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A-2 HOOVER WELCOMES DR. JULIO PRESTES Receives President-Elect of Brazil in Historic Blue Room of White House. Gratified at the opportunity to re turn the courtesies extended to him by Brazil during his visit to Rio de Janeiro more than a year ago, President Hoo ver today assumed the role of host to Dr. Julio Prestes, President-elect of Brazil. Mr. Hoover cordially received Dr. j Prestes in the historic blue room of the White House, and immediately returned the call at the temporary home of the distinguished South American guest, on Crescent place. . Interpreter Is Required. Rince Mr. Hoover docs not speak > guese, ms Brazilian tongue, and 13d - . Prestes does not speak English, the %rr•>' an interpreter were neces sarv at tne Interchange of felicitations. While the White House setting for the meeting was most staid, the welcome which President Hoover extended on l>ehalf of the American people was quite Informal and friendly. The Brazilians are sincere admirers of Uncle Sam and the President today aought to show the next President of the “ast South American republic that the Admiration is reciprocal. While the lavish fanfare which marked the reception in Rio de Janeiro of Mr. and Mrs Hoover could not be duplicated by this conservative Nation, the Govern ment is extending its courtesies to the limit of established custom. Guest at State Dinner. Tonight President Hoover will have Dr. Prestes for his guest at a brilliant state dinner in the White House, recall ing the notable banquet tendered the Hoovers by President Luis Washington in Rio. The latter function was re ported to be the most elaborate state dinner ever held in the beautiful Bra zilian capital. Os course Washington will have no fireworks display as did Rio. and Mr. Hoover will not take Dr. Prestes to the races, but every other possible courtesy will be repaid during the President-elect's visit here. Early this afternoon Dr. Prestes was the luncheon guest of Senor S. Gurgel do Amaral, Brazilian Ambassador, and of members of the local Brazilian colony. Places Wreath on Tomb. Ater the luncheon at the embassy Dr. Prestes went to Mount Vernon to place a wreath on the tomb cf Wash ington—who is as much a hero in Brazil as in the United States —and on the way back the President-to-be will visit Arlington National Cemetery and lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Un known Soldier. Tomorrow morning Dr. Prestes will go on a sightseeing trip about the city and at 1:30 o’clock in the afternoon he will be tendered a luncheon at the Pan- American Union Building by the gov erning board of that institution. Sec retary pf State Stimson will entertain Dr. Prestes at dinner in the evening. The belated arrival last night of the Brazilian Executive, caused by a heavy fog in New York Harbor which de layed docking of the Almirante Jace quay, did not detract from the cere mony of welcome which greeted him here. State officials waited to receive the third Latin American President elect to visit Washington during the past six months. Welcomed by Officials. Secretary Stimson, Francis White, As sistant Secretary of State; Dr. Leo S Rowe, director general of the Pan- American Union; presidential military and naval aides and other officials wel comed Dr. Prestes at the Union Station, where he was giver an escort of Ma rines. Cavalry and Artillery. Following brief greetings upon his ar rival, the Brazilian President-elect went directly to the Eugene Meyer residence, placed at his disposal during his four-day stay in the Capital. There he was saluted by the Navy Band with the Brazilian national anthem. Somewhat fatigued by an arduous journey, the President-elect retired early in preparation for today’s activi ties. The local reception was described over the radio to the Brazilian people in Portuguese by short-wave facilities of the National Broadcasting Co. An English version was broadcast over the American network of the company. Theodore A. Xanthaeky, American vice consul at Rio, served as the announcer in Portuguese. YALE STUDENT RACES WARSHIP TO JOIN TRIP By the Associated Press. NEW HAVEN. Conn., June 12.—The New Haven Register in a special dis patch from the U. S. S. Mississippi to day tells of a six-mile race made yester day by F. R. Steckel of Youngstown, Ohio, a member of the Yale Naval Training Unit, to overtake the battle- ; ship after it had sailed from New Lon-! don. Delayed in New Haven, Steckel, a Junior, arrived at New London after the j battleship had started Its 5,000-mile Summer cruise with the Yale Training « Unit. Rather than forego the fruise. | he engaged a speed boat, which over took the Mississippi after a six-mile chase at a speed of 35 miles an hour. BAND CONCERTS. United States Marine Band, at 7:30, tonight. Sylvan Theater, Monument grounds. Taylor Branson, leader. Ar thur S. Witcomb. second leader. Grand march, “Hugh de Payens Commandery" Achpnbach Overture, “II Guarany” Gomez Characteristic, “Pan-Americana.” Herbert txnrnei solo, “Creanonian Polka." Weldon Second leader Arthur S. Witcomb. Selections from "Gypsy Love"... .Lehar “Dance of the Tumblers" from “The Snow Maiden" .... Rimsky-Korsakow Grand scenes