Apples, box stock, 3.25; or
anges, California, 7.50a9.50: lemons,
7.00a7.50; watermelons, I.ooa 1.25; can
taloupes, jumbos, 4.00a4.25; standards,
3.50a3.75; ponys, 2.75a3.00; honeydews,
standards, 3.50a4.00; flats, 2.75a3.00;
! strawberries, 4.00a4.50; blackberries,
3.50; raspberries, per quart, 40; cur
rants, 6 00; gooseberries, 4.00; pine
! apples, 3.50a4.00.
] Vegetables—Potatoes, new. 5.50; old,
1 100-pound sacks, 3.00; sweet potatoes,
2.00a2.75; carrots, per crate, 3.75a4.00;
I beets, per 100 bunches. 3.00a4.00; spin
| ach, 1.50a1.75; kale, 75c; squash, 1.00;
: eggplant, 4.00; peppers, 2.50; cucum
bers, l.OOal.50; tomatoes, 1.00al.50;
peas, 2.50; cabbage, bushel baskets, 75c;
string beans, I.ooa 1.50.
Production of synthetic dye stuffs in
Great Britain last year totaled 55,785,000
pounds, an increase of 5,000,000 pounds
over the preceding year.
costs less
The original cost of window shades made to measure of
Landers Washade may seem a trifle high .... but measure the
cost by length of service and you will And that Landers outlast
ordinary shades. Lander* has sturdy quality inside . . . with a
genuine pvroxlyn waterproof finish. That’s what makes Landers
LAST LONGER . . . makes it sunfast and washable.
Shall we send you samples and factory prices?
Phone National 4763-4764 ' —'
\ - : ""v ;
Ceor,^ Rafts B t h ‘ d *T»s? d &TSSR
Eighth Pint Below
Legal Limit Beats
J Home Brew Charge
; Bv a Staff Correspondent of The Star.
1 Because the quantity of home brew
’ seized by police was one-eighth of a
pint less than Is permitted by the
Maryland law, James Trueman Wel
don, colored, was acquitted of a
rhaige of illegal possession by Judge
I J. Chew Sheriff in Police Court yes- t
Weldon was accused of possessing
14 pints, which had been confis
cated by County Officers Reese and
Brown, who arrested him. The
man's attorney, Clarence Roberts,
questioned the amount of liquor, j
however, and the court ordered it
i measured before the bench. Thomas
R. Henault, clerk, who performed the
measurement, announced the con
tents of the bottles offered in evi
dence amounted to only 11 pint*.
Th? Maryland law permits the own
ership of 12 pints of home brew.
Judge Sheriff refused to accept
the explanation of Carlton Smith,
colored, of North Brentwood, that
the liquor found In his possession
had been owned by him for 13 years,
or before the Maryland “dry" law
was passed. Smith was arrested In
a raid led by Policeman Reese and
the court fined him SSO.
Edna Brown of West Hyattsville,
who was arrested In a raid conducted
I by Town Chief of Police Harry An
derson, was also fined SSO for illegal
| possession.
Commerce Chamber Official
Voices Opposition to Loca*
tion of Company’s Plant,
Staff Correspondent of The Star.
CLARENDON, Va„ June 12.—As long
as oil companies are permitted to occupy j
1 the most noticeable water front loca- j
tions, both from the viewpoint of Arling- j
tonians and residents of the District ofr
Columbia, to say nothing of the Federal
bridges spanning the Potomac River, ,
j Arlington County can never be the
! “Gateway to the South.” as It has been
designated, It was stated today by Wal- ;
| ter U. Varney, a vice president and j
chairman of the committee on laws and j
legislation of the Arlington County
Chamber of Commerce.
Varney’s statement was made with
specific reference to the proposed erec
tion Just above the Key Bridge in Ross
lyn of a large oil storage plant by the
, Sun Oil Co. of Philadelphia.
Opposition Long Standing.