from "Madame But terfly” Puccini Marines' hymn. “The Halls of Montezuma." “The Star Spangled Banner." By the United States Soldiers’ Home Military Band, at the bandstand at 5:30 o'clock. John S. M. Zimmermann, bandmaster. Anton Pointner, assistant. March. “On the Air" Goldman Overture. “Count of Essex”. .Mercadante Suite characteristic, “Bandana Sketches” White Scenes from the opera “Lf> ’T’vavi ata" Verdi Fox trot. "Miss You” Tobias Popular waltz eong, “I’ll Always Be in Love With You” Ruby Finale, “Moonbeams Kiss Her for Me” Woods “The Star Spangled Banner." Concert by the Community Center Band, James E. Miller, director, at Tenth and U streets northwest Friday, June 13, 7:30 p.m.: March, “Call Me Ik.uiy Benter Waltz, “Carribean” Pestalozza Selection, “Down in the Forest." Fox trot, "Chant of the Jungle”. Brown Waltz, “Beautiful Washington”. .Miller Solo, “A Cottage for Sale” Conley Chester Dodson. Overture, “Light Cavalry" Suppe March, “Gloria” Losey Mexican serenade, "El Sereno". Holmes Fox trot, “Should I” Brown “The Star Spangled Banner," .> 4a -e i v ; -A ’ V - I PRESTES AT WHITE HOUSE r~.n~ —t 1 —tt ih « it* * 5 '■*** - ' J l "' , sag Hill Bp, 3K President-elect Prestes of Brazil, photographed at the White House today when he called on President Hoover. —Star Staff Photo. NEW ATTACK MADE BY SIMMONS UPON LUMP SUM FOES I (Continued From First Page.) Government property and private prop erty remained constant,’’ he said, “then a fixed percentage plan would be fair, but the private property values have increased far out of proportion to the values of Government property, so that a percentage basis that was fair to the United States and the District in 1913 would be exceedingly unfair to the United States and decideiy advanta geous to the District taxpayer in 1930.” Mr. Simmons said that a second rea- S son for the adoption of the lump-sum j plan, as stated by Representative I Cramton of Michigan, who was acting chairman of the subcommittee when that plan was adopted, is "that it en- | abled the Federal Government to pay ! what is considered its obligation to the Nation's Capital and enabled likewise I the District to expand and meet essen- \ tlal municipal development costs from ; its own resources. Summing up his arguments that the j House conferees have not been unfair, Representative Simmons said: “The House conferees did not break j off the conference. The House conferees refused to yield on the issue until the ; Senate conferees furnished facts which they could bring back to the House to j Justify a Federal gratuity of more than $9,000,000 to the District. That was our position oh May 26: it is our posi tion now and will continue to be the ; position of the House conferees on this : bill.” Replying to the four points cited by the Senate Conferees in their statement read to the Senate. Representative Simmons said regarding the first point j —the claim that if $9,000,000 was fair and just in 1925 when the total of the ; bill was $31,000,000 then it cannot be fair and just when the total of the bill in 1931 is $45.500.000 —that the error in the contention of the Senate conferees is that they assume the relationship be tween the Federal property values and activities and District property values : and activities remain constant, but such is not the fact, he insisted. Assessments Increased. "The real and tangible personal prop erty assessment,” he argued, “had in creased from $326,512,417 in 1910 to j $919,603,137 in 1925 and again in 1930 ; had increased to $1,289,669,865. In tangibles increased from $296,926,000 in 1918 to $410,106,186 in 1925 and $543,- j 188,143 in 1930. Miscellaneous revenues 1 of $1,036,941 in. 1910 increased to $2,- ! 412.861 in 1925 and $3,500,000 in 1930, ] so that while the total of the bill has I increased it has only kept pace with ] the increased revenues of the District. | The District has expanded in its gov- j ernment cost as its size has expanded. | The tax rate in 1910 was $1.50 based j on a supposed assessment at two-thirds ! value. The tax rate in 1925 was $1.40 based upon a supposed, but not actual j 100 per cent assessment. The tax rate ! in 1930 was $1.70 based again upon supposed 100 per cent value assess-; ment.” Representative Simmons here pointed out that the Senate this year accepted the House proposal that the tax rate in ' Washington should not be reduced. 1 “Were it not for that provision in the ! District bill,” said Mr. Simmons, ‘‘and I | if the House accepted the Senate figures ' i of $12,000,000 then the tax rate could \ 1 be reduced from $1.70 next year to ;$1.45.” He referred to the second point made ' in the statement by saying that “ad- j I mitting the increased values of the United States property they ignore the vast increase of taxable property and j income in the District all of which | answers this question.” Third Point Reply. Regarding the third point where the j Senate conferees refer to a series of pro- 1 posed municipal improvements some of which are carried in the 1931 House and Senate bill, "many of which are not j authorized and for which appropriations | could not be made.” said Mr. Simmons, j i his reply was as follows: I “In my judgment the suggested mu i nicipal improvements in Washington 1 can be met from current revenues with out unduly burdening the people of Washington with taxes. Certainly the taxpayer of Washington is under more obligation to meet that cost than the taxpayer of the United States. For mu i nicipal developments the people of ■ Washington should look to their own | resources rather than ask the United States to carry their burden.” The Senate's fourth point, he pointed out, raises the proposition first that the I Government by purchasing property 1 and removing it from the tax column is depriving the city of revenues and that the exemption of this class of property calls for compensating rev enues from the United States. In an i attempt to refute this. Mr. Simmons re -1! ferred to a statement prepared by the District assessor which he had had ln . serted in the Congressional Record on April 4. He emphasized three points as follows: ’ “First, that purchases of property by the United States are generally at a figure that enables the owners to invest ' In better pieces of property. The shift - in business locations from one place to • another may thereby even add to the value of the business, r “Second, the wealth of the city does 1 not depend on its area or amount of ground covered by either business or i residences. r “Third, the real estate wealth of a Y community is directly proportional to the number of individuals so that if the e number of inhabitants grow even while y purchases are being made the value of s the community will grow in the same t proportion.” Referring to the statement of the rpHK vwviYr! s? f r\T?. w \sin\(/roy. i>. r. ti’Vp ’ •u i*» SHARKEY FAVORED TOWHIPSCHMELING AND TAKE TITLE (Continued From First Page.) preponderance of the money that has been wagered on the fight back Sharkey. The Bostonian probably will be a l-to-2 choice when the gong sounds. Among those who iancy Sharkey's chances is Tunney, one of the donators of the Tunney-Muldoon championship trophy, t upon which the name of tonight's win ner will be inscribed, along with those of John L. Sullivan and all those who i have followed in the heavyweight dy nasty. Before every important contest there are rumors of chicanery. This affair has been no exception. Gamblers who look j for an ace in the hole have stated that ; they expect Sharkey, because he is the American entry, to get the better of the | breaks from the referee. Such unsavory rumors, no doubt, have had their source in the unfair j treatment accorded foreign heavy weights in previous important contests, such as the Dempsey-Firpo, Delaney- Paultno and Sharkey-Scott bouts. Chairman James A. Farley of the boxing commission wishes the public to know' that the man chosen to referee | will be one who will give each fighter a square deal. That means that referees I of the type that handled the contests mentioned above will be given no con : sideration. Four referees will be at the j ringside, but the one who will work in ; the fight will not be known to any one, except the commissioners, until the preliminaries are out of the way. Jacobs Will Act as Second. The possibility that Schmellng might b’ forced to fight without the services of his manager, Joe Jacobs, as chief ' second, was lemoved when the commis j sion yesterday gave Jacobs, who is un | der a life suspension in this State, per -1 mission to work in the German’s corner. Both boxers have come through their i weeks of training without mishaps, and | neither will have any alibi to offer on i the score of physical condition. Sharkey will have a considerable ad vantage in weight, perhaps 15 pounds The difference in poundage lies mainly below the waistline, the German's slim legs being in contrast to the bulkier un derpinning of the American champion. Those who like Sharkey’s chances j point to his greater experience, heavier | ! poundage and superior all-around box i lng skill. On the other hand, Schmeling’s ad- [ mirers advance as reasons for going j along with him his youth, his ring in- ' : telligence, his coolness under fire and j his terrific right-hand punch. The two big “ifs” of this affair have J I to do with Sharkey’s state of mind and j | the question whether Schmellng can I i stand up under heavy punishment ; j Many of those who pick Schmellng l are banking heavily on another one of ( | those Sharkey brainstorms such as he j had in the Scott bout, when he fought with the lack of balance of a prelim inary boxer after he had been hit on j the jaw by the Briton. If Sharkey goes j 1 wild again tonight, say the Schmellng j | boosters, he will be knocked out. (Copyright. 1830.) 