"My opposition to oil companies has
been pronounced for years,” Varney
said, "for I believe them a menace to
the citizenry and to other business prop
. erty, due principally to the fire haz
Varney believes that the amounts
paid by the companies In taxes are In
significant as compared with the money
spent by the county In fire protection
and the upkeep of the roads over which
their tremendous trucks travel.
"In my opinion.” he declared, "there
Is no place in Arlington county for large
oil storage tanks and that is particu
larly true now that the Federal Gov
ernment Is preparing to spend millions
of dollars on the waterfront from Mount
Vernon to Great Falls.
“The economic advantage to the re
mainder of Arlington County by com
pletion of the Government's plan of
parkways will be Immeasurably greater
In increased values than if the water
front were lined with oil companies.
"Perhaps the most picturesque part
of Arlington County Is the palisades of
the Potomac, comparable to the pali
sades of the Hudson, and It seems a
great pity to have the natural beauty
of the county obliterated and the ter
rain mutilated by the Installation of
row after row of gasoline and oil stor
age tanks.
Up to Citizens.
i "Arlington County has been desig
nated by the Civic Federation and the
Arlington County Chamber of Com
, merce as ‘The Gateway to the South,’
i and It behooves us Arlingtonlans to do
all in our power and to exert every es
• fort to maintain the gateway so that It
■ will be a true index of the culture and
• refinement of the Southland.”
The proposed plant. It was pointed
I out by Varney, would lie directly in the
path of the George Washington Memo
rial Park and is so situated that It
would be Impossible to go around it.
even if it were so desired by the Fed
eral Government.
Even If the company granted the
right of way for the roadway Itself, as
. has been suggested, the entire contour
’ of the park itself would be obliterated
by the presence In its midst of the
large tank farm, Varney thinks.
; I Edwin N. Gunsaulu* Dies While on
Visit in Ohio-Had World
-1 Wide Experience.
Edwin N. Gunsaulus, 70 years old, re
tired consul general, of 106 East Thorn
apple street, Chevy Chase, Md., died of
apoplexy at the home of a sister in Co
!’ lumbus, Ohio, yesterday, according to
word received here by his family.
Mrs. Gunsaulus and their daughter,
’ Miss Betty Gunsaulus, left last night
for Columbus. It was thought likely
that burial services will be In London,
Mr. Gunsaulus had held posts in the
consular service in various countries,
’ having received his first appointment by
T President McKinley to Rimouski, Cana
’ da. He later held posts In Cork, Ire
-7 land; Johannesburg. South Africa;
; Singapore, India; Halifax, Nova Scotia,
’ and Wellington. New Zealand.
A native of West Liberty, Ohio, Mr.
Gunsaulus was a publisher there and
l later was editor of the London, Ohio,
3 Times. He was at one time mayor of
s Centerburg, Ohio. He was a member
of the National Press Club.
Friends and Foes Alike Won
der How Long He Will
‘ By the Associated Press.
Friends and foes of the man who has
been called "agriculture's Abraham Lin
coln” and "the leader of a socialistic
fiasco" were wondering today how much
longer he would remain at the head of
the Government's $500,000,000 enter
prise in merchandising farm products.
Chairman Alexander H. Legge of the
Federal Farm Board, who Vhas clashed
frequently and fiercely with President
Hoover's intimate friend and adviser,
Julius Barnes, over the board's opera
tions in grain, will complete a year of
service with that agency at midnight
on Saturday.
How long he would serve was an
nounced as indefinite by President Hoo
ver at the time of his appointment. Mr.
Legge, the Chief Executive then said,
will be chairman of the board “for the
first year at least.”
Leaves Step to Hoover.
While the consensus here is that
I.egge will serve another year, neither
the President nor the chairman himself
has given any official indication of what [
may be expected. On that subject, I
Legge Is smilingly uncommunicative.
"The big chief will give out that
news,” he says and refuses to say more.