1 Delaware Society to Picnic. The Delaware State Society will hold its annual basket picnic at Hains Point j Saturday, June 14. Entertainment will Include base ball and other games. Senate conferees regarding exemptions of various classes of property here, Rep- I resentathe Simmons said: "Washington probably has more ex empt property from taxation than any city in the United States —but it does not follow that exemption is detriment ial to the people of Washington. Here 1 there are no inheritance taxes. Do mestic and foreign corporation taxes j are small by comparison with the ! States. Here there is an exemption oi j SI,OOO to the heads of families on household goods, exempting from taxa tion practically all the homes of Wash ington. There Is no poll tax, no gen- I eral franchise ta£ on corporations i which receive special franchises or ! privileges.” I Answering the statement that Wash | ington has no large business industry | to which it may look for revenue, Rep , resentative Simmons said: “Here is located the greatest business j in the world—an ever expanding busi ness—that of the Government of the I United States. Were it not for the ; fact that here is located the business j establishment of the United States the ! District would still be a swamp on the I banks of the Potomac. No other city I in the United States has gone through ! j the last 10 years without bank failures lor great business depressions. No other II city has an assured income that will • i fail only W'hen the United States Gov- I j ernment falls. No other city goes ■ through the years unaffected bv flood i j or drought, famine ,or over-production, i' No other city knows better than Wash ! ington its financial future." ! Shouldn’t Give More. ; ! In emphasizing that other cities in which there are Federal buildings do ' not ask any contribution from the ’ Government. Mr. Simmons said, ! “Washington admits no obligation to I I the United States capital in return E! for the many and great benefits it re • ceives from the location here ol the Nation’s Capital. The House bill pro t j vides a Federal gratuity of contnbu > I tion, call It what you will, to the Na * | tion's Capital. It is fair, just, gen * rrous contribution—made on behalf of ( the people of the United States to this i city. If I sense correctly the sentiment of the House it both should not and s will not give more.” -h HELEN IS QUEEN, KING CAROL SAYS Death of Father Before Di vorce Automatically Ele vated Both, He Asserts. <Continued From First Page t succeed as King and to see Helen by his side as Queen. The royal train entered Rumania today and she is expected to arrive at Bucharest this afternoon. Not all of Carol’s time is occupied with family matters. Juliu Maniu. former premier, told him last night that he would be unable to form a cabinet, and Carol asked Gen. Prezan. not. con nected with any party, to see if he could succeed. M Maniu promised to support Gen. Prezan, who commanded the Rumanian troops during the World War. Strange Setting for Divorce. The divorce of Prince Carol and Princess Helen June 21, 1’928. was pro nounced in a setting as strange as any of the unusual events which have marked the history of Rumania for the past few years. It was pronounced in a small court room with neither Carol nor Helen present, Neither were there wit nesses nor spectators. Dr. Rosenthal. Rumanian lawyer and legal adviser to the American legation, presented the indictment against Carol in the name of Princess Helen. It charged Carol with “violation” of the sanctity and dignity of his marriage to the royal princess in 1921 and abandon ment of the child Michael. Emanuel Pantasi, defending Carol, read a brief for the prince. After the arguments the court handed down a decree granting an absolute divorce for Princess Helen. The action by the princess had been presented two weeks j previously at the ime that Carol was in England, where it was reported he was then planning to regain the Ru manian throne. Helen Stricken With Sorrow. Princess Helen showed no signs of exultation when informed that her pe tition had been granted. She seemed instead to be stricken with sorrow and said: “I hope that now he will begin a better life and will find the happiness that he apparently failed to find with me. I can forgive, but never forget the wrongs he did to me and my child." Several days later. Prince Carol was quoted in Paris as saying that he hoped some day the divorce decree would be annulled. In a communication to his lawyets, Carol said he had never abandoned hope that he and his wife might become reconciled. He asserted it was a source of grief and pain to him to be separated from his son, whom he loved nearly. MME. LAMBRINO WAIVES CLAIMS, j Morganatic Wife Declares She Knows She Naver Could Be Queen. PARIS, June 12 (JP).-Mme. Zizi Lambrino. who was the morganatic wife of King Carol of Rumania before he married Princess Helen of Greece, told Excelsior today that she had no Intention of attempting to establish any legal claim on Carol, nor starting for Bucharest. “I have not the slightest Intention of trying any rights either for myself or for mv son,” she said. “My marriage was. I don’t cease to repeat, perfectly legal and I have a legal certificate of marriage. I had not at any time any ambition. Being Rumanian I knew per fectly well that 1 could not be a queen, but is it equitable to prevent my son from having a father? “It is untrue that I am leaving for ; Bucharest next July as every year I go to Moldavie. where I have property, i remaining there during my son’s school } vacation. But the trip has no connec tion with present events.” 26 TOWNS WILL GREET SEAPLANES ON TOUR Great Lakes Air-Water Cruise August 8 to 17 to Touch 6 States and Ontario. By the Associated Press. DETROIT. Mich., June 12 —Twenty six towns and cities in six States and the Province of Ontario will be visited by the seaplanes of the Great Lakes j air-water cruise August 8 to 17. The route was announced today by Wayne J. Sheldon, cruise commander, 1 who said that the trip, sponsored by I the Detroit Flying Club, will be the i first of the sort ever attempted In this I country. | The cruise will start at Detroit and I will visit the following cities: Toledo. Conneaut. Ohio; Erie, Pa.; Buffalo; Hamilton, Toronto. Barrie and I Little Current. Ontario; St. Ignace, Sault Ste. Marie and Munsing. Mich.; I Port Arthur, Ontario; Duluth. Minn.; I Houghton and Marquette, Mich.; Green Bay, Sheboygan, Milwaukee and Racine, Wis.; Chicago; Muskegon, Traverse City, i Petoskey. Alpena, Bay City and Port ; Huron, Mich., and return to Detroit. EX-OFFICER ALLEN GOES TO JAIL rPllllllL > fIuSS iy' j ■r - - - , - - - .»*** Former Policeman Robert J. Allen, who conducted a single-handed Invest!- ’ gallon into the death of Virginia McThcrson and brought about difficulties which s' eventually ended in his dismissal from the Washington police force, entering the Arlington County Jail. He was sentenced to 10 days this morning for eon- I tempi ®1 court. On the left Is Deputy Sheriff Harry W'oodyard. who took Allen into custody in the court room. —Star Staff Photo. UNION PRINTERS AID MEMORIAL SSO Contributed to Fund for Honoring District's World War Dead. The Association of Veteran Union Printers, headed by John B. Dickman its president, not only has indorsed labor’s part in erecting the District of Columbia World War Memorial, but has I made a contribution of SSO to the fund. In making this announcement today, ! R. A. Dickson, secretary, and Fred S. Walker, treasurer of the committee of | Washington Central Labor Union, in ! charge of the wind-up campaign to complete the memorial fund, expressed appreciation of the contribution, and i declared it stood as an example to the younger members of organized labor. Value in Indorsement. “It is not only because the money | value attached to the contribution,” i said Mr. Dickson, “that I am so pleased to learn of it but because of receiving the indorsement of this splendid body of men when the campaign has hardly had time to get under Way. This gives to the entire executive committee the as surance that our efforts will be met with the enthusiasm so characteristic of the labor movement, particularly In undertakings of this character. “It is an inspiration that the Veteran Union Printers has given to the younger generation that now composes the labor movement In Washington, and who we expect will contribute labor's share of the cost of the war memorial. I sin cerely wish that every member of the Associattan of Veteran Union Printers j will live to see and enjoy the memorial | after it is completed.” Members Aged 62 to 87. The association, it was explained, Is a body of men whoset ages range from 62 to 87 years. When a union printer has reached the age or 60, with contin uous membership of 20 years, then that member is eligible for membership in the association. The organization meets regularly each month at Typographical Temple. It Is a voluntary organization, and while it is Composed wholly of union printers, it is not in the sense an active labor union The committee. MY. Dickson said, had virtually completed its groundwork for the campaign. "Several contributions have been re ceived,” said Mr. Dickson, “and we be lieve that the results gained from the work now being done will see us well on our way to the realization of our quota before other plans we have in mind are perfected,” j The labor campaign is designed to I raise the funds needed to increase the | memorial funds from the $135,000 al l ready on hand to the goal of $155,000. 1 EX-POLICEMAN ALLEN JAILED AND FINED ON CONTEMPT COUNT (Continued JProm First Page.) liar and a disgrace to the State.” This last statement brought an addi tional five-day sentence and a hasty examination of the Virginia code to determine whether It were possible under the law to make it any more Finding this to be impossible, a S2O fine was added. Allen Ordered Seized. Further difficulties were encountered [ by Allen when he said to the court; j “When Gloth gets through, you won't | have anything to say. He's doing all j the talking.” j The judge then ordered him seized j by an officer, and Deputy Sheriff Harry ! Woody:ird complied, seating the prisoner j and managing after considerable diffi culty to keep him quiet. After all of this had been accom ! plished, the Judge assessed a $lO fine, I which amounted to $19.25 W’ith the , costs, cn the tax charge. Fearing that Allen may have sought to be placed in jail, where he could communicate with Brewster, as he had made such a request yesterday. Sheriff Howard B. Fields and Gloth arranged to have him confined in the woman's compartment which is sufficiently re moved from the man's cell block to make communication impossible. MEXICAN PLOT DENIED Foreign Minister Tells Ex-Presi dent Gil That Morones Erred. MEXICO CITY, June 12 (4*l—Gen. Estrada, foreign minister, today directed a letter to former President Portes Gil saying that Luis Morones, former min ister of labor, was mistaken in