When the board launched its wheat
stabilization operations, financed by
loans from the half-billion dollar re
| volving fund authorized by Congress, it
provoked vehement protest from grain
dealers, who wired President Hoover
that their business would be destroyed.
The board continued its operations,
however, and now is preparing to as
sist a similar stabilization corporation to
relieve the cotton emergency.
U. S. C. of C. Is Denounced.
The Chamber of Commerce of the
United States at its annual meeting in
I April condemned the board’s policy of
| using public funds to participate In j
business competition with established
I agencies. Then, facing his fellow
I members of the chamber, Legge dra- j
matically denounced their attitude of
j hostility to the board, declaring they '
| were for farm relief “so long as it |
didn’t work.”
But Barnes, who is chairman of the !
| chamber's board of directors and head
iof President Hoover's National Busi- I
'■ "
[ \
WHEN you drive off to the office these warm
days in the car does your family have a
car for their use?
A good used car solves the problem of a family
second car at a substantial saving. A good used
car can take the kiddies to school or to the play
ground, can do those little odd runs that the wife
has to do .. . the stores, shopping, etc. There
are many types of good used cars suitable for the
family car—coupes, roadsters, sedans and tour
ing models await your inspection in the show
rooms of Washington’s automobile dealers.
:l '
1 I
‘ I

The Classified Section of
W¥ Jltaf
! ness Advisory Council. Instated Govern
; ment financing of large grain operations
| was an economic fallacy and If con
tinued would prove disastrous.
Both Legge and Barnes are said to
have the confidence and support of the
Chief Executive in their respective ac
tivities. They are at loggerheads, how
ever. on the question of using public
funds to finance co-operative marketing
Meanwhile. Legge. who left the SIOO.-
000-a-year presidency of the Interna
tional Harvester Co. to take a job pay
ing $12,000, sits back at his desk in his
shirt-sleeves, apparently the coolest and
most unconcerned official in Washing
C. OF cJgiem
Both Sides Confident of Vic
tory in Field Day
With both sides predicting an easy
victory, the tug-of-war teams headed
by President Charles W. Darr and Vice
President Rudolph Jose are in readiness
for their contest, the opening feature
of the field day program of the annual
Summer outing of the Washington
Chamber of Commerce, to be held Sat
urday at Epping Forest, Md.
Chairman Arthur C. Smith and mem
bers of the field day committee, aided
| by two experts from the athletic de
' partment of George Washington Uni
i versify, have arranged a series of ath
j letic stunts ami contests for both men
and women. There will be also golfing,
fishing, motor boating and horseshoe
President Darr will preside at an old
fashioned shore dinner at 6 p.m., which
will be preceded by a short business
session, taking the place of the regular
June meeting of the chamber.
First busses will leave the Homer
Building at 9 a m. w'ith a police motor
cycle escort. Other busses will leave at
intervals during the day.
- •
Mrs. Mattie E. Miller Dead.
Special Dispatch to The Star,
i HYATTSVILLE. Md., June 12.—Mrs.
Mattie E. Miller,, widow of Capt. T.
A Miller of Murray, Ky. t died at the
home of her son-in-law and daughter.
; Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Sturgis. 15 Avon
avenue, early last night. The body will
be taken to Murray for burial. Mrs.
Sturgis is supervising principal of the
Hyattsville elementary school.
Mrs. Miller had not been in good
I health for some time.
i Back Seat Drivers
Duty to Aid Autoist,
' J
Georgia Court Rules
Special Dispatch to Tha Star.
RICHMOND, Va., June 12—The
Georgia Court of Appeals has ruled.
that it is not only the
right but the duty of a woman to
assist her husband by back-seat
Mrs. R. H. Rickard of Atlanta' had
sought damages from the Georgia
Power Co. for injuries received when
an automobile driven by her hus
band was struck by a street car.
The court ruled that Mrs. Rickard
saw the car approaching and did
not warn her husband.