his re cent assertion that the Mexican con sulate in Los Angeles, was involved in any way in a plot against President Ortiz Rubio. Minister Estrada occupies a post car ried over from the Portes Gil admin s tration and was acting foreign minister at the time the plot was said by Mo rones to have been framed. i FIGURES IN GANGLAND KILLING jm ■ .' : - -' . S ' ffl oBK ..J$ i ' M 'mlnHßl ■ ■ •- ; V ijR _* _• 4 Upper: Dolores I.ingle and Alfred Lingle, Jr., children of the slain Chicago Tribune reporter. Lower left: Mm. I.ingle. Lower right: Sam Hunt, alleged Capone gunman, | who is sought for the killing. —A. P. and P. &A. Photos, i SPEED OF 11 KNOTS IN FOG IS ADMITTED BY FAIRFAX CAPTAIN <Continued From First Page.) boat inspector, in an interview publish ed today in the Boston Herald, faced Capt. Brooks of the Fairfax at the open ing of the Federal investigation. Lyons criticized the actions of Capt. Brooks after the accident. Lyons and his assistants were on the Fairfax many hours after its arrival yesterday, questioning officers and crew. Company officials also began an investi gation. “Capt. Brooks admitted to me that he did not at any time send an S O S,” the Herald quotes Cap.) Lyons. “He also admitted that no attetnpt was made to get Coast Guard stations for aid or ask any one in Boston to go and search for those overboard.” Capt. Brooks, R. D. McNeil, vice president of the Merchants and Miners company, who was aboard the Fairfax, and other officers and passenger sur vivors will appear before the investi gators. Capt. Lyons will direct the investigation. With none of the crew of 19 surviv ing, the ill-fated tanker Pinthis will be represented by Capt. Fred Gower of the Fall River Oil Co. The Fairfax, with 71 passengers aboard, bound for Norfolk, Va„ and Baltimore, collided with the tanker in a dense fog Tuesday night off the Scitu ate shore, 25 miles from this port. Laden with gasoline, the Pinthis caught fire and exploded, sinking within 20 minutes. Oil Burned All Day. The Fairfax was engulfed in flaming oil with fire starting on the top deck and one side. The clothing of several passengers and members of the crew caught fire and some leaped overboard. Oil on the surface of the ocean burned all day yesterday off the Scituate shore,; a grim memorial of the tragedy. Although the radio antenna w'as soon melted and burned away, the set was repaired and a few hours later the Gloucester, a sister ship of the com pany, came up and took the passengers off. The Gloucester brought them here and the Fairfax, with a gaping hole in her bow', and her port side burned and scarred by the flames, came to port sev eral hours later. Tales of heroism, vivid descriptions of the exploding tanker and the flam ing fire hurled aboard the Fairfax, ac counts of rescue work and aid for the injured by nurses and volunteers, and charges of cowardice against members of the crew in the hours after the crash were told by passengers on their re turn to this port. This morning the sea cast up the first material proof that the Tanker which was rammed by the Fairfax was the Fall River Pinthis. Hull police found on Green Hill Beach near Nantasket. about 12 miles from the spot where the tanker went down, a warped and twisted lifeboat, right side up, but empty, and bearing the name Pinthis on its scorched bow. All the evidence yesterday showed the tanker must have been the Pinthis, but no wreckage was found and it had been feared that the sea of burning oil had destroyed all traces. Spurred by the discovery of the lifeboat today lobster fishermen in this section of the bay are keeping a sharp lookout for bodies of the Pinthis crew. ORDERS NAVAL INQUEST. Probe to Be Made Into Deaths of Lieut. Mulvanity and Mate Walker. Lieut, (junior grade) Augustus Shea Mulvanity. U. S N„ was killeo. and Pharmacist’s Mate (second class) Joe Walker, U. S. N„ "was seen to fall overboard, body not recovered.” in the I steamer Fairfax disaster, the com | mandant of the first naval district to day notified the Navy Department. George Mulvanity, brother of the dead officer, last night left 1727 Q street to proceed to New Hampshire to make funeral arrangements. The Navy Department was advised that the commandant, of the first naval district has ordered a board of inquest in both cases. Lieut. Mulvanity was born in Nashua. N. J., January 16. 1901, and was ap pointed a Midshipman from his native State in June, 1919. being commissioned an ensign four years later. He was under orders from the Navy i Yard at Norfolk. Va.. and Was preparing I to report for duty there, following a i month’s leave, when he boarded the ! Fairfax and went to his death. Pharmacist’s Mate Walker was at i tached to the U. S. S. Chaumont, and his home was in New Hope, Ala. Jenny Dolly Wins SBO,OOO. LE TOUQUET, France, June 12 (A*). — Jenny Dolly, American dancer, had a run of luck ai a new barrarat table in the Casino today, carrying off winnings which other players estimated at 2,000,000 francs, or about SBO,OOO. She left at dawn after an all-night session at the table, and took her bank notea with her. POLICE COMB CITY FOR LINGLE SLAYER 500 Hoodlums Are Jailed and Held Despite Demands of Attorneys. By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, June 12.—Police "exe cution squads,"’ each captained by an j officer whose courage in fighting | gangsters was attested by notches on | his revolver, combed Chicago today for i the man who killed Alfred (Jake, l Lingle, Tribune reporter. By last midnight 500 hoodlums, dere- ' llcts and suspicious characters were in j jail. Lawyers flocked to detective | headquarters demanding the release of their clients, but no releases were made. William Russell, police commissioner, and John Stege, his chief of detec | tives, were spurred to action not only by the crime itself and their own close I friendship for the slam newspaperman, but a rising flood of hostile public ! sentiment that gained expression in ! front-page editorials and in statements j of civic leaders. There was talk unofficially among business and civic groups of the pos | sibiiity of martial law’ to supercede the ! police and drive the gangster once and for all from the city. One American i Legion post offered the services of its j ! members to take up arms, under proper j authority, against the gangsters. Editorial Excoriates Police. The Herald and Examiner, which has J joined the Tribune and the Evening Post in offering a total reward of $55.- 000 for arrest and conviction of the man who shot Lingle dead last Monday in the crowded Randolph street sub way, excoriate the police department in a front-page editorial. It referred to the department's 'miserable ineffi ciency," and added: "Chicago is disgustrd with its head i less, footless city administration, so : streaked with rottenness that honest I men in it, think ng of their daily bread. keep their mouths shut and their eyes . i closed." Th? "execution squads" of the police w’ere so called because their command ers have shown in previous gangster hunts that they are unafraid to shoot down the outlaws. "Lieut. Frank Reynolds, in charge of ' one squad, has killed 11 criminals,’ | Chief Stege said. "Lieut. A1 Booth has j killed six, Lieut. Walter Storms has j killed five. Lieut. William Gusack, four; ! Lieut. Pat O'Connell, 5, and Lieut. Andy Barry, six.” These were special squads, with orders I to enter any place where they thought criminals might be quarteied without the need of search warrants or legal red j tape. In addition there were the regu | lar cruising squads of detectives and a ( special foot detail that comb’d the i loop. Denies Resignation Request. Frank J. Loesch, the aged head of the Chicago crime commission, denied | published statem:nts that he had de ; manded that Commissioner Russell and : ! Chief Stege resign "What I say is merely this,” he said, ! I "that if Russell and Stege can't find the j solution to this crime they should give : place to some one who can." Russell replied to published criticism i with the declaration that he had not j sought the police commissionership and had not wanted it; but that he was not a “quitter” and had no intention of resigning. Stege said he had consistently done his best, and that his continued services as chief of detectives was a matter for his superior—the commis sioner—to decide. Commissioner Russell himself was one of the pallbearers today aUthe funeral of Lingle. Services were to b * held at Our Lady of Sorrows’ Catholic Church at 11 am. The funeral plans were impressive. The procession was to be headed by mounted policemen, followed by a band which in turn was to be followed by several units of policemen on foot. This was in tribute to Lingle's wide acquaint anceship among members of the force Next in line were to be bandsmen from the Great Lakes Naval Training Station where Lingle served during the World War, being attached to the intelligence division. Detachments of Naval Re serves. city firemen, members of four American Legion Posts and a bugle corps were to be in the procession. A firing squad from Great T akes was to Are a salute at Mount Carmel Cemetery, and a bugler blow taps. MOVES TO PUNISH • CANNON LAUNCHED Step to Ask Authority for Political Inquiry Also Is Initiated. tContinued From First Pago 1 mittee had also inquired into attempts * to elect Senators and Representatives, he added, and Presidents of the United States. In the Huston case. Blaine said, the committee Inquired into his financial records. "My position,” said Blaine, ‘‘is the committee has authority to go into Bishop Cannon’s financial records to ascertain if any of the money has been used in lobbying activities. “I maintain it is pertinent to ask questions about accounts so the com mittee may obtain information to re quire the delivery of those accounts.” The accounts to which Blaine re ferred dealt with *65.300 contributed ' to Cannon by E. C. Jameson, New Yotk capitalist, for use In the 1928 anti- Smith campaign. "The proposition of whether the questions are pertinent is a question of law,” Blain» said. He cited the case of Harty Y. Sin clair. wealthy oil man, to show that a Senate committee had authority to compel a witness to answer quwtioM Sinclair was sent to jail for refusal to answer. The Wisconsin Senator urged that Cannon's refusal to answer be cited by the committee to the Senate for possi ble contempt proceedings. "When it does that.” he