"By the exercise of ordinary care
she could have avoided the acci
dent,” the opinion, granting a non
suit, read.
Veterans’ Session at Stuart Junior
High School to Continue
Until Saturday.
Veterans of Foreign Wars will gather
tonight at Stuart Junior High School
for the eleventh departmental encamp
ment of the District of Columbia De
partment. Sessions will continue until
Saturday adjournment.
The meeting tonight will be opened
with a street parade forming at Thir
teenth street nd Florida avenue north
east at 7:15 o’clock. Preceded by the
Overseas Military Band. Drum and Bugle
Corps and detachments of the Army,
Navy. Marine Corps and Coast Guard
and the massed colors of all posts, the
parade will proceed to Stuart Junior
Senior National Vice Commander-in
chief Paul C. Wolman will be among
the speakers from the order and there
will be several others of importance,
including Gen. Herbert B. Crosby, Dis
trict Commissioner.
Interest centers on the election of a
new department commander to suc
ceed Comdr. Harvey L. Miller. Leading
candidates are J. Allen Praether, Oscar
W. Hollingsworth and William L.
Many important resolutions dwelling
on national defense, naval parity and
veterans’ legislation are to come before
i the convention, to be transmitted later
to the thirty-first national encampment j
of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, to be
held in Baltimore during the last week
in August and the first week in Sep- j
■■■■ •
Frozen egg plants in Shanghai, China,
are operating at capacity.
.» M (
Supreme Court Reverses Rul
ing Requiring Him to Pay
Wife SSO Weekly.
By a Staff Correspondent of Th* Star.
HOUSE, Va., June 12.—The Supreme
Court of Appeal* of Virginia today re
versed the decision of the local Circuit
Court by whtch Commonwealth’* At
torney William C. Gloth was ordered,
several years ago, to pay his wife SSO
a week in alimony. The full extent of
the decision has not been received, the
telegram to Gloth announcing only that
the holding of the lower court had been
After paying the alimony for *ome
time Gloth stopped further remittance
to his wife after she shot him in
March of 1928. Hence there was a
sum of approximately $5,000 in back
payments due her, and it is presumed
that now these back payments will not
have to be made.
The appeal on the decision of the
lower court was argued before the Su
preme Court last January by Attorney
John S. Barbour of Fairfax.
The wife, Mrs. Marjory Snyder Glotn,
was sentenced to jail for the shooting
of her husband, but was pardoned by
the governor after less than a years
Brookhart Paises Bar Test.
IOWA CITY, lowa, June 12 (t P).—
Smith W. Brookhart, Jr„ today wa* a
member of the lowa bar. Brookhart, a
student at George Washington Univer
sity at Washington, passed the State
examinations and was admitted yester
■•■ 1—
Deaths Reported.
Julia N. Hose, 89. 81»l Mt. Pleasant st.
Mary I. W. Parker, 86, 1718 Connecticut
*'Herm*n Zimmerman, 80, St. Elisabeth’*
H< lSschael Priest, 79, United States Soldier*’
Home Hospital.
Julia C. Skelly, 78, 735 11th *t. n.e.
Mary M. Rose. 73. 2983 Tilden st.
Mary P. Brown. 73, 1887 Mintwood pi.
Catherine Lutz, 70. Emergency Hospital.
Mary J. Cowles. 70. 1743 Columbia rd.
Morris L. Luchs. 66. 1803 Biltmore *t.
John Ryan. 60, Walter Reed Hospital.
John H. Stone. 58. 1421 Columbia rd.
John Page. 56. Casualty Hospital.
Harry L. Clark, 43. 1605 30th at.
Geneava M. Nash. 43. 616 A st. n.e.
Thelma Hankins. 22. Providence Hospital.
Fred Tolliver, 42. Gallinger Hospital.
Lelia Carter. 39, Gallinger Hospital
George Briscoe. 1. Children's Hospital.
Infant of William and Susie Copeland. 6
days. Gallinger Hospital.

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