asserted, “it shall have done its duty.” Blaine then moved to cite Cannon to the Senate for contempt, but before he could press his motion, Caraway asked to make a statement. / The chairman said he had expressed the opinion in Arkansas that the com mittee had no authority to go into purely political activities. He said the statement might have been "unfortunate.” “Senator Cannon” Brings Laugh. Referring to assertions he said had been made to the effect that the com mittee had dealt differently with wit nesses, Caraway read from the exam ination of Henry H. Curran, president of the association against the prohibi- I tion amendment. He said the association had been en gaged in lobbying activities. "I know honest men of deep religious and prohibition prejudices sometimes cease to tell the truth,” the Arkansan observed. , . . _ , He inadvertently referred to Senator Cannon’ 1 at one point and laughter - broke out. . Caraway begged the pardon of the witness. He said the committee's action in in quiring into Huston's accounts was prompted by information that some cl the money" had been used in "lobbying activities” for the Tennessee River Im- ( i provement Association. "Everybody knows it was a lobbying account,” Caraway said. Referring to $36,100 given to Huston by the Union Carbide Co., Caraway said: "That was a lobbying fund. There was never any question about it.” Sought Leasing of Shoals. The money was given for use of the Tennessee association in advocating leasing of Muscle Shoals to the Ameri i can Cynamid Co. "Wherever there has been lobbying I in connection with political activities, I there is no question about the authority I of the committee.” Caraway raid. ! The chairman said the committee I heretofore had conducted its affairs i largely by unanimous consent, but j "from now on the decisions will be an nounced as a majority.” He said if a majority voted against Blaine’s resolution it would not be re ported, but that would not prevent Blaine from carrying it to the Senate. Robinson, upon leaving the hearing, said he wanted to be recorded as voting against Blaine’s motion. Walsh remarked he believed the com mittee-had no right to go into "purely political activities” but he thought Can- , non's activities were not ’’purely po litical.” Maintains Work Is Linked. The Montana Senator maintained I Cannon's political activities had been J “inextricably associated” wuth his other I work before Congress and said that I point was the only difference between I him and Caraway. j The chairman referred to an ob- I jection made by Walsh to the examina tion of John J. Raskob, chairman of the Democratic national committee. “There was no evidence that Mr. Raskob ever had evidence in lobbying activity,” Walsh said and Calaway agreed. Blaine said the churchman had been a member of many organizations which had engaged in lobbying activities, and that the Methodist temperance board, t oi which he is chairman, also had lob bied. He added Cannon had been connect ed with more lobbying associations than f I any other witness, and .said $5,000 given the witness by Dr. Clarence True Wil son of the Methodist Episcopal Church. $65,300 bv Jameson and $17,000 from “sources in Atlanta, Ga„” might have j been used for lobbying and that the ! committee should go into his records. Cites Duties of Witness. "I contend it is not within the prbv i ince of a witness to determine whether | a fund is political or lobbying.” Blaine continued. “It is the province of a | witness to give facta. If it was learned j the fund was purely political the com mittee would not go into it.” Walsh then proposed to substitute * for Blaine’s motion one to ask specific i authority of the Senate to investigate political ac'.ivities. Blaine’s motion would call for re porting to the Senate the “willful de fault” of Cannon in refusing to answer questions and in walking out on the committee "without permission.” He , also moved that Caraway report to the Senate a list of the questions Cannon refused to answer. The Walsh motion would cal! for reporting to the Senate the Cannon declined to answer and ‘‘si much of the testimony to show their I relevancy.” None Will Comment. | Senator Robinson previouslv had sa r* he was opposed to asking the S-nate for specific authority to investigate political | activities. t j How the other members would vot/' « was uncertain and none would com ment. Cannon Is “Silent” Witness. Bishop Cannon was a •’silent” wit ness today The only words he uttered were to tell Caraway the position held by Dr. Clarence True Wilson, secretary of the Boaid of Temperance of the Methodist Episcopa 1 Chu c' -. At the end of the session Cannon told the chairman he would have to leave Washington Monday for Nashville. Caraway replied the committees de cision would be reached by that time. Later the afternoon meeting was an nounced. Asama Volcano Again Quiet. * TOKIO, June 12 (;p).—Eruption q I j Asama Volcano, near Karulzawa. which 1 startled the countryside yesterday and threatened considerable damage, ceased early today, and the forest fires, started by the flowing lava on the lower slopes oi the mountain were brought under control. Official observers said the total loss would be small.